xi-iL 6A I L h[t»A V, rE^nciKu ,.;■. r;ossip OF Tiit mome lots yV^/#) REPUBIIC SIGNS RUBINSTEIN FOR^ Gossip Of The Movie Lots I TECHNICOIORPICTURE,"CONCERTO Skowfronts '/ • IN lit LhKmiSt.l COLORKII PI hl-(>K.>ILRS. Tllf.S A.N'D N'OH, V\IIM H IIAVt IT ASIEK? IITO.h ?t'lltL(iGLtA Of BILL ROIJISOV, ^MlJtiL WATERS. (vlTiKhS Lai bulvvi-i II Lual.i Siiiike Tip!; Tuckfi Lici U.I1IO NEW Yuhj. iJr d.i some peopli' v. nr tulkiiii; jLoui ih«.- differeni.f ii, u.du> t >oun^ pci- formerh in iiu- th..itr- ss mf night-lj/f n'oi lei ;«t LOiiipaitd those Ct tliL i-kKii iia..-. and conseiiPL. V... II,I,t .1 ,u-lii,;if im provement cml.i U tuLi, 111 tl.f finished pr(diii'i The Qijf-ti.,;, 1 i,|),.|, m d|.b..if because i'i vmum Ui luduy wliu enters tl.. tl.ratie u. •lained Inr it in many iii',:,.mi-. ihiuusl, iimth- mg school .l.-mi'. music-, and dancing ah well a' svitJi a pretty solid bavk'ioii-i.l -i iimh svlu-ol or college e>it,t'.ilii>n I'ht- youllg^teI today aho iia* had. in iiiiuiy in- ' stances, til.- tyii.' ' 1 nomt- Ilf.; that produce-, iht- so-uill.-d ••Aineijcun" Buck and Bubble: -lid ii.iy.i;ed way. .So did VVaUi> .A,ins!iom{. arjanl. .\Lintaii Mu,eland. KouhfSie, I Anderson. Chu :!.e Lite Ben-ie Smith, and .Mamie- Sii ith They all can.- 1- hal'd riii-.'-.d t.ituous nad a.'k no CJUaltei ;,IVc HO ejuai- Hh.-1 Willie Kdme lir world, w: il.‘.ir,ni.intiin- aljilii> alone lop. , Ua rifi. and wiier- ilhi >.>u t.- (h* paraln ily Ij.'int' ai appL-araiice, and -1 Snillh, Uluihutn. type of p|,> by that wt m- m li-ma such Bs Hilda Siniiiis. Lena Hmm-, Rather Rosetta LeNnii.-, and lncludini> Jl.-./s-i Sc-nM. Savanruih Churchill, and 'I'hehna (’aipenter These gnh ail l,a\.- cilher bvauH- ful shape. oi 'Xtr>-n.ely iiietty faces The carting direetui of a :h«>w or play can hav- ii.dd day in uhuu!.- Jng show gill,- d:ini.c-i:. aiKl pei- formers ain-.i.g ih> m.iny tandidaie:. we have i.. ..ff.-i nowaday- He eai, g#l a varieiy ul t-s-iois. and t>pe.N of so-called giiud hair on the head- of his pru'-pi t'f., beautiful lei4> aiui bCdies, anu extremely pietf face?., whereas m the dd day!., he had to go along foi week.- on end bat it- he saw ,■ lyiie like Ihe late Floi- ence MilJr Joe Bake: or AdeL.idc HaU. It mighl have been that in lh>j:>e days our women hadn't learned how to diet properly or m plain w ords they didn t get the- Kind) of loo-' that the childrt-n ate yetting i-dav such as biilanetd diets along witl mod live- roil win-i, they .iie ve: > young, orange itnee .,nd so fort which produce flesh and le. tl\ Straght boner, and elnninale such things as rn k.-tf. bad skin, and th.- like. Bill Robinsor. who came up tlin- the streets of Kichmund fighting and working trying lu earn his iv- ing and learning, to d.mcin-idr tally i.c a phennnivnon Bill Robin son can not be matened by any petson of today In backmund uf course, there are hnndn-ds of darir ers today uho came np the ham way as did Bill but it must be ir- membered that the prvvh.h.yv i. ward the Negro war far diffeiei-' ill Bill Robinson s earlier yearr than It is today Ih. ki- -ho aie nov graduated into nar lar.ks m the.