DENOUNCES iVUTH Aim-NECRO SCHOOL STRIKE IN CHICAGO WHITE STUDENTS WANT JIM CROW CHIAGO AM'. - Whiti- hi^h hchool sludcnl-s o( iw-» local liiyh schools f llu\v-d tht pattern of Gaiy’s y.tiiliful unti-Negm strikers last week by deinuiidinK .sepaniu school buildiiiijs for white and Ne gro students. Taking the lead of students of Froebel Hidh Schtwl in Gary. Ind. white students of Morgan Park high school signed a petition demanding that the local board of educatioii erect seiiarate schools tor students of the two racis after refusing to repoit to their ila‘ses They wr.i dlssuadecl from continuing then Stllke by the ei'>queiHe of the Re\ Glenn HaidtiiK. while, assi.stani min ister of tile Morgari Park Methodist church Talking to the students bare headeti in the ruin, he said "Your older brothers were fight Ing overseas ngainst just this sot' of thiiiK It you go ahead with the kind of trike, reinenibei you an striking ugain-sl the oiisliution ui the United States " A group of 130 KngleMiKKi higti Cchoul student', lead tiv C Giafrai clscu, told George Casu. 11 .esistaiit superintendent of local nigh schools, their tl'Gubh Cassell .idvi i-d thein to take up tie n.attci with tlnir alderman through their parenf^ Al ter the meeting, Giatranciscu said the student strikers "'Viin’t go back to school until condition' an- ‘«l- tled. or until we hi-ai wh.ti the school board is going to do ab«.ui It." Meanwhile the school situation assumed suflicient magnitude to at (Continued - *. back page) The Carolinian Postwar Segregated Negro Aviation Training At Tuskegee Inst. Denounced VOM'MK XXVI. NO. IT UALKl;iI. NOr.TH CAIiOLlN A WKFK KNDING SATCUDAV. ( TOHFU «. 1JII5 J’KICK 1 IVK CRNTS INVESTIGATE RAPE DEATH OF HIGH SCHOOL GIRL CONWAY, S. C. (AMP)—Ac Invectigation into the raping and murder of a 17 year old high school girl on Pine is land two weeks ago is being made by leaders and organisa tions. it was reported on Mon day. Registar Elected FortValleyPrexy It llUk ATLANTA 'ANPi V. Troup, for the pad of Fort V-ll« > Sl.ile (’■ 1 'ItA.ilid to Die pi'sideniy tllid liisllllltl.iii I...I wti'k by -h. rgl.i IJo.ird of Kp.'- Tii.ip S. L. Miivor (!ritii'i»‘il lor Aflioiii til Nc’i-iif!' >1 {>. M'.i M.ii Bond It'd to pi Do- pi of ohi I’m-. I'lly 'P.i iiiultuneoUN with Ihr action alint; Tio'ip. the h :i:d ..I d the .um of S2.A nw' to • ■ n« nvhi iiimr the ' iftilly i rvia Collei't in the home . c -i grhiilfu ' itti . ..f I John A. Jeyeux, slr>.did'> mate • • - Cl • , L-'i.’.H L.iIIjIo N t , 1- > ongiatuluted by (.'apt I. ^ Parks UbN Subtnaunt- sviuadi-.n :iiiandr, iftei ifciMn»' lh- c ovett-d Submarine t' In- l.'SS t uL-.urd liu aubanne. th> jvjIk-. Ill Ihf Pacific Ja> i.x iii'.-ivcd th> iiiiivnia fo- lu^ tn-t 'Uicfolul war patrol coin |,let«‘d before the Japs -ui- leniicii-d (In the- ci-.i ■ tin sub •-.i.r lime ineict'.mt iiip'- ..nd a de'li .>er by t^rped.. attack and I.tiled .md 'tmk iwo 'iiiatl ciaft Jaycok wife. Maaie lives at 303 Myrtle Avfuie. Bi ffalo. N. Y - Official U. S Navy Phutugraph ing glad late -tudn Ugte: In he n. .r fut'ae. Dr Bond I signed f. >i, F'Ut lef as of July 1. the icgciit:- voting! le accept li..'