i Ralei.?h Personals ‘O' BY VIVIAN >foI.ENI>ON Mi jrrd Mrb. Sharow Hinton an* !• :r|ici' tde uirtn of u baby ouuishter. l.uuia b'liKictfh, born ui> St-ptiinbfr lull ot St Agtu'S hoiipitiil Ml. H. U. Sullivan of Lexington lootcoeu down over the week ei.s .•iiu oct.tunpui'ied hin wife, Mr&. Kaiii SuiliViin and ch^dren Hylaid aiKi Hurbdia home. Mrs. Sullivan «.>U cinidrvn bad apuut ibc- lunmit'r Ucie vi^Uing relulivo aud Inciids. .ilns La Cuunlu& Scurluck ul iVaahinguni, L' C., flew down by plane to vibil Mr. Gordon Fowell anu lun^l .LtOy £a«l Jones Street, jcet-ntly^ v- KiuL-li{8fLodge ot,£lks'ul ‘he city V. lU huM their J5tii aiui versaiy pi >'^1 aniADn Suuday and Monday, St 30 and October 1. Rev. ij O. ^^^kcr, ioriiiei pastor of St. i'.iui Cawrcl) new pastor 11 bethel lOlE Church, Buffalo, N. V, will the principal speaker at ibt pul^ ineeiliig to be held in tin- Crosby-Oarflpld Schoil on Sun- uay, September 30lh. at 3:30 p nv ** ■ MlSke Surtih Davis. Alice Morgan and Mri Alexandci Chalmers are alti-iiding St Augustine's College I'vit*. June Paikc. Ollu Criinip and Vermoii Rugei> .'ire spending ineir (nrlough in the city as guests ol hem p,.rents after sei'ving .«ev- >ial nioiilhs overseas lal of High School. Wilming lor,, and Conch Frank Robin.son of the abtA'e menttoend schtsd. were in the Capital City on Saturday, September 13th. ^ Mhs Daisy Plummer of 412 Sniilh Street if able to be out after being iiidl- p- sed fo' .'leveral weeks. Mrs-, yivian Vine Moore of .310 I'ast Lcpuir Slreft, hn-. returned lo the citjf after spending her vaca tion in' Atlantic City, N J., and f'liilade^ihui. Pa. Mr Z. N, Jnne.s of 729 South Hlount ptreet has returned to the cily after spending hl« vacation ish hii brothir, Mr. Elmo Jones, Prof y. J R.igers. principal liic Wi)(.ion High School. Wiln CHAVIS HEicms AN.N B. MORG.A.V Mr.-i )Ruy Hicka ard daughter. Caltoii Devone have returned home froni McCauley hospital. Mrs. 4 Johnson of 10 Iredell Te-- latc liai returned home after visit ing in Aew York City. Mr wnest Kubin.>>un. son of Mrs. Aiiiiie Hobinsoii of 10 Smith Plaza if at St. Agnes tiospitul where he hMi an f^peratiun. ,Mr>. William Brooks of 9 Chavis Way wis hosteJs to Mr and Mrs. ■Mebane'of Detroit, Mich., recently. Mrs. Effie Dailey of 2l Smith Plaza is able to be out agam. . ^ddle Chavis of 6 Chavis V/ Way is out of Uie city on Tuesday visiting relative^ in Smithfield Mrs. icorgian Hunt of 9 Hyde ieriace ;• visiting relatives in Wash MigtOll, ) C. Mr.*- [.«la Brown of Bultimoye. Md. IS the guest of her son and daughu -in-law. Mr and Mr? Al fred iii ivii of 6 D.'iA.' Terrace. Mis . imu'i- Hinton was the recent I in i..inyojii. Cpl. Robert Harris Is home from I overseas visiting his wife, the form er Miss Giuee Jeffries of 311 East Cabarrus Street. They recently motored to Durham to visit Cpl. Harris' parents. Mrs. Sallic Gray has returned to her home. 417 Cannon Street, after visiting in New York City and many other places. Lille Miss Ann Horton of SOU "atitrson Street has returned homi from St -Agnes hospital where she had hci tonsils removed. She is aoing nicely to the delight of her mimy friends. Mr. R A. Stewart .1 Jamaica, N Y., has returned to his home after •peridiiig • few days visiting his father. -Mr. Samuel Stewart, als. his sister-in-la\.’. Mr.^ Sara B .^harpers and family. Mrs Faye Peace has returned rom Washington, D. C-. where she ittcndcd the fall c’mmencement exercises at Howard University :icT nephew, James V Hackney Jr., was a member d thr graduating class from the School of Medicine Dr. Hackney, a fmiuenl visitor hen and the grandson of the late Mr «nd Mrs. W H Pence, Sr., will be- Ciii his internship at Freedman'.