PAGE SIX THE CAROLINIAN Wfj;k ending sati'koav, oct. 13, ini„ New York Showfronts BT DON DE LEIGUBLD NEW ^ORK — Making the Har lem rounds these nights and days is a woman of the theatre whose background is uniQue in thut she has made a national reputation as being a one woman thcatie. Her talents are not confined solely to the stoRe: she is also adept with a typewriter and when she has no en gagements to fulfill one can find her busily writing plays, skiw, sketches, and feature articles for a national news service and also do ing publicity for such odd caracters as prixe fighters. Swarz's b»:kground has prepared her for her venture from her hometown. St. Lrouis dnto New York. A student of Harry R. Mark- land, known throughout the mid west as one of the most able teach ers and directors, as well as Thomas Wood Stevens, director of the Iowa University Little Theatre, Miss Swarz has had many aramatic re citals. She has appeared at Town Hall here in New York, and at such widely different points in the coun try ns the Wiley College in Texas. Xavier University In Dillard at New Orleans, the Junior High School in Wichita. Kansas, a High School in Tulsa. Oklahoma, and the Little Theatre at the Chicago Musica. College. She played a Lit tle Theatre season at Icwn Univer sity, has appeared at Stowe College in St. Louis, Mo., City Auditorium In Texas County. Texas City Audi torium in Savannah, Ga., and others in and in the mid-west. Miss 'Swarz came to Harlem last March and remained for a while, but had to leave in July on account of the death of her father in St. Louis. She Is Qow back in town. Since being in New York, her ver satility has been shown in her work in some movie comedies filmed here in which she is co-starred with Stepin Fetchit, the name of one of which is the “Big Timers." She has also done constructive picture ap pearances for the OPA and appear ed as one of the three Haitian maids in a mixed cast m vie “Voodcu Drums." Lou Swarz has definite ambitions in her inva'-lon of New York. She has intentions of Retting into a Broadway production wheth er musical comedy or drama, and then doing radio and television work. Toward that end, she has successfully auditkmed for radio and may be heard very soon on a coast to coast network show. Always restless and anxious to I be doing something. Miss Swarz could be a capable newspaper wom- and should she so desire. She work ed extensively for the Assiciatcid Negro Pres.s while in St. Louis and now she is writing for the Calvin I New.s Service and doing publicity I for the middleweight championship j contender. Archie Moore. She can write a fight story with the same objectivity of an experienced sports- writer and can also endure the give and take that occurs In a press box full of hard boiled reporters cover ing a fight, ball game, or a tennis ' match. However, as rhe told me. I these things arc only sidelines to keep her busy while waiting for her ! big break to come, j In the summer of l94t she loured , army camps through the courtesy ! of the Salvation Army Chicago Headquarters and was acclaim^ wherever she appeared. Right now. Leu Swarz is taking a co' in jive talk, planning U utilize this Harlem fad in some of her forth coming monologues. Nitelife In New York ALVIN MOSES "ALONG THE DAWN PATROL” NEW YORK (ANP) — As we step out of Percy Harris' Bar. 132ni Street and 7th Avenue, nit IS steps away from Joe Wells' DeLuxe res taurant and bar, we greeted by the musical voice of popular Mar gie Chisholm, trusted aide of