. leaving trie (o1Ik- -i' tten lonv.m • 'n'-'' Mis Itadei hip i' Foat Valley had c>nan>-iidrd i.iti . a. uup IS a graduate of NMA Disowns Drs. Ask forJCHosoitals Jruu|. bKwn College and studied at Al lapta University. University of W \ cdiwlfi and Ohio State Uiuver!ut>,| tf» Wtei iiisliUjUun from whicu j to win the doitur of phil- COLUMBIA, S. C. (ANP)— Mayer Fred D. Marshall of Columbia is the target for bit ter criilcism. it was disclosed this week. The criticism is being mads by leaders of the Progressive Democratic party which is hoct to the National Council of Negro Democrats meeting here Oct. IS-li. Marshall .as mayor of the city, rejected an invitation to welcome the council at the Monday night sesaion without a reason. Other sources, how ever, reiport the refusal was based solely on a racial issue. John McCrey. state chair- man of the Progressive Demo crats. said Mondsy that learn ing of the mayor's atlitudo. several other city officials have volunteered to appear in the wekeminc spot. NbW YORK UmjuuUfied i>p- ,H>siiivn tu the piupovid Army Air 1 l ice pl.-.'i to '.abli'li .1 "C'lmpv/sitv ki jup" of Negro bombers and fight- ctk .IS j Mgrcgatcd unit at the Tuv xegrr Field wui voiced today to Si-crelary of Robvrl P. Pat- r on, by t^ie NAACP The Av-iciaiion'.- stand in based upon three points. Walter White, .'ivc'ietary. itifoiincd the Sc'cretury War !> Wv- die unalterably oppoKei ' -^'grcgation in ihv pjstw\>r Air - or Aiiny TL United Status .ju excellent ex.imple of sue- eisful iitegrallon m the expvr- -f th 3J2nd Fl:4htor Gro'ip, and particularly of the Wlh Pur- ->ult Seiuudri’ii in North Africa and iDily which served without friction ' diffirulty With wtiite fighteu, many of iheni from the Ue-.-p S ,ulh. The racial a'rro^pliere of Alaban a K 5U' h that : > elf re'spf ct- li.g Negro inembt r ot n • An Force roiild -erve th' i« without tlie risk guate farililies fur tryining com- mai.ity patieni uf .nll-Nfgroism. In the i^uutlon >f the Air Force : ; -Titi.y cxcell nt fields . equipped a-id suiU'd for - r;- Mit; fi..hl i l-aimog than " ■ fjrl'l at Tuskegee. which field.; are* located in areas where ■.'•r -I ilicii wtv.-l i not lie !-ubiacte«l to constant humiliation. Tu'kogee ' !iM d'e« not at pres- nt have aie- .1 !'(' fapilltl''* fo nraining c-'m mand or t.ictical unlD- N'r does it riiivp ddegiiafe h-.u-ing and c/thcr f.-H-llities for officers and cnll'tvd personnel We reslize that mch fac lllties can be created by the ex- prndlture of considerable m'>n‘'y But fn lit:, already creaed could be used .«nd thus avoid une-on'-mical ‘.p-ndlng of n-cirey for the er-eU -n '■t Idition 1 facilities at Tuskegee 'Ji Wi understand that the pro- jpo'cd establishment o( a composite I group for the tiulning of Negro ; fighters and bombers applies only to Negroes being a device to com- Ibine all training of Negro filers In one place White flgnter units will be asigned to one field and while combi 1 units to anothc'r under dtl- Ivrc-nt comin.uid.v Wc do not be lieve that the same i xccllent and efficiency can be attained by at- • mptlnj to C'lniblne trie two m- -ely to segri gaU Nt-gioCs in uiie n- po.slle group.” Ti SKFGfl-, FKKSlIiFN'T Ul FRIED When it was rcp*itred to the N. A A C P that I>r Frederick D. I'atleisoii. the Pn-ldcnt of Tusk*- gee Iislliuti-, was iiiging the estab- lishniirit of u' segiegated unit at ■Juskegee. the NAACP ti-legiaphed Dr I’.i'if-T^on that "We are infi rm- id Dial vi.ii have aii'^oached the t.'ar D. lanmuit a prnpoM) : that the NegiO Units In the Array : '-.II- Ki.oi., ail be aligned to the lTu>k'gce Army Air Field in a seg- :«-l po-.twar composite group ' n.-DLng uf fighters and bombera nd that you have urged approval i f piogram by the Army Air Forces. We are also advised that white fightri units and white bomb- -r units are aibigned to different , c 'inmands and stationed at differ- ' ent field! and that your proposal eoiistitules a variance from Army Di.i'ii e applicable to Negro fight ers only." Dr Patterron tvlegiaphed the NAACP ot. S'pten.ber 25th, "I have sui'i.i sted io W II Deoartment that Negro fighter units now kcgrltfated whei- t-ver they aie located be bas ed at the Tuskegee Army Flying trontinued on back page) K nesi, suarocr PfWCili^ « Ma- Brunswick, wtwre : he ft a native. He affected notable expansion in the physical plant at the c*'J»stal city •cctiool and succetd- ed in fiaving it Mciaiit/ed by th.