- tre, nighl-ltle and -tage cndri t iiav, to run from a white man j' dm the Bill HobiiiM/ii^ fhere : n nrl.oCl ‘..'fi.v nit-i will -h oin yniinc tiers mu-' find th'-n w;iy lor a cer tain periotl ea> h year under penal ty to then,-*!\i-s anl then part-nt- ‘ ' • vlu , w, rhl fo! ell a- the , ■ lorth, (>I Jil-O R.ide •* TED YATES PUBLICATIONS Artur- Rubinstein, one of the world's most celebrated pianists, will record the entire piano score of Franf Borzage’s technicolor film. Concerto, the love theme of which is Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano company, is shown here Billi(- Holiday ()ut On Cio.ss (loiinlry Tour HOLLYWOOD lANT'i — A.s the mutiui, picture studi ^ hiftried I') iiilsh .sf T.L-!. unufi pruducti(>n. a ni m./t-r of wi-ll-known sepians ans wered w/ik '.'alis las’ week. Inci- icriialls ir.ty. like the players of o»hci races, coniinuc- to ignoie the dwindling pnkv. lint especially •iia'. 'h.-> K.-.i.w Well that the -iiuon nivtlved has a jim crow p',.li- cy 0,n2i,les James, regular .stand- hfc:-.tr, WHS buSy In ’The re Boot'" at Parumoun: iT ■ i)!.iv-.rs were Robeit Lewi., V.'iilii W.'lhiniA Ambra Dandridg, Tile -la’s ai-.’ Barb-iia Stanwyii; 1 R i'.e. I Cummings under ih- i-l -1 i.f Irving Piehel. p,U-;.i, Whiting, i.j private life one of the country’s be.st earned.,ii. wiiM.-i- -vc; , yp.N ■ ja always a by- - d, was- in a >upp Tling roi, ,!• ••Because of Him” .il Uni\i-rsl Other.' were Curtis Hamilton, h.i.d ••••oiking popular younu vidi-r.m: • I Hariiig. Irving .S.nith, Bobbie .h hiis, n .and Rtibi-rl I.t-wis Ti.c •t.u's are Deanna Durbm and chot Tone In. Harding was in "Haii the Chief" at Columbia U idei dire.-tj.r iiay Knrigh: The sta.- me CluMer Morris. Willard P i'ln r MarcueriU tth.-ipmiin iind Jamc- Carter If space permitted il 1 would i iin throuvh a pile of ii .n- books a f, high, full of matt.-I I liave intend .to discuss with you m,d news that is yet timely. Mislea -In!! Cuasl Leaders .Need Stage Blasting At d al-o. thi.light I would hate as much to do so as a fathei hatei to l.iM the hide Ilf his di'oliidnnt soi'., i sh.iild al-jo throw a ghiring s|Xii- helit on :.eveial of oin fahe 'I-, who ;ii-i iloiii!' till- laee lunr-. harni than Hiller and Hirohitu/lnc., about Los Angik-s folk that wou'J be terrific. Here fi>i- inslHucc wi^id be some of the characters inlcuded; ! A stage and sCtcen lag shot who keeps hi.s wife oi noim- 20 y.-ars in I til. lighi ' TWO BRIGHT STARS IN THE HEADUNES of h-b- he b:e-k-; i-hick'; e\« tle-v .naricKuis. .sellish, ' 'anc, ne.ir-ly :'iiijp.a power, rapidly heading for the asli-h. A ii.ncL ted two-faCed intiovert. for whoii: the Apostle Paul wrote '!a- w..id!. "Let he wlM thiiikeih m- ituiidelii. lake h.-cd I-st he f.-H " ^''*p I think I'm to put a dozen .-o of these real-life character.-: into pla> form m, all can view thetii. l.ke ih - woth' iS peering m -.t flo.iing lies, and the re^t of the buzzard war cilmlnah- who are • V .1 .lie tl lal Hut no-w the news, tail talcs in short palit.- Arthui’ Hirris. veteran -risi liceii.