!c::. N. CASE TO FORRESTAL } FEPC GETS HALF OF BUDGET THE CAROLINIAN VOl.l'MK X.WI, No, (; );ai.km:ii. noi:tii cauolina \vi-:kk \'s\nsc,. SATi’iiDAV. ji’ly 21. u)-i5 PRICE FJVK CENT'S CELEBRATES liST BIRTHDAY **Africa Not Fatherland Of Negroes^^Bilbo Told SAVANNAH. Ga In an i*x- nf (.'Lirrt'.''pundenct.‘ with St-n- alur Thfodnrt* Bilbu in which Bil bo jii.iiaed the Rev I. I., SoJtt as a ■Statesman above the common lun of Ilia race,' and d«?n.>unced the NAACP for fo.sitnnB Nejjro 'viiujliiy Stull, Ur Ralph Mark Oilbtrt, president of the Savanna , Georgia, branch NAACP declared. "Those of us who are constantly living in the same city with Rev Scott and tiave known him "ver a i..nger pi'iiid of time are in a bet ter position 10 judge the vulu.- if hiN Uadei'ship than you p-issibly tould be, since your viily contacts with him have been through the rr.ail>., wtiich pioved useful to you n. fighting the continuance i>f FRPC Tirflay Neiiti-e.* do luit accept a man as leader among them simply bi c-ause h. ha> tht- OK of someone • utMcle our racial group. We have learned that if we .ire dealing with .. Negjo wU,, IS file representative of white interests who are our a\o\\eit eheirnes that we are not 111 reality dealing with anulhei Ne- glo but aie -.till dealing with Ihob.* wtnt«- interests and out avowed I nelliles '' iCoi.linued on DacH page) SENATOR EASTLAND PLEASE TAKE NOTICE NAACP APPEALS Headquarters. f>2nd Infantry DivLsiun, Itulv -- Two Negro ol- ficers. one who "set a heroic ex ample of the fightinan's desire to close with the enemy and de- sl’oy him." and th«‘ other, whose ■ aggressive leadersh.o was an in- spirutirm to the officers and men of his orgahizution." have heen awarded the Silver Star for gal lantry in action against the en-*- n.y in Italy, the War Department announced todtiv. Recipients of the awards ava First Lieutenant William E. Por ter, 1018 We.st Spring Street, Lima. Ohio, and Second Lieuten ant Heub«-n L, Horner, 915 South Kn niont avenue. Tuscon. Arizon-i. |both members of the 92nd Infan- itrv Division I When his plattam was pinned down bv fire from enemy aulo- nmlic w«-apnns last December 5. ,‘.leuti-nant Poru-r cleared the I way fur his men by advancing alone, kill ’g the German officer ,:e chaige, td furclUg ids men isurretider. The official War De- Ipartnu-nt citatiun (olkiw.'i: "First Lieutenant Pi)rlei''s pla toon was vigorously ultackmg a strong teetny ptosition. When heavy wtemy auionialic •veapun.- down the platoon, itenanl Porter, alone, ' on an enemy machine killed the German ot- large, and forced the re- , my to surrender, thu‘j ■ the advance of his . the day. after the pla- b^n completely sur- lounded.I^ auperior enemy forces, he consMUy expased himself to hostile in moving back and forth befivaen platoon position.-, maintain}^ contact, directing fire, eiMmWtaging his men. and lending in fighting their way out jff the enemy trap. His 'irrrc*nivMV»dTr*^’r was an in- spiratioBr^ the officers and men ■ ation." Homer was cited for ig five coun- * last Oc- tcbei i. His orTfw cMtton vmii itinued iin 7k(k (Mg*) C P, Pste. Chief Voriitioiirtl Rch.ibiliiation and FdiicaMon Di- visi'-n. Veterans .Adminiftration, Fayi-tleville, is i»howii ab*vc a.« he ■lUllined the bcnefitH which the iverninenl hii."! provided federal -- for veterans -d World War II. — the two day institute on '■Wterun Benefit and Postwar Informu- I'on." whirb cndid Wednesday ■It A and T College. Others in the photograph reading from left To right, arc. Dr F, D BUifnrd, President of the college. Ben Husbands, Chief. Veterans Ad ministration Guidance Center. Chapel Hill, and T. Sgl. W S B.ireficld, lecturer. Information and Fducalion Section, ORD. Pate Addresses Institute For Veterans At A&T HOUSE PASSES APPROPRIATIONS BILL FOR FEPC By C. A. Iryia of life with their lives.” declar- yuunu trf Amerie«!ed C. P. ^te. Chief. Vocational art* happily defending our way Rehabilitation and Educational Division. Veterans Administra- Mrs. M- A. .Icrvav prupiii-tvii 01 R S. Jervay'a printing offtre. In Wilmington, relebiaie.i hi-r seventy-first birthday last week. Mrs. Jei>,» . the w.dow JCil.'hNAI... publisIxU bv T. C. Jervav. another aon, and the W m-.t..!! Sali-Ii. P K t) }• L K' S .'-ft )K KSMA.N .1*1 V a . 111.- ,,n. da ightf-r. I. JO FORBESTALW Congress In Tune With The MUTINY OF FIFTY i turn, Fayetteville as the keynoter «if the two lay state wide inat!' UiU- on "Veteran Benefits and I'osl-war Information." which op- . i.