WFFK FNTtlNr; SATCUDAV. DFCKMnKR 22. irnr> TTTK TAROT.IXTAX rAr.K Mr. Jordan Without Sax Is Only A Human Guy . LEGAL AOTIGES IV Tin: srjM i:iOK ( lu ht NORTH C'ARUL1.,A 4 U.\K.-. CUL'.N . N)'n('K jui irs li-• ■- wooH NEW YORK (CNSi — An out sider, perliup.s a writer, peckiiiy in oil otu' of the ttn lop men in swin" musk' today, would find yood cop> 10 i ouis Jordan, even without tin* : - aiui niuch human ii.icre;t --I'l'.l as Louis is one •huinaiV To get ready for his •‘hit.” hell put on a sliappinu belt with pri-war rubber tu keep him f.oni vtif.'iK; tired and praccctl to clioo.-e a c' ln- bination from his •'mad" coil tii-'-i of stayo clcthcs. Famp Hdps Boogie Prodigy VS. ll.^v\voo^ > Tiu- u km; it.'. «).b !1 H,.y' * ' . ill I.. I' ih..l ,.;i • -la the Srjiori.-r C Ity. No.u, 1 . Volute di,oiio o I'laiii'i'/f .111(1 id sopav.ile ;■ t tw.i VI .O'. I.. 1- ’ luliim ' I' il . c.,lil (|i (i .o’ ", i Ilee tin; • in i i r,. : t..| h fill-!.. . III.' Ill- W.'l:. C.'i Snpii tfo'th Caniliii;-. ■ I. Fi,.l. Ji. .... ;i..' Ii,t! , f I ary. 1011!. i w .liin; M n iy ti,,y thei'fnfior. ai.d an.-wor or ikm-ir .tin f..moilin' •{ ".ll.l , o;- t.'.. 'plaiiitifi Mill io ii.u.i 1.) llio ii-lief li.'in.iiH'od ni .-M.d emn plaini. Thii lUii' '.iv .'f H.'.o'vhor. 104:, .vi i.r ( 1 IK of ; !•’ Dee. 1:.. 23, 1 j\ ’till rri Rhu; (orm S’tJRTH ( .\i;. , 1.-... , W.'\KE . •. A notht: ^HOM.\S ClMCi'i;'.' VS \IARV UTIITF. (iRlVioRY Tin- .1' I'. 0 mM. M... .' \Vi.,'.- .i-y. will lak. ■ . ■ ... •( II y.'iu seen him back- . yp bi'iwecn show^ ai the Zaiiz'- (lining his Uir.e nonlh.-i as th.- • 1' '..ah Duke Ellmjaun, y.-u 1. i hi'V'.' I'.au'At him av; r.- pill of vanilla ice, ahnn.-i ..oy r.ithl. And ho mi.i;ii say "I ureu : wouiMi't cal anything but c-hn- eol.ito until ono day ih.- man didn't h. ivr .my an I liad to take vanill.;. I'vo hii'n oaiinji lanilla ever Hiice." li. .I'way.' talk;: in a diivtt immtier. He iiiiyht be sitting ihe'-c. tobbir,,; down this ice croani, : cared t.. a.d; n.yoiic t.. have some - they might '.'O' and l(>i)k:i:K straig.ii t you O' if lie's {-i/ing ymi up. And lie 1'! Hni hi fore this, lie's '•a.d "si' •'•'1." Ill Ills infoinu.l way. l.ollil•'^ appraranie ..ill strike yo' •ii-.ipk' but sincere He'll be w..ip|'>d in a warm ehrekured robe 'if ii:-isl!* on wearing it thpiiigli ;; i. ncM 01 more extjiiisito i.tie> have, be; 1! ^iven liimi, If vou're an old I'll • !.ic;id. he'll just be sitting lie 11 .-liorts and shirt, The shorts ill iie of a tiiud coto.' — a rod or .1 f-K.o and they may have a desi'.;!' , I. ’!i. .11. If l.'Hiie rat'.lie- you sta.-■ • 1 ih hf'll Ijiigh and say ahrei. air.i tiievV' Ami y.iu’d bet "lei- if yo don't want io ’ I'j 'lory i-ii hi'W goni'' tiiey ai'c .