WEEK EKDING, SATTTRDAY, .TT'TA' 7. 1915 THE CAEOLmiAN PAGETHREB UERMWA Signs Pack Between FEPC And Labor NKWARK. N. .1. .IjifTKs Mc- I.riJih. Gencr.il Vict I’trMdciil "f Uic Unite dElcetriciil. nJidUi jiikJ Machine Worki 1-5:. CIO. t'Klay sign ed an A«rccmi'i)t willi tie. Hejiun- al Diivctori> of ihi- tnctit Praclice Cnmmiliee nf Two and Henion Thice in b h,;lf oi Dislrtcl Font- id the UERMWA. 17 William Street. Newark 2, N .1 “The Agreement.' James Me- i.eish declares, “is a 'viitii.il assis tance pact between FKJ’C and l.a- hor. It will insure the clisest t' -■ sible couperati in betwi.n the FKi’i' and the UERMWA so that ern v- ancos and probKms ari'in;; wdli re spect In di.serimination «ill in handled rinickly and il'.aii.iuhly for the piirpiise of eliminalin;^ and all forms of liserlininiiii n y 1 •n- plovn'cnt , ctices in plant.' wh. r. UKRMWA locals or oivaniziiiK e- .n mittces aic in existence, James Mcl.cish .-.lid “We roe,-id- er that the FEPC has made a;. valuable contribution to ibe wo: effort. Ttic existence of :ho FEJ’C has heli>ed inleuraic 'iii.ilifasl N«- pro workers into vital .e.,f iirorlue lion work so that W'’ .irhic\-cfi tb- miraclcs ''f pp'durten which roiinted so heavily in woo : : aice-'s-f'.il ficht ai;.iin-l disci imfrm- lion will at the '.imi- time meai; .ircaiii ..lu: i.."i. iiiiitcfl sui'port toi the Full Einployincnl Rill ” OPJ.G.WEP"^*^' 8010 m NASIIVIl.I.f' T-0-. [)t Har- i Cl y C-ir’iS W'boer been .ip- j./i-t.d f.mi,-..; of Communica- li;..|,' f Cn.iiiv.- W-iiin.: at Fi'k j'h.-.-r- ty ! I t:.e eom.r.i: .choi 1 i M- :: m S •Ptember, I!)4.s i ri i.ii:!; 1 . .Ill .eoi••.mecnicl by i'r’i. id.'I,'. Th’-m.i' E ,!■ lies Dr. i •.Vi-.-.•r- e. IT-' to Ki-k fiotn the ■■ : • -.’i of ! .nil'', dlo where he •. • b. CT: rtofi ?'• ; of Fi','_lMi .and I. il .ir.i oi 'h. « ie. live writinc f ■ He i.'l “We are very inii'n the l.itest attempt' in C' ••uh-'- to Kfuttle the FEPC and .-..oot;..;' a permanent FEPC li j. '...o eon- si'ler a serious thre.it to ih' im:ty of nations so neeess.iry i ■ tlu stie- ees'ful winnina 'f tie war a:.i.n t Japan. Wo. in bibor. ; n ftiton nsiy supporting the ficht to maintain and make permanent the FEPC and 1 > provide it with .'iiflieKiit f'..nds to hr able to operate effieniitij f our nation’s welftirc ’in order to furthei s'.ipp >rt the FEPC we are smninc tri' Acrce* ireni to help rally the ll'.dOO iru-m- hens in the local ui.Mti.- m Disin.t K-ur. In this wa... i-nt only will the FEPC acl as o.ir ..uent t. help eliminate discrimma'i -n. uut our Jla.OOO membeis will net as agents for the FEPC m fcrr-tine out .my signs r* case.s of di'Ciim.nation “We have inltreii in'o 1! e p.iJed of reconversion 'ino.- V-E Day p is prcci.sely ii. thi' petiisi ■ f recon version with CNt;).. ;- lay .^f^ .nid dislocaliuns of pi,ml. ui'J workers that the need I u- KEi’ ' comes grcnlcr even ’i.ni • period. There is no .-.i-e kiddir..; ounsclvcs'. the Ni.fifo Ihe American |k''plc 1. -i.e taking place, cut' ir. ; y .u t place, cuts in hours ind . ..;i arc becoming more tr- 1 ••• •• ;y day. workers arc beiiv.: d.-ui.-i - with accomanyin;’ cut xr. r.it-.s, While cverybory .'cein.