Ui.r:iv (yv i. i:;, io::> ■niK ('AiUM.lNiAN fMcrTMI.'*- Negro Pries ts In Procession At Bishop’s Consecration By George F. King \Vilmm«tnn. N. C. Ki-hKiuih;* Uus sciiiuii i)f C’ai.iim.i wiis inspiiinHly liishlijjhl.'ci by thi' c nsocr.ition of tlv’ n‘vi r»'ii i 'jhoiiiit.'^ Hciii'v WriKbt. D. IJ.. Cl of tho "f K:ist CJiroiina of the I’: Jli'.-tar.' Ki'iscopal Cluit'li, t-’riilay i.i;;:; iiij,. October 5, m slatt i\ St. Jaa.- J'. K. L'lmrch. this -i;v. C, mi; .. \\ ilniin«l')nian, Dr. \V; i;,'’ . 1. ' fion to the Bi-iliopb:t i-tm-.r hi- had notably i as a picst and ii-ln;: us St..!.-, .1. • b... 'i ii i-cin'i )n 1*0; • ; ‘U ■. cci..rfiil aiul inspirinu m tin annals oI hl^ \i.ii,r.,.mi m in thi'- rTctam of North C • The Hi. Krv.Tinfl Hn '. S'. (•.nr«r Tuck. r. 1). 1).. S. T. 1) 1 L. D.. pif.-idinu hishoj) of j Pintr.slant Episr.ipa; (.'.'nUiit tills country. -■■■-- 'hr (’ >0 .r..' Pi.^hops. rcpi'csc irini'. a ■ tain If the Uma 1 ■:,■ .. palfd in the i .b ' oi 'h • , . occasion. The pn-i-n*' ; • I rii'.'ts from manv .-i.e- . . • )• illfc the piil.st.S 'n t.ir dii.'.e ‘ Er.st Carolina: the m;:: - • v.''rioiis c 'lnnum ons in W.'o ion atti 'idins tie- * . r n , .and heing a p.iil of t:v • -1: aiui ipocl'al pi'n-e.-is: t o- v.. ; ^ conpn ;;.'dion tnxmr; •!.. •' be- . •; parity of the chureii: r.n 1 tl’ ki ( n appreciation of the ' ■ inr ( f till* ( y. n' on the ji-T’ • ••: r* «!r.'{ls of pe-.p! • p: tli; ; I ct nipr>iind of tin r’Uirr;i ano ^ t . c,- p'-iin's of yantapt m itv of St. Jan-.e; Cha.ch • - oini d to mak. every ph;..' of • ,, , . Hiam OP' of soecial -mni'.i.- in the nieaninc of the •'Ki'' ' hi lid of 0,id an.i th. Bn-t.. ; -1 of Man." Ht. Rev. .lihn I. Ja .m. n. Ridioi' of w.-st Texa*. '.las t'. rotisjcrat'on pieaclier. This • mon wa.s a in.aeterly effoit an.I - c ntnhution to wholi'somc en diavnrs on lh- pait of 1. .. ors to nu-ei the evi:>, ncic.-: -f ti inanity after tin li rirein-! a ti‘” >.dnhal conflict. His text was E\' {Ins mill chaptei .ano 1.^1 i v. r- Airong the i,';-,. , nnihiic’.t' • 1 this .s( rvice Wire tiie foiloe. nt (’o-(’onsecrati>is. Ihi' Rt. !o . Thomas C. Dar-*. D. D,. ... n;b retiring as bi.shnp of the d.. of East Carolina, and th- Ht Re,' Noiile C. PoiMdl. D D,. Bishop ■ f thv dioccsi' o' M ' ••.d; Ih' .- nt- rs. the Rt. Rev John L. .b" - ' D. D.. Bishop of L '.i. i.-na ar 1 the Rt. Rev. Edwin A. I’et eir. I). !>.. Ubhop of N-irlii Ca: 'Im. : Kf ad« r of the I-ibiir.. • Rt, !i- v, Ti.emas N. Ca:ruth.r, I) I)., Ei.shop of Sout.i Carohn.i: fb ad' r of the Kpi.stle. the Rt. Riv. iieit- jfitn Stevens. D. D.. Hi.-hop o! Li • Anael s; IR-adcr of thi the Rt. Rev. Olivi i Jam. > Ha- t. D D., Bishop of Peiin-'ylv sni Reader of th.- C.n.'en*.- ot in Bi.'hops. the Kt. Rev. Frank Aiii- r.rdcr Juhan. D. D., Bish ip of Horida; Chaplain to the Rn -i Rir' Bishop. Briga.li.-r Guural L.ither D. Miller. Chief of Chaplains. United Stales Army; Master of Ceremonies, the Rev. Mortimer Clover. Rector St. James Church. Wilminjjton, N. C. I'ai tieipati.iK m the con'. ■! ■- tn'ii Were the loRowin.; Co! .1 piiests in the dl.icese oI C..'oRna: Tae Veneiable K. 1 J. : m. D. I>,. ArciuKai.m of tia i ■..... .1 .s •: k lot the i! ..-x'- e. F,. C.0.1.11..I and lect.ir ot St. ( pro n C.. ireii. Ni-w Bein. N. C . h i la i>",.ei C. Dad.', uct >i S: Mill k' • Ciiio. ii. Wilininjjt m. X. f: R V J. B. B.ortn. rccdor St. Sirpii. n’.- Chureh. W.i.hinuiii;‘. b. i'. R \ S, N CJidR'h. Ed. n- ’ n. N. C . Rev. R. K. Bunn. l •: Si. Aui-ii.; I.