■> la a th ■ "'j'.ii.y Ki'. i- jilaved h' I’.i Mn.oaii' 'i'hf.'iU'i a 'Ccono ' ii.c- la.-t, :,i odd thing h:,p- pimd .All ll.f faller.- in the band, y jmie a.'eideiii. Inx.ithi the same -lor 'iior'- a,id v.oie lliem Hie ■ d.i\ inenced ... 1 • '' n • , .• Wake f’.nnt>. N' Mh f ■ novf lu 11, • a l. .1.1 «. ' Cnin: •/ V.' ' • C ■' •lie c'l- i ' ■“ { S'-tA AfI.rv A' ' i.f .s: .• • r.. ,• V j ( '■ \or • . I w\Kr S.ALVAGF CO. Wo But in'! of Vdlue l.oiiie v.iil talk to yon on .'.'M' pribl.'in hill swp.u'.- he's not an '.uihority Yit h'.'ll di-cuss fi>rih.i:i -wl'i.; f itw. the South and the .N«>rlh. Hollyv-oori, show-busiiu.- • nd lo'i.g wiit.i'.R — jnd you ll find vou e n't (!i-piile him, If yon try ir r - on any on? iibjccl. hi'll •'•ar - y.-u iti* "rrr just a cidii'' and he'J. take a tighter grip n his hoin. If y iu pick up his hon; to admin he'll B.nze at you iincn.'-ily. And .{ you keep it to long, he'll p .litel> .-:ievp you of it Mith a bii-’ht rc- irk, "non't break my horn, plon.-e. 'he only wny I cm. make u liv ing:' He'll riffcr yo’i yell'w wine — ; '.U'ar.d which he suy.s i- the best — It's then thnt yni'l! notice he vcar» bitle Jewelry, Jum a cold .itr:i iosTibrd from ’he Andrews - ' • and a riby tbirthstonei rinc I liirih.dr.y pre*onl f om the M.''n- '.;.:t..n Deb.s. a modern danclns ■ Ti wh-. thro ;ch v.orkinc with Louie and learning from him. think ht's the last w'.rd in show as far as the combination of talent and perFonality Roes. Vow the show g ics on, but ;Incc , !" . y> i h p.- uherevPT he pDvs. he tak«s 1 i- goMing tngrther. He might pick yellow pants to wear with a lavunecr Jacket and iiowered t c and the rest of d.'.- boys will dress siniilaiily, r,f(ii-> leaving liis dre.-.-ing room, he II p..l on a dab of Yardiy's ToiUt \V...!i 1 bicaii.i!' he's iilwa>> hkrd th'.' sc .1. To go out betv.Cin sh w.s you'll :ce him in his t;.\orite black "bu i- nev.s” suit and a sAk shirt — an.! ;.i.s. bi.s hats ate ..l\v..ys set oi: ihe Lack cf his head, That's a J r I .n tradimai'k. Oth.r.' m e; he lo\ c - '> watch pcepU, diicsii't like to v. k ■■ •la. he get around a tcinprianieiit;.l gold an e;- er ihat never lucp,; ir.k, 11 v. > • 10 v.'i'.ip up vani.l/ in Ih. w'li* ;c.'. ;, l- hi> full !.h;,r.' of --U- ' es 'll hive a KO'il joke on .-Mr. e- oue. i.s a s'.ickl': for iini'' and f b'.e irutb. gi'i.itly be'i in as'i >• logy, eiiiphas'res poeits with i •• hands v.hiii lalk.iig. i- i.'iy h. >f on the phone, will talo' any nmt;- I ino to '.el well v.'iie,i .-i(k. no :•>. i ter how awful, jiersi.iro fieetv .'it the ( i.d of a simw. won'; s.' ind hi ii. • di turhed di rinc reluanal . t anyhiKty in "hit 'em" wluii hi's i' - 'd. kn.Ac.