i IGNORES VIGILANTE COMMITTEE THREAT ■ CLAIM VETERAN L HOSPITALS SHOW DISCRIMINATION A't'l.ANfA 'ANPi At a rOil fi I. Iii > 'loitlxi: it b\ t»U- V.'ii-iaii> liMKii*' ''''H'S till' 'Ui> jt-i III !u>^lJit.lh/.lIml. fill' vi'torai!! Atlanta v.'f "' and iitizi'iis won oil I’.fintI . lien- Mil Vi t4'iMn> .11 itiinihlraiiiiii ’ ■'.iiti'ijuito Noui xitfiari- .1 I'.i-i 1 r-pil.il pm j/ram nf cxpatt'inii i- v.urki-d out It. ta I . Ci. II Oiaai IL.idli-; rliiff of Ihi V li-i.iii'- adiniiii tr..'i ■ o w.isii.nul II DC. a r imnai Wife And 2 Children Die In Fire; Husband Burned (’.E r>c U. S. SOVIET MEDICAL GROUP HONORS DR. DREW of thiksf p.ii ticipatini; ti) the cun- , mil it Mil' pif' linn- ihfif i.o( a .-iniilf hospital ill tho stalo of Gioriii.i which ad iiiiali Iv ho-pii..li.'i.'? Nouio vi-lora:. , I, .. poililalioi.t ba«.i - Til.- li M. ; rliar.-.-fi thai Ho-pitul N'o 4tl in A' laiita adiDils only two I'Jfniois pi ’ ij.oiilh aii.l M-ii th.-i- -i.iot In- I’lm ’ ’Ihi- i.-ll.-i wa*. -ittiifii bv Do.iii it H Hi.i/.al ol Mol,house Colli-;.- .Iiauni.iii Ch.iili-' W (;ii-«-nli-a. d - f.-loi ol lliitil.-t Stim-t MS' Ch.ii I. H Milton .-Oiiiii.aiidi-I of tl.o C-mku I V’ :.o.’ li’.i’Mi.-, III.’ . Ua fell rait.-i I a. ‘...IM .•!i.i,-’ n.ali. aliil till V\lMl.,lh-ol.. W-’lIit W.,, i Vi-ti-l.lll Maioonei Color Problem Slaps U. S. As Capitol Site Miss Chiistmas MORKTHAN 1.>.(HMI VKTS PROM PACIPK; BEA(JJ4 S. HARROR Fiitilo 1 fan:* ■rvu’^rini-n SAYS OOP MOST STAND FOR FREE DOM; NO BIAS limloii, -Ma-. W:. Clii.st'j'i -Si 1-III- Mo-. l.S ClUtl. Sal. Kral.d . i;. !.ii’.-d ti.a- .1 "lii.i’'n- t'-- t:- rail pi’..)',l..'i. III. Ills' pbiik ol III- ti...- 11 j.ublii-an '■ a.i. ! -a.i' • ’ . mc-r IMU.’ ol OIM. -I- ' ■ ' •" . t a- .1, i. IK I ot -. t! a an " ba-..l on 1.1. - I I -• • "Til. Up-..; i-a’. t. Ola! •ol.:.:-at,oi, t- Si,;i . -a...! Ml ' am . u. Hit^l N. yi> I- . ' - ’ l.OS ANGBt,ES ANP) ly curTipiainiBg. nuiny col- lit-s hi-rt- Vainly awaitui s i^latives for tin; hoUday c»-k-brali ITut they. like. thousaiui of ot ' hatioiiblltie?. had reiiclwd as far Aiiiorii-» «' jf.p harbor and that was all FEPC HEAD SAYS NEGRO MAY LOSE WARTIME GAINS PHILADELPHIA tANPi — Dr. Charles Drew, noted for his de velopment of blood plasma and pro- 1 fersur of medicine at Howard Uni- -.cr-sity. was elected a vice president I uf the American-Soviet td^ical so- jciety. at its second annuel meeting held Saturday at the Rl^-Carlton . Hotel j The only other Negrd^' dcl^aie I at the I ne day-conference 9(us DL- J. Leund.tb Loach, of Flint. Mich., wbo represented the Michigan chap>pc4|^ of the swiety and who nominatetf Ur, Drew. FONTANA. Cal. tANP) — Two weeks after receiving a note threat- ening physical violence unless he moved his lan.ily from their newly acquired property iq a white seelioo here, O’Day H. Short was critically burned and .his wife, Helen, and two childreai Carel Am. 7. and Barry, 9. were fatally .seared In a fire nnd exjrfoaion at the Short ho.ne Sunday evening. Short reported these and other pertinent facts to the Los AngeAw Sentinel in an exclusive interview the next day. The sheriff who Investigated the fire, reported