WKEK K.~ 'jINC »ATLltDAV, Nin K.MttKIi );i l.V Till-; CAIIOI.IMAN I'Aci: si:\’i::-i i'’ Manly Street Church Fetes Elx-Servicemen Of City Pel© Wilder Manley Street Christian Churcn lit a new hinh mark in Churcn ivic relationship heri‘ last Sun- ay night when it inauguarated he lirst of a series of "Let's (Jet djusled” programs. The puipuse f the piogrum was to let the ex- ivit..men understand that liK hureh is willing, ready and not ou busy to busy to help each one ills paitieular piubiem. Lusiiing out with his accustom* d lervor. Kev. T. C. Hainans, pio>- '.n' of the Church, bewailed the ;»ct that democracy had allowed luni back to a type of society . which he hud looked forwaij ith some degree ol expectaney >ur years ago. He lamented the act that dcmocrac yhad allowed lyelf to become a ioke. a muJiiom- r. He happily welcomed them to church which was militaiet nough ti lake stands on vita! i-- ijes to a membership which wa-' logiejisive and cooperative; to omes which would be conducive I easv adustmenl; to familie' hich too long had suffered the niuries. insults and ahti'scs caused n account the enforced absences f husband.'! or brothers Doan John II. Bro\ a.ior addres.-! of the t v tiibuti- to the return men. He told them tha cognizant of the fact that had found it necos-sarv to fight a dual war. While* the tan G. 1. war fighting the common enemv a* the front he was well awoii- the preudice, unequality of on* in the ng. paid service- STAIESVILLE iNE\iS By Georg© F. Dalton Pfc. Juniur Dalton, son of Mr. 1 luid Mrs. rtorace Uailon recently Ifreceivea his nonoraoie discnaige Horn tne Army alter having seiv- ea nearly lour years. Vvui. Kirvice ne received tneiv bronze slurs, and a gmid conduct Mrs. M. G. Dalton was e.ecieo to me Notpinaiion tJomniittee ol the Home tilconomics L'onierencc heki at bt. Augustine College, Ka- ic.gh. N. C. recently. ihe Morningside "Golden Tig* trs’’ played the Lincolnion Higj School Owls and won with a scor 01 20-7. Mrs. Harritt Foster and daugh* 1 ter who has been residing in Greensboro, N. C. has returned to make this their home. I The Shaw Development pro- giam was held at the Mornmg- L side school with more than one- ' d>undrcd person.-! present. The speaker of the occasion was Dr. Raymond W. Cooper who .so beau tifully told the need of Christian Education and the needs of Shaw. Responses or expressions were •ini'Cle by Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Holi- fliy, Mrs. Alma Davidson. Mr. Al vin Morrison, Mr. G. F. Dalton, JVJr. A. D. Rutherford. Mrs. Sen- Taylor and others. Over 2.204 wa.« made in pledges while ovei $100.00 was given in cash. The dinner consisted of chicken salad, potato chips. French string bean.', cube beets, rolls, coffc'c, ice cream and cake. The diner was in charge of Mrs. M. G. Dalton. Homt;^Econ- puitunily and segregation within ;i:is own ranks. His mam tiienn- howevei wa* based on the ‘G. I. Bill of Rights." Starting trom the fi .St day cjut of service, Mr. Biewn followed step by sIlp the nianner m which beneiits would be handied. Me explained the fiutui'cs of hospitalization, educa tion and employment. Paying paitieular attention to educationa. (.pporlunilies. a p^•r^^>n uhi lu.d spent at least nincl.c da>s fiorn September. 104U would be intitled to at least one year'.s senooling in vocational training a', the expense of liie government. Anv person under twenty-five ycatj of age, who.:e t-ducation had hem interrupted by service ' li.ands. will be given hi.'S ard one yeai’s schooling ai afiditlon year for year for eeriod he was out of senool mi account of mililaiy si^rvices. The govirnmi-nt ofhrs to pav fees and tuitions up to five hond-ed dollais and in addition fiftv dol- Irrs for the setvice man .ittd tv mt-flve dollar-; for the depend- cni per month during his school ing p-riod. He mack- it verv p!nio ti-.:.t the gnvc'tT.mrnt did not knd rnenev. but that it did in.