rA9E TWO Raleigh Personals THE CABOLINIAN WEFK KNPrNG, SATUKDAY. .TttxVB 23. 1945 BY VIVIAN MoLENDON Mrs. Malinda Vnndergriff and little niece, Malinda Mitchell, are visiting Mrs. Vandrrgriffs daugh ters, Mrs. James Tucker and Mrs. Carneii, who uve in Raleigh and New York. Mrs. S. B. Sharper and children, irotored to Wake Forest recently to attend the commencement at the DuBois High School where Misses Vcrnel Winstead and Sadie Young, torn- ‘r students of Mrs. Sharper’s were among the graduates. Miss Winstead was the SaluUitorian of her class. Mrs. Minnie II. Freeman is out Cain after being indisposed at her home fof two weeks. Mrs. Lillian H. Hodge has return- od to the city after visiting friends in New York, Miss Annie Junes was hostess to the Susan Taylor Sunday School of 'he First Baptist Church at the home of Mrs. Aurelia S. Toney on last Monday evening. UBERLUV ROAD NEWS BY ANN B. MORGAN Miss Gloria Allen is spendfhg her summer vacation with her sister in i Ohio. Mrs. Fayger M. White and sons, Sylve.«ter Jr, and Thomas Doug- lass, loft last week to visit her sis ters in Chicago and Indiana. Mrs. White was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Bessie Manuel and her sister. Miss Georg; Manuel and ion Charles Lewis. Ms. Josenia Tillman is visiting relatives and friends in PhUadel- phia. Pa. The following girls from Oberlln ore attending the Girl Reserve Con ference at Beonett College in Greensboro; Misses Claudia Mor gan, Elsie Brown, and Ceruldlna Turner. f Miss Audrey Hunter of Danville, Va., is spending her summer va cation with her parents in the city Mrs. Catherine Harris has re turned to Baltimore, Md.. after vis iting her family and freinds. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Flagg have relumed from Asheville. Mr. Flagg, a World War II Veteran, has been convalescing at the Veteran Ad ministration Hospital there, due to a service disability while serving in the European Theatre of operations Mr. and Mrs. Claudius W. Mor gan are the proud parents of a baby girl. Joyce Celestine. born on June 14. at McCauley Hospital Both mother and daughter arc do ing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Debnam, Jr., arc the proud parents of a baby girl. Maurice Lauvenia, bom on May 18. Mies Shirley Willouby Is spend ing her summer vacation in Wades- boro, with, relatives and friends. Rev. U. S. Bro\vn. pa.itor of the [ Oberlin Baptist Church. West Ra- *|%Iaigh,. h*«, announced their Instal lation SerVices which will begin on June 25th. Monday night. Rev. Forbes of the Holiness Church and congregation; 'Hieaday night. Rev. Hamin, Manly Street Christian Church and congregation; Wednes- 1 Mrs. Nora Sanders .•ecently visit ed relatives in Baltimore, Md. 1st Lt. John L. Whorton spent the Camp Lee. Va. He spent several weeks at Camp Butnci while being reassigned. Miss Reta Morgan of Tucker Street attended the June German in Rocky Mount on Monday night. Pvt. Paul Powell has returned to Alabama where he is stationed af ter spending his furlough in the city visiting his parents and wife. The Dance Croup of the Blood- worth Street USO attended a dance in Fort Bragg on Morid' y night of this week. Messrs. W, L. Greene and Carl Ensterliiag journeyed to Goldsboro on Tuesday afternoon. Miss L. Zimmerman. RN, now em ployed in Durham, was a visitor in the plant of THE CAROLINIAN on Wednesday. Mrs. M. A. Jervay and Miss Lawrence left on Sunday for Wil mington, after visiting relatives here for a few days. Mr. William ‘■Bill” Hurdle of 11205 Gattmg Avenue, City. Is em ployed for the summer months as postal Railway Mail Clerk. Mr. Hurdle was accompanied home this week by his nephew, James Author Dew, Jr. of Wash ington. D. C. Hurdle has been employed In the Wake County School System for the past seven years. Mis.'