- SouDiern A'lWK'ialion of Coilegt- and S vondury t«'l;i*>.l.'*. Foil V.iDty is I.- .. ..ited ii- t- Ii ;jlitiv Nei-ro unit iindet th*- G u. VETERAN I61ST TANKERS EN RniiTF HOME 50 SenatOTs To Vote For Anti-Poll Tax Bill WASHINGTON (ANP)—A t»lJl fpiing with a substantial ma- • 1 5o inviiibtTjt of the Sonalu arc ii.rilv HIGHSCHOyiRL CONWAY, S. C. (ANP)—^ InvMtigation Into lh« rtplng and murder of • 17 year old high school girl on Pino is land two weeks ago is boing made by leaders and organisa tions. ii was reported on Mon dsy. The girl's body was discov ert late one afternoon after from making a purchase at a she had fail^ to return home store some distance from her home. Violated and with much of her clothing torn away, her head had been submerged in a water-filled depression. County officers have failed to eet on numerous accounts which connect a white insur ance man with the incident and last week, tailed the girl's father and uncle for a reason yet not disclosed. It is felt the two men jailed either to in timidate them into remaining quiet on demands for the agent's arrest, or. because they have vowed to take their own revenge out on the man if the county doesn't act. vied Siibiiiuniie Combat lii- ^♦•Ild«‘m^ On Die cruise bui sub | — Official U. S. Navy Photograph ■A NMA Disowns Drs. Ask for JCHospitals NEWAHACK LOOMS IN EQUAL PAYBAniE S.C. COPS BEAT, JAIL MAN AND FRAME CHARGES Color Bar Hits White Glendale Sehool: Negro Child Withdrawn LOS ANOELF-S lANP) — The HEMINGWAY. S. C, lANP) - , How Police Chief Walter Britton I and a special deputy named Mor- ! ris beat into insen.xibility Isaiah W'rlght, seciton hand vvorkoi for the Seaboard Railroad comp.-iny. Mon day night and then threw his blood- dvneh^ body in jail without chiirgi s was told to a citizens' meet ing here Sunday afte''noon. A s|)erial committee providing as- sislanre for the young man said it had the statements from eyewit nesses 0 the beating and Wright, transferred to the county jail at Klngstreet, when they Interviewed Thursday. Wright was returning home from a carnival the night of the incident hush-hush policy was applied here Morns is said to have walked up. last week to the withdrawal of an grabbed him and said “you're un- unnanud Negro child from the lily- der arrest." Wright is quoted as white Glendale School saying, "Yes sir, but what am I be- The child, whote miother is a | ing arrested for?” maid in one of the nearby white Told to "keep your damn mouth hoiTies. was taken out if the all-’ shut" but asking again, to know white scho.,1 after a few days at- why he was being arrest^, Wright tendance. Efforts to secure addition- - lown bv Morris who told al information from the principal him. “No nigger’s got any business of the suburban school proved f-.i- i,>i> tioiung j whiti man ' tile She took the attitude that noth- After In-lng struck several times, (Continued on back pave) (Continued on bsfk pagei New War Sec*ySays Tan Yank Policy To Be Set NEW YORK — "The Nationa' Mtiiical A.ssutiatian is definitely op posed to establishment of segreg.l- ed veterans facilities,” Dr. E. J. Robinson of Los Angeles. President - i’ the National Medical Association Inc., teltgraphed the NAACP to day in response to an Inquiry made of the Ntaoinnl Medical As.sociattoi President following General Omar Brodley's statement th«t certain Negro doctors had been urging him ..