PAGE TWO THE CAKOUNIAN * « !■'’ WEEK ENDING SATUKDAV, UCTUHEU ;iu, 1114 Raleigh Personals Okindwa Island. LafcUop Roboisoii of COR K. IS vi.Miiii;' ntr d.iuith* . Cl .ii'lic J .loion in Wash* IJ C, «v McLi:ni»()\ t Chiipol '■'oiiKioiiulioiiiil Chu rWlr/r,e„>l. uf Mr and Mr? Jarra-s iMUUltpi am 1 dfpp jv’r.patliy with .III tf.f jiii .iiti}'. .1 Mrs. I'hil* t Mo. l.v' persons atlciciin.- were Mi.. L. M Wilkurson. .Miss Fva Mao Cross. Mi and M:.- Wiliian, Span and son. Missos Ma:y ano Chnstino Phillips, Mrs, Melvin. F.mow-, Mrs. Millfv Ftmll anP Mi.x Jannie Little CpI Sanniel W Po •. 1102 East Jones Stfool: Cpl Wilson Bnykm. ti05 South Harnnitton S’rc*.t; Cpl Willio ClarkMin of 721 .South Mr- Dowoil Street, have h. on awardi'd the Bronze Star and Battle Star lor their particlpathin in aeli .n in the South Pacific inRHS Swank Millinery Shop In the Heart of Harlem !;H\VIS IIEIGIITS U> .Mis. .May L. Broadie a.'id . I Solid;:, lE(j AL NOTICES Mr Wilhan- Dra.he , f 2ii7 Cub.- Stiiot is rocupoi;dinv in S; .\j.>n.s lio'r>i?.il ;-tttr undorr.iiiii. ai. . pcra- I', J US. .srPLHIOIC t OI KT KC-hTlJ C-VUOl.i:A w.'-kl; colntc .’UTKL pr '.-Nit; '/ oc'.'; Jbiv v.s. Mf.' J)oi aid HnUon and -on. Donald. li . t.f Jamair:! Stioi. have .f-:-riitd ..or-ic a:'e- ■ .ijid fiiwnu-- .1 Pi.;..'-.If l - J -) .dOCLTSf.V " ..o ooh lai .n; ,1. D. Moo5t-bv viti',- -..tioo th..' : ■ a,; ub'.v" has boon c i..:fW»eci in tti.- Supoiit/r Court ol W,,;:.- i •, .\'oi tli C;:rolfna- to oLt.ini ,.n abSGhPo Oivo.ou on the Ki'uunds of two ve.irs parati'.n, ii- pr>\-idfU i,i t io .st;>» tide of N’ortl. Car. lin;. p).,iM ff ; nr’ d>-fi lu'ant li.-tvini; lived ^epilratl■ ; an. It f .r intro than f-'e >e.tij iit\' pr...ot.d!n;' liio ms .I n'-i t-.. . for, and that Iho said doh.ndant Mill further tako notice that he o. |■|,l;n«.d to appear at the ofiicc uf li.'t Cioj'E ... -he Sip.'iio;' C Nv -he’.y, Xnith‘»!!T.:i. in ti.o Suporioj- Coiiii V.' Coun- \;-Mh Cirol);i.i, n; the Coi.rl- 1. . .-e II. R,.|. |r‘), C..mli;.a .-i- ti.e i!Mn day I N.i'.i-mbei. ii4,'.. ,.| v.,i;,iii ihirtv diijs ihtr'afio;. and Sfi'-Wer or demur to Iho eorrpl .ir.t «.t said action oi Ir.e pl;i,r:.ti . PI I,. 1 . 'he o.nir! lot iho ic-li. f do- 1... ii.l.-d I., S4iid ( ■f. - Ibth day of October. iti-Cj S/ARA ALLEN, Assish.nt Cl.-rk of Snporiur Court K J CAKNAGh Atlornoy >..! ;:o. 2V*N.v 3. 10. Mr 'Tltomas W,.Uei : mi M,s .An- 'lii Vat.olum of Xowporl. It I, Iho jiiicst of Mis S.illie Grav el •llT Cal.non Sluet Mr and M:> I Mo>kii r'ottsni...u:h. Va, wore tho n i'Ucft of rolafvos in t.a city. Ml L. C. JohrMi n f KFD 2, li..- roliirned hcine after .•p>'idini' a weok ill Gmeii boi'o visiin,.. lola- ^poi.i I K;ittu Allen of \Vilnnn;>ton ind : U.. Mr T C Joiv.iy of Wilmr.ct n. Editor of th.( V.’ilmin'-'ii.n .louniaE ^plIlt ihi w-eik entf n. the (ily on Etis ncs- Mastc.- Ucii Polersoii. Ji , of 24 Lmouin Toiiaco has retuiHd to liin h. n o iK-m St Aitni' Ho-pltal v.he.o ho un'lerwom an op.rr.dion, Maslor S. D.ivis. Ji . ol 3 E'rank- Im Tciiaoo is u patient at St. A^ne-s Hosp.ial wiin pnc-uniunia V.'e hope .'or hire a quick rooovoiy John Huiit’ok. Jr., of 17 Ch.ivis W i* o.nfinod to his ap..rtmeni v.ith ;i cold, liis many l.ttle fnends wi.h for him i quid; .ecovery Mr*. Hal'io Vonn« of !> Smith Plaza i> visiting her (•au;;htcr in Peniibylviinia P\; Saniud Harris ha^ return. holt..' irt.m ov»r*oiis m 20 Lintoln Tciiaa Mrs. Jamob Hintun of 12 Smith Pl;;za has uU.iiiod homo after visit- .nj{ lelatii e. and friends in Diirhcm .