« d at A. 6i T. College Tue.sda.v. I'«te .slated that it is the pla-n ilulv of all (Ki the home front to i:vi influenci* to sei* that WASHINGTON — On Friday of ■list week the House passed the $250,001; appropriation bill for th* Fair Employment Practices C«n- mittee. Tbit amount, which ij on* half the total asked, will financ* I the cuiniiuCtiMiS operaliuits fnr on* year. The Senate and House finally .saw "eye-to-eye" when the latter refused to vote on the stipulation that the FEPC use the .ippropna- atioii ui wind up its .iffairt and quit. enemleti.’* (Continued on nacx page) V --- Mrs. M- A. Jervay propriftor of R S. Jervay'a printing office. In Wilmington, celebrated her seventy-first birthday last week, Mrs. Jervay, the widow of the late R S. Jervay, pioneer North Cau^iina piintei, was at hei post running ner btsiness. She is shnwn above watching the Duplex puss iec«-nllv' m- stalied bv lir-r -..n pa>il R. Jer vay, puLhsIn r ut the HALEIGH CAROLINIAN jii.l the FAY ETTEVILLE CAHOI.INIAN. This machine, th.- Inyl laslall- ed bv Negr... r in th.- :t;.t.‘, aK.i prints tilt- WILMINGTON JOIIHNAU published by T. C. Jervay, anotlier son. and the Winstiin-Salem P K 3 P L E' S SPOKESMAN. Mrs Jervay ha.s one daughter. Miss E. Gei tunic Jervay, Wil- mingt.rn school teacher. She has bern j tailhfiil member of St. Luke's .A, .M. K Zion church tor ne.Tily .sixty years, joining at 111.- agi- of 12. One ol her WLshe;.: T'ti live to .see St, Luke's completed and to wor.siup in the chuich which replaces the one leceiillv de.slroyeil by fiie. M..tiv i.l her frieiid.s remember- e.i h.T birthday with cards and ) ifts. NAACP APPEALS TO FORRESTAL IN MUTINY OF FIFTY NEGRO SEAMEN way for his men by advancing ! Liei alone, killing the German officer jhis act^- in charge, and forcing hia men surrender. The official parlmerrt citation (ollowaf De^ ter was cited for ’ ig five court- . ■ ' . last Oc- I By C. A. Irvin ^JonmtU “The yoba«.trf Amerkk tinued on'^k'^aii*) are heppH.V defending our way Farm Workers Trek To Capitol To Save Homes WA.SHINOTON, D C 'WDLl - Negrr, and wliiti- farm iuborera frjm Delniii Labii* Ibnnes pnyect .in suiitlieaM Mis.'Ouri iippi'ared before Ifie House AKi'iciilturul Cummittie last wt-ek in an effort to sove their homes, according to un an nouncement by H L Mitchell, pie«idt-ni. Southern Tenant Fnrm- eib Union The project is schedul ed to be Mild (iiobubly to nearby plunatiiin owners, by the Farm Sr- >111 Ity Adniinislrutiun uti uly 24, The cumirjtu-e under Rep. W. R. Pcape, t-luiirnian, Texa.s, is conduct ing hearings em H R 3071 This bill pruvldfs lhat the Secretary «if Axriciiltiire shall be iiulhurized to sell on lung (eitns the 580 houses ibcaiod hi ten cummumties in soiithra.'ii Mismiui'i known as the Deliiiu Labor Hun'.es, (o present residmls and other farm wurke~ families wlui want to purciiase the houses. I- ts and fuiniture as homes of thicr own. While in Washington, the deleguti ;i will call on the new Secretary of .Agriculture. Clin- t 11 .Anderson, to ask his aid In the meantime, the Farm Se- eiiilty Administration has adver tised the project for sale at public auction on July 24th Under the advertised lerm.s. the houses are tn be torn down and mnvi‘d by the IHirchnser.s and the communities broken up. The Southern Tenant Farmers Union, prominent indi.Jd- uals. and liberal organizations throughout the .tale of Missouri h.ive aided the residents In their fight to pre.serve the Delmo Labor Homes as family dwellings. Sharecroppers until 5 years ago. these farn' workers have known their first freed im from the ex ploitation of planters .since the establishment of tht project. Sale of the homes would break up the iContiniied on back page) New York — The NAACP wa.s advised ttnlay by the Navy De partment Uiat the sentences of the 5U Negro seamen convicted in .October. 1944. for mutiny at Yer- b.'i Buena Lsland. California, have bten held legal. Ralph A. Eard .Acting Secretary of the Navy de clared. "the trials “racial duscrim- ination was guarded against." Through Special Counsel Thur- gtiud Marshall the NAACP has mede a formal request to Sec retary of the Navy Forrestal for permission to file additional briefs .and for opportunity to present ;the case personally before him |The Negro seamen were original ly charged with mutiny in Aug ust. 1944. for refusal to load am- iniunition at Port Chicago. Cali- ifornia. where investigation re vealed more than 300 of theii ntei.ibers had been killed in a* iexplosion the month before. Un- jdei the supervision of white offic ers the men had received no o-ev- ious training in the handling nt ammunition prior to the di^asll^. I Race and race prejudice was continuously injected into the pioceedings by Lieutenant Com mander William F. Coakicy, Trial Judge Advocate, during the truil from September 14 to October 24. 