■..m k c ^ /xxrnv a tc set up separate hospitals for Ne- COLUMBIA, S. C. (ANP) -—A vcti rans .possible new attack on Inc state's “Any minority group of Nrgr« new s.vstem for eimtinuiny ii^qual doctors de.^iring segregated veier'an^ i.ialaries loomed this wt'ck wh®h f.'.cilitios arc not known to the Na learned that state NAACP lional Medical A.ssociation and cer-were studying one phast tninly expresses a very small min haslilv adopted plan from ority opinion rectuesting segregated angle. vclcrims h ipitals," Dr. Ri binson's Under the new certiftcafion plan telegram declared further. 'T cannot Of teachers, each teacher is requir- envision any member of our nation- 'd to submit to rxamin.otion on ill organization making any such re- identical questions. But their scor- qiKst, I wish that the Veterans j ir g does not determine the rate of Corrmlttce of the Natoinal Medli al - PtO’- institution from whicu IQ win the doctor of phil- ■difr. .^-hwlL^diiswiek, whrr^ he is a native. He affected notable expansion In the physical plant at the coastal city school and succeed ed in having it recognized by th. Southern As.-iuciatiuii of College and Si-cotidury Schools. Fort Valky is now rated as thi loading NcKro unit under the Gi oi Board of Regents, having re ceived a budget aproximutlng $7H. 000 it the July meeting, the addi tional gaS.oon grant lust week mak ing the budget almost as much the lombined total of the other two stall's units for Negroes , There had been several entries In the race for the Foil Valley presi dency. have VQlunieerea lo bpp«w »« the welcoming spot. of i.ddition.'l facilities nt Tuskegee^ "(^^KiTniuSnT^acl^WBT* ftETEllintieiST TANKERS EN 50 Senators To Vote For Anti-Poll Tax Bill Lhar«? LoldbImMi Murder of Mis.s. Voiith hr Trexzvant W. Anderson Association could have ronfcrence with 'Generali Omar Bradley I am chairman of committee ti m.ike ^ appointment 'The National Medica’ Assixiatlon is loo per cent with the NAACP in Us fight against segre- - gtaed veterans facilities I Walter White, NAACP Secreta v, , has telegraphed Dr. Robinson of- ‘ fertng whatever aid the NAACP can give in arranging an appoint- m-mt with General Bradley, Ad-‘ •nlnlftrstor of the Veterans Admin- , ' -tration and suggesting that a joint i •‘.pference "f the NMA and N | ' A C I’ wUh G« neral Bradley ! held to demonstrate the unity of thoughtful .Tnd irit“lligeiit Negv ; opinion agaiii-t the segregation of Nevro veterans m American hos pital;; after they have been Injured in fighting fur democracy overseas An elemenfarf teacher may score the identical rating of e high school teacher on the examination but is paid leM money because she is an ele- 'Continued on back page) With the Tdlst Tank Ikittalion in Euiopi (ANP) With 33 vet- i.-un tankers of the crack 761.'l Tenk Batluliim having already Ront on the iiigh seas enrouH home, another group of 137 high- pointera from the first Negrti- coni!>0'(od jitmored unit to evr enter combat under the American flag. Ls now on the high seas (n rr ute to America and discharge. ' The first group of 33 left aftei jtiansfer to the bomeward-botmd NFW OKI FANS (ANPi — A Chemical company, w,* l.^r«cr ,roup U ,n the |-.on.bly 1... m.k. .Hor. ' h ‘hr ^M8th to 0bt.-iln pr.«ccutlon of persons re- ^ ^ sponsible for the death of Tom . ‘vTr.. T'’ •'‘i""ne 'v«r Jones. Jr. 17, who was sh-d to "f 7who o’- dt.alh In Dfld.on,, Ml„^rplpmbnr , 8. in what was d**#ri. t>ed as o ld- ’ . 5-. . blooded minder. ; . , rs. and the t}' i" According to affidavii*: submit'ed yeteian ir.-nthne tank plu- by witnc'ses of the mcidi nt, tht- j. ,..,. , ommaniL ra who lad beer- youth was shot to d-ath while his j., thii of the fighting ever hands were upraised because he since the inituil battle enirag-- faili'd to say "Yes, Sir" to bus driv- ^.