Raleigh Personals 0.-aX i, O, Xi/iO IIV VIVIAN MrLHNDON ^ Sg. AlbtTt r. Wliit.ik' ' of tht- 'ii, K>sif Justice, Klht-t Jones. Her- Purjitio'pi I- of Poiiuition. Orv Pbillip*. Louise Nunii gor». spent Iasi week *n the city ployed were pokeno and • his f.unily ai.d friends pmuchle. Refreshments included Claude E, Whitaker. Ji leli the brinks, and sandwiches. Many love- yeity last vveek to enter the School -'‘‘■•'n.nsi'd of 1...CC at the Unnenitv of Chi- attending were Mr. and Williams, Mi and Mrs Jesoie Biaiiehe. Mr and Mrs Chari' Mis fllariche Dover of JOil Cuba M'' and Mr.- Chillies iiueel was out of the city «)vei tac ^^^n, Mr and Mrs. Willie Haywood, wevk-.-iicf visiting iclativei. .'*• I-onnie Holden ' - AU'.'danus Chloic Chupp. Louise Jvli. Walter Evans of r.ivelteville ,• Aiinabelle Bi;ms,»n. Cath- H C fc|>eiit the week-end v.ah hi.-Burt. Ada B'ewer. Berl.e jjiner. Urs Nancy Days of lw2 Holt ! Charles. Nathaniel I*" ■' ^ - jBiugcss, M C Spi • iiid Mr Nichi'las Panels V Mr and Mis VVilllato Judkins ,uf i V IS. 1. ounu 1h. b.,,h ..r (;U,\\ fS heights . 'lam, Jr. on Septertibei 2b, at ^Baint Aynes Hospital H> Mil. Ma> 1.. Bnudle k - —— I '• Last rites foi M. Saniuel John- Mrs Martha Perry ul No . •ton weie held on T'Hsday after- ^funklin Tirraee, who h.is bien .n RALEIGH Tne iii.iii:,.^« u! .I.oiiii hi;, home in Oxtoid lU was I the sick list, is able to be out again Miss Nila l.oum Alston, daughter htic* bi'othti uf Hiv i* H Johnson.'ihr many frieiali- are glad to hear of Mi .md Mrs. Jam-'s .Mston -f {l-.isioi oi the Miiitin Stuii B..}jti.si ,Iho guud news. Raleigh. to lacutcnant AIf.ed .C huieli and wa- a nephew of Rev. | Gouidiyec wie said to Mr .md William Watson. Corjis of Engine, r,- B. J'ihnson, L"lh of Hus city, Mti Ed Ptriy and family of 15 i- s Arnu son .f .M: Sallic Wal- •' Raleigh citi/.in- attuidnig thtlChavif Way as they rrov'l to the .on and ihe late John Watson ol yuneial included; stale of Ohio. }R..leiKh, took place at the K,.yette- “ Mr and Mrs R .1 Jones, Mr. i Mrs. Narcissus Horton and .Mrs Ivillc Stre et B..ptist C’aurch on the U 'ld Mrs. Julius Aiideisoii, Mr anil Carrie Price of South Park were i ■ v»*nint: of Septemtiet lOlh • Mrs R J S.i.iideis. Mr and Mrs 'h* dimu r guest.- af Mi.- Oscar j The Ri v Ah x.mder Teirell pii- ,A H Edwards. Mrs, Lillie Greeman,' Kendall, Sr, .>f ai Ch.ivi- Way Joined tin ceremony « Margarei I’.nker. Mi- Marni. i Mis Effu Dailey of 21 Smith' Left n> right ,rc ‘■■i-.riia I’errv 'Hupkin.*, Henry. High. Je-sie S.iiid-[ Pla^a. is -till confined to her nomc. pianist; Claretta Dunbar, l...wre>K-e *‘i-. Saul Rev I'. C'lift‘-i Sill'. Gall i Mr-' W .M Hall of East Ralegh ightiier. .Murg.ii..t Smith. Joseph Oliver Ed’vards. 'was a reccf.t gue^t in the Heights ( \1 lye. .Sal'.r W;.’ Alfred W I '^h-s- Wiliii.m Brook.- of No t».W;.ts,n. Nil,. 1. Al-ton Jam. s AH- WiHiant? ol Chavis Way has returned home af- Sr. I,i wyn 11. yc-, Sr, Mary V im giie-ts of; er visiting h - parents. Mr and;lt vvm od and .M.uy Fr.ince- Turner CiUidys ' Mrs. K. Gile.-- of Oarn* r. N C She soloist ivv.'on ..f' reported improvement in h i' fatb- 117 Smith Stiiet. ei fc health. 't *• , Mrs-, 0:tie Ke.irin > ol Washington, , Rev . ai.d Mis .S E Daly and I •> C wa- the rieent guest of her .iiitir childien. Alfilcda and Alger-[ «'ati nts. Mi and Mr- S Morning inutuied to Wiishinglou. 