Raleigh Personals BV (l\N McLKMtON .Mi'» ivluik,..!.' ..t Wiifh- .tlJrlU., 1> I' IV »I«'I p..- .>1:. aiiU Alt:, Ruuvit MilUi. jj' h. r,t, 1 ^ l\iL\ J • hiikLuiicl •'( M,'' Kot., Juiif.' 1,1 Jl.'i W Uoiiuir M 1- t.-v l.rnil.v iii tl,t my .liter spiiiJiu^ !3 1*2 inunth» ii. Ctiri.uii> He liiiil ill* biikic at bv.i .MUM. ui.d 3 h..Slli Sl..r- .ifiU .• t»'mO C'...iGu.t .\Ud.,l II .iiiri Mis 1. K .Mc'Cuult'v • :he: Mitalion iii Va _ .V Mrs. (.Iui\it‘ l.o«e in lirnitklvii C. t Sh.iipt'i uoa I'liild.-., iiav. ivturiitHt {i 'll. MiLMtiiii.iiK tn ii'eA Vorl .N'e Jfise.s and \kash- Jicjiluf. U C VNJ.ilc ii W.ishin|t,r liiC'l visit.a .^l! al. .»;> J.i.yt-s Jiruisiiii, iuiiiKi H.ili irtiiiv'v Miy w.'.i C Ken i..i i VM-Miiifc, I'.t- Naiiai,..! Hd.iid i ;.lis-...ii 1.1 ti« Hicsbyieruiii Churih m tht USA vsiU be till 'pijki-r at tht U.iViv Mreet I're.-bvlei i.m V- . ,ti (i&y tiitiiiiiiiL at the f.hv, i iloe'k \ Ml; Ken has p'iit ■1. .Japlili as .1 Ml-slUll.iJV .11 lii»iliss Iht III I uddieiv' airs Liuy J'.hki ,-{ al.'i H.itlli .St u tiow I nil; laiiiiiii hi I (hiughlei- li.-luvv. Mn Kthcda J Jiii.is 111 Ji;w Ytiik City, vtho vv.is the fur- ii.fi .Mls.s F.tind.i V U-ilSi.iiii' be- l.-rc* her inarnii;;v 1.1 St«'v.inl 2C Vv'ilHain J Jtiiit-ti Mr> Jones Is aii accuuntiiiit 'i itif Bell T leplton. C-'tnpan.v m .New Vurk .ind ii ftinnet graduate i>t Hunter College MaEtei Ui'Oii’e- Daye >>f 212 S Stale St. will ui-iesei.t the tiny* I. y>ilily Club tij the First Baptist ('I'.urch at the I.otta Ctiuy Ci>iim-. tiun. Ah Z N- Julies ol i3fi S BIriunt Si. B speiidinr a few days of his vaialiuii visitiny his brother. Mr Zliiib Joiiei III C)u>ton, N. C Mrs Olllt Chavir of -IJS Srr.ith St is vi.'^itinp. Mrs Georni Mc.N'air ill .-luffaloe, \ Y . Mrs Ch.ivis i« III. Ruler of CC1 No. 310 Mrii Odessa Long of Ciiicinnaii, DJiio wu^ a guest in the city list wtrk. Mre. Jbines Cuiley uf .Wb E Hlen- tiiu St. who has been ill and con- fihtd to his hotTii- IS iibh t be up i-Kaiii Little Miss Theora Ann Mitchell til 717 E Muitln St cchbruted her biithday lecently. I.itlle MiM Joycclin Lynch uf llU.t Smith St. celebiated hti 3rd birth day recently Mr. and Mrs Ailhtir Taylor uf Hioul'.I.vit. N Y alt visiting Mrs Annie Town. Miss Audiey Minor from Wash- int!ton. .0. C i» vishitig Mis Town. OrlaitaS Hayes, brother of Mrs. Town, b visiting from Nt‘w York. Mis. Blisi Hunt Perry has ticcept- BHOUKLYN N Y .Ml'* Al- Ki'o.e... v; 41'; ...ui.rue Stre.u [ tocf.i.vi.. N Y. eiiti. la.ned at h'■ hwiir Aur-»; 1:41.-. i:i .'.onor '-1 \h - I n.iVit l.cue. w.t^ ul Kev Robert . w. ..1,0 the turii.i Ch.ivo Fi.r;o ol Haleijh .Mi.- l.i'Wc w, ■ 'jf m. ny y-.at* Ho.i.e Ecuiioir.ii- lu-t;ui.to at th. Capital w^\ Itihh School ill H.iiilct. N. C R V and Mts Rooert Lowe were marriid SaiUiCtay. .\u^ust ibtli .n Buitiii.iie and iiavi. been hurev. miotilni.' in .\'e‘w Yui -t City stop ping at Hotel l;:ert ji Aftvi a deiici-'Us rcp.ot guest 0,1. •• riven li MiS Chavu Lowe and M>.i Murlhu Joiies o' f'-v.-'id. .\ C. v' Ho li incinbet ..f he Wuireiiloii County Tr.nnliii .>111011 laciiity and v> ho has been house giu-si uf .Mrs Heiuiettd K lie. v.i I • .1 > eeK Ki -i>s-o: .ia.