-!ure the G I. loan.' up to two thousand d'.;:; .-.'. The matter of .sc-curing a ir-!> and further ’raining have been two «'r the big thing.' con- f;..ntinu service men. the speak er said. Th se two matt^Ts '.veiv n ..d( verv cha: Kinallv he urgid ill! the vterans to take full ad vantage of verv opportunitv af- if iciid. He begged them to tase |the '-(.hooling. the health on*. ii- tnr.ities. the financial opportunitv. Tlivy wi'te urged to go into b’lsi- mss. to buv homes, to invi.-t wBely and above all they w'ere urged to remember that thev had only two years from the end ijf the wai- At the close of thi ad- 'diets Mr. Brown asked fot que-- I'.icns but no ojestions earn'* I tnler.sDcrsed \v-re musiiMl leitibns by tl-. Church C e- i. u.ioLi the diivCtion of Mr. Luciu' Mcnler with M:v. Margaret o-.n* s H;.’'ions at the o.gan; Mrs. llo'V- ard ol Martin St. Baptist Cnu.eii offiied a solo, w.th Mr D.*In ir B’irt at the piano; a solo bv Mrs. George. The Ham»n Harmoniz-.r;v five young ladies with golden voices, dc-ep feeling and \cith «"u! \cal!v lifted the audience with 'their contribution. The Junior Fiur Quartette, with their selec- ■t.on "O Lord We Come Nov A.s Humbly As We Know How pi ov- (d tlu ir worth to the prigram But Lillie John Evan.? Honor Roll For First Six LEGAL NOTICES Weeks At W'ashington Hi Aaministrix Notice ,o.u O ^ nr NORTH CAROLINA 12th Grade — LUIi© Mac C**^*|AVAKE COUNTY Fjitctle Hawkins, DOrls Humphr&y., Having qualified as administra- Cecelia Hunter, Margaret Larkin, |for of Uie Kslale of Valentin C Anni,. Brlic L.tUc, Doris McDow. Iris P«.hlr, .nH H.ond ', V, iikf Counly, Noith Caro.ma, Hr, Iris Peebles and Doris Rand. 11th Grade — Louise Cutebin, So nora Howell, Angela Marchein. Jacqueline Mitchell, Nicholas Put- lor.s,-n. Miuy Thomas, Ella Ruth Thompson. Audre Wall. Annie Wilder, William Winiberiey. Lin- nell W'inston and Valena Wynne. 10th Grade — Eleanor Bonner. Thos. Cooke, B.rnice Curnbo, Viola *.11-.'MW’. Pauline Ray and Rebec ca Watkins. »th Grade -- Fmnees Cutchin, Rosa Lee Goode, Nicle Harris, Lula ;‘o-A-eU, Claudia Morgan. Harriet Nunn, and Oeradinc Rogers. 8th Grade >-> Dorothy Douglas. Ernest Dozier, Jeanette Fields, Ann Goode, Gladys Hunter. Ulyssts Jones. Gloria W. Le ter, Floyd Matt hews, Bessie McNeil, Loumis Pee bles. June Tl.omai, EHa Mae Ter rell. Lola Walker. Ea.nie Walton, and Pcuil Wilson. is to notify all persons having claiing uguin.st the K.--tute of said ciiteaKed to exhibit Uiein to the undersigned at 118 East Hargett Street. Raleigh. North Carolina, on or before the iilth day of Septem ber. 194G, or this notice- will b-* pleased in bar of tiieir lecovery. Ail persons indebted to the E. ta{.* will please make- immediate pa'/- ment. This Itlth day of September, 1945. Mrs. Armelia R. Hamlin, Ad- ministrix. F. J. Cam! ge. Attorney Oct. 5-12-19-28: Nov. 2.'9. : .Newberry Street 'JSO Shown above arc nine of the eleven veteians of World War il pieaeiitly in tiaining at the fam ed Y.WCA Scho.d i,f Coirimvic.- Ntw Orleans, npule-d to be • largest Ne-gio Lusiness tchooi in Amtrcia. They are studying at government expense under l.ie G. 1. and Rehabilitation programs. The “V school, whicli buasl-i a fa;.iilty iiicludiiig n.agna euni loude college g;aduale^. u prac- : JACKSONVILLE — Thursday •night, Octi'ber 2/)ih. the Newberry j Street USO Club was once again the • gracious host to Monlford Point ; Marines and to visiting ho tesres from the towns of Morchead City j nnd Beauford, for the month of ! October, On this particular occa sion, there were eight persons who i proved themselve fortunate in hav- ' ing birthdoys during; this mon’h. I and were the recipients of awards ' These gifts were awarded by the club director. Mr. J. W Joyner I who also acted as master of cere* ticing attorney, and .several with graduate degrees, has gradual, m strategic po.