I .-viC'r.o-vi. . i 'Cl, R.£tl6igll Personals Ray-WiWiamson Wedding Solemnized KV VIVIAN McI.f;M»ON Cl.iiina Kietman FjJn ol lui.' ii-tiiniftJ It. »>ie iHi : vi'ii.iJi ul.itiVi.s in ■ I. Ij C New Yoik and A.Iilh; brown af I’hiludal- fl.-l MMfl AllsS I'.IIK.-J «.! 4i;i l-'J .Si. W.ilK,-: J'fliV Ol Pal l.utas vvu:! llie (’Ue^t .1 W..' Jt-iui Hi I-iU'y Kulh.-i Jaiiio 1 '.hi I'ltift I'l in j 11,1 li.iuki-r T ClilO iiavi- Mifaiii.ii I'l' it.f iiiunlh if Aii|ju;t ihi- nixi luietii.g wiU I.. hi 111 .il Ihi Iinini- ul .Ml .ii'.J .11 . Moll, Ihi K .M.iMm St. Ml hiiif 'J‘..:,lt.i .;i:a tannly wl fill S MilJoWill St a.i their iHi I 11 !., i- Iii.ii. .New Yolk 'J hi.- III.my tiliiidi ot .Miti SaVak- ' ■ ...It ('iiiit'> 1.1 .'i.'ib K hdi’iiloii St. Alii bt ]ilt.i-iu tn U-.iii. Ihj'. :>lie . tM ally ii..p:on-ii .1- ii'i.v Ji/iU.m .1 Jl'Ult S. hri'Hi. St la .-pii.Uii.k hoi iaea*| I ihilliini.ii aiiu New Yvi'K .Il AiiM.i;. Gilv.a of MuiJi-ciu 1.1,1 I- Mtnihiii i.L’i vai'utiuii in .'hi!.,It ..111 r.'iupiiit Ni-mv. Va '..1' - Anna K-'VM.nl' of 'iia Kllii.il- ton I.,,!,, t In. l.irl unit- 1 ht I i.iphiM, .Ml. J i. I.uia-I I’Ut whi, now live: in New York. Cpl WiMie Cliirksor. of S -Me- UowfU St., Pfe Samuel D Poe cf '1111:,' K Ji-iiesi St., and Cpl. Wils.m ; P.oykin.- of .Manly St. have aiived •.iilel.\ Okinawa Island. Mrs Fanil- Mae L. Trite of 13 . Het'k Lane ha.s received word that ! nt-r hu.'band Cnl Georpe D. Trite I has- ..I rived salel.v nn Okinawa I.i- ; land from .New Gaiiii-a S-S^t lid belie, vetiraii ot ih-' South Pacific, wa.i i-nteiiained re- I ti-ntly at thi home o' .Mrs Betlic . B Triee Several xnitds attend- .^l^^ Liasie W Horton of .iOB Pat- h-rsc.ii St. Kali-i^h. .\ C. is back In town Irum ^ult^mouth and . Norfolk, Va.. where the and her I two daughters. Lillie Miss Annie and Pauhine Horton, .-pent a wi-ek with her husband. Rev Avery Horton, relatives and friends. Pvt William Morgan of Clay ton, North Carolina, who is stu- tioned at F.rt Bragg after haviiiR scri'ed with the Armed Forces ov erseas. spent a recent after noon With Miss Eliza^-th Bell at her home on South Person Street I Miss Dorothy 'Mae Sandprs of Suiitfi Blount Street has returned home after visiting .Miys M:iry New berry in Liberty. .N. C, .Miss Etta .Mae Jones, a '45 grad- U.'ite of the Washington High Stiiiiol. u .spending ner vacation ill New York City, Mrs I.ula .Mae Powell has return- cdto the city after a three weeks •hiv in Baltimore whtre her hus band, Paul Powell. Jr., was .sta- lioiied at Fort .Meade, Maryland, and also was the guest of Mr. and Mrs Trains White. Mrs. iViattie W. Robinsiin Memoralizeii l.-lil = of liOd S Har- Dorothy M. Dunn left the i.f the city VIS- M‘'hday mornlne to spend a few dayi at Carolina Beach Ml* Kullu L Bakt-i of .New York t.ily 1 viMliiig Illative!- and lii«i:d- in till city Mi> Baker is 'ill daui'hlvi of the late .Mrs. Nan- nil- 1.1 wi; Brooks MStci of Ander- ■•-■i l.iwis fuiinerly of this city UUVlhi HEIGHTS bV MAV 1. BKO.ADIE Ma-ti-r Charles Brooks of Chavis W.i. - spmdiiig his' vacation with 1,13 •lai.dii vlhcr. Mrs- CUes of Gain.r. N C- Mrs HesTii Fvrell of 4 Chavis W.'V ;s i-n ti.fe sick li.