T’.\r;r. piottt THE CAKOUmAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBEK 22. 1945 Continued from Front Page 7.*TH ASM AI, SKSSION OI* I.OIKif; buildoi' if ihiiuuhl. :>iid they must licJp lo c iitio! the fle-t iiy of (he wiirld I I siive it from ehiios and c)nf(]^.ln ii ]' a s:rr it Ihmn to ho I Mas fji Ship.iid. in str funrltimentals hefnro lliis body of men who iiro liiborini: in tlnir -piitivo eoir.miiiiitios for tlio thinci* he stressed in this able adriio • id "Wtiile Inyinp down In y >ii broad piinciplcs I ils- desire tu mil your iittention to the fait that we must p rform oi r duties as mi •. and a*'' citisens. Wo must rccojlnido that oi.r duties are p.namount ano if we have successfully perfurmi’J them our rights can bo conteiideri lo 1' is ineumbent upon us as Masons to teach pood manners and set the example for sobriety and truth It IS inoumbcnt upm us as Mastons lo be courteous in oiir dealings with all men. that on no hand «hoii!d wc be servile bnl stand On uiir foe! as men. as Christians, tmd as »>onllemen. • [ again urg»- every Mason in every community of this Stale ‘o contend for the rights that are ac- sit on jiirie.s: t. contend for the right of suffrage that every man may se.k to use the ballot In those communities when' pinple advise us not to vote they are not our friends -- they are our enen iov We never be free men eoniciui for the rights tl ac corded to citizen.s in r. un- try. In many places we accept con ditions that ought novel to «-xisi Wc live on streets that are not pav ed. wo have no sanitation and no polico pioleetion We have an iin- cipiil di.-'ti .liulinn of money spdit on seboolhoU'O.' and on tin- equip ment of thi same As long ns wi do nut urge Hctum ;ti ngard to Ihesi- thing-s they will continue t exist You must furev 'r eotiletid fo.' the I ii'hts that are your- ” r, laeeiation of brow, .fames Gor- fion. 18. Klizabii! City. N C lac 'atioiis of lieaii ami rmhl l"g. Sam- 1 .-..'I l.ee K.i- ■ .. IH. J.iekaun ill'. FI.' . I.!-id burns on head; James .\rchic. I '8 N’oiih Carolina, leg injurv: Wil- jliam Hi.pk os, l». !‘;no Blufi. .-Xrk., bruised leg and back: James Mc- V' ll. 21. N’oi III Carolina, brui.-cd leg and ehesi; Janu- Iioll. 2H. W:.sn- oigtnn, I) C'.. Injuiy in r.ghl leg and wrist. Hobt rt Lester. 18 Orl.indo. Fla . laieratinns of head ai^d shoulder: Dm ley nialls. 18. LvNinulon. Ky. iijurv to bank and side. Jeffar.son ;• huso.,. Jr.. 18. Ro-elanri, La., lae- ••.-.li'.i.s of left side, head and jaw. Sylv. siiT Cole. 18. Philadelph.a Pa., ncici burn*: Jamc:. Dees. 18. Charlotte. N C back and head in jury: [.conarri Andrews, 18. Peten- burg, V^•l.. lip laceration-: G. orge L;.- fland. 18. Philadelphia, Pa., head lacerations; Charles Howell, l8, Philadel|)hia. Pa., lace .tiions of eye; Ralph Harper. 18, A-.-eville. N C., ad . tid back injury. George .Mwalcr. 18, Wash'nglon. D C. acid burns; Ed :..i Taborn. 