! Mary F. Clark of 119 Idle- wild Avenue, spent last week end in Petersburg. Va., visiting rela tives and friends. While there she visited Camp Lee, Va. Dr. and Mrs. Scott of Washing ton, D. C., daugther and son-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. V- C. Hamlin, Sr., are spending a few weeks visiting their parents. Mrs Scott is the form er Miss Mac Hamlin, Miss Effie Mae Whitaker of Washington. D. C.. l.s visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Whitaker, Sr., of Wonh Street. Miss Pearl Wortham, returned to the city after a successful school year in Rockingham. Mrs. Andora Rled of Wilson, is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis of 606 S., Harrington St. R. U. S. No, 38 held Its regular meeting recently and the following officers were elected: Mrs Cora L. Jones, president; Mr. Andrew Broa- die. vice president; Mrs. Susie Mc Lean. financial secretary; Mr. Dal ton Freeman, recording secretary; the Rev. B. J. Johnson, chaplain; treasurer. Mrs. Alice J. Jerrell: warden. Miss Flora Maeklin; inside sentinal. Mrs. Geraldine Wilson; deputy. Mrs. May L. Broadic. Miss Vivian Vine Moore has re turned home. 510 East Lenoir Street, after having a tonsillectomy ai St. Mrs. Hattie Juanita Wooten Lewis Passes Dr. Charles W. Buggs, noted scientist, who returns to Dillard University as Professor of Bio logy and Chairman of the Divi sion of the Sciences. For the past two years Dr. Buggs has been n member of the medical faculty at Wayne University in Detroit. Dr. Buses is a graduate of More house College and niade one of the mo.st brilliant records ever jhade by a student at the Univer sity of Minnesota where he re ceived his Ph. D- Dr. Buggs was a member of the original faculty of Dillard when it opened in 1935. He turned out many bril liant prc-medic.'il students who made good in the medical schools of the country. Dr. Buggs is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the foremost scientists in the country. HONORED AT SlIRPISED PARTY R.ALBIGH — Miss Doris Rand honored Miss Ella Lriuise Adams, clas.s of *45. Washington High School, with a surprise Congratula tion party at the Tuttle Communi ty Center Saturday night June 9th. The evening was spent In dancing and game playing. The refresh- ment.s which wore prepared by Miss Car'ie Rand consisted of a vegeta ble tree, opened faced sandwiches, cookies, punch and candies. Among those offering congratulations were: Jacqueline Mitchell. Barbara Jones, Dorothy Russell. Clara M. Russell. Pearl Weaver. Bernice Cumbo, Charlsle Stirckland. Katie Faison, Barbara Hart. Elma Rogefs. Glor ia Hart. Annie M. Burton, Cather ine Davis, Doris Rand, Mildred Rand, Arzalia Rogers, Carrie Rand and Emma McIntyre, of Durham. Johnnie Hawkins, Homer Deb nam, Charles Debnam. Lewlyn Weaver, Charles Cook, Edward Davis. Wade Smith. Edwin Flagg, Cary .Sanders. William Haywood, James Young. Leon Lawson. Ern est Robinson. John Williams. Chris topher Debnam. David Sanders, Richard Davis. RoHin Chippey and Roo.sevelt Boodte. Chaperones were; Misses Beatrire and Carrie Rand and H. Mac Young. Hnmemakin; Denari. RALEIGH — Mrs. Hatie Juanita Wooten Lcwi.s, the daughter of George Frank Wooten and Mrs. Evelyn Wooten, was born in G)Ids- born. She departed this life Juno cl:is.s of 1921. She attended the public schools In Wayne County and Shaw Uni versity where stic graduated in the clas of 1921. She became a Christian at an ear ly age and joinerl 'he First Baptist Church in GoU; jura. After becom ing a resident of Raleigh she join ed the First Baptist Church here whore she was an .aetivc member both in church and Sunday School. She lived a consistent. Christian life and always tried to help those with whom she rame in contact. She was especially interested in all 'ick and shut in people and never tired in trying to inaki them com fortable and rendering to their needs. Some of her favorite songs were “Hold to G'>d‘s Unchanging Hand," "Take My Hand Precioii.s