2 NEGRO TROOPS VRBICtTED Bragg: Commander Praises Troops 6EN.DEVER$ WELCOMED BY THOUSANDS IN HOMECOMING CELEBRATION (THE CAROLINIAN FAVETTKVII.LE - T»u-iis;.i>ds Maiiit'ii.-d (111 Monday'. July ^nd, lo witiiiihs uiif u( the grandest and sin* lerv Ji(-nie cjiriiigii ever accorded u citi/eii or visiliiiK guest in this sec tion. when Ueiiei al Jacob L. Uevers Wias most highly hnnured by hlfth laiikiiig military and civilian uf- /K'ials and patriutic citizens The [v>|nilar General had high praise for the Aiiiericj!i and Frencti soldiers, on the ground and in (he air who servwl in his command in Africa, Italy, Sicily, France and Gerirany. Then in .strong forceful and np- pre'jative words, the .splendid mili tary leader, paid great tribute and high praise l" the Negro troops who served un&er his command. He declared tluse Negro troops both in combat'and moving supplies, ‘did a cplfiidid job in all kinds of weath er. even in January, and under dif- licnll conditions. Yes. they foiig'.it. suffered, bled and died in a won derful perfoimatice" in heljiing l> proniott a succesfsul war" lie bla-'ied a group >f prolessioii- al gaiislers for the war, who got Control of the government in Ger many and that these Nazi leaders, lesponsible h>r horrible atrocities, should be shot and shot to-morrow III his opii., he believes Hi-ler U dead and that he took poison and his body ts burned. (iOeriiig is muih hated b.v the Ger mans and will nut get m> .h help from them when placed on trial He praised the Ninth Division trained at F-Jit Bragg, saying it.s record was one of tiie finest in the entire army. Exprei^iiig regret that he could net tell wlieii all tlie American sol diers would Come liume it is cuni- tcittng for relatives and friends to know that these soldiers in tli«- Eurcpeaii tliealie of wai, wlien enemy f..rce: liuve tiuly been con quered aif Ij«-iIi‘! well cared f •no being well l•-ll, clollied, etc. ‘Oor la^l^e ha it-aclied only t VOLf.MK XXVI NO. .'j BAIKIGH, NOIiTM C’AUOLINA SATI KOAY. .lULY M. 11115 ruiCKFiVK i:i-:nts 93rd Infantry Gen. Devers Gives Statem’t To North Carolina Daily FLA. SUPREME BULLETIN COURT REVOKES DEATH SENTENCE Div. Moving Into Philippines HOUSE TO SECIDE FATE OF FEPC Fighter Group Veterans — ' ' Shown reading a statement bv Ut. Gen. Ira C. Eaker praising the 332nd Fighter Group wit'.i which they .servi*d in Africa. I Sicily and Italy are throe vel- | eians of that famous unit, all now stationed at Camp DavU convalescent hospital. Left to right: S-Sgt, Richard C. Adorns of JumaicH. N. V„ 2n(3 Lt, T.eroy Bowman. Sumpter. S. C.. and S-Sgl. Clarence Dishmnn, Washington. D. C. NAACP MUSTERS STRENGTH TO AID FEPC Washington. D. C. — In an ef- Washington. D. C. — While the S)3rd Infantry Division is being moved Into the Philippines on the road to Tokyo, the Army’s other Negro division—the 92nd—is be ing readi‘d for return to the Unit ed States after battling the Gerni- an.s in Italv. the War Department reported todav. The first Negro ground unit huger than a regiment to enagge lh« enemv in this W'or. the 93rd fir.st saw action at Empre.-ss Aug ■ WAS’liNGTON - At lung 'as*, iit seenui that some e'-tion will be taken in this matter of the fate ol the F«iir Eniplovm»*nt Prucliee-s Committee, whicn has hung in the balance ainee Jane ' Just three hours after the Huuse Appropriatii.ns Committee had voted for the liquidation of the >EPC, tl swirled on its heels and ucoiiiiiieiuled tin $25lJ.UlJU lOelud- N-d in the original War Ageiieies jbili sent ti> the House lor appiuv- .(1. and latei left out in a revised 64-Year-Old Man Bound Over Kinston — Sixty-four-year old having rarna. knowU'dge of fort to slave off any compromise ii.-.ia Bav on BougainvMllo Island or legi.-ilalive trickery. NAACl’ early in 1944. when it fought Secretary Walter White and Le.