I tun LEAGUE SIGNS KT NEGRO *★*■**★ ****** ** ********* ****** * ******* Says Subversive Group in Gary Row Club Owners Jubilant But Want Robinson Paid For Chicago — Other than the niannei m which Jackie Rob- iji.'on, LICL.A ainleiic star and Kansas City Monarch shortstop, wai sijtneu by Bianth Rickey, owner ot teh BrooKlyn Dodders Montreal farm team, Ne*;ro duo owners expressed jubilation lost v.-ek when organized white basc- baliy lowered its jim crow bais to admit a Negro player. While the signing of Robinson at Montreal last week was iiailed Uuoughoui the nation as the first Negro player to enter the miner or major leagues, baseball records reveal that several Negroes hav |vnelraled*oiganized white base ball before, Oeoig Stovy, a Negiu pitcher whose JS victories in one y«ar is still u minor league re cord, played with the Newark in HOTEL THERESA DAMAOEDBYFIRE NKW YORK (ANPi—A Sl.nDO tiaze damaged the Thnesa. one of the nation's foremo*t hotel;, litre Wednesday night. The blaze, which is said to have started i>n the third fhxn’. cau-'^ed one unidentified young woman gue.xt 1(1 jump lr(jm her third flu'e apaitnunt to the street. Slu- wa 11 moved un( onsciuu.s lu Svden ham hospital where it wa.s lepoit *d she sustained a skull fractu Many ptoniineiit guests Iroiii wwiu, uiar'o will! (lie isewaiK jii- . > .■ . ■ ■ . U-rnatiunai m 1887. Chai lie V'*,' I',',”."",;'' T'M' Grant. ^agui ndei wondei infielder when. , the late John MKliaw pahned otf rJ'..*. i,. on players and fans as an Indian. 'dr>""ie oil,cals )>ote| li,llh\ /^inoitg theiii nn the t;i played with the Baltirnoi tional league and Sol White play ed second base foi the Wlieehng national league team. i News of Robmion':i berth on the Montreal team biought ex pression.' of iuhilation from Ne gro club oWner.-i as well a.s tioio all Negroes J. R Martin presi- d>nt of the Negro American league, who has often i‘xpress--J a hope that Negro piaveis would he admitted somedav to hig league ! teams wrote a letter of congratu- CLAYBORN IN Tusk- Alb..n 1, Ho’ nd Liith>'i H Fostt-r, .Ti : Di ,aod Mr? Charles Wesley Wilher- • fo'ce llniv.isiiv Mrs .1 W John John P- navi.-7 and f.t Fn.orv Rii.ifh. .Ir. all i.f W.ishineton D ■ T Ri..iltv ;.nd Mi ..ni M;s R.ink'. a'l nn mhers of the Amr-r- if.in Re f Cn»s,s -t.-iff Mr- R:mk till' f>>rm«'r Hi-niinc Wurd of Chicago. Othevo weip Rand;«ll Tvu' Fi’V ‘r*rirt1nne/« r>r> napi-‘> the CAROLINIAN INVESTIGATOR FOR NAACP GIVES FINDINGS VOLI MK XXVI. NO. 21 UAI.KKJH, NOUTH CAROLINA WVv.W KNDINC SATCKDAV. N'oVlLMIiKU i'.il-. 99 White Man ^^Fed Up With Editorial Abuse PRIMARY SOIT LOOMS IN SOUTH GA. KU KLUXERS BORN FIERY CROSS AGAIN lations to Branch Rjckc-ry. '•Afterlearning of the signing of Jacskie Robinson with the Mon treal ball club through youi e* forts," he told the Brooklyn Dodg er owner, ‘I take great pleasuie in congratulating you for your moral courage in making the ini tial step which will give Negro tail players a chance to partici pate in the majoi leagues in this, our great democracy. "I fell that I speak the senti-, nientn of 15 million Negiws in Amdrie»>wbo **e -with'Vou one hundred per cent and will always I remember the day and date of this great event. I wish you Rob inson, the Montreal baseball club ^Contlnufv! on hack page) TOOKES' POST Jacksonville (ANP- — The Rt. Rev. John H. Clayborn. elected to the bishopric at the Philadelphia General confer ence of the AME church in May, 1944, and who has just returned from a survey of hii work in West A^.'ica, has called to the 11th Episcopal district, comprising Florida, to carry on the work of Bi shop H. Y. Tookes, perlate of the district. Bishof> TookM haa been a»- dered to take a rest by his physician. Bishop Clayborn had served in many offices of his connection before being elevated to the bishopric. iMtr ntrwATrsc Charleston, S C. (ANP> — A letter published in the News and c ouner here 1 hursday and sign ed by F R. Ford of Fiogmore, I'. C-, conlesied to being “fed Qp and sick' witii the newspapers editorial abus.