-is:>ng .Ml;-- Kennedy Lie .M s Ju„Mta C Kennedy, her inolle,- .Mis Hpiii.e'ta K li^nmr iiid .vlfs Wilheliiii Ilia K Oilchilst. Rtv and Mrs Rob. rt I . vvt lef ; r I’l il.ule. nlii.,. Pa when th.j v ill til.ike then home. iTlsi BamI T(i Plav At BliMiilvoirtli Slrrrl I SO Lal)iir Dav B.VLKltiH Font band •• t. Kiehi. C .. dunce .It fSO Clue Scptsiubti : IK-1 an- c.rdially of the C*!ub. Then will oil hard iui on ' .’ep-.its leg.'" Come Danin.;, -^lai The 771't Ariry .Air lioiii S'-.'iiajui John- ulusboru, will i'iay foi thi Uh'odworth Street .(1 L.iboi U.n nisht. 2d -Ml »ei vile peiiion Raleigh on that day invi'id to be the guest be plenty hoiltsscs the i-ciasioii. su come -ii.d Ivts "shake a eaily -tay Jatc. ti -It ti;30. aiAVI.S HKILHTS Mu-' Diilephme Colton of lU Edge-cumb Te;ract celebratt-d her birthday lett-ntly She received many- useful pieseiits. We hope ;!iat , she had a very h^ppy birthday and will have many happy returns. Cp) Chuiles L Little is hu..ie Visiting his mothei. Mrs. Jannie Little of 3 Chavis Way for a lew days. Mrs Halite Young and family h.ive moved fram 2 Chavis Way to D Smith Pluza Mr. aiici .Mn Garfield Harris ul Philadelphia. Pa have bi-t-n the house guest ol Mrs. Harris' sister. 'Mrs. Maiy Baxter of 2 Brunswick Terrace. Ma-stei Robert and little sister, Ann pulleii of J Ashe Terrace have r. turned to 'he city after visiting I'clativt'S m Spring Hope. N. C. Mrs. Mabel Osborne tiiid little (laughter Pegsic Ann, have return- I)01CLAS.S-TAYI.0R VOWS .-v wi-dtuiig of on.tsual inieiesi to then III.my f.ieiul» -viis that uf .v,is- JciiiiHi i.oui'c In i.v 1 .. . 'I.iu > • ter 11 Piofe'Soi and Mrs. R. L. I .KivgUiss and .Ml H. rvey R. Tayl-.-r, I .'hurii.a.». August Id at the hot!:e tiu bride. John-* n C Smtih Cl .Tsity .Mis. Tay l. r U u gradu- i« of AtlaiKa Unicir ity and dil ui-ie won: .,t ILuvard md tre i..v.rrU\ o; .\!i hiii:.ii re.*—. he A .M dcgri-e from the latter, she IS -it p..'sent an nistiuetvi .Y C Coll -ge f-r .Vogroc-- il. I'aylor Is a •raduale ul Virginia -m-ii ..nd .Mehii ty Schixil ul f'hur- niacy .-md i.s engaged in the drug t.'iness m Tarbnrn. .N C. Ht- is . member >f the Omega P.“i Fin '.'raternity uiiO Mis Taylor belongs the iJt-lla .Soioruy- For the pres- n: the couple will reside at 803 '.'lison Street hHKRI l\ RoTd N'FW'- Mi}l- Pauline Haywood is visit- lie ilative- and >i'i nr.. in Spriny- iK-ld. Mass .Mil Uoiotl.v Phillips ol New ’I'ork was the rett-n: guest of her -oiiK.' Ml.- .\l..u(le Phillips o" o Mcr Street LiUle Del ie- Aii;^ Fnetl.h-. ac.on.n.mi. d Mi-s Philli!,- -ik to Y. ik wh-'i- she will li- • « iiucst of hi-r moth*.*'-. Mrs .Amt i ^oellu.i.s. Mn Si tie Smith ul Fi-iinkliiitoi' i- the Wou-r guisl ol Mrs. Frank H..II .Mr. Ch.iih-.- Smith had as hei n- -t:-'. 'jurstv tier pat.-.t.-i. .Mr and Mis ILiirb.iii of G..ine«ville. Ga .Smlfh. .Mi-^-es Mary Smith -o Bernice Pieblcs irturned with Mr and Mis Harrison on their ' . cation. Litlli- .Marion Faye Morgan hax -eturni-d to her home on Oberlin H -iid -flir spending lew day.-:, in S' .\gi.t-s Hospiial. Fiiei.d.-: and rtliitivei- are glad to -le- Mis Katie Flagg out alter b«.- Ins >11 for a .'hurl vvhi’e Mi-s n ri' I. M ot :i03 Obei - 'in R. .id. dau.ht-. I of ,\Ir aiiu Mr- R C. Miilont sp in .-,11111 vveekv in Washiiigt.;i; D. C - nd .New Yoil. Citv viMtinp lelatives. V Riickv Mdiiiil V(-a(l(-m\ Of Ali-Jiciiu- Meet Labor Leaders Tell Bilbo: Richard Wright’s “Black Boy’’True Pic ture Of Negro’s Plight Mr.s. Gi'orge Miutin Phillips, who befort her marriaKo on I .-August 20. vvii.