-uit uinpir. and one i f the best on the coa-t. is having the e of hi.- life bulk In New York, en- he went on a vai-ali.n Of "iir-o h.- IS scemy pk-nty uf big •mnie ball gam.-*, and aho life In 1- ni wh.i'h he will tell ill ch.si- iijis I n hi,- return. -•'ord Hants and J.tic.s*reat Ca- -fi-itha comedy trio. n.-t reach- I h* n- -.et the OV Kuiyum fhoiighi they would have bv now Heiu-i- the notice of their arrival^ li-oe 1.1 I.,- siielxed until the 1 ihi'ii eai--n engagements Among the lecenl houses where' :h«‘y have pl.iyed to capacity I npowds ha\'e been the Tower in Kan sas City and the Regal in Chica- no One ,f their best engagements was with Ear! Hines' hand - - The S-ntine!, Hidden Tale chib id an-I otlier fine meeting la.'t Friday eve ill.' at Mi- •■^■" wh.Ti- more than ''.’^■eii lu w members loinc-d rend portions of a pow camp drama “Wai-r Boy 'I* Al.LSr Hint lells sigiiines the .Miss i'arpeniei. (he Ihiill plovlA- 1 ability 111 biiili "Ta|.s" .Milter ^ in.-I Ihriish. whom Lew l,eslle — and 'I'helnia (‘ai i.eiiier (abovet who iioie.i D'v.-iiy producer-halls as the this week are on (he ii|,bea( with 3nih Century Florence Mills baa the (low'nl,e:ii .Miller's band Is Ti been booked Into the Club Copaca- its second week HeJais. pofitilar bana In New York. Rddie Caolor, frequented iiiiery In Sei-dUcuH N. J . j noted atar of radio, stage and where, by the «iiy. Ixrenzu Fuller- .screen, selected Thruablng-Tbelisa the outstanding baritone—Is creat- for bta popular radio show Both Ing a sHQBallon [acta are booked by Oale Agency SEEIN’ STARS With Dolorei Calvin MELT this contraptior, and cut out." Later you in the week. Batty Andiews' thiout TAh' VOPIC^ By CHARIfS ..-Ml ■ th hf" !ultry blues- ■J'-v ' I can gui»-t cvii: the t i-oi.t .lull cuhtome.' the mo- :ln p- lilt., the s|)utligh( to a -.'piii.-iicolcd torch sonc It wiiii'i-d to drop thc '.■bi;,l pin t.. move Billie's in, -Tie.t .i|, lilt- wiiieing-and- .ii.w.i, th.yii have more .-Il iiicc hear tin ..I .1! n I :.--K.-d iiisi the floor lllic -r.ge pr.-encf. he: per ilrv m.i-t nf ..11, what she .1 ha- 111., . bifi' I'cco^. d 1-' the iiiiic.-* will hold their M:."'re ..lie lo lecog- .i!'t • -Tidin. faleni Ti.is is evi- le Bilii-■- fre*t-.iint ip|H‘ar- - ’ '‘t- I' .-•iii,!crs II III. : .se.oly p.'lt whirh, you >od/. d bv ’iif experts if- ' nly the ixp ii> wtio x'm I ! " (th ‘h r-' pu.hirily her re- nid .ipm'»'-■)•'( a biivtf ••-■^ K,.- •hr-"i"hout the 'Tiuntry • mill.- Holutiiy fun- • L.kI an .,11 too infif(|ucnt >» .• •.. -o-u iii> Il I,a ,1 m m-r- I • - v •■;.*• -I.f I. .eked to -.S i’l you’ll Hainl.'t to his friend while c sing the nest manner to exp-. larciilly .stepfather wh.i had di'Jtd liie Dane's fath.-r ii .el his in.ilhei So perhaos Ihe best •-.ly fo Jav liar, some .-f the rott- n- • - If 'Hn- rnid-i -vi-.’ld be to put the unsavory chara'-jcis on the ■-t.4Ke and screen A!” 'iu«h fictitious • •m-s w'oiiid be used, thev would iC" .iizi- tliems B'l-s rn d tremble in Mi.-ir nneodlv -hi,, s. anu theli fel- one-act plays will be read and c’ , * '-“‘f ine Puramount munaHein.-iu ■ parts a.