- oi Negroes. Titled. 'RHadei Piotests. iettei said. "Sevenly-twu years ago I wks • — free and white and for more Coluiiiloa, S C. (ANPj — 'I'he llu-ii 40 years, since I became a -^n.ushiiig federal decision outlaw- u-sidont h*-re, 1 liave read the itig tie- white Deniuciatic piim New.s and Courier and expect to C.1V ut Alucun, Ga. two wc-eks ago, coMinue to read it as long as 1 jha- biought into I ti e forelront read any paper, but I cannot r«- stmilai jction iii South Carolina, f-ain from saying I am fed uo :i---epardtions for which were rnad.- and sick from vour damnaljl# some lime ago and held in abey- harping on the Negro, his short* ante pending the Georgia case, c immgs and the fact that he i» ifctided on issues somewhat sim- here and can’t help jt. Your sneers |ih.i to those involved in the Mu- iioi editorial. Detroit Gates Not con case. A'ar’ in today’s issue is the barb' Jamea .M Hinton, slate secre- to constantly applied that drlw iriiv ot t ii e Citizen.i; corrimitte-- th-se you describe as ’‘well dis- .vhich ha had on hand nearly posed and i ontonted colored peo- $-l.f)0h for the case since 1942. said pi*-' into the class you de-scribg ai Monday the case would now he tho.se who fancy themselves Sic- given full attention, di^clai isg tlcit' tims. NAACP lawyers were working oo ' “You. of course, are wil it and may be ready fur action admit of your sun^riprito dngUPSfhfisJ 'MWmv jm jw.thin u few days; • ’‘thiii Ki^a’hge beirii'Vb-u hW aT 7i^iaaXn'tf^s?‘'di^nfr'gT‘ ! several groups of Ir.rvessary to waste good ink andithe report, said, editorially th*at a.fidaviU were already In the paper lambasting daily. If y o u irtritwed Klan activity brought a hands of NAACP coun.'iel involv- will adndt vou are .superior to*“lo**!ing of hopelessness, of fu’iu- irig refusal to enroll applying CiimI's sake rnunifyst it bv ceasing jlV. of fighting against an uns'-en yi 111- tneaniiigless mouthing. By enemy of law and order.’’ letting tills .-.ubject rest your in- Tin Klan Is no longer ;*cliv f- r,.,i iiv eoniplex rniiv also \n- Iol on a national Im i.:. but functions .-ight (jf .-111 1 your readers may en- nndei a voluntaiy .state set-up. Atlanta (ANPj - • Atlantans were ciiuckJing last wek as the once puiseriui. but languishing, Ku KIua Klan lighted a huge cross a top Stone .Mountain. Th- reviving Klan now clauns a mem- beiship ot more than 20.009 in Ga.. but newspapers ftom Rabun Gap to Tybet Ligni immediately join ed in riuiculing the whitc-shdei- ers. According to Dr. Samuel Green. Klan grand dragon, cross burning was halted bv the Geoigia K.an ing ihe War because it was that all faetioiki unite win the war." Klan leaders Uie fiery cross was visibia 60 Chicago. Ill. — Contrary to lha » • stories in the daily papers, the Ischool strikes in Gary, Ind., and 'Chicago give real evidence of be- I'HK-K CE.N-TS " on-ihe-spoi investigations made bv .Miss Nuina Jensen of the NACP New York office. I 'in Gary not only former known ;Pundist.-> are active but also fol- 'lowers ui Father Coughlin, Ger ald L. K. Smith and rnembera jof the Klu-Klux Klan," Miss Jen* Ucn said. 'All have a stake in this Fi oebci school strike and they are K(.lmg accordingly,’’ she empha sized. Tht school strikes started on September 18 at Froebel high .'c.'iool in Gary, where Negro ai d whitc.v .have gone to ' toft then for over twenty year? Mls.s Jcnscn'.s report enntinu "The school strikes in Chicago r>- • undoubtedly the result n# rr, -. ing group anfagoni.«m? 't" . i- t;.i.'nnwm.s can h-' tr-* -ji cf.mmunitv’s fai’ur" *- - • r-crowding i" ho-, ’-.u' d- • C' imina’inn in emn’ 'v-i i • i ■'•.e lack of .'ucces' o' t «•; / .