-t Hci many fnend-- hope that she w'tl L-ioon l.r out again. M: • Carrie Puce was the dm- i,t'f cuist of hei daiightci, .Mi's iri.i; Kifid.ill on Sutiduy at her o- . :'l Chavis Way all Alum JiH S>d« " Hyde •|«l!..i, W..S hostess to sevti :il rC- I. iiM- .iiifl liK-iids froji. W.iki For- tU .eiilitly. M; Floyd Phillips of « Hyd*' iei.t.i: I'vtariied Ki,mi . lUr a • . I, - - n, u. Norl' !k V Cpl. Jock Merritt of Raleigh, just returned from the South Pa cific zone of upt-rations. where he spent the hitter thre-j of his five consecutive years in the armt.l forces. C >1. Merritt i one of four ; brothers in the service of Uncle Sam The others are: Hubert and James, Army; Willie. Navy. Cpl. Merritt Is spending a few days vis- I iting his brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Merritt of 1409 Lincaln Drive, here. Mrs .Annie Stone whose h..ime is in Portsmouth. Va.. and Mr- Beatrice Artice. formerly of thhs , city, but now of Portsmouth, are visiting friends and i datives here this week. This is Mrs' Stone.s first ' visit to this ^Ity. Mrs. Artice's sis- ■ tir-in-law. Josephine Bryant, re- I sides at 140g E Jones St After 'a visit in Durham w-nh Mrs. Art- ice’s aunt, the two visitors will re- ; turn home, Monday .' next week .Mrs .Annie Currie of 709 Kasd Maitin St. ha.s reluuu-d to the city after being thi house .uesi if .Mr. .ar.d Mr'- Howard DiVi- of Elira- ‘ Win.ston-Salcm. N. C. — Bofou- a sotting of palm.s and an arch nf fern and wliito landolhr.T .sol oft wilhwhito gladioli Mis.s Eli/abo'.n .-'.nno Rav liocanu tiu- hrido of ‘L.iut. William Williamso"! in a slniplo b'jt boautilul core- nn nv at the homo of the hrido at iiigh noon Juno 19. 1945. The doiibh' ring coromonv was lusid with Rov. David R. Hodgloy. pusmr of tho Fir.st Biipti.-'t C.i.ir-'h and Rov Jnhn Brioi of Sodalii. officiating. Nuptial mu.-^ic was furnishod hv Mrs. Martha .Aikin.^ and Mrs. Viv ian King Bright sang "I Love You 'Ttuly." Soft mu.sic was plavol tnroughnui tho ceromimy bv Mis , Atkirus. ■j ho matrnn of honor wa.s Mi- Eleanor Sollars Jono.s of Mt. Aiiv. cot RT AEWS Roosevi h Carr of K21 Cannon I Street w-as fined SVi . nd eost^, foj- lowins his convicti -n f a charge of ‘driving an autoniobiU- w'hile under [the influence of intoxicants I Testimony revcali'd that Carr w'a.s i steering the vehiclt w'lich was 'Coa^tinir downhPl or F.ast Manln [Street whili the moto: was shut off. j The def«-nd.nni wa- acquiled of I a rilsordedy conduct charge i Probable cause was lound in lh>) f use f Utah Rand of ft31 Canm n 'Rireit and ho w'as b>,und over ta Suf-iTi r Co r' i-h.u'- d v I’h e: i .bt-zzlemo-.' «{ pa.;.; v V.«-d ..' S’2'*« from .fo-e: h --f lt4 R 'Uth N. C Sho woro a long flesh col- o « d net dross and carried a bou quet of vollow I'o.se.s and pink .■u'apdi'iigon.s. Till btsi man wa.s I.nut. E .-A Campbell of Phil- a;\ :p!;i:. Th ■ woer no other aitondanLs Tht- hrido wn.s given away in niiirringi' by hoi father. Dr A. H. Ray. an dthoy entered from tho st..irwav The bride made a very ho:;utifu) picture as she smiled and dosci-ndid the .stairway to griol her father Sht* wore tho well preserved dress veil and glove.-! her mother had married in thirtv-two vi-ar.s ago. The dress was of brides .atin fashioned in princes.' .stvl*. irimmi d with diKhiS.>: and (hantillv lact- and ptarls ending in a long satinlin- eri train on which were orange RALEIGH — Memorial services were held on Monday mornl.'jg from the Raleiiih Funeral Home for Mrs. Matie Wistcotl Robinson, I woh dkd III a heart attack on Sun day afternoon at her home. 814 S. East Strict. J The .staff of Siiinl Agne.s Hospital, with which .Mrs. Robir.soii was as-; Mitialed for 18 years ns night super*, vif-r. attended the services in a group. The bod.v was sent lu Elizabeth City, her former home, where bur ial .sei'vices were held on Tuesday Afternoon. Surviving are In. husband, ChniL's Robinson, a Seaboaid Rail way employee; two ^islvrs a.id a bii ther ( II1L1> WITNESSES ^ 1 A Mil.Y TRAGEDY P.AMI.ICO •— A seven-year old b.jy told Coroner Jack Harris how ite wiin-.'