22, Norfolk. Va.. lacerations of head; Rovert Ginn, 18, Sewirkley, Pa. liicerations of t;pper lip: Fd White- head. H», Baltimore. Md . brinsi-d side; Jacfib Bi eadheail. 18. N’api r- •Me, Ala., .cid burns: Kenneth Lewd Donal. 18. Waveross. foi., spine and back injuiy, Philip I.in- oln, 18 H"l,'na, .Ark . wrenened haek. William .Mien. tH. Linden. Texas. nitirn;.l injuni-.-: William -Hurre, 18, Egg ILirbor. N’ .] 1 r . r i- tions of lip and left ankle; fJeorge Prinklev. iK. .Siirii.effeld. X C , rut loi'itecn so-.nern st-'.gs have -'IV l west lit.'.av/ rtiL'^i m ilu natioti, he .showvd, Oi;-.-.iiird ut :ne auiiits in Loji.siana and siouin iiiia Its of u.-. .M iss 'ssippi l.K' pereentHgi Avoid Marriage *‘Mine- fields ** Veterans Told church, where he w.is serving ns deacon at the time of his death. VETO ON m 1. ni t.li nt and 3J pf and Aiaihitiia. Ill .iiioi.n ’. a . a; vey mad. fla.'cld F. Clark, in charge I'liiona: ecenomie.s at C • U!ii\ er^iily, h • taid: ], sum 'll ..ir lindingd i regard!cs,s ol the countiyi i cus, when it h.us high edu-atton ami tec'.nieal training, it hui; hig:i “ STATE DCKTROL iJli aullur on iclucation in, etliti section And tnufs tri ihc tix doliT-; \dilabie a/e i -.o l In ii nt for our iKeds. •\\e point vMtn pride .o l.i [■i.'g'e.ss Wv i.i.’i' made. A’, w ita’'. made pr i."ress. But lh«’n \\ ;;xT.-j a lot of f’lu* crying " ■ h’ nio;- it lienl.s wth matters of inti- NEW YORK — Veterans of World rnot^ ;,nd immediate concern to md- t War II were told today that they pons of men returoing lo their wive- •M may find marriage "more like a gnj sweethearts. 'I t mineficici than a clover patch if Urging that more healthy bnbit s* J'*'' Y- wk — A -eon ’ uppe; they rush into it without thought jjom to responsible parents, the to President Truman to vM.i th tty and preparation. This adm.'nition ;- pamphlets tells the servicemen tha.; tiill which would return the Unit- contained in a pamphlet entitled ••because Americans are f .:id .i:.c^ States Employment Service '. “hTc Soldlclr Takes a Wife" issued griping, people like to icfT you lh.it'tt^*' states 100 riay.s after tn hi by he Planned Parenthood Federa- being a father is hard Work with'^ signed by the Cliicf Exceiitivi tion of America, 50l Madison Ave- responsibilities and drudgery in the made by tht* NA.ACP , a nue. New York 22. N. Y.. as a guide stretches. Tlicv forget to tell you to GIs who seek to establish their that being a father can be fun - - v marriage on a lasting bnsU. tn, richest, rewarding pleasure at p"“PS *''•; "oj subject lo ,a- ‘It is a lact." the pamphlet states, your ’Ife” tieatment b\ .stab ' mpio.vmen "that more than hall Uic_marriages ' c,e.,led at the rcque.st ol medical r'v(>mc. \Sh> emit tliat ap;ily m America. 50l Madison Ave- tiu -soutii as :t rcjiion.’ VV( brag ’hr.: \vi, in th spend a greater ptrcenlag. ) vd iho rocks _ in separation or li'vesreosiiv und''crB'lnod’iniormaVion , . 0 I 1 ■ jcaieci aiici iiiore ' in the divorce courts. A break-up 1 after marriage hurts. It may hurt I the wife more than the husband. _ j . 