rAiiii ni;nT THW (’AHOLmiAN WEEK ENPINn. SATX’RDAY. JT.TIY 59, 1945 Continued from tront Page HANKING ( ONVI \ l ION tihl.h IN IM KIIAM •f Allat:; I. (J.i 'Jit','. i rt'i.J..l Jihn H Whf.-I.i, MichaiiK dticl Faniu-i- H 'ik, l iirtiaii,. • ic- jii.‘I'n'ti', K (■ lUi k' t i; .-I H.uik .iti'l Ti'isl ('ofip’i \ Hi iji'jiiit, V.i vli'*- |ir'ni'*-ri'. I.*.'"' NjitlfV. '•|«.wM S,iv.ii^ Mttitii N. • M I). .'illi' It II DAVIS AND BA?.- NEIT AOOBtSS dinner MEETING [RSKINE HAWKINS ENTERTAINS PRESS AT HOTEL LINCOLN Owen Dndson To Direct 2 Plays For “Arts Of The Theatre” 1) VCIllluli prcfiiiii PAl Ftqiisl-, rJ HHOHT Gl .A^: 1*1 I !>«.! II f'.t EoTh r-Ait I il a cur.rO u.at ii me t ■■tibiliiv ■ t ihs t.. «-..!« f... . ... r ciiizei. tile i.ei.t i>. £iOr. U. li.S jwt,. Ictfe.Jl.M ..I I'l- racc. ci.ej • I .' -t .1 '' The itiiut.'l: I . poil.v action ... • support of FFPC -.e.e jIm. -.-i.t to the Gi-’-'tn.. I - i.l tr.e ■ir. -lai. tne state p>iiy i.j>kn.ei. the (ionai Loniii.>nre’i...ii .f L./it. pur- tics. ana to ah ii.e.r’.,!- t.f press Bei.eoi. •pl.ui.e.T m.ii .j tior.bi Ciii.-ei..- g P u' lu kno'A Ir-vv tj. Ii • III.-. Ii-.iiiei stands on ti..' tundjireiitjl p:.>u- Um, ana n.ii i 'i'- ‘.hi IJ.aKe tlitli'rel.i- tieji.l m ll.'- lu tJOl.al oftiCe- .J U.tl, pait.. . j.oJ in the ti.>ii* "f ri-nK..-: TeM ol ll.' litt'. '■nf eii and Hji.m .ni'! a) C.t.7ri.-. KV- -iJl-n.inl of alaint aliou' ti. pr.iM«ii. i.t BI,(1 tt-lib’i .111 .« l..li"l fi.ll' W: •The Steel.I,,: ..t tti- Naliontil Cili/eir Fh.l.tital Ai'ln.ii; Cotninhlf lijv .iilopli-'i )y a rl.il.iiiinl >.n Oi'- iiti.jlK.n of racial and ii-lisjioin liatinds tii Anil- ll-,.'. Ilf.- Tin l.i-M ij;.r,.i;i..piu of Ih.- ilalfit ..'III leads in III Jiiiksitn !J;i\ ..r tin- til'll Mil. Unat'l. anil ...uilr ;i liaitnll ..t thf As.v.iiat . ll .N.'i;. i I'l ■ " \vt 1 ■■ till- jn ini-ipat (..ah.! , .it a diniiei itiv.ii M.m- ' i.r •iiiiini' ai lilowi- Hall in l..,u„ ..1 III. ii!i)l.-d Mtal. t.\len Unit ;.lip»-i \ S Dele ill | |jtlelKlalUe at d slX-JaV lOlilel- t e-|.. .l the' lleUal lllienl of| htu In lJa\ la, .tliu lida tuat letuili- rd tiolll a alK-liiontl. tiiUl of SV'eal Aim a apuKt- of tlie lillllirna..- Ic- •i.utiei ll! that le/^iun and pomi- .- ! O.et h...s .-iu.ciuj ear. tiiilhei ...i.ttibut' to llie dc . clOpl’icnl of .Africa ;.l. Bainell sounded a warn- il.l ul .‘.hat ina> he in th-‘ ,,ttin^ lit the wav i>l uneiiiplovineui r n ,r. ■ i.ll al..i 111 dllutrj 1 L’Ut'l a ;o .-hui the laii’e min.liei i.t col .1 • t-.l vCljrkl*r- who all.-adv ale- hr-, .IJf la.d (.ft vCal I'.l-: . r'r j jM-inte-il iiiit that me’rliani^rd cut 1 ton piiidui'tiun iiiav mean Jim h.-- I'liiinni* ill a ne.v «-.xodui linmi 'liiithi'in tainnim cni-a;'. Halil h«-, "Thi.i- lai'f no-’.