^nts ''h th(- enemv v.l.i n tli' Appeal To Be Lifted On La. Vote Registration Case ;ep. A Might watchman sumniond«Kl 7^|st juniped off ia.'t NovniiL r !to the Bcei.e by the driver it said I'ri-* the crack G ;maq lltn (Continued on hack pj* - i I'..n7er d-visur; in the Saar hatin ith the 26th Yankee” Inf nt-v BY F.RNEST E. JOHNSON WASHINGTON (ANP) — Secy of War Robert P. Patterson, at his first news conference s.nce his ele vation I >m undersecretary, said on Thursday that the lessens of World War II with regard to the utilization of Negro sotdien. will be among the matters to be reviewed in light of the future organization uf the army. The nt-w secretary led off with a tribute to his predecesur, Henry L Stimsun. and declared that the prob lems occasioned by the iwhco wnnld bo large and handled with the same diligence us was the case durlns the 'A ,ir years. new »xpeiience gdined iii this war ' The secretary refltcted a moment hen :aid- Negro Representation On (iourts Martial Reiiew Boards Urged •n..' of course. Her under ctinstant study brio fly and add'd experience of this Inqiniy was n xl made us tu started u review of Individual ca;- whether any stn-eific proposals had of 35 000 n.ilitary priSmer;' now The eompanv commanders are Clip’s Ir\ n McHen V. Leaven- vd'iii. Kans Richard W. Eng.;sii. N w brh ans. and Jami i T, Bax- . e. of Indianapolis The i lan platoon comman i cry. both t x-cavalrymen. arc 1st I • T'l >ma. E. Bruce, of Fort S'.'of K-in;!. and Haiold B Gray, f Abtleni , Kans. Having faced a change to occu _ NEW YORK — Promptly upon He pauMd . ennouiicement by Secrrtarv of War '*nd .'ther Negro citinns asked lot >11 uthei Robert P Patterson that War De- a declaration judgment, and injunc- partment Clemency Boards have Don and $.5,000 damages NAACP lawyers are pr'‘>>arlng to appeal the (M the United States Circuit NEW YORK Judge Caillouet u-,,. ;,!gimi.-nt, the case * n S(pi*mher 17th, 1945, dismissed under .‘dsisi m nt . nd u ( V Iih .ut opinion Die tompUinl filed expected within two wi- n. the cu^' uf Edwai.l Hall againrt discover- j Vionii’'tio.»ps. t..e 76l8t is nor !n' ed thla althaugh the ca e filed by r.-i-izing while assuming its ml- the Biiptisf Pariah Louisiana j the NAACP again>l th ■ hKtal legis- („ the military policing of Hill* r's Lon.pldintjdleg d that h^clwardHU i.r^ughl about tli« send.iig of r. ,ailed "Bavarian Rod"t)>t.” a (lualified Nearo. was denW the ^re- hiRh-pointers and men bo'tween riijhl to register by T J Nagal lac^d Election Day Septem- ,35 and 3ayears old are beinw pr' rcgiDrar. who subjected Hall and ber 5th. nevertheless loc«i elec- . d for dcharge to be .(‘placed tion officinU refused to permit Ne- b' men with low puints from oth- groes t * vole in the "white prirr.ary ’ . , un..' NAACP lawyers are preparing for' Officers shifts, following tt e filing additlo I rases again*! I(;al tT.n.sfer of four of Its six whit*' election official* At th'’ vtme time jc fficers to the lOfh Armored -1> they are insisting that the Depart-[\ision, alxo headed for home, hay * ment of justice prosecute these elec- ciused the following changes in tion offlriah for the violation of officer poeilions; ftderal «tafute3. * i Capt Ivan H Harriaon. of De- Allor,.... in th,. All.nt. w.rr "OA- tho ...1. - Ju ... Officer, coming from the com- 'niurgi*..d Marshal^. NAACl hixml wrvice oompanv which WASHINGTON (ANP)—A total of 50 members of the Senate are committed to vote' for pa.ssage of the the anti-p()ll tax bill, accord ing to the