1 ...... ...w. k .‘quilable vefe;- marrnige and family planning, ,„,.s practicid. The Soldier Takes • wife has ol- ..This Association, ropres nllnf, ready been translalcd inlo braille 5..0,000 member., in .4 states, r 11.01, We .arc proud ol And if there ore kids involved they („ Uie bcnefil of Navy blinded, p™, iu reouest to vt.u Tn mu and warn to ,i. fir may carry the emotional scares for and Is being received as one of the u|Tgr,nm id Nov. 21 IMS ar.i Ives, .ni. at the .sa.m- i,:.,.' li'e." •■most needed aids in rehnbllittiion" rgain™we urge vi,ur velo of this '•.f would li'• to Sfc th’ V'kr’u , To help prevent such tragedies according to m:l/uiry personnel of- IcL'isIntion ” t ill hill go through to hvlp I's and to provide returning service- ficers. * ' - y ' I’o our chilclf n. j men with simple, factual Inform-'- Gopies of the pamphlet are avail- .ATLANTA BUSINESS LE.ADEB 'Our t-n*ii'. •J-.'-stem of c rniHLr. 'tion which may guide them In mak- able at lO cents each from the Fed- PASSES an 1 h.;’h }••(..oil education i'll, mg necessary adjustments to mar- eratoin's New York office 'v f''uin .•ittinhu d I-1 under st.T.- cor-I i-iggc and parenthood, this pamphlet local Planned Parenthood org.intza-N irr i It ill- It; • li'li Riibvi l Shi ll. Ml. Ov . I,. .1 r.. -.ii nil head ai.d briii-nl (.i-h’ In- .Mil- ton G-.iv, 18, Nmv York City. miIit- •lal injuries: R I, Go; l.m, 18. Men ard. Tl xa-. ;icid burn- aiui lavia- linns nf In a» , Lnui- .MexaiU-iei 18 M.iLili-, Ala, ».iii..-id oo-e and .-liesl; •I'K-i-al cnncirn -• hv I ‘ xl gi ne. -I ' 11 • f ' !: 1 ft • f lit!-' have ar eo ’ 'f- tiinfiv tn l.-arn in the finest voca- tu^Jial, technical and agriculltrc; -ilaitils—to learn thn.se things '.\h;eh A'oi.ld alford tin in an op- !'(ii!unity tn i-arn a good living, nt. unpinve then' position in life." \ I HERAL WHITE WOMAN EX-. POSES "REFORM SCHOOL" \ loi'- i ils being made available. Illus- tions and centers throughout the ATLANTA ANPi — James t-u- trated by the popular cartoonist country, cius Holloway. Sr., jeweler and Sgt. Ralph Str ., director of v pioneer businessman, passed last YANK Mag; it discusses love. Shortages in materials for pock- week, Fcr 39 years. Mr. Hollo\vay companionship after-marriage, fam’- .nging food will continue during the had been successfully engaged In y panning and infertiity in the Ian- coming year but no b"tll» leeks are the jury business. Thi deceased was guage of the servicemen. With light expected. active in the First Congregational GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN Who can estimate the value of good will, that “priceless ingredient" so conspicuously mentioned in that first glorious Christmas message? B’' assured that we highly appre ciate your good will. It has been and will continue to be our moat treasured asset. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ! BOWMAN’S I v,h-. al -.vn-kii iijglil bv ! :.tvl ly.i and [>l!i Ev I); l.iken ! T Wa AMiII lln- pha-i-i: of h I'lV.