1) C lof Brunswick Terrace Wr. and Mrs. Wm Curtis Honor Newly Heds Mr. land Mrs *T’orismiiiith. jMr. William’s .-isleis, Mi» ‘Waiiaiiis and Mr; J. V La H.h.; .South Oiange. S*»ek end. N J, for the e At South Uiaiive they visited Re flia!. ;. molhei. two’Fisters and liinithej-. At Waihingion they vi;i ]*-d Mis Daly's i-ao sisters ar.d guest: Ibrother. Her brother, Sarge.u.t j' od v {^Ihoinas Ixicke, ri-cently relurmKl Owen Smo-ggie) Morgan, Jr . of n Franklin Terrace, son of Mr and Mrs. Owen Morgan. Sr., eele- hiiited hi.- fourth birthday Monday, ScpteiTiber 24 About thirty young enjoyi-d games and playing, (n M ved candy, pcanutli. and ICC cream 'from eighteen nu/iith'-i service i: I The hon-ui i riceived several use- itEujope and his wife .Mrs. Doro- *’ul gifts and each gue-t was pre- 1h.' I.iK'ke. acomjxinii-d the Daly.s on Uentitl with a cap and whistle The Iheii leturn trip |bitle folk app-ared to have enj y- 7 (d u delightful evening Ktv. A. T Evans, Pastor. First i Misses Maugree and Frances Bautisl Church. Lexington, is con-' Butchman of 13 Chavis Way spent dueling a levival for liie members the week end in Apex visiting rela- k)f the First Baptist Church. Ajm-x ive« *tjf which Rt V S F D.ily is pastor . The friends of Mr and Mrs R — - Dunn of Chavis Height are in . Lt. John L- Wharton of Camp Lee. svmpathy with H em in the passing Va.. spill! the week end in the city of Mrs. Dunns aunt The hincral ■■ wu-' held on Siind.iv at Buyland Toe IdU'-A-While Club gave its Chapel Church near Millbtouk /er.ii-uimuul birthday party, Friday' Mr and Mrs. E. Biid-all of New ,, j . hj>,h^..v .hb home o, S, S'Vork Chy ore ,he .oe.u of .he.r , • Friday afternoon at the Ob'-rlin 5 Brun.-- Methodist Church with the Rev W J Cameron officiating Finn* TOW. C.-rrull Austin. Betlu Lou Hall and Louis McNeil Escorted by her fatl cr. the bride wo.e ,1 whiii chinill'.' lace gown cinbelishtd at the ne.Kline with m- cpiin pi.irs and a lull shirt Wrminat- mg m .1 Main Hn tulle veH was •iti.idmi to c.ip of !!'c same lace and she CHirierl a bouquet of while ro>e. The iitciidants wire Little Miss Cnir.ll Austin. ho carried !ur triii". Ma-U'i Loui- McNeil, th. img barn and Little Miss Betiie 1. II Hall th flowc: girl Ml.-s Mnij V 111.'wood, who won a 1. v.mder n.t osvn was m.'od r.f'nor M, . Margirrt ST>lti; and Ml-s Clarrtta Dunbar ware briiUimuids The former wore a yellow taffeta gown nrd the latter an afua taffetj •Mr. l.Uwyr Hayes w.i- b«sl man. The 0-1-1- weic .\1,- Lawrence ’ ightnrr and .Mr JoM-ph Maye paims ..nd whi’e car A reci i' ion w Aicaut im rcdi'teiy Dionv Thi' I . -I. , foi l.u 1'..-; tO'ii ; ■m.plosfri , Di D .S. Ut.ll cepii where i F . Id. rialbt i Th4' Ic’igh. rroom i d ha- 'i native of Ra M-d in the Ann- tha- 4 1-2 years He served in North Afnca Paly Coi.t!,;, and Sardiana He wears the Pn -Pcarl Harbor and 'l.e Eur..p' ..n Afriiar . Middle Ea-l theatre rib- loll- " rh thrci bronze seivicr- stais b I ( ' ti 'ii ation !• '.I'.. ■ malor camp, -r.t RALEIGH — On Monday Septem* ber 3rd at their lesidencc, 1415 Pool Road. Raleigh, Mr and Mrs. William A Curtis held a reception foi Ml’ and Mr* Booker D Spauld ing of Durham Thi first floor of their home was thrown in-suite and was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Large basket.