-’itions ihiougiiout tne natiJii. Mure than :iuu of its iilumni hold governnunt po-i- tions in Washington. D. C tANP) m Jiiies. OUi o.'i*** that he wantid to .sing. To a..- ^c mmodate Master Evans. R« ,Hamans lowen.-d the "mike so that the voung soloist could ik* ; favored. To the satisfuclion of the Icic-wd. he sang "When Your H.air Ha.- Turned To Silver, He was irtallv "tops." At the conclu.-!ion of the pro* 'crj*m tne s-.*rvkc* men who trui iheld .'•eats of honor at the ris.i’ lof tin speaker's platform, kd by Dean Brown and one of th.- d.'-a- I'-on-! invaded the church dinio i 'r-om. Thev were met witn till aroma of Bar-B-Ou- chitk- n. The tables for service men were •,.i ceiitei table Its ma.n ion was ;i be attractive. Standing less than tv. entv four inches from the iioor. It was adoined by a gorge ous Irish lace table cloth and Ivy vines. Six candles, four white anil two yellow converged on the cen ter from diliei'int directijns. mg at point while another va.»o ..1 yellow and whlie ehrysanthe* irunix found it advantageous to rest. While a mo.sl .'Uinptuous- repast as being enjoved by Ihi- men. luusicol nunibeis were being en joyed by al! present. H. ri. le-wn. veteran of World War I and outstaniiing Le-gionnaire held till eni;re h«,use it rapt allent:!)n o.. he explained to the .^atl.stac• tu n of all the* plight of the Ne- gio soldier after World War I. 'J oo much credit for sucee.ss of 'oiial side of thi- event cannot be given to Mrs. Ella Trevan Jone.s. ihaiiman. Mr.s. Beitha Phillips Mrs. Cothran Burt. Mrs. Maude Rogers. Mrs. Ethel Sinai. M;.--. Ed na Vann. Miss Esthc-r Lynns. Mi^i Hattie Dav. Mis. Alice Graham. Mr.s. Luda Belle H.idi'e Service nun and ex-servire nn n attending w.'re: Cp) D« '.I a Port hll Wihninr- of Mr. Wollpi H. Cro-ws of Kniglit- daU\ N. C. T. B. R.noe, served in the Navv, Steward 2*C. h" has a record of eighteen months. He was die- tharged from Shoemaker Hospit al. California. He is attending Shaw University and i.s th/ sun of Rev. H. O. Rhoo, Bladenboro. N. C. The menu for the evening pro vided: Barbecue chicken, candied vams, carrots and peas, rose sal- ru;. hot roll.s fbuttered). ice tea. ice cream, cake Boy ^ Scout News Master Svit'caiit Henry Shep- I erd Per.^on of Frunkhiit. n. who ^ died in France Sept. 2. a> a result cf a motor accident He had been ' in the aiiny for three years, 20 months of wiiieli were sneiil over- BY G. F. NEtVKl. New Seoul Troop Being OrganUed in Warren Those honored gue ts wore as fol- ' lows' Set. Robert McClain. Mrs , Annie M^e Hinton. Mrs Bor.iiii ;Pea.sani, PhM-Sc CharU-k Watson, ! Ml'-.? Ann McClain. Pfc. Charles i Hamletl. Mis' Teiecy Beny, and 1 Mis-! Lucy Pickett i The entiin body rang "Happy : Biithday to You ‘ after gifts bad Ibecn distributed. Due to the fact that the visiting' ) people from out of town were late in making their arrival, part of the I program had to be omitted; but all I m all. there was plenty of lun and i enjoy.