that Deputy Comeli- son and Deputy Glines "on one or two occasiiins had talked to this individual, Mr. Short, and told him (hat he was out of his bounds and Stflvised him thMl he contact the colored chamber of commerce and get t««elher with the white eham- t^tonunerce an^ge tgreeablenesa ^war In the Pacific faced *n hi ‘ or racial dis* •1 first by the ^j^yg aboard monc Ram iv’-vaml ships already in Las Hiti-bur while th>u»nda meri on the way. y«*nin«. biKting, holding '* the ...Idlli.ii. lo .he busmens Johh»>n ol bo. Ang.- 0 eaenubc lOMilul. .va. held at „hom Short comult^l alw ™- WA.SIIINC.TON .ANP, - NeKr,.|,„n,, froc and I ’'>■ " '“‘'‘j'’ ffw hta to „rk,.- .U,.... ... B...ve do,.B..r o,',,.,. r„^ u„ileJ ■ ™ "‘V’ “h"LS S.I.K diMiropuitiouately iheir war : Dr Wilder Penfield. Unable In leuvf* the ships that Hme ‘■'"1''''^;',*^*'^'’ hj*'': I'-eal NeuroloRicnl institute; Brig. the fire Johnson again brouKht Ihtht "iHame for Christ- culm Ross. FtPC chairman hen;, Q^n. , S. Ravdin. orofessor of re- more than IS.OOO vetec«w of Jasl week, The reason, he said, surgerv. Unlverpity of Wash- • these and other mmor.ly . gy,^ni„ was for three year.^^ :rs wer. cnMhtr.tcd In tho.. Lhirt ol an .ny hospital in BlirmoJ'"*"’",."’'' FRl d„. s.lloni...nd induslrlos India: Dr V chodl B. Shimkln, U. sn'*^ i™,*,^ rl n Is.iirered the greateit iTomed- Pupij, r,., „ «rvir*- D- Kennathunderstood to be the .1- ' .. tu.bark. and hove the leart R^^J^-X.^rotolektor ofStS^ Butli ex-i v..riiiiij b(K>ing, holding'* the r P'.A-Jar future. I A and lurni.rg thumbs down'. DfsclosinS that Negrow fomied, 11.iw- lu. "*l-j p ,J,J„ servicemeri whu from 15 h. 38 pei cfiil of the relief • f I'NO l'«M-‘-^^.ked here Saluidav •••Us at the liegimtlnB of ihe | ub.iard u.e army tian.*q>ort Howz fensi* penid In IIMI. he suul tl an the navy Irausport Olmste-i they n‘pr.-sonled only two |»r , bilU-rlv rtH-elvcd news that U may "f person* war 'ndus^«' be st-veial days before they can Ihit by Novemta-r, 1944. as crus* the aanttplank thal separate* r.-sult if ’Jj** ^ them fr..m ship and naUve «>il. duction and tlw national More than 2li other ship* with c-nmmatM.n ^hcy. ..ver 10.000 aditional returnee* weic percent of all war ,«oj-kera. O-it ulii-ad^ iiu-Jiored bur. Middeply om “hotel 'hip* with nu place f-ir th -tr ’rights Sneb,a conspiracy si ctmsld- IrOP, OMITS FEPC i ered a crimll* u^der federal statutag. ' Fonlaiw polled‘stated as- (ilMing to Short, the expluaien oe- ettwe*’ when he wan filling a coal pit lantertt- The .sheriffs account declar®*: *V*Short claims that, they had f... ilr! .electricity down there tp use for DFNVER ANP) - In an impaw Hating ai>d it was neceiary to use io th. outer har- >*ne m Ihon Negroes had been add-i-ionefl speech bepire tta Coh rgdo coal oil lanterns; that one of UiCM •osUtusof M to the civilian laUir force. R«rt* ' Derooera|te dinner MHL'We In&l laiitem* lied run out ' ‘ ■ v.id am! the number employed as | week. Rpisert Banne^ip. cTbiirman [ wa; •( the door at the l^k ■ killed ratismm. semi-skilled oper i t.f ih> DOfiocratie ' 1 houm Jjr the jaiUpi^jjjgd. hew* hive at least i.’ivt aiui foren