Sonny La Forte. . . , Said Margie; ''Saw you looking over that swell spot known as ‘Williams Bar.’ isn't it a honey.” We admitted it was and were doubly proud to know that it belonged (lock, stock and barrel* to one of the most progressive col ored men this age or any other ha‘- produced. So pretty in design and creative taste is this spanking-new William bar that we'ie inclined to. liken it as an oasis in a desert. Un- ■ hesitatingly 1 say that Wei's and WIlllair.s bar (he has ethers) rank ' with the finest to be found in all' New York City proper. . . A large] statement, we venture to say, but one we nevertheless hold *1© bt I true. ! Harlem, city within a city, hous ing more than a half million col- K-i^L lIg bociL.-;-'t. Yes, Nightlife in Harlem has thrown off the mantle of honky tonk dress. . Hers is the finery as sociated with Fifth and Park Ave nues these pre-winter evening':, H is refreshing to note Inat Harlem's nitelife has .. . come of age and the youngsters as well as their elders are plenty happy over it. This col umn wished deserved surcess to Mr. Williams owner of Williams Taverris Nos, 1, 2 and 3. They are located at 120th Stre-il Avenue — 5th Avenue, near ll7th Street — S E- Corner of I30tii Street Two great fellas are L uie Jor dan and Duke Ellington — Both of them arc ft lends of mine of years s‘ inding. We haled to take a punch : them over that rather sil- tv h'liiiff ‘Cafe Zanzibari row thry indulged in and no one is happier than the writer to know that it is all settled. Jimmy Mar>hall. form-; er bibbie at the Apollo Theatre for years and years, is 'bock in t.wn from USO committments. Jimmy has some important news for me whicb 1 will pass along to you when his courier packs my mail-punch. The King Cole Trio fairly sizzled Atlantic City Follies Of ’46 One Of The Greatest All-Negro Shows I hand- : handled and c her bandleaders a.-.- lu.meul i-s well Capi;».l iiiKi C.G'- NEW YORK 'CNSi pickfd cast, iieadcd by -'inging ^ ^ jf,- '(»r Marva I.auis. the "Atlantic j'- (he sv., e '^•',1 ‘f'* -r a.Bico' that With Willi.nm n. Gr.iham. Marva s j another clever ture 01 •nunacer. .acting as Chief Counsel Sufeiid.r I/eir" Tho ,vhnlc atlalr, seem, Ir 1» Gra. fans realV v. on- idea. When lie returned from ' . C.iHfi.rnia in A'icusl. he was full •f Midi talk of n: w kmd of ihoA* •o toiT I*".' nation f--:i*iirlng only the bc^t performers he could find. He-ldcs Marva. ''Fidlie*" bonst '*r_' nilf:. Jimmy Anderson. Hortense Allen, £!die R ct r, "ork :Td Be'v.n .and 12 boaiitifii) girls dancing in preeis on. Costumes 'viM bo liy Follie-, Inc. The sho'.' lime . all sjieeial, chosn malerial v.ll >-o niacid by n ‘Eslrcllila’ (idRijHiscr Drdicales \. V. To belle Daii." NEW YORK sensational li'Mrrp!' where rhi- wa-; I new band. Col- recinh id ih.* I Arts witJiin fi.iii FiLbvlIr ; The "Follies" prem.ereg at Miiri' Davit, the Amorice-n No '’e'tlvjil in Ph l.'delnhin October honoied by the twlicat-on ic 'llh ;nd f ije'i Oetnber I2th at. her of a lu vv —>;• f-. m i),; pon he !!• Tlu.dre in V.'eshiMgt 'n.! of Mexico's forrmf. I p luii'i i:-• F.*om Ihrio, it'.; s lidly hooked for | M.invcl f. n"'. Pnmo '•n'ho'n .Ilia nid-western toursl^fr. P nr., v.l..:i '•r'^ireil'i.T' ha.- which will take the tloupe to the ]'* 07 i-e n .1 f;i\..,;io «*f U»;it''d • '.si afU'i Chr: tmi's and to Eur-:Stales concert and i.idm nodieie. s, -■;)C in March 'or 1(> vecks Its pro-i^'is ro'Ti'o-ei '.Ail'Ii '. ' especially ilirr.-, J.»