WKKK ENDIN’^ SATIE!).\V. DKCKMSEK I. l:').". THE CAliOLlNlAN TACE SEVt. > STATKSVILLE Mi%S By George F. Daiioi TK.’ funrriil i:f M.- N'i ijj)ic S. Fcimstn'. i)oin .Mur'.-li i;i. IKJK ;.mi clif'd N'iA-nibur 13, lai.'), licl > lit till' (‘liuri'; Willi ilu iliA. II N S;':;iwiP. IJi hup Mid lb v. S.:' . Ji\vc iifli. iamu',. ; , Fi-.n.-lr. fiiaiii'd llvm.tt Koii..sli.i IimVis to iimii-ii iidio chiliii- 11. fivi‘ d-.iiMi- iM-i and loin M..l^: f-i.mk F. in -! •. llarthliur;', i'a,; Fni.-t F. itr., in., N V : Hov.aiil K. iin-i. i- .ind .l,,;v - Knim :ni: ■'ain'.htM . i’i.u •. C.. .• tlinn. i:i:/alK til. K!nl.r..;li. '•!’ 0.HIa Kinibruarl;, . .\ 11 • Jlou.loii III Trouiiii. I.; Mid Mae Ftim.'ler. Din' br.'‘i.c!'. Cl'i.a- Stmih i.f l!'ti;ai..\ and .i ho •. ol n >.i- live.--. .Mii-, Fcirr..-kr v.a- I ter of tin- lain .Mi, and M;-. .lidM-i Sndlh of U Ihiinv. !>..n hr.,!. w i. Fiiink Srnilli, S.itn W;.:;.-r. >UKi:* ley Loir'. William Si. \i - n I: ■. \Llt t’ai'oM. Flo\il I; iin 1111- Bulk Lon-. Kl.ni.r : i • Mi>. I-Mh. 1- L.k'I.. V, i; ,1. I. Fmnia Lam,. Mill. r. ■ Ciiiniihill. .Mill,.;,.- Sa idi. .M.n". I; . lard. Flo--ie Mirn.. :i. Viol.. !, iind llaiir.- StoMt -.ai ih-;.. I ai the Htiliaiiy ((•tni'>--,y ',;r , furni licii i>.v th.- L’nii;- f'l.i drr tin- dinc-lim .-f .Mr () M !-, . • Airy, l.iila Kili.y of S.-'i . SlaJr I'n lidrni of N'- ; i ■ U ■ Federated Cliil.-. wa- tin- d;-. yue>I of tin- Sni-ial (■|i:'o. •' . Swanks ;md Woirr.id- F.d. i.-'.- , llv home of Mr., L-;d;c Ih r.-. AI.-s. Kel-(-v i.r-.d ai; w- o-.- their inflneoif a, -erm ' ti all elicihle x,-. Iho )>ou-. r of ;!i- voi-- i-. ;l, Miliiti-un to o'lr . >1 .‘11 I (e .11 .III . probt- n fi’lii I i n . r: At;.'. Ihii’he.- ..i.d .Mi Id . i .a ' i-biii \ • .Mr d itli d .d. ■ ell. Mat.v W d .11. i: I'l . . i , , ; .Nichol.-;. 1) ’l\ on, K. Kil, •• • . I Hurln;.loii. I., 11,.mid. W. .M.K- B. l.av.M-me, F ,M Hreiil. r,. dtiiv i.l . M ll-.r, • ,m S. Ta>lor. .-N Foo i, •. F. Maiimmi. M. P-. • .V i. . Stevenson and C. N--iiv. ' l-.m a'-l Ml.- M. Hill.ad f Pilmyra, K .1. Mr-. Mynl- H. rindtuii prefidtd v idi ila- t on prorram; Mj> Mr-. 1;. Fl:i\ ll.'iTiird...-,, Mr 15, - raid r, Xc.-by. Stndoni- !r me for Tli ■ V weiT- C. M.aiiii. Melvi a .d .1..- MariLs of I.ivii'-'-ion. ; F. • •• C'owan. C, Mo..- .-f WST*’, C, K. broii”h. (1. Sh.-rii!l, HI .er^ !•;: i i let Okley. .Shaw Hiiv. i-av Biilh Morri-on. N. C. Stal Coll.- . J. Slinvhill, .1 f. Sm'.ih Soldiers hone on foiloii ' Alelwo.id -F. i)'' n:r. i-. ()'■ .a,- -m’ key and Odis Xieliol- Di-e!,.- i.' from Service are M.dlhew K, lid- ton ;ind J. Q, D -v d'o- . Jr. Mi-s Mddred Thond .ll of I n I . Aiiidetliv and .Mr-, |; It 1*1-' of Can n I rjm. -.•..i.- ili ' !, due-.; . of .Mr. and M. - 5 F. I>..lt..n and sister. The Ah>rniiis'--i.ie "C. dd. n T. .-i plaved the Sti plu-n.- I.ee lli.’h Sr-hool of A-luv.Ilc- i ‘ ;i Thank • ffdviMi; Day ClarMe ;rid Mo. iniJ dame ami h -it ii tiu Vri'. with a -core of 27-(i. F.eitv ,\li- -i wa.s ernwneii -’Mi M.. ' at the half with .