-:- alongside t he veteran American lit Perry, administrative assist- Division during the campaign fo- anl in the Washington Bureau, thi Sn^omons. made an all-out effort to muster The 241h Infantry Regiment, ry possible support for the F- currently mopping up enemy rem Ely Merritt is being held under girl under i'ti years of age. Prob- EPC appropriation. Cogniwint of nants on Saipan and which recent- $IOUO bond, for the August term able cause was found against the the fact tFat many Congiessmen ly landed on six small island.s in of Superior Court, chrajied with man in the lower court. (Continued on back page) {the northern Marianas, was the •“ |first all-Negro fighting unit to 'face the ’Japanese when it land- ■ett tn the New Georgia Islands two days before the beginning (Continued or. hack page) Ask Provision Against Bias In Tallahassee, Fla, — The State Supreme Court returned a deci sion today reversing the death sentence imposed on Simon Peter Taylor, convicted in the killing of Deputy Sheriff Robert Max Sau- lez. The Circuit Court was order ed to enter a second degree mur der conviction replacing that of first degree. The case waus defenued by both the Tampa Branch of the NAACP and the National Office, who se cured the services of Attorneys Scofield and Scofield, in Inver ness. Fla., to represent Taylor. Taylor was convicted following an altercation with the Deputy Sheriff in September of last year. Tht Sheriff, in attempting to St rve an illegal writ upon T.n.yloi' as a result of a furniture bill ow ed by the defendant, began a bru tal attacl' resulting in Tavlor’s bi ing shot through the arm by the deputy sheriff. In the follow ing lassie the deputy sheriff wa.s shot to death. In setting aside the death aen- ttnee the court stated: “the es sential element of premoditatio;) was abesnt. hence there could be no finding of murder in the first degree. We are satisfied that the homicide was unlawful; that the evidence was sufheient to justify a conviction of munler in the second degree." V- I Gov't Aid To Education Legislation 'I’caclier.s Salary Sdicdiile for 194.>46 Final Report of War |F umittee Heralds I New York’s FEPC til ' WiL'iliington, 1). This w-'t-k Lie NAAt’l' IcilcijU-(J its siiiiouit that SiclK.n 8 of "I Ih'- Act, ih.- Commis-sioncr | f..f -,11/111 sl'iill affiiid such person a heai-■ Following NEW YORK CITY tWDL) — the Herald of hope and warning to the A newscaster of NBC stated at piess time t' a t Negro soldiers were not involved in the mass rape story circulated from-the floor of the United Stales Senate b.v Senator Eastland (D. Miss.). Such on incident did take place, instead of American Negro troops, the announcer said, but Arabs, were involved. Raleigh — The Raleigh News and observer, wliich '‘arried the Associated Press story on Sena tor Eastland’s remarks relative to Negro soldiers. lived up to its true liberalism this wt^ek. when Editor Josephus Daniels, vener able published of this esteemed niwspaper, came out in an edi- tcr'al which should settb for all times the question of the ability and character of Negro soldiers of World War II. j The New."? and Observer has ■ gotten first-hand information jfn.'m General Devers. former jeemmander of Fort Bragg. N. C., ,ar.d who recently returned from it.hc European theater. General ; Devers. as did all other top-rank ing American generals, praised 1 Negro troops. Said the News and Obser\'er: I “There has l^n some contro- v.-irsy as to the services of Ne- igro troops in this war. “Unlcs.s and until thev receive .satisfactory evidence to the con trary North Carolinians gineral- :ly will accept the testimony of 1 General Deve*^ wh«» declared at h i s recent homecoming celebra tion at Fayetteville that Negro ,lroop.s under hus command “hav? :don‘ a splend'd .lob in all kinds lef weather and under diversse {d. ricult conditions. . ne News and Observer has again demonstrated the cnanginif sentiment, n the South. Well- informed and fair-minded white Scutherners are anxious to aee ;thct the Negro is given fair treat nient and credit for the part which he is playing in tho war effort. An enccjraging sign was not- led in Wilmington this week when one of the most prominent white He piaisej the Ninth Division trained at Fort Bragg, saying its recurd was utu* of the finest tn the entire army. ExpresKinK regret that he could net tell when all the American sol diers would come home it is com- tortliig for relatives and friends to Know that these soldiers in the ;“r7h:. r>~d is:s:;^'„rrheTo‘w:rc"SLr"" “■'1''“ Committee, which has kung in. the balance afnae Joa*"?'