Lord." "Wiicrc We'll Never Grow Old," "Sweet Hours of Prayer." "All Alone," "rve Done My Work." and many others She was married to Needham Lewis in 1917. She leaves in mou’ iheir loss r ne sister, Mr.s. Be.ssie Atkins.m of Goldsboro: two brothers, Leslie Wooten of Grconsix'ry and Gc'irge Frank Woolen of Goldsboro and many other relatives and friends. The following letter was received by Mrs. Lewis” brother from the Chief of police of Raleigh: June 14, 194.') Mr L. W Wooten Lewis Hotel R.ilelgh. N. C. Dear sir: I nave learned with regret the death of your sister. Mrs. Hatie J. Lewis, who for some twenty years or more conducted the Lewis Ho tel in this city and I extend to you the real sympathy in the loss of not only a good sister but a splen did woman and a fine citizen of our community. I understand that ."ho sent four girls through Shaw University here, tht in itslof is a fine tribute and over the m^any years that I have I known of her personally and the ‘ many mf>re years ihal the mem- ■ bers of this department have known I her. wc are in a position to say and it gives real pleasure to be qble to do so. that she set a fine exam ple among the members of her race or for that matter any race In her respect for the law and Jjer coop eration with the officers oT the law'. Hatie did not seek money from every source, she sought to con duct her business upon a high plain, always fromning upon the suspicious, uncertain and unknown, making it a habit to seek patro;i- age of n respectable type and a patrongae that woul dabldc by and comply with and maintain a respect for the law. Of course several times in her hotel, like all holes, but un known to her undesirables would get in but when such an occurance arose she was quick to handle the situation and call on us for any needed assistance. We may all do well to keep In mind her example in life to tier family and to her fellow citizens and by so doing w’c may have the kojK* that when we arrive be fore the great .fudge of us all wc may be able lo hear Him announce those William Scott Passes Funeral services wore hold on Sunday afternoon from Hi.- Lightren's I'’uneral Hoirn chapel for William Scot:. !i;l-yca*-oid I'lsidenl of Raleigh, who died at ills hf>me. 601 r!huvch Street, on last Thursday. Th- Key. C. C. Scot! officiated al'*hf* rite? Divorces GraiUcd MRS. If.XTIL J. WfiOTEN LEWIS comfoilini: words "Will lionc thmi good and t.idltful civant, enter her .md be .d real. ” Respeetfoih. J. WINDER BRYAN Ct.ief ot police CITY EMPLOYEE DIES AT I HOSPITAL HERE Floyd D. Pearce of 707 E. Mar tin .Street, an employee of the citv for the piusl 10 years, diet! on .June 13al St. Agnes Ho.spital following a cerebral hemorrhage. Funeral ser\’ires were held on Sunday from the Congregati(>nnl church, wilii the Rev. C. K. Law- IV ;ice. pastor, in charge. BMri:il followed in Good Hope Cemelerv. Surviving arc* his wife. Mrs. Esther Hinton Pearce, who is n*- ruprrating from a eerebi-il heni- n rrrhage suffered in Mav: three Sl^lcrs and a hi nther. Divorce decrec.s were granted tlij.s week involving tile following r(-i:ple.s: Nannie E. Thompson vs. Wind- or Thompson; Johnnie MeNeil vs. .Mena S. McNeil: Mnmie H. Hines '•! Doiiglajis Hine.s; Eddie L.Mcn vs. n .’SU' Ij«*aeh: .feroine Henrv V -. Lovic M. H> tiry; Beith.n L. NTiCrimmnn v.s. Ehne.st C. Me- Crimmon: ET. Woods vs. George H Woods; George Hunter v.s. Alice Hunter; Robert Bnddi” vs. Alic H Boddie; Maud D. T,onp vs Lurker|on Long: nnl Tliom.as L. Barker vs. Lillian M. Bark- r. ._v. RALEIGH BOARDS SEND GROUPS FOR INDUCTION Raleigh’s two draft hoards r •• lej-sod the names of I h c latest gioiip.s of Negro selectees ordered ■ to Fort Bragg for induction. ! The Board No 1 list; Jolin 'Burnett Watts, Chri.5tonher Law- .renev Dchham. John Pages Sor-” iiell. James Ellis. Joseph Branch. 