PAGE TWO THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENmXG SATIJRDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1945 this city. Pvt. Jo!', iv rpc'iding 30 days vvtih n.trctit'- ;>iid fri^' Ir lie expect: imniedi-itr ui.tfi.tiM' upcti h.s rctuiTi lu hij J'lu'id.i ba'-c. tfood Hojic I5;i|)lisl (iliiiri'li \lalifs IV(i"rcss C'dlegc 'Aonieii’s fliili DBKIM.IN ROA!) M'WS' P'.iiis I’nt- BV AN.N B. MOlHiAN NKRRO DOLLS Tlir^io !nin)r pfiidcnt-' of Shav riiivers^ty put keen !nt.;llpcts to ! ■ od II. c. M mbcr-«: of Alpha Omi* , > I'll chapter of Alpha Kappa Mu | -t.ilioiiul Honor Swicty. they as- ! ; ist schoolmates who need aid In ; ihrT various subjects. In the up per pliulo the six chapter mem- . ijcrs arc plcfurr.d. left to rigat. | Mi's Dorothy Cheek. Henderson, iccretary; Miss Madge Clarke. Mew York, presiden'; Miss Mil drcii Oakley. Oxford: Miss Doro thy Powell. New York. N. Y.; Miss Edith I. Prunty North Fork. West Va.: treasurer: tmd Miss Aiin.i Bo'.nc. Dover. S. J., vice president. Raleigh Personals BY PETE • AVIX.ItER The men b. is of tltc Educational Chib »f tl:c Mai'ly Street Christ an thiinli gave .■ biilhday pariv rv- *e'itl> at the li me ot .Mis. Maiic T.evan in lioi.oi ol .Mi>. Sus..ii N w- bvjt'y and i;Un,i Karl V'aii.i. tJam-. \»-ie pl.i'cti and the ii jtiiiis'Ud bii' in* .-a was discu.-sed in full, c;..i:rrd |> .a {-m-. nmie in I'le rrll . «• h a a'.d ice v'.e.iin ana cake were servtd. Member u i . ni v\- iC '.’.esdames Iknlha l’hill>(» . .sti i - Newberry. Pearly .Symn.:. .h .nii- I'lMih-., t/nth' r.Me Hurl. Hilly F.niell, Ui.ier So,.|. Maiy Tic\aii ami Edna M le Vann. Jcs.'-ie M. Spruce. RN. formerly on the staff ..t the ’■ !■> n Hospital in New York fii;. .l-o a son. Wilson Spintv. a p.- i' ’• bu Inesj muii of New Yoi i. oKr Mb.j S '-’1 '• dinner'on Sunday, honnrnig Set.-. Vr .1;' Siinninn.s at her I: ni-. W Cabarrus Street. Tl'> tabl • v,. iTa'iiifiiHv drcoraleil ' and winter flowers. Tho^e pi .1; v\erp .Sgl-r. W in; it'. Simmoiv, 0 anti Mrs l.i on Moiea'i. M.tsdai.n’ Ini't .till’.., M.iltfl Oakl-y. .Iinnu' El w in and liovtes , Miv« Sarali Gaa . BV PETE wirnER RALEKHI — Good Mop' Hi|>ti ’ under the dynamic Ir.icler; >iip of Rev. C. R, Trotter, has Likm up rcctntly a projeci to renov.ilo ant beautify it.s present it-ilice for It ' preseni. It's ptc.-.ciil 't li;;i.His idii- cation sot up with Mr.* 1-. Wat son ns president of Itie Ihipli-t rraining Union, i.nd Mr. Joseph Hl.iko. its luporintcndcnt of the Sunday Schocol. oflcr .1 splendid type of IcadershipTis well as an c.\- ooo.’