1944. Testimony in the case re vealed two of the men were suf fering from the effects of brok- ' en arms when the alleged order was given to load ammunition. Another, wrig'.iing only 104 pounds had a Navy doctor’s cer- (Cuntinued un back page) Congress In Tune With The Times By OkeyingFEPC WASHINGTON. D. C — By put ting its stamp >if appruval on con- tiiiuiaioii of the KL1*C'. Congress has demuiislrated that it is In tune with the tihii-s. Finally given an ■.ppurtunity to vote on FEPC, Cen- sress clearl*-' indicated its support Ilf the principle of equality In em- oloyment opportunity. It is regret table, however, that the FEPC ap propriation did nut reach the floor of Congress in the form and amount originally approved by the Bureau of the Budget, for we believe tlie majority of members would hare preferred an opportunity to vote for the full $.599,000 rebuilder, and without the lennlnatlon clause The people know that the com promise was forced upin the Con- cress by n minority whir’ jeopar dized the entire war prnkram by obslnictioni.st tactics. TTie ter- miniilion clniisi*. e.spcciall. . is a challenge wc believe the people nf his country .ire prepared to meet, We are beginning today to re double our efforts toward enact ment of the permanent legislation In the fall. Only about 70 signa tures arc requirt^ In complete the i- , petition for bringing it to the finor , ..f the House of Representatives I All over the country the people ar.* : determined to continue the priMress (Of making democracy work, and during the Congressional recess, while the members are in direct contact with their constituents, those who have not yet signed the petition will come to realize that their place is with those who are with the tide of histiry- We cannot believe that the Con gress or »he people want a recon version to Job discriminntton ns the war draws to a clo-se. Whul is unfair in war time, is also unfair in peace time. Otir efforts to build world-wide peace and security thru implementation of the San Francis co Carter are inextricably inter twined with our treatment of min orities within our own borders. Our national and international efforts toward peace and security are but both sides of the same coin. SS ROLE IN AKRON STRIKE PROTESTED Sheriff Stands By While Planter Beats Cropper MEMPHIS. Teiiii iWDl.) — Suit has been filed by Gus Mackey, 71- ye*r-cld Neigu share-ciut pet of Whitmare, Ark, for injuries -utf. r- tfd by him and hi» 11-year-old son. Leroy in a brutal attack bv a plant er Jake Lew. .'.t Reth, AiK. while Mackey was m custody of me sheriff ana anotner officer, on cumpiatr.i cf Lewis that ne nad stolen a se..tion harrow fa a result of the attack tn which he was struck on the nead with a single tree Mr. MacKey suffered a con- cutsjon of the bra.n and impaired vision •nd his son suffered from shock and ccngesimn and inflaina- tion of the e;.xv me Workers De fense League announceci. The at tack occurred in I\tay. Th* story told by Mr. Mackey, a Ilf the Southern Tenant > Uninn, in bis affidavit wa^ . till: "Slicnff Campbell and another .ftiirt nump unknowni arrested me and my ton, Leroy. I) years old. and earned us down to Heih to see Lewis Lewis ac.us>d me and the t>r. . f ^teallllg me harrow I de nted having stolen the harrow and • Id l.r-wis that 1 had rut ceen near Heih in two months TTiereupon, Lewis became infuriated and pick- r.a up a siiigleii.>f la heavy wood and tren bar about 3 feet long) and struck me on the head sever al Times, knocking me unconscious I ewis also beat up my little boy. Leroy, but I do not knew whether he hit him with the singletree. "Sheriff Campbell and the other ufficer made no attempt to protect us but he afterwards told Lewis not to hit me any more. We were then taken to Forrest City, Ark, and thrown into jail. After about 8 hours, two boys who had told Lewis they had Seen me steal the harrow, were brought in and confessed to having •.fhleri the farm irnpliment them- ^elves. Sheriff Campbell then rv leased I.eroy and me and told us to fa home." S veral days after the assault. Mr. Lewis offered settlement whicli Mr. Mackey refused Examination by a physician showing the extent of nis injuries justified his