-; Miss Ruth Eliz- nl.i'th Wimbi’rlt-y. daughter of Dr. ami Mr.s. R. E. Wimhcrley ol Knk'igh. Mi'.s. Phillips is a . giaduatc uf Shaw University i and holds the B. L. S. degree ' Irom Atlanta University School ol Library Seii-nec. Site is Li- I braiian at Southern Univer.sitv. I Si-otlandville. La. ; M:. Phillip.-: is ihi son of Mr.s. , C'luiidia Phillips Tunnage of t New Orlean.s. La. He Ls a gniri- j uate of Xjivier Univer.sitv. New Orlejtns and is t-nrolh-d in the I School of Social Science. At- ' lanta Universitv, .Atlanta. Ga. Newspaper Publishes 20,- 000 - Year Record Of Negro Progress i ROCKY MOUNT -- The Rocky Mount .Academy of .Midicine met lecently vvith a lUb per cent alten- li.rnci at tlie home ol Dr. B J Burnett. Dr Biiinelte discusxed at I. nght The Ht-I. lonship of Present Tiendr ii. Meciicine as they Relate ti- the Field of Pharmacy. He brought out peitit.ui Lii-t- that hud been gathered in (f mlionairc frem iht vuriuas I>eaip uf Medical schools ihrougi-out the United StiitCb and deplored the fact that tl-i'-c seemed to be a cr. wing fiel- ing «hal the large pharmaceutical houses now occupied in the tmmu- Licture o! rugs would soon make it unnecessary r me to be a reg istered pharmut..-l in order to dls- •;eii.-:c dr. 4S. Dr. Burnette also brought out that due to the small margin of profit. th.‘ long hours of wink with indoor cnufinemenl, the length uf time it lakes jiic to com plete his training, makes it |iiitc difficult to interest new comers to the field ..f pharmacy. Following his INDIANAPOLIS. Indiana — One of the most complete, interesting and up-to-date accounts of the Inr- tuuus stiuggU of the Negro race tl-r.nigh 2P.00(J years -f world his tory is toJd in the re-;oi'd-bicaking V'iciory-Progrcss special edition re- cimtly published by The Indiana- unlis Kecurder. which is ccU-braU I- ' Ms .“iOih anniversary. ('uiiccived as an irstrumcnt for h-tciing intciracin] good-will by **'iii.'dnting both white nad colored .Amt, ^can.® with the valuable con- trihutiins mitdc to civilization by ...g.-es of the present and pasL 'he edition recounts by word anct oicluris in colorful detail herrlfv foil- little known facts uf Neuro his- I iry and presents a factual, first and picture uf the part ola.ved bv the race in the victory just won io ' orld War 2 bv Ameiifa and h'j Allies. The edition bid.s for special hco- 01-5 On the basis of an indisputabjo claim to being the largest Negro newspaper ever pubji.:hcd and the largest ::iiiglc new.spaper piiblislud •n this country during the recent -irmid tunflict by cither while or tutored newspaper Dubllsher. It« ! I'ilUant array of articles, stones ■ I'.oughl, and scholarly and interest- liig examinations of the basic proh- Itms faced by the rountty's largest I minority tf'-up. : Writers include: the late Presl- i dent F. D. Roi.,sevelt. Henry A. i W’allace, Ex-Governor Henry P I Schricker. C. C Spaulding, A. Phil- j Ip Randolph, Gcivernur Thomas E iDevv. y. Bish' p Jahn \ Gregg. Rev D. V. Jemisun, Dr. Geo. E. Haync&. William Green. Philip Murray. J A. Rogers, Or. Robert M. Hutchinfk Sen. James Meade, the late Wen idell Wiilkic. Dr W. E. B. DuBois. Dr. F:tderlik Patterson. Bishop C H. Phillips. Rev. G. L, Prince, Dr IAmbio.se Calivcr, Bishop Wm. J :W'alls-. Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune. I George Schuyler. P:iu; V. McNutt, -ai'd many others fthu.-illy as prom- incnL Tvr clarity, convenience and easy Reference, subject mater la treated rt;;rvler h-.