.tuniiv for comnaiin.y service. Tl:e church a set of six groups leaders, who work unceavin ;- -y for the gooci of the church. At the present, a n.lly effo't which ends Sunday i.ight. Dec. 9. h;.s already sicn a port on of the or-'cccds raised already. More than eight huiidtcd dollars has been rv- eeived. Enthusiasic members of th' church tiiink the ending will sec more than ^evcntccn hundred dol lar realized. Rev. ti. R. T-otter. when asked •’bent this church stated: •‘The spr it of the people is unusually fine and they are most co'penitive. Th. •.i;i-n- heads iire progressive in rr.lnd and Christian in their atti tude. We anticipate a great future for this church and the.e people." In spite of the fact that the church ' has the services of its pastor only on the second Sunday in the month, the various leaders carry out re- cpectilvc duties. The leaders arc dh- txibuted as follows: Mrs Mary Jane Adams, Raleigh: j Mrs, Zenobia Jones, Auburn and [Clayton; Mrs. Annie Jones. Kn'gh'- jdalo; Mrs. Carrie McCTillor.-i. Sh»t- wrll No. 1; Mrs. Be-isic Hinton, '■'botwcll N.i. 2; and T.trs. Vio’a '■ “-on. E.iKle Rock, F.aeh Sunday ' ■ ’’d.ay Sfhoi't under its pro- .\i\-e 'iiirx'rintondcnt and twelve irtc r. ii.ig teachers wa t f’r the in- . lio>ts rf children and p.n- :nun -iiaziun* ‘ y~' ’V 7..V- ; «■ «! ; M.M rUTI 'Ihe i: i.-h hranci! i of llir ',',ili”ri:tl .\ Mitiiii of ('oL , I • W’in'• > .li 1!; . II her in- I- ' '• • '.i id .1! the I- . • 1 . I' 1. p I icclcd pl nv; j • i’• l5iir > iii»>i’il ( I'll'liu ’j: a ■' i! .N m iilili. iou lai' : - , , Every home shoiil.l have a t'oliired -f New >011; C.ithritne Mm" ' ‘ Ml li- w:i and M ''a. wc.o the rcc'I :• ! | Ilhr-r. Ml. H’.lij.lT. •f C'h.inibcrlnil iitie 1. IL’-o McCray ni Ne •;.lled t*i (tic 'Inc ti 'cut -. ■■Vi weil V. it! Ik- ; F ■ c.r.-. T!.e i’... I' t.ii- Hlncsai of her m.»fh r. iMi>. M:ir\ .1 S*. HlonnI. wlio i: ^•oll\.l!u•l'itr: at Nl • ’cprc; etita-I A;;nc.s il>> pital. ibli'.’ :clm’’c ! I*\t. Edwin FI ii;g of Eo I PIc- ii.'i ‘ . ’'cI1; ti. Aial:ani;i. i ' \i-iltii: ' ’ I H-istiy numhrrv tVIHi hair, inoviiii; ■'[•ye'', slices. '•loekSnes. nhely dressed. .Mm - PKU E en.tiK ani»»Sli.5ri ’.If CUD, io:»:.'.’c xii ,*•-Dealers-. V ' 1 W.iiiled Write \;\TION.AI. CD. tVe-ii IJ.ith St.. New York, 30 •’ Ills ad wif.- hi.-: I . ibe i:;' no'.i'li. Hum) , Tin* rr;jiilTr! th ■ n ‘ hcl ! : ’'•.id;*' ■h*. Dc. cm- ler 10, at the rc hience'd Mrs Fr D. V.'.uiiii.-t m. 1011 S I'lh 1‘cr on F'rcc;. Hi’ s for the c;cv-..'f'-:i \.iTl Mr' F id W;:‘bini;lop. M.-. .y-r.-- V.’. Eaten. Mi ' Marg.trel tr.,r M; • Vihr.a V.-Jo. and Mr Cila Harris. T. Sr.t. .Ain - iii' ■ting icl.ilivcs ;iim frici.'-. in tif city after j-iH-ndin;; .-niiictianc ov r ^cas. G’t.rgo Coibiii of Ih” U .« Nn •. V siliiu; ul.tlivcs mid friciith; in •he city. THE NEW CAPITAL CAB CO. HOm , Lovely Uciine Valtcau. star of j the New Orlc;in. I.i.tlc Tho.itcr ; Guild will do ti:c role of * Carol Ardrn in the Guild’.s open- ! ing play. ••P.rson:’! .Appearance," at Dillmd L'niv’.i'iiy. The Little . Theater Guild is a • i ini-profc>- bional c'Minhiunity tlicatriciil or- i/itiiin. It wai luuiict'd by Cleveland Smith, R.nulolph > in. EtI;n>lnd;^ I Dillaid r. fiiip in.