- of white gladioli and poted :i-rns were placed throughout, and oak leaf spiuys airangid about the windowa. doors, and fin-placei Pot ted Boston ferns lining each side of the graceful staircaM completed the (Iccordtii'ns. As the guests atrlved they were greeted, at the door, by Mr A Thomas White, Jir and Mrs. Alyct- y'oiiington Jones, wh'i in turn in ti idiirfd them to ’he receiving Hni composed of Mr. and Mrs Curtis Mr ar»‘ M; D 'ker B Spauldi-ig i on .mu groon. Mr arm Mrs A d>-'ie F' .liii M'* L lorry. Mr and Mr- Jo-n >>ldltu‘ h'.' I' ' Mrs i. R S|>- ». ■■•d Ml ane M.r W. J Kenn v. Jr. Mrs. James Gorden Taylor and Mrs. 1 onard Ligon iivi‘ed the fi.inds ii.i., ir.c ' .ing .'-nm vhe'# punih. mdividuai wevidinL -.akts. nut-, ard mint were i-rved. Here ihi i/fi'li was fover«*d with •■h im., irte .uth and centered with three ticivd W€-4d-:.„ cake vine! toy -Hi witn a minaturr bride and groom. At both ends of the table tall burning tapers in crystal holders were placed, these were tied with white satin bows holding sprays of valley hlbes and ' fern. Decorations on th^' table were completed with white satin stream- era which extended from the chan delier to clump* of ferns resting at riich • orner of the table. Assisting with the serving were Madams Jeanette Marchena, Inez Kay White. Gloria Kay Greene. Mabel Winters. Marfha Constant, the Misses Alice Morgan. Louise Morgan, I,erlaine Mitchell and Angela Marchena Pre siding at the punrh bowl were Madams Mamie Curtis Barnhill and ; Althea Jones. Upon leaving the dining room guests vvere inviti’d in*o the library where many beautiful and useful I gifts were on display. Here they ' were greeted by Mrs. Marguerite O K«-lly White. Mrs. Gertrude Har ris. and Mrs Willie Otey Kay Thioughout the evening a program 'of nuptial and classical music was , rendered by Mrs. Cecelia Wortham, Mrs James B Freeman, and Mr. ,Carl Cri I tp pianist and Seaman I first iTaas Harold O’Kelly White and ' Mr Wilb^ Saunders soloists Goodbyes were said, as the guests jdepatred, by Mrs. Harper Flemming, I Mrs. Bertha Terry and Mrs. Bertha L. Butler. CA R TER Electric Company Anything Electrical S Bast Lenior St. PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Gal. 11 yMrs ol aortofocHoa. JUl Colors—Slalao osid Enom^ Moll Ordors Promptly FUlod Railroad Salvage Co. 320 South Wilmington St. CLASSIFIED AV INHTSt't TBit an# Bunoger Is neeH.. ; at Starks Reaoly Col- leg- . . graduate from this srbool sf two or more yeors expvrlence •noy tppi> Write -larBs Meauly Collefe. Raleigh. N. C. OBERLLN NElt S BY ANN MORGAN Miss Bfrmce Allen has returned to Dayton. Ohio, afier vi-iiing tier narctns arid rti.itive- in the city Ml- Juli.i Tri'.e ha; reluriivd te Hu- City aft«r vi-itiii ; lelalives in New Yoik STM 3-c Di-lm.! Hall «>f Baine- lii'lge, .Md. viMtid ni> parents, Mr and .Mr.- Frank H. 11, reeently ST.M 3-c William H.iywood, Jr ' Hi returnw! tu Bainouridgr. Mr! after visiting hi- parents. Mr. and -Mrs. William Haywood and either relatives .Sal Ollie Crump i- visiting rela tives and friends in the city Friends and ri-lativis regret th passing of Mr. P.irker Po.le H« was born in Auv'.ust. l»4ri and dit-d September 2.5, iy45. one month mid M ASIIINGTDN S( IIOtlL PTA MKFTl.\i (KTOr.f:R ll RALEIGH — Thi ' xular meel- iii” of the Washington 'School PTA will be held Thursday night, Octo ber 11 Mrs Simeon Poole, the' i.it.-ident, i- requi.