FAGE TWO THE CAROLINIAN ' WXEK ENDING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1945 Raleigh Personals VIVIAN McLCNDON aim nia ti. Hull rtturnt-d ^Icbiatcd hir birthduv ri-ci’ntly k iiftt r .iHt nd- and invilrtl u ft-w nf her frii-nds t») blip hi'i- celebrate the oc- ea.sam. to ini f'ltv 'I tile Lidt Ciiitv Convintum in liic'lniiDiiJ. V'a and visiting: in Wjuibiniitiai. 1). C- Mi and Mrs. j\. H Edwards at- t»r,di-d Ini' Lntt C’urev Cnnventino !ij>I w ek in Richniond. Va. While thne hiev VLsited relatives and fi a nds in the citv. Pie. Charlei L Harris nf Meth- III has ri-iurned f:nm nversens ..j‘.l i:. spi-ndmii a thiitv dav fur Inii^jh '.vith his pa; nts. Mr. and Mis T. W. Harris. M:s. K:sie R Hutis lett t!a Mlv r-Tentiv fn; Eli/abethtdwn. K C whirr she w:'l t.acii in 1h' I'll mi ntarv dep;i:'’inenT of 'hi' r:. d« ii CoiiniV Ti.iinim: Sch al '■ M- Chanev Edwards of Ear Titv. N. r amt M-s. M:i Edward- PiiEock of New V. .K Cilv we.e the wt. k I nd and holidav cu. st (■f their hr.'tii. IS, Oliver and A'.- er\ Kdwarrls CpI. James Juhnsun of Georiiia v.a.-. the week end Kuest of bi.s sis l -r. Mr.s. Kenlow Patterson on hei l.irlhdav recently. Ml', and Mrs. William Hall of ■2(1?. Kre.'niun Street has as Iheii ;;ia'st recently Mr. Hall's sistei nl Baltimore. Md. Mr. Olla Peebles ol Baltimore, 'Md. IS a «u*st in the citv. Miss Marv Bakir of tUB East .Si ulh St. left on Mondav evenin,' to attend the funeral of hir sis- tei. Mrs. AriKeline Williams wh- died in Phila,. Pa. on Saturday. Stptember 1st. The funeral was held on Widnrsday evening at the Niw Central Baptist Church in Philadelphia with the R;v. Auku.s- ta Babir.shead officiating. iTiitlle Center Sewin® Classes Close \iiith Limeheon RALEIUH - The .sewiiiji ilas.-us under the clreclion of Mt.s Aibeita M. LeviiiKslori. eliMd Tuesday a luncheon provided by the vvoin* eii students .Mrs l.eviiisst.-n • classes were popular . .;d siicce.ssful. There were classes n cutting, fit- tln{{ ami constiuctinn S-m« nt trii- yamients furnished by the leaner lu leariu students were blou-es. skirts, men’s shirts, chil dren's clothes and unrii'i'wear Thi aviniKe monthly aitenaance of ihe two groups was 2.i6 childien and adults The clu.''ir.^ i the cla.-s uKistrutiun left out many womin who manted to attena. Tuttle Center i an uttemy of yOiir Commur.Uy Chest of Ralei«h. ’ ir^HjOtT) Ni'Ws The homeless. d.p..ndcnt children Granville County Col- Miss Lewis will be working op; 8 program will be reaping the benefits of her years of work with the Negro minority group and her understanding of its problems in th.ii- country. A* Mi-'is Li'WLs puts *t. work with miiHirities requires not onlv understanding of the minority :.nd Its problems, but also com plete underatanding of th«‘ entire Eccial and government setting in ul.ich they live. She has had first hand 1 xperience in the d.fifcul- tier encountered in .securing lega' riotection for a minority group. MUs Lewis’ appointment to li'NRRA climaxe.s a brilliant re- cotri of training and oxperienc'j in child welfare and social work At the Children's Bureau, she was in direct touch with child welfare program.