\I,:Sltr I.omy Parnn. Jr., uf 6 Chatham Terrace visited his aunt. Nirs. Charlie Johii.-on cf Washinj;- ; I., n c Mr John Wiii’eis ..f 1 IJaro Ter- -*c. IS i, pain ni. Ill .1 hospital in New Yolk City Pvt Rednion Wesley of Ohio wa- home to visit hi- mother rccontlv. .h f V. 'VI. Wesley ..f 10 Ashe Ter- lounge. Miss Williams Is secretary at th. USO. a member of the GSO, and an accomplished singer. The public is cordially invited to attend. BON VOYAGE SOCIAE Workshop III Personal Counseling Begins Oetober 2.3r(l T*d Ysits PuUif«iioii$ The It -l. id: W,-.r Moih. rs Ch;.p- No 1 III. :-..;i,e'l .Mr H.iM-id Hotni lew diroolo: of iho Hl.iod- Siic-ct CSO, anJ his wife at • -1. mf .iiial leeipt. .i. at the t Horne Tho \V..r Mothors re newed tliiii plwi^i .f ooopti..l,.-j • led iJ!0!i.i.-vd him tht i full siipp.rt H. I,IS pioosarn OBERI.IN ROAD NEWS The ObetTiii Baptist Church of Wcit Hal. iiih, of which Rev U. S. | . 1 SI PEHKm COI KT f :.''irni CAROLINA W.-M'K COU.NTY '.i.\it'JlL\ WILLIAMS JEN'KfNS VS. f iKAVELANO JENKINS xofit i: T mE fJEFENDANT. Clevdand • will take rolne iR;,; an ;.c- te. i i-i.titlc'l as ab'.vv has oecn e.. • m need ii. the Supci.or Court Waki Ccimly. No;-;!: C.iiulina. t " ' ;d; ab ^lulo ui'u.eo on the ; '-1 two years .ipatat.on. as P ovitio ir. the Sl..ti.ti: .\orl»i Car- olui.. p-.a.iitill and (L-Undaiit hav- .n.' lived bijK.rati and ;.p;.rt foi i.n.U i;....i tw . yeais' next prcc-.d- 11' ; •lie iM-.,thii!i-in ot this aetimv ana lh..l tho said defon 'ant will f- v- li.'-. tako tioli-.c that ho is ri'quired t-i i..i{.t-ar at the .ifjifc e‘ tho Cl ik of the Fuperiiu Ci.Li'l Waki 1 f'l^ty, Noiil. Car.ilii.a. in thi I (.’ouVthouse in IL.loiori on tho ICih ■ day > f \.noi£.b,r, 1043, yr within I ihnty day., Iho.eafie-. ..nd .in.-wu' •*, or demur In d" if said aoln-ii Ol Hit- i.laii.'jfi v il apply t,. the cuint loi tho lol.ul don ..ndod 11. c' 'iliib iUlli day ot Go’.ilioi'. ll>4i W. V. MUKULCAi. Clerk .1 Suptri... Coint K .1 CAH.NACE, Ally. I >. ■ L;. 2'J, 27-Nov 3 Tho .‘its. «• G.-pil Smeor- A-fn- I . Gei.iral .As,v..rrl,ly of Gos pel S r.veis fast annual tunference vvdf U- held in W-;-- -i-.Sal-m. a' Cnion Mi-sinn Hdinoss Cluiroh "th and Vine Street.-, beainriiiij Sund.-.y Octobor 21. throi-th Sun da.v. Ovt 'Ler 2fi, P;esidenl Eviineolist Ejv;,. j-o'c- D'wdy. rrt'idtni: The State piisiilent* fioni (Tiicaii.., MI. and J.ieksoiuiMr Fla. will speak, assi.-t.d hv their Go«- pil birvr- quam;- ..*d eh.iir- Thr. ur.Tiid -tree- parade w II be S; nday. Octnbo. 28. Pt 1:30 p m, all quartets and ■■osp. I : niCinB ih Irs 0*^0 invited All heads of leli-, fraternal, .social and welfare rs;aniz;.»i'.n*. are, by -peeia! iiivita- lion, invited pabtui. Will boKin its re-; vival on .Monday night, October i ?2. thiMiisih 26lh. Rev J M. Mallotto ' o' W.ln.intiton will eo'iduct tho se-r- viie-s. The public IS invited to attend. Rev Brown and hi- ci'nKrra’ati..n will journey to Garn.-r on Sunday Oetebtr 21, whore Rf# Brown will preach tho Comer Stone Sermon at t..c Wake Baptist Chuich at 2:00 Lovely Louise Robbins has opened a smart millinery shop at 1388 Seventh Avenue between 138tb and 140tb Streets In New York, Ar exquisite show'room and a unique display of the latest hats is a dls tinctlve feature along wUa an array of lovely models who give a fash ionable show twice weekly, Miss Robbins is also an instructress in millinery at the Harlem branch of the Young Women's Christian Association. The shop is capably managed by Mr. Al Williams who is a