» i-Hi-h, 6«A I Hb V. rtKuU«\iA.N rJr^K KISliiNvt I’l'KU.-VY, .''K» I K.*iAKi New York Show fronts Bk UON Ut I.LIliUBUU H'CKV KUB^H.S ri.AVS BETTKR IIIA.N EVER. AETIfOlCII MKl>It> SiAlli RE M’OI l.li 1>I». NEW YUKK Vi-i. L^i.l k..- good nmi. t-piuuliv li Charles I.oiki>;h Houits’lu c you didot know, h.i,i wrote U.t ti. loti.di.uf l.ii • ••MocnJiKlil CoilUkiii Kti..,iv:vu, He altk; v.'.uit .Tl.o - ...lU a piano 111- i.iUKhi iJn- i Fats Wolli-i lio'.v (o UM J.o Ijin left hand riim- i.s di.si- Sion of th the coriiei ; tiertfi taut' Johrisui. .. I- Jamc-s p -ii It WU' -I. J t.ol l-M'l .11- II, IWO, thji il.t-v 1 , A l.iitk.v Hoi to a will, iiodi tuuurs arms and Uoiit ivoi U'>kt- it- had a Liiki and the Laxi Bhifhiid lii iin-uilwas II ttif laddi- .III to ii|i|ji:ir And i limbiiiii At tti. H. w - oi .. L.illaa i iaaslrol tk> popul DEEP RIVER COYS mKOMNDiC. NEW YORK 'IPSi — “Kncore! Km niv!' The imwo whiai;,.*, stumpa Muir leel. claji-: and i-.dl'- for moiu! iii.iu-' iiioie’ (Jtjduall.v the house !i>dit> are darkened and u beam- Ills quintet i.teps once mute iiit. the •pollivm They .start siii-iiik the (lalai •I Should Care and the; • e«, with a Cl iilt-nted Mkh. set- i Jt- back into llieir seats to listen .lain to Ttit Deep Hivei Boya. ’I'he M-. iie is the tloward Theatre. hineton. D C The stars are' !i- D *p RiNei Hoys who set aud- - n. «•? on file and drew raves fioin ■ Neiy coluniintt in t-wii Siuk-iie; iiii-th cffi.rtless -l.clc. the] 1 O'r o|>t-ned with “I'aidoiiia. ' -.vuiit' on ihroufth "liu Begtnniiiit ■i. S e The I.u-.nf and Iinallj di.sh- ' d ii|i III the.i iiiiinit.ible inaniu-i he pnpulitr -I Sii'Ull Care" And ■lip aiidienee loved it. “HOT UPS'* page Rive WllL apiie.iied with I.mnel Hainp- nd Anne Brown, the eonceit Ill the .Neaio Musical Kesti- II Chicago, St l.OLiis iiad De nt. Kill ihiei iiarl SIX year.s aeo II they lirst san..' tuKellier In Hainpt.in Che Club at Hainp- lii>(iiutt' in Virynna. They had i-i|. ,c-d a quintet in order to i>i't !■’ i'«• eiipai'enienis In pay their '.o ihiuuph c-iile; e Howi ver. the Re sure ot local a.eluiin suon turn- Page Is Jive Exponent BV I'hli YATES Kctting. of cuuise, the Susie-Q.i From that iillery Page went to NFW YORK 'IPSi -- That Hul the Big Time — Broadway, the H;o;i- is a jive exonerit - bught linhlr and 52t;il Stn-et. At I v^UJ back, was recently the Onyx Club he thrilled Cafe ight to l.fht when Laurie Ma;- Smieiy. Ha^'e has appeared on — IPS ftalure writer'— came niai.y concerts that iurned out to an ure-ol I icr. pbouk of the be swing festivals at Carnegie Hall 'll then eyes toward Broadway ^ re.il Hu Lip*-hini-elf The "scraps" with .sucli meats as the late Fut.s' .'id It w.i8 in New Y 'k tlial they Diowcd Fuse on the bandstand at Waller. Eddie Condon. Lionel -If "discovered" and named The | Bn;.,11- Paiadi-ie ‘back in Hi3t. Hasuplon, Dizzy Gillespie, et al. Jeip River B-iys by Rex Ingram. There was the trumpet ‘ace’ 'him- This week Page embarks on 8 What i; known as the "biji break" i -ilfi leading id'- band as diversion rrjss-cuunlry tour of one-nighters idii't occur until they were signed ;'«''l ors \m-i«- whirling about on the .tiid Judging from the advance •kl> appeaiance.'on a iiatioii-j dam fl e.i iTla ie war no rug- nookitips i\m- learned through the ik O.adually the .al cuts follow- H-.p ila.v Just phii it.d Big Apple. Not foi- e t-fticei the trumpet king iiit-d to tup his pievious record ot Hire they pio Predicts Post-War Sales By State Radio Dealers As War Ends 'al lUtri .'tion B.i:ii!uui . MU. - North Curo- Vi is.ctihD is tin keynote .1 the liti«« letiiil ilcali Is: will .sell up op Not oid.v do tl.ey mg Negio pioxiiimti lv 2H5.t>OU ladius an.l -iMiu.il .11 the "sti..igiit ' siyli of iuUio-ptionogiaph ciiinbinatiun.'. t> adapt the ' ' • I populai ‘ if peace, the ' o a iioveltv : -on. -piiitii..! r and novel- ttaiii a iicoid vo’' 'le o! neuil'- 510.092 1100 during first yeni Ilf unrestricted civtJi-.i productio i atl 1 ’.III war. 'Tnai wa- the pi i‘dicti"n rnud. L\ LtoiialJ C TlUf'.dell. gelleiul -ales nianager fm- radio and leU-- \i. ..Ill f f Bindi.x .Aviation Com .tien’s n.i.ii') divisiim, on 'h> 1 u of a nation-wide; .-urvev cm; ouiliii bv his comuunv’fi inarki:- ii.v ui.ah'.-ts, ‘Oiii tuily indicates tiiat na- t.ofia. retail radio sales will hi* ; n all tim peak of aup:oxlmatelv l.VfiOO.tMKj -ets n pre.-i ntlng an e. fi'nated total retail vuluine of «'.flfi.0oo,0i)0 in tin fii t full vi afte: resuiiiptif«n of unlimiird r>e;.cetitm' manufacture.*' True;- n 11 said pointing out that North Caiohna' annual pic-wai salt- amounted to aoprnximat'-ly I 6 i.tiah I-1.'I t;rr Cent of national volum- in th- 1.. . -'tie'.- i.m related to mduiL v 1-iiii.e Mm.-ter. Win- Seve'.n’ fn-tor.t will ro!*rihut' -ve. ihiM.- e no bloigl '* the ♦tigh.~* p- *.'.ai radio sale* Afiit'icii: le.idiiiv ■•oiig tu I te-j t.iti- M .torv T: ui'-dell d»- 1.. ' MG.M sepia sfii'en tiund Tie ' w'l' ineluie' (h- H'-rii. alth iUgh t'-i'Ulhei of new honu-s to Im- '.i- dikes t'dilishi"! a u*su.t of wa; mar '’hu.-'-hill wa- h ri. iti irui-as-d piofiTenc- fc' . .1 ..a i. betti ■ uu;ili*\' -ets irteluHIno f.. - fi. lid Tle-aiei the line* to liall, o;e 1. i .0. ■■n* al the R'-yal Thic.drv .Seiilcmbei Ulti Y-.ii can The -tori will be the 'iimo dirig up with a rousiiik’ shout iiothi I "enc- re" Siiiaiiiiiih (llitii'chill, r(»|) Thru.sl Si};iis (loii li'iicl fli illi Mae Gale o|i thrust SICTstAJii- Irael ilh Mw Gale ■he'- 2S*nzibar v dl ei ; iiuge .•kyciapii.c i r Vact the llr- yf pi ; Xvelyn Hurdle f(ii;i ; with the Huilem.iiit * twaitii,. the M lull, faubby fion 'he w;- ♦Urre’ntly playing f to Bi.ltiiiioie \Uiiy Henry, Klh. Fit/ ginatbr of • m.iIu*- 1 Deep hivti Hoy- w. for the nevi-alMiriie ' cojd 1 -it Wa hin„' 11“'.* «l The,lie r. ei'Titly Th- Cm: •■•ali was OIK- ot tiie iiiiistamlnu (t. of the Mii-ii-.-l he '.is.'ii ,'i'. with l.iiiiiti H iiiipti".'* Ui'i't and Anne iir. .vn I- ' l>>. I file Rov .] Ti.i..:.- • Baloi). S' p'einre: l-l i.n n I Sobt.r ll.e iiiillMiM I' opeiiit chain of "lial b*yx" .-i-i'i- in N Y Harlem s- loi Er.»'«hil*' Sut. Ro mare Hi-a-ilen ha ■ —[icned h. painting studi.. in the .Apollo Tli n- ire b'liMlin; m Marl, m Ariistf mu- del Siniley Fhtihn r .i -teady weeki'ii.'er .d 'l.e niimn's play ■ grtmrid in Atl.iiitic Ci*y .1 .Mail nce Scv.iiii grad i.ite- *\in Howu d Urdv.i-i'v': deid.d colh.i m a t.