tAGHSIf. THE CASOUNUN ■W'FEK ENDING, SATETIDAY. JIT,Y ?8, 1948 Sermon to Hep-Cats in Jive Style Honi-Toot»r Hawkins Holts Swing to Locturo Bobby Soxers Bt JOSEPH KAHN In the NEW YORK POST ‘'L4*ten. 70U hep-catii, hold np ■ minute? Tve stepped with the born, tod I'm goons blow off some Im- portast steam " Like a bombshell'Ersklne Haw kins, popular Negro orchestra lead er. breaks la on his solid swing program while playing at casinos, dnnee halls and parties throughout the country for the teen-agers. And before you can say “Ttixedo Junction." which be wrote, he Is wHI oii bis way with a brief talk ajMut curbing Juvenile dellnauency Kids Need Ciiidanre Hawkins figures "kids need guld gace." and explained during an Interview ai the Hotel Lincoln, where he le playing currently, "dances are a good time to catch (hem " “Buy off the aireels. "he tells them with paternal gusto and a dash of r«al Jive laegnage And they listen to him. too He atresses the nsefulnees of spare time "If you don't go In for sports, read books, or be hep to plenty of places to learn bow to make things wUb machines md tools. Vou can take free art 4, ,rses. music, or any other subject you'd like to take up." Hawkins, who Is known for his great facility on the trumpet, re minded the Interviewer of the exist ence of playgroniids. parks and libraries "Keep Away From f>anga" "Try them." he says, "and you'll And them more fun than running around with a gang and looking for trouble on every corner" Hawkins bas always been de voted to young people At Alabama State Teachers College where he taught music and dramatics, be brought tog'thei the nucleus of his present orchesira In IFI34. New York Showfronts BY DON DE LEIOHBUD 6rS COMPLAIN OF '‘ tNOLE TOM" AND "AUNT DINAH" ROliES or NEGROES IN- MOVIES NEW YORK — I was talking ‘0 a soldier the other day wh.’ has Just returned fr.-m 22 months ovor- KhS and hU remarks on whal is l>*lng done to cntcriain the Gl by tht Specis] Service Division of the Army is a rrvelalion. Thr soldier has for his entertainment, accord ing lo this GT. a choice of the va- rlous USO Shows that c-ime through. Ar 01 Shows, games, such as base ball. basketball, boxing, etc., and a Mcady diet of movies, sometimes 1 nightly depending on the outfit! and Ihe location. It is about the | movies I want to talk. I This soldier said that the most disheartening and mnralc-ebbing feeling he e’%r had was when he saw the moi ie. "Holiday Inn," star ring Bing Crosbv with Miss Lou-.se Beavers in one of the minor role.«. "You kr( w." he said. ‘I was sitting about middle of the audi ence ready to enjoy .. good movie after a bard day's work My ovitfit was located several miles dou-n the road and we didn't have a mo\’ie that night so two or three of the boys Jumped into the jeep with me and we came up to this white ■ camp to see the picture. There wc were, sitting .-unong close t^ a' thousand white soldier.^ from every part cf the United St.ites. inctu'l 2’ Of course the greater percentage; from south of the border down Georgia way. 1 ,.1‘The picture was moving along all right" be continued, "until big. ' fat, black tooth-showing, grinning Louise F. ers came on with iw.-> little bad-haired children in typi cal “darky" roles. I lost interest | completely in the picture at that ! p^nt You couldn't blame me, could vmt- Hero 1 am u-ith n hioK ably shotvn to Chines, fndians. Bur mese. Arabs, and manv other mem bers of the darker races in the mid dle and far Last. They gain their •: le conrrpfion of whnt the Amer ican Negro is like at home from '1C picMir;? 