custom designer. Patrotureil by the inteill- gentia and considered the smartest shop in the uptown area Ixiuise Robbins Hats have become a legend In the photo above Bob Frasier onr staff photographer, caught Mlsi Robbins displaying one of be*r crea tlODB- RALEIGH — Final plan*: have been cjmpletcii for Ihe Workshop in Personal Counseling sponsored by the BRodworth Street USO Club in euuperation with a group of local ministers. All sessions will be held at the First Congre-gational Church, Manly and South Streets, ol which The Reverend E. C. Law rence is pastor. Rev. J. W. Cameron, pastor ^f Wilson Temple Methodist Church, is ch.Tlrman of the Committee and Reverend E. C. Lawrence is director oi the workshop. Enrollment is limift-d to repre sentatives of those organizatt n.-s which will be called on in the fu ture to serve as counselor for the re turning servicemen and women. Reverend W. E. Hogan, Rcligiou> consultant. Army and Navy Dvpart- ment, YMCA b expected to be pre sent for the opening session RALEIGH — A Bon Voyage So cial. honoring Misses M. Kathleen Shaw and Ann Bower on the eve of their leaving as missionaries to Haiti, was give by tho Hayes-Flem ing Missionary Society Friday night at 7.00 in the p-ulor of Estcy Hall. The Hayes-Fleming society, a student organization, was named for two Shaw graduates who were iim.:ng the first to volunteer fo- mi&.sionary service in foreign fields. On the brief program presented on the occasion remarks w.rc made by the Rev W. C. Somerville, secretary of the Lott Carey’Foreign Miss.oii convention, and Dr. RuO-, erl P. Daniel, president of Shaw Devotional exercises were led by Miss Luella Dickens, former presi dent of the society. .Mrs. M. Ford, supervisor uf the Missionary group and teacher in the department of Religion, presided. Remarks also were made by Mrs Martha Sims, picsident of the society. Am»-ng students who furnished musical and litcrarv numbers were; Misses Florence Avon* Carrie Bark er. Doiothy Floyd. Iloitcr. ' Gil more. Ida Boykin. Joylettc Kic’n- mond. Pcnsicola Alexander. Gwen dolyn Larkin, and Evelyn Faulk, and Van Riioe. A Cibbs, and Mau rice- Stuppard Rev. Sister Barn.s last Monday night. - After the mccliijii was over, the' club cuteied prayer -crviccs which j was very spiritual and enyoyed bv 1 all. The hostess served peaches, top- I ped with whipped cream and cak.-.! Mrs. Margaret B. Judkins left; Saturday. Sept, 29IH. for Fast' .Orange, N. J.. to visit her brother land family; from their, she will eo to Boston. Mass., and New Yoik City, to visit relatives and friends. SPC Club meet at the home of Mrs. Julia Easen Sunday afternoon. The club will render a program Sunday afternoon at the Dc- ciple Church. The YWCA Club will sponsor a progiam the 3rd Sunday afternoon at the Deciple Church. This pro gram will be entitled the Arcoplalne Drive. Mrs. Nancy is spending this week i.i Durham with relatives. She b still improving nlcelv. Rev. Sister Frances Johnson of Raleigh, formerly of this city ar rived recently to spend the week with Mrs. Ltiura Griffb, llg South Mb, Mrs. Julia McKiieil entertained a number of friends at n welner roa.«t recently at her home, 35lh St. Mectin" Postponed Johnston Eoiintv News RAI.EIGH — The regular monthly meeting cf the NA.AfF ha.s ben posponed from Sunday. October 21. until a later date. .SMITHFIELD — YWCA Club met at the home of Rali^li W ae Promoted ISO NE« S Mrs. M;*ry Jelfrie- f New York und Mrs. ET Tavlor t Brooklvn. N V returned hom. wit-i .Mrs Lenoni Hinton of 9(1,*) Manly Siroit for ihort stay On October 14th .n three coiirs* oinner w..s scrvui in thier honor Tiii'se pre.