Readers Digest Branded As Anti- Negro & Anti-Labor By Teachers (ANP Artdi- MINKAI’OI.IS lioniil L'Videnco was pi'iseiit(‘d • h»' N.itiiiiuil council i>t Teach. Knglish here vcniion to pr. Uig-**.'. IS both Laboi. The fight fnm public high school libiaiies uu- magazine has pnnled was speai headed by Mrs. Hi U ii prorrnte and fooler r.iciat dircrirn Ran Miller, an Flvanston. Ill. leach-' jnutiun of Negroes arc "A Nejiri er. and a member of the leachcis'* o ,ht; Negro Press." January tomimUci' on magaziius and nrv ; - [ 2y4:j, "Ski-Ulies in Black and White,’ papers, The teacher’s orgaiuzati .n ' .i—-. » . began a [irobe nf the Readers Di- gest following press crifict'ins about the magazine, which boasts ll.OyO.- 000 circulation in Anteiica am f'. ■ coiinia i.-. Ill MH" LACH TK.ACHKR TO I)F( IDK “The committee presents no con clusions us to whether the Readers Direst i> suitable clas i -om mater- a teachers’ report said. '‘Rach I aeh'T will have to decide for !iim- Bclf whether nr now. in view of ‘‘le information euntatned m this re port, the Keadei s Dig> .U .-.iii'Uld bt used in the clas-^room.’’ An insight of Header Diuest poli cy may be gathered from the com ments made last year dining the teachers’ convention at Columbus. O, by Dr. Edgar Dale, ^ f Oh.o Slate University, followi u> an in terview with rcpre.sentaivi• of the magazine. Capital Transit Job Bias Squarely Up To White House—NAACP ■ 3'Si S KVIIKLAPY I* iW - Di, J. Wesley , 7! • > de'.cs. .Ainl, 1SI43 and "How the South Feels About the Race Prob- teni, ” June, iy44. 1)11. WKi^mHlREADY .SPEAKS AT - - vO Flifehl training at Frk Univer sity attracts ir.i-ii rcci'ii'.ly releas ed £ioin military service. Keadiug left to light: James E. T.ivlor, Ji’.. director "f aviation at Fisk Uni- ANTI-NEAV DEAL It seems to me that the Roadoi’s Digosl question is a simple oiu-.” he remarked "The editors who talk ed with me afler the meeting ad- iniilcd. and 1 wrote this down at the lime. "The majoriiy of jj.ilitic.d aiTicIc's which have appeared :ti the Headcr’.e Digc-^t since 1!>1'2 h.ive been against specific actions of the adminisiralioii.’ ■•When I said, "Then the majoiity of your political articles arc against the New Deal'.’’ they replied, •Against specific action.- of the Ne RALEIGH Uready extolled John Wesky ev.inzil of a faith which changed ;hc course of history a • he delivcr- .-o the iiddii > at Shaw University Wf-'r servicis Sunday fternoon ai 4;:iu in Grcenlcaf .Memorial Chapel. Dr. Bready. author of a powerful and moving b ok on the subject, England Before and After Wesley, ii.'- d as his theme, This Freedom-- Whence. Ltle of an A.norican ver sion of tl 3 same volume. Decluraig that our present age ha.s been vitally affected by two hid den hands of history, the speaker charactonzed tiicm as the fhret -f faith :ind humanism. Dr. Brc iv.y brtinded the humanism practici-d n, England. France, and Gcrmay as "the arrogjint belief of man that he W ;;in solve all iiroblrms by reason \v ami withf-ul G d,' The speaker/.'- pointed out me .successive failuu- of t: humnnisi.c ex|M*rimeii's and aver- ec 'd thill only faith in God has iniimphed or will be able to cecd, Of Wesley the apostle of fiiith mid. -For .1.1 year.s from con- on until death, this inimitable tlisrlitirg'-d froin t u- cunic.sied three kingdoma of Uh.ntown C.ap \e:--i’y iin fH:;hl iii-truc lor; Alvin Uariiwt 11. of Fori Wor'li. Texa-; Wooi.fu. Liwi;.. of St Louis, .\lis- • .01:. .'i: 1 hCar'i.