-;l- night He ulll ihiieift.: be kie-v n as Di Snain, D D S «As if you didn’t know I Tab riniifh s. Orches tra vfln.i. 'ft for a I'Air of um- niglite; and Hiat. all f-u‘ now. - TED YATES ituli Merrill Giles Viilli lioolie William- liaiiil irij v.ii'KS ,\EW YORK 'IPSi - Bob Mei tai '.'.'iio 'subbeir I -r Eddie Viu- v.hiu the latici was in th- \> ill actually i via Vie.- Cu >\.Ihan 1.1- ini Meiiill , his U..nd to f i.uei tile Ci.h- b.'iuier itgs -i. UiUch iiitt Viiuou . 'ell on- Irom the other ■rc Vii.ton IS a sax tixiter. Mer- wh:.i:. x' ltli tin* lrum|»l -- ih.ts die "idy di£5i rei'-ce They botii top fluht musicians 'Next SHEARER "All I Vc got s lelcrelicc It-ain lli; top sjtgc ac tO niy pUasalit dla- p.;.»iUbn — i" ii.iiaii i-i.’t related to f'liiiie Minister, Win- »vei. ttiere is no blood An.»"icH: U-.iding •'ong he MC.M sepia screen K, Honit -allh.iugh hcv re look-alikes. R.-v.iiii..!: C’hunhdl was birr in trc iiklyn, llws ttii-re .iiid is proud f the Hrooklyn Divlgcrs baseball e.im, dem Bum* Savannah wdl probablv iievei move fri m Brooklyn - olhii Ihaii to fill engagements 1 the'tie- balhcHmi, and idte liibx She loves Flalbush and can •11 vi'ii mi*n' ;ibout Tie Tr«e That Grows In Kniuklyn then 'he aulh- Hetty Smith who wrote the best- • 'I. r novt 1 varimh’- u'cordiiir* 'far Man or Reiord:' of I'MIIC Berlin's "All ,*.lon. •• snd Daddv Daddy" are a ■ ith th* juk*' box f.ms Tin ;;ootl-h'i ki'^n •’•rl win- look 'd 111 he' clothes and '.'.AN DllFSS. ineiitly cu-'tirred with the sensa tional -iumtU'.Uv- nil- "S" Unit. Hor*!' 'h* ful yu have been ".dlln" to -*c She's t.ill. glamoroux nd "lyod-louking Besides singing He like- bsi-t'»'ull. prize (itihls and I I witness the best drama plaVs of •he theatre. An ardent phot-igraphic student diirim-' her hisure hours. S'avannah has collected fotos of ''i.nu of the leading pe pie in eveiy ivalk of life and compiled them into ; -cr.'pbook What a hobbyl Gale Agi ncy signed Sav-annah to I long term contract last week. Basie Vs. Eckstine rii' Mai ion's Mo. I Sepia Baiul Dfluiil. .Mlich. — Count Bast . the "Juniu Ring of S .'. ing." an i hi^ fun most ciiiilhngcr toi th* t. tle of the nati.-n'- number 'Uu pia band singing maestro Bui-. I'Jtkstine, will stage a real balth* (.f the bu.x office in Novembe: v.l en thev will play succe-siv u. 't'ks at the ParadLsc* Theater in Ditroil. Eck.-iline will toe off m a week ? t niagi mi nt on the Paradise stage .starting November 9. and the Count eome.-: in th*' following week opening Friday. Novembe: Hi Fill Eekstine and hts skvroeke*- ing voumt imup ban.'! th- Pan Hisi' iKK.kinp will he thi'ir third a* that hirti.se .eithin 'he sn;in of a sini'ii vear. while for Basie it wil' p'.i.rk hi.s annual visit to the MoU'r Cilv mecca pf iump. Last De- (•ember the Count established a n, w all-time altend.anc** record ‘ '.h* Paradise, and to date nnh' Fi'kslir.e ha.-s come close to th I ; -i*' mark Basi" lius f)r a number of veai-s bii'U i*-i*oeni/e'l bv theat'.-i' man- .“I r-• mil ballrirtim promoters as •til most poh nl box attrac- ' nil anemg Ne"rn bands nnd F.e- I’ lii- has ••.'inldlv moving ir» to a T>**'itiin v’her*' lie is on*- of til- verv few' race bandleaders v. 