\WKr.K T-rxmN'C ST.IJIaY, l')KfT,JIBER_l5,1915 iiloodivoi'lli Sired ISO Host To lln^pilali/cii Sen icemen Tm: CAROLTOTAN PAOE REVBRI I T!al.';s!:.K. C. — TIu P,1 .n.^ \ iirth .'-’IKC'I rSC.) f’lu hi V, t'V( nly lln;pit;i!i.-7{| ji TVK . ^sjin Ciiii'ip i/Uirur \V>- ;V. (i:i> USD pljinmJ n v.hM tuii::'. Min! fnr i: -v.K.\.. MiR J-’.i r.i! S!;i«lc ;;na (Jh-f Ciaik i- ;' • liictrd thi- loiirn.iiit 'H*. K.>ut't-'-., . will.’ a.vcin'.il -i- ’lust', '.viir v.uii equah;/ i.y h Army ;.nJ Navy. 'T.i.. • "i 'Miss'S UniRilla ].«•!■. Salii" .h'li e ^lud Clara Cuok. Wi.n :tv :-j nefro.sliim-nt:'. w.u' prep‘.r-* , ' ^•nd .st-rvi d h'' ?.I; i-.>» M... •' Vi.dl and .M.auar.-! \ ii. irman uf :h'’ e. .he : -w nt • • ' native. Thi ‘•'•a.' i-.t\ lad- i el with daner.'s tn mii.ae ... !.■-[ «oi flinRs. Ka. h .M'.nd.iv diiiin;;' m n!" of rii'c-imher and .I.if:; .. e;.. ' f-..in t.he Camp Dirr,. ;• Ih- ", \' ill In- Jill.'--; a! du- 1'-. . Sl.ei't USU Clti.i, All I'S'C's .. rc yue.Rted 1.' lie p’ .-a’ . 1 1 li lub on Monday 7 .i i« look du.iii^ IT. V-. Ml!.'r and J.i ^‘n’arold M. H.-dr a •. n.-..v;..r . I!’. nia(>dw...-iii S’;-. rsi,' •announce.'! an im;’'.’’taiv m .’i of ihe CSC i.’i ’»'inr.ii,\. !>.• • l-.ei’ 18 .al H’.'SO p, m. All .- .im ' . t tlie GSD m.' i. (.a. i .1 t . ' pj-e.-;'nl. InteresU'd per.-a.n;. .1 -i..r.K : 11.-!.' the AiU aii.t .rh ’ loi making i.ift.' iv.r tomintj to the .’’id* ’i va- • ni 5day or Fii.h ;. i;'r: •- 7.!.i' • n!> are availani* ,'i: r. ■ ■ : .t e-CTSft. pla.s!i.’ I .11 . and i ciufi White Man Boiiml 0\er In Atlanta Bus Slaving Atlanta (ANPl - F..:! v i-.;; a lengthy hca;. ; , in city .• . -m-'s court, rthur F: .«'(!,> -i., -.v:.;; v-as ! . und ov'r t.> Fult.ir, G; n-l jar-.’ last week i;' hu'. >la: ;ng uf Phina."f( Sttmrr.eroor. The slaymg ar.u-.’d r.'-f -n 1 llte Atlant i bran-h ih. N.XACI'. R.t tin-so wu the ft, elf'. thM ) A\ d the n pm tedly -. e I } laying. According to n-poi*;. Simn,.:- eur was shot .'r li .'tai ted to K'U-.- ,thc bus. An arpiinunt had t-n;., r\cr the smokmij by one passenger ot j* cimr o:i the bu'i. N'o words ha.l p.-i.-^v,.;!. r.o’.vev. r. tor some time prim- f . the .sh- .••• mg. Frirdberg .-laim'd f-.ai ]-.-■• was cursed by the attea-s d. Atlanta polic.’ v.-i .-e h-!i -\vd .hm’C tried to cover up llie .•'hoe'- iog in the nporl made at IuoT- CL..tr:ers. One while AUant.T daily •ublishcd an account th- morning the »c-oiing. quoting polic - “ sorting Ciat n knife was foun.l in a pocket of the d.-'c^'a^- man’s clothing. Witncf,-*'-- fail- to testifv to t.ds. ; .'.v v.r. n\ the recorder's court hiarin-; Miedberg was veleas.--:! on a co-"/ r, >• f-i -V. -c. 'i Dilie.'.i.- P.trruic — Mbs Effie- !.f I liii. dir-.--' 1-. |)by.-ic".l e(l- ....••••ri f..v \Vi'ir--n. A ;.nd T. Col- J'. ... Gn . n.dx.r I. i~ bii.sy layin.s plai'cs f.ir ihc lul .-.nd m.im- .net j.nt.'df v. liic-li will pr. ei^te llic C'..1|..ii-Tol):icro H i-.vl di.di Cl. ..t St., ! m Grein.'boru'i The |i.ir..d.. ii .her. :i*5 alumnus .■>f Allen Univi;- tv. Coluinbla. S, . C.. and T. lib ll.e B. H. and M. S. 'Yd. J’ . . ■ -^ * dtgrecs froni IivJuna Unlvcr.vity wh:re hhe nia) v.'