'The Chinese can hicve not too much respect for Negroes seen bowing and scraping ^11 the time to white fiolks in movies as they would judge the whole race does the same. "The Indians 'vho see these movies see the Negro always shy ing shoes, running errands, carry- in gtrunks, cooking, washing, mak ing up beds, and showing their teeth bowing and grinning, rightly think that the American Negro is lower than their coolies," •tPTTEP IF SFGROES took a walk I agree with the soldier. It would be far better if we didn't have Negroes in the mnvles at all. For Rochestci, Hatti" McDaniels. Louise Beavers, and compaoj to refuse ab solutely to disgrace their people on the screen would be a far more healthy situation than for them to bo parties to a deal for which they are paid what cann-U help from be ing "betrayal money" earned fr'm stiidi'vs for selling out their race ft is well and 20xl to talk about how much money this actor or that p«-rformer has as the result of what he has done, but it is n> good at all when such money is -arned at the sacrifice • f seif-re- spect of members of his nr h^r rac^ Mnvi'*s. incidentally, in doing it, have been doing the greatest job .vet on the selling - f the while man -IS the supreme being of ihcearlb All movies gloilfy the white man !' •otne way or other even th»se wrtainme to crime, gangsters, and sady de.alings The white womah if she is a prosutute, is glamoriz- HAZEI, scon AD MIRER OFARTTATUH BV TED Y.ATFS I Altbongli her highly nri;'|nal ! iWlng version nf the el i^sles hai e played the biggest part in esiab- ' Ilshing her as .i pianist. Hazel [Scott is still seri-U'ly interested in 1 playing both clns,--lcs and Jazz in the ' orothodox manner. She is an .a:-- ] 'eiif admirei of Ar: Tatum. v\ h ise •vnrk she studied ividU during hi.4 ppiar.Tnce iit Ihe Cafe, and counts 'lilly Kvle .-md T e ■> d y Wlls-v, i mong tiei ntber rlt.: ’ t I On Marcl, 24fh. IIM.i Hazel Soit pi'i.vt o nc*- v»f'- diclory 'is a men' HAZEL SCOTT club artl.st. t.ikiiu her til -! v.'ic tii-r.i ,-incc l9-t2 On A|)iil llth. ly-l-i. -stte "ipencd a foiir-w ek eniii.gomeni u' ;o Roxy Theatre Sb. will ^pend 'le .'ummer preparing herself, un der the guidance of her pia'in tcaeh- er. Richard McClanahan, for her rt tour this fall She will c.mtinuc to reni.aln under the management of Barney Josephson. though her conecrl bookings will be handled by the Lawrence Golden office. Except for a 'wo-week engage ment in September at Cafe Socicy Uptown. Hazel jcott Ls finished pennanently with nighi club work Aside from the scheduled concert tour, she will devote her lime : 1 recordings, a limited number of ineatre engaBvmtnt-i. .;nd appear ances on the radio and scretn. all for a price. Thr h"uld be ineti; ,11 Ne. tuns until H ll.v\ clean ufi it.i trea'o m the films Until other forcci ri>e- and ch.illcnge the ilywhitc South ;i)d aries for jx:rfrayal in I'ertain typi-- > NegrTH- .'hoiild hav rted ; mo' roe- out cif pic- .•>od derii'S to ent of ’h” race Hollywood and to the occasion demands r.f the other reactioii- jf the Negores ' -rvilr rolns. • itothine -it all SEEIN’STARS WITH DOLORES CALVIN NEW YORK CITY iCNS) — [CAB CALLOWAY TtAMS WITH STOKOWSKI. . . . Cabell Callo- I way. celcbrlacd .lazz nia.ster nf hi- [ de-ho goes straight from his cur- ' rent cny.igcmcnl at Cafe Zanzibar lo Mexico where he will join Leo pold Stokowski, famed conductor and finish work on their Rhapsody m Reverse." a new kind of operet ta. .. . Tic two hil on the idea In Hollywond lust year when they ctc.signed the story as being of a modern bandleader wMti goes to sleep and dreams he is back in the days of the throe musical B's: Bacii, Rclhovcn. ,ind Braharrs. . . . Mod ern tunes arc added lo replace the classical one and the old ma.sters arc "taken for a ride" Cab has fin ished two of Ihe three acts. He thinks it'll take ore month to com plete Ihe lash Meanwhile, Stokow ski's pretty young wife, the former Olnna Vanderbilt, wants to back the proriticfion, providing Cab plays ihe le.nd. And Cab thinks h'* might LENA HORN may come to {own for her musical show on the lighted way .after all It seem.s that Osear H.