.'fd the f.it..i shooting of his mother-by his father. Rowland .Mo-eley. -'ll, and then saw his fath er turn the gun on himself in their mi- on last Tltursd’iy. The lad reported that nis father : came in from a tobacco barn about 2 a m on th. fatal day and d ' quarrel ensued between his par- ,ents during which the double shoot* 'ing took place led on payment of $10 and costs. ! According to testimony. Ford ' purchase- a part needed for a j truck body Ford planned to pur* , ••hase from him. Dickerson said ' that Ford did not pay the money [until a warrant had been-sworn I out for him I Sidney Price of Raleigh. Rt. 3 , was foun dgullty of assault with la deadly weapon and was given a I three-month sentence, suspended on blossoms. The imported veil pavment of $2.5 and costs and good was attached to her hair with behavior for a year, orange blrv'V'oms also. The bridal Li'uq 111 was of white rosebuds,; siir>fr*ir'T\ gaidenias and baby's breath. LLAS^I f ILii The bndt- is the daughter of: . „ Dr, and Mr.s. A. H, Rav and she ^ AN I.NSTKL't'TEK and attended the local public schools' needed «l surks Beauty Col and later went to Palmer Me- : Any craduate from thia wbool morial Institute where she met more yea™ experience the groom who was also in school' [GOLDSBORO NEWS I BY MR. C. E. THOMPSON I Mrs. Vern Lee Williams visited I relatives in Turkey, last week. Mr.s. Luella Peacock is visiting j 'her daughter. Hilda, in Washing- ili.i. D. C. Miss Bernice Benton has returned from Washington, after spending .sometime with her sisters. ' Ciipt. and Mrs. Carlton Jordan and daughter. Cariolta. left Tues day night for New York. Capt.. .)o.d:in has just leturned tmin J France. j i'vt. and Mrs. Riirl Stark spiiil , the week end at .Atlantic Beach. South Carolina, recently. .Mr.-'. Calvin Forbes and MIS'S Mil dred B. Warren motored to La- Grange Monday to vi-sil friends Mrs, Elizabeth Leonard has oc cupied a po.sition with the N. C. M«i- I tual liisuiance Company foi the I summer. Miss Carrie Clark -•^peiU Monday ill Clinton. Ml William Reinhardt, Jr., spent .Sunday In KenansvilK-. ' The foil iwing ladles visited Boy Scouts Camp Cuivt-r Sunday. .Mes- dames Hattie PowelL Mildred War ren. .Mozelle Spruill. EJizubetl. I L--onurd nnd I.eliu Thompson. .Mr. John PovicH is much improv ed this week Mrs. Claudia Hogans Black and son are visiting their mother, Mrs. Phyliss Hagans. Mr. Elrre Hagans is visiting in New v j on business. Mr. fc -1 Mrs. Olhneil Battle an- ncunce the birth of a son. Mel Ott. Mr. Battle is star centerfieider nf thi local "Elrwy Tigers.” Efforts continue In the drive to raise funds to prosecute L. K. Junes for the aliened brutal slaying of Marvin Edmunds, At Wood> Grove Church $34.00 was raised and Be.'ii Gi'ivi- Chuich $55.80 was raised. The N.AACP met a» the Guiding Star Holiness Churcti Tuesday night The Church was Riled to Its capa city and many n«w members weie added to its fast growing Ust. For Ponoanliaod Hnad l^sundry Phone 4100 MODERN Hand Laundry 11 Otelln Raul CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Morgan St. • 5 HOME-COOKED #0008 And wbst • aenl It will be— sMaeaed exnotly rtebt, nad mW‘ trj dlah beutl^ • rwU •voked fl*Tor. B&HCAFE 411 8. BLOUNT ST. lliore. Sho rocoived the A. B, de gtee from Radcliffv College and tht M. A. dt-gree from New York University. She taught at Tuske- gee and Howard University and later became the first Negro to emploved as Recreation Direc- t'oliege. Raleigh. .N. C. M.AIT) — experience, nnisl have health record, (o live In Rhode Is land. near Providence. No cooking, small family, own room, excellent , , ^ . wages. Mast be plea-sant. Write to: tor for the Navy Department m Demotic. 