-■ Cnurcii. Kin- N. C. .•\o '4 the rep', -entati..' V oup of i''':o.id lavnu'ii attind- ’. It'*;:! St. y. iV'. Chureii adir.:: - ; lev to thi- ..ut-of- lo- n \:. wm • Dr. H V. Fi. M:.--, R. I. J'lh:.. -n. M. . r '-I: . I. i; Smith. Mi.-i. C. D. : -nn. M---. P..ir: Riyan, M.,--- R ' -n and J;.:ni Xevr i ., N. C . At'.-.:;, v McKi .h K J H.ik r, Kin.-t 't' M.: Do'.vnmM. Hop •A;.ni ‘ 'ifal vc , Wilmini;- vhi'h‘'Ai' Mr W -n- in K.--' C..: ;• - all i.M f. ..r-1 ...' .inini. ' ■ .• It A i- '...t. d 1)1 -• 1 . • rt: i' '-1. o ... .i..n -. ih . f ini.m. " . , -n.ii’ ’ " th n V M. Wd' 'or,. ,r f-rc Borv (' mt:'•••■n-'’ Chn V, ■ ■ - Mollicr Of l iic S(‘i-\i('(‘ Mni Pass{'>. Sons OnTseas HAI.FinU F i. . I .;',uc. fi y. ■ no--ir .,f -.r. Hi.yv -d Ktl'c. t ' .-Id fr m the .0 '1:1! S' fc' M..p‘i-t C hurch W. d- •fk. Ri I’ n .iu f the church Th" T: Ulc C' ' •! di .Miicni M 1. rluck ; St. Apiir* .- he. :i of Rah , '..1 -md. Ad- M .Sn r F J, ( • C.n’cr V. H.il), at •lulled by th- n-achijie. Pa. l.no Chavis. Ed- '.'inustuii is ',•!'! Finetii'i. Oliver McCullcr^ I.'-.'-.-. lad. Ki'tiiil. VioUh Pi lien. Al- ■ Rcid- U'Fl.t Li\iiu>!.i', shindinK. Sadie Lc •. I R .eU’ii 1... Dill..' Cooeland, and • ..ab.' Mr.-!. Vi.t. ri.i Danii l. Oth-. is who arc '.•.u- fccrc- not on the picture am Mtsdam.s lohi \V: .lid fm:; ri'- 1 fe coh Wie-T.e. .. h . ic d in thv-. Philippine-. Staff S^t Royal r Wni tH'. H.i'v..i an I-brnds; t Well in V.'iioton. Luziin; Pvt Ch.irii' V. inston. France; Cpl N .. - m.a Wiietcn. '.ho w s -.fiticincd in Alaska and who urrivvvj m Rakiiin iifi'titly; and Ardis Winston cf Ra» 1-mh. The d...ul-.;. i-- ur- Mrs. Idt- til W- y. M.ij'eie Dunn. E\i-1;.!i Win.-!oi;, and Lira ..1 R..: . V- - - l.ii injislanc Tii ('on- striici .New Kiiililings SALISBURY E\ciy jear stud. Ills u.iiher Liidei the r and oaks ol LivliiKvt.>uc C- they End a chanBini; .•'choul n The Coll.4' _;id iihi.h some lo oD r t.i its students th*’ ii*;ul:.r luar. c* Ic idiii^ t- A. B.. or B S. devre.. iilu-' a wider ranxe iin the department of music. librai.> ‘lienee and secretarial courset. , - V-- - ! STUDENT UNION M.W BE rOR^IFD AT SHAW I RALEIGH — A chapter of the the mapkf Baptist Student Union may be or- fui.lzed won on the campus ol Snaw University. Shaw studen's ntcntly ’.vere introduced to the y'tith rr.ov.mrnt by Mrs. Janet P ’’onipey. Director "f the State B ... be-. Florida: Cli.iplain to the Pri sidi.:.. tt'' Bishop. Brigadier General Luther ■ '''t^ston, France; Cpl. Nor- ctru/.f [\pw- Riiililinnru IJ. MiUer, Chief- of * Chaplains Winston, who w.-s stationed in »^***'t i'CH nillKIIII^S United Stales Army: Master of Alaska ond who arrived in Raleigh , fcri-monies, the Rev. Mortimer '‘'ccntly; and Ardis Winston of R.i- SALISBURY -- Every year Glover. Rector St. J.nj.ics Church, leiith. The daughters are Mrs. Lit- students gather under the maples Wilmington, N. C. Rl Wire, Mr.s. Marjorie Dunn, and oaks of Livlng-.t.inc CoRcue, they find a changing school in p!i>- j iical iippF.u'aiice and eurriculimi The ColDgc has a n;i tio for progres sive construtllon which has bee.' its characteristic aince c.slabhsh ‘ mciit. I Livingst.^no College. Salibui.v. has , operated since I8H2. under the .spon- ' si)r.