refusai- Anomey K. T Sutton of Helena. Ark., ia representing Mr. Mackey. Lanier Appointment Strikes Party Snag The apparent vmooth sailing of K. O'Hara Lanier's appoint ment as Minister to Liberia struck a snag thl-s week when Chairman Robert L. Hannegan of the Democratic National Com mittee was asked by the National Council of Negro Democrats to hold up the proceedings. It Is reported that the request, made by Emmett S. Cunning ham of Detroit, president of the council, came when the so-call ed "Big Three" of Negro Demo cratic politics ignored the coun cil In advancing Lanier for th* Job. The Interpreation placed on this separate group action Is that the differences between the council and Rep. William L. Dawson of Illinois remain Intact A('‘ording to newspaper re ports. the "ini' Three" include Dawson, Mrs. Mary McLeod Be- thuiie and Dr. Channing H. To bias. who are barking Larier. When informed of the liappen- lugs by Hannegan. Dawson de nied any knowledge of them. kiviiik Uut he was not even aware of I.Anier’s name being advanced for the position, now being held by Le*4er A. Walton. There has been no official con- lirmation of the report that La nier's name is Iselny considerotl, boweve.. knowledge ot It is gen erally unt. "retood- NF.W YORK CITS’ iWDL) — I In a vlttoroiis protest the National I Action Committee of the Workers i Defense League charged that Sc- ' Iwtivc Director Hershey. by is- ' suing special orders to Ohio Selec- : tivv Service for local draft i oards ' 'n reclas.sify strikers, went out df ; his way "to line up with employers" ; tn the .strike at Goodyear's Akron. ' Ohio rubber plant. The plant is i under operation by the Navy which * reized it to end n 19-1ay strike. ! WDL chairman Aron S. Gilmar- I tin also made strenuous objection I Icj the U, S. Employment Service j for their refusal to certify needy j Htriking workers for temporary part-time job. although such jebs ; were available and being issued tn fusing to settle grievances, fcrcing even the amallesi matters Into set tlement action by the War Labor iBn.ird More than 70 grievances : now pending settlement for nearly IB miinths show the delay involv- j ed. In addition piece work and Lspt-diip practices are combined with open violatinn.s )f contracts have I brought steadily wfprsening condi- I tliins to the plants. Meanwhile. WLB has thfi wn Itself openly int" the role of emplyoer representa tive by issuing subpoenas to Fire- .storie union local asking them lo show rau.se why maintainennee of merrhership. shift differential and vacation privileges should not be suspended As a result. C. V. Wheel er, president of the striking Good year local urged that WLB be re- igimed War Industry Board, since it functioned "ns a tool of NAM." workers holding full time employ ment. In the report upon which WDL officials acted, strike leaders direct ed suspicion to still another gov ernment agency for Its role in the strike period. 'The War Produc tion Board permitted a one week shutdown for repairs during the strike of the unslruck Goodrich. General and Mohawk plants. Short ly atfer this move, blUtary bigwigs claimed that the strike was caus ing rubber shortages. Since repairs usually take place during plant ^ opeiatlun, this cutting of plant pro duction was a highly suspicious move. Members of Goodyear Local 2, United Rubber-Workers-CIO. voted to strike in un effort tc settle a struggle precipiated by the policy of rubber plant bosses who for a . year ’.nd a half have been on strike I agau Jt ccliective bargaming by re- lof life with their live*,” declar- UnL-e. ym Chtef,- Ver«lon*I Rehabilitation and Educational 'Zjfviaion. Veterans Administra tion. Fayetteville as the keynoter of the two day state wide insti- tiiU* on "Veteran Benefits and Fiist-wur Information." which op ened at A. & T. College Tueada.v. I'ate .stated that it is the plain duty of all on the home front to usi every influence to set* lhat every benefit afforded by the |g«,vemment be extend€?d to aur lii'en and women who are so no- ibl.v and gallantly defending th* .principles for which our co’jntry stands, "Under the provisions of Public 346. pa-Hsed In the 78th congress, which is commonly call ed the "G. I. BHl of Rights.” Pale a.!serted. "the benefits- extended to votenns under this instrument arc designed to equip the veteran to fit himself to profitable civjPj- an life." He especialy emphasized the educational features of the bill and pointed out that the gov- einment is extremely anxious tliat the returning veteran be giv en every opportunity to rerelv* an education along the lines to. which he is best fitted In an fert to facilitate thU undertaking. Training has been made available for the men at a numbt>r of the nation's leading educational insti tutions and training is also made available to emplees while on the job. “20.000.000 Americans. Pate slated, constitute America’s con tribution to the armed forces: 50.