^ in rural and urban areas th'oughout America and partici- legians Di.scuss College Offerings Under the leadership of the high school principals of three Oranville ('otinty high schools repre.senatives nf seventeen instituftons have been nrg.mired into an intercnlleciate club. Ninety three members hav* been listed as members, most of whom attend or plan m attend Insti tutions of higher learning within the slate Dr. H S. Pnvis, princi pal of Mary Potter School. Oxfoni. is chairman of the otHiining com- mitlce Other member.'* are: Mr. W M Baofi,sle. principal. Joe Toler Hieh SrhorH: Mr. G. C Hawlev. principal Creedmoor fttgh School: Mrs, r thirine H. McGhee; Mrs. Rrechvr O Williamson; and Mrs Cornelia T. Greene. These leaders BV .\\N B. MORGAN ;k.-: .itt. onvi'niK ndi'i Miss M.irga;'nt P; tbi Lott Car. v ( Pii hnvmd. ^'a. Mi-s Eninc. II \ Kinith Stri'i 1 has t N( w York Ciiv wii. frii nds. Mrs Flonnii- Jni.,.. ,,f (142 S Hi’iinriarv .S', renort.'d a vw'v gnod (onvenfinn in Diirh..m when th IVhi'i'.-i Union nii't, '••..'•or of 427 i ‘iiirn.d from .h.' visited Mr.-'. Kathleen Fanner of .'110 South State Street has returned fume after an extended trip to Phila.. Pa., Monclatr. N. J, and Utw York City. .Mr. Cleaveland Strickland i.s i.«iting in the city. CpI. Austin Harri.s ii the citv. Mrs. Julia Trie -on in New Yi rk Mr. Wilbert McGiiire York is vi.-itiiij- rvliitivca lod .•\\'emie. Mrs Anita Snelling of New Y 1- viFiling relalivet and friend.-, •his eity. Misii Lucy Mae Kiarney Frankliiilon was thi week uest if Miss Mai ion Hall Mrs. A P O'Kelly and Miss Car ;e Huntir visited in i.siting week. ’ Nfrs Eriic.'t Crave \'iiiita Viigmia Lewis, prumm- tiil aulu'>nt.\ on child wellarv, leunerly with the Childrens Bu- i..'au of the U. S. Ueparlmenl of New L;-bur. has joined the slalf of the Bed- Ln:lei] NaLon.s Heiivt and Reha- lilitatiun Adiii!ni.stralion for child v.tiiai'e woik m China. She will gi- loan to the Chinese Relief uitd Rehabilitation Admini- \'liere .she will work under Dr. . F. Chang, who is well knoMjt in American .six ial work eirclci'. Mass Lewis i.s scheduled to fly to Guldsbni'o C.iungking in September. Mi--. Liwp;’ appointment visiting heU' end ' p;.led in the major child welfan. | held several meetings with repre. P’f-grams in operation in most of sentafives of the group preparation th« states in the U. S. A., and has , to the first meeting c.f the entire |..■^rti^ular knowledge oi ti«t- fa membership at which time the pub- c'l'ties in Virginia. South Caro- was invited to share an interest- lina, Missi.'sippi and Ohio. | jng pr. gram. lo the ChildreeV "•K'reste.i Puhlie of Grnnvnie CdI. Hei;l Wall. .Ii . .,.n ... .\! ;.-d Mrs. Reid Wall. .9r. of 120.') E Jone.s .St is .spending thirt.' d.'iv.s here afl-.T ser\'ing tie C S .Armv n England, France Belgium. Holl.'ind and Cerman.' H( wears the GoikI Conduct Med- ek en.d gui'.st in the ' On Saturdav, September 1st a | group of th« 3-A Club mimber.'^ ' eel friend.s motored down to Wi’- i Mr and Mrs, Emanuel Allen were '.aitor.s in the city ovt the week nl. Pvt R, Hinton, Pfe. Dimston ETr. Ruffin. Staff S"t, Aulrv, Pf- Sander.s. and Cpl Wall, all loe.l voting mt n w. nt inl-i the servie.- lege thi r. -spent 13 months ovei--e . . Irr«'ther and sailed home togeth er The manv f- iind’ nf Mr-. M-iva- Flemming of .111 S. MeDowel] S', sorry to hear of her Mrs. Edith I.vneh Jones and naughliT .spent the we.