PAGESa THE CAROLTOTAN WEEK ENHING SATttRDAY, .ItTNE Ifi, I94S New York Showfronts LOU SWARTZ’ JOTTINGS SMILE AND CHEER UP,'BOYS- BY DON Ui: LKIUMBUD MEET Tin; NEW SWEET- HEAKTS OK KHVTilM NW YORK — Us cl lar cry from the clasM-Odins of Pimy College down in Mi.sis.'ippi i > Broadway, Harlem, and Uic re NEW YORK iCNSi — June with Its October weather is the latest in styles here; and being without heat inside calls Im heavy apparel both I inside and out. and a special cull i ■ lor bankets might be heard any-1 ! lime. Don’t forget ymir liirs oi your! tnrlmr’d coat it you are coming here. \ ■•u in t (iiii.son,, warning in tiim?. or we couid tall it .1 bit ot triendiv advice, Altho cold, the sophisticatf^ cti- enile dn p in at A1 and Waller Dous;-' lleatwave. l.vpitving just what It is called HEAT-WAVE, It comes like a wave and carri s plenty nie Mar Rit riy, drum-, a has-' K\elyn Medre i- the viicali.%t. I iiilc Anna Mac Winbnrr, tall, pret ty batoi’cer, i- to' condtirtor. The girls have platid every see- iH>n and trati i in a inxiin.- ' Pull- the world, but the unusual urouu el iuis whirh has hot and r.^id gins openitinc under Uie iiini c . I . nn,n,„B w„t, r i.mnng other fc . I u" ™rr. s pretiry ll.tcr.ii.lornal Swenheiirts ol Hhy. Inie.s I- ' " ^ | hr al rir Us how. inusie. service, etc. »im has done 11 nod loda.r tuns the I The .SrirelheHrls are decidedly j J};''a “"'a. dlnlncllon rrr being an inslilul,.,,,!".nmmerelar Ir day, They have Tcmu” ,„y " „on er Of race pride and accomplishmrtr in.ived tlu ir abihtv to swine m i c'l l^rsi ri er group c.i Starting out as an ali-colored ag-jcver.v inHance. uhether i* he in : "pd' w?th^’Eomr gregation. the band now has scxeralUiallr. oms. nlahteluhs. thcatrev, or sin L th^ R^r •. m . white girls, making the band a l on tho radio • ; sip at the Bar, a snark in t mixed combination. ^ Th. y .ie n-w ready for rceord ’ *'*■ •* «•> Ri ' Credit for the d-’v-clopnienl of ^ incs and for radio and n ovie-. Ti.ej this outstanding swing band of all- )iavi' done much to diijH‘11 thi ok notion that gii U ar 111 to hold di'wn to teniperamcn- steady jobs as girl musicians belongs entircl; Miss Ray Lee Jones, a craduntc nl Juiliard Music School here in Ne-v York, who started a small b.ind in Today they are able to engage in the college back in 1938. forming it , h .tiles of jiuz with the fop male of girLs who had to bo laiighl inu.-m j bards, uid have done it and held from the beginning. I their ..wn Miss Jones and the prc.sident . f i the Mississippi Collcae had a tun- in. it is rclaft'd, and she pulied out ! in 151411 with the entire group of girls. It seems that the puls h id been developed from a purely .ama teur outfit into a -iiiooth pr ifr.-- sional organization puod .nouKl' *o play chib .tnd hallro'm date- in nearby cities In (h igai. Alabati ... and Louisiana. Whether the squabbyc between Miss Jones and the school proxy came about because the school wanted to handle the girls has nev er been made clear. The fact re mains. however, Jonsr borrow- cd money to continue the girls’ band professionally and. after some lucrtaive dutes and im.irt m.iti.ig- Ing. the girls came to Washingt'O where they >ouglU their own hon c on a cooperative basis. i The band was rough h« ii. Rhythm | was off. Ragged playing wa» com-' mon and all lhc>r fart, rs ed to developing huge hradache.s for Miss Jones and Company. Sev eral arrangers were trici out, but Done -saw the real idea and. one hy one, they came and left But Maurice King, who came in fr- in Detroit where he had woiked at several radio stations, joined the group about > year ago