- Zir;-' . J(>hr»'»''n, is put- for Mi«K fl > i , v. ='o r-,; formed : ii.g 'he f'l I hin. t -'.ohe on tliclwcrk for th. fi-u tim I n f chonT .ind general m ikriip of lh« Mexico City (I'nrrrj fi.,i MISS .MAYNOR have played an important part in Uio inu.ociil life of I.'o iiny Mayn r (jnv.if.: co'.ing pi.i.m. who Mondoy. N'ocrinbec A. iiitd T. CollcRP. Thi uilei’ien urtis first to d'dit lenient I'l - at 830, at is cine of the redo that she Owen a reror l-n’nkers \chi:h. Her difc.i are prized possessiohs ^ ma.ny local collection. amonj; are the tho-alo. "Now l.ct i.veiy Tongue Adore Thee, "IJ.puis le ji'.ir" from Chnrpen tier's "1. luise." and the iina fronj ■ l.'Enfiiiit Pi'odiinie." In rnnoundiiR the coming pr gram Dr. F. D Biiiford. president ■ the-col!effe said, '‘The presentatio of this outstanding soprano K * keeping with the iiisl''utlon’8 p cy of ..tfeiing the best available t; ‘,nl i.i It;, .•liideiits and friends.” V-.-— 4 "DEFI’ ARE TMF ROUTS” NE KINO OF I'L.W FOR FR.X n ut ORMix ON aRO.VOtVA TO .\SiOC.\D rilEATRE GOER NEV/ YORK CITY (CNS)*— O' don Hor.lh, radio favorite, has m.i hi'- Gcbiit in a full grown drama ■ !;;y, "D.ip Are Thu flocts.” rcc*; i ig p’c - 11-tici whicii actors w h ivi- I'li ri in ihe g.irrr f r yc. .lie justly jcalP.i-i of. Gordon U a play tn be prnucl of. a new ty of play for u new era of po>'; As a returning soldier, Gtro mmo' back to the Sutuhland as : boy ivcryopc knew, to the hnno !’vn.".' r J,. Gon. Falling in h. ith the Seiialor’s liaughttr a .in- v> f'u isi. I the end of his tr.. iilo;: The .'^tiiidor Re’s and /ran bim -vviih a stolen watch to "tea inm a 1' son" After many hea •he-', n.iiih ricIh’R and a gro /er .hict) hf '.vas -'iowed ustcript inscribed, ■ h'l-' yet With the talent «nte artirta tii' thcy'ie (iuployinii. Bi'l Crahnm i.|Drvi', nii.-'n, ; ■ 1. ■ 'F il. " 'Mr. oniy meet I N v.i;h her great liumility, she can ne\cr rep; she feels deal of i.i' i to bu karned. i isurcd -ucces':. I will I’ciinv Carlcr's Oun Ttiiic Suin^siilioii Miss Rhapsody Is A Mother And Housewife As Well As A Singer BY DOLORES CALVIN NEW YORK CITY tCNS) — "Af- tr my mama, that’s all.'' say^ 10 year old Y\ Underiiill wh'n- ever she ipeeks of frr mother, known to theatre circlet as the inimitable, clever Miss Rhapsody who got her name from swinging rhapsodies. And Yvonne is ab- ut right. Few sing the iilucs with th. understanding of .MInj Rhapsoay Unlike many great singers, she knows her notes, can h'um any tunc after heoring it a vague once, knows her arrangcm.cnts and most 1 .por- tant, knows how to sdl her ronCf* Rhapsody, who Ju»t closed six weeks at Newark's Mclixly Club in her hemetown and who hss many rcccid": recently released Is all sd for a tour with her new Trio under the management of Hill Graham But Rhap'ody talh.s little about her- !>elf She's too concerned with her husband. Harold Undtihill who plays bass guitar in her Tilo and her kid, Yvonne And every other v.ord during her intermission clos ing night was a slncesc approach tc 'ur question if 'he li;tcd workin? n a “c.irner caf.‘.” The o’her acts on the night’s bill were forced to perform while their audience talked incessently of, 'whr.i happened last night” and' such gossip which is woefully an- noying to an artist but when Miss Rhapsody took the f oer. "that's lauds n;o?t if the Erjwn Derby Club in Chattanoega, owned by liarl lliiirs \nl llinv Of .StarsScore \t(/iiraso Jewish people, which .