- luspilnl. Washlngloti. D. C. in Ort Assistant Ne"ro Home Agent Appointed Tn Wake County RALEIGH — Miss Arella Jone^ has been appointed to the posltlna of Assistant Negro Home Demon slrallon Agent for Wake County, according to W C. Davenp. rt ol :hc State College .Agricultural Ex- •enslcn Service. She will devote • ireul deal of her time to the 4-H pri'gram among rural 4-H girls and I'slst Mrs. Bertha Edwards. Negro Home Agent wi'h the adult pro gram. During Ihe summer of ItM-* Mb- funes served as an emergency work er under the War Fmxl Administra tion foi the dty of Raleigh. She is a graduate of Hampton Institute. A native of Maritn County. North Carolina, Miss Jones is a forme* t-H Club member Mr. AlcLaiirin Succumbs REIDSVILLE — Funeral services for Mr. L. H. McLaurin. 43. local eivir leader aird funeral dirtctig"- vere conducted from St. Paul Meth- dist Church. Saturday. Sept^m- oer 2. wHh Interment in h.cal ceme tery at Laurioburg. Mr. McLaurin came ti this cit' in >931 ai.d esiubtished the Reids- ville Fitnerxl Service. He attended Laurinburg Institute. Smltn Unlver- •ity. Charlotte; and graduated from Clark Univerttty, and the Laniff School of Emballming. New York. He yea* a d»er»*ber of Elks. Men'x Progre^iee Club, Omeaa Psi Phi Fraternity, and Coiinci' of Po*- Sc ^ an a wiXcAbd daugh ter. ofSll%'ek^; a brother, of Laurln- buTg; brother of Neyv Jersey: Ciettlng Troop Publicity The best press agent Scouting can nave is u live buy living the Seoul life and doing his gooa turn daily The fundamental fur s-jcccsslul pub licity by a Troop i» the coniinu..i doing of good Scout yvork Th ■ vork of your Troup, huweve- houid be mode known lu the onr- ents and to the public at large o. .allies, public meetings, cumniutii' good turns, and by the newspape inihlicity. Regular write-up o. Scout doings in the local paper n-. only to help to tell the public yvhu Scoi.tfng mean* hut also serve i* timulutc the Scouts iheiiiselves •• -neuter efficiency. .'nniversary Programs The whole stiblee* -if .Annlversa.y program is 'wveied ».• luHy am •vith such variety, every year »• Scmitinj;, that it seem ui.necessur' lo speak at this timv. lloyvevci Him* things remiiin true, year afl«- year Fo' instance. Scout Lead should iilyeays; Ii Begin ti plan and prepare for Anniversary Program at least tyvo month.s in aii .nee. i3i Ti* make Anniversary • eck a peiiori of real interest t :hi public. Sho>y people during th.' week what Scouts really do; wha • moviinciu is worih supporting hy their boys Khoutd be in it 3* -Make it .. g..od time for Scout^ Iso a time yehen they feel a* per -ps, they may not feel to such . ..grec at nny other time, that i' distinctiv worth while lo be i Scout. I'se Of The lasignU h i> essentiul for Ihe prolectio' ■if the Movement that Scout le.'idei o-operflte with National headquai .vs and Iw-Hl councils to prever ho impr-per use of the official in ignla of the oranlzatir'ii. Frequent ;>•, owing to a misun^r-rstanding ^ :« 'facts, Scout Offi’-'ials thcmsclve' . vc been the unwitting cause oi .iibararssment y repri>ducii.g Ih- Sc>ut emb!er without authoriP m printed mailer, on banners, o' in connection with special medal.