-- t. v .r full employment. wi -mo i...v -n the period where ni i n'j “ menl is beginning t - s.t 1 Tr.e next few months will .■ -i.o accentuating "f this problem On - would have to be hlinn not to reah izc that rearticnary force.' are ii ready at work to exoloit ihi.s situa tion in order t*’ f‘»mcnt race ten sions, To prevent thi.-. Fr'.PC and Labor have a special -cspon-sibiliiy "Our (‘bjcetivc in -ri'i:.. 'iu' Agrcimer' as in the ci.rryin® o’.if of our nnion work is to work in .'ucr n wa.v to help avoid a .-ileation where jobs and skills alrocdv won >.... II 1.. 1 ■ ■■ . the period where mass Pirpioy- ment is beginning to set in. The next few months will sec a shai-)) accentuating of ihi.s problem. One would have to be blind not to real ize that reactionary forces are al ready at work to cxoloit this situa tion in order to foment race ten sions. To prevent this. FEPC and Labor have a special responsibility. “Our objective in signing this Agreement as in the carrying out of our nnion work is to work in such a wa.v to help avoid a .situation where jobs and skills already won for Negroes will be lost in the re conversion period. If we should fail to take concrete steps to meet the developing situation, the result will be whether we like it or not. a rcinstroduclion of discrimination in the war plants and Die indus tries of our country. We arc de termined to work with all progre.'S- sivc groups In Government and In- dustry so that wc will be able *0 achieve the objectives set by N.»- tional CIO that ’the gains lha' have been achieved must not be lost in the po.sl war and wc must pre vent anti-union employers fmm taking any steps which are design ed to return to previous conditions '-f discrimination and thereby re- duce the gains that war workers won,’ "In working for this objeelive wc arc doing it not only out of jus tice to our Negro members and |o the Negro people, but also to pre vent spreading of any disunity in the ranks of labor. To ns. fighting against diseriminatoin i.s sfrencth- ening the ower and effectiveness of 1 cur untPii for all our members. A •! hi,- iiodcr.riuliiatc tr.iin'iig .,ml ilU' 'I Ar-i- 'i.'.;r.i' fnmi f)i>. ilih C Ih'Ci'. m Ohi He h'Jd.' Ii.ii- .T • r l’'i';i •••• hv lU-.-iec f-..m t:-. l-'.iv. I - , r M.c:;.-..ii. St-.eral IV VVr:..Tr' 't'ld. T’t« m cr-'aM'- -.virii- • 'tu' 'Cnivti- ‘•ily . f I." n. h.i- r '.VM r.'O'C- I 1: .■ 'I n !i .if ri zi i: i."v- ■1' h iVe i'll I o. .i'.ii'vd .n’d aiv b- ing i.-Mn.'H.C'd ; > 1 hci.A The winiiiT f • Ih li B"’'k-r dc- M. i„.r. 1' vH. onu. M- Dor'.tiu , I- 'I "TlKi. D.;t X • ; . „ Hi;r-:-- :• w.i- •I 'tiKim; ii! U: irealiv. writing eo i:-1 the t.ine !);■ W.'li'S'i- : . - : x;;n '.-ed .1 keen inti'if't ir; tt:.- iivM f Nt-i- '.vi;'- ii. 1: 1: .J ‘ .V C.i’h. ecTitury. ■••I'.’w c 'in : .i-'e‘ ’The ^ fu’d." .-.vs I). ■: i-rh in pr"n-.- • .'nd t.ilv.- n. .ail'. f thi' I fel l Fi-k Ur. M-.'iiy ffers an • • - . : ' p : !-V -.. h.i;, p".- m to .An.ei e.,:. ^ It'er..: 1 Ih \Vi i --i . m ; r cl • rh- f-.-':'.." I'-Kiil. .T'.nf- .f Sulln.m. r.;ir.. i'- ThvA -viil ; -he Fi'k i'l'.' : SlnrltMl I o \iil hunli\ KINmo.S •h;t- f K , f •Iv • b'n.r of -hi.' 1-1.i.t!’ '•••idvnt be- .i.i-r . ; it-- I • 1 eati r- fr^m i the :i, ar-'t fin »'vGr.o;i I T; i- S - l>eg;:'i a •1. f . f ,1 •. ’i* .Old re- K .f six CONTRIBUTIONS iBEING RECEIVED BYCOLIiGEFUND [ NEW YORK — In the 1945 na- lioiiwidc campaign for the current 'needs of J private Negro colleges, the Unitt'd Negro College Fund up ' ' Inst week had received coturi- bution.s totaling $648.^40,29. it was annouiu'cd at headcKjunrters by Mr, Thomas A. Morgan. National riiairman. Mr Morgan also .stated that 8 eiiies have completed their campaigns, while 48 cities arc still ;u ttie intensive solicitation stage. “Volunteer workers throughout the country arc now in the inten- -ivc period of solicita.ion and tins •• ar's resuonse to tiw College FunJ i .;pi''-.il i' rr.ost ci-toui-aginy and jlyp,.. y Am'riean.' .said Mr. Moi - ■ uan ri-losing the .-nirces of the C'l.-.t-..., ;i. us, “These i.R.' are from cvciy .'Cgm- • ' ..ii;- popi.lathm mcUidmg; e.oportiti .ii. f-.iinii.i- tior.s. business in.'iitutions, labm uin-.ns, alumni grouns. clubs, pn- \ato citizens — and nost m-ipiri-ig if all —from men in the .■\rmrd F'lrces." Mr .Morgan announced that gift- fiom businc'S corporations already j .-11'v.vi d. amounted t'> mor'* 'ban Sl-'iU.OOO. Recent C"ntiibiitions ihe I Fund included Pcnnsvlvama Rad ii id. SSS.OOO; StandJi-d Oil Com- l;..i-.y "f Indiana. $4,000; Corti' !> :!.- I i-l-.in_ Co. $1,000; U-lied Fnm j'-’., 1 .’lOO: \V.T;ner Brothi-:-'. Sg ai/d, iGi. it Lakes. Mutual Lif' Insuiani-e IC-. Sl.OOO; Baldwin I.i-com live ^Wuks, S1.,)P0. Aliimifium C-. \mer.ea, $1,000; Swift a;ii Com- ! p.iny, S.=>,MiO, .Armou.- . iid Uorr. I; -r.y S.a.ooO. United Cijar-Whelati iSt •.-•es. S-iOO; Guide Publishii'.' C I $300, C' igatc-Palmolive-Pcel, $>.000. I Wn itiin Steel. Sl.ili’t). Nationid •Steel. SJ,.*ifK), Gn-.il 1.. k-' Steel. jSl.OOu. H L Heinz Co. SJ.OOO: 'r.mplioll Sup, S.'jOO; Philad.-phia i n. : 10 Ti..-.'IT C“ «2a00; J L lH.:d' n D>}i-rtmeni S’.itv. Sl.'i'D i .Ne.T'i enli>ted men and -l.i'.r ■ It. the .Arn-icd F«>rce' i;-.p T.hibui.d mi'ie th.in SI.'l.OOO Wi.i r. ; •*'.«' mi-n f the 808*.h Engineer .A\ ...- , tion H..tt,dln'n. a unit in the Far Ea't .Air F'-U'-- mailed a contn a..t.oi-. '.f SI,04188, their Comm, ml- •• OfI;-ei wr- to ■ 'Ti.e . v:!...:k.ible and plei.'jr. ; ' • aOeu* thi.' contrijutii.n i> that ' f the l- t.d contribut•l^^ •■1 0.18 i . only 27 •aw 1 ver .»lltmled . . ..f higher le.irnin- .. e v^ iliu... to m iterian> toward the vduca’.ioiia , , i Jhei. p. -pie • b. :’".„i.i . ..ntn ■ i-,i. ■■ • .-ou/.-d I.::'.;-. h.... • v;.- 111 the L'l.iKsl N»-4i-. '■ ••• ?’.iiid Tie i..ilion.il nffi- ■ d CIO c-r.tribute". $2'nn . • Wi-;-..ii.;i t. v'fnm.ute.- Wh-i. lu'eri-.Jii. II.li i.auie' Gurmer • V.' ik.i' Unaiii — Sl.OOO li\e of I c.jl.' sen; ,t; an .'dditi ‘iial .$1. •jro Prv'idnt' J tw. Internati..' ■>1.' of the A F of L have advised th.-'t the mater f . i-enlnbuti'-n I" •hi- Fund WI ’i be taker, up by MEDICAL SUPPLIES FOR I than $22.1.000 worth of m'^ical sup- Yugoslavia and Norway by the KIDS FROM KIDS 'plies are being sent to the children children of the U. S. who are Jun- WASHINGTON, D. C. — More' -.f France. Italy. Belgium, Greece, ior Red Cross members. 