- new 1)1. M'-iil' .tiid a itfvc cliallfiittf f..i I K.- ;• n- I'in wi.ii-ki. m lit’luinti hi- u!;.ci if Ainki-i:: adiii:;! thi-liL-i*lvi-- to a cliiiin'ini' at'i ic iltul'i t ci>;.. iiiv 111 the South. Uiifni lunal. !% In csnja.-ct hii popular •CaC..cl ■ *• Courier!. C MacF.i B.. klioiu t>r ll)mjn Chiokn ExaluiiK foi T«d A'jiit PublicaiioAi .Ih hi. I.jvino ,h. .«ahh Hol.l Lmcoln in New York »h«r« h. cr.ol.d a ""‘''IS" “'O' lestra Eiatme Havehina feted the pick of the metropolitan preat. The Centuij- .n iicp center) .'.nn h.i yeell-venhefi fleadma from leU to - t Broivn •ocalitt with the band right: Jimmy Smith (Pitttburgh iic.ri 5,.aa..4, e.«.» ag*"* a»i«c.ated with Ro»a and Holley Alao E;‘ki nager c' the famoua muaical aggregation; Johnny Vatea, of tPb and Jve 60SI1C PV thcatrica.l and agpr^f Cildfir. '0".“.'.';!".“;"' t.'" kt:f‘'Hrr‘'r.‘'io';il' Iwat summer and was followed by 'a'lYns oH.ee Hampton InstiluUs, Va. — Ow- , en. Dodson, noted poet and play- wriifht. who directed diamatics at I Hampton Institute iniy42. will re turn to the campus for a brief per^d this summer, to serve as co-director of “Arts of the Tfie- atre," u dramafestival, scheduled to take place at Hampton July 23-28. Dodson will sta^o two produc tions d'.irinK the festival, the first beintt Sutton Vane's likable mod em play. Outward Bound, and the clhei beinji his own streamlined production of Shakespeare’s Ham- lal. The former will be given in Ogden Hall on Wednesday and Friday, July 25 and 27. and the latter will be performed cii Thursday and Saturday, July 26 and 28. A native of Brooklyn. N. Y., Dodson is a graduate of Bates Col lege and of Yale University and directed dramatics at Atlanta Uni versity before coming to Hamp ton in the summer of 1942. His Divine Comedy was an outstand ing event in Tidewater Virgini NKOKO Nl'RSKS CAN GET IRAINtNG IN ANY CITY iiosriTAi NEW YOAK 'CNSt - Climaxing n Ift-year fi.ht Neam nar.-^scan nuw gel irairl g m any of the city tax supported Nurse-t: aining in.-ii liitioiis according to Ntubet F Staupers. F;xeculive Secret.iry ■ ine .National A.^Miciatlon of ColorM tlradiiate ^Illrse^- Formerly, Negi Nurse.s could only be employed t' 4 of the city's liospituls and cotiM oniy be trained in 2 Nnsring Schools] --Lincoln and Harlem Hospitals Pfo Wallace Uiii.slead, above, son of Mr and Mis. k. 1) Uiii stead, lOlti East Martin Street, re ceived the Combat Infantiyman Badge when it was awarded to membeis of an ali-Negro title platoun in me 104tn iTimber- wolft Division in Gerirany. it was announced by the public re- Hawkini, host: Harry Gold- Isadora Rowe (Pittsburgh CAPliAi. uajCA-COLa aorruMO OCX ftit W. Dr. T. W. T urner T o Retire From Hampton Institute .lliiVH SfMleiH-eil To Dealit For .Miinler • I.l :.il to f.