-k end m the rifv as guest of Dean and Mrs. Reginald I.vneh, Mrs. Jone.s’ parent.s, Mrs, Cafhern B '.er -.f .'t.lft E Davi. St ei'lehraled her hirthdav icrently She reeidvcd manv useful presents, Mrs, T, Mave and Mrs M T .lopes honored Mrs E. T'otr nf New Jits. v. Mrs Mave Sab-ngv and Mr'' Lessje T.'iv'or of Ne'^’ Cork Citv and a f w frii-nds nf the cilv at an informal coffee hou: rn .Tuesday. Mpr, Dnrothv Marks and Mt- .ft seohine Rvals of flOfl S Rlniint .St,, tjas returned to the eitv aft^'r i.tfi'tidtng a funeral in Sanford, N r. recentlv. Mrs. Flonni ‘ Jones, Mrs F'hel irington and enjoyed the holiday j to Frederick. Oklahoma, after vis- at Si a B’-ceze and Carolina Beach ] iiiiig friends and rclative.s here nd daughter. ipproveJ b'.' tlie Chinese Govern- riiC'-iJnc'. hay. returned to their nu-nt on June Ij. while she was Fir-it Lt John L. Wharton and [ me ie Washington, D. C.. after -'itill at t’le Chiidreii's Bureau. Cpl. Robinson nf Camp.Lee. V.''. 1 visiting Mr and Mrs William Cur- G. nerullv regarded as the best ualified person fur the post, she as urged bv .social worker x.up.s and the National Council n I Ol Negro Womi n to accept on the PR'. George Adams has returned basis of the .service she could ren- oi-r This c'linsideration .-haped her di eision. In China. Miss X^iwi-j will bc L'inging into play all of her dis- t ngui.'.hf'd experience in the child v.ilJare field, which has included o;k on a stat.- and nalionL bas throughout this country. She I be working directly with the r iiuese governnunl, and through tin Chinese Relief and Rehabili- !.M;on Alniiiiislration. She will •I SO work with national figures in the child wcKare movement, and with volunt'ary re- lig.ou.s oi'gani/ation.s which havt a li ng history of achi* vement .a child et '-e in Cliina On the basis of the work they have already done, she will in- tit-duce them to the piugress They returned Monday night, ' Those that (njoyed the trio i'-'cre Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. H-ilden. I Mr. ani'l Mr.s, H. L, Hall. Mr. an l I'fr.s. Chester Pridceon. Mr. an'' M’S. W, W. Williams. Mr. and Mrs |Leuls Whi'i'. Pvt. and Mrs. .lames Mr. and Mrs -lasDC’' .Ciunip, Mr, and Mrs, Lonie Foster "f Spring Hope N. C.. Pvt Tom- in.i Winters, Mrs. Victor Peebl' ; I Ml. and Mrs F J, Mitchell. Mr [Tommie Hall. j Mis.s iiKtic- Allen of Wilmington Lprnt the week i nd in the nitv. r.HAVlSHFlCttTS The manv fi lends of Mrs, Aimetta Brown of 6 Dare Terrace are sor ry to hear that she has been con fined to her apartment. Mrs. Effie Jacks m of 2 Smith *'*1 -7a h:is rcturncHl to ihe eity after ' i.-'iting her graiiddaaghler. Mrs. Dorothy P. Saunders of Norfolk. Virginia. Mr. Mai'shell Butler of H Edge- •ombe Terrace h:LS returned home Tfter a two weeks vacation kfrs. Mo7ella Mills i- still indin- >)sed. Mrs. Milley Ftirc-U oJ 4 Franklin Turrace. ha.s returned to the city •'flvr vacationing In W.-ishingUn. D C,. Baltimore, Md., an.i Pa. Ma.sler Jazell Hurri.s of 20 Lincoln Tetfacie fell from a ’.wing at the Greene visited i Aiidi’i Thursday home in Battle of II the ity ; and Mrs H-'bert stopped in the city on ■•!:.le mr-ait to their N'.'w' R'/chelle, N Y Miss Fannie Rocky Mount leecntly Miss Gladys IluntC'- has refurn- ‘i to h.r h- me en Van Dyke Ave. • tp" onderg- ing a minor opiTation. Erlends and relatives wish .Mr*, tarau'et Po- lc much speed In re- -overing fr.m her illness. (iOl.DSBDRO IVEW.S BV MR. C. K. THOMPSON Befoi Bureau in 1036, Mi*s Lewis w’as e.