-.l'ip of the AME Ei >n Chinch, •bill its operations are entirely 11 .n-.'Citarian ■' Dr. Jo.'i.ph Cl.ai lo- Price. one of Amrdca's lulstand.ng orators, was it.s fir.st president. In 1112) William J. Tni-.l Vas called from a YMCA socrotaryship in Atlanta to be the fourth Presi- den: of Livingsi ;ne College, which graduated him in the cla.ss of 'OU. ' Dr. Trent took up his diuh-F with I the dreams and aspir.ilions of all ■ great educators. He accepted the ihiilicn.'tes -f the day and has bc- ermo a builder of higher edu a- imn in the Negro race. The Price Menoiijl, administra tion and classroom building hou.scs one of the finest and I e.st equipped science laboratories in the S'.ulh The geruious grants from the C.'o- ci.'il Education lt'.»rd add .yearly v.i'ii.dile t-'oL to this alri'.idy nnn a ience depirinient. Dodge Hall, boy’s doimitory. has b in i..:npK'te!y rcno.aled .aid re furnished at the cost f Sd.'i.oon Ballard H..11. f.niner hctiire place, 'has been convened latu .i mii-i-- con.-er\i.l'.ry. with an expand-d cinriruhin- in the d-'paitntent oil mu'ic and phy-ical cducali 'ii The central heating plant keeps the buildings cn the e: inpu.s co...- f'lrivibly '.eariii. Now sinee .'-oni • v-ar-liir.o U'.stiicl.ims have been lifted, provision is being made to c nn ■('• 111-' lieating sy.slcn. to all the buildings. Th • Ca.negn- Library, at the si If- aiipp.irting. all Negro operated c-il- leije. i- under Li’ing : n cxpaHM'.i' program The buildin > will be ii - I. " jvd -'-d nvidc fii'i-tnoof to house an additional $0,000 voKime ot 'ooi.ks. II.c piircrasc ol ibc-i new ’ joks came ihroiigli i g'aiit fi'gn the General Educati-'i Bo.ird. Dean FredaRk Drew s.il le. t tlie Freslinian emolliucnt read' . ihe all high mark of 1H7. Th,' cl.i-s rcp'-ssciPs students ft.'tn all o\c: the U. S Living.stene ha- il:- hiv.l;- est i-moliincnl in )i-ioi'v w:’;; Ktudeiit bo.iy (hat tutaU At-n.: .; I'lr-a- ';r.iiip rue several World War II veterans that are lancr t i'-).npiiie tie :r hi'.'hrr edin'..tu ' wl-i'jh interriipled at the i.ut- break of the war. At the t'-lih F'irmal .'ip'nin; ..f the rolleoe, Pre.sirlcnt Tren* an nounced that the break science and secretarial courses. STUDENT UNION MAY R8 FORMED AT SHAW RALEIGH — A chapter ol the Biiplist Student Union may be or ganized soon on the campus of I Shaw University. Shaw studen's ! rcccntl.v were introduced to the j youth movimcnt by Mrs. Janet P [ Pompey, Director of the State B T. U. department and assistant in B, S. U. netivitle.s. Mrs. Pempey sp'>’Ke at chapel exercises Wednes day morning at the school. In th,- service and al a rfteeting th" following afternoon, the pur pose and program of the union were cxi.'lainod to sliident.s. Mr.s. Pom- poy characterized the ■ indent uni»r. IS "the connecting link between allege and church.'* .Ti'lia Sn.ilh. Multii' S iiidcrs Flo. a Noble. Pe.iil Herndun. Louise He\!s M. zie Bell White. J. A. Bijaiii, D C Rogers. Teora Ctmkscah Althotj^h the sewing da- has elo.^cd temn rarlly these wimm ha.'c not stopped kcwing and leainirik, to sew better. ■St'iialors \lia»iu'i' And Mead Stand Reliind Powell Against DAR W-.ASIIINOTO.I -CNS) — In re. ply to Rfp Adam Powell’s demand that the niaiia^cment *f the D. A R.'s Constitutoin Hall reconsider Its decision to b.tr concert by Hazel Scott Pcwell, 5>ens. Wagner and Mead have wired the Congressman Ihcir suDOOrt Said Wasner "TTic Powell Against DAR WASHINGTON 'CNS) — In re ply to Rep, Adam Powell’s demand that the ninnagement of the D. A. R.'s Con.stitutoln Hall reconsider its decision to btir concert by Hazel Scott Pcwell, Sens. Wagner and Mead have wired the Congressman their support. Said Wagner “The attempt to extend race prejudice into the field of art and music is to ; my mind the most striking demon- ■ strniion of the utter unworthinets of race prejudice in any form." Sen. Mead wired; "It is indeed regrettable that such discriminatory action should bo t.aken in the capit al city of the nation J have request ed the management of Constitution Hiill to riC'insider. 