-ciit: .Me'dames E, Bug.:' S Ross. Roberta Towns. Molly .^tok”:-, Ella Terrell. .Mary BobiM. Jessie B. Perry. Alite Perrv C C Jonv,. Ivoiy M Hawkins;''s Delons Terrell. Henreltj .McIntosh and A;iriie Rowland. GROrp FROM ORD VISITS RALEIGH RALEIGH — L.ost Thursday, 21 servicemen from ORD. Oreensbrro, in charge of .Sgt H C Wa-hington. visited Raleigh on a sightsee.r.g tuur. The group arrived ..t the Blood- worth Street USO CLjo where they were wtlcf-mc-d by the staff, a group of GSO’s and War Mothers After a period of rd.ixation they were escorted on the tour by a group of GSO’s. Mb- Eleanor Hill and Mrs. Sallie Reaves were in charge uf ine tour. .Among places uf interest visited were the State School for the Blind and Deaf. Shaw University. Chavis Pork, the Ra leigh Memorial Auditurium, State Capitol. Hall of Hblory. State Mus eum of Natural History and the Slate Library, Upon their return to the USO Club they were servc-l a delicious meal prepar-d by a uroup of GSO’s under the direcUon of Miss Mar garet Leach, and served by a group of War Mothers who furnished homcniade cakes for the men. I'hc Business and Industrial Girls Club of the YWCA entertained the men with a part.- in the- USO Club that night The Girls Service Organization of the Bljodworth Street USO Club will present Miss .Marjorie Williams in a song recital. Sunday afternoon. October 21, at G o'clock in the club ROUEN, France- — One hundred and one members uf the G888th Central Postal Directory, only Ne gro Wac battalion serving overseas, were recently promoted to ranks heginiiing Staff Sergeant through Master Sergeant. S. Sgt. Millie L. Dutm, .N21 Sout.h Bloodwcrth Street, Raleigh, N. C.. who is assitant section sergeant in the poidal directory was prometea to* her present grade from corporal. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BEALnrY' and BARBER Write For Price LbU We Ship Anywhere KLAREX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON S13EET Brooklyn. (13), New York CARTER , Every home should have a Colored Stop worrying and wonder ing. Get the facts according to numbers. Send me your complete birth date. Get your new personaliz ed forecast on Love. Business. Fin ances, Travel, Pleasure. Health, Home. Responsibility, friends and as- s:ciates, I send you your PERSON AL NUMBERS forecast taken from your full birth date. Formerly a $5.00 service. All for o;ily 25c. Rush birth date, a 3c stamp and 25c in coin, FREE—Mail your order prom.- ptiy and get a dictionary of 300 Common Dreams. Satisfaction gua ranteed. APPLIED .NL'MBERS, Dept. 5910 3833 Applerale, Cincinnati 11, Ohl« HOME-COOICED FOODS And whal a meal il will be— seasoned exaclly right, end every dish boasting a real horoe-ccxiked flavor. B & H CAFE 411 S BLOUNT ST. NOW PLAYING ■ A Breath Taking Romance ! XT/ITE PAIR” IN TF.rHNiroi np PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Cal. 12 of Mtiafaetlea. AU Ce1ors->Steias a^d Enamels. Mail Orders Pronpily mied Railroad Salvage Co. 329 South Wilmington St THE NEW Royal Friday and Saturday Duncan Renildo In ■'CISCO KID RETURNS " Also Rex Bell in "LAW AND LEAD" Sunday and Monday Victor Jury in •RANGE RIVER' Tuesday and Wednesday Faye Emerson in •HOTEL BERLIN'' Thursday BARGAIN DAY •—Double reahtre—. Where She Danced IN TECIfNICOLOR \ voime DeCarlo, Hod Cameron, David Bruce. Walter Slezak Albert Dekker WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY OCT. 24, 2S MOLLY AND ME ' I'tthty. ^l)lU. Lai-uiii.a, m inf ,, - i-vuoia Cuurtliuu-f in H:.lvi«ti on the lOih Manly Slreel for day r N-Aeir.bc-1. 