and thini;.': started happening, but fast. The work of the girls impro%ed 100 per cent They devcl li ed showmanship on a part with that of aTI-malc bands Tl ey learned precision |)1 ying in addition to developing soI"H*s among the variou-^ In'tinmri.lalis' Comedy was added and .soon Lite girls became big lime in 'apitnl letters, Dave Cary, manager of th- band. . . i» i * and Miss Jones arc nominal heads: neor;anizinji Isand As of the orchestra which is " — ppratlon with several of the nltmbers. The original members - makes it lovely both- A the gi od m the Club will really put .vou in the Grove for satisfac- in-n. -Scrvici with a smile and sat isfaction " seems to be the motto of Al and Walter, and the.’.’ are going out 100 pi'i cent to give it Tis not unusual to meet your friends at the HEATWAVE at 206 West 145th any tune Those Calvin Debs - Dolores nr.d Rernlee took a little iannt to Connerticut last week end, PEN NOTES from.. Alma Foath- c r-t i',e Robinson, formerly of Chica- :o but now in cood old N, Y. is now with '.he Internal Revenue Of- fii. here and enjo.vs it Iim. Willin.i- (Ihlh Davis also of the W’lndy City I t'l.ik a little trip to the Sho-Mc city * , reeontl.v Earl J. Morris sends me i : t'. the skic.s with his reply to n.y i • Pen note. Juba iZeta Phi Beta! I E-pIvtolcusi of New Orleans, Lo., [ ' Is preparing for her Summer | jemrses .it TuskegCe Juba is one of 1 the tip-top printers I** the Crc.solc ' city. Jay Mdie iwards has ,i. i ; dancing daughters, the Edwards' i Sisters doing their "All” in one of | the Clubs in Chicago. SPOTTING ’EM. Day. Dust, and Dawn bringing 'em down al the i Zanzibar Willie Bryant getting | ready to travel a bit with Mamba'ij Dauglitcr, Una .Mae Carlisle, chat-; ting with Andy Razaof about their common interest, Music and more Music Ted Yates — ru.shing to get j his Pr« material on his "Big" I (People Lillian Filzeerald enjoying Tn! Yatt* rablKah'j LOVELY SAVANNAH.CHURCHILL. Ameriea's favorite song stylist who will be co-starred with the Big Three Unit that also Include* "Deek” Watson and His Brown Dots, plus, of course. Luis Russell A Hit Orchestra; Is set to thrill song lovers throughout the nation. Th" star studded show will give to theatre goers high class entertainment Exclusive Manor recording artist Miss Churohill's "Oaody, Daddy” an' ’’All Alone” Is a best-seller. Propo.sed All Negro lee Show Uliooses Skaters For Beaiily Ami Color BY DOLORES f ALVIN NEW YORK CITY CNSl — in an inlervihw this week with James Evans, while Hroadway producer and talent scuit lor the protxx all-Negro ice show at his offices 1U50 Brnariway. we learned that Mr. Evans, in sclectinq talent for the i.igantic .show which is scheduled to our Negro theatres in Baltimore. Washinuton. Detroit and Chicago ' and a string of one nighter^^^. is choosing skaters not for their t lent r ability to produce but for their i beauty and the color of their skin. This wa.-i made tlear when Mr. Evans admitted he wanted as (he .'tar of this show, Mabel Fairbans. a known professional skater, uc- ,.clainicd by severe Niw York crit ics and coaches as being among the best of American skaters, icgurd- of race, but being a brownskin girl, the promoters felt she wouldn’t be considered beautiful enough by j her own people to warrant their making her an offer in keeping w tier kown ability. However, they could use her to advantage provided she was willing to accept $l2.').no al an 8 week i-uarantce out of which must be ' paid rn,id expenses (food and hotel bills, elc.1 To the merage person. $125.00 a week may sound like a lot of money but one must remem ber that any unkno'.vn featured in . ihi’ most insignificnnl production would n-ccivc that and more. This is what makes the Evans offer so ridiculous, to say the least when Mi.'