- 000 of whom are Negroes from North Carolina. To serve these nif n to rehabilitate themselves vo- culionallv. the speaker concluded lhat there has been established a n'.imbor of guidance centers f.nd others will be made available a.s .soon as the need ari.sos. “Tt is my sincere hope.' Pate ended, "that the Am«‘ric«n people will not lot the.so 20.000,000 defenders of our homes, churches, and institutions down when they return to our shores." Other features of the opening day included "EMucatitmal Bene fits for Veterans Under the Pro visions of Lav- 16. "Ben Hus bands. Chief. Veterans Admini- (Continued on back page) miltee. This ambunt. which ia on* half the toU) a*hed. wtl) finasc* Ihe year. j The Senate and House finally [saw "eye-to-eye" when the latter refused to vote on the stipulation that the FISIK,' use the appropria- ’ utiiJii ut wind up its affairs and . quit. ' Senator Morse iR. Ore.) held out ' fvL wbut -he chose to call "an ex tended discusaien" tdignified 'Term h)r fllllbusteidnx)’ Jf the biii in or der thiil "the' |>edple at hume would make their sentimeins known and a Ujrger. upprupriatiuu wuuld be given the agency." He extended th* discussion for an hour and a halt on tlie floor in an effort to retard the proceedings, but finally gave op- During his speech. Morse said - that "democracy is on trial in this j country,' and its s'jcccsn or fallur* I will depend upon the manner in which we treat minorities.”. He did not believe the $250,000 to be suf ficient for the FEPC workers to put ever a thorough job. Following Senator Morse "Tbe .Man" Bilbo (D. Miss.) fierce and ' fillibustering foe ot the bill, took the floor and in characteristic style tri^d to throw in the proverbial I wrench by demanding a quorum call, since this was a "far-reaching ' legislation." There were 16 Senate leaders pre sent and, becau.se of the lateness ot the hour it would have been almost I impo.ssible to muster a quorum. This scare was quelled, how ever. when Majority Leader Bark ley iKy.i and Senator McKeller (O. Tcnn.) custodians of the bill, as sailed Bilbo with such violent ar gument that the Mississtppian with- ■ drew hi.s request. There reman a few items csi th* endre bill to be settled, but it pa.ssage is assured. , Granger Completes West Coast Naval Base Tour NEW YORK — Lester B. Grang er. Executive Secretary of the Na tional Urban League, returned to New York this week after three week-s’ absence on the West Coast, where he visited Unit*d States nav al bases as the representative of Secretary James Forrestal. Grnng- wbose assignment was to de- '4-rmine how mu'lv Negroes were being integrated m o the Navy pro gram, is reporting his observations | and findi, lo Secretary Forrestal thisi week Travelling in a plane espec ially assigned for that pur'Hise by, the Navy, the League head visited bases in and around San Diego,. Los Angeles, San Franusco, Seattle,. -.ind the Great Lakes Naval 'Train ing Center. NOT ACCF.PTING NAVY AIDE JOB Definitely setting at rest any rumor that he is leaving the Na tional Urban League to accept a po- .sition in the Navy. Granger stated: "Secretary Forrestal was kind enough to invite me to join the staff of the Navy Department several months ago While I f*lt honored to receive the invitation, I was compelled to decline because of the hi-avy responsibilities I am now carrying as Executive ^cretary of the Naiianal Urban League.” Oraog- h er. stated further that his League responsibilities could not be defer red or transferred without serious handicap to .the organization. «nd described the Urban League pro gram as the most important job b* is able to do at the present tune. Generally recognized as one of the foremost of -the presect-day so- 'clal workers, the League Executive ' was notified this week of hia elec tion as First Vice-Chairman .ai the I New York Chapter of the American i Association of Social Workers. He has previously .served as First Vice President of th* national or- ganiztion. having been elected to fill an unexpired term. -Jl::

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