- Dins, and contest trophies. The de gn of the Scout Badges are c‘py ' ighted and that of the First Clas Badge is reglsteri«d it the Umte' Malts Patent Office as the trade •naik of the Boy Scouts of Ameri its reproduction m any fonr whaever, without permission is hi ref ire contrary to law. The pur- iW'e of the National Connell in stir- ounding the Scout Emblem witl* very possible legal safeguard 'amst reprtrfluction *• to protect he members of the P 'y ScouU o> America in ibe exclusive right ti m It by meeting the reQuirement* of a Sctiut. Furthermore, such safe guards are a protection against uii- -crupulous dealers in merchandise • ho otherwise might use the badge iesign or seal to promote the sale •f inferior articles of alleged Sc. ut rtiuipmtnt Ralet^-Wake County Room .Ubie The Raleigh-Wiike County month ly Scoutmitflers Roundtable will b lield on Thursday. October 4th. at the home of Scoutmaster Claud Dunn. 1506 Pender Street All tmmgmgsn^ {places for colored people any- » where in eastern North Carolina The group showed ^rcat interest in the Shaw campaign. Upwards of $2,ii00 have already been sub scribed and paid in cash. The local committee is headed by Prof. Wm. McKinlv McNeal and Dr. Ilaysworth. Other mem bers of th ecommittee are: Mrs. Fthel T. Hay.swoi'lh, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Spearmen, Mrs! Augusta Steavers. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Las- sane, Mrs. Lalain Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Little. Mr. and Mrs. T. Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young. Mr. L. E. Spencer, M.'. and Mrs. Douglas Pope. Mrs. Van- dclia Simms, Mrs. Betty Jones, Mrs. Ida Pulmore, Mr. Sam Robin son. Mr. Sam Bullock, Mrs. £. McNair, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Kinly McNcal, Mr. Garfield Thompson, Mr. W. W. Cooper. Mr. Wesley Shelby, Miss.; Camp Stewart, Oa.; Vamp Van Dom, Miss.; Fourth 9«r- j vice Command Tire Colleotion Cen ter, Drew Field, Fla. j The REA has announced a loan i allotment of ^01,000 for the Jones- - Onslow Electric Membership Cor poration. CLASSIFIED AN INHTTRUCTEIl ana manager is needed at SUrka Beauty Col lege. Any graduate from tM| s heel of two or more years experience may apply. lArtte ntarks ISeauty college, Raleigh. N. C. IF YOU are lonely, write Box 32. Clarklon, Waab., Send stamp Mips Charlotte P Dunston of Sew York C'lty is spending an in- ■leflnlle .day in the city visiting hc! mother. Mrs. Denzlo’'. aand- rs .md Miss flettye Dunston of J20 South Turboro Street \f\vberry Street USO I'eatures Birthilay Party ay MRS. J. E. Mi RR.yy .JACKSONVILLE — For the brilh- ;>• party, huniiiing the enlisted rersonnel. rod others that particip- id III the USO activities, hostesses ■me from nearby Moreliead City to nlighten the occasion. The affair was an "Around the Oik " affair. Starting at 8 o'clock ). m., an mlerestig program In the ; of Self defense was performed 1 the lawn of ihe USO site by y, Sgl, Aivin Ghazlo. of Montford I'nl. tind .•» group of versatile Ma- ines, schooltd in the art by Sgt hazlo The performance drew a rge ciowd, and was enjoyed by II \> R'30, the crowd was invited in- I iL- to take part in an old fashion- game that is aiway.> enjoyed by m rg and old called "Passing the tuck." during the course- of the ■ ime, three people were selected o ccmpetc for first, second and 'ixd p*'i2es by doing vuriotu achi hat had previously been decided ^i.