National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax. Of this num ber, the name.s of 44 are being iii.’Ue public. Consideration of the bill by t.he full membc-rship uf the senate judiciary coinmiUt'c was schedul ed tu come up on Monday morn ing. It was repotted by a sub- c'lmmitlee last week. besides the six pledged sena- turs who asked that their names not be publicized, a substantial number of other senators have t/iven informal assurance of their support, or have been pledged to the bill in prcvicHi- congresses, the natimal committee uaid on W« dnesday S;xtct (1 of th(; 5(1 are associated with Sen. P* i*pcr and .Sen. Fergu- - in the senate bi-paritsan st-ter- iijij c I '.’‘gumenth against the i-onsii- 4 tioratity 'f aboDshmg the poll ili.x by rongri-.'.'ional enactment lh:ivc not stood up in two previoas iscnsu- judiciary committee re- Iports.” ’“•i.- Kafhi vn Shryvei.. ec- ,,.tary of the national committee. ‘They were further weakemd ,when *he governor uf Alabama, in ‘h. audie^i, •'! t) 1945 le^isla- tUif stated unequivocally that the jpoll tax la a condition tmd not a IquaL.ication of voting. That has D).en the position of the national .(• immittev since the first bill to laoc'fcih the poll tax was intro- .dared by th' lat econgressruin, ILee Geyer of California.^’ ! The bill passed the house last spring with a substantial m: jorlty. ^ KILLS WHITE MAN WHO CAME TO BEAT HIM ... MIAMI (ANP) — Police 1« W(*ek were inuestigating the sho gun slaying ofa white farmer w) n-portcdly went to the home a Negro to beat him. Offieli had asked an inquest over tl body of Coleman Marlow, 45, wl was killed on the front twch the home of Austin AddisoOt C oconut Grove. A shotgun was recovered fro under a house next to Addlscr which police said Marlow w i r'irrying when he was shot D tective Sgt. John L. Deas ouoti the white widow as saying sne h the gun after her husband vt shot Shortly bofero midiUghl tho day of tho shooting. Marlow, his wift and a Nagro amploya of Marlow. Saabrook Coopar, went to Addison's houta and Marlow callad to Addison to coma out to halp him put out a lira at a Nagro farmar's housa, according to pollea. iDaas said Marlow ialandad to taka Addison to his homo and giro him a boating.) A 'Continued on back page) Ben Davis Bests Rankin In Dies Committee Tiff 'Dier Negroes to Dsts not required of white registrants and thereby d‘-nied them the equal protect..jfi of the laws as guaranteed by the Constitution of the U' itrd States. 'The complaint on behalf of Hall Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir cuit 111 a '■imiliT rn-e from Tu«kegee. ‘I 't'-fT.a filed oil lieli ilf of WilliafT P Mitchell against local registrars of Miicon County. AUoama. argu ment on Moti in to Dismiss took CounseL and A. T. Walden of At- • the bi. ix'on taken over bv Ut I.t '^.iW' H Griffin, of MarshaH- Ale. been set forth on the subject to serving General Court Martial sen- -vhifh he replii'd that they "haven’t teiiees. the NAACP urged the ap- taken concrete form vet lo discus-s pointm>-nt uf qualified Negroes, both tvday.” from the Army and from The matter of levi-ion of basic Ufx. to these Clemency Boards, olu-v i- unc that the Afs«Hl;itt*d Nt- The request war addressed to gro Press has learned was raised United States Circuit Judge Sher- more than six months ag within man Mint'-n. Chairman of the War rilace in the Peal federal court in Unlike his predecessor, however, ‘ the department, and even more re Department Clemency Board, un- Mi.ntgomery on September 2(Kh Secy. Patterson received the spon-iccnlly than that. If could not be der whose direction the Special '"ouii'cl for the registrar, including taneous questroninf