'lio can aonmneh the Gount’s erasses in thea'ers ami ballrooms Cnt'nn nriees declined on August ' 17 fi-i'lnwintf the end of the war. . aecr.rding to the United Slates De partment oi A^cullure. ‘ -rr.iyt:';. 't -'imMTirrr'- peiicetiinc manufacture.” Truci- lii 11 said pointing out that North Caiolin.i’- annual orf-vvai salt- amounted to aoproximately l.B per Cent of national volum- in th' ' industry Sf've-al f.Ttof^ will rortrlbut-* to the highe>t po-^twar radio sale* tn the state's ‘ustorv. Truesdell d« - iland These will include fh> ni-mber of new h(*nu - to he es- t "blishcd as a result of wai mar- ^;;;ge^; inirias-d preference for better aunlitv .sets including fn - oi.encv mi«)du!a*ion and ntdin- rhonograph eoinbination-s: a def- inde tiind toward o'A-nership of suppli menfarv radi.i-- for kiten- ,recreation rooms and bed rooms and ille suK-tmitial oroi**cl' ‘d inere.a«i- in rural e! s lrific'i- t:on. More than 471.8G3 — or nearlv Hi pit' cent of North Carolina's 70-1.144 honii-s had radlo-s. accord ing to the 1940 census. On th'- b.isLs of Di partm* nt of C' lmm rc.' figure.*;, which fix the useful life o’ a pre-war set at s«'Ven year.*, m.-ic than hah the I.i-ger cinsob* riulios in Ninth C.imlina .and the nation have outlived their o-ak uafu'ness and efficienev. a f.ac tor which \ei!l lead to thousands of postwar replac! men: -sales. Ti iH'-.d*.'ll declared. The publ'c’s exprissed prefev- eiici for betti'r aualitv seta wi-l account for a sli«di*. {ivernKc in ftense in unit prices for larger mc'dels. he predicted. As a result hi f.slima'ed, postwar radio pric es w.ll prnhablv exceed the 1941 avraec figur** of S38 per unit sc'ld. To handle with efficienev th: ci ming ‘flooc of -idio, ohon-)- North Carolina rctailer.s. in corr.- i..on with till- liidustry al large, ail planning to iiierease -sale-s and .e'-.U'e stalls tioiii au to lU per nut over pie-wai levels, ^ulvcvs imiuate. National and local sale.s i.'iiipaign.s will be bucke 1 by re- eu'd-bri aking adverti-sing .sched- uie.s that will top pic-wai peaki by iiioie thaii 4u pi-i cent. True-?- dill piedicted ‘tclre.ss Becomi". First ' Of Fair Se.\ To Do •Sports For Malionul Press Gliaiii -NEW YORK 'C.N'Si When Lou vtveifd the Jimmy Bivens- -Aic’.i. Mo re bout lit Cleveland, flhiii it-c'.'iitly she became the first race w'omaii SjHirts’ writer to c.*v* i I Sport* li>i j .N'.iiiunal Pre»t' Chain -- The Calvin'^ New^ Ser- M' Sw.ii/ Was sp.-ciul guest of! L.ni.v Atkins. I'UwlandT F'lght Piiimutei and J.-)mes J Juhiistun. iTHin..ger f Aithu- Moore, and of N* w Y":k .She was extended every courtesy as a .N'atl.iiml Six.'t.s' wrib ir .Altho u I'ltiMK Sp«'rts is new to 'hi- .ictiiss and writer, she is doing ‘’.’’.“’n, TT: iT'toL.T ill Clevelarfd, Ghto lec-.'iilly .