\li--o. M- lih- H-.,- rlnidon and Oi.ev r .Me: )oi\, 11 attendants. 'ri... r,,n .nit... o- l•-,,o- . ,...o WAR MOTHERS FORM NEW CHAPTER VA. STATE COLLEGE War Mothers Entertain LEGAL NOTICES GETS ST. VLNCENT — Reorcscntativis ITAIj RALEIGH — Reprcscntativis of the State Organization frem Chap ter 1 of Raleigh, instalhd officers ( ' Chapter C of Parmele.-. The servko.s were held in the W. C. Chi.nce High School, A very inlfrestiii^ program was rendered. Thosr tiiking part were: Prof W. C. Chance, president of Martin County Teachers; Mr. Oliver Car ter, farm dimonstrator of Martin County, representative of P,;st 222. American Legion. Music was furiiislu-d by the ek- mentary and high school choruaos. R'murks were made by our Stale President, Mrs. Lilliuii W. Logan, i The Installing of Officeis wa.s made by Mrs. Blonnie P. Slade. State Vice President; .Mrs, Lucy H Rand, State Corresponding Secre tary. I Adivilics Al I'SO (Hub p.iri ,n the y ..ntMioii will be .1, A. p.,r Seou'ma-t.r and J. F. Hver-, j> .: . : ...• •; • •.•h...ii Si t uiid. I ir>( and Sl.ir .\wjrds M.ule iMiiliJiii CiMiil or Ihiiior ■ I! M.;k AMF>' Cli.t, ici.;: wen- Dr. Ma'-:-.iiot I,. Jolm-' on, Dr. Ro.-' Mid .M;--. IJvrd of tin L.'-iidi C,,i!--.e f.,cully.'and imin- If.11- tlici- Iiii-il . fnlier VIS.torn ■ -I- wcr.r .M, V.'ill.i Mclve.. i t. r of Mi.i. Ekhm-nd'O:'. and a '•hi ! ’ ;■ |;!iid.r clnml system f (;iMlf,ra Coenls. al-u .Mr. G. K , I,, ei-i ly fi-uii' . upei'inl- ndelit (•! i I.inen I r- id.ii. d ih -h Il.e .li e , -j stip,. Seiu«.l fur the Rliirl ii bii-i:; .da-ill • L-iilh, , jj, ;,f celcbrali-cf one of its Cm-! Mill I'l w-,r-I .Me,." F. bniavy j Thanksgiving Day's in the ■I .Salurd.iy, S-'oulnig in Ow opin j school. At ll:30 A. M Pro i.iii'.s s loulo bp pl.i.iiil ,irounl|., i,c.iUh and holiday pli>y was giv* ■ ' h ^ '** ‘ '• ’ ■ 11 by III'.' 2iid ; nd 3r‘i grades, blind, .dim-ied bv Mi-s l.iulu Grant, Al ' . . IL’ lit P. M eviivb..dy cnjuvtvl a Mlisic:»| ()i';ra!l'/.alif)ns ‘ '•'^..1 dnm-.r. At 7.uy P. M. the P •I'lmids p.nlu'ip.il«-t :n a talert \i Slum Prcpa'-c I'’>r i. n.iw,.! i.y..,..,.,1 wuh The Morningiide “G t.Irn Tiger.s" played the Stephens Lee Iliuli SchcHil of Aslu villc' i.t a Tlvanks. 1‘iiving Day Cl-nssic aiul llui.iei'oin- ing game anl lost i , tlir Vi-ilm's with a scori' of a7-(l, iJelt.v AlliMni was erowned "Mi-'S Mus ningsid-" at the half with ,Mi-srs M.vitic Hor- rinclon and Onovir MeDow.ll :is ntl'-ndiints. 'Pile foil .win'g pir-iins weri- out if town for the holidays; Mr.