. Fairbank-s. for the three years ha.s been publicized in such nationally known publications as Time Magazine. New York Journal American. Dance Magazine. News- I pic Magazine, Iceskating News — j to say nothing about most every important Negro newspaper and jnib1ic;tion in America. "Next Door By TED SHEARER “QUICK,—Open the back door- Dots And Dashes But because 'he’s not i BY RILL CHANDLER HOLLYWOOD. Calif. — Guesis and rumpus room to his new suite .•f Hattie McDaniel, the Liberian offices, delegation to the United Natioiw /t ^ Confeicnce in San Francisco, in- (.(Mlllt Bcl.SlC I.CaVCS lIlC eluding Vicc-Presidom Clarence L. SEEIN’ STARS With Dolores Calvin I i.j T v^iarunec i... ,^1 Negro of-Simpson. Secretary of S’ate. Gabntl KOXV lllCalrP Allei' A ..vans con-iL. Dennis, Sei ator Lvinucl Gibson ; iradjd Negro people :,r. more inter- and CongreuMn Klcnard Hennca. KeCOrJ HrC/lkillli e-ted in rather than ability. Misgt visited the Warner lot where Hal- l>ILiIhlOj. .TidIHl YORK CITY -CNS) - OR- was and i.s all reatlv f,u Hollyw I the Spots. Palm Cafe, and Bells., WFLLES GOES TO BAT . . . and a fat movie con'ract At th with friends, Rubey Blakeley pop-, Openly reyue.ling that Jack Ben- RKO Pala. c in Culumtu> Olio 'ping champaienc like soda water ny, radio cimedian. take Monui w .VelVti nn/vl,e.c.,e.. ..1... _ ... . NEW’ YORK CT'unI Basie. Iht 'Jump King of Swing.” depailed Ihc Roxy Theater on Tuesday, the other night in BelLs. I." ir..e.l,. T-.'' i_ ' ' Mnc i>U. lied 'A'ilh ••'TK X* T Rochester along on his trip over- Gleas-m and Guy Kibbee with the Welle* wrote u letter; Ttmmy Reynold' Band, After ih” ’ f ’ " other, to his fnend Jack, saying, among Rist show they moved her down . .mte at th. Hiatvkrtvi. wi^ Una Mm , ther things, how much the boy.-* to closing the show which was , , ^ ^ th X1^ i ^'-Chester, The Neg.o really something Bill leaves for Lie Armstrong. King of the on the Moxie lot doing his FBI role, j comedian never went overseas be- coast Tuesdav. ‘ lruir|u-t and hi.- famou.s orchestra ^be ”111 and Fred O Neal as busy cause the USO Camp Shows does LOUIS JORDAN, up and mt uJll play for the Junr German on ^ Sammy (pianist) |r.ol provide fur mix units which since the tonsil--were vanked. is ex- Mr nday. .lune «. at Cobb Ha.l Stewart hitting on alKcorners with would mean separate sleeping and cited about his new ''Johnny ^N.irehouse. Rocky Mount. N C. 'his playing and training. the; eating accomodations, according to Hcpral, l»f. • nlthoueh iVea aid- .. ,Oieat Erskinc Hawkins giving his I Army regulations. Rochester warn- n’t want anv m-rc ^attunes . audienc^ just what ’hey want at cd to go so much, it -.vas reported. I his 'G. I. Jive" ... But thus one fnr *^*1^^^* intended blasting this 'rule' i is by Buddy Reyne m Gcnnany. ifth ^ hy asking U. go over’with two white Ion army boy him.'clf. Featured as *’hil Harris’ band. ,; “over boy” for Billboard (June 2nd) U- « .. i\e tjy T- I Vnow’^ - But Camp Shows said they would ; Louie has organized to Include IC girls a:. Means Of raklll!! It Lasv iJniv hut with two his arranger. Bill Davis (who was •mbers -I laivui^ ll opj. to behevo that the Negro musicians, thus making it an scoring musle for the fl Grotto ar . tlir band were all Negro Todiyl production might go into rehearsal, all Negro unit, which would be Rhumboogle shows in Chicago re- o^Sy nine of the original number I NEW "VORK CIVY (CNS) — At l'««P‘ng with