- C-.H. of Lex- Keulucky. Philadelphia Veteran Awaits War Medals '■h . By Harold G. Miller I’hikKlel'jlna -A.M’J - ,V, :ivi ily n. Wo.i.i. m, J: ;• espi'U.s wi ri .- 1 re irciiunti ;I on a co.! t-ie .si ra.-’i:i broraicasi, ha- itiif' to Civilian life wilhotil ^ i. Itie iriifial lor which lu' iu.c been recominencii d. Sgl. AVoutE'^on, lMyiar-nM h‘ii of the Nornviridy invasion, ’.'.a inv at In Hisirv.i Deal.’ I wrote down their .slatemeiil j God — tmd won." lai • in .ht.r p,..„.„cc. p..infi„B „ut .o I)r. r!ic.»,iy .ilso at rnsular un/I to ill., l.oiiii in l„i..ial, them the necessity lor adeuuiitemhapel services Monday at ' • ...i,.,,,.^eilv -i i-neni- documcntatiuii. ” j 10 o’clock. He continued his discus- . .V^': 'V, ! . The CIO has leveled more than sion of the vesper subject nt this lino charge against Reader’s Digi-slliime that it la anti-labor. at the Vesper services ly Dei . Ham R. Slrassner and at chapel ser- A.NTt-LABOR vices by President Robe'‘t P. Dan- "Theoreticiilly speaking, the Di*jiil, who h.nd returned to the cam- Ke.'^t claims to be impartial when it'pus after two weeks absence on comes to labor question.s. but it has an cxti-ndi'd trip in interest of Shaw repeatedly used the cloak of ■iinpar- University new development pro- tiality’ t.i hide a uiie-^ided anti- gram. Iiislallalion Service For Ol'l'ieers In llaplisl Slii- (lenl I iiioii At Shaw Practical Gifts FOR HER KAI.KIGH — Installatim of of- fiiMs of Itie Bajjtist Student Union of Sluiw Uoiversily was nehl Sun- I ..V D'liing at 11 ti’i'locK at First Hap!i-.l fhurih. Dr. O. S. Bullock. I’aal ir 'I he inslall.ition sermon was diliv .id by William R- Siias lo-r of the Shaw School of Hf-li.'on. Dean Stras-iur. who was Balloon Battalion, won fame inir.Htuee by the Rev. Thomas Kil- The .speaker was introduced j,ntl the day.s lhal iir- gore, executive sreniary -f the .’ nudiatt'ly followed wh« n lie wa.s General Slate Baptist Convention * 'wounded by a shell fragment but of N. C. ‘■poke n "Life’s Chtillenge continued to administer first .i 1 to Cluistum Y'oiilh ” U 250 ca-suallies on the shed an.l • • u. • . 1 uinh-r iked hf-leh ' msighl into , Not until he collap.sid .some 2-1 d the speaker called upon heurs later did Sgt, Wood-son - top hi- he„ieis’' |., see as Jesus saw, to his work lung enough to have .!• • h'-l Ji'us fell, and to view Ino siioll fragment n nioved hor.i li ;i woild through the eye^ of the Mas- 1,ip . r. Our reiuent'on," he said, "should I For his dcvolion to duly on th ■ .'eepen tnir sense ef personal obli- I'Koimandy beachhead, W.xid- gatinn to world suffering and to son WiLS reoommendt d for I h o vvi.rld need." The charge to officer;' |l)istinguili&'.cl Service medal, tin [third highest award ligeit by th United Slat- s. The recommend i ■ion was l;it( e hold up iiy St' Wood.son’.^ batiali.'n command o l.l. Col. L on J. Heed, a wli;t- t/lfif'T from Kentucky, until i was too late for action to be tak en on the mailer. Instead of t’ne high award that Remarks were made by Maurice he deserved Sgt. Woodson was Stoppard, president ef the Union. g:ven the Bronpe Star, a medal Dr. Rulif>ck made the concluding wliich ranks tight in order of im- remarks. Music was offered in the pertanee of war rleparlmen'.J -oiir.-'o of the service by the BSU awards. The citation which v;..s quartet composed of Ti'olmon Van given him rea-T: "for heroi.- Rhoe. Daniel Oiikley. Guthrie Turn- WASHINGTON. D. C.