353 Harris Avenae. Woon- FOR TAS'TY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room Rtlrf W.lfhington. D. C. hSe is .i oCn- cert Dancer and has made sev eral tours of Negro Colleges, irket. R. I. cf fori-’b!.- in-pu.'F and assault with c de.idly wi-apon. Josh Hinton cf 72j Smith Daw'ijii Street, received a fill-dav ^ellt^-nct•, Fuspendod un p;.ymi-nl of $2.1 and costs He w;i.- aciused of trespassing *0 the horn of Mrs, Eliz-abcth Hinton ( f mu I Inciiln Drive. Ella Rogii' of 516 Smith Street v'a.s found guilty of malicious dam- art t . fht prnrerty i*f Jerry 5?an#- ere nf .5.574 East Cab.irrus Street, .md tht- •li-feiKoiiit w:ts sentenced to Ski d:ivi. iiispcndtd npon payment of S2.5 and costs pl’Js payment of $5 to the pro.-!ecuung witnes.* lor le- pairs Mi.-.' Rou'r- w'.TS found guilty al>o c f diuiikenne>' and di'airderly con- ’hi'* lud w I t.ixcd cuits. Hi'iirv Ford ,'f 6 Dtidd Street I H Fi -- • Adapt' ..f 1107 td in dressinu ehickeits and would allow- a fowl to droQ every now {nnd then among the feathers on , ; the floor. Atferward.' the chickens ; w-i'i u- gathered up with the feath ers and put in a barrel destined for the City’s incerator. where be- [fore the barrel was emptied, the ‘ chickens w ere removed. When ar rested the men were in possession of 36 chicken? Henry Ford nf 6 Do ddStre*f wn' found guilty of htaining $10 under false pretense from Stanley . Dickcr.c!. n of the K and W Mo tor Co on F Davis Street, and' was sentenced to 30 da(>s. suspend- CHICKEN SHACK Half Chickaa or A Chickan Samlwiek Royal Friday a Sslarday Rex Beil — TOO MUCH BEEF" '' ' Buck Jones & Tim McCoy — In "GUNMAN FROM BODIE” Sun. a Mvn. July t9-38 Jack Randall — In -WHERE THE WEST BEGINS' Tasday a Wednesday All Colored Cast TT HAPPNENEI) IN HARLEM’ Charlie Chan — In ’BLACK MAJIC” Tbarsdoy Only Dona Drake — In ‘HOT RHYTHM” Helen Walker — In BRIDE BY MISTAKE” NEGRO DOLLS Every home should have a Colored .Mr» i|e.:i’’i-'t-ieU of 4 ^uvis' Way IS oil il.t sick li.'t. Her many fi lends hope that she wil l-e out again. Ml f.irrie Huce was the din ner guest nf her doughter. Mrs «i.ii Kendall on Sunday at her iwn.*-, 21 f.'havn Way. Ml Annie Jm- Syde 7 Hyde ’Uriaei hnste?.' lo several re- I. ti-.e- jo.rl friends from Waki- For- .-f luielitly. Ml Floyd I'loliips of « Hyde T'eirute hu.' n-toriied home .lUi^ a nii'ipcss tup to Norfolk. Va. Mr Oi.idyi. Johnson of 9 Smith l'!a/.> h,i> orgHiii/ed .> quartet in > iiKNc Hi-iuht? the IS Chavis Mil'-.!:! Huby Giuutel they have ;>i.peicid on picieiam' in s»!c.'er.il .liorc-he-> of the city Mrs I'd Blown, who was call- i«l to the t'lty in On death of her i.i'illni Ml I. Rfigf.s, has been 111. Iniii'e eiiest of her soli, Mr- ;.nd M'" A Brown of « Dan Ter- i.ji.- n;.. returned home to Bolti- II. 01 e, Mfi Si't and Mrs William Osbonu of 8 Kdgteoinb Terrace aie the proud p:,ient.' of ;i fim- baby girl. Fay M.eltuo Mr and .Mis Ch.iilie Roberson of ly hC’aMs Way ate happy to oMioun.e the birth of a daughter. Molhti nnd d.iughter .are doing i.eelv Mis. Kichard B Little and ihoghtei of New York City are VI itiiif’ Ml- Little’s nn-lher-in- l;-w :.l 3 Chavis Way. biunian William .Mills is visit- tny his wife. .Mrs. .Mozellu MUla at ’!4 Chavis Way. Get this STRAIGHT.