-'!. 'i '>• ' Ci - fs jm many school ed I layc:;- ti': : , Orki.ns. The 1- ir pinning ik : . 'li Hr. production. i.s the iir-.v p . dt . H.'.-,L ' if : Tl . invmbv-; DIAL 9137 5' Royal A Friday and Saturday KEN MAYNARD—In ■TK.imNt; Tiiui " — \1 0-- 0\ illE I'RMKIE" .'\ii AH I olore Cast Sunday and Monday EMILEY UUR.VETTE- In I d:i: Idt.AM) OE AKi/ON.V’ Tuesday and Wednesday RANDOl.PlI S’TOTT—111 "( I1IN,\ SKV Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double Feature— ir~r—wr i 11 CArrr«.L ccoa cou-c flOTTLIKO CO. 811 *' iAoran’i 7.1 ^DAV THRU’SATURLiAY- LOVE LETTERS” ‘■;:n p il- ■ • The Spiritiiil ftioiir p’l i’iM i". ;• i program h'ciuM.v at llv Manly * Street Chri’liai' fhnnh im'icr th’- , direction of Atr,-- I.iHiv Enuli. Mr * Bertha PluMtp' and ^tDelni.i Hurt. • The Fi'ji d (■(■■b sold i.'Iul’t to ' the program... They w.ic a*;ii-d in ^ white’in j w:th icd cai n.iiiom. » while the Jiitnor I'li ir v\' bla^k ’ un f’jrmu and while ( ,u'’..i” o I • Thr Women and M'u Ch’l’ >d the * Mapet Tiinple finu-mn L'limch . enterlainrd at a delightful diioicr I Thanksgiving at th- lii’ine I’f Mr J and Mrs. Will Prevard, 0i:> Snith Havwood Street. Guests included t SCM S. W. Albright, Rev. 1. C, • Cross. Mr. and Mr. S ’t Revi-. M: * Ella Hay.v. Mr, and Mrs. fharh-. ! H.^ood, Mr and Mr. Hom-.h. Mr HiifT*Mrs, Jesse Dunsteii, Mr. Mo Jjf L.ilyn Ml', and Mrs. Perry ^M's. Conic Spain ''li-' M Dougia.'. iMr. Bridge*. Mr.. Rum P-imy. M. L'lil R.i.\moiid L iirisay. a veteran •>f tne Knnipt .’ii Thcal, r. ha.s h:*'ii M-ilinjt hk brother and ;-istei-ln- law-. Mr. and M . Ol'.i Liiids-.y o' 3Ji» E.i t SmiMi Street He wa.s joined by Mi. ; Mildred D.idc of l,.if.i.vctte, I.a. 'I'lu y have ..'■w returned f” In r tuinc. Ttie Heli’ing Haiul flub 'net Wc-i- iie'uaj iii-’.tit at the 1 onn- of Mr Old Mr- «J I) r'hav 4.*9 Smith Stieci A iincrt on ljx and a dc- I'ghtful repa.n werj enjoyed by all Mr. H*’nry Worth returned to civ vies reeciifly. Mr. Wor*h had l>cci. ■irsiitncd to a ballaliuii fur the train- il',; of reeiuit,: a’ Camp Lie. V i. Mis. Rosa I>tiiistoii attended the -e^«ioa of the AAIE Zion Confcronct which w.i*! I'.cld at S.-ulhcrn Pinc.s. .-.'t Sunday. president •• ’ . I more than fil.: • • 1 cladcr.shi|) of i; > aggressive coh’-;’ ,• sutirising In not' a ••• ing lip ill GikmI Hope to nieel the C'hiireli an needs of a prngre .;ive, energetic pcojilc. '1 nude Tra (iliavis llci"lil' 1 nv M.AY L. B-RfXADIE Mr. nnd Mr-. B. Upperman were the recent gue-sts of Mr.. A. J. Syd*' No. 7 Hyde Terrace. Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Richardson of Wilmington, were the week end guests of their mother. Mr. Mo- tlia Perry. 7 Franklin Terrace and =ii:ter. Mr:;. l irnvood Pulley, 10 Frankhu Terrace. Mrs. Ja.iie Little. 