-ible recreation fur every one. jMii'ical entertainment was made j by an electrical recording machine and the paino. Other activities were card guinoe and daiiLiiig interv/oven with refreshments of delicious ice cream and tasty cake with birth day attachments. Another occasion highlighted the program of the USO recreation for the month of October. This was tne regular monthly foimal dance which was held as usual in the audi torium of the Georgetown Higii School last Friday night. For this allair mure than 600 persons were prcsfjit including beautifully drc3'- cd women from Kinston. Morchead City, New Bern, Snow Hill. Be.-u- fort, and Jacksonville, featuring the latest evening gowns and styles, and dashing Mariner in sharply fit- I ting unifornts. BoUi male and L* male were attractive u'ld indlaativ of Karrii and aiace which was in* EXECFTRIX NOTIC E NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having quuhlied ns executrix of Ihe Estate of P H. Kyle. dcccaseJ. late*f Wake County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all person hav ing claims against ihe Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the im- dersigrjd at 1107 East Davie Strevt Raleigh. North Carolina, on or be fore the 23th day of October. HW-J or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pcisjii! indebted to the Estate will pleas-, make immediate paynicnt. This 20th day of October. 1945. Mrs. Nellie Kyle. Executrix F. F. Carnage, Attorney Oct. 27-Nov. 3, 10, 17. 24-Dcc. 1. IN THE Sl'PEBIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA ' MAKE COUNTY ! NOTICE I PENNTE MOULTSBY ' VS. ] J. D. MOULTSBY 1 l’’ic defendant. J D. Moullsbv will | take notice Hint an .alion entitled j as above has been c.;mtneitfed In ] the Superior Court of Woke County, l North Carolina, to obtain an absolute ' divoi'C" on the grounds of two years | kcparatiun, us provided Tu fhe SUl- i tute cf North Carolina plaintiff ard ' defendant havbig lived -i^arute a> J \ apart for more than tv.-o years next | preceding the institution jf Uiis ac- i tion. and that the said defendant ' vvill further take notice that lie is | required lo appear al the office of ' the CIcr> the Superior Court ol W'iike County. North Carolina, in the Superior Court of Wake Coim- ty. North Carolina, in the Court house in Raleigh. North Carolina on the 19in day cf Nuvember. 194.*), or wilhin thirty days thereafter, and answer or demur to the complaint of said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de ni nuied in said cornpli int. This I8lh day of October, 1045. SARA ALLEN. A-'aiisUint Clerk of Snperior Court F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney Oct 20, 27-Nov. 3. 10. IN SI PERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY MARTHA WILLIAMS JENKINS VS CLEAVKI.ANI) JENKINS NOTH E THE DEFENUANr. Cicvtlancl Jenkins will lake notice that an ac * lion enlilk-d as apovc hos been comm iictd in itie .Sup'-iiur Court of Wilke Cl unt:'. North Carolina, t obtain an absolute divorce on tlir grounds of two years :!cparation. as provide in the Statute c-l North Car- ilina, plaintiff and defendant huv- in;t lived separub- and ap..rt lor more than two years next proc-.d- ing the institution of Uiis action, and that the said defendant v.ill fur- iicr take noUce that he i.s required to appear al the office of the Cl ik of the Sufa-rior Court of Walu County, North Carolina, in thi Courthouse in Raleigh on Uic lOih lay f November, 1915. or within .hirty days thereafter, and answer -r demur lo the complaint of said iction or the plaintiff will apply to he court fur the relief deoiaiidud hi said complaint. This loth day of October. 1945. W. O. MORDECAI, Clerk of Superior Court F. J.' CARNAGE, Atty. Oct. 13, 20. 27-Nov. ■ V A Y A I, A X AtTIHTY', GAS. AITKR OVhR-I.