eii had increased ' miltee flirjl^. the Bepfll^Ppi^ } ■ . tl, go till groaning Irav *Ui4iag areas and h-- I Mie.foo to •CenYit'tMi'. OOO.WML im pose eight t mi HA mmoiA I loui Januarv M Ji voolriuUkiunA to a .Mile D'Dinirs stand in front .11 the Apnilo Theatre, fat Wot l lith Street. -Sru York ’»>’. will be nude hv m.inv t>ers4ins who v\anl pf»liom\eUtis ronqurn'il. I’nder tlie .lusim-ev of the (.re.iter -S*-w \ ( 'ijp:« r ol the Nal.onal I ouiida- lioii lor InLiotile f.irahsK. this Mile l> Dimes stand .s being cun- diiited h> the M.inl .Ml.ui M.iith of Dimes Commitlee, an Inch 'h.ill dev’li>|i 11, nrte-n r in whif .' ihiMi ’’.ill Imp i3rt--'‘i» •:! ptosl »U> Truman Moves To Cure Discrimination on U.S. Jobs seriously, I’oeeded b.i'i K-piibllrans on the United Na I .ois oi’t-snlzalion Rut in spite ut 11 of the pro-lamnth»nn of serious- In the parly. Mr. Hannegati .'III riiit touch once on the :ubiect Ilf the h'KHC whi t p prlieved ne«’- esv.iiv to liimrf America’s tu-ac** Mr i -That the wbolr'fhings I . lam *0 Quiekly »nd uie ftaMa 'tttff.mc that they were unable to grt out of the house without being ‘everely burned " Rumon were widespread in thg ,i’l.ir«-d community that ShorVi ».ouM-w-a> b.mbed b> vigilante whites who objected to Nee.roes Uv- b;.s, tl ..I. I an . I’M . I i «k.l n- publi.ari oailv h;i-. fi'oral tddigaiHin t Ni-gv.it^." .1 (:ai«’l Mr (.111111 Can ting nn ui: M^med Nigi'i k’nd,xt.i^t;^yj-c;,. it :i IiIk iuI lu-puliliJ-BU pal’’ ifirt Wi.tlll ai’lioMiirv’ Souli .Ilk Bit pal Willi i, in Ih-iniiir: Cl an iii’lu.d ’a iitial Nfi'ro v illv! thinj-s, u’lK 1.11 l>:iKi- light! BILBO SHOW^ ‘CONTEMPT FOR OPPONENTS •'very cMse >m Januarv 14-31 cootnbuiions to a .Mile O’Dimes ^Und in front of the .Apollo Theatre. 253 (Vest 12.5th Street. New York CUy. w II be A n..nkititoVAH l.nileF WASHINGTON lulling hi hib c. • ANPi iiipaiKii .VIjMs»i|,|)i. TIo-ikIoi. would give .jiily ihllKi lU-iit I'l 1 nil...- of me .’apoiio ineaire. made by manv per«ons who w’ant poliomyelitis conquered. Under the au-spices of the Greater New York Chapter of the National lounda- liofi for Infantile Paralysis, this Mile D Dimes stand Is being con- diirted by the I’pper Manhattan March of Dimes Committee, an interncial group of leader'- , Pictured here are some of the committee members, namely (left to rithti Mrs. Gertrude -A R«liiii.son. president ol the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, co-chairman: Edward J. Bernath. pr|D''P^I «} P S Ikli. Manhattan, co-chairman: .Mrs. Estelle .Massey IGddle and Mrs Bessie Buehanan, Dthers on the committee are Jack Blun^tc n. the Rev. John II. Johnson. Col. Leopold Philipp. Miss Susan B. Plant, trank Schiffman and Atty. Hope R. Stevens. ..ij. Contrihutioas to the 12r.lh Street .Mile O’ Dimes stand w ill provide aid for infantile paralysis victims, regardl^s of color lAnly through your continued support will the National l-ouii- dation be able to carry on and Intensify its cflorLs to strike down infantile paralvsis. the common enemy •»! all the people.