4 Chavi' Wa; . and her 1 tile grand dauglitci', Patricia Hinton, 12 Smitii Plaza, have returned home after .■;pendiug a few days in New York City aiiJ cd with many appetizing foods — open face chec'. . eloi -.i sanriwii-he- cu 111 n-ff • ut d,-: ; . pirhlc , i-tiiffed eet.-ry, 111 at sq’’ •• witli laucf, ai’tl puiieh. Souv«nii’.s v-.i n ; I; o ■ a I'- e 1 giie -t. Till ’’ p.e lilt w.rc AIi---. Su ic M A-ie.' P.rry, Mr-. Kv'l.Mi We-loy, Ml-;, i.iny Hriiwn, Mr*. Juli I New. i?, Mr . L-nnlo Efl- V ..10... :.ti ’.j.Mi.’ Did, f'„i. Ml-?, ff.urul Ml- li’lla p.ii-k’-r. Mrr. M-I .. A!.., -'.-t tr. Mr.. M.’l'.l U.miiady, Mrs. Mamie M Her. Mi ■ .Mildrtd I’ci - 1)1.,'. M. 1,'lli.m Kri'Ciii iii. K".-, .•.I'.t M' -. C. f. J I. . .Ml, .M,.! .Ml I).,., .«•' I«ib iit|>, Ml. ami .M: o, D. Chavi;. Mr. Edgar !\aiv and Mi.; Mi.i.;; ilii-l; . The gner'-) maichcl around Ihe table to the m inv V'Tiy kivcly gifts, and :..iii;; Happy Lirliid.i.v, to the ho; (ess. . Jiii-. I b/ f:- Dminitory f.. rli. iL-- Is t'- - .he •. a slii'L ril ' •! ; - , Chi-istii:;u C.uotin' 1 1. '• C! .-cs V. ill be t'v .1 .1 HI, ”. li’ V by no- mm IN GlE^I’ZRS Cash and Carry 32S S. Rloodworth St. Joseph GOTTEN and Jennifer JONES E\t xn i'jii St Iice. r;'-f-ri»"'rf-jri A M I) .S •S A D O K , CARTER Starts Sunday •SlIK \H)Ll.llN r SVVVI'V’ —with — R»>’;nlii'd Rrts.trll I Hr’VtrNr* Ch .lies Winniiijjcr “We Flay 'Fhc Best Pictures First" Electric Compan.v ' Anything Electrical /: 4-. iHv —STARTS WEDNESDAY iT I’cli Whal Mildred Pierce Ditl ! Joan CRAWtOKD Ha|)|>.'iiiM",s Al .'rli(ml The Itliiid bid Dc.i! : i En:l L. i, Rf'V WiM.ird Crru-.'. ’tiid. ut of the tlux.louieal iV ii.iilmrni of Sh.iw I'l. • verfily was the giie-t ’;*.akrr at V.'.'JUT Ri rviee Sunday Rev. C’;-; v. • PAINT PAI.NT l.l'I (ia!. 1;; s!t:t:Dk!''NV .\ia;:i :c in;\ i. iv. p. 12 years of satiafarti’sn. All Coicrs—tateim Bv.d C-.v-nrl*. mil)! iial'c !’!;ii!!!''|-;'I>!i-; IblimMtik I entertained at a ti. nuiuiui uimivi I Thanksgiving a* Ih- b'nnc "f Mr » and M^^. Will Picvaid. 9i:» S’Uth ’ Haywood .Street. Gnesis meltided \ Hcx>. S. W. Albright. Rev, L. C. [''• Crors, Mr. and Mr. S'*l Rt vi>. M; * FJta Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. I'haile. \ H.’•v.-ood. Mr. and Mjv. Hoiie.h Ms iiiiT’Mrs. JesMC Dunski’ Mrs. Mo y-fW'Lalya Mr. and Mrs. Parry TM'S. Conic Sp.-'ii’, Mi'.' M. Dougla.;. .■Mr. Bridge*. Mr.;. !{■■ a P.nny. Mi •‘lydC'. Pvi. : u i Ml-.', l.ulher Rn.;- S.iiMK'l Hiodie. Mr. and i l,e.ii-b. Mr. Henry. Mrs. Martha s ^cal. .Miss D.iv:s. Mrs. Gaylor fcCpL Brodie am many .ithcrs. .-M; • enjoyed n nice piograni before th: •-iciiinier. with Rtv. Albright as th • principal sjicaker. Music was fnr- jLnished by ro.'-. diaries llaywo.’d. • after whieh dinner was served ann enjoyed by all. \' Mrs. William Seldc:i, ncc May f. belle Tui-n:r Hynus, i* visituig onr *eii.