-.rin ;in(1 I HAMi'TON l.NS l ITLTl-., V.. pail- ■njuesl that Hif Chair, man of lti- Di-inucralii: and Ki- puhiraii parlie.s lult special ninlinits ut their Naliuiial ( uiii- millees and puhlicly deelare Iheir sii|»|Hii-l for a permaneul l-atr Emphiyinent l*r:ictice C»m- iiilllee; and declare lltemsi-lvca uiialleraldc npposed to racial halre.i and religious intideraiicc. ■|'he i-iimnnm eill/eiiry of .\raer- lea want leadersiiip. They a-sk for action now." *•11 1- III.- .ipii.Km '*1 "ur Hiccr- ing Cuininitli «• that both parties beiiavHl .1 calli.u. miiiffcicnc*- lo- wuiil the tieii.ficralic jnincipk- of eijnal job oi.poiliinity 111 Ih.- fufh' ovei Fan F,iii|.liiyim-nt F’l-.icUceT tipp.opi taliuiis IhiiIiciilai ly in lh»- I kI.I of oaity |,l iiioim ph-ilu- of 1844, ic- know that the N'-gr.. peoi.l;. III. Jcwi !i pcopii-, Cat'i end ..II1.-I iiiiiioiily ..Ii iy coii‘i..n >>t lliii* llc•.;Uct. We be lieve that th.- .i.cl.-d ollii-ials of both major paitiei. have a respon- libilliy to the ciniiilry and to Itn-ir parlirt to ic- Ih.-ii lull auil.oiil.V and pifcSIlg. to -e.- Ilial pally plat (cniis and j lrili'es ot'- i'.iriied out "As • nolioiial oigaiiiz:.lioii of in- V..I.1S w I'lol. f ll"- intctiuii of the National l oin- rr.iiiee oi. tins vital umi. . mue Illy tl.i- .shoil.'oii iiiK Ly liMiu* agents to inn.-it t-ffeclivel disehaigc tht.s 1 e.suon.sibilitv " Pi a.I to ’he .-i.hlress hv D- Da vis and Mi. Ba netl. Mrs?. .Mary Mcla-dil Bi thune, a.s h.inuiat-y enaii'inan fif the t-nli-rlainmenl (-• Jiunitti-e. rn.ade a brief welcome j'lali-ment. Hnof-ial ''iie.sl.s at th«* dinner n: iile fn>m ih*- siint'i vist.rs. incIiiH- led Jiidt'c William H Htistie. Dr 'and Mrs. Arthni- Ranc-r. Dr, .and Mrs. (“•la’le.s M Thomnson. Dr. and Mrs, R fl’Har.n Lano-r Mrs Thomasina .Tuhnson, Dr MadiOin'’ Kr-k’-end Dr Fl.-Y^nv'. KiMr.-11 and Mr and Mrs. Ru.ssel] Hmith T M ramnhell F\tr.n ion Her... ir* fit-id acent. w.-is t/iasfmaster Atii-i of bd- AMPHIBIANEERS BRING MUSIC. FUN TO WOUNDED ON OKINAWA of L;ol VK-e in the fi which have bet n .sp.-ni at Hampton fnstitute Ul Thou a? W '''urner .'.'ill lelin- fion. li.-iiiplon as September ! ..f this .ce.ir, when will be pl.iced on the i-olk-'.;e u, as inierlius professor of bi. logv. Hand' Ul' Turner was Invited te tnn in 1934 to oi-Katit/c ; ik-iiarl- menf of biology in conncclian with ','e colle-iiile pr(.ur!i- being in- nugiiniied at Hampl-ni ..i that time The major part • 1 ills inienst ’as been directed to 'he pr.iiletn .•{ lojiini.’ I fi'n.