-i by Ihe staff The acts Inch-ded "Mac West" act; a "R..Chester" op. rsonatii-n. and a very originul ’fula" dunce. This last being per- I'ormed with a paper "grass' 'skirt ..nd lei. the winner of the first ize. and performer of the "hula” •lunee was Marine Pfc. James Ste v- Miss Dun-don is a recent grud- uate of the New York Institute of Dietetics, having completed a two year course She isn't at present employed but ha“ been offered a ; position here. ! cd by S Sgl H. W. Fitch. NCO in charge of recreation, also ut MoiU* ford point Camp; Pfc. Brent and Mrs. J. L Murray. Staff Aide at the Club. The program moved along with such ease and efficiency, il gave the crowd no time to become bored. The amateur Program that follow- I ed Immediati-ly was composed of a singer, a saxaphone player, and another impersonator, the later be ing very well received, due to the versatility of his act. Af er the awarding of prizes, the remaining thne was donated to group socializ ing. bridge, whist, pinochele, and dancing. The affair was greatly enjoyed by .all and many expressed their desire ^0 be present nt the next birthday party ^ Madelin’s Grill At Civilians To Get Sur plus Army Tires ATLANTA. Ga. ■— Army motor vehicle tiles unserviceable but re pairable. will be relieving the civ ilian tire shortage in the seven sonlheastern states at the rate of Htxmt 2.3,000 a month, starting In a few weeks. Tire.v of this type, says Colonel L Monroe Brlckcr. Ordnance of ficer. Fourth Service Command, were f n'mcrly repaired by private contractors and returned for use on Army vehicles. Under the new po- ; ihev will be declared surplus ; and sold through the United States : oruartment of Commerce to reput- I able tire dealers for Immediate re- j pair and resale to individual car j owners. I These tires from Army vehicles of ! ail types, from passenger cars to {heavy trucks and before declared surplus for sale and repair, will have been inspected by Army in spectors. Such tires in various quan tities and sizes will be assembled for sale at the follow’ing Army sta tions: Fort McPherson, Ga.; Wttrt Benning, Ga.; Camp Blanding. Fla.; Fort. Bragg. N. C.; Camp Buiner N. C.; Camp Forrest, Tenn.; Camp Gordon. Ga.; Fort Jackson, S. C- Camp McCain. Miss.; Fort McClel Ian. Ala.; Camp Rucker. Ala;; Camp Lumbertun Is Christened LtnJMBERTON, — Madelin'.. Grill was christened last week by entertaining at a dinner meeting in the interest of the Shaw Uni versity New Development Pro gram. Three dozen leading citizens of Lumberton and^vicinity were present. Mr. Barnhill's new place w-as selected because of its convenient Have You Tired, Aching Back? Let a SPENCER * Relieve back-strain and lessen your fatigue! Phone 2-3116 MRS. MAUDE Z. SMITH 518 E. Worth St. Now Playina Gene Kelly—Frank Sinatra Kathryn Grayson "ANCHORS AWEIGH" For Penoaallaed Hand Lavadry Phone 4100 MODERN Hand Laundry 4II Otaillii aoMi PAINT - PAINT 1.49 GaL 11 ^ eattateeUosk AU Celer»»StaizM aad Fnamds Mali Orders ProMptir FlUad Railroad Salvage Co. S29 South Wilmington St HOME-CO\^.r OOD8 Aad wkat a seal at wlO Masoned exactly rlgblt atii ev ery dish boaatiaf a f«al hoose* •ooked flavor. B&HCAFE 411 8. BLOUNT ST. VAYALAX AlTDITY, GAS. AFTER UVER-I.N DULOENCR I.N EATING OR DRINKING, TAKE DELICI OUS. DEPENDABLE CONSTIPATION EFFERVESCENT POWDERS The care of your health shouh’ form your most important duty. The worse enemy of your general good health is the waste matter that ferments in your intestines. Clean your Intestines and vou will ex perience Ihe general good health md the Joy of living. For internal rleanliness, however, do not entrust your delicate digestive organism to any ordinary pr^uc*. Be choosy take delicious, effective VAYA- LAX IN ECONOMY BOTn,KS $1.06 sent anywhere—SAVE C.O.O Chaiges. Send money with order to: VAYA PRODUCTS. D^t. 37 142 Foist 41st St. .New York 17 AGENTS WANTED cAriiAL cUCA-OOLA BOTTLING CO. SIS W, Morgan 81. CATITAL CAB OOi. P fln| DIAL 9i: Royal Frl.