1 i)l RHAM MIMSTFK Dll > : 1 OM.OM l\; .MT \l K •rUrilA Thv Ri V V.; zens will folli'W with contribu tions to aid this destitute family. Firemen were unable to save the homo of thus elderly resident bc- cau.se of its distant location from the nearest fire hydrant . The Salvation Army has begun a carrpaign to rchabiliU’te and rc- elothe file family of six. DURHAM MINISTER DIES lOLI.OWING ATTACK DURHA M— The Rev. Virgic Mitchell, 51, died at Lincoln Hos- uitiil Friday morning from licari injuries received in an attack the Tin-vious Safiirdny. Ho wus fi'iind ir\ a wooded sec tion * f ’'iwn and never gained con- 'cinusness. His as.'nilants arc un known. I Al'II'AI. CIH A-COI.A BOTTLING f:0. .IIS W. Morgiin St. • f .i-iH-vlive .'Xl-f-I I;' ,1- f.all. The Fcundatiu. Comrr 'u -ri fi gift' am--unting the Washington committee. When the International Ladies Garment Workers Union gave $1,000 five of its locals sent in an additional $1. 200. Presidents of two Internation als of the A. F. of L. have advised that the mater of a contribution to the Fund would bo taken up by Iheir respective executive boards this fall. The Foundation Committee has reported gifts amounting to over $157,000, with the following signi ficant contributions recently mode; Kresge Foundation. $5,000; Wil liam S. Pnfsc yFound.ation. $1,000; Avalon Foundation. $1,000; Philco Fund. $1,500; George F. Baker Trust, $5,000; General Education rr„r -ju vn an/ longcf lening arab.-vnorTTocTiVo hair k«ep you from looking your btilf U>« SNOW WHITE, the reOnod holr dretting Ihol givei your hair ilyle and charm and maket it acnier to manog*. Two Popular Siz««—25 and $1.00 Plus Tax For Sal* ot Drvg Stortt EvarywtMr*. SNOW WHITE PRODUCTS CO., lynchiHirg, V«. OTHER SNOW WHITE PRODUCTS For Personal Charm Snow Whit* Snaw Whit* Snow Whit* Snow Whit* niCACHING DEODORANT SACHET PRESSINO CREAM CREAM POWDER Oil Come On Juniors ! “It’s Dress-Up Time' 1395 to 1695 “Junior Miss” fa.shions haw .always been a favririte .s-jbjerl with us.- Wc- think Ihaf.s the roa.san why .luniors, tccn-agor.s and their sistens of all ages make this store their very first .slop for clothes that are right . . . that are practical . . . and of which Mother Icka can rightlyl approve. JUNIOR SHOPPE — SECOND FLOOR TiilX 1/ IT, rCLrX! THE SALE OF SALESl JEAN’/rAHCU/ jELy CLEARANCE SALE! Thursday - Friday - Saturday DOORS OPEN 9 A. M. Over 2,000 KarmenU and items at virtually “gitra- away’’ prices . . . for immediate disposal to make room for new Fall apparel arriving daily ... in a sale that we feel that we can confidently say out-does even Jean’s past records for sheer daring in sacrificing ap parel at clearance time! — Examples of the Bargains You Can Expect ~ OVER 1,000 NEW SUMMER DRESSES MARKED-DOWN FOR CLEARANCE! ALL SUMMER SUITS REDUCED TO - - - - 68 All-Wool Coats at Give-Away Prices I 342 Summer Dresses At $5 - $10 - $15 Hats, Robes, Pajamas, Play Suits, Blouses, Sportswear - RediceO For CleiriMo ^2 STORE HOURS 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M.

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