-tiiim! relationshiii I I.WL RFFES FOR M IL- iJAVi (;. s.4INI)f:rs Funeral sorviee.s he Sunday aftoi noun frorti First Bap t.ri ti.st Church for Mr. William sJ 65. who died la.st Tues- ec,ually successful productions of iShaw’s Pygmalion and lEisen's ‘Hedda Gablar the following win- ter.before Dodson was inducted I into tlie U. S. Navy. While in the jnavy, Dodson was in charge of dramatics for the 16th Regiment land hi-s Ballad of Dorie Miller was 'lecorded by Lawrence Tibbeti jand the Lvnn Murray Chorus. ■ - ■ .1 After doing creative work for .Handfoid — Altei tleliln ation ;jj y^^,. qj, g ^Qg^nwald fellowship ui 20 iiiiiiute.-., a jury in the Lee'Dodson piod’jced a pageant for Sup. I till CuuiT last Friday re-'the Negro Freedom Rally in Mad- !uiii.-d a verdict of fir.st-degree lison Squart Garden last June and niuidei in the case of Edward directed Eugene O Neill s M^rn- Mays, alias Bill Mays. 55-yeui-old Ing Becomes Electra at the How- Alrican-both man of U-e County, aid University summer theatre ihaig.'d with the attack and He wrote and directed Barden o» held on iMuider on June 16 of Mrs. Mattii Time, a version of the Meden Salmon. 75. while, ul Route 2. legend, which was produced m Jonc.shoro. Judge Burgwyn’s New York by the .■American Ne- charge to the jury cons imeef one ^0 Theatre during the pa. AGENTS WANTED ro SELL SWEET GEORGIA BROWN. HAIR DRESSING POMADE hrur. u... .u I 1 I . 1 I oo’ wiie; a uaugnier. miss narriei th .V' V' Sanders, of Raleigh: and three ■‘‘V setts. George and William, Jr., Spring. day night at his residence. 236 Mavs aws sentenced to die in Now exei-^utive d'rector of the bmithfield Street. Thepastor. Dr, Ih., State gas chamber on Sep- Committee for Mass^Eduration^m (» ,S. Bullock officiated and buri- teniber 7. HLs counsel gave nolle; al Wits in Mount Hope Cemetery, of appeal and the man He was the son of the la:o bi ought back to Raleigh George and Harriet Sanders of pluceri tn Central Prison John.ston County, Surviving ar.‘ Mrs, Salmon, his wife; yc. • pc»iliv«. OKINAWA F'rian (i p in. to a in .'cvi-'i iiiphts a we.-k N.-^iu iVic.-nii-ii In flu- b27th Amphibiuas lo.k r.aiipjfiv liavrl f'lom ;.hip I i-hoi. ill th. il '•dock!., bi infill' I .-.-ii:'.. f.-i flu- fiKhtiio; f.'u-e-. lit ili-plti- I •• liiiiit‘ to tlieir fire iiii-j ihix.- II.,-,, viiltinif»-i aftti itei'taio- agriculture, hcirm- ec-numics other vocational phase c tioniil iirnlili It H number of years m-i ved as chair man of the unit -f natural sciences at the c.illeKC- A li.itiw Ilf southern Muryl.ind, where he rcs.-i-ivid hi* elementaiv ■■dueation, Ur Turiier was awarded the bacheUr if all.', di'gree and hi- master uf ,irts degree at How ard University, where he wa» pm- lessor of botany for ten .war be- f i- - (•in,in){ tn Hampton. He also studied al the Catholii- University of Air«'i'ii-a, Juhns. H'liikin.s Univ.