-: whe.i l draw Ihe li”,- between busaiess and pl(*ri.«i’-. yet Won't give his Inisines' to p,.- plc he doesn't like ~ v.-ears Revlon tase for that slime mi.siciaiis and loves to skrinch up hi •-nos;. look In th:- ii.irror and laimh at the profile. AVhni hf-'-( aiigi'y. b'.s heth r to ivoid h m. lie'll s:.y f \v wo:.' i v ■ !i) I10. bf-t frieiub. Winn he's In a i.'ood m .'id he' a iMOat (•.•meii:.:!! Ti.ose who work with him b.'\e ’ urru-toTiied to ."ci-|ilin" h - word a.s the law, li'.- O. K. if I.'iuie id it if '..Iker, a mr.-icher ar.d pr.ieticii'r of dem ht-i.''.-. h. 'll .,i’. or his Chri; trrthis year to plr-.y Vii' wounded sohiiers who have ;'i.- n 1 p ijf havitm .1 Christmas. .A'ici he's pr 'id to do it. H " want' most out r>f life, you'll end up discovering just a litlh peace and (piiet — a Fleetwuid Cad lhic .and relaxation. He's d.-- tenviired to retire in '48 and get both, And *ie's the type that d. talk aboil* it forever — he will! In ten years Hush Vaughn of Orui'ige County raised hi.- yield o; tobacco from 500 pounos jrer acre UD to 4.702 pounds On a lwo-Bc;'e field. V Ceastal Bermuda grass is one ol the most promising new f ra- e "I-:i? for North Carolina. I: p; -- rtiiccs pr'ictk'nlly no .'ced 'i"d luo to be inert ased by planting stoL ns f;achrr5, and employs and pay-- In lull al Uas'. kUJ niove v. .utu .0, V tliau a;'.' u'Jiiic.i uy vhe OJ o'. t-r. 'I'i.e pe.iiion fll.i.ber .-'.a' llU.l til.' sMl-' ul- I un tiu uasi- ol or.,.' tt.u". :.r :oy every ,0 pupib tit .he - ....I, ;i:y i-vi 1, tma one teacn- er ter in: vv.'uie uiui Ncgio, bUii d on Jic .; JoHnu- T'ne pr.'si ntation war mad: b'-' r.tother iHep in the direction of fir.s. C. A. Daeotc on bvh.air ui 'v* t'o n p; t-Sfiitatives of the par«nn At-unia Nig- c,i min" than Ih.UUU Nayu chi. " -n''-’ ' d 'en 1)1 school ago .nrol cd in tho t! Nvgro ;)ub]ic stiuiois of tin city. anJ IS ivporttJ .short (it .inolhi r coiu t ^uit. vs a n.uit o. l.iU toncllfo:.. g. M.i l.j^ picVeMMg c bull.! of '.nro'iitn.i'.. ^...1 11, Ncgio c:i.:- . '.v I iiHnc.u *(.ir N'-.. ' •!y u o. i A rcprc.'icntativcs crowd of At lanta t'iliv:t.'n.s made up fur th. n.o.-i 111 par- nts and n.itii.sters, lilivd t.ho as.«imb!y .(i;in of iho Atlanta L5 'urd ol Kd uct'.ion fo.' tiu prcscniatian cf 1..1' p. Llion. I'.'llov.iP.M tho reading of th • p.t.'i. n. the hoard voted to r ■- i'. infer it to the commit- I. 'in f.;;. nc' an.l ci'inmitlee o’; . .'.-..1 Hard, . -s .'ui.l '.I;..' c ' ’..;i It nvin 111,'pclui'-n. Hevv- .. .s'nii lie pC'iiiijn.-. havi, for pent, h; cn pi ,e''nh'.lc'd. ■ '.-I ;.'i VI' by th.' Ciii- iT.