-udlngs uf civic affairs, wom- ' en’s uctivitles. the Armed Forces (all branches), the war effort on the home front, politics, education, spo’ts, :-muscnients. health, Negro history, business, labor and finance A copy of the edition has been pi; end on f:lc in the CongrcH-sional I. l irary by Dr, Luthor Evans, li NEW YORK 'WDL) — In a let ter to Senator Bilbo, seven noted labor leaders including A. Philip , Randolph. David Dubiii.«ky and Sdolph Held told thi- Mississippi Senator that Richard Wright's auto- , 'iugraphioal novel 'Black Buy,’ I which the Senator had denounced, ; 'is itii unvarnished pi*-ture of what piverty and discrimintaion can do ! u tht- minds and siuils of deceit people." Reminding the Senator that Mis- issippi has the lowest average edu cational attainment of any state in he Union, the labor leaders aug- --d journalLis .whi:h included mem- ners ol both races. Ill calling attention of Congress to the R-K'urder's Victory-Progress .pecial er.ition. Congressman Louis I.udluw of Indiana said on the floor ul the House before adjournment. "The Victory • Progress edition just published by The Indianapulii Rccoriier U a comprehensive and valuable cuinpendiuni uf the infer n.ai.uit it'Vcaling the amazing pro gress of the Negro r.ice and is » cvertil to American achievement CANNED GOODS EXHIBITION PLANNED Raleigh — There will be an ex hibition of canned fruits and veg- f ...olcs at the Chavis Heights Ad- lirinistratioi. Building on Friday lafternoon. Augu-st 31, 1945 from j3:00 to 5:00 P. M. This exhibition n.ark.s the closing of the summer jhcmcmaking classes at Chavis Heights in which more than sev- ifiity-five women were registered jai2(! more than five hundred quarts of fresh fruits and vege- itables canned. In addition, a few articles of sewing will be includ- 'ed in the exhibition. Miss Etta Duren of the Home- jniaking Department of Washing ton High School was in charge of tlie cla.sses. RALEIGH tVAC STATIONED I IN CALIFORNIA , FORT MASON. CalH. — Pfc. Jes- isey R. Mcbane, WAC. whose home is at 322 W. Cannon Street, in Ra- leish, N. C.. n’portcd recently for duty at the Sun Francisco Port of Embarka.iou, Army 'franspurtation Corps installation. She was assigned to duty at Camp John 'T. Knight, an installation uf the San Francisco P:rt, as a member of the newly activated ICdth W'AC Detachment On duty there. Pfc. .Mcbane atte-nded St. Augus* tine's College p’ior to entering the WAC in July. 1943, she was an in- itruciur for adult education rested {hut "instead of spendin; your ; time fighting the FEPC, you hud! better .spend yuur time in.proving: the conditions of your fellow citi-| zens in Missi-ssippi.” ; "We do n.>t hate you," the letter j concUided. “Your continued rant-: ing about the "Nigger” and the Jew i-nd the Catholic serves to remind UF of the long road over which we have come and also of what a dai ly Gethsemene the world vw , !d be if your antiquated viewpoint would be prevalent. There If u new stir ring, oven in the White South to day. and you represent the p...