WKFK KNPINC, SATt^KDAY, OCTon.lR 6. 1015 PAGE THIUPU S. C. SENATOR WONT BACK FEfC, HOLDS RACE YOONG (•(■I.r.MniA. S C lANP. At c' .'ou'iu'in -m:,' in Was-ii- unlit huppovi i’rcsidrnt 'I'll!.: I’ I ....•--I (ii • ponnaiioft FKI’C tor riioiont of his own H«- : last ’ ^ek Jot'n>t James C. Thonijis, f >rmpi- tiinl U S, dj'-inct ..tloin. > .*■ New Yirk Cil.'. who has jii>t ic- sinned as a USO director. Mr ■niorras will return to the t!oiior.'! practice of law m New York C'if> specializini/ in iniiiiigr.iti-n and naturalization law. lANT' Presidpiils of Lind (riitnl (iollrjM's To llidd 23rd honfeiTinr CHICAGO 'AN'Pj The 23rd annual mcclnm of the Confi'ienrc- .f Presidents' of Land Grant coIIokc.- o scheduled at the YMCA on O'-i 23. 24. 2S Dr. Horace Mann Bond, until re cently president of Fort Valley State coile«e. Fort V.iHcy. Qa. is president of the college president'! organization and will preside over the thrti-day meelinu He will b«- asslated by R. B Atwood, president of Kentucky State College, Frank fort. secretary. Other offlctr.* of the organizati n are Dr. Sherman D SeiugCs, vie- president. Lincoln Univi.sily; and Dr Felton G. Clark, treasurei. Southern Univrr'ity. Members of the executive commi'te .tr* Drs F. D. Patterson, ehairrran, Tiiskr see; John W. Davi.s. West Virainia. F D Bluford. Nuth Carulina; A and T.: L. H. Foster. Viivinia. W R. Banks, Texas; F G. Clark. Lo'ii- siana; G. L Harrison. Oklahoma: and ex-officio both the president and secretary. The Poultry Department at State College ha-s a 'nrkey family of eicht daughters that shows no brood!ne>s The average number of egg.s pet bird up to Seplcmbe*- 1 was 140.J eggs, and ^ive hen.s were laying t.'lk d v iih Sen. Oliii li 'D-.SC* in an effort to " • ‘ ;• V te fer the bill. J. C. Arih . i r of the Progn •i\e Demo ijle party and buslne. .1 • • ■ f. :n n o r 'nan 4 00fi o i • n u rs .iffili.nled with LrKul 2260 l.iTe, ; M I'f John-ton'.' \ lew.* John>ton, who m 1938 run coloi- ■: i.-.;. out of the courth-use -rt Sumt'r who had sst in the jim crow gallery to hear him spi.ik governor, who last vi-iir called 'h' special ses-ion .T the 'late legi-l.'- tuer to circumvent the U R. Texts primary cast in South Carolm ;, told Arthemu-- h didn't iKlicve in FFFC. an anti-lynchinj bill or air - thing »l«e which ph-e the whi’e and colored Americans on equal term* Johnston. Artemus said, declared . •your r.ice is a younj race. It hu'; just come to this country and yet it wants »vrythlng we have. Evii if we give it to you jou wouldn't know what to do with it.'* Continuing, Johnston is quoted as • yin"You wantfvl colored flic: .- in .-.rrry, ve g. vc them to you ant they've done nothing You wanted combat troops: we gave them and wliat did they do’ Y u wanleo col ored men to mann «hips; gave •hem and nob«. ly has .led one, of 'hem sati.sfactniily yet” ' Otiserving a sort of devlish twi- kle in Artetrus' ej ’, Johnston quicl:- Iv shifted sub'e'ts ‘‘Now’. I don't want. you to think I'm like Bilbo.' >•0 d el.ne'l When ^J♦emus co’i-' tinueri to appear amused md said nothing, the senntor spun on his j heels and disappeared into an inn-'r: office. FR.AN'K P GRAn.A’VI TO BE j f’OWOr.XTION '^PEXKER i HAMPTON INSTITI'TF. Va Dr Frank P Graham pr‘'ldent of the University of N rth Caroln-1 and a trustee of Hampton Institn ■•ince 19.34 will 'pe>k at Hamp ton's third annual Fall Convoc.i- tion on Monday. Octuher l.S. Prc :-, den* Ralph P Brigman has an-j nounerd. Dr Graham will discuss the fw > major policies of the War Labor P ar’l at ’he conv c ilion, whi-h will trike place in 0"den Hill at s on rr Dr A J Offord and c .ii.vrd liy C'lii- • Ma ical "Search For T.il' ell I- ilh mire than three hundred iiarlinpant. T p left 1.' right, William H Jon •, Jiiinc' H Barr, diiecto:' R ubert McKenzn, Shil /h S D .K. Choral T.d-e 1. To’ u M u i. . -workers Light H.rmonie C’hcnr, Arth r or K My S Logan, Monumental Baptist district f; \iiil Co 11 Garner II' con- Kendiifk. Christ Tc.i.le Youtn ('houo: James T. Campbell. Htrt- /kll .