-.llC util- Slu'i'Uid adiht iiiy till- f..i-: I. • dlii-ad Mui Tv; Tti.'i by Ur .1 i: 'Frill ;tu. B.d'u.i.u Md Lu- N.iitli C'ai A-IlM ,• Ihiii'--.;- Ill ; . Ill 11. • o: ii. w- piiiiid We have a Rieat St.it are pmud ol the fact that ihere i- a growing dCMie, i n the part of the people, to JCi- right ntu' ju-tic-a mrted out to people regaidlcss of r.nei- or color. We must encourago these peufile not to give up th.- fivht until the l.;itl!i- ha* been won." Tile rejHiits of Ihi maiid sei-rt- tnry, C W Lawiem. uf Hiith Point, and grand ireusuriT, W A Miktc of N;w Herii. ••h'i\^ that the grand lodge Is in a ho.ilthy eondition and Is making exccpliotial progress Ur. James E Shepard. M. W G M. rci-eiverl inspring eommiiida- llons for his con*trnetive leadership aiirl u.iy unanimously "eele'-ud f r the ensuing year. All of the eli-ctive officers were unanimou'lv reeh-c*- ed The grand lodge ndiounied, af ter leceiving unstinied cinirte-^h'• and receptions, -n the part of th" citizens of Wmston-Salem. lo nr.c-.'t the second TiieNtl.iy of nreeniber- 1948 at N. w Rem. Asheville, Wil SOM and Salisbury were among the cities who ubu invited the grand lodge to lomo next year. V- - FEPC GETS "LIP r.ERVICE" ONLY FROM PRESIDENT NAACP BOARD CHARGES ! I;iod Will..,io:, 87. B.iltiiii ' biiiken lib: Weaver Jolm.- .Yt, Balt.- j inon-. Mci, fractured :ib and con cussion of head Theodore Dardr-n. , 38. Baltimore. Md . bru;'*t d back and arm and cut in b ek of head; George Niilzel. 32 'whilei storekeeper fot j Uax'.v, iindei obkci i,,i, Gon- duelor llufie B.irlan, 8ii, iwbt**' I'tooinnu-loi III internal injniie.4 V NORTH f -tROl.IN.A I'KOf.RES SIVE VOTI RS I.E.\Gt'F HOLDS -ST.\TE-\MI)| •MEETING be able l. read •. 1 or v ri’-- fhr "On.litntiori f.’-om mrmiry. Such iiiiLiir iirarlii-i.- i)u,-i> aJ-e a'l loo •1^101011 in our Lihir.l North C’a;- CL,AIM tO|» SEiNATOKS TO ItrSII FEIN' I I'GiSL.ATlON cuimtry to intensify mobilization of public opinion, in messages to the ' While House and Party leaders, and ; in trass meetings, for immeditae Congressional actiuii. A revised list of Heprest nlatives who have not -signed the Huiis.v petition, on ttie ha- i'-' of .1 voluntary jk'II eonducted by the .National Couneil, was is- • in-d with the message V V (ith r proli'im- ti - -.‘'vfxc i,, meeting vere full cnploynuni fair wages, adi-quale - ni.I'i-.'-r liisuraiHC. furtl.i : • i.i I'l; .itii.r. '■due;itii>r;il nppori i-iit"-. in Ni Lai - iina. and Ft-de al aid to i-d the iiM ON OAR •ik. Dr. Lee C. Shepit-i, Piesn eni -if ino North Caroiniu Commii’'.-i' lo; Human W.lfaic, a' dre;d 't'C i.teei- ing In the high light -if his addass. he adTr.oni^hc*l those p'e.’.'nt to or ganize thiir I'orces on the side ol progre*s and righe lusnek-. Jn make ■ r h «’ri iniroiiii'..s .is p'l-'dil--. aiid V. A.SrlJNfnOiN lANPj—Takn.4 lu .\!ts. Ju!iu.s Youi;;i : .-.'.U-r lo Judge I’ln.