-he say "‘mcdel c'ub of the modern —orld ' Few m isiciuns can rarange n tcs to fit Mist Rhapsody's voice, she ha» to teU them lirst the w;,y .sht fecbi it. But she has two favorites which she says she can call on any tim.e They are Art Tatum and Ben ny Carter Once Benny told her to ring "Clues In My H^urt' in E flat • 'in ;*• She crjw to learn and love Bcnny'.s music when she and the King Cole Trio were logethei at Ke.,n\'s Stablis back in '42 Rh.-’D'odf ssys Nerv Jersey. Iik- New Orleans, produces great music e-okers One ''f ’hem H an dol of hers. Count Besie from Red'oank Rhaprhody herself i» c Newark'.*, and always proud of it. ■•u c-n A lot with her eyes closed, her head back and her h md- on the mike. She usually wears her 'H^uldor len.-dh hair l.ore but then "It gets too hit for it.” She wears little jewelry with her w»ddin2 rings and walks with an air of sure ty and possesion. That’s the stvie which captures her avdienres io tfi* 48 states which she has sung in. And that's Rhapsody, tops in the blues singing business. ^igllt t.liih rv TFI) W VTSON Cinr.MJO - i rl I' - "d !' brilli.ant bind ..i . .p.' ' . at Cf-.irl o C/. ;,fid '• Fields' EJ Grotto r cl'tb ' Chicag ' I f :u BY nOl.OREK • \I.VIN BALTIMORE. Md. C-NS- VA heard front the C.;, i' 1 Record Bg Company that ' Malibu." ' soft, sweet and haunl n,. i,. yif acc Uumpet-clarin-t ploy, bandmaster, Benny Carter, nac itone well over the 2CO.OOO mark -inre its was released by them in tiira In fact, in h ns than om; month hf.d sir-' I38.2.3i;. Int'ri.-t.'d m kn-wing just wh-it 'i'/U" is. Il' rrught a morning '.rain 10 Raliimjr- wiirrc Ihe Ben ny Carter band w... pi iving a weel: Cl the Royal 'fh'air-' un P.nnsvl- v.aiii.'i Avemc Tl.erc wo uisrov.rcd that ‘'Mali- sevcii V '.ft j:i California I'Fair — about 30 rt.ilse from I., s Angelc> •.er>jon j- right on the Patifi;. And Benny. B,.a! - x}.,, who lik.s iropicnl atmorphtre. n.rrl I- '..k drove down there mcn^ limes for •ju* r, , a rest. It was in thc^’ miiet, peace- r-oa, jf'il-d 'i-'-it sc-m-; ,;;r,r.ces .a’Cuban jed Ui flow a!i>nf* r.- Benny jotted' jv t'lp'; ('o' • i.r; Idown '.he rrrlndy, a ‘a.ilhmg. crn-|fr,mrdy rx pt I [fidenct melody that, ihouRh simple, ^ ripr.ton rule.- i - ; is different from anything on 'r.c and' Del •* • P -. . r i tiv market today. *tfi«. while r)^ C m'v. An W When playir.-' "Molibu" on stage.b,;i Thomnron do in 'r; bright li',ht.i go off in favor 'f a specialties lii.i r.g- .;i dim rrd spotlight on the composer cf Art V/.-’ker ’ it 1 who beeiiis iho time with his saxu-' iavi d is thieatcring Lilly Eck. p^one a* ‘hi bn 'akri care of the -inging crown, flow teat in It ck'iround Tiien ♦he horn section •. featured as they and Benny continue on. "Malib*!" has a smooth finish. Amanced as well as written by Cartpf, the tune is regarded by fei- k/w r.iusici.'.ns as being expertly (W, \mm3 hcc.d-. ...ile T. Dorothy Mavnor To Appear At A. & T. Memorial —-am.— j O !KM DANCE AIDITORU' GREFNSnORO See and here Eddie South, ihe “Dark Angel of the Violin” produced. So pretty in Ie>ign and • v* mvin jn. 01 n.uiv u» | creative taste is this 'uanking-nc’.v : standing. We 1. itod to take n Williams bar that we'io inclined io,Pi'n‘;h at them over tliat rather fil- liken it as an oasis in a desert. Un-; '' hitin-* 'Cafe Zanzibari row th y hesitatingly 1 say that Wcl's and indulged in and no one is happier Williams bar (he has ether?) rank ‘he writer to know that it 1? with the finest to be found in all: i'cttled. Jimmy Marfhall. fnrm- New York City pi-opor. . A large] Theatre .or statement, we venture to say, but >cars and years, is back in t.wn one we nevertheless hold • to be i USO