-t not the future. The future belongs to people of courage, kindliness, and social wisdom." Those signing the letter In addi tion to the presidents of the Broth erhood of Sleeping Car Porters. In ternational Ladies Garment Work ers Union and Jewish Labor Com mittee. were Thomas H. Young, Secretary of Building Service Em ployees Union No. 32-B. William Wolpert. Secretary. Pnited Hebrew Trades. Maida Springer, Education al Director Local 132. ILGWU. and Frank R. Crosswuith. Chairman. Negro Labor Committee. For Pecannallwd Itoad 1 ■iinrtn PImmAIM MODERN Hand Laundry 11 Obai-Ua Road HOME-CUOKED FOODS And what m meal It will 6 seesoned exactly rlfhL tad - ery dish boasting • rcnl h« cooked fUvor. B&HCAFE All 8. BLOUNT 8T. CLASSIFIED A.N INSTBUCTRR and manager is needed «t Starks Beauty Col lege. Any graduate from this school of two or nwrc years experience may aiHIly. Write marks tfeauty College. Raleigh, N*. C. PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Cal 12 Tonrt e! satUfnetlon. All Colors—Stnini and Enaisela. Mail Ordors PromiHly HIM Railroad Salvage Co. 129 ctouth WUnlngtoo SL FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN'S Tea Room CHICKEN SHACK Half CbiclcM or A Ckickaa Ska^wieh BEER SOFT DRINKS Corner CroM and l^kn St. CAPITAL CAB OO. NEGRO DOLLS Every home shoold have a Colored Doll. We offer In this sale two flashy numbers. With hair, moving eyes, shueo, stocklnga. nicely dressed. PRICE $4.98 and $6.5» .If C.O.D. postage extra.—Dealers-. Agents Wanted Write NATIONAL CO. 254 West I35th St., New York, 30 Now Playing Camel Wilde — In "A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS" In Color Sun.>MoL-Tuo8. Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan — In "CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT" Wod.-Thuis.-rtL-SaL •PRIDE OF THE MARINES" with — John Gartield, Eleanor Parker. Dar.e Clark LINCttLN SiT.ith St eeUui.ited Im 3rd bii^h- dfiy r--.i(itly Mr. and Mrr Aith'i'^ Tiylor of «io-klw. N Y an lisilinr Mri Ai.iiie Town Ml‘- Audiey Minor frorn Wiihh- loKtoii. 12 C L viiihiiig Mrs Town. Ola-00 Hii.yi-', hrotht-r of Mrs. 'lowii, B visiting from New York. Mis. Wise Hniil Perry has necept- ij u p^itioii u( Washington High fjvftooi. • Mr and Mrs. Cecil Flagg paid a vikit to difir psircnti- in Murganton. N C. Iasi week .M^^ Oiai-ye Hnyi-- leas called out of town becauM- of iltness in her lai'iily. Mts» Rachel McCauley has re- turiK-d from New V’oik after study ing for b V vt-ks and Columbia U. Mrr Peurl Maye Alstnri left fer New York Monday. Mr and Mrs. Carlton Barber’s hab.v was baptized id SI .Ambro.«:e Church Sund;- morning Mrs Hattie Mitchell is vl.':lting her rdativcv in Aihtville N C. BABX By LiUian B. Sterm* One of the fundamental things hi the training of teachers is that they must let children learn to do things by doing them.. No matter bow awkward and funiuling a child may be. he learns how to handle himself at the same time he is ieaining to put things where' he wants them. It is a temptation for ■ill Iki and older children to show how it should be done. As soon as your baby shows an Interest in guiding his food to hia owu mouth, give him all the oppor tunities you can. A Anger size piece of toast is one of the easiest i erticles of food to start. Most of a baby’s food is not I adapted to self-feeding. A cup of milk is so easily spilled and a spoon seems possessed to turn over the wrong way. A baby might better team to drink from a cup just as early as pos.