-r Race Relations, Dodson also vva* writes scrints for the WMCA ro und din show. New World A-Comln. ri in.'.i For a number of vears bis poems ho lived alone, have appe.ared in severe) nation- daughter. Miss Harriot was found dead of strangulation al publications. ‘ ' «■ 'A'ks smothered to death by a TT-Yi. »hp HUtri- .... garment which covered her face. ^ The lost „• / .V A Raleigh: and CpI. Levi May.s lived on Roate 1. Jonesboro, butlim of milk c ^ •‘zanders, who is with an Engin- about two miles from the Salmon joj*^**- for a batailion in Germany. announced by th*- home. USD. K..I F.O.- "1. fill til III l,n Il.(l••t I. .I.ilei lb Old I this bat sity. C.iliimbia Unlv.-i-dly. C'.'M Spi mg Harbor Br.logical oiatury, and t'>>iiii-tl tliiive when- il.- iv.eive.l lb.- I'l, I; •■r.'i- o, 1921 Me-idi.v I !•> u bet ..r -.•-i.iilifie a.iJ .-•Im-al I urnaU. iJi Tun paM d.-.'adi' ■ :■( 1 n tl,.- Lab ha MOTHKR and DAUGlI'rER FASHIONS HAVE IT ! If your budget says, 'go easy please! if 99 rg ^KNITTED SLIP LOVERS ii.d Iv lievtr il.ai ' b' tn mai--i Stcihty to Ih plflUl l- il end pitsiiV' lir.i.s and I "As • null' .1. .-'.-.I . fll.-t.lls of ON OKINAWA III lli.ir .miti-'iiiy Illy plat Insctior. miiiec L of thf Nall- . Ill- \ llal I 1 the I i*.ini yva III, 1 mg by OKI.NAWA From 6pm l«. Gum ‘even roi'htb u week Neuru ‘.'ivii'tnu-ii III till H27lh Aiiiphibiu.i-. 'i'lmk r-o)ii]>aiiv liavrl fium aliip to h.ii, ill th.i, "iloekv’ bill Ill ...I'o r-.i the fii'htmv r.'K-e' Hot d |>tli- llie limit' to their fue lime, til.'. III'-I. \’otimleei altd Koi j'h HilY' ■ It F.ii of the ' Call Uhttit pivyi.'Ci-' fia. I". i'eil,\e " «i - Neucnai ' '.ai.niiiue fd for tt.is ^pe^ltlc piiip'ijft ' W« are tu.dii.g r. i-ies "f Utiei food it.e ti.ciojed siattr.iei.i (c the Gcvcrii.is -f -H siaie'>- i- all mcii'bci.- I Coi-Bfe. 1- all 1..CI.V beu at Iht D«ir.0v.iai.. ar.d HepaU Ucan National i-oinn.iUec i'-d t- ihe Stale Chaiirr.ar. cf both pa.i.es ;r viev.b on this .inpc.i ' and iiia- I this bat I'e toil'. cluii may lam subjeici ■Will y-u Ki.idly par,zati-/n v.hui act pect'’" V LABORS' VOTIN': bTFENCTH TF.STF.D IN DETROIT l‘KlMAHY hiiiii Fi Jill fn-iN rii .»tt.l hi: lim ning mai-.*’, If DetioifPAf’ provi Ji- mk- cesFful as PAf' m.' m oih' ' ''i"- nicipa) ' jmp-'"-d> Fi .,iiken‘-;te. 1. SliCuid la the In '1 imiVol "I U." troll B'pmiiine j iti. .«tt ejilv spring ^’ll•tnl■v 111 N'w.u'k N. J- wlier.' all l.'ihoi-• uiJpmt.-il .'amh- dates won tlifii ''-al on tin- ''itv Ci n.mi'-'ion I..I101- n In: d tnk- ft: hav. lAoii imp «- ivilv m Tv.in- nfapoh* Riiinmi'liam and l-u‘ Angeh-. . - V — Arrop.>*\ ri..