\ aficr an absence of ihniy-fi'.c '“year.s. She was the recent guest of . Mrs. Bes.sie Bomicr of Washing- ton. N. C. She also plans to vis.t ■^Jwr alma mulcr. A. and T. College in Crcensbo;o. al>o Duihani, Chap- -r! Hill. N' l-fotk. V.i,. and return t Tier home in New York City about .DeccinlH-r 21sl. Mrs. Seidcp is the in- lher of Miis By Franfcg Aiiu»ortci '^&TL Because of iny feeling that home I'gtitful repa.t ’ I.joyed by all Woi 111 rot’.rued to riv- ie.s rrrcntly. Mr. W' rth had Ih’CI. r;.';ir;iiei to a badalion for the train- II,-, of reeiuit.- at Camp Lee. V'l. Mrs. Rosa Dnnston attended the -esaioii of the A.\IK Zion Confeix'iici winch was t:eld at S nlliein Pines. :.s| Sunday. Rev Mis M ibel Gary was ro- lui-ned to Gi-.iec Chapel Chnreh. ’.iiiei’ln P.irk lor the tenth year. The wlu’le coir.niunUy ;s happy to 'avc her b.iek. Mr. Richard B. Little, familiarly fnown as ••Hiisler," returned to civ vies rieiiitly .md spent a kw day.- iore visitiim relatives and friends. Follow ing the WHS-Gastonia Stale diamjiionshp football game. Mr. tJHie will leave the city for New York where he will make his home His wife, tiu- former Mi-ss Euna J ■Nvanls has already picceded him to the metropolis. Mr. Little spent thirty three months in the USN with' twenty four months ;n the Pacific. Mrs. Sallif Sncllinss continues ill at her homo, 814 East Davie Street. Mr. Henry Bolden, East Cabarru: Street, was carried to the hospital recently. We hope-for him a speedy ’c’covcry. The Helping Hand Club of St Matthews AMR Chinch held a com bination Chib party at the home ol ?.lrs. Malic B. W ide-. 119 Dover Street recently. .M th*,’ close «'f the meeting biilhday gifts were pre 'he liorti.'ss. Ila|i|>iaiiiin.s Al Scliool r 0. •( iiyae lerrnce. Mr. and Mrs. E'l-cd Richardson of Wilmington, were the wcoR end gurst.s of their mother. Mrs. Mar tha Perry. 7 Franklin T^'rrace _ %tc.- M™. l in.vood Pulky, W |l I llO llllllli bill Dc:’! Franklin Terrace. Mrs. Janie Little. 4 Chavi; Wa.-. •iiul her Idle grand daughter. Rev. Willard Crews, !-tud ut of the Patricia Hinton. 12 Smith Plaza, thcxilogica! d. jiai t-neiil of Shaw Uui- havc returned home after spending versity was the gne- l ^ll. ak.-r al a few days in New York City and Vesi’er Serviic Sun lay Rev. C:;v,-; Pennsylvania. Eave a very vIkiII-u.’.iiig me'.r: Little Miss Barbara J. Little of He spoke from the f.idowing ••' New York City is the henve guest a eaiidk- of yo i|- l-.nci-.i li-'';.o. fi of her grandmother, Mrs. Janie into the c.-ndle h-’ldcr of opjv'r- Little,. 3 Chavis Way. tmrly. light it with a puipese and Mrs. Ada Butcher and ciiildrrn burn it to Ihe socket." have returned home, 13 Chavis Mr. an Mrs. Perry of W'inston- Way, atfer .spending the week end Salem, an Mrs. Comoi of Ral iji with relatives. {itfcneri Vesper Service Simday. Mrs. J. W. Watkins nnd b.aby. .Tohon Hazel, and Carrel I.ea-.’i' Bobbv. 