-^morsfein wanl.s her for hit revival of ' Showboat. ' his hit with Eflna Ferher in 1!)27 If Lena can c t a release from MGM, there 1„ I P'^sibiliiv .she will accept l.ouls .forrian's •Rahama Joe" with i cceni on the Ra is similar to his ■Rum and Coca CoI.t ' Onlv h" I ad lihs Gn ^fe a faxi CaK I'm iGvlnc to Na-esau" instead ef U’.ving to .r:mmira." . . 71,« f.-mous .1. rrian twtst to ' Deacon •frincs" and "Cddoiv." still goes •'tronc o n.all fe.itrr d;tes . , The, 34fh B.itt-iliin .Scabeps 'Who went on hunger -trike at Pi>rt Hneuno. f - lif. roeenlly arrived overseas •ind like their new c •mmiinding of ficer He strict disciplinarian " d no f.-.v 'itb-m. That's • It the- Si- '.ice? wanted — to be ’edged on ;,n cfiual ha.--is with white ' ■' I be- s i •lOHN WILDBERG who picture.^, 'merlf I* --.Tvier of 'he Negro ac- ' tor on Broadway will ,a\e a drama ‘•bool n.imed f ,r Iiim .at a Snuth- e-n Wm-o Coiirg,. A fund for lli- purpose is new being raised Wild- rg prodiif'd ".Arnn T.ucasta' and '•emr'n- "ritiiid" atiri for a while was co-produciT of -porgy and Bess" ... "O’een Pastures" will ‘ ' Hritain this week through BBC On; of the original .-tars, Di t i v H mes. wjll pl.iy Do La’vd 'f! -uoporting c.ast in cludes Cani.da t.ey. Fvr Jessye Ch.ir. K n'mth .^tu-ncer. Fred O'- No.al, .-Mr ,1 ciu i • - Gropgettf- Hurvey, . nd P Jny Sidney. The bro .'V ■ t 'vjT; ] , . hour WHILE .rOE i Ot;is In.sIsts he will re-M.'ury M iwa. -he'.- reeeiv- m-' • niN 'e eptons in Hol lywood I.uncheoo n-iih Georg. Raft and L.iurrn R.u all, screen tests at major film >*’idios and an c-ngagf-iiiT.i Simpp's Playhous’ with ■ .'.e-ni-hters up to ihe co»-t fill only part of h.-r iimerai-y Al •o I \d.’m Powel. Jr. Augu.st 1st Hizel Scott is doing i.ll 'he pr. . -ii.g Frank Sinatra. O-war 1. v.int. .Alexander Snialk::,- and tN A’ Philhaiin .nlr Orches- tra w- .1'; or h.iort to pay tribute to Gl ir.T Gershwin nn t'fi Sth an- "U’.' 1 1 concert And 21.000 Cer-hvem fans were applauding T"’." • " "tiiuett arrangiment .)f ■P Res-c" w:*- played B’ft no ,\nnv Bi 'wn wh' is in "Rhap- - >dy In BL; '> T d Duncan or Bill I tb’ crowd wing- Music Festival August 15 HAM!=TON INSTITUTE, Va. — The f- urlh annual Tidewater Chor al Festival, spvnsorod each year b.v the Hainptun lns»iuite sninimor : school, and dircclcNl b.v Dr. Jamc-s j E. D' rsey, will be held in Ogden Hiill on Wednesday evening, August IS. it has been announced. Fiiiindcd and developed by Dr. Dorivey. the festival was first held during the summer of 19-12. when Dr. Dor.-'ey, director I’f niu.sic for the summer school, foiinded an cnthnsia.stic rc.spon>e in the com munity n:ar the college to the Migge'’tion that local horiiscs unite in a fe.siiviil of song with the sin :• r- iit Hampton Insiiutc. Over 100 vo- cali.sts. reprc.senting 18 choral gronp.s, were hc.ird in the 1942 fes- tiv.d. while in 1943 more than ROO voices made up the con binrd fi^s- tiv.il chorus. Last summer .10 sing Williams Orche-ira, lucky Mdlin- dcr and His Orclic.slra, "Deck" Watson and His Brown D' t.- Ex clusive Giilc hookings number Ihc.-e oulstanrting alt riicl ions. n;«niely; Luis Rii.-^scH's Orchestra. Sl-tcr Rosetta Thiu pe. Tiny Br iWh;i'.v's Orchestra. Buddy .l.hnsnns Or chestra, Conway and P.ntks. Tab Smith's Oichcstra ioid niiiny oth-r entertaining feature' Recently Mor Giile 'isned Canada I.ev to a management contract. mg group , f'i in Mienplon. Pheo- bus. Niwpirt News. N'.>rfolk, Suf- f IK, ann Ch.irl I'o '.iUe. partinpaf- ed. Open to church cltoirs, glee rlubi iirm similar groups dc-;ri'i^ to take part, the foslit'al i.s ihe eulinin.ition of several w,eks of .ctivitiy. dur ng wh.ch Dr Dor.c.s visit« the ipa'.mg siiici.ig ;."onps. work ing with th'.in at theit relwarsals and dcveli'i’ing a .suitable program for the c. nihincrl public .ippr’arancc al the t'.'tiv.il, Ih' i' hi-ing as'ist^-d II.is siin-iii r by f.inr-t Hays, col- lo.'e . rg ini •' -O. lt;.mpt..n In -ttlnl»*. and Mrs. Vivian Flagg Oilier, in- truclor .’f m'...