- Autho-- ifv to enforce a policv of non- dbcrimination in job.s m the Capi tal Transit compan\ here "ri .d'lpctlv and xclusivelv ;n vour hand.s during the m of g-r.- ■ rin.nirnt seizure." I’lesah-iit Tru- mi.n was told last we- k bv th iNA.ACP. The telegram of N--vi rr- her 2fi. backing up one of .Novem- lei 23. follows: "On November 23 wc tel.itrnph- cd you urging that pureuant to 'vour authority incivien; t.» seizin Ini the Capital Transit Co;-nDanv V'u make pro'. isiun tor r niov;.I ; discriminatorv policy Capital |Tian.sit Company in n fu.-in;' :n ♦T'plov NegrtK-s. W- ai tid-.-ist-.l tliat the oriM'..ti.'''’ -f Capital Transit Conipc- .• to be . irn- ed to owner- without nnv aedr.n bv y.m I'.-AaiT! enforc**'.-!'nt vour Kvtcutivc Order tirohihi'ing d:- c-iminriion in i.nn'ovment b.‘- cause nf race or color. Aiithorilv 'In enforce vour Fxeeulive Ordf-r ie.‘Cs directly and exc’usivelv i-i ,\v'ur h:ind.s during period nf go tinment .seizure. It i> eii-ar th.i! cuportunltv is orrs'-nt fur vou |o dtmnn.strale to Unit-.d St.aP-s and World at large vour intention and the determination of our govem- r.ent to protect right.- of’all mi- inr.ritv group.s in keeping with IC'jnstitution. laws and Executive iOrders our eountrv ns well as iprinciples e.slabliiittd in Unitid !Nrlion.s Charter" I , . V Gunning (iliili Fired On Aloimlaineer.s Fhiladelpfua 'A,N1’) — Appar ently -some ol lh' mouiiuinc.; - > lludl Run, Pa., a rem.'de mounia'ii 'village abuut 2'IU rtih s Horn I'hi' ';-.dilphia. don’t reli.ih liie ul.a ot icolored company intiiiiging on tlici rail-white .smenity. I Recently Hi member'; of t ' jllayal Gunning elub puiehas d ai 'lodge and some propel ty in He 1! I Run. having the idea of makui,.; ; periodic trips there fur gaming. I In November a few nieinlHT.-- ei the club visited their properly ' > , decide what improvenienLs we;- m-cessary. That night, while fi • men were inside the lodge, sever al shots were fired thru the wind ow. The incident was reported to th? mountaineer law-makers, who have their own unique method uf, so’ving crime. To dale no one ha* j been apprehended, but the moun-1 taineers are "working en the case.” William F. Finns, .^rcreta -y of the gunning club, said that th-' club has been promised prompt; action. B, A WCA Public Affairs C.onimittee Sponsurs Panel RALF.lGi; The riibhc Aff.'i. Coniinitiet- of the Sojourner Truth VU'C'.A J- init'aliitg its ijr^t moiithly pii'Ti o. di voted to d .-cussio' j i.f Mibjcct.s ol sui uol and .-lociul inter- I « -I UM Sunday. Decc-mbvc 16 at 5:00 ll*. M. The pl-.•,l^i4Tn will bi- cond’.i'-l- I rd a; tli.‘ C'(.r.ui-i galiunat Church on 'he •run uf South and Manley Plrett-s- Ti.erc will be c Panel en "The Living Memorial." a .su’uject :i.f ;.nd concern tu th.- IL- Icigh public. Mr. R. L. McMilhm will -n-VL iij> 'he Panel Cu-urcinator '.ind the purticipaiit.s will repie.s,nt , various co.n.munity ergai.izatiop-s. Dr. Sanford W.nstoii . f Stale Col- Ici'i' will repi'c.-eiit the Council of .Social Agencies; Rev. L). S, Bullock, the Cit'ziii- at t.iige; .Mr. Charles Irving, th'.* Citizen’s Committee; Mrs. N. E, Lockhart, the YWCA; .Mr. W. J. Liithiim, Citv Recreation; Iliv. J. U Diivifi. NAACP: Mr C’biii-les Frazier, A’MCA: Two young peoplf .and u Repiesenlativo from the MiiiiKlei'ial AlHanre. The Gle. Club from the Washin?-1 'ton High School will sdig an open- iiig :md cIomhk seleclioas. Mi^s J. E. .Hicks i» Chairman - f the Commit- I tee and the pubic is invited to at-1 tend. ' V Picket Stale Depart ment Rnililin^ T I I V.'