-sigtiftl for the big down- u-hv-’ her for Louis Jordan and I town itMn. lion to take place the H„/ih. r-i*'double, .rushing from the last of the month MHcred Oovor. i’h*. don ,s a bit , Zanzibar to the Purumoum and me of the best talented as well ns .no,!,.. ...L • - Jordan f's again guest on dons . the Chgslertield show and will be mors ' on Kale Smith's air show this week, will, Hig tune •'Brother, Beware," I is nothing short of sensational ■w ' v Robe.son Dinner Reser- irder lo lovable sepia screen play- ■■ ■ IS married in Yuma la; Kill" (!i>le Tr-o Fly.-^ To .Apollo She's thinner and her in an artistic upsweep She's of the Marva Louis type now ..vs led-brow’ti makeup, a lip tick shade and brand new gowns. One .-he w.-re upemn; night was black satin, uiloi-i-d to fit her new figure She wore orchids un the side of the upsweep ani g'-ld .-vid slipja-rs Her sist.-r, as pretts > she i.s. was down tn wish hei Ho luck However, when the -how hit ic-d i.he first -inger is Mis.- Sheldon and though she sings "Dad.Iv baddy, .1 I .-oiding hit as Savannah Churen- *'"VO .idults as ill, 'he critif" eith.-i didn ' know wanted by two her or played a trick on her by vations Pour In To NAACP id Hi (Ji .\KU' YOHK (MTV .('VS. _ The ...en ••■..iiiri .il-n i.n'c ihi- mirror fanud K ng foie rn,- will h.-ad- l‘ke -onterpart and do sfimethinc -'. '• . .bout It. With .Andv Kirk'- ore: e-t F.'p-il • tfr rharaclcr^ A-PImty Timm;e Rogtrs. comedian.' I' ! -hould ;.rc.-Dt one of the _v •, .n«- mvitiiti I.s- f'-m -'—id f.-.-id", •' >'• I'v.-s- f.:- .1 oill. t few week' well as children ; on their ranch. I believe ir the L.rmers of three in the United her' a’scan! 'reviewMo':'i NeiV York, at which the'jolh Sp'in- -p .«L . [““'uf -servisd at school ,,jjd a newcomer. Gl..ria Sheldon, i k®™ Medal will be ; resented to ’* “ '* *’ "t'l ‘ T five . ppea-cd on the And when ! Rubesen began to pour into j>e show hits the air. #ne just isn't i^ff*‘'®' '•! the NAACP on the NEW YORK - Even before in vitations hud been mailed, reserva tions for the dinner on Thursday. October 18th. in the H. iel Biltmore, Boh Merrell New Vocalist With Cootie Williams Is “Tops” .lied But Uluria Sheldon, nae 1 Dasw of the newspaper aiinounce- •V varinah. continues nightly to m.ike a n«m on her voice, not her pasL ROC'HESTKj^ Celebrating itis iithnav b> cooking in hit .-VpoHi. . siii^ r.'om ••suite" .m an elec tric .stove green?, corn, potatoes ind s/ni. kind of rre..t which no- bidy knew but him He kept tak- >ng the lid off (he pot and "visit ing" his guettk o h-t thtm Just -mell .1 whiff of h;« cooking before ment of the dinner. It hat already been necestury to pouit out that the seating ^-upacily of the Orand Ball- lom of the Biltmore i» llmiied and " ai dl) re'e: \ illoii- wiH be filled in the order of thetr receipt It was (urthi r nude known by M.AACp tiHiiiy thir Marian An derson. Sp.ngurn .Medalitt in 103t. '.11 appar I'li the piovram to juin in a tribute to Mr Rubetoi. and way at did nill, but must be i.-- membeifd that th,- psych,li.yv i, ward the Negio was f-.r diff»i,-i.’ ill Bill R-binson'? earlier year.