-i.'o supervisor in the Wake Co. EiTK-reengv Relief Administration in activities to meet local needs. Tlii-i entailed coordination of .'soeial work, teaching and nursing 5t rviees. • Dui ing this time, Miss Lewis al so participated in a study of work cf-nditions among American To- tncco Factory workers, under tl'.c dirietion of Dr. Charles S, John- S('n of Fisk University, The inter- vii'w.s with factory workers that she .secured and recorded were the r« ult of a canvas in selected .southern cities. Miss Lewis' first job was as a case worker in child placem.’nt for the Joint Service Burean. a Child Plac'ng Agency under th- lU'spices of the University of Chi- c:iRo. Here she obtained her basi'C g! funding in the nroblems of chil d'l n in families that had migrat- rd from the South, she feels. Sh-' Liter supplemented this experi- rnce in New York Citv, where sht attended thi New York School of Social Work. Columbia University. A native of Louisiana. Viniti L«wis eomes of a long line of American Negroes who have par- tiejpati’d actively in eviTv major imovcment of American history i«iree R»‘volutionarv times. Thn I'ouiity was treated to a lively dls- cussior- nf college offerings at the GrimdviMe Community Center on ^'tndev. September 3, by a panel of eollei’e students Miss Mildred O-iklev discus.scd the character de- velonmenf urogram of Shaw Uni versity; Miss Edwardine Taylor snoke on the social program as «ecn at Snellman College. Mr. Har old BovJ olscu-ssed the contribution understanding as re flected at St, Aiigii.stine's; Mr. Har- ’'td Hiilchinson Interpreted the '•nr.lribiitions to economic under- ---tanding as experienced nt A. and T nile-'e. Mr Cornell Powell ol T-ihnson C. Smith spoke on the col- l-’ge »'xnerelnce as •leveloping a wav of life Mr. Richard C. Shepard of Shaw tfniversitv served as chairman of the group and .summarized the nrosentations of the speakers. In his -ummarv he pointed out nine areas of .service in which the students thought the colleges could give nde- '’ll te vinderstHuding and prepara- •ion for leadership. Musical numbers were rendered by '"isscs Hortense Gilmore, Shaw; Edw.irdinc Tavlor. Spellman; and Charles I.iicille DavK Fisk.. The mvoc'-tion was given by Rev. G. W. Watkins -if the Oxford First Bap tist Church W. L. Greene. Execu tive Secreary of the N. C. Teachers Walter A. Curtis Dies After Short Illnes.s Mr. Walter A. Curtis. 75. barber in Raleigh for more than 50 years. d:ed Mondav afternoon at St. Agnes Hospital after a brief ill ness. He lived at 817 Oberlin Road here. Funeral services were held Thursday afternon at 4 o'clock at the St. Paul AME Church, The Rev. C. C. Scott, pastor, ofiefatod. Interment was in Oberlin. He was a native of Raleigh and has been a barber here for more than fifty years. For manv yeans he operated the barber shop at the old Capital Club Building, and for the past several years he has ’jeen one of the proprietors of thi* barbershop in the Security Bank Building. Surviving are a son, Walter F. Curtis of Sleigh, also a barber: and a daughter. Mrs. Margaret PuMy of Roselle. N. J. tVADESBORO TEACHER WEDS SGT. JAS. A. MITCHELL WASHINGTON. DC. — Sgt Jrimes A. Mitchell, who return^ recently from the Middle East, and