-he bec.inie the first i rare woman Sports* writer to cav- l i ;• Spill ts foi a National Presf j • Cliuiii -- The Calvin's News Scr-' .I,-. ,, M ' Swar/ wu.s sp.Htial guest uf I' l.aiiy Atkins, CUvtljnd'a Fight' fb'omutei and James J. Johnston, mnn.tger .f Archie Moore, and of' Ni w Y(j:k She was extended every: courtesy as a National Sports' wrlt- tr. Altho writing Sports is new to the actnss and writer, she is doing GK from notices she is receiving, and the ' isc m the popularity of her fighter Archie .vioore. Aaain 1, u Swarz -scores as a F'IRST having been acclaimed rhi' first rui'C woimin to grace the .'tiigc presenting '.he solu drama in c'listume; and between acting and vritin'’ she is a ‘•busy b'>dy " CLAIT)E MrKAY BF.MEVES IN THE ROMAN 'ATHOI.IC RFl.KllON NEW YORK -- Writing in The Epistie. published heie. Claude Mc Kay. prominent Negru poet and intellectiinl has announced his con version to the R.iman Catholic re- 'i .MU. Fi lm early manhood a con- fiimed free thinker. Mr. McKay became well known for his frequent I'oniribiitions to the radical miiga- zire.*; M’ears in Europe, however. f‘ Unwing a trip to Russia where h was shocked by the extravagances of the Revolution, convinced him of the "grandeur and glory of Catho licism” and prompted him to study extensively about the origin a.td history of the Catohlic Church His eei>vor«ion fonnwed last spring 'vh.n he was baptized in Old St Mary’s Chiircth, Chicago, by Rev John Roach. ‘HARLEW ON PARADE' 1945-46 ALL NEGRO PIGTI RE PLANNED NEW YORK — If the plans of the ' Hi Uywoad Pictures Cuip. for the caniing season of UM5-»6 carry thru ‘heateie-Kueres will b-.' guarantJbd It least eight ull-Negru screen fea tures, the first of which is Harlem On Parade, with Lena Horne. This was disclosed recently in a Coast radio interview between Ad rienne Ames, the famous movie and radio star cumnienutu’ and Jack Goldberg, cne of the pioneers in the production of Negro stage and -ci'teii aitiactions In the interview Mr. Goldbery explained about many of the difficulties ne encouniertil In the course of his making uf N't- gi'o screen features Thu applied applied particularly to the time when he opened his uv.n studios at Caral Gables, Florida, where mem- , bers of the Negro race handled the ' production of the films from the be- I ginning to end. This included writ- inir. diiecting, acting and mechanicv. Miss Ames in hei umoduclion CHlled Mr, Goldberg the ••man of tirsis in the Negro field of amuse ments." She mentioned among his • utslunding first was in sending Mamie Smith, uriginatui of tlie blues, on her first cross-country tour. Next he pioduced J sepbiiie Bak er's first screen produ.vtlon in Siren of thA Tropics to follow thLs with Rill Robinson's pictiiie debut in Karlem in Heaven. In between tim'is ^ he found the time ta begin the fir.nt all-Negro newsreel. Prior to hi.s entrance in the mo tion picture field he ifoduced such stage attracti'ons us How Come, Pul and Take and Deep H'lrlein He fol lowed thse New 'York stage shows with Rosaline, staning Charles Gilpin (then Paul Ri/besoii). Next he produced Emper.ir Jones with Julc Bh'dsue who siicceeded Charles Gilpin III the role. He also produc ed "7-11". the first all-Negro show to ic-iu the burlesque ircuii. breuK- ing all existunt records fur attend ance. Among the all-Negu> feature pic tures Mr Ootdbei'g has produced. aiL'ordnig to his mtcrview w-ith Adriline Ames, there was D.iuble j Deal. Mystery In Swing, Paiadisei In Harlem. Sunday.- Sinuei.