.ARHI’.MG’roN ANPi - :trv ' INi ai'iies wri • anion:' lb..'-e |i.. l. : rill-: ill fiont of Ih.- aiilnire ' i Departmt nl biiild in. (lert>.iiidii,i; I'hi' onuer of South Carnlin;. .litii-' liny Byrnes .-is secrolaiy of st.ile. I The deni'n.'li-alion '.v;,s >l;iyi'd by, I CoinmiiMist: who :il.^-i> (’iniaiided liie riEV. .-AND MRS. T. p. DUHART HOMECOMING DAY will be ol .- rved at St. Paul A M E. C.hurch. Sunday, Decembir 10. i;)45. The members and friends •ire cordially inviUd to ix‘ pr.svn*. to greet the n^w pastor and his Aife. Rev. and Mrs. T. P. Duhurt o: Little Hock. Arkansas. The K V. Duliart a.-isigned to the pa.staiage of St. Paul at the last .Annual Conference held in C.i;.ilo;ie, N. C. Rev. Duhart is a Piortdian by birth, a graduate of F.dward Waters College and has eorm-d the degrees if LLD and DD. He has had vast experience as pasUir an,- presiding elder in Florida and Arkansas. Sunay Schfiol at D:30 A. M.. Morning Services at 11 A. M., Alim C.irislian Endtavoi Services a: 6 p. M. and Evening Services at 7.3IJ P. M. The pa.-toi- will preach at both the morning and evening iiTviccs. Tho public is cordially invited to all of these services. rctu.ij China of ihe l.’nit-d with the wards, "no au' for Chiang Siate>. matines. Chiang Kai Shek Kai Rheck" di.spl.iyed also ctune in for a pl.icaru beiilmg in the march by a Chi(iese male. of the Student Union was made by Dean Foster P. Payne of Shaw Uni- virsily. Sait. Dean Payne. "The ovirall piiipo.«e of Ih" BSU Is that "f li;ncUei' church and college to gether. The need at this time is greater than ever before,’’ lie de- cLired. 2-HOU)SES-2 ON ONE LOT FOR SALE LOCATED ON WEST WORTH ST. Numbers 13 & 14 Raleigh, N. C. FOR INFORMATION CALL: 4372 or 4049 Diamonds Of True Quality N’tiur (litiniiiiul fi’tiiii llowinnn’.s will jjtve you -AlOlil-' thcin nuMi' Mitisfuction—through tho Veal’S It) eonio you may lie nsitured of evur pre sent uujiiitji’. In’illijinct* and beauty ! BOWMAN’S RALEIGH'S LEADING JEWELERS Odd Fellows Bidg. 1 vy IX 11 Lj IV HANDKERCHIEFS A choice selection of loA’ely styles lace frim.s, emhrodt'ry liinis anil .sheers—anti ihey': ■ v;y [ileasir.gly piie tl. 25c 1.98 HANDBAGS Fabrics :md leatlier.s in an endless varitey of Hie most popular .slyle.s. F.-ivorite t nlors and black. 3.95 to 19.95 GLOVES A gift that is sure to pleast' . . . .smart fabric gloves with tiieir many importanl i.i.sliinn details—pojiular color.-5 and black. PIGSKIN GLOVES — 3.95 to 5.50 1.48 to 2.95 COSTUME JEWELRY Pins, Bracelets, Eai-ring.s„ Ni eklaces to add a touch of gaiety to every oiitfit. Make your selection t-arly for fu tl choice. STREET FLOOR -lAlIKN CAIOIINAS lAir.Ut VVeod.von.-; i.a’i..i. i .. l.l. cm. Lon .1. I e.-d. a wli.l L.:ficer from ». -icky, until it vias too late for action to be tak en on the matter instead of the h ch award th^il lu' dt .served Sgt. WiHidson was g:v» II the Bronpe Star, ti medal Iwiiich ranks light in orlt r of im- jpcrlani-e of war dvpartincn*.: hi.vards. The citation whic'i w..s Igiven him '-. a.I: ’ foi horn;.- '.f liievi m nl in e.jnnec'.ion w;th ,1 -iiitai v opeialiun.s against an »n- ,. itiy ol' the United Slal(-s." To add Hisult t.. the i.tjury Sgl ' Wi'(*dson h;.s never be.-n offtriall'- ;t,,vn llu' Bnuize Star. He ha.s i«- i;.i'.-ed till- war deoaitni. nt oil i- imn inlitling him. to tne bo*, the eeii-inony nec--.ssar> i-: tin atlua! ;iw:.r:l hp:i nev.T lu'i he’d. H- v.