-. A. f Stevens. Asheville: Mrs. M. II Ho|- lovi-ell. New Ymk; Mi.' H .fone-:. Bluefiild, Va.; Alissf- F Whiiled, 1 M. V. Alex-'tuler and W. Hanc;. Winston-Salem; L. C. Meach.im. Union IPll Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Tnllk-rr wire down fi'i m .A'hevitli' in wilneys tne AT'irnint'.eidi'-SleplKns Lie 'riianl: giving Cla^.sie. Mrs. Maltha Gille-i,ic who has been wnrkm;! in I5,.lti noie. .Md.. i- homo ill with lur parenl.s and danuhler 'Hie Tiirko.v Raffle rpi nsored bv the Ho-pilal Cominiltto terminated at the Peterson iincl .Moncum F; n-. r- i! Hum will; th- following pci -' n- winiiin;' liirkcvs; Rev, 7.. Dnek- cr.v. Vciva J ihtisen. ICi.iiionv; CIm-' Morrison. Stony Poinl; R-ibei'l Fro-' and Gi ortic G''nsion. The amoimt rai.scd was $128.’i0. Dr. H. IL M illov of Win-ton-Siden; will be the speaker al the M.ns Meel ni! to be beld Deccmbei' !IIb ..t the Hn- -,l Street Prisbylrian Church al .‘l.iit, Shirlv H.'iekcll who iuis been working al New York. N. Y. i borne with his relativ-a; for a short Mr, and Mrs. E'r d Lung arc the pr/ud parents of a .-on. Mr. Long I j'l iitalion will be .1. A. Barbee. Seoulniaslcr and J. E. Byer.s. prin- j eip.tl of th.e school. Secuml. I ifsl and Star Awards I Alade Diiilijin ('uuit Of liuiiur I T!;e IHith.iM Cncil of Hon .r wa- ih Id on Thiir-d.iv. Nor ember 2!IIh. ill Hie SI. Miii'k AMFZ Cliiii.h, the Mi'i,:. .. ing instiliilioii of Troop t-'.;; i:em ,.• C,-, en of Tioop . - cc'ivid the ocond cl.i.ss award; .l.n I. son .Milehell of r,:t and CImrb Haekney of In,"), were awarde;! to. Firnl cia- • Aw.,id. Star nmks we.e Good Will 'I'ow.ird Men." February {) iSatiirdayi Scooting in Ihe open. Pro.tiam.s should be pbiiuii-d around wiiilev ; pui ts. Fi'-hl (Viiits and li ke.s, V Musical Oi';;aiiizali(ms \l Slum l’l•(‘j)a>•c I'OT' (lii'islinasCmicerl llfl'l. •d ( I Pel ..IW' bill niiffin. Johniie McDong-.ld if •Tt a.Hi Liiai.-.y Meirii of HI. Merit Had". - wir.- awarded to P.diii:; (Mcii'ni. I'l,.: Heii-.:n L;.-.vrenc'.\ .V{; D.'iid. I .lobii-on r,.\. I-t.-boit Iluffir and Will.iid Pciiy of .'>3. H Kcil.'' ni.\:ihl. Jr,. ih;iu'm:i'i of the .-Nd- viincem III Comniitlee. pi-.-idi'd at the Count of Honor .iiii ren.ink: wer.- imido by G F. .Newe-il. Fiet, ; K.xeculive and J. M. Sdio .Icr. m.-in of ll-e l)p;'ham D’vis'oiii.l Com mittee. R.ikigh-AVakc Ciimily Court or llonar Tnup I2I of Ap.-x le.i'l al! m h- ' in R.ih hh-\Vake Ciit.:i:.'' in awiud ' ),re,-cided at Hie (•..ii-i of n..u. • on Tiu'.sdav, Noveniinr 'JTlh, :i; ' St. Piiil AMF Churel'.. John Don.','. Ward D.ncs. Rob.'t w. J.ims. a.-I Willi.mi T’.i.;e of 131 were awiird.'d | "•e '-emd cl,i-s I'.oik, Al-o Fm-.ry ’ H.'iiiin of Tro.p r,0 and llube.l, Tlioinp 'on of .'>2 I'cct iveil tlu' -.ne tat.!;. .Mi'i'il Badg .i wei'j awiude t j to 111' following Scout-: Ch.iil.ri (•oM'.in and .lam.-,' W.dlace of .a2. i Olid tlwin Ivei-y of .',7. Let. II i.-. ] H.iiiston. Chiiili- L.' ■ ;• .• .md A-'- j PAl.r.IClfl The Sit.IV.' Uiiiv r- sltv Cl .in and Philiiitm-u d- cii' ui'. I'ed, I- l!-' di!', cliu-; of •.ii .; .Mild-i I TUornhill, ate n'licar-iiii' ;d i'.;' Ihr.- for tiieir .-ccond i'liiui.il Clu i l- n'.a'i eoncert lu be pr senti'd W.'.i- resdav niehl D x'. m'l •• 10. V. oMock :n Giv.nl.-if Meea.iial Ch .-v el. Tim com,.I. :,:ai-i this vcr. Will offer i.u'..l.- f.'om I ueign Litvls w-,-11 ii- numb. . l:r-ic..l 'Ibe C'hri.tm - I'.'ia i' » tl lU'-k the f;i',-t tim.- tiii. v .m t;-.'