- . ji i uin.ai., .lL'iiouni.ing me lull 1 i (‘uUai 111 nu I-.quest that DAH ii-'x-r. (iiscuiiunue parlicipu'- : ii til zvinei .cunizali-ai ritis, Dr. IJtilaven Hinksuii. Jieulenani cul- ‘■ei. medical corps, inactivi, riles tjie IJAR presid'nt in n- •iy. U:. ILiiksnn, u pnimment Phil i- te. {/n.iiii. tells .Mi.s. 'J'almadgo .>.u Juiigi Furman's attitude was ler r*-ct'i%ing louii.-si. .o.d reieptioiiv e the p irt of Mr eit /eru of Wmidoh-Sal'-in, li rr.evt Uie er-ifid Tuesday of 1)'rembi-i 1948 .it NiW Rem Astievilie. Wil- roll ai.d Salisbury wen among the cities who aUo invited the gr.and lodge to come next ytar insurance. lunmr ‘Hianzaiifm 01 '■diic.ifieral ipp-t' j-tit”- In Nort • (..I Ima. mid pen. al aid to i-dnr.- rtPC GETS "LIP r.EHVlCE ' ONLY FROM PRESIDENT NAACP BOARD CHARGES ti-iplov’-n nt piaCic s. hav. tak- t I pail in h-g;,slati.e 'lutii-uv r.-i tl- tendir i:-.' .or'.fceney wai-:i.,’ ii^iney ineff-ctiv - byiiipiivipg i' •iL. R'ci-iitly Hr. Sid. nt iia; .-iaiice reo.' 'lat I the or img -.1 . F-iil' ■ by suniiiiarily pnr II li"ni i-suiii'-i .1 iliiectiv. di-i ri.iunal.-n .n pubic ii tall .11 ih. n . ttiii'.'. Caji; pirerl a!' : v.i' .ul Uf- ami di liiiet ll..'- t ..u ’ till- '.ir-ltbll' ev:-; des;.i that llie '..•-ll•.■.Illl!t U tl- uretio;’ dill.ill 111 Vs*r-.-ii pe nifi. iJs eiJorts au- bii.eked lit I hi Vi ry •’ it.s uu'iluMity. ■;‘ii'‘ Hr t.fs annoii • pian.iliiiii of ill/ aelion.-, i.nt.ril ed ill Ills ucciptunev Ol tl.e re- Bi.r'i'tion of .'uintiiit'ec m icii- C'har e.s H. .io'jsinn dov. not meet tin di.sturl>ing point laisi-d in Mi lit ijs'.iin's tuililirhid letter of r- Sigiiation tnat tin !*r sidinl for bade till is-'Uanci ol ‘lireet .e. '.vitliou! lU'tif III toe Ciiinni.'i.' III an opj;iii tuiiil.v to: in (-'"t nnttie to pri'Siiit its vnw, tn •i\ miiMj.ng the FxeeiC'V. d r- till iiiselve.--. 'burn i.s the tuotil of iat; U'liiipt elftctiv .ictmii. ’ the pie.svtil .:iniinis:iutin, jii.iile on the ’''I.I'C sssif. V.' lu ve it is time n - the aclni. i lH;n to demon .lijitr wnit' pi opuses to lak. .iiiy i fferli-, lion '.ovvard insuring tair t-n ii.cn' pi.'utiee.. • : ali Amiri Dr. Lee C. Shepcl. Hicpirent of i.no North Carohn.i CommiMce lo; Human W lfare, afdri.-ed Mic inee!- ing In the high Ugh* of hi.* .iddiirs. tit adrr.oniihcd those p'CM’nt to or ganize their forces on the side ol progie*s and righc iosnes. lo make , f fi"’ lo.tiDronii'. s .1* poss'lil". aiid on Un- basic prtib!e-ps alleitni' lo- 'lal stale, national ao'i iniernatioiu.l affairs I’rof C, E. Jones, member of the faiulty Ilf Shaw Univen- liy, ex"iid Id wi'li'ome to :iie len'.U' in the ,J. er.e- of P"-S'.i'.". Da'iiol; The League is pmud nf Ihi proer-'ss il i has made and i: a'ki-K; f t whole- -h'.h i-e: '•K-si -.ipi-. •; m ihi-' ni"--n- eni OUC.f\TION ClfFO AS KEY ho SOUTHS PROSPERITY 1' tm j..il.!:e > ' n .ra.' .-n 1 s- •• n '.,:y - 'hoo nuriiti'm n I'ittl. , i i ••• n r. -1' V;. .-in . K- n- T-nni e. (Jeorei.. -( ••i.-.-'in.'i. .So-:’' !’aii-'ir:i .-Ma [tiara.i. .A-kari'-a .'Od M't.i lf.«s Ir.jj si.Vt pi-i j' i*:l p r .a..g. . ..lU'. Ui Judge Ihi..