^ible — first wuter, then orange juice, then milk. But, don’t have very much in the cup and a spill won’t be serious. Place hia Angers around the cup, above yours, so he will think ne Is taking charge. When he shows an interest in using a spoon, have the food thicker than usual, so it wilt stick to the spoon. I liie prepared baby cereals will I absorb considerable milk and may I be fed thick enough, with less than ' the usual amount of milk, so they won’t spill so easily. Thicken his rtiained vegetable or even hia attained fruit, with some of the cereal .•Vli, Hallx Yoiiri;; .(lid tamit> have moved tram 2 ChuvLS Way to J Smith Plaza. Mr. und Mrs. Garfield Harris of ' Phil.ideiphi.i. Pa have bc-en the house guest of Mrs. Harris' sister, ' MrF. Maty Baxter of 2 Brunswick Terrace. I Master Robert and little sPter, } Ann Pullen of 1 Ashe Terrace have (.turned to the city after visiting relatives in Spring Hone. N. C. Mrs. .Mabel Osborne ; nd little ' ciaughtcr Pegsie Ann. have return ed home after spending their vaca tion in Washington. D. C.. Balti more and New York City. Mi.'S Christine High of 7 Chavis Way has returned homo after spend 'ing her vacaticn in Washington. D. C. New Y.iik City a'd Boston, Mus-i, visiting relatives. Mrs Evelyn Wesley and children of 10 A.she Terrace have returned home after visiting her son and duughler-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Wesley of N»,'-folk. Vn. Mrs A Smith of B.iltimore. Md. is the house guest of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hiiks of 1 Chavis Wny, Miss Mable Giles of 8 Chavis Way was rushed to the hospital .arly Monday morning with ap pendicitis. We hope that she will have a successful operation. Mias Evelyn Little is expecting to return from New York soon. Miss Mynian Darks of 23 Lin coln Terrace has returned home af- I ter visiting relatives in New Jersey . :.nd Philadelphia. Pa. ' Link Mi.Fs Barabar Ann Hicks and little sister, Royleen uf 12 Chav- I ib Way have returned home after I spending 3 months with their 1 graiid-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith * of Baltimore, Md. Mrs Effie Jackson of 2 Smith jl 'nza is visiting her granddaughter I and graiidsnn-in-law. Seaman and I Mrs. Norman Sanders of Norfolk, Va. Raleigh Man Was Pla toon Leader 0\erseas ALLIED FOBCE HLADQUAR- TERS, Italy — First Lieutenant Alfred W. Waston. son of Mrs. Sal- lie Watson, 3 Dare Ten ace. Chavis Heights. Raleigh. N. C., A’as a Pla toon Leader with the 37th Special Service Company of the Mediter- lanean Theater of Operations, larg er of two such all-Negro units in the Army, The 37th completed l7 months ol entertaining tro.jps in Alrica and ; Italy with musical shows, radio ! performances, athletic tournaments, and dance music provided by thei; two ton-piece bands. On Christmas Day. in Naple.. ihev played host to local war or- phan-t, and last Easter provided the instrumental and choral music for • 10,000 troops and their guests attend ing Sunrise Services at Vomerc Stadium, outside of Naples. Oversea.^ 17 month. LI, Watson vears the Good Conduct Medal, the American Deknse Ribbon and the Mediterranean Theater Ribbon with one Battle Participation Star. North CaniHna cotton farmers probabl.v will not have mure than 40 per cent as much of their crop classes this year as they did In 1944, according to Stale College Ex tension Service specialists. ti.ere seemed to be a -.r-wii.g f el- ing that the large pharmaceutical houses now occupied in the nuutu- lacture of rugs would soon make it unnecessary for me to be a reg istered pharmuci't in order to dts- -leiue drugs. Dr. Burnette also brought out that due to the small margin ot profit, the long hours of wo’k with indue, confinement 'he length of time it lake-i me to com plete his training, makes it quite difficult to interest new comers to | the field c.f pharmacy. Following his presentation a roundtable discus- rion wa.