. d m health edu- cal.Oli. .slu 1-. .-..'letl f.>l' her oul- -land.n.; i.l.'liTy in aii.inging and dir. c-tin^ fil.imm.yiR } aniJes, • •1) ■. M.nli'i iiTmeiiy physical t>din-;iliim in Sumner high .scho.)1. Si. I.oui^. Mu. and the FTiyeltevillc Stiite Tra.her.! t'.-ihE:iye' .. vitl.’. At the 1;.'- ler ii;'!ii!ni;oii. ?he i-ii:ifhid .» worn- nnb ba.-keib:iU team which won X.irth Carnhra St:ite .in- Itittr- c'l'lleehilf Cli.iiipii iihhip honors. Washington School News Complied by Mb'-es Rlarj-arct Larkin and Deri.! Rand I i)" Ftiday. Nov. 30, the Girl's I.ec.gco heard reports Irom th.’ ;.owing f.'.rr.milucs: The Scho.i! C (immunity Service Commit'et. \. j.:c;i ti.lIoc.ttd at tides for Ih-- E'r.'tigcncy K;t; The Program C itnmibeo, which brought p].ins to th.- Liagiie fora Chri'lmsi a • ; . •I'bly prrogam, and ihe SocmI (.. nunilbe, WTiich if. muktr.” plana th. annual Ciui-Anri'. {.arly i •'.•.(K i;ig llii- t«-aviii r.%. A guidanct- dtA-j.^ion f !Iowed 7'.;.'. Duten, our club guci-t, sp.ik' i n "Giris' Slyli.'-." Mr^, CIri*-k dis- cu.'5( d with u.' ‘ Out Ainhition: and Hobbit.-:." B-.j'*; di-icUsRimi v.(iL‘ lull of information und will hr h‘lprul to us in our p.-rsonal '.s..wth. Tia. Home Economic.^ Dtpait- iT.« nt will have an "Open House." V.\Jn'sday. 1). ctmbcr 1:>, trom 8 a. in. to 3:30 p. ni. Tlic public is iovit. d to sul.-nd. Stveial ar.ick>! will be on display. Tho Sen iny A’as - G.i: Ri ,; n,-fes m!-e‘. d with th • . . f 177,; ■;h, Ti.n;ii, ur-1 one g..incd a ^reat Ic.-son. Th;- sixth period English clar^' of ioern 308 organi2(d an English ai.cl Social SLien.-e dub. The oi- f.t ■ rs will remain in office si.'; wi* k.,. The jfficcr.® arc: Pre.S'dco-.. Willi'- . W’ihon; Vici r*r?sident, Clari.-e Hun’t i; Sec ( tary. Vir;.;jn i;t \V.iikin.; A-t. la:)! S..rret:*:y. I\ L: ;. 1, 'f. I a-hiror and lb . piibr. Ilarriv. Nunn; Chairman ■ Oi^iiii z. I Citnunitties, Lilia- V, ..t.son, Haz.-1 Pai ker aiid Juarut;. T.*ii.»na.5oii. The pu;-p'":e '.f our club i? tc 'tain h(jw t » live in a deiTiOcta’ic Lr-u.-’.trv : n'l to U-ain wnat dernov- r.ii y jci-ant. "I nt- Cru-wn a-il Scepter Cluh «p-.n-o'«n it.^ ann-iai sal- oi Ta- l-eji.jUw'i.'; Seals in the W'a;:t:nc- ton liigh and El'.menta.y f-e-.ejois. *2}..' folli.A.ing hoi.terooms ar. wlnja-t.* in lie* cunt 't: Mts. S. V. Pei y, lOlh gra.de—- 5 10.40. SrMin.-(.r. Krmmc-Ch.indi* r: .‘.I'r;.. R. H, 'r.-.i.e, Hth g:-ad.—SrO.- .•il Sponsor. L-vn'-il V. :n .••'i. Mis- L;Ii.. Ye^rgin, 8t'i Sol.Oi). Spun-..!-, Ur.iot-iy Md-L;;}-. Mr . ¥. Fcries of articles is being run on “How the new tc.x law will uffeet >()ur business." Ne.;io Bu&incfs is being sold by sub.:cripti!)n only and will not be available on news ■•ttinds, he dt:;- tlo.ed. \t aLc (lliapci (lluir(.|i I Moi es Alicad BY TETK WIIJIHR | RALEIGH — Ti e \V;ike Chap- ! 'cl Church scaicdy Im miles out of town has recently set itself un an e;».n; .-..tucule to lift Us hice on , tin- init liiir, Al the present thfy I have h:id the iiitirioi )>:imted. Rut that i! not all by jiny means. The leholi- stanu has ii very iinhiuc ar- rangeinciil for ;my clntreh. The iUiiid li.-js three levels. tin- lower levi-I the sopmno.