-ic .it Miner Teach- Ci.; Collece in Wr ’liington. D C. -V — Soiilli I’aik local Enion To Render- l’l•o"l•am n.Al.FIGII T;» S’l.lh Park \(.cal I'liion ''ill render a progr im . t M.ipli- Tem-'le Chnirh on F-ist M.irlin Sttei-t ..I 3 .•'010^ Snnd ty. Nlth Thr public I- rirdHlly i.vitrd Jessie Ho .'ilir; 5 til pre-ident V n I'Ti rircto.e' f.'nn las been pr-pf’d bv the Si.i'e C r .1- rxt nsi -n .‘'•■rviee □ nd is r.ady for disirilnitioii to N rth Carolina cihzeii'. LOVELY SAVANNAH CHURCHILL. America’s favorite song slyl'St. who will be co-starred with the Big Three Unit that also incioder. "Deck" Watson and His Brown Dots. plus, of course, Luis Russell &. His Orchestra, is set to thrill sonrj lowers throughout the nation This star studded show will give to theatre goers high class cntprtainincnt. Exr.iu.sive M.inr.r recording artist Miss Cliurchill’s "Daddy. Daddy" and "All Ale. . ' IS a besl-tellor. Sam Ash Heads Gale Bookings By Staff Cnrre.'poiidpiu NEW YORK 'iPS. - Gale Agency announced thi' wrek that its band booking rtep irtmcni 1.' now i.iid:r the mrccuun of Sam A.'h. .\i"C Gale III ..II cxchi .vr i..;e. ■‘-o rtveiilrd 'h;:' ;!u nc-.v .-t-t-cp calls fra wider .'cip- ;n the cn- . ’ •,i;n.- ; fit Id F.ank Sand.' wh-. I i* this outfit . little more •;..in a vc;ir ag.i I • join Willj.in: M-rns .Aaeticv iviurTW >■' .iij'y 2a a- Ah'a js .-^laii! R.ilp'i Cooper, a fop-vuiikin': figiire i* Negro ll.cjitre. niie club .tiid radir circles, has also been 'igned i' .in • t the Sladi.ini -nr.-"’.■ tun:-., '■ OUI.S .IORDAN, 'he cm rent ■ - at tht Parin'-,ii»v Th. .«■ ■"li 's Soi.ie. ii .IV br. - iJ to hav*- avoided a tragrdv it 'be '‘f-i*'!- h-. ing pro:. n.H first show Suod Kent! n B.tn • playing 'hf "s’ 41 the stage make rrtom f , crack' botwen th. movtfig thf -i.i’.i.pnary p..i:? , were, sitting among close tp a thousand white soldiers from every part cf the United States. inchi'V-! of Cvourse the greater percentage! from south of the border down ' Georgia way. I .;!;The picfiire was moving along 1 all right" be continued, "until big. fat, black, tooth-showing, grinning Lptjise Beaver.s came on with two little bad-haired children in typi cal "darky" roles. I lost interest completely in the picture at that p^int You couldn't blame me. could you!* Here 1 am with a high .schivil diploma and the experience mf mov ing around among people as a m.m and as an American citizen en gaged in the job of making Ih? u'Orld safe for democracy again and have to endure Ihe loud guffaws and titters of derision from the whites who enjoy seeing Negroes in roles that they claim are typi cal. I felt that every eye in that theatre was on me a L.auise Beavers went through her Aunt Dinah ‘yes- sah boss' portraval of the role nf the cook and mammy in Ring Cros by's hrusehold. ROLES NEGRO DO CAUKE Flenty harm "I am not by nature extremely race conscious or sensitive on fhc questions pertaining to the race, but 1 do know that roles such a'^ plaj'ed bv Louise Beavers in this picture do the cause of »he Negroes absolutely no good. "These pictures turned out by Holly’vo'Mj, featuring Rochester. Louise Beavers. HatMe McDaniels, Snowflake, Man*am Moreland, and Clarence Muse, are shown I- po.v pie all over the world, that is. the same picture that I saw is prob- that p»-rformer has as the result of what he has done, but it is nu good at all when such money is "arned at the sacrifice of self-re spect of members of his or her race. Movie.s. incidentally. In doing it. have been doing the greatest job .vet on the selling of the white man as the supreme being of theearlh. All movie* "lorlfy the white man in •otne way or other even those liertainine to crime, g.angsfers, and sady dealings. The white womah. If she is a prostitute, is glamoriz ed and made to seem noble. A pick pocket is still high over the Negro college professor. The white pot- .vBsher enjovs a better