.! 1 -• conl'iiuil (hiiir of m ti.an f.) voire.- bas perf mmed. T-e •g iien will i-Hlu.de oil .1;- i.io’f",.in mw; i X, vro spiiiiuab- wlu.'i, b,,.. i; , .story of 111. N.itiv ly .i: llu'i • li:..-!;- nroiiiei. I -i. ire • ’l.u : '.oil' >' 111 • •- 't;(ii.s w'j>i h re in,o-i er-’h'i licidly iec',..l ;.| (»i- . iifert:i me- t l-i-' '• . vfl V i . > ... 1,. indie lied by popid.ii r > -pi -1. ' f.e-hiiieiits. big'gt-.l Thaniugiving Day's in the history of the schoul. At 11:30 A. M. a ht-alth and holiday play w-as giv en by 111-.* 2nd and 3rd grade.s, blind, directed by Mis.s Leola Grant. At I 12:11) p, M evej-.vbody cujoved a ! turkey dmner. Al 7;0U P. M. the ; slii.'icii*s parlicipilled m :i taleirt •priRrani foriowed by a social with j M fre'-hments. I The Clii'istmas ^pil'it lui.s already libii'ted on the catiipu.--. The John son's Memoiial Bible Cbiss from '111.- First Baptist Chui'ch. while. ' f'l'tiiiglu the chihlren 2 1-2 crates of ' oiangcs and olhiT fniils and nuts A group uf studont.s from the class : .ilso VI- IPd riei'c We welcome Mis.s Eidiui Dobbins j bad; fiom the SI. Aiaius Hospital' afti I- ;i fci; 1 ly.s of illness. Margaret illaitic.v, yih gi:ule blind student, is jmipioviiig at M'Cau!e\ hospital. I K.i'h Mx*n spent Thanksgiving* ' Ih.y in Durli.im, :iccoinp;in:ed by iH-r ?.-ier. \'i it'r- seen on the campus late ly WIT.: John I-'toyd ;i former stu-i tifiil of th.- blind dipelmcnt. He h I‘iw '..o.i.m:-, ill a work shop in RALEIGH — Activities at the Bloodworth Street USO Club last wetk pi'.d were attendc'd by an un usually largo number t'f servicemen. On Saturday night the GSO's sp'jiisored a box supper to which each member brought a box con taining supper for two. Alter spread ing the tables, each GSO invited a serviceman to have .supper with her. After supper the group engaged in dancing and bowling. 'I'ho program \v;is under the supervision of Mrs, J EL Stiickland who was assistfxl by members of the prognuii com mittee of the Girls Soiviee Oig.m- i/ation. On Sunday, a tuikey dinner wjs :..ivrd al the club which was en- j.ived by servicenicn. The day clos- ' .1 With a religious movie entitled Woman To Rc-ineniber " The program for this wcxk md ii eludes A Polka Ufit’t*;|ncc S;itur- day night at 6:30: Sunday morning breakfast and fellowship hour .. S» .’It); Social hour in tlio ;iftcrnoon. and a religious movie. "Who Is My N.-ighbor" at 8 p. m. Cookies for servicemen are sup- |)li.‘d each week end by the Raleigh Chapter of War Mothers. Classes in Arts and Crafts meet I'll Ftiday nights uf etich week. The club is in need of .iddili .nal in- i-tiuctors in shell craft, leathercraft. and papcrcruft. These wishing to M-lunieer thfir services for instruct ing servicemen in arl.s and crafts Will please cull 3-1258. THEY a1^ JEST PLAIN PEOPl.E RALEIGH — Thei'rc just plain p;ople, Mr. and Mr.s. J. B. Jordan of Ridgeway, but their gener, .si'.y will affect a life in a far-distant Lontinent. P'ur the Jordans, out of