Camp Shows ancl'centlv) for piano work, his forrr.'r aft still with the combination, '34, big. got>d-natured F.rnie Fields “fc. Joe (Peoples Voice) Bostic; Army restrictions. A^tte glrl-i have been added, and | tt* cn-..cred a zood leader of (Coirieri Rowe; and Abe However. Orson was appealing alS the only mixed girls’ hpnrl in i great sweet band But even with (Amsterdam'News) Hill; really cov-, directly to Jack to d- somethioz the nation, it is bcli''ved. and zcl slim, cxprst-ive Melvin .Moore sing- Sepia Broadway Shows and about it. . . And he said; "Afrithout attng famously. , uig blues .-nd sweet '-mgs to rav'’ Theatrical Bits in perfect style for meaning it at all, you and Eddie Jiobably ore of ttic iTr'-ngesl fe.i- - notices, under the F'ielrts banner, Harlem readers. Persnnalitic.s too have been doing the Nmrn nennin banks .should be willing to ac- tie is working in "Janie Gets Mar- tfpt .inj I ffer a! any price. And vied.’’ Directo.- Vincent Bhcrmaii Wally Hunter (Mabel’*- coach since and Star Joan Leslie greeted them ■;' after she began skating) • Benny CdTter is ui decided on Since when must the col- whether to continue with his band -r of , Negro's skin be llu- determ-• or retire to arraneinJ and ining factor of tht success of his or! writing for the duration neistm gross in the llieutei’H his- „..r .-r-T Mr, Ev„n. irop.,.d ...a. ■ thaf'dro„ . -va,„.wh.-,lheth..,-uhpT,onally (.„,n teplng „ „.p.„„,d. TThe St™ial .res- tor I... L/week, tr .he Re,;’--',; ime. Benny being a nius.eal pe.-- Jet a f w Ihenrar. I i,clmksi„n, r what Ml i-i'ully but was what the public '.Negro public — as this show is do- Fniio Fields Looks To Eddie Byrd, who kept gei- ting draft notices and trumpet plav- or A;ron I«:enhall, last with Ernie Fields Bilthoard says Eugene Ram ey. bas-sman with jav MrShann is in I.oiiie’s mnnacer lAnnr «.'iv '.Negro public - as this Show is do- fectionist. Incidenlallv he -nri hu - innisani^ iicimissions •u;ned to play colored theatres al- w-jfc Inez are ablaut to call n ninis of' reaching $ lOb.OOO, and mo»t . Xflu-ively) wanted. And awaiting of d ve wa nh,d 5'.""', Mr. Evana. whe baa never seen; ?i,Je U wrmng up the w.rea tni'"’' Mlsa Eairbanks on ice. contends teiV hubby NobiLn’^ 1 that Ted tiT’Tr’ ‘’’nP’""’J’n' '“""'i' Hat hecantake.,nyb...,uti(ulet.lor- Vate “ewrt i. the Pe .ilerveice .. d girl. reg.ardleaa ot her .tkating ,h.t -he is seeking a decreed , ,,-ility I.nd build "the grealeat col- (alac She wrote T.d denying it an J 'e,'" i"' , ‘l"n' ;'h::’‘N'ro”p.':bt.'\'hru'grt"hc'5t' gro Press, would swallow- it." Ted's repor'" Katina PaxmoT'wt* I v"„‘h,'J,,°'’on Vhe to.xT?iage"BSe Mr. Evans seeired to have great play a leading role in Warner^;. j ,» f” . -"-t-'* confidence in his ability to influ- -Confidential Agent." which wfti i .“’u once the Negro Pren, with an, sSrEturen ^r'S f'f vS” •e7k’%r kind of publicity he n,ay turn out Boyer. And Jane Wyn an has bin ZJ, . ■ to bfKfst his nffair He held up a udcled to the cost of -Niuht Xd ..t ^ nocler .'f tjf.nia Hpni.' n.-d -.^ked rT .. .L ‘ «ignt . The "Jump King already has poster r Sjun.,a Hcnic oi,a usKCd Oay. the dramatization of the life! teen dgnod bv the Rf.xv's^man- How dees Miss Fairbanks ^.mpare coJe Porter. Mike Curtiz will, for a r-turn to tiat S- in beauty to Sonja Ht-nie? His idea girect What with wife Artij. mn , » r-turn to tii-it no omrrl lo be that Neeioes warted ' Vh h i wile Artie run-. iuxi- Br :idV, ay llra'er next . •hep L -kiting star' nc^o^lv to ? ‘"r his Ihlrd -nj..gcn,ent ! start not only lo fronting the band, be.'kics pr»duc- there i-l' ability but Ut look the show, the Reed’s liayc all y — letters. Dave Gar.’’, manager rf the band, and Miss Jones are nominal heads of the orchestra which is a cor- porallon with several of the girls as nifmbrrs. The original members >1 llV band were all Negro. Today titUy nine of the original number aft still with the combination. 