-tiii , .-ill pariiit b* pii'wnt The {.lude mothe!* wh worked so well laU y-var will' M'-uine then rneeliiii:- at 7 V«U HAPPENLNGS R ■ ' EICH — In th- regular m' nthly meeting of the .Manasi- nient Con mittet ..f the So-Jouriier Tr,.ih YWCA of whlrh M. - N- u F !,• ' is thinrm.ii, j.;^i uc;e . ^ifieci r.if th- Slate L«‘.id ership Cat fi i,n« cmT d th« ■N« ig.-.buihooA M«tlu>., . ich . ui DH'(‘. hen ..oer 17 and IS -t •. WCA Mr* huly ■^':Oud vvt ‘Ulive Srvre’;:.^ uf the > pi'i'ted by v committee ni 'Lanagi A -t*-! ! .N(-}tihburh..ou Dirim Ju^itice, 111 South Bio xlw'urth St daughter and son in-Li' Xlcmlx rs celebrating birlhd.-iys w-cre Mrs Clinton Freeman Mesdames C. Chupp. C. Hold- wick Terrace. Washington School News By L'lla Ruth Thompson And Margaret J. Larkin Surviving are a daughter, sons, grand children, 27 ffreat ffrnnd children and two great, great grand children. National Assoriatiun Of Will be given at the Arcade Hotel Dining room on the tvening of Ott I? a t. o ckx'k w here thi delega tion il, be entertained and SI 00 pti pta'e dinner prepared Tie ladies uf Raleigh are invited lo at- end this dinner and rerv lion for 'the plate L be ...adt by uiephon- jii.g Mrs Siioud, 2-3432 I Other cummitteev ippointad • ere [Mrs. Louise Perrin ano Miss I -ura Edwards. Program; Mrs. Lillian I.x»- ...n, Miss Jeanette Hicks and Mrs. MiiiiiH- H Freeman housing; Mrs R-.vhel * - Caul y . nd Mrs Alvv, .1 Flemmiitii. decuiatiun The Women'* Activity Com.millee tuve Miu-duled .ft Festiv.ii for Ocii'ber 15 at USO All thi- '-d- iei> of R h Igh . pan .u this Fesliv.. . ilispl.. ., flowe: . - ed goods sewing or any oIIk r articles the^ might have made 11 YOI are lanely, w rite Bex 32. ClarbtvM. Waali., Send *aiinp NEGRO DOLLS Every ihmm abania have a C'l Dali. We -ffer In thia sale twe flaaliy nain’era. With hair, reaving eyce. shata. ataekiags, nicely drerecd. PRICE I4.MI and I4J0 If C.O.D. poatage extra.—Dealers- Agents Wanted Wfite NATIONAL CO. 2S4 Weal ISStb Si. New Vark. M 2!k L-Jsctvd Ihbir clii.ss officers this Rnnd. &mini Chandler. Irh Pee- (lolle'ie Women Meet wtok They are as follows: Fresi- Lies, James Young. Bunhilda Law- dc-it. Ernest Hinton: vice president son and Estellu Hawkins. Addle Royster; secioti.ry, Mary . .■ ■■. V Jenkins, treasurer. Samuel McGuirt USO NEWS eporter. James Lassiter. RALFIGH — The Raleigh branch of the National Asgocuition of Col- Uge Womeo held its first meeting fit So-Journ»r Truth VWTA Tues- Frances E. Sith of Pine Bluff, .Ark, winner of first prize in the arinuai high schexi] essay contest conducted by the National Tuber culous association 'ANPi CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLI.VG CO, 515 H’. Morgas ht HOME-COOKED POOOt Aad wkat a lacal M wtD l ■aasMMd exaeUy right, aM ary dlah baaatlag a real h* aaahed flavor. B&HCAfl 411 ■. BLOUNT IT. FOR TASTY FRIED CHICKEN COME TO MORGAN'S Tea Room CHICKEN SHACK 'alf ChickM hr A Ckt^ddi Sandlwicb BEER SOFT DRINKS CorB«r CroM aasl l^k« Sl stop worrying and wonder- ' ing, Get the facts according to numbers. Send me your complete birth date Get your new personaliz ed forecast on Love, Busineu, Fin ances. Travel, Pleasure, Health, Home. Responsibility, friends and at M.riates I tend you your PERSON AL NUMBERS forecast taken front your full birth date. Formerly a Moo service All for only 25c. Rush birth