-! st;md. the alio section occupies the second level. The ni;ile section and the jiiano oc- lupy the tjpmodt round. A smdl p;-itition skillfully made, and .etrik- 'n.jlv heaiitifnl, separates the choir from the minister'.s «land. On the left side of the choir stand is a very spacious room, which is being ii.«Pd as a p.ast r s room ;tna Vs tho slurc room for tho commun ion effect®. Tt is going to be ustd during the Sun(l.ay Sch..ftl periods for (he Aihilt or Men'.-: class. Al the I'ie.h? of the choir stand, there b an j(qii:lly as sp.ieious room. Thi-i ;rnom is to b-? used exclusively for I tile choir. The worm carpet is being !rcpl.iced by TubLer Iraekiin; reach- ’ 'iiE from the front door to various iexti.nsi.,ns of the church and |acr..ss the front. • I Noteworthy of all the orgC'iiiza* (ions- in the auxiliaries of th- jfhiu-ch w.as th" YMf Chih. The l^hiti i.: th- Vnuug M-n's Christian .Club. i ft was marvelous to ®ee such voting fellows give to the support of the church. It is not onlv a "hurch club but seeks also 1 do .a • ommunitv job by joining both the voting and the eldi-rlv of the com munity into a working unit for rul- ture and spiritual uplift. At the la-M meming R^v. V/. S. Sanders, pastor at The Tally of the Villey Church. '■O’-'’, wa;: th? speaker. At the con- '’tii®'oo of th*- me"fini», the club sub scribe'! for THE CAROLINIAN for the year. Too much credit cann.of he given to Rev, .T. A. Avery for the fine work and for the kindlv .at- titude shown bv the membcr'hip in -i most constructive program. Farmn-s in Eastern Carolina are -nrcfrred over snnpli's of will rr- --'••nm cotton s«'e'l for planting lii 'Ifi The quality of tho seed in tho ."cn is verv lew this reason. "I A f.'iO.OOO: Gymnasium $150,000; Home Economics practice house. $50,000; President's Home, $25,000; Mainten ance $8,000; AdminlBt.-ution Build- j .g, 5t.i0.O0J; Guest 1-tousc, $25,000; .:iid Heating plant cxtenslno, .50,000. In aniioimcing those donations Prc;ldcnl Junes stated, “The men tioning of lhc.se gifts is a constant remindvr of the deep an l abiding love whiclt men and women all over the coulry, north and south. I’bick ard white have f'jr you and this collCBP-" Rnbt. I.. Bnrne!. recently re turned ft-'m tho iiimcri services, is completing work at Shaw Uni- versltv loward.s the I'.. A. degree. Ac.sociturd with THE CARO LINIAN in t'ltc clr ulntiun tie- pjirtmcnt. Mr. Barnes has Pte.iri'- ly incrciscd circulation during the, few wei-k.-> lu* h:is ;i‘sumc'J th - po'ili I! of >u()i-rvi7ing citi-u- latl.n. Full of energy .ind enthus- ia;-m, Mr. Barnes w-ants Raleigh (-itizens and North Carolina c tic.s to know lh:it he will b.- ui touch with them ;is the days go by. KW.IilVhS $.')20,o«;hm.astyh\r GREENSBORO — Gifts totaling >.*>2(J.!83 fur capital account have been rec. ived by Bennett College n the pa®! year it w;is announced la.'I week by Pri-sidynl David D. Jones. Itemizing tiie gifts Pre.sidont ■| iip.s lls'c-d llurn as f illoWj!: Mrn. Hmry Pfeiffer. $1(14,031); the aencr- al Educatiju Board of New York. '!01.451; local friends including the Cone Familv of Crcer..sboro, $10.