— -oio by Morgan Smith Studio, New York. _ - J- ( iy to W.n'h.fiyloo *5iiptied staging a«gu aii-T-frfrfn * charorter -'f the ftetegnl^^ *_Vi!WVgVl^Vf ctol m iw. - ■. Trumaji Moves To Cure Discrimination on U.S. Jobs to tbrA 1^40 Th> V added that "ihe TKWWity Ilf rrcidinB n divtiiictive and per manent center, which shall develop lie own lif«‘ in the manner in which W.ashinglnii has done. Is "an imp* r- r-int" hut indicated a nrefi retire for an p-«s1cni site where "a number of useful small towns in the east ot dif. Unit-d St’tt4*s with fine hi't«iri- ',’d and rnltiiral :i--«k lation''* P J Noel-Naker a Rrili-h UNO (•'I,''ale. nhiecNvl to the Unilixl • ' ;l- l.einv ealliKl llo- "host slate" nd Riissi.-i joined ttie tdiilipoincs 1 , 1)1’ i ide a iiroe»-nr«- which ri-eoB- , ^ P770S the iiriiicinlo that dependent j • . . , .-ii nlr- elect ttlier f|H>kem«“n ■ torn •I’ ‘.-r UNO Blipi-rv ’ -.t’d .-•eadi-d llie mi- - ^ligations s^rfcmsly. Hannegsn as he pniWdea lo lam-*» quttftTf ».w i bast Republicans on Ihe United No-' heavy that they were unabl* » tions organization. But In spite of'out of the without dpd« . ull -f the proclamations of serious-! severely burned." : ness In the party. Mr, Hsnnegan! Rumor* were wideeiM;e*d idid not touch once on the .subject Volored community that S>*r » - I of the FEPC which is believed nec- housewa* btimbod by^vigi^w WASHINGTON '.AN!’'— A move fairly for appointments without ^ essary to Insure America’s peace- , whites who objected to Negro^ n curb racial discriimnaliuii on fed- ({islinction because of race, creed. .ral jobs wa* iiiaue h re Thurulay by Preskk-nl Truimin, wbo sirnul- teneously impowcrcd the FEPC h* probe fiuployiiieiit disci iniination in ndiistry ciigagwl in military recnnvt’i’sioii priniiic- color or nati 'iial origin." V Aiinounceiiient of ttie foiinai '•-III mtli-t i.ii>i Hiib*) was made last w’t-i-h AIUH l.te. a veuian wh-. ti*-; lilt- con niitlee Headqiiarlei’s an- to Ik- ruainta eel III VV;i)tiiiiKtoM and UMde (i picketing the n-Mcieni-i- of itic -i alnr. the uicuip sa:d it would dilate a national petition ileitiai iiig that Bilhc b- ovist fi the .senate. Staliii)' that Bilbo’.s conduct 1 been ••i-nntrary to our Amerii principles of etiualily. reuardk X>l Negro Leaders Endorse 1946 March of Dimes ' NEW YORK 1 uf Dimes, natioi Nalior.il Fount •alvsls .lai The 19411 Mai • wide appe.,) of !i .ilioii fol iDf.iIlt iiy u-:n. le.it: till I diM'1 I’olor dit In the difiiity of the Uiuliti St.ileB !4enale." ttie group plans ai active drive to oust Bilbo. ■I pay such nioi.things the alien tion I would give to a dog yowlin: in the strei-ts That is ju.st the ran* liig of liemiiddled scummy Commun isls und Negi'iK'.s." said Bilbo. H then referred to the constitution o the Unili-d Slale.s .mil freedoin i- sjien'ti .1' guaranteed »)y ib.d instni ineni enorsi-d by pi out the Uiiili-il Sl.iti"’ Slat-nici .I'k-Hsed liv iluve national leade in Ihi- pre^' co-- iiu nil ;t.e o'-ie-nt/’ fight fo conquer pol of the m.’isl di’taiiisl ii'iv.. di'i-.tse) •;ciem-«“, and luile "i March of Jjinies l> woman and child Founded in ISUi: b' dent Franklin Dd. ■’lead, ■ X. i-ui -\ ■ i ■ i i-l.ir'. NaliiV’. ci ttion of Colui’cd Gradiiati and Ur. .lohii P Tin iier, |h ;'r on ami m -:nh r (■' idu.miun of Philadelphia ANTI-NEGRO ATTITUDE‘FATAL’i; SAYS EINSTEIN .America ..jj come In my atlentUm. .