'Bille girls have been added, and aMt the onlj mixed girls’ band in Hu nativm. it is beli'-ved. and gc* atong famously. •probably one of the strongest fc.i- lijgcs of th' band in these tenor sd*ophone-mad days is biowrt- sldniied, .spectae'ed Violet Burn out- of the t'ustanding tenor sax-i- pbfinists in 'he country, male or feftjale. Such tenor men ar> Coleman Hawkins. Don Payas. Ren Webster, and others have commented th.d the girl is unqudstolnnbly great. Pauline Hrnddy. the Bum-chewini{ drummer, lias acquired a ''beat ’ an'J influences the rhvthm of the band more than anything else, including the other eompetents of a fine rhythm section. The band has already done fo,ir “Command Performances’” on “Jub ilee” for the' Army Special Services, which is a show recorded and snip ped abroad for the boys overseas. Others are to follow. The band lineup Is as f >llow.s: Saxes—Rosalind Crnn. Helen Saine, and Wiljie Tnimphets arc Violet Burnside. Gracie Bayron, Miriam Carter, -lonnl-' Mac St.Tn.*- berry. Miriam Pollack, and F'rnes- tine l^avls: Trombones -- Helen Jonse. Ilia Byrd. Imiagene Trnbick. and Cary Lynn; Rhythm - John- HAIR BEAUTY THAT WINS STRAIGHTENS YOUR HAIR iJldln xrwl crl« wllb 8ol(. ; f OlMir HwuUbI faalr mor* J efMo tn« luu>fl*n«- ' a a men Uouvb. bur oeM* in inairo drmwd ID MfU-e lift niton SWCKT GEOMGIA ■liOWN HAIH BRISS- ING, IDea eoDb nn.! briiiA t&*h*ltln pUoe l'ieU*itb D*r»i (let Ik INO HAIR ORISS- cernit Sweet Georqia Brown Hair Dressing Pomade AT ALU Qf^UG STORES Ernie I'lelds l.nnks lo Kcorgaiiizin-; Band As Mcan.s Of Taking It Easy NEW YORK CITY ICNSi — At 34, big. kood-iuiturcd Ernie Fields is c nsiccred a good louder of a great sweet band. But even with ^lim. cxprssivc Melvin Moore sinif- ing blues and sweet s-ings to rave notices, under the F'ield.s banner, Ernie say.s he's just beginning to "blossom out." "In time." he smiled shyly, "I intend to work mil a pi m that will e-iabluh ii. to a Uasiing future. Tin.; plan,’' h*- chuckled, "isn’t a Locret.’’ 'Tve been in (lie mur-ic >vcr 10 years” Ernie began think ing hack .'IkI I've slid a trombone uiHO I can remember That was in Tuba. Okla .Sure ihat I was a ejithi';- up.'tart. I gtit a few l>oys toacther an(i wc did some dale.s in and al■"ll^d Tulsa. We wcie irt-re supriscd al out own success than anyone else. I decided lo try a wide field so wc loured the west coast and up around the Washlng- t'ln area .several seasons. Melvin was singing Iheti; he’s been with us 8 years. During that lime we did 16 weeks at Club Alabam in Los .-Vtigeles before maiiv cross coun try tours. "N'nv (and this w,is the plan) I’m reorganizing by degrees, .seeking new at rang'mml.s and i-hnppttig aro'ind for Die best " F>nie, too, has .i new manager. RIM Graham, wno guide.- h'-th Marva Loui.s and Lillian Fit/geiHid. "I want to rome back to New York." he continued, "be located in ri fhoire rliib and ' i* 1own’ f"r iboul H week.s. Then I can arrange my schedule to include 4 months of the year on one l ighters, thea tre dates twice a year and a little time off for myself.” He prob.ibly means tim.* off t'l cater to his own hobbies — football and boxing. And probably, loo, time off so that he can spend more of it with his attractive wife, a Tul sa High School teacher at their comf Ttablc Tulsa home. Mrs. Fields Is one of the few orchestra wkve.