« tliau It is today li., ki' ■■ ?,o uie nov graduated into Tar ranks in thf.- tre. night-lile ai.d -taKc oidn t hav, to rim from a white man a- did the Bill Hobii..s'jriij There ;.i» schr,«.| • H.t-i v'hr'ti oui youiv.' ster- mu-' find ll„-ii way toi a cer tain ()«riiM,l i-a.ii yi-a, under pi*n:il ty to thni,-*h.'' and Mien piirnt- Kid- iTi lull's da.' sPid-m aw Mi- outside of s.-)in>il, I,-I done Mie m- SIC, '.. h'r,- kid- i-.iii gci to ch ,1 I todny ai.d t.,ke up d,lining. ,trid af ter 'hi.i or f'.iii ye.ii- ,1. velou into h.gl i,rice pt rtormers, in Rob inson's- .lay y.,11 learned Iron. Mi(- gang 1.1 'll, loMiei .(111 you d.,:,.. for p'-nnivh 1.. earn youi way Ij you weit- .•.il yo»Kl ,v'.u inndit l.a---. gottei, ;i . bji.ci- li. gei into :tio v and move >.n In.n. th. ,e. The 1:.M- F;ir1 .Siak:- Hit,-' Tn^k or w: ■ m Mu- class .Many will u- membei •’'. .I wh.-n h*- cam.- '• .N'l York and was picked up by Bob Douglas ‘.f the Rcnr.nissatico B.ill- room :md all -wed m i!.iuct- on the .'ly Bn.v w.'r.‘ all pii.ud of yni J proinisi (i. your i,id joL i.- wai I L’..:,'.;iin .iiid ,11-1 [(MEET "HOT LIPS" PAGE Ti ... ... c EXPONEhJT jWith the money earned by hit doily street corner ' Hot Lips Poge, o former student of orotory, is frequenA/ •jlerenodet Hot lips enrolled ot Texas College in colled upon to lecture on juzz His most recent delivery iTyler. Texos, to further his musicol career. His trum- | took place ot Hunter College, the success of which /f«ti, g wQi the moirvstoy of the Khool bond for three ' promplad the school to institute a regular weekly saHet ((•O'v "*■ * - j of jazz lectu»s. rnr- i* ,uut'u oy inc cxpena -And it's I'nly the cxiv rt.- who win ' ' ' '' ith 'h. p' Pularity her re- I /'d' Jiid la.iii. app*:irariiis have ••amfd her •hrmichour the country .uiritv of Billie Holiday fans have had an ,.11 tuu infrequent ' hn,ic«- to view ilieii tav,i-itv in jx-r- ) l:.ii tl- V' ih:,i sl.e i- b .oked to 'n* C'limiry l.c.i-.liiiir.!' wlih Guy and His Orct.e-tra. you’ll I ‘ii- lo ,-;.tih Mit- bruMit singing lar in p r«-' i; •to.. (Juv. h.rmei-ly with l.uckv Mtv'f: ().i-he)tr.i is caiiiing . I .M -n n,*rau?e each sideman I .,..111 I I'-i!. d tin, - on h(- par- ' n! .1 iii-,( iiment Joe Guv ..nd ■ b- - .p,,.-..' li-.i ,.! ,hi- H'.w- . 1 Tl. . I '• I-. VVa-hii . k" :i,. I - Mn : T;-e:i Tl, Boh Merrell New Vocalist With Cootie Williams Is “Tops” It's Time Til M.til (lirisimtis !’a-L;i"PS To riiosi- 0\n--(-:is ATLANTA, G.a - Ii'.'« lime to oe ■I .i: :i. Chi istm.is pack- ’ I li • •} - 'al dficeis at Headuuar- ' Kn nil. Service Command re- i. iiuiid the public (hut even though I) Mli’iCs have cca.sed on all front.,. li. still ,nai>v Ihi.ii-s.-md' .-.f '..I'oaii II—p who will spend ' • il f.'hi i: tni.i.s in fuieign lands ii. d Mio-e troop; will be lot.king I'W .!• I 1, |);-ekages- imm home. Th- le-rl-dinns i.-ovirning the n. ..ling of overseas Christmas gifts ■I .-\ oy per.omul rcrujin the .same l;i-’ year 'hey ,mi'1 be posl- ' tv ,'i S:*itemh,'r 15 .uid I- r.ii.ei- 1 i '-’ic iK'ckiige a week i..