committmcnls. Jimmy I has some important new.s for me Harlem, city within .1 city, hou». i wUch I will pass alnnj to you when ing more than a half million col-|^^* courier packs my mail-punch, ored Americans, has long been not-1 The King Cole Trio fairly sizzled ed for Its numerous chprehes. . . I'box-office and patron acclaim) These ranged from majestic edifices during their recent stay at the nice Abysinia, Mt. Olivet. Salem, | Apollo — Al Douglas and Walter Metropolitan Baptist! Convent Ave- "wners of the Heat Wave, nue Baptist, Union, it al; to. . . . have some grand plans lined up for some 400 s'orefroiit two-by-fnur.s ‘be fall-winter season, watch this ho'ising denominations from the c“b;mn for announcements. The Coptic faith to the Church of Eng- Three Riffs went over big at Mur- land. . . A new storv can now be, rains Cabaret, but I think they im- wrltten along the pleasure .-iide ol pressed me more on ihe stage than this ghettolible section of Manhiit- ‘n ‘be small working space of a tan. 1 ‘^'•barct. .r Its taverns, bars, giils and cab • ^ arets have assumed .stature and pro- ^^P-'Jf^^THER DE^lYS TINA portions heretofore undrciimid ”1-, ^ The colored business rnan of Har- rOR JAlAN ’•‘m is investing f'T the the future lid he is putting great fortunes the aforementioned nitespots. Wells’, had its offirial opening Oct. New York (ANF)—Bad wrath- wa.s given as the reason for I the delay of Tiny Bradshaw and , . . . u .. ... .k,-'hi.s orchestra for Tokyo last Mnn- 4 and 5. Wfiliams. has attracted the attention ol while .non-residenl.l j iT.picce Bradshaw bond ) driving thru to omer points niirlh ,, uSO-Camp of 130th Street. They get out of auspices .and wil! be th" their cars and peer thus the sea-,f,rst miisiral aggneation to tur green lighting cffcris with eye'- j,,pan. Sailing i.s slated .a- sotin agape. * .-t-; we.aiher eonditionc pei'mif. "Next Door” By ted shearer plays bass guitar in her Ttfo iinri her kid, Yvonne. And every other word during her IntcrTnisston clos-, ■ng night was a sincere approach tc ur question if she lilccd working !i a “c-nner cafe." Tl'c other acts on the night’s bill were forccu to perform while their audience talked incessently of what happened l.ast night" and suth gossip which is woefully an noying to an artist but when Miss Rhapsody took the f oor. “that's, ill." There was silence a.s the Tilo th'impc'd out the rhythm of a blues numocr and Rhaps dy, in a cold sc •tiined i‘"\vn got in the mood to in terpret it. Un stage. Rhapsody follows the k'xn musicianship of her “boyi", 3.a.s> Byrd, thy bas.s ptave-. Julian Colo.s. youngest brethrr to Cozy Coles, the drummer who plays the piano and her husnand. Hav J.H. guitarist who’s been rolea.'ed from the army after 10 n-onths and 4 days. As hader of the Trio, sh'j finds fun in shoppirq in New York for their uniforms, and in bindm.; them v-jth authority. At home, .'he's just plain "mam:i," a good cook and a e^nscienii n noisc'-vife Stic make.? rro't of he- gowns, dees her own housework ■ nd hikes pride in b-ing Mrs Un derhill She's constantly un on the latest methods ging up chil dren. She's a fl ver in ast.