- entered into by all at tending. Several matters bearing on post war medical needs of the city came' before the society for discussion. Those attending wire: Drs. J. W. , Black, J. E. Pittman, F H. St-ssoms., G, W. Bulluck. P. W. Burnette. B.: J. Burnette. F. H. Avanl. W. E- ^rmslrong, and W T. Armstrong. Canning Tomatoes : ',v .'I’d piesents a iH'liial. first hand picture of the p-irt played bv 'he race m the victory just woo in nrld War 7 bv Ani'-rira and hur Allies. The edition bids for special hon ors on the basis of an indisputable t!; im to being the largest Negro newspaper ever published and the largest singk.' newspaper published in this country durini* the recent •irmed (.(inflict by either white or (."lored newspaper Dnolisher, It* '■ rilliunt array uf articles, stories .'nd features arc contained In 192 pages, standard newspaper size, ar- r.int(cd in .six sections of 32 pages -c--. E.ich seclinn is profusely il- hi.strHfed with pictures, drawings, uh'tos and art work. A long n.si of distinguished white nd (olored Icader.s. Skhnlars, au thors, eduealor.-:. scientists, and ' Icrpymcn contribu'ed opinions on • imelv topics: analyses of the force* that are fashioning the destiny of I- 'ion and its several race groups; expositions of current HI d m.my oihers ei^uAllv at prom inent Tht elarlty. convenience and easy «e(erenc»?, fubject mater it treated heading:, of civic affairs, wom en’s activities, the Armed Forces (all branches), the war effort on the home front, politics, education, sjio'ls, imusinients. health, Negro hislory, business, lat-or and financ* A copy of the edition has been placed on file in the Congressional Library by Dr, Luther Evans. U brarian nf Congress. Copies have also been added to the files of uni- vert-ity and public Itbinrles in most of the large lities of the country Marcus C. Stewart, editor, w • assisted in colkctiun. preparation and editing of the mountainous mass uf material hy a staff of train- Can plenty of lomatnes. With cnilian >v:ppliis of commercially canned tomatoes and tomato juice predicted to be much less than lust winter, wise Jiomemaker? will can ( very garden tomato that does not .o on the famUy tabic. Rich in vitamin C. tomatoes are •asiest of all vegetables to can and *K only common .garden vegetable ihat docs nut require a pressure c-'"' Can tomatoes by the boiljng water bath meth »d. advise food onsuvalion specialist.*. Here important points to remember i omato canning: Iwok over every tomato, and use . Illy the ripe, firm and peefoct. Even "ben a bad spot is cutout, back ria may lurk behind to ruin the whole atch Get ready only enough tomatoes for one canner load at a time. Han- lle them gently so they will not 'iiiise. Wash in Fcvcrnl wafer.