\Ir'!.;xli-t Chill h Chorus Middle ri'W Ur A J uffoid. .rn- .■I.! i..o-::i.in. d'l- •:r M .nu- .. :;tal B-ip'ist Chui. h OIc Club; O cii W\. li(f Hariti.n. A:!- f-r .11 .Max T.o. Ex- president Music War Council of America, Marionc S. Joyner, di rector Search fwr T.iUnt Contest. R V Fierce. superv'..:.r of recrea tion for Chicago Park District, William C H ffman. engineer Chic Park District Seated ire the prize w mers Helen Ward, Jac'b Evan- Jr. und James Hunt. Atla Nrwsphoto Service N. M. Tollejir Stars New Term With Reeorii Kiiriillnienl Vnil Host Of >ev» Teaehers RF.V WILLIA.M E HOGAN I SO-VMf A OKHCIAL ! VISITS KALKIGH ! Boanio.s. Turhans, Calots. Pill Boxes, ofMho-face and many othors. Trimmed with veils, feathers, bows. Kvery wanterl*color and black. All head sizes. BASEMENT STORE *UnitN CAKOilNAt UlOItt - -U RAl.KSIGH T!** Rivtrend Williarr. E H'-g.oi. Ren^iou O. sult.int for the Arm., .nd N.«\y De partment of the National Council oi ! YMCA. s|)ent th.- days m the (i.;, j He and the direct;.. >1 the Blood- | Wurth S'reet USO Club discush—l • plan;> fur instituting a Counseling I W.l^^f^hop fur the reluming -;rvice- n.en and women 1 Pfore entering US-' -' ik, Rev tiogan war pastor of Fust C-. gregat.o -.1 Church, Monigom . j ALb.or.i; Ch.iphiin. Dean of Men .:nd ii.'Tnu-’.-r .it AhMiam.i SC-u Ti --h> Colkfe. Duih his -. i'i' he met with the >mml;*CC of i--,- , ; ..f A'.MCA, .spell! tii:. , :...ys in the ti.> He and the riireLtur of the Blood- W'jrlh S’reci USO Club dlMtus^cd plans for instituting u Counstling WirJ^.shop fur the leturnlng Tvice- n,en and women. jBifure eniciing USf) work. Rev iiogan was pastor of 'li.' Fiii-t Con- gregat.o.'.al Church. Montgomery, Al-bair.i; Ch.iplaiii, I)c..n of Men .inrl ii.-liuelor .it Ai.itiam.i .St.iti Tfaih- i.s ColKge. During his vi'i' he mi i wnh ih. [:!ee ■( managetreni > f Ihe .1/(Kiwurth Street USO Club, .j-n- -.d .-cwr.il uf !hr !'•; i mi'u-te f.nd .spi ke Saturday mormrg at the n-iotinu 'if ihe Wak- .Aiinist'-ii.il ;:i)d !) ; cons Union A» whi h time ht spoke of :hc need m each com- munit\ a ^V.ip "f tr.oned mun.-.fl. oif to hko ovci the j h of i .iin‘cl- mg servicemen after USO h. • --- •d to -’xisU DURHAM - 'Th. I hard work aheiM). for it is a senous tine, this .1 '’pleiitiid age foi help aid P ' ' Jdiiivs L Shi paid of rth Caiotinu ColU • in 11- for- :. -"' • - of w. lcome to the u4>-46 litudinl body .ti B .N Duk-' Aucitoiuni Monuay, ..ii/lembcr 34 !:•. p I.tiled ui.t lo '.he students that “if you have a {lurpose and call Hiake a contribution to human ity. we need you.” Dr. Shepard piv-rvnted Dr C C --.ii....; .111., : ti_.-te». .f the lollege who aUu made an address He said . I ''. 'Aiiu OCCUp>iIiK val- ,. Me spuCt here bevuuse all of Uls- >. .lieges .if th • __-'.h .»i - :iiWf1».l What .in you hire for'/ \-- yi.u i.ipable 'if ueing educated.’ You are not nt re to !«• di-'iplired. but to be liamed lo go out ind I ir .i.iit.e others " Other person bringing gre 'mg- to the students und ; Lult.v w.-re Hev. J A 'J.iniion, pa'tor of Twin? .'•! '.li Jh. b.'lc:i.n C'i.urch, ’ - F Hudson, repreaent- ing Ihe Durham Morning H’ raid. • ..!! .L.ti' T Tavlo'. and L E Austin, idiior and piioltsher of the Carolina Times. Every facility of the college is I lixeil to capacity v.iih studenlr. ili.'ii 4(10 applications made by j prospective students have been t; 1 I for lack of ro"rr and other 1 accomodations. President Shepard! Over 300 now stud ntx and freah rren repre.