-aid the Pi’Cskletifs direitive. "that a coiiMdeiable miiuliei of loyal and qualifieil i-mpkiycs have be-en le- fuM-it iiansfcr and re-employmeiil b\ 1 inployiiig agencies solely bi cj’itiM- of race and cried. This is -■> violation of civil si-rvic- rules issUi-ii l»y the I’resident of an existing MIXED CHURCH SPONSORS GOOD WILL PROGRAM fnl progress In the trying post wur ] .ng In the South Fonlan* I sears, t Carol Ann. the younf?eBt chlhJ. Further. Mr. Haimegan said: , reived the wor*t burns. She » learn- “The E)emoratic party’s post war ed to have died at about 8;» P- • program, ns vet forth in President ;»t the Southern Permanente - Truman’s recent messages to eon- pnal. approximately ISmimite* ♦ y ' gress and In hi.s public statements, ter she wa* admitted. .T??! I lake up the main prublems con- | ry. died at 2:10 a. m. ' 1- up inc Ilium pruoiniia cvii- j ry. gieu m *. im — BgOfKlay. ding the country and deals with the mother about 11:00 a. ns » them specifically, pnint for point,; same day icUon." Again, no mention of the FEPC Aside from his directive to liead- i»f government di'purtmenl.s Chicago (ANP> A gimdAti: lii’.en’ueial piugiani will lx- .spou • iiiud Sunday hv the Crhii-abu Council of Applied religum. -n aililiale of the Peupk’s In.-.litui*- Applied lleliKion with head Waller Hoviii» I.eaves lairil ami Taylur NEW YORK lANP) — Walter .1- T n .,js,j ouailers in I)etriil, at Du.Sabk- u, iviiig, ppigressive president of di.scriminalion. I luman ai. i ii;,.), school here » -'-wi —ma.>. v.ifVo investigate . aulonzed the FEPC l‘ investigate '“-ffl.r^r'i^gram beginning around racial bias in private industry and .jj pr.-g^nt the h- . • .I.A. L'C-D/-' until .Illiu* 30. r l^- *-• , •». Lord nnd Taylor, one of New York's ir.Mst exclusive department stores, resigned Tuesday. He ferv-ed m the Short, whose worst burn* understood to be around the fat’® and hands, was given « “ to survive by attending phytician. Ur, Norman Haugen. One of Short’* white nefghborj. Bovd Gilpin, stated to a th it he saw the fire start m the ear- W evening. He «id ‘halitW«£ one side of the house h.iughi it ugaimt c. ntimicd ll;e FEPC mhil June 30. ^ (joode. uastoF of the Argo firsr'generalThalrman of The'^UnP^^ even fa- ■ ;C ongre church, and Vii ki. u College fund last year and .Ni t-.imt, Us imwoiljD ccnducted by the in^Februajj ; lember of the executive com- J lt. II. -.1 . X 1 to incili.-;'! :p|)ot’t ”1 t.u- thi- Yati Pm-. I Ronscvell the f.lrdCi ■oidmg to Aihui Einstein, conducted oy ine >•: V.inderbuig, H membei.s of i h • M . ainuu.s SCI. nti.-i Writing to determine the extent of discritn^ O.icago ("ouncil of Applied relig- hLs leader l‘i • uZ.iii- l’.-\(it’.ANT, f'lr loation uga'nst Negtoes :mcJ ‘>tnor jbetne of both bpi-ak-!;• ..lary under tin- ti. le. "A Mos- ; minority groups in recmvi-rsnm hir- ^^.,j| building bettei ri-luliun ; H ’ti,’ M\ Adopted Counliy " ' ing- ^ . h. Iwec-n the two rnce*. p ill Fin-stcin say.s- The FEPC may now move aheac -j-bj. (;,mnus Soul Stli rei.s. ooin ' ’Thine is. however, a somber ; lo iishie directives :ig:ilnst racial of will ^t>fTiP«te againdi l-uint in the social outlook of ' discrimhmtion on U. S )■ bs but is jbi. pupular Sniithem Bchu Go.sp-‘! 