-Sal. Buck Jones—In "BELOW THE BORDER" —Also— Rex Bell—Lo "MEN OF THE PLAINS" SajL-Mon. Dick Fsoan—In "LAND BEYOND LAW" Tuea-Wed. Tuevday and Wednesday Mantan Moreland—In "THE JADE MASK" Thxirtday BARGAIN DAY —Double Feaftir^— LINCtMLN • THotATieac *■ SUN..MON..TUES. SEPT. 23.24-25 Aliy vvafc nosteA to Mr ana .viis dibjiie'ijf lJ»*;ri*Ji. Mich. rociTilly .«liii Eltie l>ail«y >t 21 Smith .. ,.i>U 10 be out iigaiii. r jNO'tie Chavis of « Chavis i.s^Mut i>i tlu' (ity on Tuisday ••'liitivi-i 111 Stnithficld b-orglaii Hunt of 9 Hyde iiuig tdaiives in Wash- Brown ol Biiltunorc, I the gucv; of her son and l-ii.-l.-iw, Mr ..Md Ml.- Al- Ixvii of C Dart Tei rate, ifsmu-^ Hifiton was the u-eeiit ■ui-'-l of Mrs- I. Partin of 4 n Terruft Martha Peny of 7 Fiankhti 'l'erIal;eflla^ been ill for a few days Uev. a I.ai'sitei of 10 Hyde Ter- I art h..| leiurnt'd to the city after iprndint hih viientloii •.•.iih rclative^ 111 Coiiri r I. .1.. * n....T tit u... LItili II for I cold. Paul Powell, few day; th III. • -hut iith ery a' UiUilnburg. Mr. McL.iuiin rame U this citv ,ti 1931 and eiftablished the Renls- ville Firneral Service He attendod L.-iurinburg Inititute. Smith Un've.- .tv, Charlulte; and gradiiiited frt.r 'Clurk University, ami the Lanirt ‘vrhool of FjnbalimitiB. New Y’ork I'le was H mcml>er ol Elks. Men'** l'roKre;»ive Club. Omeua Psi Phi Fraternity, and Council of Ho*- Sin^ving are a wilc and daugh ter, of tWf cHy; H brother, of Laurin burg '-OM! brother of Ntw- Jersey. i.ne of New York .md a sister of Washingvon. 1) . _ V—:— Race Bias Keeps Soldier And His French Bride iSiraned In England V LV^IPHOGRAMI.O- MA VF.NEKEIM MARSEII-I.E. France -ANPJ — w.osvrnril lyii.'!'l a'|- -tranded Pvt. Robert Vh.^LKhAL lllShASr. -IE. L«- amt his Fn-nt-h bride, the ■ former .Mari. Rose Jaiime of this city, heu .udoflnltely unless Arm-riean aulh.'iilics grant them , passports to the United Staies. Pvt Lt-t. 11 native of Los Angele.*. !-evealed in his appeal to civic or- BY CURTISS TODD ^gumzations how American army ol- A«MKlate VD Frtueainin Sperialiit hiul- trit-d to prevent him frem I 'rnuri'. ing 'he French ;;irl. His wif. LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENER ■ is a college gra fiate and has .se-v LU.VI IhSiot widebpiead in the Unit ed a.- chiif clerk and stenographer to Stutgs It ; lounri chiefly in the th*. office of a Ioc.t1 medical lOiiiherB stiiti-s Mote lascf are seen'clinic for six years, in tropical and semi-tropical rh-■ Mis Lci disclosed how white niateii. i Americ an army nffkcrii have tried The di.seuse is caused hy a filler-'|,i di^cour.'igf Frer.ch women from able viru.s. A vims is .I living organ- marrying American Negro soldic.- ijir. too-* small to be .seen, even tin-1 thiough newsjiaper st rlcs She en- dvr a vowerfiil microphone Only rgunten’d similar anti-.N'cgro prop.i- the evidence of Us jin seiice can b* :,d.. ‘irt**rc >ht- married Pvt, Lev. vi-i*n Tbe diwnsv is commiinlrabi'' she said Sht cited on*' of her ex- and ill zpi.-ad thmiigh s.-xiia! iiit«.r | j-,: ilen; • = under a signc-d affidavit • 'jurs*> "1 w.is dlrr c ted tn this place by Tne first sign ol the disi’aw is a cmpl'yc f the Hotel dc Ville -•mall .stiio which appears nn thr of thi« city,’ she stated We we-e 5*;x uigatis It u- painless and looks 'jncl hy a Mme. Darben and she e’' ulalned to me i: French just what p.ipers were ncc».Miarv for us married and then ihv -eddenly said i c-mething like a large pimple blister 'This first sore riisappea \vi!huul treatment Th» fir.