-rniin-: trt -eforrr ;.- • »v*j hI.ooI system.” Conn. Branch of ntRSa's“Ni \« Shown above ^ ^odLJL^ " “ ■ ' oi the fine i N( grot's because *f their race. !* ton- ‘r«y)or. heiid ol the fine art# department, A and T College. Greensboro, standing in front of a portrait done by him of the late the resolution pr ‘ I > ( UfO O' ' Y''.-^h=n"»en r> r This was a dire t Clara Booth Lure Clara Booth Lure - pit ■ ^Smres," The painting hang# or : the walls of the art studios whict> are located in Crosby Hall on the college campus. from which Mrs. Luc-- hi- thfeatgr- 20 and the Putnem UilH ed to resign If a Hn.i!. • -Stdion is not adopted will vote Iv- y -i lov Vour naDci- inorf “ GEORGIA WHITE PRESS OUT great democracy, •1 fell that • ments of IS millii huiuhvd pet cent a I speak the senti- i nillion Negroes in to carry on the work of Bi shop H. Y. Tookes, perlate of tha district. .- - --..t and Will always I remember the day and dote of I this great event. I wish you. Rob inson. the Montreal baseball club ^Continued on back page) dared to take physician. ^ Bishop Clayborn . lit and may be rear « haa be«a aT- ^thfe a days.- • • ^ I Hinton said sever .-i-ciiiy • mat all tactions unite win the war." Klan leaders ' the fiery cross was visible 60 - irved in many offices of his connection before l:^ing elevated to the bishopric. given full attention, declaring that 'tim.s. INAACP lawyers were working on “You. of course, ready for action lOdmil of your lysr • - ■:fW}i StiWJge Bel..„ ' tr-j -i several groups of lr.oces.sanf to waste go^ ink and report, said, editor.^.., affidavit vvere already jn thojpaper lambasting daily, If you renewed Klan activity brought a .hands of NAACP coumcl inyolv-.will admit yon are superior to “le«»!ing of hopelessness, of futiii- mp refusal to enroll applying C.od'.s sake manif^*st it by ceasing Ity. of fighting against an unseen N'groe.s beeause of their race • .. .. . . ... This was a dlre-t rebuf. Clara Booth Lure tv hroLhi • department, A. and T. Colleec. 1 Tlw PalntlnJ hanja or » and tlw Ptitnam Bill;*] department, A. and T, College. Greensboro, standing in front of a portrait done by him of the late the walls of the art studios v^lcri are located In Crosby Hall on the college campus. vt 111- meaningless mouthing. By enemy of law and order. K'ltmg this .subject l•«‘sl your in- ; Tlu- Klan is no longer ;*cliV' f r.oritv complex mav also l>e loM :«>»i a national bu;;is. but to tiuns .'ight of aii'l vour readers may en- lunder a voluntary state set-up iov vour paper rpore " |atvording to tlu- giand dragon! “ j In.p. rial Wizard James A. Colc- iscott had said mure than a year ago that the rca.son for the action [was not regarded as a subject for jdi&cussion “outside the Klan.” ^The Atlanta Journal, reporting * ar of Negro Democrats held here Problems we all ty their progressive stand, brav- ^n W^hington D C fir a ri im-l meeting, said at the time that Oct. 15 .the vice president of that ‘’'I ‘he displeasure of the reaction- cHal ^ siired in an Bovcrnncnt was plan - Nt'gro- arv forces and laid themselves “OPINION^ ‘he Klan f..r from which Mrs. Lucr h.ii ttii?aten- ed to resign if a 'Invihu i-CEtlhitii.n is not adopted will vote Nov ist McKAINE DEFENDS WHITE LIBERALS Vwish Joiirriiil Hits D.AR Ban On Srott GEORGIA WHITE PRESS OKEYS PRIMARY RULING Columbia. S. C. (ANP) — Ac- v.hite groups. That coi'dmg ^ to the _ press repor^ of _ _ _____ er.il Judge T. Hoyt Davi ’ ruling declaring the white primary uncon- organizalion, Janies'E.”wmiams Negro- ary forces and laid''thems'eivrs ••OPiNloT’‘he Klan f..r and invalid, of New York, called upon the Ne- '’^hile cooperation; in tact they epen to social and economic re- nu nthlv Tha aHn payment of some $600,000 in co- ‘-olumbus Sunday Lcdger-hn- gioes to "fight for tK const! can not be solved otherwise. prisals economic rt monthly The editor al. wr-jtten by operate taxes. .quirer. homet..wii paper of the tutioiial right regardless of cer- ^very thinking Negro will con- itu-rc is no doubt that A. Clay- ^"‘MriSca^hts^be^n^givl!?