'John Honrv Evans. Jr.. Julian Fvnn.i Addison Randolph Shop- ,1 i, Clarinre Andv DeLaine. ,Edwin Worth Flagg, James Phil ip? Evans, and Edward Jean Dav- ' The Board No. 2 list: Alexander ^Alston. Clifford Dunatson Davis. Lconza Duncan. William T. De- Biriy, James Austin McClinlock, Norman Didby. Dun Lily, Madi son Smith. Andrew Bridger.s, Flank Sapp. John Benjam Sand- ;ers. Charles Garfield Irving. Jr., iClyde Roosevelt Norwood. E'red Smith. William Henry Fj'lrr ■Thomas. Jr.. lai'iier Grissom. I James Ritbert O N«*aI. and James Thomp.son. C L A S S I I' I F, n /iN INSTHl't'TKR amt manager is needed at Starks IP'uuty Col lege. Any crartiiatr from this sthn'il of two or morr years rvperienrp may apply, '.vrite Marks Kcauty t'olleg. , It.'ilelgh. N. C. NEGRO 1)011,S Every home shoubi have a Colorrrt Doll. Wc offer in this sale two flash) Miimhrrs. With hair, moving eyr*-. shoes, sloekings. nieelv dressed, rRK'i; S1.98 and SR.IO .if C.O.I). postage ex'.ri! Dealers-. Agents WnnOii Write NATIONAL ro. : 251 West in.’ith St.. New York, ;[ft For PmoiuLlissd Hand Lkundry Phone 4100 MODERN Hand Laundry 411 Obarlln Ro«d CA R TER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 East Lenior St. Dial 2084 PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Cal. 12 yaara ot Mtiafaetien. All Color*—Staina aad Enamala. MaU Orders PremptlT filled Railroad Salvage G>. 329 South Wilmington SL CAPITAL CAB Oa SQUARE of Your LUCKY NUMBER Over 25 ways—vertically— hurizontally—diagonally — to total YOUR Lacky num ber. Send $1.00, and birth- date for handmade chart. RIGHTMIRE Maihemagician 1066-AF Elmwood Buffalo (9). N. Y. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BEAUTY and BARBER Write For Price Lists Wc Ship Anywhere KLAREX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON STREET Brooklyn, (13), New York AMBASSADOR New Playing "THE AFFAIRS OF SUSAN" with Joan Fontaine. George Brent Sun.. Mon.. Tuei. "ROUGHLY SPEAKING" with Royal Bu.sler Crabbt* - In "Rustler's Hideout" -•also- John Clement — In "Underground Guerillas" Sunday and Monday Jack Randall — In "Gun Packer" Tuesday and Wednesday Dennis Morgan — In "The Very Though! O! You" Thursday BARGAIN DAY Double Feaitire ll051E-rOOKEI> FOODS And what a meal It will be— .'‘fxt’oned exactly right, and ev ery dish boasting a real home- rouked flavor. B & H CAFF 411 S. BLOUNT 6T. S6 riOOP IMIH>HTKD BY St.t.GlRM4N NIXON CORPORAlTON NEW VORJLN Y. Arcade Shoe Shine Parlor SHOE SHINES OF THE BEST IS OUR BUSINESS KIIORS DYED ALL COLORS LADIES SHINES A SPECIALTY SHOES CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED ARCADE HOTEL BLD. J. M. MASSEY, Prop. ILINCIILM jr.. are inc proua parent-s or a baby girl, Maurice Lauvenia. born on May 18. Miss Shirley Willouby is spend ing her summer vacation in Wades- born, witb. relatives and friends. Rev. U. S. Brown, pastor of the L Obeflin Baptist Church, West Ha- ‘‘ivleigh, Iies^announced their Instal lation Services which will begin on June 25th. Monday night. Rev. Forbes of the Holiness Church and congregation; Tuesday night. Rev. Hamin, Manly Street Christian Church and congregation; Wednes day night, Rev. J. W. Jones. Fay etteville Street Baptist Church and congregation; Thursday night, Rev. Joslah Davis of St. Mtathew AME Church and congregation; Friday night, Rev. W. M. Smith of St. Mat thews Baptist Church and congregn tion; Sunday atfernoon at 3:30 Tti- stallation Sermon by Rev Paul Johnson, Mart'n Streef Baptist Church and congregation. On Monday night n reception is to be held at the church with the Ministers' Alliance as host. The public is cordinly Invited to attend. officers were elected; Mrs Cora L. .Tones, president; Mr. Andrew Broa- dle. vice president; Mrs. Susie Mc Lean, financial sec-etary; Mr. Dal ton Freeman, recording secretary; the Rev. B. J. Johnson, chaplain; treasurer. Mrs. Alice J. Jerrell; warden. Miss Flora Macklln: Inside sentinal. Mrs. Geraldine Wilson; deputy. Mrs. May