-t so ii.muUy nppear.s from seven ... ,,, , twelve day.-' after expo-tuic and in- "The process if getting marrU'd i faction. Howevi i. it mav appear 11, very difficult, especially votti , anytime from five In thirty dayS|Uistf. for any marriages between^ Soon lifter the appearance of the'American bleck.s and whites .ire j first Mgn of the dlse.ise. secondary ^ not recognin-d by the white .Amer. symptoms will appear. In men the jeans and if you should marry one. di-case spreads chiefly through ^nd go to America, you would be wha^ are known as "lymph nodes" lyirv unhappy and your life would which '^aie in the region of the'be very miserable.' It is tin this i groin Jflst under Ihe skin. W 'n the [ ,.;,snn that wc went ahead 1 disease. cause.s one of the lymph completed the marriage ourselves ", nodes In th- groin to become m-. pvt Lee revealed that he was flamed and swell up, the swelling fined $23 for six months .md reduc- is callixi a "bubo." and is usually cd to the grade of private because filled with pu.s. Boboe, often break he married his French sweetheart and form running ulcers. The In- ngnlnst the will of white army of- fection • usually spreads to the re- fjcjals The couple will be strand gioii of the annus In womer, and cd in France until proper authorl- ♦ j othai parts of the sex organ! tj,.R |n the United Slate* help them. Acc'impaning these .-ymptoms may phe American consul grantM Mrs he fever, chill.*, headache, ahdom- a passport but explained that mol uejes. Joint pains, loss of uppe- ber application might be delayed tit«*. cti for some time Serious results mav occur if V lyiiiiihogranulomM venereum Is un- jn the early 17lh century. H iteatfcdtThc .sex organs may become often took two years to make the thrvv Or foci time.s their normal round trip from Furope to China. li/f, .Srrictiire of the rectum may V occur lit femijlce, CARD OF THANKS TMEa:)lSEASE CAN BE CUREil Mrs. Louise R W’ilUams and fan.i- HwW. v#r. i is important that treat- ly of ?fll South Pettigrew Street, men is Marted al the first iuspicious wish to thank their friends for the •igns Jf the drea>e has been of kind ex,-esslons of sympathy dur- Iciig Uaration treatment la »i>ma- ing the death of Mr Arthur C. times ijnsatulactory. - l.ugan of Washington, D C America ir. tbc exclusive rigni ; Hi it by meeting the requirement' of a Scout Furthermore, such safe guard.'. arc a protection against un- cnipoloiis dealers In merchandise • ho olherwise might use the b.adgt ;.sicn or seal to promote the sale f inf.-rlor ai ticlc.i of alleged Sc. ut rtluilinunt. RatHili-AVake County Rounr.Uble The Raleigh Wilke County month ly SroutmiUters Roundt.ible will b" held on Thursd.iy, October 4th. at the home (f Scoutmaster Claud Dunn. 1508 Pender Street. All Scoutmiistersi Assistant Senutmas- •ers and Commisloners m Rnleigh :itid Woke County arc urged to be present. Durham Scoulma-sleri Roundtable The Durham - Durham County Scf-iitmastcrs Roundtable w-ill be held nn Monday. October Ist. .u •he home of Sci-utmastcr F. C. Peo- rlarvis. IKV. Pine Street. Commjs- -inner J H rntt* and Neighb-r- hood Commissioner F. .M. Jones will give a eport on the N C. Scouters Confemccc to be held at the Gn'ensboro, A. .and T C- liege. Sept 27 . 28. 