his bride, the former Miss Effye Sheoherde Howie of Wadesbnro, N. C., honeymooned here last week fiftc their marriage in North Caro lina. While in the city they were en tertained by Mrs. Alberta Neal Murray, and by the o-ide's sister, Howie Mrs, Mitchell Is a school teacher in Wadcsboro and Sergeant Mitch- ■It was II government employee here in Washington before entering the -Army in 1M2 For two years he was stationed in Iran. A fe)v months ago was returned to the United States and stationed at Fort Riley. Kansas. The sergeant is a native of St. Paul. Minnesota. ... . -Associati.-n spoke an appreciation th, t',-7„-ratlons_ her DoopU-, Ilk,'| o^nillr County's futljre lead-, ' ors, filling the place of Dr. E. E. I “ on the program. ■ V .rnt.dv in this cuunti v in lx)th pub- \ ’■'t'lJ «eir.a,'f Plo- .Ih.-lim.,. and e.,lablisl. a link b,'- Ci.l, tv.lhcn Smith has rctnrneil itwien Aini'rican and Chinese ill fun-.ugh fj.>m owuseas where, tiiij,king on the .subjecl. This is V .en-ed in n-id Geimany,,in line with UNRPA police. Pvt J. B. Rhjdcs has aLo re-iw}.iih i.s to adapt its relief pro- "^etl fiom overtfas. , grain to government policy an' The J. W. Hood Lod^e No 8 will rational will rather than impose ieei Monday night. Work in the [it from without, i and second degrees will be ob- ; Programs affecting the care of •erved. All Master Masons are In-jchikln n, such as emergency shel- ii; d til attend. T. C. Coley, W. M.: ter, fet>ding, investigations of con- H, M. Howell, Secretary Mr. Wesley •'Peic” Sutton vf Bal- iinore. ^^d . was a recent visitor in •he rily, Rev. jnd Mrs, Sancho Sutton of nt*dford. Vn.. were guests of Mr, ind Mr-, Charlie Sutton. While hi-re Rev. Sutton preached at the ... stigations of con- d'tions affecting family and com- niiinitv life will also be of direct {f ncei-n to'Miss Lewis, who n il! bi roncirned with the problems o' children in both rural and ur- i':.n areas. Hid ..jb." onv Negro families, h -v. east their lot with tho.sp serkim; furth- e; educational and social - ppor- timities for Amerieans. particu- l.-iilv the American Negro. Hit early schooling was obtain- . rd an understanding of the work ings of volunteer religious organ ib.'itions which will prove invalu- nhl.' in her work in China. She i:' a graduate of the University c.f Chicago Sehex)] of Social Servic'* and of the New York School of Social Work. Columbia Univer.^i- tv. Not only profes-slonallv. but in her personal activities. Miss Lew is has Identified herself wi*h the ri'use of nmgres- for th-’ Negro as •’■oil ns for A’^erienn® 'n "encrnl Sl:e is an active member of th'‘ National Council of Negro Wom en. the National Committee on Hou.sing. and th, National Cop- ferenee nf Sneinl Work WeL-Thur.-Fri.-Sal. "INCENDIARY BLONDE" In Technicolor —with— Betty Hutton, Barry Fitzgerald Betty Hutton. Barry Fitzgerald, Arturo de Cordova Closing remnrks from lenders of the group predicted an interesting future for ihc organization. CARTER Electrio Company Anything Electrical 3 East Lenior St. Dial 20P(1 NEGRO DOLLS Mon.-Tue8.-Wed. Funnier than ■'Xmas In Connecticut" "OVER 21" Irene Dunne. Alexander Knox, Charles Coburn Phone 41M MODERN Hand Laundry 4)1 OhvUii Hoad BOME-COOKED FOODS And what ■ meal It will bo- seasoned exactly rlclit, and «*• cry dish boastinf a real hem» sooked flavor. B & H CAFE 411 8. BLOUNT ST. Royal Fri.