- OrO: Miss Effa M. Kelly. SI2.B32; \V' man's Division of Chrlsti.in Ser vice, $ir0,000: N. C. Conference of the Methodist Church, $1,700; nni mhcellancous. $80,100. Tho cop;-triiction of two now building condition^ are more favor able, will be the first step In the liege's p(.-t-wur dovjloprr.ent pru- gr-im which was announced lad spring. Other proposals in the pro- (-vm .nvolving an 'xpendiluro of TSrt.ono hi'luiic!.-; Health Center, LEGAL lAOTlGLS ».\ THE SI'PEKIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NonrE JULIUS HAYWOOD VS. ODELL HAYWOOD The defendant, Odell Haywood, will t;.Jtc notice tiial an action en- t lied a.s .-ibuve has been comrr.enco'j in the Superior Court of Wako C'-un- ly. xNorih Carolina, to obtain an ab- Army Oh jec-ts To Navy’s Ihu-ism On Nc«ro Troop Shipment I'.MHS LANP) — Army officers ■ t-rc prnti sled loudly last week to the n.ivy'i race code in tiie ship- cent of Negro tro.ps to America. AVliile yielding in the framsfer of a Negro quarlermaslcr truck com pany from the USS Crcalan to the Tiiomas Johnron Victory on racial giound.-', tho army refused to com- prcmij!0 on the right of one Negm officer and five enlisted men to sail on th.- CreaUui for the i-tates. The six high point Negio soldiers T - I'd over the objection of navy officers, who s:iid that the navy's gfiu-ral policy was not to mix the rac(.-. Army ..ffleinls replied that Ihe men would not be removed, un it'.'. they were removed by navy I per>onn«’l. Tiu- clash Iwtween member.® of IhL- two branches of the service on th” race ciutsliim is said to have rc- fuHcd in bad feeling. The 123 men in tlie Negro Truck Company were Mi:tU-h(Hl off the Creaton, a baby fl:tlto|t, bec;ius'? there arc no segre- ;;,iiun facilities on the flight deck of the ship. Only the large rtK-my I anger could a-commodittc the I.- 22t» men. L.i'’or Gonl'erence Urges rruman To Veto USES Bill • WASHINGTON ANP) — The Twelfth National Labor conference in session here adopted by an over whelming vote Thursday, a resolu tion urging President Truman to veto legislation which wo'dd re turn the United States Employment service t'l state control. The bill would return the service to the it ties within 100 days. “I appnud the resoution,'* said Willard S. Townsend of CIO. "Rt - turn of the USES to the stntt- means a return to the old method, of proscription in filling Jobs whji--. was practiced by many of the sUrtc- on a basis of color and creed. 1 hepe President Truman heeds tho ; resolution.” ELEMENTARY PRI.VUIPAL ( OF ATLANTA PASSES ! Atlanta (ANP)—Mrs. Rachel O. Erown. who for 20 years servt'd ns principal of E. P. Johnson scJiool. died here la.sl wi-ek IdI lowirflt a brief lUnes-s. The dc- ct ait'd was n graduate of Atlanta CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Morgan BL Wilmington at Davie Finance or Borrow On Your Car DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. Phona 3.3231 ACT TUPPLIET 113 d. SALISBURY street fM OB LE Y' S PHONE 4775 NOW OPEN 1% Specialists in Body Work - Painting MOTOR OVERHAULERS GENERAL REPAIRS Satisfaction Guaranteed PRICES REASON.4BLF, F6r CoMplete Job See or Call Us Al; 322 E. CAB ARBUS ST. TEL. 2-2419 W. M. BRITT, Prop. ) t-uver up t.':. .'