their life savings as successful farm IMiopIe of Ridgeway, are going to Itay aliH^Lthe entire coiit of u com plete college education at Shaw University for a student from Africa Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, who thn- becomes the first lamily offei such a .scholarship to Sh:iw Univer sity. made known their desire t- assist a deserving youth from Afri ca at the meetling of the G, neru! NORFOLK. Va. ANP) — The entire property «>f olj bt. Vinesnt Ho-piial liLi'e tiuj been transferred to Virginia Slate College for Ne groes located at Petersburg, Va. for the expansion program of the Nor- f. Ik division of the culUge, it was disclosed last week. Final acquisition of the rtmainder of the property was assured after the city council here miule >uch a nconimondation at its rcs;ular meeting. I The nurses’ home had already' been transferred tc the college and . iniprovcrr.ents and renovation of the property to the amount of seme $70,000 was under way. The trans fer ;f all the property to the college * was the culmination of efforts of' Norfolk Joint committee of nine persi n on N gra welfare center I headed by Louis I. Jeffe, editor of the Vh'giiiiari-Pilut, local v/hitc dai ly, and the college advisory cum- irlttcc lu;id«l by Charles J. Duke, director of the Norfolk division ol the College of William and Mary. The stare board of education had abo ‘xpies-td its desire that the transfer of the entire property be made for u-se by the Norfolk divi sion of the college which h;i.s cx- I) rierux'd much progress despite handicaps of the war. The ques- :ion of the proper use of the old liospital site and. buddings came to the fore after Do Paul h-ispital was constructed on its present site on Granby Sreet. Dr. Lyman Brooks is president of the Norfolk division uf Virginia i Slate College ;md Dr. I.uthcr H I Foster is pie ident of the parent college. Dr. P, B. Young, publ'sh'-r of the Journal :iih1 Guide, and uthcr I prominent I leal Negroc-s were on the committee. V \AA( I* VOITII CONFERENCF, TO \VII.BF.RH)R F DEC. 27-:iO NEW YORK — The 7th Annual Voiilh Confeience of the National. Association M,r the Advancemcn' j of Colored People will c nvene at j Wilberfoiee University. Wilber- force. Ohio. December 27-30. 1945. Closer Current. NAACP delegate to the recent World Youth Confer ence in London will give a report on that meeting as one of the prin- .ir-u finliir *1 of the program. Ropresenatives from many - f the A.'-sueitaioti's 288 youHi groups are xr);ct«'d to participate in the con- sider:ilion of the problems of "Youth and the Atomic Age." Wounded Servicemen RALEIGH — The Uimed War Nfothers Chapter No. 1 of Raleigh, entertained a group of wounded service nien at Camp Butner on Thanksgiving evening. "We were not content just to be thankful (or the safe return of these men in our own section, but for all. We learned uf some less fortunate who themselves thinking of others, were wounded and are now shut- ins," said the speaker. The