-Sat. Wild Bill Elliott — In "HIDDEN VALLEY OUTLAWS" —AU»— Don (RihI) Bairv — In 'MISSOURI OUTLAWS ' Sun.-Mon. Bob Sleple — In "TRIGER LAW" TBes.-Wed. Kent Taylor — In "ALASKA" Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double Feature— LINCOIN rv.i..'h'- -nd M; ■'»h;ni Rv.i'- .f ? niciunl h;- ;- turn'd to f'--’ • ■>'' •'■ft r "iXding ;t fi.'--,; -n 5%;ir.f'. I -ntlv Fl-.n:'. J-.i...- Mr K'iu-t r:;. ..nd M-- J-.m ; f ?l Sf.urii Loii’.-h-iv St. .-ilP n l- d fun.'ii.i '-f M.i-'frr Coxc in in'iird, N Bahv Cov*- t •’^i.n.Uon '.f Mr- Fl — ni '.vh'i .' kill-'fl whi, on to m-'iii: h. : C-.k- ' >( .S.iufh .St CAPIlAl. I UCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Niorgan St. Hen's a SINS/SIS war to relieve distress of WEAKNESS (Also o Grand Stomachic Tonfc) Have gou at such times notice.' yourself feelinR nervous, irritable, 60 tired, a bit btiie-diib to female functional periodic di-sturbancea? Then don't delay! Try this great medlclne-Lydla E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound - lo relieve such FV’mptoins. It’s so effective becaiuip It has a soothin'; effect on one of woman's mof^t important organs. Impertonl Ta Knewl Plnkham's Compound does uorb than relieve such monthly cramps, headache, backache. It ai.sorelieves accompanying tired, nen’ous. Irri table feelings-due to this cause. Taken regularly-it help.s build up retiatance ngalnst such distress, ihnkham’.s Comiwund helps hatobe. Also grand stomachic tonic. DIRECTIONS: Take one table- apooalul 4 ttmea a day before meaU and at bedtime. Follow liibcl OlrecUuus. ^ VEGETABLE COMPOUND P S.l ■'".'isiia Mr Mar-iiell Butler .1 It Edg- •tube T-irace has returned h-ime '*•-1' it iwu w.-ek- v.'i-'ati,>n Mm Mozella Mill- i- atill indiii- Mn. Milley F. rr. U oi 4 Fri.r.khn “.-rr..ct;. hn.": return«-d lo the cil.v fir vAc.-.tirtning In W.inhiiigt. n. D L*. iJiiltimorf, Md, aril Pa. j Master J.-n-ll Harris of 20 Liiiculii j re!r;ici‘ fell from u ‘ wuig at Ihe j'luyKroiii'.d last Tujteday and re- . •Ivfd a br-iken arm. I ^^rK. Mai'th.i Perry ->f 7 Franklin 1 T.-'iraci' and Mr and Mrs Hudy I P::n--y .md ehildrcn -f 10 Ft-nklin Ti rrace sp- nt the week in Wilming- I 'on. vi-'itu g Mr. an-l Mrs. Frtfd I Ruhardson. daughter and son-in- I ;..w of Mrs Perry I Mr-’ Effie Dally of 21 Smith I Plaza I- on Ihe sick list. Maiigr. tt Green of 7 Fianklin ' Terrace .uid Miss Augusts Johnson f H E'r.mklin Terrace .spent the I ■. -k end at the bcMCh. They re- j ported a very pleasant trip Mr. and Mrs Lonnie D. biiam of , Pa, were the week end guests oi .’neir sj-'ler. Mr-. Aim. While here 1 '3 Lineoln Terrace While hero (y att'tided the of M'..s ')'s ri'othei' wr.ich wa-* hei ' t the Firsi B.iptist Phnreh with : J. W. Jones tfficiating. Th'- Chavi- Helnh'.- Bo-'k Chib v.Il liold itf regeiar meeting on Tue.sday evening Sept. 11, at th’ ' home of Mr.- .lohn-oii Wall of 3 Smith PLiza at 4:00. Mr.'' Steplien .dornini; of 1 Bums- I k T4 rnice h:ts returned home af- •it I'i'iling I'l'lalive.s ,iiid friend.s In 'Vn-Junston. Pa, and New York City Little Mis.- Reltle Ann • f 11 Iredell Terrace celebrutcd her hiixl birthday recently Happv 'ii’hri. y, Betty, C L A S S I F I E D ,-aN INSTKI'UTKR and inainigei I. iiiTtled at Stark- Beauty Col .’itr, .