. ' j*’ Just three hours after the House- Appropriations Committee had voted fur the iiguidatiun of the FEPC. It swirled on its heels an(* European theatre of war, when litcninnicnded the $25U.UUU inciud enemy force;. Iiave truly been quered aie bein'; weii cared lor *na being well fed, clothed, etc. “Our iau.se ha-, leached only the half-way mark, the general strebs- ed "Despite our victory «»vei tlie •tubborr* foe in Europe, the wai •gainst Japan tnuil be pressed " He urged that there be no eluwing up or relaxatioii of work on llie liome front and he ilaimed theie wou'd be no relaxation on the figtiting front. The rorrbinatioii of America'i lighterv in the field backed by civtliaitfi at home he described as unbeatable He asked that a special prograrr. ■ Continued on uacK page) - V ed in the original War Agcnc bill sent to the HoiSi- for appiov- al. and later left out in a levised version ol tin- iiieasurc. FilUbustering bv Southern Sen ators for the past six wcek^i against tin- KKLC aineiidinenl held up tilt- entile $Y52.0UU war ahvinu's Mipply bill, and ju.>t when llie.';f geiitk-iiien felt that they iiad talked the aiiiendinent to death, ''ey find that this V tvk the »use is expected lo g.ve an . crwhelming vote in favor ol itie bill, the F'EPC in cluded A^ PtbVisIdii Agafri^t Bias In - Gov't Aid To Education Legislation ly lanaen on six small islands in I the northern Maria' as. was the |first all-Negro figh' ng unit to I face the Japanese when it land- ‘'ht 'Tn fTie N w Georgia Islaniti two days be' ' ttie beginning (Continues m bnck page) nrmtcide was unlawful; that the evidence was sufficient to rastify a conviction of murder in the second degree.” Wa'ihingtnn, D. C. —'J'his week tlu Committee that Si*otion 8 of ‘>f Commissioni the NAACP reiteraU-d its support t,,.. ,,„i pn.vides for audit- p" of Federal Aid to Education but r vi..i„ t.',.H..i-.l Ai«l ■icenunt^ complainL Persons so ai.ked for a .vilronger unli-diseriin- ? complaining, under the proiwsed ination provosion in the bill, dur by H"' S. Office of Kdu. ati.m ,umendment. could appeal to a ing Ibe lu-ariiigs before the House be* aiiietid^ "I .so a.s to reguiie that Federal Court from uie Coinniis- Edueuiluii I'oiiiiiiiltee iiow coivsid ‘.such audits shall at all times be sioners decision, or ff the Com- e.-ing H 1296 The bill as it available foi- public irLspection." messioner fails to hold a hearing staiid.s woo’d authorize an op-, ‘“n edher before or after audit in three months, to issue a de- propnation jf $2(»U.U0I),U8U to u.s- has been made." the recommenda- cu-ion on the complaint in six sist the Stat'- in financing eK-- ‘tion eontmued, “any person shall months. The Federal Court would nieritarv schools. Funds would be complain to the Commissioner of be authorized lo review the fact piv;vide l to kt>ep all public Education that he has reason to as wel as the law. 8cho(*ls open for a term of not bi lieve that any portion oi tho The .NAACP is pressing for the less than 160 days and sub-.stan- funds appropriated under the Act inclusion of thi.s or a similar p.u.iwtv ,,f Ih.. ./nenihii.-nt h'ld dard salaries would be raised. An have been expended by any amendment to bills now in th«; fiicnus ui mt anu-numtni iiuj , i.e.. nna ij V,,. 4h.. Senators Promise Action For Full Employment • .sooner denounced the earlier pioceedings by the Appropriations ;Coin.uittee. when the Commit tee’s about-face action drew' praise from backers of the FEPC. Repre.sentutive jMarcantunio UA.n. Lab. N. Y.) had thus to say the afternoon session in which the FEPC was approved: " This is just what we wanted. No amend ment is necessary tiow. We have — the voles to give effect to the Washington — Taking issue committee’s recommendation." TO'iilerS't’hi-\ i„7iod'’iil'’“crfd"thc acUon'nf'the :how non-dlserimination clauses in P^^sed the Association's stand tor Capital last week ihat the Army lo ammend it, War agencies hav i proud of its Negro soldiers and .had to limp along PATTERSON SPEAKS FOR NEGRO SOLDIER additional $100,000,000 would bo [State contrary to the provisions, House and Senate appropriated to more tiearlv equalize school svstems in the So jlh with those of the North. The bill provides that there should a “iu5t and equitable apportionment” of funds for ra- c i a 1 minority groups in slates maintaining separate schools for the- race;' - . Appearing on behclf of the NA- .r i t i .. ^ ACP, Leslie Perry of the Wash- ^ York — In letters to the rttary Walter White. Senator iiigton Bureau cited the Selective NAACP. U. S. Senators James E. Murray said. “It is exceedingly Service Act as an example of Murray and Robert F. Wagner enactment of iContinued on page twoi encouraging to know that yo'ir Full KiouP is so actively aware of the a nd !