date, a 3c stamp and 35c In coin, FREE—Mail your order prom ptly and get ■ dictionary of 300 Common Dreams Satisfaction gua ranteed. APPLIED Nl MBERh. Depi 5»14 3133 Applegate, Claelmiatl 11, OM« Royal Friday and Saturday Don (Red Barry) in "AIUZONA TERROR " Alao Johnnie Mac. Brown In 'THE NEVAJO TRAIL" Sunday and Monday Jimmy Walker in "SONG or THE RANGE" Tuasiday and Wadnaaday Rosalind Russell in "ROUGHLY SPEAKING" Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double rohlitre— ILIjVCINAI NOW PLAYING CAPITAi. CAB Oa It Takes A Smart Girl To Know Her Own Husband ! Washington School News L'lla Ruth Thompson And Margaret J. Larkin surviving arc a ajuigntei, mu- sons, grand children, 27 irrent ernnd children and two great, great grand children. National Association Of 5* The lei.th giiidc hom«-room No Johnson; ass ciate editors. Dons 2!3 eUcted thc-ir class officers tins Rand, Ermim Chandler wick. They are us folhiWs: Fre.si- Lies. Jamev Young. Bunhilda La dent. KMiesit Hliitoii. vie president son and Estella Hawkins Aduie Royster, secrctaiy. Mary • ' t Jeiikim. treasurer. Samuel McGuin- ISO NEWS Iris Pec- Collejif Women Meet arul I eporter, James Lasi RALFIGH — The Raleiyh branch of (he National Association of Col- Uuc Won'Cti held its first meeting 'at So-Journer Truth N'WCA Tues day night. October 2, at 8 o'clock • Mrs. Ethel L. Clark, tne new ptesi- I cir'nt. nresided Officers el«-ctcd to RALEIGH — The Starlight Gos-' fill the unexpirid term vacat-d pel Singers of Brooklyn, N Y.. ap-,by Mrs. C F Adams, correspondin' pi.iiileiit, Pauline R.i>. secretuiy, jht. Dloodworth Street isecretary and Mrs Olivia Shelton Ca;pii' Lily; tresisu.er, I.ewyii Saturday night be- trea>iirer. w- rc Mrs ?THctta Eat r W( iver; and repi rtcr, lieriiit-. j, large group “f servicemen and Miss Maye Ligon respectively Ciimbo. „fjd GSO's. Several numbers were At the next mi’cling. October 22 Frances E. Sith of Pine Bluff. .Ark. winner of first prize in the annual high school essay contcil conducted by the National Tuber culous as.socialion ANP) CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLI.VG CO. 515 W. Morgan 8t. 'I'he tenth grade home mom • k'cted the following ofl.cen Monday mornlns, Sipi:mbir I’Msidciil, Ucrnice Ciuinbo; H*7 STARLIGHT GOSPEL SINCiERH ufi AT tSO CLUB 17. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BEAUTY and BARBER Write For Price Lists We Ship AnywhA- ndered by this group which were enjoyed by all present. Till' gr, up composed of R C. Fink, manager and first tcnoi: Eddie Hen lit 7 p m , the president is request ing all ci*mmittee5 to eport Chair men for the year are ns follows Program. Mi*; Maye Ligon; Fi- don. ■ond tenor, Carl Wilson, nance. Mr* Gilman Harris; Social. Tlu- eleventh grade home room 112 ilected officers on Friday. Sp-: tenibei 22 The officre-s ik-ctecl are: Piesiilent, Niihohis Patterson; vice --Idint, Franklin Delaine; secrc- J. Graharri. bass; and John I-Mrs Louise Perrin- Civic Ftervlcc ler; ii*-ist.;nl SI iic-I introduced by'Mrs Nora E Lockhart; Youtl.. Mrs '-Nick" Patterson, local serviceman Alberta Levlngston; Membership and volunteer at the USO Club, iMiss Etta Duren: nn-i Publicity MEMRESKS OL NAVY PRE- | Jeanclta Hicks. FLIGHT BAND VISITS I'SO | KUREX Beauty Products Co. 1134 FULTON STREET Rroeklyti, (IS), New York Uiiy, .M.ijorie J.jyne t.iiy, Ella H Thornp.