6 Iredell Torraee. have rc- foini-.r blind student;' of riv’ s-ii-iol. turned home after an cxteiitod trip tmd now studciPs of nnd T. c:l- u-hkh carried them to Richm.r.d. leg-.’, were week end guests on the Va. Baltimore. Md.; Pennsylvania; campur. and New York City. Tlioy report W. .‘5. Ci?;cy. Jr., Titr. and Mr' a very fine trip. Holiis Crcccy. of Rich Square and Fidelity Lodge No. 277 and Cap!- Barbara Cald->vcll of I.mii'bu tal City Temple No. 310 w-ill have all relatives of Mrs. Crockett vbilod Ihoir Memorial Services Sunday. '\iring the werl: end. December 9, at the Elks Home. 619 Mr. and I’li-.-' M, H, Crorket rep- East Davie Street. The time sched- resented th: «chool a! the DMricit tiled is 3:00 P. M. The publii: is in- Teachers Mccti-.g In Siler Cil.v. Sat vift'd. Exalted Ruler is L. M. Wil- uray. cox; the liaiutber Ruler is Mrs. ^uu■^:ll•^t Harley is still improvinj: Bes.sie H. Chavis. nt McCaiilev;; Hospital .^vuyllXKll^ I East Le;.;.’r : • Dr'l IIO.'M; PAINT PALNT 1.-10 (;;i!. 'i 3 12 years of Satisfa-ti-jn. -Ml Colors—Stsir.s u..d l.'umrlt. Kail Order* rro’>:*'Ey Fil'td llai!i'(niii Sulvai’p (io. 3?'* U .ulh \V;!,-nlngt'>n Si. i I m. .XHTHU!*. DUX i . Er !’!;o!H'::i;-|'!i' IbmOMLilll SM.i (r jrrroRDs m n bi'i (i.M.i Y SUN.-MON. TUE.S. DEC. 9-1011 AVE CARRY .\ FLEE EINL fU- r.i;.\l TV ami BARBER Write i-’oi Prk-u- I.ists Wc Sliip Aiiywl'. re Dii-l :5-i!7!l rn r. rMi.MHM's st. V.\N' -lOMNsON — W in.LAiMS IN lECFNiCOLOR KLAKIA licaiily IVodjK'Is Co. !7.t0 l E’l.TO.N .STREET Biouklyn, iRD.Ncw York M. Simmons and Mrs. Mag gie Rabb of Wni.-)ton-Salcm, were the recent guests of Mrs. Simmons’ •taiighter Mrs. .-Xnmi Hinton. Ea’d Street. They were .also the dinner guests of Mrs, Simmon,s' nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis, COG S Harrington Street. MDs Sally Jones rocenlly visltid rrliitivos and friends in Chavi.s -V IJcniieil Eiilleirc Plans Llirisinias Si-iisoii r.niM'NKI'.OIiO — A lull c-,il I dar of events has bten nrraneed Lt ti,»- |iie-lm!i(i.iy tn-r oil at Heiui 11 meeiing nirmimy gms wviv j>iv, h-ihiivcs anu >u wn...... Collcav aa Hie s'.udei I b'Hly :iiu( ../Jy '. jcntid to the two members who hao j Heights. faculty raikile .s’lme clu.i- b’ *l\ hirtlul.iys during the month. They Captial City Tempi' No, 310 held i-oinu luuly and cngagCi. in a mi:n- // Mrs. Minnu E. Ikirtin and their regular meeting Deremlior 4 b'-r of evtnU 0.1 ilie canum be; -; /( a M,-s. M;it|ic H. Wilder. 119 I>ov(r|.it the Elk Home, 019 East DavL f..»- llic Ct.r;.-im;is So.i ■ ; oulstaiidin,; guests were Mr. auti; Street. Officers elected areas fol- The lrafiitio::al pi'i sr-i;:.l.oii al i .. Mrs, Robe’t Hinton. Greensboro; lows; Liviii,g .Madonnas in Aiiiiiv Min- ..Tling that home Mrs. Mi-Coy Farmer. Pvt. Stanford DaiiRther Ruler. Mrs. P.e.'^.dc H. i f.