-enting all ports of tbe . oantry, with several transfen from und Fuer’f) RIeo. made up the largest freshman assembly . ' > if the .'Chooi After nine years at Hili.tide High .1 • V h'rr- t- .‘-ibhshrd or.e - m~i en- . ole records .m schola.stlc coaching. Herman Ri i- dick has been appointed htad '■ «-> ;i ■ he I.e- ' ■ . i“r i.ick t.: ;o'm and other accomodations. President Shepard -t;ireu. Over 300 now studv-nts and fresh’ n.en representing all parts of the .•ountry, wltn several transfers from :!e r' .!.!« and Puerto Rico, mace up the largest freshman assembly ■■ hi'(. ,y of the .'fhool. After nine years at Hillside High j .Sell oi, where he vs'nbliihid ot.e ^ '■ — t erui.ible records in scholastic coaching. Herman Rid dick has been appointed hiad fruc »’!! a -‘anl will be Le roy T. Walker. M. A , Colnmbi.- University, who has bc» n appointe ' to the post of assist.mt physics' I '>;i. l ion director Mis- Queenj- :; eHe AV. I’iiti. M A '''>tiimhi:i tjpi- : versity, succeeds Mrs, Vivian S^n- .-omi’ phv ic.li -(luc.ition direct i for women, and Mrs. W Turner ball y, {^ysical education. B S Virginia State College Added to Ihe science department are Nor- c. W Hunter, bi-dugy, M A. t'l.iviisity of Iowa, and Jame' R ButU. chemistry, M. S. University of Michigan. Other ii'iditiuns jrc; llany Lee F.iggett, M A B-.iiton University, English; Mrs Dorothy H.imlct. commeice. M S, Chtfa.40 University; Raleigh Morgan. Frencn. M A, University of Michigan; Miss Evelyn Pope, library science. Columbia University; Emegt E Neal. eccMwmics. M. A . Unlv'eriity of Michigan; Janies E Dorsey mus-. 1 •. Ph D. Columia Uiilver>lty; Weiley 1 Hnvvard, mu c certificate. t.'Ecole Nirmalc, Paris; Noriran L Taylor, law. Columbia University: .Miss Mary L. Mills, public heaPh nur.'ing, M A.. New York Unlver sity; Mrs Jennie D. Taylor, public health education, M A University of Michlg.m. Howard E Wright, u-ycbology. Ph !>, Miss Majoni Kelly, education. M A. Columbia: University; and Mi»s M.nbel B Ham. 1 isslstant secretary lo the president,! B S. South Car.illna State Col- ' lege. Two new courses h.ive been addi-d lo the curriculum, according to President James E Shepard They public health nursing and a gradi-Hte course in public health WILLKIE HOUSE TO BE DEDICATED OCTOBER 8TH NEW YORK — Announcement was m le this week af the formal di-dicatljn of the Wendell Willkit Memorial Building at 20 West 40th Street, New York, in a gala cere mony on Monday. October 8th at 12 Noc.n. Among the speakers at 'he outdoor ci remony will be Sum ■ler Weller, former Under Secre >>•'- of S'.itc; Helen Hayes famous •’" X whjse jwrtray.ol of Harriet Beecher Stowe In 'Harriett' marke '-ul-l.. ';n« ih'atrical oerformances in recent years; Wal ter White, Secretary of the NAACP •vhlch orgnnizalTon wiil occupy tw' fofir- in Willkle House; Dr. Harry D. Cldeonge, President of Brooklyn College; and others. h.i- r been made for roping off 40th Street betwetn ^ if!h and hixth Avenues to eccom udate the huge throng which i? expected to attend ^he dedlrntion which is being made m the fi.st an niversary of the death cf Mr Will- kie NAACp Branches, members and fi lends have to date enntri 1 f24.4.37 90 towards the NAACP pledge of S30.000 lownrds the eost of purchaiv and remodelling of the building which is located directly across the street from New York's famous 42nd Street Library. It Is hopt-d that by the dale if the dedi cation the balance will have beer raised so that the NAACP will be (hr first urganizatoln to pay Its pledge in full. DDT the new insecticide, Is the perfect answer to the bedbug prob lem. say the scientists Follow in- s'luctinns In applying the material in different forms and