^ Rough.Kinky HAIR Tamed Quick with NEW WONDER POMADE jeatnee Artice, formerly of this city, bn* now- of Portsmouth, are visiting triends and relatives here this week. This is Mf*' Stone.s first visit to this dity. Mrs. Artice’s sis ter-in-law. Josephine Bryant, re sides at 1408 E. Jones St. After a visit In Durham with Mrs. Art- ice's mint, the tw-o visitors will re turn home. Monday of next week. .Mr.s Annie Currie of 709 East Martin St. has returned lo the city lifter being the hi.use guest of Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Dayc of Eliza beth, N V. She was highly enter tained. OBEKUirROAD NEWS BY ANN B. MORGAN , Mias Bes.'ie Carol Hunter is '.spending her summer vacation vis iting relative.*.- and f.iends In Dan- ;viltc, Va. Mrs Rebecca Manuel and Miss Margaret Manuel are spending the 'ummer in New- York. Mi.'s Grace Battle and Miss Grace Hall spent Sunday in Frunklinton, (Visiting relatives anil friend.-. William Turner of U S. .Navy, vis- iti'd rchitivin and friends in the city recently. On July 1.5, Miss Kathleen Man- ; iu-1 bec.ime the wife ol Mr Daniel Peebles who is now serving in the U S Navy. j Mr. David Hintun has returned recently from his trip to Houston. Texas Hi reports an enjoyable I trip A«el Citizen Passes RALEIGH — Mi>, Mary Barber of ' 800 Svulh BUiodw'urth Street died, W'ednesday morning at her home ;ifter an illness of several months. ‘ She w-js 89 years of age. Funeral services were conducted Thur'-day aftirnoon at 4 P .M. from St. Paul AME Chuich of which she was one of the oldest and failh- tql member, wtih the Rev. C C- Scott officiating Burial will be in Mount Hope Cemetery Surviving is one daughter. Mu Katie Barber Collins. ririving an nutnni.ibile while under *he influence of intoxicants. Testimony revealed that Carr was .steering the vehicle wliich wa» coasting downhill on F.ast Maniii Street while the motor was shut off. The defendant was Requited of a disorderly conduct charce. Probable cause was lound in tho rase : f Utah Rand of 631 Canm n .Street nnd he w-as tkiund over to Superior Court, charm'd with etn- bezzlemenl nf paint v. hied at $12 58 from Joseph Fadoil of 4(I4 South Blount Street Bond was set at $200.00 Testimony showed that Fadoil ar ranged for R.md to obtain paint for a job on hi.« grocery .store front, but instead cjf reiKirtinB foi the job after hi received the paint. Rand sold it to N.ck Tsinrrdisaurin nj 130 East D.ivie Street for $12.39. Fadoil received a bill for paint w-hich he claimed he did not re- c«i\'e. Bennie J.ick'on 'f 111.5 Lincoln Drive received a suspended ser- teiu’c of ,'ix m-'iith.® rn the road*, on I'ondition that he pay $2.5 fin" and rtm..:n >01 good behavl r fjr two Vi.-IS He was convicted 'jf tossing Fn axe at Clarice George of 4 MeM.'kin Street Evidenci ri veaU-d that the man had been di inking. Following h's cemvictiun of charges ef 15(11 l.incoln Drive. ' Ella Powers of 516 Smith Street was found guilty of malicious dam- ’ .T?e t , the property of Jerry San# ers of .5.571 Eajit nab.«rru9 Street, and the defendant was sentenced lo 90 days, suspended npun payment of $25 and co.sts plus payment of $3 to the prosecuting witness for le- pairs Miss Rogen was found guilty also of drunkenness and disorderly con- dtirt and w'a: taxed costs. Henry Ford -'f 6 Dodd Street T>>rr.ir-v and Ernest Adams of 1107 Hill .Street w-erc sentenced to one vears labor each at the County H-'inv aftei their conviction of a charge of larc.'ny 0/ thickens from the White Gate Farm Poultry and Egi' Company Th.