-on; treasurer Ctrraldine Jones. The election ' the vaiioii- co'iimilU'CS will I l>]:ite Miun. CAPITAL CAB CO. MBOOR umwta -0. ■■■ DIAL 9\2 my dish bearting a re*! k«-a Moked naver. B & H CAFE 411 t. bloght n. NOW PLAYING Il Takes A Smart Girl To Know Her Own Husband CLArOETTE COLBERT DON AMECHE “GUEST WIFE” LINCIItN \- SUN. MON. — TUE. 13DNVWOU pue ajniuoApv Hnm.-nxim 214 .-h-cted officers Tiie-d.iy. Seplcmlx-r 2.) The officers ore ai- follows Annie Ruth Wilder jatsiileiii, Eini'st J'inv. vice pi.'si- denl. Andre Wall, secretary; S.idir Pope, assistant secretary: Virgin!,. Bhindshaw. treasurer; and Linndl Will' ton, student council represen- l.ilivc Julia Perrin was elided etuiiiman uf the prugr.im emmittee The senior class organized on Tuesday morning, September 25. .\ nh the following ofticim* being »kill'd President, W.ide Smith lice president, John S,Hinders; sec ti'tury. Mae Francis "I'urner. assis- lanl secretary, Dori- Rand and tieasuier. Diimhlldu Lawson. PRAYER Musician First Class Louis Finley, director of the Navy Pre-Flight S.hoil Band. Chapel Hill, was among the guest at the Club Sunday night Mr. Finley .sang the Lord's Prryer and rendered several other numbers. The audience w'bs .spell bound during the renditions. i'KGGRAM FOR COMING WEEK END The program for next week end consists of a box picnic, games and dancing on Saturday night; on Sun day the regular Sunday morning l.reakfa-st and fellowship hour, so- ci.il hour in the afternoon, and »i 7-30 a movie entitled. "He Hired The Boss " V \ Y A I, A X ACIDITY, GAS. AFTER OVER-IN niT.GENCT: IN EATING t)R DRINKING. TAKF DFLICI- OCS. IlFri.NDABI.E Miracles are the result of prayer.' ; Have .you a problem’ Are you un happy or worrkil about something? Have you poor health’’ Have you money tr.iibles'’ Arc you lonely c Here soon/ discouraged’’ Would you like to ^ CONSTIPATION For PvxaoaalixMl Hud Lxundry Phone 4100 Till' llom.v Ecuiiomlca cl.nsses of the foods ilepar’.meiit me making j plans foi ih' 11 aiinu.d kitchen Kli.nvi-r m order to increase th i ^ l.-iLoi.itoiy equipment. "The exact date will be announced l iter Foods Classes have boon organiz ed rnlo family groups so that they —--- - rrigiit work mure like tunilly units TOrtUFOd mOfl hSip! FiiPiily groups will begm meal pre- r iration and family service next MODERN Hand Laundry The advanciu cL.s,: ’s now work ing on a "Canning Unit" Thi mem bers are canning pears ad apple- ill various forms. Parents and p.-itrons are invited to come In and si'e ihe work of 'he laboratory at any time. 411 ObvllB Hoad EFFERVESCENT POWDERS The care of your health should form your most important duty The worse enemy of your general good health is the waste matter that ferments m your intestines. Clean vour intestines and vou will ex perience the general good health and the joy of living For internal cleanliness, however, d.i not entrust your delicate digestive organism to any ordinary product, B choosy ' -take diliciou*. effe;-tive VAYA- LAX IN ECONOMY BOTTT-ES Sl.OC sent anywhere—SAVE COD Chaige.