- nt .without .1 request* by ■ I'v line net-on tn the i im.' service- -i.ci. ti l- usual r‘.-l.•l(■tll,ns as to : • Old wel'Mit of Chrl.'tmas par cel:; atjpiits — not in re than fif- M..-11 - lorn: or m(,re Mum 36 , • nclie.- Ill length ai.d with combin- d .iiid ini'Ximum weight five i-unri- Mo't -toies have a slock of ; o. xi- -pii .ved by the War Depart- . .n-n' I ir ovui-seas gif! .shipments. The Aimy ask> that gifts be Se les !ed wliuh a soldier is unlikely G ■;! in the ttarlieular area in which he is situated and to re- -•u-b I 'r:,! in . .-100111'. infltimmii- •'1 mat.-rial 'si.ch as m-irhes and i I fluids, apvi peri'hable mat- • • -I.- iiiu.c-'f',>t.ihl •• mailing. and f’ieiid men stu- inii d n Ih'- China-B'.inn.i Theater, Ir.d;;, Th, r Ml. Middh- Enst, nr the Mar-ifis- Mai.is, ;ire urged •, .1. ... , I,.,... ,,f jp, early ■' dati- !•' in-Ur'S r-c'lpt of ;'i.. TT, i,re« |.v Chri*stm.is jiarrel.-! fmlytu Above illuitratei what to expect of the new combination of rhythm ••on the upbeat with the downbeat." Bob Merrell. a good-lookino chap too, flirla. It the latest addition to the tentational Cootie Williams Orchestra. Here he u (minus his trumpet) singing the blues-as •'Champ” Cootie cuts loot* with tome stuff that's puh-lenty hot The band is currently touring with the First Lady of Song Ella Fitzgerald. or whom it is dct-isiiatcd. l.ucal jmslinaslcis can ft iiiv clanfyiii]] sictaiL ridati' ivcr-cas Chi isinias mailing. jie show hits Uie air. the Just i.sn ; i illiKl Bu; Gloria Sheldon, nue' s. vannah, cuntinuex nightly to make tt name on her voice, not her past. ROCHESTER celebrating his birthday by ciKikins m his .ApollL -.e-sIng room ••suite" on an elec tric stove greens, corn, potatoe« md '(me kind of meat which no- brxly knew but him. He kept tnk- mg the lid off the pot and "visit ing" his guests to let them Just .-mell a whiff of h;s cooking before he went back and closed the kitch en door all of which 'van invisiotv thr pots were so new the labels were still on them And Eddie wa- ..! -ng .iiound in u bathrobe with iMp-piiig ,ut .:iid his head toweled in Egyptian fashion. Kitt' .y. tilt buxom commedteiine wh, doe.s a roaring "'rea for Tw.' act with Rochester, came in calling Eiidu', Eddie" and he would ans* 'ver in a >eal gruiM. “Heya. heya ' Kitty, because of cr.ntracts. Iiad t - :ble at the Elk Rendezvou- Shi- gets to the Elk.' just In time t ;;o .11 and batk to Mu .Apollo jusf lime to be drugged on. BENNY CARTERS 1-5 year ol daughter. Joyce, backstage wearing one of his monogramed sport shirt' Benny praising his new mnnagei, • M, 11 Deutsch. at the Apollo. Ben ny Briggs, the slim dancing hid. i- currently at the Strand in the Charlie B.arnelt show that star? Peanuts Hollad. Adam Powell and Mrs Cooing in the Zanzibar's dark ness. Miss Rhapsody blues slinging a long engagement's end at the Mt'ody Club ii Newark. . . Billy •=*rk*ine and Bill Robinson among first nighters at the Zanzibar. .Rilly Rowe’s wife, Izzy, Pittsburgh Courierjj pride, claims that after he makes her Saturday nigth dead line at midnight, nil .she can do Is .'o h'me and pull her shoes off! LOUIS JORD.AN, opening for th- first time at the Zanzibar, sighed :.nd .