-u-, , t'n ipd Siu'ia.. m.'iT.. 1). v. heating is of major concern to ) Jones. Floi ida; Mr. John Moore. Jr. Chav’s: vice daimhlrr ruler. M-r. p ^ nju-n tiic rea.i;. 'li.i. ij-. tvcryoiie wlio seeks home comfort, (.x-bcrviccman and Mi- Joseph W. Flonnlc Jones; chaplain. Mrs. Lnuia tacul.a- vvcnl animally atti.i-.-i.; convenience, nnd leisure. I have j ijoll, way. ; Moore: gatekeeper. Miss Esther 1;,,, ^, „f ;i, ii-i lover., to interested myself in what the many l.yon; chairwoman of Trinlcc.'. Mrs. ,jj. /.dthful i-tprociuclioiu of too healing eomjiiinics liavc been doing ; Stanford Jones. .Sr. coiitmucs Ruth l>avis: new ti'U.-.lcc. Mrs. C.itli- oJd m.i'Ier.s. to bring about gre.atcr heating ,|j 40-, Stii el. | run Farmer; escort, Mrs. CIuio ilie vM'ek foil- scnted to the two members who hao 1 Heights, hirdid.iys during the month. They Captial City Tempi' No, 310 held wire Mr;;. Minnu E. P.irtin tind'their regular meeting Deremlior 4 Mrs. Mattie H. Wilder. 119 Dovi r | at the Elk Home, (il9 East DavL nulstandin,; guests were Mr. anti j Street. Officers elected arc as fol- Mrs, Robe’t Hinton. Greensboro; lows; Mrs. McCoy Farmer. Pvt. Stanford DaiiRther Ruler. Mrs. P.e.'^.Hc H. HOME-COOKED FOODS And what a meal it wiii bz— seasoned exactly und every dlr.h beastlnj a real home-cooked finvor. !! & ii CAI'E 411 S, DLOUNT CT. J.imrs MK'ntb-r.', Slew ird 2-r. •' D xon. I'cfl'K ieiuy and economy. One of the fliu-slioiis c.flcil o-kc.l ..f mj „ ,rw in llx- nly t,.i. JK vhat 1 consKler to he the most ’ ‘•••;itifving tidvame in recent dove!- I V* • • "1 the U > |i;itf yea*:; i>f se rpmcn'l.s, and my answer i.s the job ' '‘'J' .V“’f'’, 'bne of these companies has done m Imlli tl”-.A •idu laiiiieaid . to eliminate- tlio nnisaiiee .Tiid "• 'u Tin "f w-ar, I*' is '’•cm - itrenbk’S cau'-cd by co.-il soot. "m iw-i- batik }-lai;-. Hr .Automatic hoaiing with oil or • "f A'r -"‘d Mr.s. \Ailla i^.as is piotly well poifeetcd. hut Soiilii Smiiii Sincl. H V.I.. I i In the realm of hand-lired or stoker fed roal furnaces, the iienil for re- MRncinent is only loo obvious. The ^ame old type.; are ofTcrc.l us year after year, with the df«ign.s seem- 3tU' to' h" fixed forever. Therefoi-:, 'it lia;; been .i real satisfiielion t-> 'tne to find that one com)':iiiy I-la jiad the gumjition to ch.ii'ge li-.’i design of the furnace .‘•o ilmt 4lie softt-collccting doughnut i\|'o 'Tadialor ran be oliiniiiated fri-i. jiu* furnace. A circular lrum-like ^fhainlier l;aa hi cn perfected whicli Sriates a wliiijjii’ol coinhiistinn, ‘poiiig away wilh the soot that in -♦.ir old furnaces was always caus- ,1' g .'"o much iiiiisaiico and expense Dad v.aste. Any furnace that car burn coa! tPiEii’Ul e-,lle.'ting soot is to me H ni-vh^y fmc :i-;h!cv{:.i*'n‘, and I Lave nu d'ln'.t b'ut v.-imt liiii chirgo |.a lurn.'.co t'csijpi wi'i h-.‘ t.’.garded ts. ihe r.i -.'t cuLUfiUinr: im- oi-o-.