•hoc’- — •(port made :it hi-t-l- Tnv Home Econo»nir.4 Dt-pail- V, 'liie AUiinn dot • iti( nt w.'M have an "Open House. ’ •' • unt t;:-’mornin;- V't ’ru s.lav, U.ctmbc-r 1".'rom 5) I'mg. quo'ir'.” pfdi: .’i. i. . to 3:3T p. m. Tiir jjLibite i-® at n kti'fi- wii'i foun ■ i-i.ib d to Stvetal ar.ifU® ■ kG '; 'K-'C'.n:- iil lic-on dicpla''. i;ing. V’i'.;- '■.' ’’a'l- sp’m-oi ft II.-) ann-iaj sa! - ot Lfi-dlo 'is Stal.-i in Ihu Wa:;:i;ng- ton l.'ii. h and E! munla 1 /. • f ■llcAving hoi.ier loms arc 5Vir.;.-. m t/i- rf.n; t: Ml.-.. S. V. l\ 10th grade— 5 Jf).40. Spon^■^■r. Cliandi'-r: .Mr.-. K H. T '..c 8th i! :i-v - .“il Spn . I-vn ■11 V.:i ’.■•'1.; .Mi.s- L-f;.- ^ t- Tj'in. I t T - fv;!).!. by- .n-o 1'. .M.r- , L)t;tot;r • .'.L-K; ■;; .. ('. .h' 'ir: ■ > • ’•ufi D umb-.- 7. I:U5. A 7 wn-; 1 r :• -.'I 'l . 1*’ Dur lam » r V.’;.Kc 'rnn‘.v ■: . .'UU ■ I'Is A.' •• - • iaUon. O’ T ’.'unl, $1(J 1 U ' 1 If.: :i: fi'l I--’ b. r'li '•1 Ivoid u.sing term.4 which ."re considcritl 'fectinnato on your lip/, lut infiu.ting when when u.-^ed by a member of another racial group. should have that j>am«' re.-'pect for r>ui-.''lvos that wi- demand f others. Mi’„. S. V. i-uirv l ?!: Honor Roll for 2nd Six Weeks 13t''i G..,-u- - .-.lu.v Kranc:.- M;; ’Li.rkin. •.■iD.-w;: I.-:; Pu-b’e-., N.'li i’'’ny. 1? •i.® H’.-iil. \V:i.l(, Stnith. • !si.' .-I- ickland. Util Gr. 1.; — Luui?i‘ Ciitch.n. 7vl;.rL-iuna, .lacciut-iine c7’til, Nic'.nl.i- I’.itt ;*!un, Jul.a j'l -in. F;;’.. Thiunp.-f'n, Au;:i*(- V.'. ;-, na Y'l'yi.iic. 10;h G;ndc -- Cluulr® Plaujck, Kiianor lluniur, M;im;..i .\nn ; .H.-.’-wn, Thi^nias C'u; ki. r; ;r.r.n ■ ' p land, Hui nice Cunibu. C Vi.-I' I) .u'..nm, lyfiij-.,- M' lgan. Owi-ii Niciio!.®. P.iulino V’tj; Cr: - — M.;,-- 71: ’m.i •'■ ‘in;:. Fiam-is CMitchin. 1) cauhv '. '..ns. P...1; rvj'n-. I.:m.ia H-u.-.-. Har.’'.:. Chat':- Jon- T''■- *■,1 .MeiJ .u.-Ut, Gd-aMinc ?I.-- I.' '■■'lan. Ci.iuuia Mi.':’g;in, M.-rv -''.’.-.Ku:). L), i:- Muli.n. fh-'ri.t Nunn. Ci-rakline Ruk.rs. Els:.- bi'ticic:'?, raHit'rini'*\Vvnne. 8lh Gradt- — D.u-othy Di ’Tgb-!. .St '■ zicr. .It-;:nette .Lil.ittu Hall. F'ean »• H.;.-ris, V.M- ‘..t- Tra..'wo,Td. GL'jy.. Huntc., L’lu- isc James. Llyssn-.s Jonu.-t. Bl tnch'- Ia;.k.'. Bes.sie McNeil, FI jyd Mat- ti'fw.s, Ella Mae Terrell. Jure T'.’umas. Lc !a 'Walker, Earnie Wal- 1(11 Joseph M’-aituker, Pca;-1 Wil- san. BUSINESS M.AO.AZINE MO’I'ES TO PERMANENT IIE.AI). QUARTERS CHICAGO ‘ANPi — Negro Bus- inct.®. the new m-maz-ne for Negro busintss men. moved into perman- (.ut hc.idquarters here last week at 3104 South Michigan boulevard. Free literature wil! be sent .. business en the ma ..i.rinc'.'' mailing 1i^! from Ih* new address .‘•aid editor Thrries I.iiu.sey. Hu added that a REDDY KItOWAn lilt KLl'tKlOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTiril: JULIUS HAYWOOD VS. ODELL HAYWOOD The -titfcndnnt. Odell Haywood, will t:.kc notice that an action en- t tied ;i- .ibuve has been lummencou In the Superior Court of Wake C'.un- iVoith Carolina, to obtain an nb- sclutu divorce on th • gi-ciii.