-\.s.M o in MANX UF.MTi bj ickUi.vui- and lAuiki-d fin Hire, .fay: after the iiniii.-nt Shouhl th.' autop-.,- i-hiiw timl .^ult-'ii h.i'l a fi ■ct'ii-.-d -kull J.-nk- infl who IK out under bund of will he indu-I.-d oii a charge "t nuiieihnigtil'-r . V — 'hiie fiehl lu-.-pltah Inland KmiiiII'-I hv M»moa Hv.'-ellaiid All.'II-.nr R'd Ti.is- t-tafr hUpel- ii-M.t from H-illanij Oregon, the ii.iopi- ii.>iiiic» font musicians tw^ - -alisti and a master of cereriion It- Th. - her VlV«n thel.iClVep IllP appl.pnale title cf '.Amtiibianecii ' Hjiii o 1.11.6 iFc • AniphiLldl.‘;JS I o'-el miles in their "ducks” lu 111..:' I.ill'll- ji.d Lustitei' lu trr iiioip-aodf of men crowdird into th-* field norpiials Thev group them- -vlv:e inf. iroally in the center 0; agjud lent: that ;er\t- uj Ward*, ji.d '•.ivt out on their vivophvne- iiunipri and guitar The patients ailiri aiouna .-itimg on cot: sal- .a.,'rd metal buntijckr uveitum cil b.iUtS, atiythiiig. Tl'i: ei’iertaln . Il>•l■t .-.a: d.iuhlv V^elvul■l•> III the j .-ilv dj-.-s ..f the invasion w;en ]ilip 1.1(1. of ladios rerord playn- I 0 H'V''- h....Vs m.idt anniiei,ie.it I .mv 'Oil a laiP and prei'tou- III.ing I •fill- 'even -Amplilblr.rieprs boH-l n ; l.'.l uf laleiit -- Fe.pral of th.-rn ' .'-re iicrec-.fiil nmrii'-l:iii‘ In clvil- ;l;m life, I T Eih- Miller, who organtz.-d , I 1 Ic.l- thi gioiip. a: .veil as play- II.1’ the teller 6:ix, ttii' w-'ikcil witlii mb Iirlisl- iii. 11 iz. I RcoH. Benny 1 ! ’.'I.r, l.nt-kv M'lindi-r and Ovie Alston at tlie 1 '('land Rallroom In New York City. His home 's .it .t21 St Nicholas Avenue In Man- hatbin. T. 5 Ciii-lt.s Robinson, also sax Uituosn if 2627 Trcn.ond jiliicp. l)riivi-i-, C« hi., formerly played with ; Hillv perktiis' nrehi-stta. i f'fc. Tuiny T C Hill, trumpi-'tcr If'.mi 1064 Catiltiwell Avenue, Bronx, I New York, -.vas formerly with Ed- lu- Rubinsf-n and Bobble Johnson Mandozo Ytites. guitarist from •.’318 .M Street. N W.. Washington. I> C. f-rwp played with Bill B.ald- win of Washington. Roosevelt Diekerson. bHiItone so loist and f.irmer emvert singer, ar- 'Rnded the School of Music at Ar- kansiis St.ile College. His homo ts II 2217 Tr.icv Strcel. Kan.sn.s City, Missouri AIo ’vilh the Amphibihneers .tre Robert I) Johnson, vjca’.ist. of 2327 Park Avenue Knn.sn.s City. Mo., worked wtih popular bands in the ard University, where he wa» pr.i- fc.ssor of b-'tanv for ten year b.'- f-o-i ii.g t" Hiimplori He also studied at the Ca'holie Uiiiver'lty of America, Jonns lhi|ikinh Utiiver sity, C.ihimbia Uiiiv.