strengths Dramatist Gets .Southern Radio Spot ATLANTA CANP, — J Richard- kon Jones, well known dramatist and clnema-tegrapher. last week be gan A scries of commercial broad casts for Atlanta’s largest depart ment store as “Uncle Remus, the I lovable old character of Ihe famous jJool Chandler Harris' stories." In choosing Jones to transcribe these brain-children of Harris, the [producer, John Fulton, recalled the ‘ widely publicized network broad casts of Mr. Jones as “Uncle Ned" uver (he National Broadcasting company. Reactions 00 the first broadeltl were favorable. CAMTAL COCA-OOUt Borruiio oa lit W Maevw ti AIT togetherthey spell on Long Distance You can't see the rush on Long DigUnee hot it's bigger than ever. Many thouMtidg of the calla are front reluming gerrieo men. You can help their calls get through quicker if you will **ple*u€ limit your roll to 5 minut€$** when the operator re|uest8 it. Southern Beu Telerhone and Telegraph Company IHCeSSOSATIs i'i Stales and I F(irri:ii (iniintry Reprc-cnlcd l!\ Shaw's Sliidrni Rodv RAt.FIGH Sh.r Univor' jiy -;n. I',- iii-t j«.I nr;id»';i ic r rr •to 'b.m tin sti.d*"!'* M .rf (him 225 new c'ud.nts hir •'I'' . - • !. The G. /ri Thmnn rln:- niter .1 wrek of r;- 1 ' •! '..1'. - • t ;,« iircn -f'lMy oiientid int" oillciiA- lifv •lul flirt rl;.’ -!..n '.v.’re h Id I d' • I . 'h«‘ •• - v\ 01 k Ninr’ecn “'oir-.s ;ind one foreign country arc rcpic's, ntc 1 t>y the sfu- dei.t !)‘.dv Th.ici' -nid."it. ire fr >m /fi-i'i N'lilh r;ir lin., jtli >4d fur ni'hcs the larges tir.’mbcr Virginia I m-x' with ;{0 itudii'ts The f:ir Wcct i« represented b> a .studcr.t friim C.-ilif'irni.i Tht r- .nc five dent.s frun. F|i'i;'Gi .mi thn e from V. 5 ■ h.i-e't,-' T»n.f.:. i fnm New Y'lk 16 fiom New Jersey :nri tl-i'i e fr i -he Di 'i;i’ ■ of Co- , hi C'li'.T home .-t.ite- ■)( Vid.^re. 'v'.:' n'.,. ;> C’.nnecli. it 1. Ge r- u;.!, J; IHi'i' i I. M.iryimd 3 Mich igan, I Ohm. 2: Pemi-v Ivinui, fi Soiitli Carulin.i, .'1 ^lnne^!iee. 1: .md We.-t Vi'gmi.i J .Ml-' Flora Chisholm who has .! iH-eii aiipoiiitrd «xicutive 8«c- i'l. -jf jhe n.iiKiiial health pr - k.uiti of 'he AlplTii K..fn^rt sorority Ml Chishylm. 11 former Birnung- h.itii .:ho»l lejchci and grul>Aate of Ihe Universitv of Michigan. ' 'll h.ive officA in New Yeik Uity «ANPi Hiuiiig ito«': 11 I whiten cloth*- cjt makes thtii' iooc white by nio'jflai^it.g the yellow or diiigl e. left by poor v vhing to American W^men R brt f., AIf .'rt. inailinaii. third chi.ss, 3713 North 67th Street, Birmingham. Ala . i.s .hown as he took the test which cave him the l»etty officer rating lit- n-jw hold . KJ-..V i«, I uti.i. ij.e K1..I1.A (la BaildvkL All t'vail italbui lie | .1 adiiate •! i’jyiie College ' and has been in the Navy 21 nioiithH and overseas .ev«). His ' wife, Mrs Eca N Alford, and : iw.. childi.n. h\c at -.'so Bethel . .Sti-.-el, Hill tile. j U Navy i’hotogiapli 1 Amelia Earhart's contribution to the future of aviation can never be meastued. But she will be long remembered for her vision, daring courage and unfaltering faith in her own ability without which there is no progress. America r-weaew^ count the hours women have toiled to make planes, to build ships and to care for the wounded, to sell bonds. But the nation is deeply grateful for their wonderful service. Wc arc glad that our bread, fresh, finc-eextured, nniver* sally popular, helped to make home tasks lighter during women’s busiest dayf. Wi art proud that ' -* women of this com munity, ierted so long v our bakery, gave generously of their time . d strength to the war effort, ft is a prirUegt j to con tinue to serve them to the best tf our ability. Roopal BaJodMf^ BAMBirff/ioc&u

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