-is o( iwo J'l .ITS scjwrntlon as provide 1 in ll'.’ St'ihiti- of North Linoliua, plnimifff ;ind defendant having liv ed sep.-ir.ife and apart for more th;.:i IW) years next preceding tho Inst;- jtution of this aclinn, and that th’ Mid ri. fendani will further lake no tice that she is refiimed to appear at the . ffice of Ij.c Cleik of the iSiipenor Court of Wake County. ! North Carolina, in the Cou. thoii.'e In Rale.gh, on the 1 "h day of Janu- ' ary, 1846. or within thirty days ihcreaffer. and answer or demur t.- the compG-.in; r-f .said .>ctioii or the pl.nintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded m said t-otn- IJl’dnt, Tlui lOth nay of Derrmbor, 184,*) I SARA ALLEN. A.ssistonl Crcik of Superior C( url I F J. CARNAGE. Attomev ; Deo, 1,"). 22, 2g-J;.n, .5. J\ TIIE SUPERIOR UOURT I .NORTH CAROLINA ' WAKE COUNTY NOTICE THOMAS GREGORY V.S. MARY WHITE GREGORY Thu d fendani. Mary While Greg ory. will take notice that an action -eiititled us above has bee,i com menced in the Superior C. mt »)f ; Wake Cjunly, North Carolina, to I obtain an absolute divorce on the I Hroiu’ris oI two years separation, aa provided in the Statute of North Carolin.i, plaintifff and defendant having livc'd separate and apart f-jr more Uian two year* next precsdmg the isiilution of this action, and that , said defendants wjl) further Like no- , tice that she is reijuircd to appear I at tho office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County. ; North Carolina, in the Courthouse I in Raleigh, on the 14ih day of Janu ary, 1918, cr within thirty days thereafter, and .nnswe*- or demur t'’ the compLiint of .said action, or ih-- plfain’iff will apply to the Cour for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 8:h riav of December. 1945. SARA ALLEN. Acsi.lant Clerk of Superior Court P. J CARN.AOE. Attorney .... Buffer tind Egg Men CAROLINA y .-OW ■fliUij IM 1' POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ( J J 2 S. SALISBURY STREET PRICJS REASON.4BLE 1 MOBLEY’S FSf CoMpIetc Job See or Cull Us At; 1 322 E. CABARBUS ST. TEL. 2-24191 PHONE477S W. M. BRITT, Prop. f OfMEMetfi TO ^ GREA'SE THE ONVO^ WA-yiCR ATTER EVEPy U^E SUGOTST USING PETROLEUM JECty. fis^>oy ifucmtTT o^Satss VOOA MACH/NB usfMO emy Aitour 3:± KfiomTT HUS. AMOMTH- SAvaS H> Of .4r A dfiearmN THF iOAf> , Ca^SOfABO f paHTY Of It is no accident that this area faces the future with on abundance of dependable electric power, ready and waiting for Ihe peacetime development to come. Carolina Power and Light Company engineers painstakingly ona- lyse future needs for power-r-they accurately predict where, and when, and how much power will be needed throughout tho f-—’>■ • curved by the company. That is wlv err cower resources have been inc. 3sod more than 264 percent since 1926—why electric power was never “too little" or "too lajo" for the Ireraendous de mands of the war years—why there never has been a shortage of power on the Hnca of 'his company. And. that is why there is plenty of electric power here now, ready and waiting for all needs of industry. Ihe home, and the farm. r CAROLINA POWER SLIGHT COMPANY