1943. or within thiity lii-y;. and aii.-wer October 14th a three course or di-iuur to the tompl.ti.ii cf said w-*-s served in thier honor, action ni the jJ.-nn'ifi v II apply to Present; Mesdames E, Bue^V the coint fui the rulKl den andvd ? Ross. Roberta Towns. Molly chr4rgc of the tour. Among places of interest visited were the Slate School for the Blind and Deaf, Shaw ■University, Chavis Park, the Ra leigh Memorial Auditorium. State Capitol, Hall of History. State Mus- KLAREX Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON SITIEET (l. I s.ud cf’inplaiiil. ‘ihi* iOlh fiay *.1 Oc’obcr. 19 W. G MOHDLCAI. Clci ul Siipt;ioi Coiiit F .1 C.NR.NACE, Atty. 13. 2'J, 27-.NUV 3 Siok-'t:, Ella Terrell, Mary BobiU.' Je.ssie B. Perry. Alice Perry. C. C. Jones, Ivory M. Hawkins; Misses Dolores Terrell. Hcmctta McIntosh and Annie Rowland. Brooklyn, (13). New York CARTER \ ^kgro dolls IN IHE SI PEKIOK Ol'KI N(Jl(TH CAROLINA V\.--.KL county NOriCE Al.l'HOMSO VANCK Mrs. Beltie B. Trice. 13 Heck Lane, have received word ihot her .inn. Cpl. George D. Trice, has been awarded a Bronze Star for partici pating in action in New Cnenin.' , and a Buttle Star for the action on Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 E^t Lenior St. vs l.'FKIK VANCE. the: lJE:i''k.NDANT. E.'fie Vance will take notice that an action en tilled a> .ibove ii-i‘ been coni-i intiiced III the Supviior Court l| Wake t'oiinty. N»rtli Carolina. Ic' ,l;,in an ub.-uluic c!i'.•>l•^.e cm the ■ ttniii.ids i f luo years scpanilioM . a.-; providi'd in the Sl;itutc of North L'.ii jlina. iil.iiniiff ui,d defendant J.ii. ii^ lived scpaialc and aparlj fu. jy^i than two years next pro- 4iui. the iii.-lilalion uf this a,. ti flOipiU Unit the said defeiidaii' w; r lake iiuliec that she is. 11 Bffid tu uppia.- at the office ..f it.i- rft I'k of the Superior Court of SV';.K • County. North Carolina, in JJW^flViTihmi^o in Raleigh on the I ■g'l-n dav of Oetober, IDA.'i. or within ' *Ji days tliereaftti. and answer TIRE RECAPPING CRAFTSMEN IN BUILDING AND RE BUILDING FINE TIRES All Sizes Passenger Car Tires Call 3-1333 McNEILL’S TIRE SHOP Lester McNeill, Owner 325 Cabarrus Street deii: t( to the rrmipUiint of said he Iil.iiniiff will api’iy to >mn for Ihe relict demanded d euinplainl. i 2.'’)lh dav of Se’>tembtr, 194.t SAHA ALLF.N’. .Assi.slaiit (’U-rl; of Siiperioi' Court F. J. CARNAGE, Attoiney I Fivery home should have s Colored I Dell. We offer in this sale two I rtaNliy numbers. With hair, moving eyes, shoes, stockings, nicely dressed. I PRICE $4.98 and $€.59 ' -If C.O-D. poi-tage extra.—Dealers-. ‘ ,, Agents Wanted Write NATIONAL CO. 254 West 135th Ht.. New York, 30 PRAYER ^ AdminUtrix Notice tomu CAHOUNA I'AKE COUNTY a flaving qualified as administra- g.M of the Estate* of Valentin C T llainhn. Sr., deceased, late cf S', ko County. N-n th Carolina, th's >4; to notify alt per.son.s havin'^ lt;.-iin;j the Estate of said f.cej.-ifd to e.xhibit them to the uuder.«ifineiJ al 118 East Hargett |gt I't (. Raleigh. North Carolina, on Lel'ore the 19th day of Septem- j. , 1946. or this notice will bo J.>;i.-)ed in bar »f Iht-ir recovery, per.s^.iii indebted to tho E.-itati? : pk-iise make immodiato pa.v- ; nl. Cfonfidential Advice Many have said, “I get my strength from you, why don’t you give confidential advice to those desiring the same?’