28. amh 'Scouting Spirit Scouting operates on the same orinciples which It tcarties The intangible spirit which perineat*- Scouling. and which leaders call • the Scouting spirit " is a combina tion of nnvelfivhness. eooper.atloij. fairness and nutiinl help which ha-' been 1^* - v foundaioin .md mol'- vntinp force of the Movement thru out history. It Is hardly reasonable to expect that n man who cannot be motivated by that and the prin- •iple invol-ed in il, r.tuld be verv •’.icces>iful 'S a lender in p program which limes to inculcate 'hose nrincmles in boys, A man, to be a ii'cossfiil Troop Committeemen or Divisi mill leader, must have •'Part hir enough to take in alt 'mivs — boys in his own rommunit*/ "d others, on thi« side of the niit- road tr.ick and across them, in the \ ur on the most remote farm And Jiiirt as he will tecognlze th® '■uni •■junis of every boy. .so will ne recognize the right of every ••’mmunitv and the need for their •'".it'inl help and unselfish coopera- :M*.r. Without this on Troop or nivi«ion can succeed. With It the bi.**ir«st go.nls .are reached. Ralrlgh-Wake Countv Divisional j Commute Fleets Officers At a rerent 'neetln'j of the Ra- ! teigh-W'ike Cminty Boy Sroiit Di- 1 vjiiional Committee. Poy Senuts of Nmerica held at th* Bloodwnrth S’reet USO. W L. Greene. Exec'j- tlve Secretary of the North Caro lina Negro Teachers Association i was elected chairman to succeed: r.ther J. H Thomps n: J W Eaton, principal of the Lucile Hun- ,ler School was elected vice chair- :m8n to succeed HDean F P. Pavne and L H Roberts, loral business man wa.s made Divisional Commis sioner to succeed S. W B. Slade \''ho is n.w out of the state. The Ipext meeting of the committee will be held at the USO on Tuesday. October 9lh. Durham Divisional Committee A» the Durham nivisionnl Com mittee meetine on Sent*mber l3th. it was derided to hoH the 1945 An- ••iial meetine the second w’eek In December in thta the meeting will take the form of a diner meetine. The work of 1845 wil Ib ereviewed and aims and objeetivse for 1946 g.ime ti.al it alway., enjoyed oy H n^ and old called "Passing the, luck." during the . ourse of the •imc. three people vere selected i> comjtcte for first. >». ond aud ■ilid p''izes by doing varioua acS* hat hii' previously been decided ^..•1 by thi staff. The acta Included “Mae West" act; a "Rachester" 'ip; isuiiatian. and a very originjl Hula" dance. This last being per- .(irmcd with u papier "grass' 'skirt .;nd U . the winner of the first izu. and performer id the "hula" i dance was Marine Pfc, James Sie v- rt. The crowd re.nlly enjoyed his lit- He received as first prize, a long distance call fo his home. At 9 the birthday cake was pre- '.entid to Ihe persons present, whose ivihriay was In this month. Re freshments were served, during which time a musical program wosi rendered Pfc. Nelson Sehter sang "My Rosary" accompanied at the piano pfr Gusfavis Allen, organist and choir director nt the Montford Point Chapel. Pfc. Allen also ren- ered an tnslrurnental solo. "Claire De Lune." hy Claude DeBussey. ■M.so on the program was a trio, ingint’ "Don't Blame Me," pre.sent- Mil be set forth by each of lha ix (ipeiiiting chairman. Officers for 1946 wH Ibe elected at this meet ing. Fire Prevention Week In observance of Na’ional "Fire Prevention Week" which is to be I'scrved October 7-13, it would be veil for the Health and Safely Com- •flltee of each division to make It in.-'pection tour of the meeting I'lnces of each Treop In this con- l.*elion It would he well for all Srouters lo open thei rSeptember is- lie of "Scouting" to see what Troop 17's Committee Finds in re- '.