« who can't be on every engaeemcnl with her husban.. And well bet she's the main reason behind his change 'if pliins? Tallulah Banklirad To I’lead For Georgia Nc- Ijiro’s Freedom NEW YORK iCSi - Alabama , born and bred Tallulah Bankhead will rai.-*e her lusty voice at ihc Golden Gate lor Herman Powell, Negro who has a life .sentence ’for murdet" in an aut>- , mobile accident, Tallulalt will I share speakers’ honors with Cana da Lee to plead for Powell who has been held in Essex County jail •T! Nfwark. New Jersey for over a ,year ^ Home economists say that one fat may be substitued for another, — one cup of lard nr oils for one cup of butter or margarine. When using unsaltcd fats, increase the salt in the recipe B AGKI^HE ATTACK !! ■ the I.incoln. Ethel Waters readying for the revival of Mamba’s Daugh ter. • ith Maude Russell being Gar-1 , dcnia, but seems as if she didn't 'know it. A little ebat with Maude. ! only led one to believe that the I production mlRhl go Into rehearsal.! I Funny about people, but that Is life, joe (people’s Voice) Bo.stic: Izzy (Courier) Rowe: and Abe (Amsterdam News) Hill; really cov-. ,er Sepia Broadway Shows and (Theatrical Bits in perfect style for I Harlem renders. Personalities too 1 numerous to mcntifin names — hav- ling a good time Saturday night at I the "Intimafe Social" at 647 H'ld- json Street The affair wa.s spoi t- led by the Lynn Committee to Abnl- i ish Segregation in the Armed I forces, A great cause handled by a 1 •’I'vc-wli-e■’ Committee. Cedric iBass Fidler) Wallace holding the spol- i light at the La Ruban Bid Club. jMary I.ou (Cafe Society) William.-i, ;, but charming, while be ing interviewed by the lovely Adrienne Ames. News Commcnin- tor. Until next week. I.e- .Swartz, ffntel Therci^a. New York. BILI.Y fXKSTIXE REVIVES OLD B.\LL*D NEW VC K — ’A Cottase For Sale." the smashing hit ballad of a decade or tio ago, will be revived this summer via a vocal recording by singing maestro Billy Eckstine and b= orchestra on the National label. This marks the fir ' time Billy has recorded a ballad stand ard. and i' may tum nut ' - be his greatest wax success to date. The Eckstine recording of ".\ Cott.-ige For Sale." hacked by B’l- ly’s own "I.onesomc Blues” is slat ed lor release next week. that he intended blasting ^his 'rule' by asking to go over’with two white musician.s from Phil Harris’ band. . . But Camp Shows said they would allow him to go over, but with two Negro musicians, thus making it an all Negro unit, which would be keeping with Camp Shows and Army restrictions. However. Orson was appealing directly to Jack to d ) something about it, , , And he said; "Without meaning it at all, you and Eddie have been doing the .Negro people a grave wrong. The gi g about gin drinking and crap-fhojiting arc isu- olly good gag.", and Eddie makes them sound hilarious, but throuch the year L'’y'vr helped perpetu ate .a dangrrojis rryth. Von and 1 and Flddte know very welt that No. gmes arrn’l chronicallv iriesiwn- sibic stooges born to shine shoes and steal neckties. But Roche.ster i? one of youi most valuable comic prnpcrlics and it’s Eddic’.s livclihoud I'm not a.sking cither of you to give up Roche.ster. I'm siiqgeslinc th«t you put him to work in a good cause. You ctin undo all the harm you’ve done innocently at home Gy very deliberately taking him over seas. Sure it's easy for me to sit here by my typewriter and ask you and Eddie to I .idiire .all the strain. It’s easy, but you and Ecidie arc the kind of men it’.s easy to ask a lot of berausc yon give a lot without