\iiy cradiiulf from this school of tno ur more )ea:s experienei iiu> apply write ■•starRs Beaut) I ullciie. Kaleiiiii. .N. (' A Lifetime in Flames Why lake chances on burning up a Ufatlme'i effort in a tingle terrifying hour when U's so simple and inexpensive lo pro tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster st but a few pennies a day. We'll show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C.^ Ibe J W H'liKf L.-d.:.- .Vr, 8 will ■**» Monday night Work ir. the M' t and «ii''>nd digiec- will be '>b- en'»-d All Master Masonn .ire in i' rt to attend. T. C. Coley, W. M , H H M.’well. ii'crelary. Mr We-Iey "Peie" Sutton -'f Bal- irnore. Md. w.js a recent visitor in •'le - ity. Rev and Mrs Sancl o .Sutton of 'ledfurd Va,. were „•ueKt^ of Mr, md Mr- Charlie Sutton While re Rev Sutton preached at the Sunday morning service of Eastern '^h'lpei According to relinhie reports S Set M. Everett, bett’ r known a? "Sharkey" is due to aiTive in New V’rk from France very soon Mis- Hilda Cleminson left Wed- e.-d:iy for Diirh.'im t( enter De- Shazo Brauty School. Mrs. Connie Ryder was a week •'1 vi^ito^ in the city Mi-s Velma Fosl-r has retui'n*’d to the city te be,,in het work at "eiitral High Sthool Th.- hoy.- from Dillard High of U.nn.. are due to arrive in Golds- : oro, Thursday or Friday V— llous(’wi)es Ui'jzed To Help S[H‘e(l F-0 Dav ■-..Sin.N'dTO.V, 1). r V-J Day 1, here, but Fats' lud Oils' D.ty is I ■ till a K ng way off We haven't yet I lieked the .-hortage ot fat-s and oils. | In a relent lelegran-i to Roy W ; '*eet. chaii'man of the .\merican Fat j Salvage Committee, Secretary cf \iTii’uUuie Clinton P. An'ior»un| pointed out that V-J Day found: '.mericans "alarmimsly short ..f fats I *;!: ratio 1 than inipo- ’ fi r, wilhou’. Piogiatns affec’ting the care of thikln n. such sa emi rgenev sh**l- t* 1, ft-eding, in’.'eatigations of con- [(Plion’* affecting family and rom- imunitv life will .tLao he nf dir ’uncern to ML« L«‘wis. who •. '... '.I roncerried with the prohl^mi io' children in both rural and ui- j'>:.n areas. lid .liU ’ Mr Anderson suid ’.hui it would -■ m my months yc before this hortagf could be relieved. "So.' he s.'id, ”ii is just us important m-w "s during the war to save every bit .’f ii-ed fat.' He appealed to American women ! I I.: !p wir. thn- postwar battle nf ;>!>•, IN THEIR OWN KITCH- '•I H of The \(-v York S h.-vol of Sr>cjal Work. Columbia Univ ’-i tv. Not t.ilv orof*’s«ionaDv hut in hrr 'wrsonsi activities. Miss l.ew- «• ha.s Identified herself ei'h th( I . tise of nrogrt's for th- Negro a- ••ell ns for A’n’>ric'»r' '•) ''e.nenl Fl;e an active mer*U)t r of th - Ni tir-nal Council of Negr-' Wom en. the National Committeo on Housing, and the Vr'Tinnal Con- fr-renci' of Social Work I ' only, I ENS. i 'I'll- .:oaJ fo- u-eri kiiciien fat.'- is 'in 2.30 million [loun'd.s of fats fur I 04.1 -.ivcd from tlie !>k^mming^ and I I' of kitchi n.s m .'\mei ican ! '■ rres And the kitchen waste f it 'ontaincr :.hould fill up fast as meal >uppljes increa-e. Pi infs for waste kitchen fats still uiitiinic at twii points u pound mK .Old v'.oiidi slop woi'iymg ig Get tl*e f.i’t- :»ec...'dii J numbers .Send i,ic .*,iur lumple'* . Mill date. Ciet your new p rs.inaliz- •tl fol'eea^t on L.'.ve, I' Fin- Trav.l, Plea-ure. Health, 'i.'hie Re'pt>n.sihililv. f;'iend.