'Aiiit-ncans. Thi-ir screse of equali- limited to invesllguiing and report j^jogirs, an all-woinen’.s choral •\ and human dignity is mainly Ing similar practices m private in- ori.up. in a song contest. i’iniled to men of while skins, dustry. The senate labor committee tju- P.-oples Institute of At- l iie more I feel an American, the has approved legislation for a pe - pij,xl Heliginn was founded li>- in- _ inure this situation pains me. I can j manent FEPC but the hou.se rules k, v. l.'laude Willinina. white, s. - , scape the feeling of complicity . committee, dommati-d by southern ,ial years ago in Di-lroii us .i W.i-hine'-in. D. C. — Scoring . jj „j,iy .speaking out. Democrats, has blocki-d the measure nu-ans of bringing both racis ii- Pi sident Trumans’ action m set- j that whoever tries t i for several months. gether on a tiiendlv hasLs in .i up FKPC purely as fact jhink lhing.s through honestly will ; Only three of the nation’s FEPC mui- Clirislian srdttt. ’.soon recognize how unworthy an-J .,re operating. Thev are in J K-wn fatal is thi Iradilional bia-s ; cbjcago, st. Louis and Detroit The * ';.guin.st Ni-gi " PLANrORMAKIN FEPG“FACT FiNBlNG" SCORED , trash (ire M»d thtre"fore didn’t inve«ligate immed- ““^’'pictur. ol tbt to have brtto th. “* which was tak-n •>Jp'“'"f rainsB home, ...owed that the Ian, t^m wa* more of le« . ship Lord an Taylor became one The sherlfT# report on of the first stores to employ erlond tated further: “Upon '”y*****.. j •'.-ilesKul' A Woman. Miss Dorothy i^, fuunu that the outside wiia Shu\er. succeed-, him as president U^c .ouse had all fallen lo me • of Lord and Taylor It Is under-; and that everything m w slmd Mr Hoving will launch » | h u*» had appareoly igmted ai we new- nation-wide chain of depart-' ^nre time. ni»-nl -stores GEN.Rn.nA«IS TO RETIRE DEC, 31! the M.ii (f;. WASniNY'.TON Gen B O. Davi from IK live duty cember 31 Gi-ii I ANPl ~ Bri.e s. Sr., will retire meiil in the army De- du- );ivis w’ns uroiTi.'- ' ’ general. October Ihe f lli.wing: Mr^ J Ki 25. IM.5 anil retired in July. IMl. md lecMikn* N:*ii->ii He w-.i' .noi.i-ii’.itvly r calU - to Aux I, • live iiui> amt hasi servi“d with the ''“k r itis|M-ctori- ueneral’s nffice. acling|"f I’” 0.’. a U”id)li- 'h..ott-r rpiiiu-itmlly on!i problem' mvolviio* inloii’d troop' I ’"r Sp He w II 'I-V. :I to the Stalilv of/’ i- «■ Upon relir. - l.'i*. I- direct nnd unify the fi.dit «ainsi inf.iiilih paralyvi'. ' the Na* nnal Foundation is di-dlcated to Tiqufvt of the dive.-i.se 1:.* h.ipti!' in ne..i’l-. all of Ihi 3,07.1 a'gi ocv .i * doing "infinil niiiri- ill th - Umtf-l Stales uphio-l j |j^, ,|,'.i;,yint. m tion on pm - "I paten!-. Ii- FEPC iei:isIation.’’ the N. , r.iee, rrec-d or color, ^ p |},. Chief V.\. ■ if Dime- .1 uuaiv las' w. ek. "failari' of yoir I-S iwiy .->iiierii-.-rii nn oji j i,,,i,ii.ir.dion to act in ihc.sc-c’l. !