«-‘ees.“ity for affirmative Federal Kvi.w.v.. - in the Act^to aflow for hearings P'Oft'ised action on the measure action to assure sustained em- credit. manv I upon formal complaints of persons as soon as possible, iployment opportunities after the aggrieved. Perry recommended to In his message to NAACP sec- Bishop Oxnam Urges Churches To Offer Appropriate Pr aj* rs that he knew of no high ranking S enerals who had denounced I )tm as being the “utter and abysmal failure” which Eastland uid jf them. TTie Mississippi senator made this accusation in addition to sev eral other disparaging utterances during his strenuous effort to pre vent the passage of a bill to re finance the Fair Employment Practices Committee for another' . ^ Acortino year of operation. York. Jul.v 6 — Asserting the practical certainty of a Secretary Patterson added that^^he time of mankinds kreat ^e- calling upon the Protestant new and more h-rrible war. the expressed opinions of Generalmternational orgnaiw- churches to read the statement Christians as citi/eas Bishoo Eisenhower and General MacAr- tion - towartLs which our chur- adopt-.d by the Executive Com- rvv™ .r. /t u Ti . tnur failed to support Eastland’s ches have worked lor many years niittee of the Federal Council of assvrl.'d. .shojld urge m charges. FHirthermore, Gen Eisen- — has ?rived. Bishop G. l^om.cy churches of Christ in Ameri- ever.v appropriate wav that our hower had commended our vol- Oxnam. president of the Federal June 26. Bishop Oxnam said government accept withou* delay unteer platoons in Europe, and Council of Churches, urged the .hat “prompt ratification by the its full responsibility within the the Army’s inspector had great churches on July 2- to oiier ®P* t;nited States Senate and by the now United Nations, iraise for the work of the 24th propriate prayers and r a d ine qj ^hi. other nations • "Tlie promise of the United ^’;l •nt. an outfit in the Mari- Councils statement urging ratiii- assure a favorable start along (ir all who are willing and able It. .vork.” Senator Wagner promise, “as sponsor of this legislation I will do my best to have the bill en acted in the near future. I hope we can begin liearings on the bill very soon." Senators Wegner, Murray, Thomas and O’Mahoney are spon* sons of Full Employment Bill No, 38(1. NEGRO NEPSWFAPKR PUB LISHERS ASSOCIATION TO NEW VORK JULY 21-29 nt giment anas. cation of the United Nations char- WDL Opposes Labor Bill Attack On Right To Strike NEW YOPK CITY (MDL» - The BalLBuil>on-Haich Industrial Relations Bill attacks labor's right to strike by establishing compul sory arbitration. Max Delson, Workers Defense League national counsel, declared in a statement announcing the League's opposition to the bill In releasing Mr Delson's state ment. WDL national chairmar Rev. Aaron S. Gilmarlin. declared "The ’ right lo cease work is fundamental in a democracy. All concerned with the maintenance of the democratic way of life should oppose the Fed- can assure a favorable start along tions Charter,’’ said Jishop Ox- the one hopeful mad to a bt‘t1er nam. "will be infinitely incroas- world order.” ’ ed’if the affirmative decision.^ of Pointing out that the delegates governments Ls reinfurc^ by the of 50 nations to the San Francis- united and dedioaUd will of our CO conference now have plactKl people and the other peoples of before the peoples a new world the famil.v of nation.s. Now is charter. BLshop Oxnam said it is the time to commit ourselves for the peoples to make their anew to the ideals oT the ’’’'iterl choice — to accept it with the Nations Charter and to the task possibility of peace or meleel if ‘Continued on baex page) erul Industrial Relations BiM This bill if passed would emasculate the National Labor Relations Act whicfi IS e^selltlul to the niaiiiteiiuiive of laboi’s (ieinvATutic rights." Mr DcLsoii's slateniciit follows: “Tlie