^ ' .*dragon. (V"' tain "white liberals” because, hj cede that such organizations as ton Powell v/as elected to con- oiialv to think bv the recent ner ‘ha‘ the Klan has as ■ 'Cisior. over the Muskijgcc Donio- cohtinued, “they (the while lib- the Southern Conurence lor Hu- gress with the Itrong support 2f fiiSanJc of the D A ^ ! I'n'L’.L n n Corr mince. corn- trals) won t go the whole way.” man Welfare, the Southern Re- "liberal white peoples” who did denial to Hazel Scott a gifted art ptner or folli-wmg the iiaiiig. I wish to lake strong exception gional conference and the NAACP hesitate to "go t h e whole i't of the Negro race of thr nriv Kc said t h e KKK ^ Davis to thU statement. The liberal art- excellent examples of groups way ” in his camptiign. It is com- ilege of giv^Jg a red al at CoX functioning in decision that Negroes are eninled whites do riot wish to be divorc- ot liberal white people who aiv rr. -n knowledge that without the stitution ^ Half in Wash^ngto • 'cLpv‘*^?fm!^r“cl advo- to vrite in Georgia ’white primaries ed from the Negro group, and .actively cooperating with the Nt- support of white people Powell .serves to tell anew of thi^descent "d -i ^ “ Dnmiple.s— should surprise no one who Is fanii cannot be. And Negroes cannot gro group for the benefit of botn. could not have been nomimit.'d of the D A R They have indeed nUhna«i!Z ‘c!an- wm their struggle for their “con- Ihe CIO furnishes another out- and elected. .r .'(f Trf. with those sututional rights” support and coopera v/hite liberals. Morec to go on -"■.‘"'““‘"“l!;-' '!->■ of reaction bven etrcc- v i." substituted (or th.-term “rev m.mLf “ ^ r y e- ehocked. World War II was olution," men would know exaet- all ,rtemnt^.f .“.nlL.'lk .V V ™ “ *>“5“ >1 1“ wtlcre the D. A. R. stand... It i- na ri? V A* example, in our unity and cooperation. And we evidently n-adv to ba-come an in d-eslsi^tf Sili/icaT fn fulu rfarv^ '"®; ** Vh* of reaction and of divis- 'P Statement on the Race even greater unity, mutual unde:- i.enes.s in Ameriean life, the counliy whether such at Iioblem in South Carolina. st:-nding and cooperation to win ft is goixl to note that Ihe CIO furnishes another out- and elected. d-.'ptnded to denth« of un.AmVrT without the standing exarnple in which white It is also a well-known historl- icunism. which are not nearly as ation of the Ne^ro laborers are cooperat- cal fact that ,it is only when the ^ rious in their implications to th • Nfgro race as to their own or ganization. If the world “reaction” 'Ponffnuort I *’-''ck n.ngpi • who ana cooperauon or uie ana ivegro laborers are cooperat- cal fact that it is only when the x-rals. Moreover. I svis.i in* to improve the workiuB. liv- wuites and NteBroe, have worked record as opposmB Ne- ini: and political conditions of cb.selv toKether in the south have ■nalism as viaoromly and both bioups. These ore continuniB the forces of reaction been effec- country whether such tempts are made by Negro oi 11 obleni winch was ' ntti-n and .signed by • tiued oti •'I -k r-agfi IVOMAN BEATEN IN GEORGIA CAN Atlanta (ANP) — A baby Negro girl, just a few hour# old, was found last week wrapped in newspaper in a garbage can in the rear of the Methodist church (white). Feachtree and Porter place. Two janitors at the fashion able edifice made the discor- "fh. baby was sent to Grady hospital, where numerous of fers of adoption were made. At last reports, an "aunt" of the baby had made the "weightiest" offer to adopt the baby. Hospital authorities weren't revealing anything on the identity of the mother at last reports. fContinued on back page) Secretary Forrestal Awaits Report on Granger Charges By ERNEST JOHNSON ^ , WASHINGTON lANPt-Sccrc- ii.p w.