\ IIM.OENCE IN EATING OR DRINKING. TAKF, DELKT* OI S. DEPENDABLE C 0 N .S T11’ A T i 0 N IIFEKVEKCENT POWDEKK The care of yi.ur health sh-juld forfn your most important duty, Tne worse enemy of your .general good health is the waste natter that feinivnts in your intestiucj. fleaii • our intestines and vnu will pri-Kiice tlie yentral good health ond the joy of living. For interna! •teiiiilinesi!, however, d.. not entrust your delicate digestive organism to any ordinary prodixt. He eho*/i»y - lake JeLcious, cffe.livt VAYA- l.AX. IN ECONOMY IW)rrLEB 91.0C sent anywhere—SAVE C.O.D Chaiges. Send moti'-y with order lo: VAYA PRODUCTS. Dept. 37 142 East 41st St. New York 17 AGENTS WANTED K I Respon-ses or expressions were -nifdo by Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Holi- jday, Mrs. Alma Davidson. Mr. Al vin Morrison, Mr. G. F. Dalton, J^. A. D. Rutherford. Mr*. St- ova Taylor and others. Over 2,204 was made in pledges while over $100.00 was given in cash. The dinner consisted of chicken salad, potato chip.--'- French string beans, tube boots, rolls, coffee, ice cream and cake. The diner was in charge of Mrs. M. G. Dalton. Home Econ omists at Momingside School. Misdamcs Ossie Morrison and C. ,Maston, waitresses were; Mrs. J. ifain, Missess C. Pkss. Lula Scott ■nd Roberta Bailey. H Mr. Odis; Rousseau. Wade ■ ranklin Pickens. Eugene Stock- ion and John O. Smith recently ^(■(■fived their discharge from the cArmed services. Mr. Wade Pick- ,tns has been made U. S. Deputy Marshall, recommended by the Jormer Governor Clyde Hoev. fcicwd. he sane "When Your Haii I Ha.' Turned To Silver. He was Ireail/ "top-s." , , At the eonelu.^ion of the pro- -ram the service men who hvl ,.tpld .‘•eats of honor at the rie.i’ lof tht speaker’s platform, kd by Dean Brown and one of thi* dea- Icor.s invaded the church tUnina room. They were met with 'ihi aroma of Bai-B-Qu( chick- is tn. The tables for .service men were ia-ranged on the North side of the reom and there .seven in numj.’i'. aecommoduting four persons eacli. The table wa.s covered witii a • dainty white table cloth with a vase of yellow and white chrv- isonthemums. Glittering silver anil Iialloween napkins combined to give the tuble.s a real seasonal 'tench. Seats were orovided on tht South side for the members of the church and friend.s. Near the center of the ''ooin then* was fcio suiuicr alter woiia war i. Too much credit for succo.-w of '•otial side of Ihf event cannot be given to Mrs. Ella Trevan Jones, chairman. Mrs. Bertha Phillips. Mrs. Cothran Burt. Mrs. Maude K'lgers. Mrs. Ethel Srnal. Mr.?. Ed na Vann. Miss Esther Lynns. Misi liiittie Dav. Mis. Alice Gruliain. Mi.s. Luda Belle Hodge fervid' men and im n attending Were; (,'pl D !iea Piirt. 911 Wilmi'ir- t(ri St.. Citv, Took nart in Afri can eatnpaign and ETO in Nap'es, I ‘ ^EWS j Master Strgeant Henry Shep- cid Pt-rsop of FT anklini. n. who . . . I died in France Sept. 2. as a result x-setviro : motor aceident He had been In the army for tJiree years. 20 months of wliich were spent over* A graduate ol Sliaw Univer- BY O. F. NEWELL \.!IJ !•* W , , , Al_v r,.i i!ia campaitn. -Aim,; Pa,' -"y “ '■'cm'af llic Alpha \'i.l!et'. Hi- had thiilv inanlhs in thi- lerviee nviT.'ta' H- i! the sen of Ml;. Lotia Fineli. also of tin.-, eitv; Sgt Alfred Geoi^te. 2J Phi Alpha luileriiity, lie wi SOI. ot Emily J. Person and tile- late llfver..nJ Slivpaid S. Pei» son and i? survived by tii "Fools rush in when' ange*l* lear to Inad ' and so do late theat.e’ goers who .'!>omp down the aisle while* the performance is in progress. It you mud be late? Do tiptoe in. V'oitli St..j-pelil 21 inontlls over-I and one- eisler. Mi.' K.saUnd bea.' in ETO. wears seven batlie } Wiiglil ol Hampton In-lilule- Stars. He IS the sf-n of Mr. .iiid i Mrs. Wiliams K. George, of this L ^ lourletn monlhs I-vt Allen Lee Thorpe. Marine look part in ihicu C »P'. 