- and' Murder On I.enux Avenue, Believing that llte lime w:i« ripe for a motion picture extulling llic development and accomplisiiment; of the Negro race, .Mr Goldberg last yi-a.' produce dand rticast-d the lc.i- tuie. ••We've Come A Long, I.oiiki Way " The picture engaged In a long Bioadwaj run .iid was then •tnt ..n tour it schools, ti»ll«'ee'. chuiches, edrc.it lonal establish ments as Well us thea’rcs In his Intel view with Miss Ames, .Mr. Goldberg -tated that thi* w.is hb must ambitious year His pic ture's will be made at n much high er production cost and he intends lo make them all-Ne^ro in every -eiise of thi W(}rd. The next picture tie plans, which i- all jirepiired for ••fhixiting." is 'Negre B-.'iS Town," a eoiin.-dy diu- ina bused on a real town just out- 'ide of Pittsburgh that i.-> o|M':ated .tiid governed entirely by boys This i> practically the same as the town RCA Victor Develops Non-Break- able Record For Home Use CAMDEN. N J.-The first non- breakable, high fidelity phonograph recoi'd fur home use t.as been de veloped by RCA Victor, climaxing II years of research woik in this field A flexible disc made of syn thetic plastic material, the new i(*ioid, which greatly reduces sur face sound, will make its nuliul op i.eaiunce in Octubei, aeo'.riliiig to .11 ariiiouncenunl by J W. Murray, tiei.eial Manager of the RCA Vic tor Record Div ision, ho called it the greatest imj 'ovenient in home phonograph reends in 45 years The first of thi; ii"w type noii- breakable disc available lo’the pub III- will present a pi-i torm.iiice u Richard Strauss’ "Till Eukinpio- gel's Meriy Punk. ' by the Boston Svmphony Giehestu eonducted by Serge Kou-sevitizky. .At present. Mr. .Murray said, it i- planned to ti'Icase (Illy newly recorded musi cal works on the new type disc.-, which will be kii.iwn as Red Seal De Luxe lecord.s. The same musical Work, he added, will be nude .iva.l- able later on standard high qual ity Red Seal shellac records The iion-breukublc home phoi giaph rccoru. which i- ruby red in color, was made possible, according to H. 1. Keiskind. chn-l engineer of (he RC.A Viitop Reeoi'J Divi-i n, by tin develupmcnt of ■ furniula for u compound eoniposed almost en tirely of vinyl lesin plastic which ornduces a durable. loitg-R'e record. While vinyl materials have been used for many years iii the manu facture of expensive transerptien records, particularly fo*- radio broad casts and fur V discs used by our in Nebraska of winch .MG.Vl nude a feature picture starring Mickey Rooi.ey and Spencer Tracy The picture to follow that h a comedy western HAZEL SCOTT HITS THE UE.AI>1.INES .\OAl.S NEW YORK ilPSi — l.«,vely Hazel Scott hits the headlines again this week with the release of her first vocal rei-urdlng lor Deeca Records. H.irel, noted cbieriy for her pianistics. will add a new army of faas to her following with her chirping ability Hackeil up by a l\«eeii piece band led by Tools Caina- rata. tlaael warbles "The Man 1 Love'’ a (lershwln favorite which she featured in "Rhapso dy in Blue." armed forecs oversea- they hav hiierto been proiubiiiveiy cosit for U'c* ill nome phoi. -apl. ir vl" Rei.vkin -..id The new fninulu, ui.r of si cv hed by RCA V.cl.ii itcoid ei' gmmisi. accordim. i.. Mr Rvi-k results m a record Hui can be dn !