-iil- c on E 'u-ati'in i 1 Th niTTi.tNt; CO. frlj \V. Aliirgaii St. . 1,. "'ll i 111 X „ •) . ■ * in o-dcr 1 i i i;ua'.i:: • v .u- .I...111 . • ;v'i'll liiv. it wa-. .iin- y ( ;i';...t -I that m t!i h; -' . jiV' tit iiii'mI or -■ f X. : • ' ' .ipl' I. th ' j) v.-i!'n". ni ■ I'ln-i til, ii't'i ih'.' ('.M’tin.'t j) - ' t. . :.«H rat'u ii\ w'i’fe .•c'ti ol ^ .";ii t L'J.) n-.'ue Ni'.'.r ' '"IS fh'I'la l>.' imni()\''ri. HC! lA II:.;;,p:., 0 UKil-st vmHi h rt.i!'!" vooi) an:m ki;i:; m li'. Iv'V'. MGM lUiI pi; turo f.i. ;p1(,n J .ivc I' is (liild proti.- . fi1.1l li.i'.ili'i. :il ij|j(‘»'i':'". . Paradi.v hi I), ,; . Mothers Plea For Better Schools /.•.!..:v.;i i.'vXP; -- i\ di.Klr. 11 • ivo i ! 1 .. p’.'l 'i: ... '• ’ 'I 1 1 .* i. ’ !)''ir chiMt.n. Tin- pi -i.i.-n o; cda. ■ iu't ld li. ' • At'-- • u' fund.; I'mpl 'V- CAPIT.AL CAB CO. M nOlTB ffEZTTCE r i ‘'Jj DIAL fUV Holiday MILES SHOE SHOP, Inc. 219 S. WilminEtor St. S.M.V\C.F CO. Wc But ^ell rvury:* of Vdlue FURNITUnE — STOVES REFniGERATORS TOOLS ~ FiADIOS i" .11 Debs, a mr.deni dancing • iT. wh.. t.hro;:eh v.urking with Louie and learning from him. think ' .. the last W'.rd in show bu-incss far ns the combination of talcn; ;tnd personality Roes. Vow the show goes on. but ; Incv . irlways du e.', wherever he pinvs. 3 c;t ho takis hi lime giMing togrtho" 337 S V.'ilminqton Si. Phen* 2-2:27 Ulu.:, pj Ca .h ai/;l Carry 323 S. T-loodworlh St. \VK C’AIIirV A MI L lint; or lil.Al'TV .111(1 inKIlKIt Wi.i'-' K'.I c,.. ; I, We Slop .-Ai.y.ilu, KlAliTX ’raiilv Pr';i!i;( l-i Go. 1720 I I'l.TON .s i ;h ft Itrnokl'.n, itti.Vew York • Hi.rr \vKon Lddj ' IT An: brii'.'.r'i Crebeitr . z •. flopping Hangover Shopping is itard work at best —hard on tlic feet and li.ird fin the pocketbook Stores arc crowded witii holidas' biivers, goods are still scarce, and Itargams aren’t alwass caw to find. Except electricity! Laclv, yon don’t have to stir one* step out side sour home to get a whopping big bargain in comfort and convenience —at low pre-war prices, ricclric .service is always right at your fingertip — plentiful, dependable, ready 24 hours a day Io lighten yonr bonschold burdens and make your way of living more pleasant. Afu! it's cheap! As ;i matter of fact, the average fainilv is getting just about twice a.v much electricity tor its inoncv os it did 15 years ago. ^’cs, ci.’clris service is a rare li'iii''.lto' l lymip. Rnl iP'f 1»7 accident. It'- the ic alt of llic I: • ! aipl v..pwuen-v. i»l lire Jikii anJ women in vour . lI'",'" uHh R-,1. i :■ .'.I., / S/. c- AKERS OF BAM BY BREAD (Taixlina power a. iis.-it company) t i

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