L. Broadie. Miss Vivian Vine Moore has re turned home. .510 East Lenoir Street, after having a tonsillectomy at St- Agnes Hospital. Mrs. Lillie Johnson of Gariicr Road, has returned home after being indisposed at McCauley's Hospital for several weeks. Mr. John Lewis of 423 South Swain .Street, suffered recently from sticking a nail in his foot. The Booker T. Washington Club will meet on Sunday. June 24th at the home of Mrs. Sally Gray. Can- no Streef. at 4:30 P. M. HIDE AWAY GRAY HAIR SLICK-BLACK PLUS TAX AT ALL DRUO STORES Mrs. Nellie Small of 802 South East Street is visiting relatives in Williamsburg. Mrs. M. Bell, past president of the R U. S. No. 36. has been ill and confined to her home on East Davie Street for several days. Her many friends wish for her a speedy re covery. Miss Elizahelh Harris who has been living in Greensboro, has now returned to the city. The many friends of Mr. John Ryal and family of 608 South Biotint Street, sympathize with the family In the passing of his daugh ter. Mrs. Sallie Ryal Waters who.se funeral was held on Monday. June '8th at the Baptist Church in Oar- Heads For Furlough ARMY RDQS. POA. RT. SHAF- TER. T. H. — Sergeant James B. Nelson. 24. son of Mrs. Edith Smith. 107 1-2 North Harrington Street, Raleigh. N. C.. is on hi.* way to the United States for a furough after 28 months in the Central and South Pacific. • Nelson is a comitiunicatlons ser geant in a rifle company and has been stationed on New Georgia, Russell, and Gaudalcanal Islands in the Solomons and New Hebrides. Siapaq and the Philippines. overseas veteran has been awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge. Good Conduct Me^al. and Asiatic Pacific campaign ribbon with bronze battle stars. Of IXTRA tOST ACCORDINC TO PLAN lAMi’R.E EAIE Hete’sYtir Mg Chance To Make Quick Moner Selirol^ •tSSilll mmumamvwn Coiedcr, Slo^ Crtun. locono*. Ja««lrr. Pft- fames. TWO BIO UWES—S» oitSSSt g»Qo. Soke irad* Hen and Woman of nU ogM wtntrd. NO XXPgRIENCB NCgbeO. SEND NO MONEY! Get FREE Sample! JUST maiaa vaiM eioio* ^ „ .5. «i owobl Ue.UKVj|A OnO FUSS B'O SonpU Cm Offer. DON’T WAtTI Writ* Mdey fbr o*r Big Offer* VALMOR PRODUCTS COMPANY mtMkhisemAeo, « •eet.pB.iO? CWce«oX«,M: nam, Charles Debnam, Lewlyn Weaver, Charles Cook, Edward Davis. Wade Smith. Edwin Flagg, Cary Sanders. William Haywood, James Young. Leon Lawson, Ern est Robinson, John Williams. Chris topher Debnam, David Sanders. Richard Dn''lF. Rollin Chippey and Roosevelt Boodic. Chaperones were: Mlsse.s Beatrice and Carrie Rand .and H. Mac Young. Homrmaking Depart. At WHS Annoiinoc.s Plans For Summer RAI.r.fOH — The Homprr,ak:nc Department of Washington High .School announces plans for its sum mer activities program. The pro gram will be opened to the entire community without charge. Begin ning July 16 and continuing thru August and September In addition to the canning, pre serving and dehydrating program which was carried on last summer. ♦ •'C department will conduct classes in clothing conservation, home nursing, and child rare. Homo Makers are invited to at- l-’nd classes which will he st.arted fit Washington School. Chavis Heights .md other sections of iho eify. Plans are also being perfect' ed for the continuation of the Home Economics Club and home pr jects With the increased scarcity of foods and the raising of ration point requirements, it Is very Imperative that ns much food .as possible be '•onserved from summer gardens. TTie progr.om will be under the suoervision of Miss E, F Duren, Vo. cational Home Economics Teacher at Washington School. Registration for the various courses will be held .fuly 16 and 17 Meeting place? will be announc ed later CHAVlsllEIGHTS BY MAV L. BROADIE Mrs. Jannio L. Little of No, 3 Chavis Wav has returned home af ter attending the funeral of her aunt in Charleston. S. C. Mrs Martha Perry of No. 7 Franklin Terrace and grand