- twti were employed at the plant on the assembly line engag- PAINT - FAINT 1.49 Gal. 12 7«aTi of uHafaetloii. All Colors—Stains aad lEInamaU. Mail Ordars Proaplly FUlad Railroad Salvage Co. 129 South WUmtngt'^n St fore the barrel was emptied, the | chickens were removed. When 'rested the men were in possession of 36 chickens. Henry F"rd of 6 Do ddSIrect ’ was found guilty of v'4}t8ining $10 under false pretense from Stanley Dickers. ^ of the K and W Mo- 1 tor Co. on E. Diivis Street, and ' was sentenced to 30 d.'V's, suspend- j NEGRO DOLLS Every home should have a Colored Doll. We offer in thb sale two, riasliy numbers. With hair, moving' eye*, shoes, sloekings, nicely dressed. PRICE $4.98 and $6.59 If COD p'jstage extra.—Dealers*. , Agent' Wanted Write N.ATION.4L CO. 254 West I35th St.. New York. M Sunday. Monday, l'i*e*da> •A MEDAL FOR BENNIE” Dorothy Lamiur. Arturo de Cordova Wed.. Thm%, Krh. and Sat. THE CLOCK Judy Garland, Robert Walker D>«( Foar Hair look larriblr ^ 11II hard, louk.rouah.uandr •fld hir-l 10 juu ci a cn I'f SwMt GMrsiaCrvwn Ha*r Draaains Pamad*. ih« la*oriivel mllioosio.Srarrict.' Tar V’>r4 n J Minalif Mikci (hr motl itubboro.' «ir>. dried oui. krioipr hair laaporanh lai do«aStraigM Laahtns- vlick and tinooih. Gaaraoieed putt and *111 ao (urn ihe hair red or ham ii is anr raanaer Very hijhlr per fumed and leaes the hair aaellina (eeib and we«i. So. burry. Gei a farce caa of tm—t Oeorsla •rimn Hair, Oretaing Pomad* iodi>. SQUARE of Your LUCKY NUMBER Over 36 ways—vertically— horizontally—diagonally — to total YOUR lucky num ber. Send Sl.OO, and birth- date for handmade chart. RIGHTMIRE Mathamagician 1Q66-AF Omweod Buffalo ($). N. Y. W£ CARRY A FULL LlNB OF BEAUTY and BARBER Sweet Georqia Brown Hair Dressing Pomade AT ALL DRUG STORES Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere KUREX Beauty Products Co. 17W FULTON STaiET Brooklyn, (IS). New Turk Banish Your GRAY HAIR Blues Do you look older than your age? Are you embarrassed and eelf-conscioua becuuM of what people may be saying about your gray, drab looking hair? Slop f^ks talking—look younger and lovelier by giving your hair rich, natu ral looking color and beauty with Larieuse. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural-looking color (black, brown, blonde) atart using Code- froy'a Larieusa Hair Coloring NOW . . . Acta quickly—goes on evenly, eaaily—won't rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat— permits permanenta and styliah hairdoa . . . Known and used for 45 yeara. Xoui J-nler will give your money back if you're not lOO*^ aatuDed. jl/gas .EAUTIFUUY COLORED NATURAL LOOKING HAIR The Raleigh Funeral Home Am3)ulance Service 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirrxMr, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2835 C. A. HAYWOOD, Owner SUN.-MON.-TUES. JULY 29^31 “Bowery To Broadway” Maria Muntez, Susaiin.H hostor, Jack Oak*e, Turhan Bey — and — Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan “SWEET SWING” Musical Specialty NEWS VICTORY GARDEN NEEDS FOR A GOOD PAINT JOB USE 20th Century Paint Exterior and Interior Finiihei FRUIT JARS — i Pt. to J Gal. TOPS RUBBERS — RINGS CURTAIN STRETCHERS IRONING BOARDS S. M. YOUNG 206 E. MARTIN STREET WED..THURS. AUGUST 1-2 “The Pearl Of Death” BASIL RATHBONE, NIGEL BRUCE with — Evelyn Ankers, Dennis Hoey, Miles Mander March of Time: “SOUTH AMERICAN FRONT” News Episode 4, “Trail of the Royal Mounted” nn FRl. & SAT. (Double Feature) Augusts^ “Guns Of The Law” JIM NEWILL ff “Blues In The Night Priacilla Lane, Betty Field, Ricliard Whorf Jimmy Lunceford and Will Osborne Orchestras Episode 8 of “OVERLAND MAIL”