President said in her remarks that this is the first peacetime pro gram, two others will follow, one during the Christmas Holidays and one later in January. The Cradle song led by Mrs. M. B Wortham Is a favorite of her son in the Army so she dedicated it to all service men. EXECUTRIX NOTICE _ NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as executrix oi Ihe Estate of P H. Kyle, dexeuea late of Wake County, Narth Caro lina, this is to notify all person hav ing claims against the Estate of sale deceased to uchibit them to the un- dersigr'.>d at 1107 East Davie Street Raleigh, North Carolina, un or be fore the 20th day of October, 1948 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons iiiUi-bted to the Estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of October. 194.5. Mrs. Nellie Kyle, Executrix F. F. Carnage. Attorney Oct, 27-Nov. 3. 10. 17. 24.Dec. 1. fREC! /9^C S>r yte ChTALOC wIMNond WOMEN 9 time an4 money! E -oy clothes Uut give pkosure and win admi ration. Just send name and address for our FREE 1940 Style CaU- log flUedwIth wonder ful values for Ihewhole family. Lateit Style*: Superior Materials and Workmanship: Money Savin;: Price*. 24-hour service. Satisfac- ticn Guaranteed or money cheerfully rvfurdcd. Write for yours ' National Clothing Co. 460 4606-09 S. Ashland Ave. Chicago 9, III. th bt":l ii.;illr‘-;s A’ith • i.i’ ' 1 DDr p*x'P'i''.iti.;n is all ili:ii is ii.r.hfl fnr the cuntrol tif U-dbiigs, j.Hlinu'.h a MiOI'.- general- .:. .xiii uf iih-sti-l r,-ums will I «.in I'l.ili- 'lix- bu -• lu-r. I their life savings as successful farm people of Ridgeway, arc going to Day aJji«S9L.the entire coat of a com plete college cxlucation at Shaw University for a student from Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, who thu; becomes the first family to offer .'uch a scholarship to Fhaw Univer sity, made known their desire t*- assist a deserving youth from Afri ca at the meetling of the General State Bupt’st convention of North Carolina held recently in Oxford. Dr Robert P. Daniel, president o; Shaw University, in conference with Mr. Jordan, worked out n plan by which the university will sup plement the gift of Ih'.' dxinors. The Jordan schulurship and a work scholarship from the .school 'vill cover the entire cost of a colirgn education for the student. The amount Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will give is $900,00. Dr. W. C. SomervilK'. executive secretary if the Lott Carey Foreign Mission c invention. IcIt for Africa spveml weeks ago to bring the Afri can student back to this country. Already several students from Haiti are attending Shaw University un der joint auspices of the university and the convention. it may , Cause ^/nfeciier, ^cratchmi For quick rrlirf from itching cauicd by ccrcma, athirte't foot, *C3lHr«. pimpinnml oth^ itching rnniilion*. luc purx-. cooling. mcdicaK-cl. liquid O. D. D. FAiSCAimoN. A ducior's formula, urt-awlen and ctainirw. Seoihc*. comforts and quickly calms intense itching 35c trial bottle ^ivesil.orroonry back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for O. O. O. PACSCRiPTlon |iM6L4to ^Brll Pleasure ana win aamt- \ ration. Just tend name I WWl and address for our 1 \LwlR FREB me atyie Cau- log fliladwitb wonder- fiuvaluesforthewhole family. Latest Stylet; Superior Materials and Workmanship; Money Savin;! Price*. 