^s descrilied J'S uTBiiid ^ Al.houBh the Granecr party, tary James V. Forrestal this wecK ' the tiist lu-poit * deviaiicn from policy develops. no'v m the Pacuic. left on Svp- was waiting for a report fri^m a in sliding the .alter repoit to ^^sire has been to treat VyjjV -H®- has not yet filed a appointed by the committee Foirestal said he v-ith commanders d bases, but it bin; that conditions of segregation v antt-cl "sorri.--(i-t-.iii " i• ra«.,..a.a u , brii.,j Ijock his reiorts wit ; Inin uncovered by Lester B. Granger Meanwhite tins suetial commit- th n comindtee anci Uitn present ll cm to the i.?c- “l"imSlaS.S’“n'' the" wTih^m. t^s™ as“rBnj;‘'’AdmT-li p"l's''m" iib''’‘?''bnim;.e"‘,M' Tw u Taid.' 11 ^ have S?ptS?: - -- -,h .1, 4 _4I .1 . t- .1 always held that there was It was last April that Forrestal nf-tning wrong in Uasic navy po!- [Dnnintcn kt HaTTfkrtmcntal tt;, ^ ■ LEXINGTON. Ga (ANPl-White rr.en in this stale have admin! •„ ed beatings recently to two Negro women. The second case of brutality against Negro woman was reported here by Mrs. Hattie Cantrell, the victim, last week to Atty. William Henry Huff, a Chicago lawyer and chief counsel for the Abolish Pe. n- age committee. •Mrs. Cantrell, a feeble mother of four children, was whipped with the wooden end of a feather dustci until she was "as bloody as a hog on hn| killing day" by George Wal ter Paul because she threatened to mr-ve from his place while her son. who Is in the armed forces, ow>* him money. Mrs. Cantrell’s charges against been confirmed by an . -. ... - u,„,^ in ua3iv navy po! kppomted a dfpartmenta] com- icj. His view Va^ rcui.a«,p-d t. mittee rvprea-nlinn all branches be a clus.-, adli.-ivnee in the luld ^ at. . snd assigned to navy practice as the only weal.- illo lhe taskof-bnnsinBallseB-.ncss in llic scheme of tl.inns ments of the department hav.na fit. nee nuthiPB new has been put todo with personnel up to a con-!(lown oil paper with rcBard to rn^ level. - -.u a v.hat is now considered “new navv A Qualified source in the di - po.»cv ” • partment disclosed to the Associ Preliminary studies have Prospectors Buying Land In Elastern North Carolina Veteran Surgeon General Promises Non-Segregation liiir with the supremo court's inlet '--'•fiifion (f universal rights in Ih - Texas and Arkansas cases, an.i .iher think his opinion will pre ivail even upon appeal. I "Actually we know of very few ■persons who would question th» I moral right of Negroes to partu ipati j in prirr-aries which in practical ef fect select the officers who gavern him. "They have been barrt-d froin white primaries simply because white Democrats have always fell they (had the right to act as free agents in naming their own candi dates for public office, and that they had the additional right to bar from their counsels anyone — re gardless of race or color — whose participating was deemed undesir- Washington, D. C. — After n able. confert-nce October 25 with repre- "There are many of us who still S( ntatives of the National N>-gi*o feel that way about the inherent Association. t h ■- right of white Democrats—or blue leading .i.gures of or black or purple Democrats—to National Medical A^socia.ion. select their own candidates, but per- Uvneral Paul H. Haw.ey. assist- haps the time has come when tr.-i- .