18 Chatham Ter. Chavis major battles in the ETO. lie .& lltighls. four months in the stales, jt.’ie spn oi Mr. and Mrs. J E. /vj- He is the son of Mr. Frank S liy. iLU W. Lenoir St. Tiiorpe. 2 Iredell Terrace. Chavia i Pfc. Robert Lee Barnes, 320 E. Heights. ;Soulh St., had more than three Cpl. Robert Strickland. 10nf)|yiars m the service, with sixteen Mark St., served in ETO 19;r'onl)is ovtrseus. He wears iwn rmntli'-. earrying four batl’c iL.-llk- stars .«:ecured in the Ei’O. slurs. He is the sun of Mrs. Mm- |He l-« a student at Shaw Univer- eiv.'i Strickland jsly and plan* lo study Social Fvi. Sidnev Hilliard. Fnwlo St.. jSuvice at Penn State upon com- 'crvc 1 in ETO and carries fit'"'plition of h:s undcr-grad-uaie 'eaftle stars. He i-; the son of Mr. 'work. and M''. .Lis. Hilliard, of Loui.s- | Cpl. Ellsworth J. Mcntcr. 'iOh l.u’g. N. C. 'S. Saundirs St.. 19 monihs in the Cpl. Howard .Mford. formcrlv of ;ye; vice. More than ten months ov 132 E. Cabarrus St., of this eiiy ;crsca.s. Wears tiiree battle .stars but now of 1209 Glasgaw St. i-cmi ETO. He is the son ot Mr. Portsmouth. \'a. has a record e( j.jJb Mrs. LucIils Mentvr, 50;) ?- I'ventv two months si-rviee wi*h b.iundch'.-^ St. ’hree battle stars secured in ETO S-Sgt. Louis Dunbar, 712 Man- He is Ihe son of Mr. and Mrs lev St.. Ita* ncord of thirty one ■''iittht.-w Alford, also of Poita- pionths general service with 384‘-n r.i ulh. Va. Engineers in ETO. He is the .'on T-S r.iid Chavis. Ltr.vls Hntel. jnl Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dunbar, of rt irc-nber of Manb-v St. Church, thi-! ci'v, •v'lh two vears .s»-rviee rocnr.l. Clauilc Huntlcv. Apprcntic- Sfrved in the CBI Theater cf iSrammi. 812 S. McDowell St., hr.d War, icn 30 d-av.; .-e:vTe. H'- i-! 1 h Pfc. Clifton Bridgford. f.'*; n.erlv s( ri of Mrs. Lona McNeil, 612 Mc- ''•f 404 Battle St., but now of N''e 'Diiwd’ St . Citv. York City .spent tnirtv one n-.')nth.s Oet.rge W. Porter. Seaman 1-C in the .service, with most of the former Shaw University student time in the Sou’hwest Pacific. .{,nd st.ir infielder for the Raleigh Sgt- James Hill. 313 Battle S’., (travs baseball elub. now a stu- har. a itrvice record of t.venlv d. nt at N C. rollcge, lla.e serv- ’bree months in the .slate.s. Ho is ,icv- record of eighteen months .«er- ’he rtir-of Mrs. Pekolia Hil’. sum.e L-!'*- in the A'iatic and Pacific ndd)'{as. Theaters. Pfe. Hf.rrv L«o .la.-ries. 310 Heck William .\. ‘Whi!" Dover, conk St. fofnt 31 months in the .serv .2-C, seven vears .service at the ice. tak.ne nail in four maio* bat- *inie of hi^ disrha''ge he wa-! with ties in ETO. Hr is the hu.haiid the IT. S S. M'ade He is the son of f.^rs. Mildred Tavlor Jame.'. of^ V*-, .-.nd Mr.s. Connie Dover. T Sgt. John Lockh'V. M’.A E. 209 Cuba St, Jones St., has a .service rccurj (*f WiH :r^ M. Crews. .StewaH t'Ainlv two months. Mate 3-C. had onlv a short while S-1'i't. Jame.-? Autrv. 5 Ash'- Ter- in the service. Hi- is a student at race, i'a: record of 23 mont'is m Sliaw University and Ls the son New Seoul Troop Being Organised in Warren A new Boy Scout Troop is be- in;*. organized in Warrenion with till' John R. Huwkin* High Sehool as the -sponsoring institution. J. A Barbee a meinbei of the facul ty has been named' the Scout master and work towards the corn- pit, tion of the organization i.s inov ii;g along. When the organizali m e*" this Troop Ls completed all ol the cloven eoutitit*^ covered 'jy the Occonoechec Council will be .or'ering Scouting for all .bovs. Al present the twelve year old Ne gro population of Warren Counlv of 181 bovs. Which glv>.s this (bounty a Negro Bov S«-cut oopula tion of around of 1,(100 bovs who di.