'ASSISTANT MANAGER N. C. MUTUAL PASSES RALEIGH — Last rites for P. H. Kyle. 41-ycar-old assistant district manager of the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company's Raleigh dis trict were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the St. Paul AME Church. Rev. C. A. Scott, paslhr of the church, officiated assisted by Revs. Larkin and Ponsey. Inter ment was in Clarksburg, W. Va.. Wednesday. Mr. Kyie died Saturday murnnig at St. Agnes Huspital after a short illness. He was a graduate of Wll- berfurcc University, having taught for a number of years in West Vir ginia prior to his alfiliatiun with the North Carolina Mutual Life In- ■'‘urance Compan^v uvor ten years ago. He held membership at the St. Paul AME Church, keeper of fi nance of Iota Iota Chapter. Omega Psi Phi fraternity, member of the Wake County Negro Boy Scout Di visional Committee. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Nel lie Brown Kyle of Raleigh; his par ents. 'not. and Mrs. D. H. Kyle ol Clarksburg, W. Va.; a brother, the Rev. D. V- Kyle of Memphis, Tenn.; and a sister. Mrs. Gertrude Thomas of Philadelphia, Pa. Shaw School Of Religion Expanded RALEIGH — The work of Shaw University's School of Religion har been greatly expanded with the current session. Steps taken 1r strengthen the staff and program of the school were made public re cently by President Robert P. Dan iel The curriculum has been broaden cd by introductian of work ii, speech training for ministerial stu dents. The course, taught by Dean William R. Strassner of the School of Religion is taken e;:ch semeste' (or the first two years "It seekK tr achieve harmony.” Dean Strassner expl.ilnf. "between the thoughts of Ihe speaker and their expression ii ic. and action." The studv of Hebrew alac ha; , been introduced this term and i. taught by Rabbi Harold L. Galfman of this city. The language was add- ^ ed at the reepjest of Divinity stu- ' dents who expressed a desire for I courses of a scholarly nature Addi tion of a. course in Greek is being ; lonterr plated. Further expansion of the Divin ity sch.’Ol has come in the addition of a depatrment of the Rural I church. Headed by th.' Rev. Moses Delaney, the department, will seek to train young ministers espeei.'^lly fur rural pastorates. Its program also will Include visitaUon and woric with ministerial groups in the sev eral communities throughout the state. The nerds of these Ci.mmun itiss will be studied and specific j>r'-. M-pi h* p'--»n Present enrollment in the School of Religion is $4, the largest in several years. A numoer of the men are engaged in active pastor ate. Parish work supervision is be ing given them. Dea.'i Strassner also receives and fills requests for services of ministers from the de partment. AID FOR NEGRO STUDENTS TO BE OUTLINED AT BOARD MEETING MONTGOMERY. Ala. lANPJ — The state board of education met here Friday to discu5 rendering ducationai aid to Negro students who seek training not provided by the Jim crow educaticnal system