-cd or bt'iit w ittiout l)ii:.kiiif i-i.icki; . ,h.i' !i '.iif.iie -..ui .uid ciih.incts till fjWi-hiy Of itpi ductM>ii -Surf.ice sound rciiuitiou lie sd IS made {x^ssible bvc.u e lliv plj tice cump-.uiid dov- not reqt.ii mineral fillet used 'i. .shvlU' cord** The nj-w De l.ovt- iccoi'.. 1;(!dccl. .1, livliief in vceighl th; the shell.ic ili*cii? Fixteiisiw le fiavt- deiiiumti.ited. h.‘ .aided tt they cun al-'u be i la>eil on pi.-ictic ly all types uf honit- phoiiogiap including those etiuipped with aui iiutic ch..tigei-s. and with vari types of needles'. In declaring that ihe new i* brei.ki.bU' rec .rds Wovld be ma„ av.iiliible in limiteit quantities. M ..Mlunay emphasized thut RC.A Vi Itoi will not dis'cuntlni.e it; piudu itiou of the -tandaiil idnl Seal a Victor p.puhtr shellac records I likened the album containing th new type i.'curd.s to n.nit edition* ur fine buuk- .imi |>utnted out that they, offered inuvic livers Mill r,,.*. lecorded perfi.rmance than that pa.s *ible on the be>.t vhel! ic records. "We anticipate that the use of tl’i- material for nonbreakable, high fidelity home phonograph re cords will eventually be expanded to other types of RCA Victor re- cordx," Mr .Murray stated "This will depend in some measure en the building up of faeililie* to pro duce the new type recurds in suf ficient quantities " Rg’A Victor enHinei; slatted thetr ;earcli toi a noi.-bieakoble. higher i.uality leciird in 1h34 wlien they -et OI I to develop a "luiiel ’ disc for Ihe film industry The final develop ment of the flexible plastic record -■I'o .'uygesti-d tl.e aii';wei to one • f the bigwest piobh-nis of the home pli.'iiograph reciiid -- the pioblem of b:.-akage of shellac lecord^ But i.iitil now. the tiigti cost of the |ila:lic inaterUil useil in traiiscnp- tioii discs made such records for iiome use prohibitive RCA Victor’s p-licy of continued research lo biine .ilioul teclmic.il and manufsc- Uiiing impioven."iil.* led to ifie de- vtlopment of this piactical. leia- lively low cost lum-iu eakable re- c'U'd of the n-iiuirel durability for tu.ine u'v. .Ml .Mm J> said .kUES PARADE tSSSS, AMD u«t OMCE 'STR* Featorinr Frances Wayne Bill lUrrLs. NUiJorie llv- anu. Chubby Jatk-son. Fete Dave '‘Drums** Tough The Bond Thai P’ays The Blues THE OLD WOODCHOPPEB HIMSELF IN PERSON RkEIGH 19 K I2.si*'j:;; I z. See Anne Broun in “RHAPSOUY IN BLUE.' Bros, victurt will made at it much l.lgh t-r production l and he intends to make them all-Negro in every sense of the word The next picture fte plans, which 1- all prepared for "phoutlnf," is •Negro Biys Town," a comedy dra ma baaed cn a real town )U!>t out- ■ide of Pittsburgh that is operated and governed entirely by boys This i; practically the same a.x the town IN PERSON AMD MIS ORC» *STR* Featorlng Praneee Wame Bill Harris, ftlariwrie lly- ama. Chubby Jarksan. Prtc Canitoti. Dove "Drums" Tough See Anne Brown in “RHAPSODY IN BLUE “HC tastes best to itt says f0L BRO^S TAN TOPICS By CHARIES AUCN 4 k S CNt 0 • Don’t worry. Grandmofher drove lalher home in Uiis very came j car alter the war in 1918." IN THE BU2 RED AND VmOtt BOTTLE

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