- . 'Oin..u.. .leiioum ing ktie lalt : 10 lauM ol iiU ikque.st that DAK .. .u’.jvt. disconunue parlteipa'- I n 111 z\ineri''anization ritis, Dr. Lhiiaven iiinlcsun, litulenani cul- -;.el. medical corps, inactivi. riles the UAR president in r*- •ly. U:. Il.iikson, a poiminent Phil-i- le. pii.ini. tells Mi.s. Talmadne ...Ji Judgt Forman's attitude . leaily coi.sistent with the pf.- itiile u> the Dkchuation uf In- .'••p, ndenee and the Constitution the L'r.itfd Slat.s, The nublic |) I s> r. peris vour C'on.stitJiinn ..•jli tax-exempt which mak i; 1 1, ju-si-publie edifice and. to be .•|•rlsi-!lnlly coasirlenl, tne D \H h"ulri oe indepi iident and aJ-jo; •’.oiigh to lep.ise piiblie ••xemD- . IIS Lorn taxej." i'll ‘i-lter eoreiiides 'with ti li- iiui iiii ol i.iiormatinn. “Fj.ilt' p.'-'iii... .. itiaihirn. an- bound to 1 .-i 'll faulty f ineiii'-ions.” -V- Part.s of Bladen. Robeson, and Union counties have been .added tc the quarantine urea for the white- fringed beete. Other area.s in Anson. Onslow, a.id Wayne cniinlies have been extended. ('(II.I.ISION INJI RP.S too NEfiRO SAILORS EN IMH TE TO .ALIK. scjilp laei rations. ItuoM-velt Holmes. 18. Newtiod. La., acio burns on hiad: Roolie Purifey. 18. Ral.'ton. Ark., bead laccial ons, .Fames M.-- Cow.ll. 18. Pessath, Foic.st. N. C. left leg injury. Joseph Ciiridine, 18. I0II6 N Krunkliii StrCkt, Chicago, po-.-'ible .skull fraeturi-: George Tui- pni. 2f). Ni w York City, head in jury and light ankle; Willie Fiank- liii. 18- Gieenvillt. N C. bruised shoulder and left leg; Kenneth Smith. 17. Avalon. Pittsburgh, F'a. fiacliired femur Grover ' ilUns, 21 Goldsboro, .N C-. po.*s'bli skull friiclure, Ray Rob- ersntt 18. '’hattaiiooga, Tonn . back Injury; George Brinkley. 18. Spring- hope. N C.. lacerations ol head: Ci'irge Anwiter.son, IH. Chattanongii. Tenn , head injury. Albert Duncjoi. 18. l.aneaster. N C.. tieid burns: Lee Beasley. 18, Angleton. Texa-. lacerations of right arm; Dudley Harper. 18. Newark. N. J. acid bums and sprained ankle; Willie Jackson. 18, Ltimour. ® C. lacera- tiun.11 of head and burised arm: Findley Jamison, 18. Calhoun City. Miss', lacerations of head requiting 17 -stitehes; J.-sh Boyd, ’8. More- hmi.se. Mo., head injury. Lavironce Harris, 18. Brooklyt. N Y. lacerations of mad; Galvm i e 1,1 !;., • Ml. Nr w Orleans. !. • . biin-ei: boili ligs: Rufus' Win-lul 18, I'liictijpa, N. C.. briiistd rigiit side; lleniiau C1UI&, 18, Oxlurd, May the future be as joyous as 1 greetings to all our Icmd fnends. Conn - Qovm' PjTitiac Co. PCM7I\C rZM.ER hat a wonderful feeling! To share the Christ mas spirit with those yom love, and to share Christmas prayers with dear ones far from home. What a won derful feeling—to once again experience the jolliness and merriment of Christmas! Have a wonderful time —witii OUT best wishes; and may you truly have an old fashioned Merry Chri.sfmasl ID mriCE rrt imitiviaiHi!'; fassiok: L. I

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