® to emove sand and grime. To make peeling eai-y, put to.na- les in a wire basket or thin cloth, lip into boiling water a mlnut-?. hen plunge into cold water. Cut •ut st'-m ends and peel. Quarter or halve the tomatoes so they will heat h(>roughly quickly. He;it lomautcs in their own juice, stirring to prevent sticking and ’urtiing. Let them come to a rolling boil. In the meatnlme, get clean licis nod lids h ated nnd rendv Fill one jar at a lime with hot t maioes Cover with Rat juice to within onc-half inch of top Work '.ipi'ilv. -o tomatoes will not cool. Add one teaspoon suit to each quart. W >rk out air bubbles by casing o knife blade d-wn jar .sides. .-Ndd niore juice if ncod(*d. Wipe jar rim '•iih :i cl'.an damp cloth, Procees I LI minutes in a boiling water bath 'Finish :>ealing, if type of lifl r.-- uiiC' Cool Jars ovenight right side up and away from drafts. >top wor:ying and wonder- .ng. Get the facts according to nun-.!>ers. Send me your comple'e ' .rlh dale. Get your new personaliz- (*d ferecust on Love. Business. Fin ances, Trav."l. Plea.sure. Health, ll'ime. Re'ponsibility. friends and as- ' ciates. 1 send you your PERSON- .NL .NUMBERS forecast taken from yniir full birth date. Formerly a a.on service- All for only 2.'5c. Rush 'oirth date, a 3c stamo and 25c in (din. FREF—Mail your order prom- |)tl.v and get a dictionary of 300 Ciimmon Dreams Satisfaction gua ranteed. APPLIED NUMBERS. Dept. 599 :!8.’13 .'Vpplegate. Cincinnati 11, Ohio The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance fe-'vice 310 East Davie Stieet GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2835 C. A. HAYWOOD. Owner Have You Tired, Aoliin^ Back? Let a SPEISCF.K ' Rolievo back-strain and lessen your fatigucl. Phone 2-3116 MRS. MAUDE Z. SMfTH 518 E. Worth St. Every home should have s Colored Doll. We offer in thin (iole two flsflliy mimtirrs. WiUi hstr. moving ryeo. shoot, stockings, nicely dressed. PRICE $4.98 sad $£M .If C.OD. prtsuge extra.—Dealers-. Agent* Wanted Write NA'nONAL CO, 254 West 135th SL. New York. 38 Royal Friday and Saturday Johnnv Mack Brown — In "GHOST GUNS ’ —Also— Charles Butlerworth — In THE SULT.YNS DAUGHTER* Sunday (One Day) Jack Randal) — In 'DANGER VALLEY' Mon. • Tuts. - Wed. Humphrev Bogart — In TO HAVE AND HAVE MOT" Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double Feature— BARGAINS-BARGAINS WHERE ?- -AT THE Second Hand Store 410 SOUTH WILMINGTON ST. We have a Large Stock of USED MEN’S and YOUNG MEN’S SUITS made from Pre-War Yarn Farics that are better than can be bought today. PRICES RANGING FROM $6.00 to $15.00 ALL NICELY CLEANED f ND READY FOR LONG WEAR OVERC OATS Our USED OVERCOATS are of special quality and w- .ih three times the price. PANTS We have a nice quality line of PANTS that are worth twice the price. WORK CLOTHES We have in stock a large lino of MEN'S SHIRTS. PANTS and WINTER UNDERWEAR. Now is time to buy before the RUSH for Merchandise Starts— when the Bedi will be gone. SEE THE Second Hand Store LINffittUU Keep Your Powder Dry Lana Turner, Laraine Day, Susan Peters . Musical “SHOWBOAT SERENADE" METROTONE NEWS TUESDAY • (One Day Only) • SEPTEMBER 4 ACROSS THE PACIFIC HL'MPHREY BOfJAKT Little Lulu Cartoon “LUCKY LULU NEWS WED.-THURS SEPTEMBER 5-6 Bud Abbott and Lou Costello — In LOST IN A HAREM with — Jimmy Dorsey and his Orchestra “PUPPET LOVE” Popeye Cartoon NEWS Episode 9 of *n'rail of the Royal Mounted” FRI.-SAT. • Double Feature • SEPT. 7^ CHARLES STARRETT — In ii FRONTIER FURY” Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce — In SHERLOCK HOLMES FACES DEATH Episode 13 of “OVERLAND MAIL”

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