* If you desire confidential impersonal advice on a personal matter, send question, name, address and $2.00 to: Madam Deliaht Durr Products Company Building 411 FOURTEENTH STREET, NORTH Birmingham, Alabama APPLIED NUMBERS. Dept. 5910 3833 Apple.Tste, Cincinnati II, Okie D Of n w\rij 411 S. BLOUNT ST. - NOW PLAYING • A Breath Taking Romance ! 66 /TATE TAIR” IN TECHNICOLOR DICK HAYMES • JEANNE CRAIN i VIVIAN BLAINE DANA ANDREWS Miracles are the result of prayer. I Have you a problem'.’ Are j'ou un- • happy or worried about something? ' Have you poor health? Have you money troubles? Are you lonely or discouraged? Would you like to have more happiness, success and quod fortune? If you have any of the above prob lems or others like them here is good news for you. The New Glory w.ay of prayer is helping other; men and women to unfold Joys and , Happiness. Whether you have; always believed in prat er or not.' our new way of prayet may bring Luck and Prosperity to you and | quickly t..o. So if you have a prob- ^ lem don't wait another minute, just send your name anl address and a 3 cent stamp for full information | (bout our New Way of Prayer. j THE NEW GLORY FELLOWSHIP SUN..MON..TUE. Heroes ol the Bliiips I in Rousing, Roeruig^ ' Romaneel s WALLACE BERRY “THIS MAX’S NAVY ” —with— Tom DRAKE—James GLEASON Cagney . . . with Both Fists Flying In His Mightiest , THRILLER! “ WED.-THUR.-FRI.-SAT. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY OCT. 24, 25 MOLLY AND ME Cracie FIELDS, Monty WOOLLEY, Roddy MoDOWALL Chapter 6 of "‘SHADOWS OF CHINATOWN" “BLOOD ON THESDN” —with— Porter HALL—John EMERY P.O. Box 5M. Brld«rp«rt. Coon. ADMISSION 21c Plus Tax AMBASSADOR CHILDREN Under 12 9« FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCT. 28, 27 Cherokee Strip Starrinsj DICK FORAN Paradise In Harlem With Franky Wilson, Mamie Smith, Lucky Millinder and His Orchestra, Juanita Hall Singers, Cast of 300 Chapter 5 of “JUNGLE QUEEN” j Tliis 19th day of September, s Mr."!. Armelia R. Hamlin. Aci- • liiKtrix, « i-. J. Carnsige. Attorney I'-t. 5-i2-19-26: Nov. 2-9. JVlIf'i rOR NOTK’K T'JHTH CAROLINA COUNTY ■ Hi ving qualified us executor ol V: o K^l^^tc of William Stone, de- T 'Fi'. late uf Wake County, North C. ruluia. this is to notify all jwr- H": - having claims iigainst the Estate -.lid deceased to exhibit them to' .ii>c tindersigned at 11.5 1-2 East (Ifantett Street. Raleigh. North ‘^..folina. on or before the 13lh day Si-ptcmber. 1946, or this notice be pleaded in bur of their re- •/i.very. AM pc-r.^ons indebted to the 2^ .ate will please make immediate ,^..yment. R Tilts 13th dav of September. 1945 •’ F. J CARNAGE. Executor Zi. 2»>Oct. b. 13, 20. The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance Tervice 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, bqssinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2835 C. A- HAYWOOD, Owner 1942 THIRD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 1945 Payne’s Business & Secretarial School MRS. S. J. PAYNE, Manager Member of the National Business As.sociation .\OCUEDITED BY: THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE Shorthand Typing Calculator Book-keeping Stenotyping General Office Procedure Mimeographing Comptometry Specialized Courses NOTARY Pl'BLIC EVENING CLASSES PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY DIAL 8950 Write For Full Information RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 418 S. BLOODWORTH STREET