of reporters! said, however, whether the view--* Clemency B'ards. earh consisting r rmer Judge "Spi-ed’' Callaghan, with facility and where he could have reached the attention of the of a civilian and two Army offic- Todpe 'f the Scotl-boro trials, argu- glv» dlKCt answers Under these secretary ers. will serve Walter While. N A ed that the federal court did not circumstances, he was asked by this When the expansion of the army A. C. P Secretary, Informed Judge have jurisdictim to consider a ease Negro voters through-iot the South Fii 't I.t John P Hairston, of corfetpondent to say whether “the began in 1940. Negr >es were accept- Minton that "on recent lours to on the refusal to register Negroes It Is expected that many other cases Toh'do, O., is now the commander department intends to revise its "d throitrh selective serv'lce atiH battlefronts in both the European because of race or color He argued will be fil-’d in these and other jof headquarter* company, replac- baslc policy regarding the utlllza- Incorporated into the organization and Pacific theatres of war. I re-,that the case .should be tried in the states wherever Negroes are denied’mg ti(Ri at Nvgro soldiers in light of (CemUnued on Dacx oaaei ' iCoiit.iTued un buck page) 'local state courts. After completion the right to vote. ‘ Rl FRNFST K JOHNSON ianta in the N-w Orleans ca counsel were Mr Marshall ana A’,^,||p P Tureaud and Joseph 'Thornton of ^ Charles A. Gates, mod New Orleans In the M'.nlg..m. ry pirated *fficer in the 761st " case, counsel were Mr. Marshall and haftalion S-3 officer, an 1 Arthur D fjhorc^ of Birmingham. Unmard P, Taylor, formerly the adiutnnt, i.*; now the S-3 for Tht NAACP announced that theve ;.i^ and '•ommunications, with 1st eases are purl of i Southwide, ' James C. Lightfoot. of W'ash- ■tepped-up policy lo attack all ington. D C.. having been mad-’ tj'in against Jiho aiijutant. (Continued on back page) WASHINGTON (ANP) - City {'■uncilman Bi-n)arrln J. Davis of \'w York, called on the carpet as :i Communist leader by the old Dies crjTrmi’ie, t.'ieglcd with Rep. John R.nnkin of Mississippi last Wednes day morning, and on Thursday I’ arned that he had come off the Littei of the two. The house C'lmmltte on un-Amer- --an affairs had callcj Davis and * :irl Browder, dopoeed leader of •he Communist p’uty in America, to explain their activities When tho fcmmittee convened Bri.wder was put on the stand for questioning first. His testimony was not yet (imipleted when the house went into session and R.'inkin declared that questioning of Browder might last "several days." Davis, who was sitting in a front row of the hearing room, jumped to his feet and strode frrward and demanded that the committee hear him that day “I want to testify today because 1 am now running ■ campaign 1 r. election and this is taking ve valuable time.” he argued. “7 wa iin opportunity to testify and get 'jver with." Chairman John S. Wood of Gee eii informed Davis that they we running the hearing end not hi whereuprn Davis branded the hea ing as a "witch-hunt" and an i t' mpt to interfere with his chanc for reclecllon. "'Thn*' contempt of this commJ •(>e.” dec]ari>d Rankin, "and it mu be so construed." ' Davis again shot back that *it un attempt to defeat me in tl election." Wood Interrupted with the remai that "1 am not intere’‘ted in wh you Dunk.” to which Davis reJoL ed that "It is a most un-Amerlct way of conducting its (the COE mittee’s) affairs." He then chargi Rankin with trying (o keep "N groea in New York from being elec ed to public office just becau (Continued on back PM«>

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