--.-v,u'.i; in C’-ai-i-’ujiiiiij hcaliiii; to d p.ii t for Ni' liatcly foil ■' viiig^wiU be ob-! served a;; CTir .'tma:. S; lcr Week, Alex Carnage. p..rt.-rn'iilh. \ kia’lo c.xlem:.d to others I has returmd home after vi-il !M - nn'iiiymoii'iy. Hie .'.iv'-i- bein'; ideii-; his iicice. Mis. Cl.ira Dix'ii. 19 „„ n^. fi,,.,] „i;in j|,.., SniHli Pl.iza. (Iiii.(iia> Inc in llic Mrs. John Jone.;. PJ Hyde T’-r- jin,, laee has been ill f-tr levcial d'lys. f,„ , Uth H.irri:-. .S'lJ Her many fiirnds w;:.h for her a (.i,oir lias its p.u-ty wl: iited ?pedy recovi' rym- 1 party lor ■lianipieii'hip game. York City in- A dcli'ghtful bnllKLiy par'y waa .h’ldreii The Sinni.i the high ocho-'l given by Mr.-; Jr-:,ie Perry of 9 ,(],( -jinitc’ gift -R’un.'w'ck Terrace M -nday. Nov. 2R. 191.'>. I'll Applewhite was Ihe Tlic guesb; were I’lit rl iiurd Sunday gui’M "f Mr. and Mrs Moore rh'rkcrs. bingo. Chinc'-e checker;- Spauld n;'. Durbam. Mrs. Sp.inldinu and many inleir'tiiig g.ime-. the f -riiier Mns .M.irion Uavi' of The table 'A’as beautifully tiecorat ■in Hie I-'itb and (he jeniors have Chrii-lm.i' paily. I 'I'll' ,iiii > I rli' i’- C' lic’i t by the j co1leg«' ebnir din-cl-'d by Da\id W. ^ H”ll.inf| will bi- p’-'sc’iled .Sunday i night, Deeemher 1(5 :fiid will b;- 1946 FORD Come in and SEE IT! NOW ON DISPLAY Follow the crowds lo our showroom and see Ihe finest Ford ever built—the NEW 1946 For-1. It's ready for your inspection. Sanders Motor Co. BLOUNT and DAVIE .STS., RALEIGH -iCHSia dliZTdoEn dSZ?2£ d’a: lie's lliisiness ai'.il ^Thrill Of A Romance 99 SeciTiilliill Scliool MBS. S. J. PAYNE. Manager Merib-tr of ihc Nalional Business A.-^socialioa Al (■’ e-l;'-..! H'.: The North C.n elir.a Stale Besr-t! c£ Edu;alion CompK'le Bu:.incsa Cau.-se 'uj.-e I’l •;i,-hiii'4 ITo'ary P'jblic Public Stenography W.’ik- I'ci .'1: -'rii; 'rii; Dial 6319 416 P-T.OOnWOnTH ST. Ral.'t:::.. N. C. 'TEJaS? S r* =7? r S? Wifli—I'p.-inre,; (lilTiird, 1 U-nry TTavor.>*, .Spriiijr I'lyinyloii — I..\IUITZ Aii'J.CIiOlK T(>M.''iV DOiiSLV .\nd lll.s Opchi’.slrji Cartoon “C-*ndv’5 Dream Gir?*’ Metre’ior.c Mews 1"“^" r SpcKvI A I II •..-ani Evciiiry c DINING nul • DANCING Wc Servo I’it CooKi.-d nARBECUE FRIED CillCKEN Highway 70-A From Raiei,:;h Fro.'ii Dui'ham - THURS. .ioi;i. M.cui-w DEC. 12-13 (I.ML urs.sia.L Ml KLI'.irr .MAKSILM.L “THE UNSEEN’’ \\ illi—I ‘ti.vlli; F'r'iuk.'k holu*! lOlsoni, Mikhail liaiitJHii.N aiict 'I'oiii Tiilly Novflly “Nu.sleailaniUf. 1V“ News C!i ■•pD'V ’.T “Sfiail'fv-', of r‘liin.'i»f>\vn" r~T CURTIS P. ROBERTSON l-'KI. ind SAT. (Double i-’eaturej DEC. M nnd 15 LKUOL i'LYNN ‘Northern Pursuit’ V. ilh—liilii' IJi.shdp, lirhmit DaiiliiH', John Iii(l;*i.‘l.v and (i’'ih' l.ockh.-irf Jl'. “Lost Canyon Fo.aturink'—WILI.I.-XJI BOYD C!'.rrt‘’r 12 “.JrrgJe Queen” 99 { - - 1

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