-Jire an opportunity to be a Scout. Nctional Boy Scout Week The datf lor National Bov Scout 'Week has been recently announc ed by the Division of Public Re lations of the Bov Scout-: of America. Thi* the 36th Annivers- mv of Scouting in America will hi* ob.sf rved February 8 to 14th lf‘-tfi. Till' theme for 38th Anm- ver«nrv i-?: ‘‘Seoubs of the World -- Buildin'Z Together." M a n v Tj'onp.s •and Di-strjels are planning r.ow .epi-cial activities in connec tion with this oheervancc. wnicn was nem as usual in tne aiiai- lorium of the Georgetown High School last Friday night. For this atlair more than 600 persons were present Including bca'Jtlfully dres - cd women from Kinston. Morchead City. New Bern, Snow Hill. Beau fort, and Jacksonville, featuring the latest evening gowns and styles, and dashing Marines in shar ’y fit ting uniforms. Both male uid U- male were attractive u’ld iudicalive of chuim and gi'uce which wa* in deed beautiful to behold. Tlie music was furnislicd by the Montford Point dance orchestra, which kept evaryoiic solidly in 1h-' grove for tliree inO;,! enjoyable hour.!. Tliu 10th day of October. 1945. W. O. MORDECAI. Clerk of Superior Court F. j; Carnage. Atty. Oct. 13, 20. 27-Nov. 3. PAINT - PAINT 1.49 Cal. 12 yean of utiafairtlon. All Calen—Stauu aad Enamelt. Mail Orders PreaaiJllY FlUed Railroad Salvage Co. 329 South Wilmington St .b*2SZ5Z5ZSZ5Z52SSSZSE5ZS2SESB5Zb Payne's Business and Secretarial School -V Dr. Young Spaks At Labor Organization's Anniversary DANVILLE, Va. (Spcciall _ In the third anniversary nf the Labor Organization of Danville. Vn.. Dr R. A. Y )iing. head of the Biology Depaifmcnt of Shaw University, do- livert‘d a stirring address on the Hmefits of Cooperatijn, last Sun- '■'i'v pi'cning. O’Hara. International President and O’Hara. Internatoinal President and the two vice pre-idents. George Benjamin and Ray Trice. Sr. The moi ting was largely attended Dr , Young .speaks in Richmond. Va.. , next week end. MRS. S. J. PAYNE. Manager Member of Ihe National Business Association Accredited By; The North Carolina State Board of Education Complete Business Course • Shorthand • Typing • Calculator • Book-keeping • Stenotvping • General Ofice Procedure • Mimt'Ographing • Comptometry • Specialized Courses • Evening Classes Notary Fublic Public Stenography Write For Full Information Dial 8950 416 BLOODWORTH ST. Raleigh, N. C. '«;aS2S2S2S2S2S^SH5eff2SaSE52SE52F' CAi'iiAl. COCA-wOLoa BOTTUNO CO. Ill W. Uorgu BL Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CC. Wilmington Davie — Phone 3*3231 TIRE RECAPPING CRAFTSMEN IN BUILDING AND RE* BUILDING FINE TIRES All Sizes Passanger Car Tires Call 3-1333 McNEILL’S TIRE SHOP Lestor McNeill, Owner 325 Cabarrus Street REDDY KILOWATT On I'nc Button . Carolina POWER & LIGHT Company 6 A? 60 ^ ARE VOU ReADlNG REDDV KILOWATT? />o you uhe njy com/c sre/P? PieAse seno me c/^po ftno L€T me hnoLU.. //7CLUOC yourt npme mio yot//f PAi, f/Ot/A P, confidential Advice Many have said, “I get my strength from you, why don’t you give confidential advice to those desiring the same?” If you desire confidential impersonal advice on a personal matter, send question, name, address and $2.00 to: Madam Deliaht Durr Products Company Building 411 FOURTEENTH STREET, NORTH Birmingham, Alabama X Trurt Y¥e l\eep We keenly appreciate the trust our clients place in us and we make every conscientious effort to keep faith with them. Every dtail, from first to last, is given careful supervision. Noth ing is too small, too unimportant to do—if by so doing we can console or be of service to the family. CAPITOL FUNERAL HOME Phone 8-2416 1012 R HargeU St. RALEIGH, N C.