F’edfi'al Industrial Rela tions Bill sponsored by Senators Ball, Burton and Hatch is a defi- iiitr lhre.it to the ./igaiiized labor movement in the United Slates. All sections of orgai/ed labor have an •iiimouily condemed this measure: because if it is enacted into law it will not only ic-.pair the function- (Cco^ued on back page) 44-HOUR WEEK RALEIGH » As iitstructed by Tresldeiit Truman lust week, llie War Manpower I'muiiils- nluii and Us Ciiited States t.ro pi uyniriit Service Mill observe |t>e 44-liuur work week in the ruiure. me losiruciiuii* were effeclive July 1. Or. J. 8. barton, tsute Man power Director, aasennees text tlie local USES offices the WMC •rea offices and the State Ad- mliilslraUvr (ifflre 4 ill be open dally (lirougli Friday 'nu 8:30 li> 5:30 and on Saturdays from 8:3U to 12:30. For the past three and one- nan years these otiii-ea have operated on a 48-tM)ur work week basis, including work uit- tu a:30 on baturd&y afternaose. CHICAGO, III. — The Negro Newspaper Publishers .Associa tion will hold a limited Wartime Conference in New York City July 21. 28 and 29. This nnouncement was made today b.v the NNP.A Executive Committee. Discussion Groups on the Ad vertising, Cirrulatlon, Editorial and Mechanical phases of rtews- paper operatlon-s will be led by NNPA members. The Limited Wartime Con ference w ill consider all bust- neaa of the Association, elect officers and alrJ in charting the dlrectior. of Negro pabliration.s on Much matters aa surplus property, reconversion and the United Nations World Organiza tion and other questions relat ing to the war effort. All per tinent problems afecllng Negro newspapers as a group will be review*^. 'I'be sewdoas will be held on the sixth Floor. Iiitematoiiial Ladlea Garment Workers Build- ti^, 1710 Broadway, New Turk City. 'I'eaohers Salary Schedule for 194.1-46 Final Report of Tar Committee Herald.s ^elv York’s FEPC RALF'IGH — Fiillowing Ls the J94.5-4C biise monthly salary sched ule fur North Carolina public school iichcrs, V udopyed fast week b; the State board of Educa tion. Graut: Certificates — Two years £xj>orieiicv. $143; three years, $147; four years, $152; five years, $157; six years. $162; seven years. $167: eight years, $t72; nine years. $177; ton years, $182; 11 years, $187. Class A Certificates — Beginning, $12.5; one year, $128; two years, $1.11; three years, $133; four years, $189; five years, $143; six years, $147: seven years, $152; eight years. $157 nine years. $162; ten years, $167. Class B Certificates — Beginning. $110; One year, $114; two years, $117; three years. $121; four years. $124; five years, $128; six years, $132. Class C Certificates— Beginning. $100; one year. $103; two years, $107; three years, $110; ft ur years, $113: five years. $116. Elerr.entray A Certificates — Be ginning. $90; one year, $93: two years, 597: three years, $100; four years, $103. Elementary B Certificates — Be ginning, $M; o.ie year, $84; two years. $88; three years. $92. Non-Standard Certificates — $7$. NEW YORK CITY tWDL) — Herald of hope and warning to the New York State Commission Against Discrimination, being watched so anxiously by friends of FEPC all over tne United States, was the final report issued by the State War Council Committee on Discrimination In employment, headed by Dr. Alvin Johnson. Dr. Johnson’s committee ended July 1, when the Ives-Quinn Bill became effective. Called "The Negro Integrated,” the report actually is much more inclusive than its title implies. While most of the cases handl^ by the committee were on d' 'crimina- tion against Negroes and Jews, there were numerous cases involv ing prejudice against Italians in Rochester, Poles in Buffalo and oth ers including Catholics and Irish. Charles C. Berkley, executive dl- lector of the committee, pointed up the hopeful note that this report passes on to the new commission to the effect that all racial groups i can work together harmoniously. There was also a note of warning that when more cutbacks become effective and employment falls off. the commission will have con siderable work in seeing that racial barrier are kept down. of weather and under divert difficult cemditions. The News and Observer ha a again demonstrated the chankfnt sentiment In Ute South. Well- irformed and fair-minded white Scutherners are anxious to aes that the Negro is given fair treat nient and credit for the part which he is playing in tho war effort. encouraging sign was not ed in Wilmington this week when cne of the moat prominent white ministers in that city penned a letter to T. C. Jervav. edttor of the WILMINGTON JOURNAL commending him on his editorial. “My Co-jnly This of Thee.'