“l'? »' ditlon land pcrsannl preferences. ■>'. V" d-Vtsm.. of must.bow to the comiTelling man- Lomisrd that’’-;e Americans respect instinctively} tirnsr nrrl e . w* vlcl i lath, and with no fear of the outcome." civcurr.'t The Macon News declared: r-'ffte N "-r '• • “It is the rpiricn xf lhi> rf\ | tiuns,” D.aprr that federal Judge Hoyt Davi.» #• -. . i.s right in his judgment in th- eral Hawley bold v"- ' Columbus election that Negroe« Rr.binson. nresident of BALLOT CASE TO BE APPEALED BY NAACP NEW YORK - Cases in whlcn Negroes sought to register in Ala bama and Louisiana which were dis- mis.sed in the court# in those states will be appealed to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for ihe fifth district, it was anoounoed here thiis week by Thurfoed Mar- thall, special counsel of the NAACP. Judge Calllouet dismissed the Louisiana case cn September IT and Judge C. B. Kennamer dismissed the Alabama case on October 12. Hie two cases are test ones brought to enjoin the policy of registration dt~ (Continued on back page) circumstances permitted” to 1» 'egrate Negroes in non-se t. f'.-it. institutions. Among the topics 'IL'crt ,f‘ tht one-hour conferenv. • *Li appointment of gra"'‘in' ■. in 'Pmpetf'nt N-'C’-n ’•r* ••«n» Wlniiff l{iTiirtfi- (Iiifiiir To .’'(•IhmiI investigation by white friends here, Atty Huff said. 'Die Cantrell ca«e i :he pprcnd in Oglethorpe County where defenseless Negro women j cannot be debarred from voting in t:onal Mc>djca1 A-ssociation Los by were beaten by white men who have [Georgia primaries without violat z'r.ecVs: Mrs M.abcl K. '■tTiinf'r*. coi RALEIGH — I L ilian V. Bl-ck f ■ State Tuberculo i ,y ■ .•»s formally ann •' th- Na- University students Frida- repre'entatlvs of the r county tuberculosis a#«o'i * M-.m i.-lnt and •lary no res^t for womanhood, Huff re-1 ing rights guaranteed by the con- National Avneiation of Ne'»ro Lois b. Durham, executive I'titution of the United States. Graduate Nurse.?; Carl Mumhv of the Wake Countv Tut-'- The first co.se was chat if Mrs, "Lefa be honest with 'iirselvrs T''tij-- T.o.jtjrtr Rov n-'-fin of association, and L. L Milt t hh- Magyie Appling, who was allegedly j und admit the obvious facts. The the Negro National Publishers’ sistant executive secretar-.- ,f the kifked out of Walter Allen Mat- Ocmociaio primary in Georgia is a A«^o''iation- Dr A G Torrance N C TubereuloM* as»oei'»*i .t fi-tVi hews’store by Mathews In ttie case'state (ion. 'he c is n''*hi « Gnelausas. La : Dr. L H. P Foot*, the achievements In -e-">' imI- U of Mrs, Appling, she was refused -private’ abi.ut it. It absolutely con- Tnilahas'ee. Fla.. Dr. M^ntaene gt the regular chao-l ev' . M ES- th^xrinivv:: submitted to Forrestal his report jb-'sl job. There .t r,™"ni.io„’ ct.,s!„B"’pr'p,rtr.Tirth" a™ wlm .‘M"' 'I'"'. P'»P" ''■•■■ ! IPPP Whitvs. section of North Carolina. exler»'jing I claimed that Negroes covering visits to we.st coast in- 4 , , OL LJii- commii stellations. it was turned over to mveh s.s Granger had said There a recognition chasing properties in this area with lowlands sai on the part of the committee that 'he hope of ullimaely striking oil - - -w tw« vjjaiiKei 'laa sain (a. ll-r. «■* -■‘•u properties. the committee. Later Granger'the further down in the ranks of' White capitalists are buying land on raid proi>ertles. me is practically worth- partment 'of justice of the United," wrong by dnng right And thJ? -4» nrtt Oliva r A A# 4 kA U, .«# ■ ... .. . • • . . -v r “ • ■ v'v J—,,, t,, riKin rtilU lillJ* At-; , I • ess. They are not aware of the fact Huff declared. He has rcp.>rted both thing that Judge Davis has derided Aammistration. tha m many cases with this type cases to that federal law enterce-,must be done in Georgia is righl .VL* 7’ contest profrram. chcr -• i )z»vi the accomplishment n- -.i 'horifjr CvnpraTlKwW. obvloiirtv im. •'hoot, to (rltmv Drv*,i-R bv lb. ,i"it~t or,n„.i.lon f"? '•'? '■■ '>'• to ..omvslorf faoltHlo. In Ibp v„t. ('-18 of tub-rculoil, conl-n' (Continued on page Seven) 'ment agency. Georgia is righl (Continued on back page) Promise-* 'he university library Lv Mrs. Durham and were recoKf-d visit to non-Ve^Vat^ ♦s-ttpip, by Dean Foster P, Payne, who pf';- and would proceed as rapidly as exercises.

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