taking any bows, Hcre’.s a chance to give more.” MARVA LOUI.S. says her aeer. Bill Graham, just hack from Pittsburgh, was a sensnti'an at the concert Monday night with I.ionel ILamptnn band. Bill also .'ays Mar- v.a is in better shape than she ever is by Buddy Reyne in Germany, an army b>y himself. Featured as “over boy" fi r Billboard iJune 2nd) Louie has organized lo include his arranger, Bill Davis (who was scoring music for the F! G-i '.to ar , Rhumboogle shows in Chi’-ago re cently) for’piano work his form m ' drummer, Eifdic Byrd, who kept I’e:- ting dr.aft nc,tires .and tiuinpct oLa.v-1 I er A-:ron I«;enhall, last with Ernie i [Fields Billboard sav.s Eugene Ram-| ley. bassman with Jav MeSh-ann is j I in. I-taiie’fi manager say; tenor suxi j and bill’s arc still pending. Main 1 idea of reorganizing was to gel more I showifinship oui -it me unit Wc'ic ianxt'''.i (•- th’" ne-.v i-rt-up lhat’.l J to be brlte-- than the I.-l, Ti-ey-oro ea-ting for "F.h.-nge Fr;'ii" and Lit!i-''i Snulb h;',- re-writl-'n i’ (or a .'.pccial stag!' [noduclio.i, .fore F'.- rtir ilag'i in "'OiheMo’ • has bought the rights ami intends sh-iwuig it to F'.ill iiiidienees. STICKERS f’WKf'ESSAKY It is rr. longer i;- ni'C.'- uy f'>r OPA .'as'-liiie ra’ioii lirkr-;. to ii’ cii played oii indslii»-lds 'f auio- motive vehicle;;. Raleigh District OPA Director Theodore S Jonnsoti saiil n-ceu'ly that display of ine stirkei ' no long- C'- ii necs'ary as “us'- ' f -seriailv numbered t -upon'. |.lus the en dorsement of ca'-h cocpf.n with the car Iicen.e number. • hminates the necessity for furihcr Irti-ntificution of the ration hold-r. TAN TOPICS -7-rrr By CHAfnt^ AUm -s much like Sonia Henie ‘in colon the Negro public, through the Ne gro Pres.s. Would swallow it. ” Mr. Evans seemed to have great confidence in his ability to influ ence the Negr.i Press with any Kind of publicity he may turn out to boost his affair Ho held up a poster of Sonja Henie and asked •’How decs Miss Fairbanks compare in beauty to Sonja Htnie?" Hi.s idea .•emed to be that Negroes wanted •heir ice .'kaling star* not only lO i.-ive excei)ti'-.n ll ability but to look as much like S'>n':i Henie in color) - po.ssiblc. That being willing to pot M'*'- F.iirb.inks m a po,trr dc- ■ pile !’ r tack of beauty as he puts it, 'he sh'-uld consider suff.- riepl l•omp^n'^^^inn plnr- I'le mag- •lanimo'jn sum of $125,(10 a week, lo •.■•arranl her signing up with him. Mr. Evans and his backers, who- ■•(T (h"v are seem to be definite ly sold on the idea that wilh the Negr-' public, the lighter the skin. L e . ettier is the girl and the bet ter i-5 hrr drawing power, Mr. Evans’ hi' gun was th; Neyroes didn’t know anything about icesksling iinyway, so what; The Negro pres:- in particular a;;d the Neg-'i puMi' in geiienil, should let Mr James FA’ans and his 'iroup kii ’W in ’no uncertain terms Ihat colored people are not the dopes those believe them to bcl Arasan Ireatnuf of peanut seed hell to keep crows and foxes from eating tbe peanuts sayn Warren Balom.aii. a Tyrrell C'junt^ fhimer.' SophiMioalcd Lady of Song on the Defender, who reprinted Ted’s report. Katina Paxtnou will play a leading role in 'Warnerfs "Confidential Agent," which will star Lauren Bacall and Char^* Boyer. And Jane Wyman has bin added to the cast of "Night iid Day." the dramatization of the life of Cole Porter. Mike Curtiz will 'ilrect. Whai with wife Artie run ning the checkroom and Lennie now fronting the band, bo ides predue- Ing the -show. Iht* Reed’s Iihyc all but taken over Shepn’s Playhouse Sydney Grecnstrcct is the Mych-i- logy proffssor who tracks rfumph- foy Bogart down in '‘Confl/rt." It was .an awful mad dash Lena Home had to make m befwcen .shows . the Oiphenm to accept hen’ awai 3l the Interracial Flint aiAa Rad. Guild's m.ccling at Shrine Audi torium, Al the aamo gathering. Bette D .vis wowed those backstage wlUi her gracious chaim. Rose (Mrs, Juan) Tizol will ;ierompany her spoucc eastward for the first time In thne .vears •.