-isity tlie L'l-ld Killing Harbor U>-h,gii.'al Luh oiutiiiy. himI Ci'iiiell I Iniv'Pi'I'v. whi-ri- In- ii-i-elvisl th-- I'h ii -Ic ■I.l- III 1921 niiiu- be I ■ if 11 nais, ■ lifii- II.I '(In.'ali' Tniiii-i lu foi the past de. tiaiii: >-t culloii ami h..: - !ait. Hut I- lii.a-li five hwF ball; v.hi. Ill to J? l/el I'-'.t in lied p.n to. irid fiOn. lint than a ff T./w and life menihti cif the Ameil* an >1 uliv I tl,( .Alt,. of Sueiue aii'l a B.-tanical Society .eiiibPi -'T the AineriCd, a» her icienuti. bodies includinif the Viiginid Ac:.- iiemy of Silence r-f vluih he is a • A^ulai coniitbuior jo.f a inembei ul two 'talidillg ComiTilttePy li.l.re-ted in ort-ai.i-imi the scl -ii.H leocheis til the c.'ile.’rs . f the tiite and the natifin, Dr rmnei i.tive 11. tlw Virpiiiii Cunfeicn'-.- of tVllevc .‘'.ciencp Tea hei*:. fi.lin'd al Hati'plun in 1931, ai.d the Na- tiuiKil EiiPoce 111-lit.it.-. tunned al F it Vall.-y in 1914 H.- n pt.-nnnenl tn civic and toci.il u'lf.ire ..iKah- i,Mti.'Ui in Vhyniid .old 1* aho ac tive 111 a nutiiber of Catholic or- ralHZalluIit Southwest, and Ut Sgt Robert 1' Whitest . m..'tPi- uf f'-remonles. uf 2756 l.aki Sli'i*.t. llinalia. Neb LimLei'iicck in chickens occurs mostiy durim: tin- Iml sutninei months, according ' • iJi H S Dejiistync. head of ihc State Col- h*ge Depurttronl of Poultry Scieno LADIFS! SiBiBlafed DIAMOND RINGS Piclnicd ah-iv- 1-. iln- lorne-i Miss Mm 1.1 I'llh-.v uf E.iyetl.- vilU N C whii*'- in.ii-iiaii’e to I.l Ivfcntue C.'lMiian w..- h-iiiu- Ized on July I9ih in Omaha. Ne braska. ti.e liome uf the groom. CaStiMa Wi4«i*« einl> — '--.Biollllt ItP- oI BMtrra t • irrlCM 41 ;;:iF%S1 *>.'.rsi50 BUY .4N EXTRA BOND! EXCEL GIFT CO.. Uept. T-47 Box 957, Newark i. New Jersey AT ALL DRUG STORES] If your budget says, **go easy please!** and your summer wardrobe cries out for **just one more dress, ** then the nicest way to satisfy both is to choose from our selection of these nationally famous dressmakers. McKETTRIC CLASSICS, JOHNNYE-JUNIOR8, DORIS DODSON JUNIORS. CAROL CURTIS ORIGINALS, TEEN-TIMERS. BARBETTE WOMEN S SIZES. SUMMER FASHIONS FOR MISSES. JUNIORS, TEEN-TIMERS AND THE WOMAN WHO WEARS LARGER SIZES $n^ to $ 14 55 IN RALEIGS ITS. lpTH5ll^P^AyGHTg|l FASHIONS Insurance Building AIR CONDITIONED FOR SHOPPING COMFQRT I I E,WB***»*~~— u r e -1? i t ''---^KiVITTED ^LIP LOVERS Rf AOr-TO-PUr-ON 1 For Chair $5.95 For Sofa $10,951 J Washable covers in lovely rose, blue or wine ki.itted fabric that 'will make voui old suite look like new. You'll save money on this grand new setting. The*e covers are designed to fit any standard size pieces. 8-PIECE BEDROOM OUTRT Everything you need in this hand some modern grouping. The Vanity, Chest. Bed, and Bench . . , plus ... a .soft cotton .Mattresa. metal coil Spr ing, and a pair of fluffy feather Pil- iow.s. $89.95 S16.00 DOWN — $1.50 WEEKLY