daiigh for. little Miss Carlcan Pulley of Nc 19 Franklin Terrace have ro. "irned home after 'nending se - er.ol davs with Mrs. Perry's daiigh ter and son-in-law. Mr. and M J. Richardson of Wilmington, Master OlHe L. Broadie of •"hav's Way celebrated his 13th hirtbHav on Tuesday. June 191h. at his home. Wo wish for him many happy returns. Miss Sally Jones of South Hav- v’ood Street, was the guest of Mrs. Effie Jack.son recently at her ap.nrt- ment, 2 Smith Pinza S Sgt, and Mrs. James Bell an nounce the birth of a daughter Shirley Louise, born on June 11th. at St. Agnes Hospital Mrs. Bell is the former Miss Louise Chavis of this city Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Philips of 6 Hyde Terrace attended the Miner al of a cousin In Gamer on Mnn- dav Mis.s MtOrgie McDaniel of No. 5 riv i? Wav spent the week end in Coldsb.oro, visitine relaiive? and , friends age of a respectable type and a patrongae that woul dabldc by and comply with and maintain a respect for the law. Of course several Jmos in her hotel, like all hotes. but un known to her undcnrables would get in but when such an occurance arose she w.as quick to handle the situation and call on us for any needed assistance. We may all do well to keep in mind her example in life to her family and to her fellow citizens and by so doing we may have the DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St. FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room :hicken shack Half Chicken or A Chicken Sandwich BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Croes end Lake Sl Colors—Stains and Enamels. MaU Orders PrempUy Filled Railroad Salvage G). 329 South Wilmington St CAPITAL CAB Oa u mom emncE DIAL 9137 AMBASSADOR Now Playing THE AFFAIRS OF SUSAN" with Joan Fontaine, George Brent Sun.. Mon., Tues. "ROUGHLY SPEAKING" with Rosalind Ru-s-seil. Jack Carson Cooper Wed.. Thurs., Fri.. Sat. "WITHOUT LOVE ' with Spencer Tracy. Catherine Hepburn The! the sad occeslen of a funeral is observed with the utmost dignity and beau ty—If you ask na lo take care of every det^ Raleigh Funeral Home C. A. HAYWOOD. President Phone 2-2835 Raleigh. North Carolina 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE WHEN PASSING THROUGH ROCKY MOUNT STOP AT THE AI,BEMARLFCAFE 204 Albemarle Ave. Rocky Mount, N. C. BAR'B-CUE and FRIED CHICKEN Our Specialty E. N. ANDERSON, Prop. You Too May Get RELIEF FROM ASTHMA SPASMS Do those wheezing choking at tacks keep you from your work or rob you of your sleep? For over half ■ century BRATTCR’S POW- countleoi suffers from spasms of D£R bos brought blessed relief to asthma. Try BRATER'S POW DER, you too may find aoothing reliel Easy vo use. Caution, use BRATER’S POWDER only os di rected- Ijorge aloe box $1.00 at your dngglrt, or aond cosh or money ora« to tia direct No goods moiled COO. John K. Bratcr & Co. INC. 309 3rd Ave, New York. N Y (16) VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS SPEED-TONE SELF PRIMING The New Washable Miracle Paint For Use on New or Old Walls WORKS OVER PLASTER, WALL PAPER OR KALSOMINE GOOD, ECONOMICAL and QUICK Beautiful Shades A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU S. M. YOUNG 206 E. MARTIN STREET SUN.-MON.- TUES. JUNE 24-25-26 In Technicolor Meet Me In St. Louis SlarriiiK .M I)V GAItLANI) — M.-ugai’ct OTlricn •Mary Aslor, I.ucilli' 'rom Di’akp, "THE UNWELCOME GUF'^T” C irtoon NEWS J L WED.-THURS. JUNE 27-2« STORMY WEATHER SlairiiiLr—Lena ilorm. Hill Rnliin.soii. r;»llo\va.v :uid his liHiirl wiDi K:iliK'i’iiir iMinham ;hk1 In-i'troupe I''ats Walh'i’, Nictiola.s I5roilici'.s. Ada JJrown Specialty “Dark Shadow**’ / News Episode 14 of “Valley of Vanishing Mon”. Bill Elliott FRL-SAT. (Double Feature) JUNE 29-30 FORTY THIEVES Koalurinn — WILIJA.M liOYD as liopjdontr Cassidy DEERSLAYER StarriiiK — BFIL’CF KKIXOG with — .lean Parker, Larry Parks Chapter 3 of “OVERLAND MAIL’*