■•hen the Harry James f.utfil :-h.vrs off Peter Lorre, the oh-ho-bad man Itas written x book of romatic poe’r.v! The Sav age dancers are now in Portland. Oregon J"t M'rri.s who brought big-name bands into the Necr" neighborhood for ihc fir;t time in I,os An. . s. is having financial difficulties getting liis new Club Plantation which will be situate-I further uptown, opened. The angel's costume Alexis Smith wears in "The Horn Blows at Midnight" WHS made frien cur'ain; from her own house. Betty Q-iincy has quit the chorus and is taking modern dancing from Thelmii Robinson, th* ex-Durhamile. Which brings to mind that Ida Lupino who scores so heavily in "Pillow to Post” w,.» once .> ballet dancer The sudden disa>,ncarance of Earl Griffin from his usual haunts has the local wags saying that he ventured to IKllywood and never got back, Wynonic 'Mr. Blues> Harris ha.s pLt new life into the Club Alabam W^irner Bros. "Pride of the Mi- rings," which stars jonn r .fied , ndyEleanor Parker, is bieng rush ed tiycompletion now that the wai empb^fs has shifted to the Pacific. Rex iVgram. L( Beaver. Leigh W’hipplk, and .several other film top-nol^ers are quietly rehearsing play fA local and c.a9tcrn pioduc- Washington who pub lishes (hc\ Ds Angeles Sentinel hu* made his * ' (uid trip to the San Francisco c Inference. Walter Gor don. the Cl »!’s !ice criminal at- ‘y. has >\led a streamlined bar I screen and Fred Waring' Pennsyl- jvanl n.s on he K‘xv sia:'* Itasic j and Waring are the only two at- I tractlon.s that h.) over been hold ! over for a five work run al the ' Roxy. The “Jump Kinc" already has been signed by the Roxy's man- I iigement for a return to tliai de- ; luxe BisacKvav llicater next 1 .spring for his third ‘'ngngement there ..V -• M'lttiiy demand, f".- all i.vp-.s of - ■•iS'ilinc has'l J:;.‘ i)i’i c-’iu . -or.i the fi.30fi.0(ii'i gali'i p'-i d-iy ! needed in lf)4t to n'or" ib.m ;;'!.6u0.- I M •::-li'>n. per rlav t"rd'-d >i. Mill, j Trnvdiiig to th** peli.loiin' Admui- >1' f'.r War During tlu'i per- I' g.i -'line ll I*' for ivil a*, eiiger fell .’Ifi j>et f th« quantity available m j‘‘What dici you say your name .is?’' m pA.t* The men in the armed fereea have given MarveleiM Marva their pereenai okay. Having appeared at Camp Kilmer and Camp Shinke, it gees without eaying that in giving our boys "a preview” the Sdphia- ticatrd Lady of Song aweite for theatre audleneee to render their hesity appiouic. Seoaation#) is the word to deMribt how tht wifg »( SOldiDrdlC.»ar Jo* I (Vtl *•« .^ • • . i K $ $ a i i $ $ $ $ MAKE BIG MONEY • litre’s EASY lake urarrs for SWEET i I'owJcr. hirjch Crrd lns.n.e, KH> I'roJu.:! '-wek po«>iMr. Nuex|>t-ri BE OUR AGENT-EVENINGS; OAY OFF TURN SPARE TIME INTO CASH QUICK MONEY. Roc vuit frienJ*. ’ARE TIME, Lxcni(>i:« joJ D.iv Olf and ORCIA BROWN Urv'»inii. F-tce A Otnliiirni, Hjir Hi-Irtr, I'ertumei, V Kx u|> 10 $12.00 4 a4> 4rul $7S.OO 4 ^ inti-dtJ. IXm’r H4ic 4no(htr minute.' '^I FREE SAMPLE-&EN0 NO MONEY • jlu*t *«nd nime ind addrr** m FREE SAMPLE and FREE ^ Sample Ca«e offer 10 Agent*. Don't Hatce your tparc K) (ime turn ii into Dollari. Write lot eur Big Offer todiyl _ VALMOR PHODUeVk COMPANY 24SI S. M..b.44.. Aon,.* w.ei ac. Ill.nt.t Ij