•ards lo it* Troop's meeting pl-ce It would 'ic well for the Scoutmas ters to .induct a Fire Drill. Luniuunuii im Christened LtnJMBERTON. — Madtlin’a Grll! was christened last week by enUrtaining ut a dinner meeting in the interest of the Shaw Uni versity New Development Pro gram. Three dozen leading citizens of Lumberton and'vicinity were present. Mr. BumhiU's new place was selected because of its convenient location in Lumberton and be cause it is one of the finest eating WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BEAUTY and BARBER Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere KLAREX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON SIREET Brooklyn, (IS), New York CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 1 East Lenior St. Dial 2084 NEGRO DOLLS Every home ahoald have a Colored Ooll. We offer in this sale two riashy numbers. With hair, moving ‘•vee, shoes. Htockings, nicely drened. PRICE $4.98 and $6.S9 If C.O.D, postage extra.—Dealers-. Agents Wanted Write NATIONAL CO. 354 West I35th St., New York. 30 I'OR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN’.S Tea Room :hicken shack Half Chiclren » A Chicken Sandvrteb BEER SOFT DRINKS Corner CrcM an4 Lake St. Now Playing Gene Kelly—Frank Sinatra Kathryn Grayson "ANCHORS AWEIGH" In Color Sun.—Mon.—Tuea. George Raft—Claire Trevor "JOHNNY ANGEL" Wed.—Thur*.—FrL—Sai, Gary Cooper—Loretta Young in "ALONG CAME YOUNG" A Lifetime in Flame* Why lake ehucea oo burning up a Ufetime't effort in a tingle terrifying hour when il't lO simple and iraxpensiT* to pro le^ yourself againal any peaaS- ble mishap. Your hone and hmiiy can be absolutely pro tected from ANY dlsasior at but a few penniM a day. WeTl show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. mo £3. ■tlup worrying and wonder .ng. Get the facts according io number.-'. Send me your comp!e» birth date. Get your new pt-rsonaliz- j ed fureenrt on Love, Business, Fin ances. Travel. Pleasure, Health. ' I Home, Responsibility, friends .md as- ' I ciale. I .send you your PERSON- ! Ial numbers forecast taken frorr ■ your fuH birth date. Formerly a 55,0(1 service All for only 2.5c. Rush birth date, a 3c stamp and 25c in coin, FREE—Mail your order prom ptly and get a dictionary of 300 Cuminun Dreams Satisfaction gua ranteed .APPLIED NL’MBLRH, Dept. SB9 38S3 Applegate, CincLmatl It, Ohio The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance /e'^vice 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendant* tn the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, bacin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hour* by Dialing 2*2835 C. A. HAYWOOD. Owner ILlMCiMUV SUN.-MON.-TUES. SEPT. 23*24*25 ‘The Keys of the Kingdom’ With—Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell, Vincent Price, Rosa Stradner, Roddy McDowall, Edmund Gwenn Sir Cedric Hardwick, Peggy Ann Garner, Jane Ball, James Gleason, Anne Revere, John M. Stahl and Joseph L. Munkiewicz “WOLF’S TALE” Cartoon METROTONE NEWS I I WED. and THUR. SEPT. 26*27 (FAREWELL PERFORMANCE) “Cabin In The Sky” With—^hel Watei-s — Eddie Rochester Anderson, Lena Horne—Louis Armstrong—Rex Ingram Duke Ellington and His Orchestra The Hall Johnson Choir Cartoon “At The Circus” News Chapter 2 of “Shadows of Chinatown” T T FRl. and SAT. (Double Feature) SEPT. 28*29 “Double Indemnity” Fred MacMURRAY—Barbara STANWYCK Edward G. ROBINSON “Smoky Trails” With—Porter Hall, ean Heather. Byron Barr, Richard Gaines and John Philliber Bob STEELE First Chapter of “Jungle Queen”