-,)- logy and was bi der the ?ian Saturnlns. She's 5 ft 4 uiehes and ;s firmly again't blues singers with lo-se moralh who make a bad r.ime for people in the pre>te':sion Sbi 'bt uldor Icn’th hair l ose but then *’11 gets too hat for it." She wea; little iewclry with her wrddiiu nncs and walks with an air of sure ty and posmsion. That's the slvlc which captures her tiidienees in the 48 states which she has sung in. And that’s Rhapsody, tops in the blues singing business. •' ho beeirvs xho tune with his saxo-! phone as th:: band takes care of the flow boat in the backcraund. Then ♦he horn section Is featured as they and Benny continue on. "Malibu” has a smooth finish. Arvanced as 'acII as written by Carter, the tune Is regarded by fel low mu.slciiins as being expertly leerd IS tb:i'.tt:r‘;'. -iiiging crr.wn. Dorothy Mavnor To Appear At A. & T. Il a 1 c i h Mon(Iay ^ i Memorial AIDITORU SHOW RHi 'I dance Oct. 29 Derea Reeoriis Renows Contract With Ruddy Johnson "Bunny don't you Itiink we’n thn far??” carrying tlu- vontimentalitv a t-it NEW YORK -- As ;• result of the sensational .success of his current hit disc. "Thai's The Stuff You GoUu Watch# maestro Buddy Jotir.'on'f contract has been renewed by Dec- ca Records, with the young pian ist-lender slated for ; healthy in crease and more frequent waxing • under the terms of his now pact. Buddy's recrding of "'s Ttic Stuff Ycu Gotta Wafcii." nllhouch released just a few months ago. al- reiidv ka.s .-old close to 200,000 copies find has b:en lls-ted as one of the ten best-stllers in Billboard Maga zine's Race Record se.tion for 11 consecutive weeks, c'jrrcntly hold ing down the Number 2 sp't. If.-' an original by the maestro .uid has his sister. F.lla Johnson, featured on the viiciils. It’s not surpislng that Decca ha- recognized the disc sales appeal of the “Walk ’Em Rhythm" maestro, who is currently holding forth at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem. As matter of f :ct. it's swrorising thru it took the firm so lon.j to get wind 'f hi- uiiwcrful i'jkeVix popilun'v for Buddy's pl.ittirs of 'I'lh ori- '.'inals us “Stop Pretendmii." "When My Come s Home" and ' Baby. Don't You Cry" all have bi: n smash hits. Souli to be lelea-.cxi by Deil.i i- Buddy’.s own iheniv, "If You Nevi.; Return," which iney prove to be hi.s big'’»"-t record dirk. The .bii’ii- son band will take to the Decc-. wjxwoik' ill Miiiih.iltu:) ni-vt Mcek i., -oi .t 11 I ........ LuJ-ij r»v'' Spe and here Eddie South, ho “Dark Angel of Ihc Violin” “R C tastes best to me!”, says Nickie O'Danir' .c object of I,Gui.-! Jordan’s . ff etions in the film fciiturette "rald'ania" doesn't scfn to approve being called "hardhcadLd ’ As leading lady, ihe ihov's her glamour while Louie sire- to her the title sbng "Caldoniu” In ’.'.hich he tclU her ef her "faults” — that he loves bt r in spite of her olcitinynes-' big fed and hard head. Actually. Niekic Is a very smart girl. Ri -.hi n .w. sh 's ovciscas with Nobtc Sis.le’s “Shuffle Along” unit tn- i.iiainir.,; the boys — 'CNS» Todd Duncan Makes History .f the New York City Center Opera Company, his excellent acting an . di.imatic ability weie far s'upenor Due ;o this lack of v cal rragni- 'udc'. Mi'. Ditficaii's rendition of - i Rrcl.^guc was lechnivally iiiis:i* RV (.I.ORTA T. IIEI.LFR NEW YORK 'CNSi — FiiJa' t'vemng. September proved ("Ul.'; I i.v in Uu tii-lory ol the Negr in opera Bcloie a park ed house rathi r ifor.'d by a rulbvt lucdiucic peifuili.tiiKV uf Ma. coi’.ni'. f- • .1 ..1 IfK, I'cul'. \lr T>.di ti Iti iH.m. bariluue. of "i’eigy an I pie to con.pensuti’. at least us far Fte.^•" f.tine maue lii V'eiv lurci'i;- a' tiir .ludicnce wa> conc-i'ned. Th«f ful debut a.-: Tanie in Leon Caval-' public received Mr. Duncan v Kj’>. T Pai'liad " Mttious'h i.‘£ \»iv. yreat rntliU'ia-.m and vvuiiUl not .,uablV .H>.l vuluL.e li-t .. '.i.t jK'pi.iuJilt, U.'.il b* l>c oibei I CsU.