cf Alabama. t ■ A $25,000 annual fund, which has becu set aside fee the purpose of defrayinf educatlmal expenses of Negro students In obtaining grad uate and professional training al out-of-state institutions, became available on October 1 with the opening ot the n*w fiscal year. Sixty students have already ap plied for scholarship tik), and E. C. McGhee, director of the state edu cation department's division of Ne gro education. Tht applicants have been notified that the program will be retractive and applications will be ruled on as soon as fwmal regu lations are set up by the state board of education, he declared. Belle Teachey Ready-To-Wear & Millinery 10 EAST MARTIN ST. AT FAYETTEVIUaB Smart Apparel To Suit Your Needs (please Note New Address) DRDPtimtr FOR MEN IN HARD FINISHED FAtRICS $19 00 Present enrollment in the School s••a far mil ffhiFtFetW CHOOSE ANY 09 THESE COLOAS •le«ti, live, Ireve, Orey eed Tea ta SelM Ceterw—$!•$•. CheR SfHpea Phi Sedpea SEND SE-OO—Ealaac* CaO. TMT CtMW, WiM has IMMM Miaiii suFiRioH cbAiirr’' TO $J4.«0 DRAFt MODIL AMD CONSIRVATIVi MNT$ AiAM AR Aanvs SS.75 *1 *l!2'»cJK’82rf:te£2£- , soFrtloiillikiJfF” TO $aAM CAPITAL COCA^XMJl Bomaa oa f u w. i DRAFt MODIL AMD CONMRVATIVI tAMJI COUMtS AS APOVI $5.75 939 W. ROOSEVELT ROAD. CHICAGO *, III. Let's lear your eleclric bill lo pieces Go AHEAD, lady—tear your electric bill apart and see what it’s all about. Tills little piece ligiits ail your lamps. This one plays your radios. This ci>ols and keeps your food. This washes your clothes. This takes care of the cooking and ironing and cleaning. And so on. That’s a lot of different jobs to be covered by one small JiiUf bill. And—hold on! You’ve paid for more than just electric ity. About ?5c of every dollar you pay for electric service «oes in turn for taxes which benefit your com munity and help pay for the war, Ta.\es UP. . , . General cost of living UP. . . . You’d think the cost of electric service would be up, too. But it j.sn’f. It has even come down a little since the war began. Actually— The average family gets aboi.'f ftv/ce as much elec tricity for its money today as it did fifteen yearn ago! This welcome fact comes from the careful planning and progressive spirit of America's bus/ness-managed, self- supporting electric companies. • Hbof NflSON EOOY !n “THf ElECTRIC HOUR" wiffi lobtri r't Orchtsiro. Crery Svnrioy, 4:30 p. CSS Network ffmm# foJj on luede d'\ln and deep arm hol»« g'Oigrom Irimmed. moke Ihii tHTO-piect Americon Beaoly Hoyort Crepe head- tine newil Rapipre Blue. Blonteri lime, Potent Pink, ond Grotto furquoite.. y S»/e» 9 to 15 . ' Carolina POWER & IIGHT Company ■f f»>' irv iH-v.- ;yrii’i..sii'm winild b''- pin ill 30 d.iy-. Plans Lir 1l;is build ing pi'ovo ll'.at it Will bo une nf thi' bo't ill N:'i!.i i-.-liiv .s T).o coi- Kpo owfiiiivL' li-iJi'- I'uit tl>' otn- i: llcii.illllKIlt will b" 111 full .-will! L> 'ii'xi I .11 HiL'ti.iii '.f il- buildiii/ luviii -i.in, a'lt li Dr ' Trent. Ht‘ a’so s.;id that the nc.v 'teachers’ home will :.>t' sl.Tited on 'h's hu ll Vi'Uf 'I'- . . .1 f .,'..1 ,' -.r, I J^tvyga eurktuukum tiUviy Tops With Everything SPORTS JACKETS Button-iH) sweateHackets to wear with skirU, slacks—top off sheer wool dresses, too! Favorites with everyone from office-goerg to stay-at-homes . . super smart, extra warm, so wonderfully thrift-priced. Sunny colors, plus black. Sizes 12 to 44 595 to 1495 Sports Shoppe—Second Floor