* Send money wilh order to: VAYA PRODUCTS. Dept 37 242 East 4lxt Kt. New York 17 AGENTS WANTED have more happines*. success and j good fortune? ; If you have any of the above prob lem* or others like them here Is, good news for you Tl)*- New GUiry way of prayer is helping other men and women to unfold Joys and ' - Happiness. Whether you have jfc .ilways believed in prayer or not. i I •ur niw way of prayer may bring I.uck and Prosperity to you and ciiickly to So if you have a prob lem don’t wait another minute. Just send your name anl address and ■ :i cent stamp for full Information ..bout our New Way i f Prayei THE NEW GLORY FELLOW-HIP P.O, R-o\«84, Bridgeport. Cetm Our first "Pep” meeting was held Wedne-dny. September 27. with thi ehii-ring squad directing- The cheer le;id' rs fur thi* year are: Chairman, Benjamin Dlackmond and mrm- bf.Ts, Ida Ruth Sanders. Geraldine T Turni-r. Beniiee Whiting. Charlsie Strickland. Barbar.i Hart, Cathirine D.i\i-- Daisy Debnam, Senora How ell. Hiunhilda Lsiwfon, Ruby Willi*. Lucille Spith and Annie Bell Little. Ltmon Juic* MIxod of Horn* Reliovod RHEUMATIC PAIh soys Sufferorf [71771 lO¥E,^ iuccess "I have used ALLENRU for severs months. I could hardly walk on accouni tl my kpees. But now those pains art relieved. I can go like a race horse oow," Moft Shepard uf Ohio. Don't be a viciim of the pains and iches caused by rheumatism, lumbago jr neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe )ou can mix ai On Monday morning. October l. some. Two ublespooos of ALLENRU, th‘ senior class 'ecteit Its l!)45-46 . pim the juice of >/} lemon in a glass oi Echo Staff. They are as follcw*- j Your money back if not entirely F,iltor-ln.chi,t, VarairM I.-rkia; j ^ business manager. James Taylor. a 9 Mfculation manager, James ChailesPuy AliENKu today. AllracI liHilt 9opt»t»ri4y anil RamafKt ^ iiw Of!--.'. v> r., J..I- —.1 II.., - • W T.w, U.«'| bt k, l4 • ‘ /.ft.* ■; - mil El;* UTIlieC NADONAL CLOTHifi C8. A Lifetime in Flame* Why lake chuicet ee bomiaR up • lifetime'* effort in e ftiagle terrifring hour when IFi *e simple end Inexpenilee to pro tect yourself ageimt may poeri- ble mishap. Your born# and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at but a few penniee a day. We'll show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAIL N. & New mu. ^acMURWy 77^ SUN..MON..TUES. OCT. 7.8.0 20th CENTl!RV-K()X Predente HtANZ WERFEL'S “The Song of Bernadette” With Jennifer Jones, WilHam Ethe, Charles f^ickford, Vincent Price. Lee J. Cobb. Gladyk Cooper “ELIZA ON ICE” Cartoon METROTONE NEWS J.YN.N HARI ' •t'lUCK, , * Handtome Po« STar * ' 'a>i«S F*-j Im r*« * Nr« Q. rr. F*Ci«-«fT, kusacdutM Come in now or full details GOU.D MORRIS ELFXTRR CO. 17 F.. Martin Fhone - 3975 KD IHI II.--I RI —»AT t'RN’F ’ ' • i ' ierv Of (, I.JOt” Starring BURGESS MEREDITH AMBASSADOR wrn. and THURS. OCTOBER 10-11 ‘Her Lucky Night” ' N nRi;WP SISTKRS, M > O’Dri-coll, Nnah Beery. Jr. Specl y "WORLD WITHC'T BOR-JERS” C.rtoon 'GROOVIE MOVIE” NEWS Ck.pter 4 of "Sli.wod, of Chmotown” The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance /ervice 310 East Davie Street GIVES E'^EFY CASE PERSONAL SUPr.RVlSION BYi Trained Atl-nd.nu in tho ro* ily compleUlr overhaul -d Ainbulence, equipped with fen. be,in. running . ot an*^ cold watcTp ' laainot, mirror, electric light and heater; co«wfortable cot. Available at ail hours bjr Dialing 2.2835 C. A. HAYWOOD Owner EH FRIDA Y-SATURDAY OCTOBER 12-13 TIM McCOY in “Double Exposure’ and I4i Six Gun Trail” •Starrii Chester Morris, Nancy Kelly Chapter 3 of "JUNGLE QUEEN”

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