- 'ind as eiales. I sei'.d you yoi r PER.SON- M. NU.'.TRER.S lo’cca.'^t taki n from uiii' full birth date. Foimerly a i5 0() -set'* ice .All for only 2.3c. Rush ' ii'lh date, ;i 3c .-tainn and 2.3c in • nil FREE -Mail you- order proin- i.lly and gel a dictionary of 300 '..niumn Dreams aua- nteed .XPI’LIEB SUMBEK.S. Dept. .3*10 .'833 .Applegate. Cincinnati II. Dhiii Have You Tire«l, .Aching Back? Lot tl SPENCER • Relieve back-strain and le.ssei your fatigue! Phone 2-3116 MRS. MAUDE Z. SMITH 518 E. Worth St. V A Y A I, A \ .Al'iniTV, GAS, .3FTFR OVER-IN Dri.GFNTE IV EATING OR DRINKING, TAKE DELK'I- ni S, DEPEND\m.F C 0 N .S TIP A TI 0 N EFFERVESCENT POIVDERS The care of your health should form your most important duty. The wDr.-ie enemy of your general good Ittallh IS the waste matter that ferments in your intestines. Clean your inteRtines and »ou will ex- jieriencc The general aood health and the joy of living For internal cleanliness, however, d.i not entrust >our delicate dige.-tivc organism to any ordinary product. B« choosy -take deliciou , effective V.AYA- LAX IN ECONOMY BOTTLES SI OC sent anywhere—SAVE C.O.D Chaigcs. Send monev with order to: VAYA pROaiT’TS, Dept. 37 '242 East St. New York 17 AGENTS WANTED Eipctn'c Company Anything Electrical 3 Cost Lenior 9t. NEGRO DOLLS Every heme shoold hsve a Colvred Doll ATe offer in this sale two riuliy nombers. With hair, moving eves, ckhoeo. Blockings, nicely dresoed. PRICE $4.M and 16.59 If C O D. postage extra.—Dealers-. Agents Wanted Write NATIONAL CO. 354 West I35th St.. New York. .39 LINCtNJV >« TMBdik'CWfls ^ FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’S Tea Room CHICKEN SHACK Half ChickaB or A Chirk«D Sandurich BEER SOFT DRINKS Comer Cross and Lnke St. IVi; CARRY A FULL LINE OF BEAUTY and BARBER Write For Price Lists Wc Ship Anywhere KLAREX llcaulv Products Co. |7;!0 FUl.TON STREET Brnoklyn. (13). New York The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance /e*^vice 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2835 C. A, HAYWOOD, Owner BARGAINS-BARGAINS WHERE ? -AT THE Second Hand Store 410 SOUTH WILMINGTON ST. We have a Large Stock of USED MEN’S and YOUNG MEN’S SUITS made from Pre-War Yarn Fabrics that are better than can be bought today. PRICES RANGING FROM $6.00 to $15.00 ALL NICELY CLEANED AND READY FOR LONG WEAR OVERCOATS Our USED OVERCOATS are of special quality and worth three times the price. PANTS We have a nice quality line of PANTS that are worth twice the price. WORK CLOTHES We have in stock a large line of MEN'S SHIRTS. PANTS and WINTER UNDERWEAR. Now is liint’ to buy beforo thv KUSH for Morchandise Starts— whun tho Beit will be gone. —s EE T H E— Second Hand Store A Tree Grows in Brooklyn with Dorothy McGuire, .James Dunn. .loan Blondell, Deggy Ann Garner, Ted Donaldson. Lloyd Nolan WALT DISNEY CARTOON “FIRST AIDERS” METROTONE NEWS 1 J « WED. AND THURS. SEPT. 12-13 DESTINY with Gloria .loan and Allan Curli.s. Krank Craven. Grace McDonald, Vivian Austin, Minna Gonibell Frank Kenton Cartoon “SUDDENLY, SPRING” NEWS Last Chapter of “Trail of the Roy ai Mounted” EZI FRI. AND SAT. SEPT. 14-15 Spook Town Dave (Tex) O'Brien, .lim Nowill as Tho Texa.s Rangers Racket Doctor Ralph Cooper with All Colored Cast F.piaode 14 of “OVERl.AND MAIL”

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