-.i.-: lol.d he woir 1 g J J.’.e nietlal fii.-'l ill F. .me,', tnen in Kurland. t;ie L'niled St.'iti'-, IL.- luaii. and ili- n in th.- Umli d Ste', ^ lie :.H out ' t tile S.'lVi'.e .w and rtdl -.vailing foi the ne .1 ..1 to b- . I--, n to him. Ill aildittui. to the liionre St::;-. SiU- Woodstin :> enlivu'd to wear' i!;. Good Conduct r.b’mn. tn Au-eiii-an Theater e.impaign rib- !j--n. the Euiep.-an-Ali ii an-Mid- cii-1 Keaslt-rn Campaign .o-. d . w ;• 1 an airowhead tl’ov the inv.i- sion) and lluee battl.' parli.'ipa- tioii star.*;, the A.siatic-Pacific cam- paigi. medal, the Purple Hear’, and the World W'a r II Victory pit'lal with a star (.how-ing he wa.-! ' ' r.'i'as on \'-J l-i> >. ' Now that he i.^ out of the set- , vice Sgt, Woodion is planning >' go to Temple Univi-rsity Medicci school to continue hi.s education, lie has completed 2 ye.irs at Lin- toln university prior to his en-; -.\- if to tilt* service. i Sgt. Wo.‘dson.s' bro’hcr. Euger..'. 'wa.s recently relc-nscd froi.> .the army. He wa.s a bombardier in the 447th Bombardment group The Folk W lio Smile (By William Henry Huff for ANP) il do not fear the f-.H; wh> s-rnde, I But, ah, the ones w, o grin.. : Have lOW deceit and baneful guile [And muUitiides of ';ins. ' I (11 nut fear the ones w-ho sptak Their minds in open mne.s. nm taki' n;e fr-m tho ones who sneak Ai.d hide while throwing slnnoa. gLtlier The need at this tlrr.e is gre:iler than ever betore." 1>C do- dared, Remn'ks were mad? by Maurice .Stoppartf. pre.sident . f the Union, r- Riill'x-k made the concluding remarks. Music was offered in th(? 'oiir-e of t^c service by the BSU niiaitct rompow*d c.f Teelmon Van Rhoe, Daniel Oakley. Guthrie Turn er, and .Ii.mes Arnett. Cffictrs of th.' union installed u'err: Maurice Slepp:ii'd. St. Marc. Haiti, presifcnt; Wilma Mcflcave. Siler C’hy. first vice presid.nt: Eu- i;ciie TLirr.rr, Goldstnn. sc*cond vice president; Cliauntey Edwards. Elm ihhd \ice prc.-idml; Lillian V niaik. Hacf-'-nsack. N. J.. secre tary; .-Nnnn L Boom*. Dover, N- J . a.'-sietanl Mcrdary: L.ithcr Ship- -.111. ('hnkton. tna-iner: Ethel Hr.ycs. Henderson, reporter; Nancy \f.ilU :t •. Wiln ii elon. chorister: :’nd At’d.ey Vinson. Portsmouth. Va.. chori>ier. RUUTH DEE ACCESSORIES SPRAY PIN null FARRING SFT S.t Set Photo 1-3 Actual Size Exf|Uisiio Floral Gold Plated Set w-ith char cut stones irwyn- tlietic Ruby, Amethyst. Aqua. Ros4‘, Emerald or Deep Blue. Beautifully boxed. Order direct from manufacturer Send check, money order or C. O. D. 20‘»o Federal Tax Includ'd In price. Dept. No. 70. P.O. Box tn Linden, N. 3. to American Women The cheery smiles of Nurses’ Aids brightened hospital days for both service incn and civilians. Nurses’ Aids took temperatures, gave baths and did the routine tasks for which nurses were too busy. Patients were kept happier and overcrowded hospitals were operated more efficiently because of the help of thousands of devoted volunteers. We feci sure these patriotic women who gave so many liours to war work had home tasks lightened because they could buy ^ur tcndcr-crustcd Ior.f, so fl..vorful, so temptingly good! ^SUGGESTIONS FOR I CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1 Wallpaper A Room For Mother ^ 2 -Paint A Den For Dad ^ 3 Artist Sets For Jimmie and Mary ^ PHONE 7024 I D. C. MAYi- "Your Complefo Puint Store" ^ PERCY WALTERS. Mgr. ffil24 3. Salisbury St. ' Raleigh. N. C. paint—WALLPAPER—ARTIST SUPPLIES