place in so ciety than the late Dr. George Washington Carver. FRUSTRATION CON- FRONTS NEGRO With this viewpoint being ground nut nn a million screens through out the land and 24 hours around »ne clock to white and Negro aud iences alike, if is small wonder that the mental outlook of the Amti- (Can Negro Is so weighed down with a sen.se of frustration. Hew can he win? The movies say he can't and translated into real life r^|s promise seems true. When the movies come nut with Knttle McDaniels and others show ing their teeth and bowing all over the place, if adds to the cau.se for the white man. This one soldier who aired his complain to me was pmbahly speaking for thousand? nf other Ne gro GIs '*'ho have endured Ihe same sensation, sitting in 8iidienc®s with whMe speetaors and seeing members of their race make a fool of themselves to the detriment of anccs on tl:c radio and strevn, all for a price. There .should be sl-irtcd a move ment to cut all Negroes out of pic tures until Hollywood declics to clean up its treatment of the race in the films. Until Hollywood and other forces ri.sc to the occasion and challenge the demands of the ilywhite South and other reaction aries for portrayal if the Negores In certain types of servile roles. Ncgroc'- -'hould have nothing at all to do with the movies and that goes for workin_* in pictures as well buying seats to see them. •g e-r--ir- .\f|.*m powel, Jr. Augu.st Isf. Hizrl 5cott is doing .-.11 'he prep iiiiL' Frank Sinatra. Oscar Livant. Alexander Sniallcns and the N Y. Philhaiinonlc Orches tra weie 0*1 on hand to pay tribul" to GcorL'c Gershwin on his -SIh an- (lU.il iv.ci oil: ! concert. .-Sc.d 21.000 Gershwin fans were applauding. Tim rt’-c 11 Penneft anangement of •Pora - and Rcs-i" wn- played But no .Anne Bri>wn 'wh’t is in "Rhap- s>cl.v In Blia”! T> d Duncan or Bill Fr nlrli'i -irvoKyi th’ crowd sink ing cxccrtc from the opera Miss Brown anti Mr. Duncan have ap- p( nr'-d f >r the incmnrir.I many times ':aving preu-n e "f in nd .Af'er lh first show Sunday m •■i'.ni’., Ihe .Stan Kenti-n Ban-i tud i. ufc -v-'r' playing ihe .Star Rp-inaled Ranm os the sla^e w.is slilmg down ’o- make room f ir the picture • lui the screen. A little ■.■•h”e .. | dnjp- ped her hat, leaned v r to plcK it up and caugtii h'-r arm in the crack'betwen thi niovnig daec and the stali.inaiy pl.ilf in.i 1. ■' k t-ol: ■;u* ! Kjk ;iid .-h ut "Stop Trc Stage." Stag.' hand'- vorking from the b.ack, -ailed 'n.'t.iftly and thus Ihe child waa s ved Later. I.ouit emfided he yelled ImH en'-ugh for them to hear him in Mnrlcm .-.si-tant 'o Moe Gah- Lew Leslie prominent pniduce*-; of many Br adway .'uccc.'ses. num bering amonu them the famous "Blackbirds" rovucii. hiad.s thea tre bookings while Janus Siet-i iiso ; handles r.i' o. another divi.-nn ot this gigantic theatrical .iite.iii’- which in recent week- has unoer gone a ;; r.ctal reor"jnization Gale lets t'le fi.!!ovvinu under it.s m.aitazemeni cof.t; ct.-. Erskittc Hawkins .and His Ouht-.-lra. Ella Fitzgerald, the Ink S;>ois. Can; the Stan REPUBLllc'^.^P^lSi A LOVE STORY AFLAME WITH EXCITEMENT! Crowded with actior and a chm4x packed with shock and thrill. JOHN WAYNE - ANN DVORAK g from 1 'hu* A LOVE STORY AFLAME WITH EXCITEMENT! Crowded with action and a climax packed with shock and thrill. JOHN WAYNE - ANN DVORAK FLAME OF BARBARY COAST Wurfog JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT Wffc WIlllAM IBAWlfY . VIRGINii CRIY , nruj RUSSm HICKS • JACK NOirOH • PAUl FIX MANARI KIPrrii . im.rrg mhi. d> A IIFUIIK filCTUtI THE WORLD’S LCVELIFST BEAUTIES tN THE YEAR'S BtGGSST MUSICAL!! k, mm i)’KE[iE ^ u. COHSIANCE iORE i £Vi ARDtN . OTTO KRUGER I AiAN MOWBRAY g STFFHANIE 8ACHEIOR 4 OMd WOODY HERMAN and hit Orchestra JORDAN ,\Nli LKO.'tHV Bing Crk'aby. Nuiubcr I ici list listen-, lu Loui- ukI V/atch for these great Republic hits at your favorite theatre ■tvulviilai- I