--.-lid the first night "1 get tired .ailing to go on around here.' The dresing rooms, exact replica Ilf some partitions off Snuthern barn, reminds Louis of an Arabian ten! folding it up and silently steal ing away Says "they cught to take the iiffice' of the NAACP on the basia of the newspaper annuunee- ment of the dinner. It ha* already been necessary to point out that the i^-uting ^-apacity of the Grand Bail- I om of Ihe Biltmore is limited and •*•81 all re*erv.itions will be filled in the order of their receipt. It was further made known by •he N.AACP tixlay that Marian An derson. Spingarn .Medalist in 1038. vil] appar on the program to iv>in in a tribute to Mr Robeson and Walter White, 1937 Spineam Med- nli.'l, will preside. Reitervutions for the dinner are S7.50 each. •-iop wuri>iiig and woiRlei mg. Get tk« fact? according 0 numbers. Send me >our complex birth dale. Get your ne.v p.-rsunuliz- ed forecast on Love, Business. Fin ances. Trav.'l, Pleasure, Health, Home. Responsibility, friends and as- ;ci(Ues I send you your PERSON AL NUTtTBERS forecast taken from .vour full birth date Formerly a S5.00 service. .All f()r only 35c. Rush birth date, a 3c stamo and 25c in coin, FREE—Mail yfuir order prom ptly and get a dictionary of 300 Common Dreams. Satisfaction gua ranteed. APPLIED Vl’MBERS, Dept. 599 1833 Apptefite, Cincinnati 11, Ohio eOOD NEWS! To All Who Reed i Laxative Mow aad Then When you feel sluggish, stomach ap- ?et. low la spirits and somewhat ''no account" — because you n^ed a good cleaning out. Just LfiSx YOURSELF IN TOR THE QUICK RELIEF THAT KRUSCHEN SALTS CAN BRING YOU. _ When you want relief you want It PRONTO—you don't want to wait for hours (Kruschen acts u.vually within an hour) — Caution — use only as di rected. Regulate the dose to suit your .,wn requirements. Cel KRUSCHEN BALTS today at any good drug store. % A('s Win Ki.senliowei- Allilftii- Awards In Tennis Tinirnev vsiil.s i.SN-;-. Of the ta.iHMi Cf lv).\ unit li.ivi 1 -t • D Mil I);.y 'ti- l.-M- baK Mi.iii 'V)lc t I be s,f (heir pert-;i (ivi- d ;ciiiii.- •fiuy T-i ’•A, . itrif .11)1 I’ll- L’ai ■ I I Bl GllMl: r.iT the IH 11,! .I'trlres's: he t.iurii.imt-n : ink. n rr sitIvI number br.m.'h i- -n M '• dnni ,f . I --: t'd ,\ P O P. 51 touii! •. 'tc'.*-' !-i* n - !f:r- wt.ich will '"i Mn athletic i h rr'D- -h. '•aM H Mm public fol- Fi tnhuwei ’ •'•' r • ' r‘* • - ■ •.en bv the Cpl Jacktut, Aruiv i'' ., p--.»*v -ut,- bet *h.il 'f t'-iiipaii> C •iii- Or l-•■l, .a ii-.xi- will go thru finals but wen wii tune tud riiach the *cn,:e men placed aupeitwi Four iti,*n)bi-; i.al (>o.t..l Din- ; .-envu cvi'.ificatv.- Hum Go., Ij-.viuht' •.'!-. duMimii I nee . the m-eni ■ III, ■!> Ml llvie • •.v.ic M ilul V. Pfr , I pi Fdn.i Jj,-k -uii n I*-ill T-i 11.*!.-.. - f t’-.ii.piinv B rle i.ijI pl.-.vvrs dl i-in:: • md ''ll. Miiiinrs lie tin ; n M) w„n L, . pen- in ,i;‘di’U’n i rtificit.' fi'im Gen and Pfi; pLejU-. both l.iiltd tu :-nti the ; plai- d (ut tuvin* games