* in which the editor took Stmator Eastland to task for his un Amer lean remarks concerning Negro troops. Jervay called for fair- lay. In his letter to the editor, .he white minister said; “I liked very much your editorial in cur rent issue of the JOURNAL, en titled: “My County TU of Thee*’* I am grateful to God that the Senators from the Indep Repub lic of Mississippi do not represent us all. Throttling of FEPC. if suc cessful. will prove no less than a national tragedy.*’ •V- Acquittal Won for 2 477th Officers Held Since April Godman Field, Ky. - TOc Na- »> “■»“ «' tional Association for the Ad- ' camp were Mrs, C. T. Green, music voncement of Colored and otherVrouPs '‘Erector, and Mr«, Lucinda Poole, won acquittal thwjveek for Lieu- the NAACP and other groups. specialist both of Oxford. &TOT isrv NFTWOHICS Counsellors, who assisted the Unit mrRFASE Leaders were Mrs. Mary B. Sapp. INCREASE suparvl^d the waterlront: tenants Marsden Thompson and Shirley B. Clinton, two of the three Negro officers of the 477(h Brmbardment Group held since early spring for entering a white officers’ club at Freei.idO Field, in Feymour. Indiana. Al a sub- soQU nt hearing. Lieutenant Rog er Terry, the third defendant was found g'Jilly of “offering violence to a militarv polict- oficerf and fined $150. Otlier charges of dis obedience were dismissed. At the request of Judge William H. Hastie. chairman of the NA ACP local committee. Attorney Theodore M. Berry, president of the Cincinnati branch. NAACP represented the men at the courts- martial and as asisted bv Lts. Edward K. Nichols, Jr., and Wil liam P. Coleman. Jr,, militarv de fense counesl. The officers were charged with violating tF%84th Article of war in their refusal to obey the oriier of a superior officer and with ja^tling an officer wh''n thev were told not to enter a club set aside foi the use of whites. Violation of tne 68th Article of war was al- .so charged. Tilt* men were originally con- fineti with 98 others at Freeman Field in Indiana. Release of the latter group, however, was (Continued on back page) Gov. Amall Challenged To Read Report on FEPC NEW YORK CITY fWDL’ — Replying to the statement of Gov. Ellis Arnall of Georgia, cpposlng the FEPC as "unworkable and as an irritant to harmonious race rela tions," Miss Winifred Raushenbush, author and race relations expeu, declared, “Governor Arnall says he supports the right of Negroes to 'economic equality' yet repudiates the agency which as the record shows, has been the means both of getting jobs for racial and cultur al minorities and of easing group confacts." Thirty-Seven Girl Smuts Back From (amp RALEIGH — "It had to end all too soon." Thi^ was the attitude of each of the thirty sever. Girl Scouts who returned from Camp Whispering Pine* on Tuesday, July 1. after a whole week of working, playing and living together in the out-of-doors, The camp was directed by Mrt. M. W. Akins, who has completed the Girl Scout Camp Director's Course at Camp Edith Macy. New York. She as assisted by Mrs. R P. Daniels, president of the Gir! Scout District Committee. Miss Al- lene Pitts was dietltion for the t ris year '‘'‘■ toT?i numbS of miles ” «>“ Ot-‘- SStes ovc vTc^ thi ”omlsticl|on (natme stud^nd M" airlines are scheduling planes lo Sapp ^was s^st^ ' 64,181 .an all-time high. Miss Raushenbush. whoes latest work, "Jobs Without Creed or Col or" has just been published as a pamphlet of facts and action In sup port of FEiPC by Workers Defense League, challenged, "H the Governor will read the annual report of tha Pair Employment Practice Com mittee. he will learn that It is workable; tor It has helped thou sand of Negroes. Jews. Mexicans. Ameiddan Indian^, O. ientab and others to secure the economic equal ity and the right to work which Gov. Aroaii wjrt be supports.'*

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