24-hour service. Satisfac tion Guaranteed or money cheerfully refunded. Write for yours t-Hrivi National Clothing Co. 460 4606-99 $. Ashland Ave. Chicago 9. III. LET Ul (EMD YOU This 24K Cotd Flated Qc^ihiCan%iWuyi. ^KEY CHfUn If you want to be king- size with your .friends. Just sjport this latest style. John the Conquer or Key Chain. 'DiREE FEET LONG. 24K COLD Plated. Veiy rlcb-look- ing. The elegant Cameo Head bears the Ukene» of a Man In Armor, so strong and powerful looking, our name of Chain It perfect Easily adjustable to shorter length If desired. Ex actly aa Ulustrated. Order yours today t Sent postpaid for 92.95 or send 91.M deposit and pay poslmaa bal ance on delivery. Hur ry! Mall you order today 1 _ Dept. 4*’’’ The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance /ervice 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2*2835 C. A. HAYWOOD, Owner CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLINO CO. 515 W. morgsn St. WAKE SALVAGE CO. We Buy sad 8#n Evsrythlae ef Value FUBNITUBE — STOVES BEFBIQEBATORS TOOLS — RADIOS OVERLOADED! No one would expect an overloaded truck to operate efficiently. Neither should anyone expect electrical house wiring that is badly overloaded to efficiently deliver current to lights • and appliances. You see, your houso wiring is something like your plumb ing—it can carry only the amount of electricity that it was designed to carry. And, if your wiring was in stalled several years ago when elec tricity was used only for old fashioned li-^hting and perhaps one or two ap pliances, you can readily see that with your increased use of electric service, you may be overlocdina the wiring in your house. Such overload ing results in inefficient operation of appliances and liohts, and may make Imoossible the addition of the new electrical appliances you plan to buy. Better have your electrical con tractor chock your house wiring now. ‘ He can install new circuits if needed and prepare your home for full en joyment of eleclriccl living. (CAKOBIMA yoWBK C JUCKT CoaiPAIfT^ REDDY KIIOWAH Waft's in a Name . . Carolina POWER & LIGHT Company eecAose iM in tuc fai'cr "1 AND THE fiAPEB's AlwrA'/Tx 1 ' Maybe lie (loo.sn't kn.iw what he’.s talking alxml, bul don’t be discouileous by openly displaying your boredom. I.mi Swiii'z. fonn-rlv fro-u the "Show Ml S;;ax‘" .Mis souri. w.is srn«i;*lion;il in tlic fili-i U)l". ' Bi;! Tiniei'M." upiJL-.irino cx- I vluaivvly Dt ttic Oricnl thvuter in New Y'ork's Harlem. Miss Swarz tf'-Mlarix-d witli Stopliiii Fetchil

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