\ to join II one of the , hi>}» and faith of im - huinriiiilaiinn ciu'ades of iji’iis o! Ani’’i Kaivs who face job . lin es tin fi'h: .igainst Ihe --ru-ss " 'rte wire aaid: •'Ttii.' .vtep lollowing .vuur fai'- leadi'is ii- 111. tl- n-quii’e r:-pital Tran.-it M’ijl wel (•- iiip:inv to lease ilvscnminalorv and law. piactii-.r while f hiverttmi III iie.l ciuiorve- ei’idrol of lhai iittlily an-l vinir •*ui)poi-t .if 1.1-: lo FKI’C :.i>aiiis‘. i-vsiian’*-- .1 Koiiiidi- o! ill • ■ ti.e lu (’.'pital 'Irarp:! fo Mfirro Siildiers Ciiaril (it-rmun “Super Men" n* w»e. .V , ,1,4, Tito .vnclukion* w'" men wfc. .Piwrthtljf h*.nl »*h .m ^ >h.t ^ irtthng lh» «n.n l«a»v ^ j .11 »• -*>"teU I plofcioii causing the wall* «« HANOVER Germany lANP> — ..lit ■■ (IharlolleKiillc Dentist To Run For (ioiinell I In hhi miort hi What would seem Ui be a bit of hu-lsboft quoted Sutherland a* man plienomena U reflectei* In the ; ^im "Mr Short, 1 don i relative poedkwix occupied now by f,tghten you or »n*ull yu»t. ... " ntsnini •• — - iirtiM plump Nigio soldlen and the Oei. ^ pn- vigilante eommiM^ w.-ir Hiller’s notorious , your cose hud ni^t. deal with. If (’iipph r. iiig the imtKKl.Kit lie, iiiiblic I'ealtn. I eliglDll. (duc.ilioii, "horn tia\’" cinne and a|i|ieals i.rk of the Nal i’i.;.! Foil • I t!i. M.eeh of Uime;’ .il I I I’ ■ Gliurluttrsville. Va, tANPl — Dr. R. A Cules. Inral dentist, will lie a i-andldale for the city niutH-il here in the Driu->cratir primarv to hr held Matt-h S. It is the first lime in the history uf f'hartoltesville that a Segro has run fur puhlif offire. Iiaki-r. told police she paid (20 m » unnamel Negro to beat • Ah-:; il .Ml’ I iibi I . tU Do.."I Hiu/iol. I.ilo-i Ci.lunel : .Ind)- pi-i »efv»- U. it.e ll:. Ih- fir . Mo N.-gro trt' Tiv of tFO’ U Il ai-oerr-l (• liKiii-e ••i-n f’...ler I Urges "CloResI Scrutiny" of Man- . rnent Agtn' y to Guarantee Pfilry Win Be TarrU-d Out ■ ' .)ik T- .m ;ri' w'l-i k ;.)gi’tti4-r lii.il tale .ind ■ rU'i till- '•'lo,' . ‘ ,’ith :,vm..v to,.SI ..peral. on to than SHIf-T I KIMK TO rNNAMKl. Slunon ..I Iho eSOOM ,ippr,.,iriat..d ■'O-'l'’ Ijv -oiigri‘ss under th- war Hgeneies HACKF.NSAi K, N J. '(.NSi app,opri„ll,.n .Irt ,i,.lll i,P«t JtoM, ’O'’’ H"--''') P-wto-vP. pl„n in ..ffirti.u Ht'i-losod blonde, Mrs, Martha Beers whu has .... ^ . ^Pr.'sident Triim-m ordered gov- '*f the wife of her .59 year old lover. “Mem Kampf depicted Negroe* »• j, lough fumitv a* r,to.n ,vto„T.mto inTkP lust .'.tote.rtl to IhP biutol .pp.dv. ■ P- -nd h.lf vi. .Ulrt w„v you. Id^TO ••■"■'J ,ref, piiiw" . ol pvr.».„m.l poH- -. ditlfro,.! vortlo.i at Iir,l to toon, vompa wtirrr Ito- ip,, pnopeyT « « .rof.il oI ptT nn.l poi ^ ^ hondlinp -upplto. nr vniaMd s,,ort toKl h. “ nnslruclion work here, pn^.m- he fa l*d to do *o did «Ua mew » of war are doing the manual phy?i.‘al vudeec* would " -der that all Vrs Stickel She later c nfensed l.ibor while Negro »okller> are reply ' are- lYiat -he hiT'i If slashed Mrs St.ckel -keepinK watch Wonder h.'w Hi About Novwnber **• »i-ven iim»’ with a carving knife h-r would explain thisT (ngeration engioMr. purenaaeq term ol uBimpeovad prupfv^ - RaiMlall and tana, and begw building * hw famUy The do«l » the p^^ ^rty Short potiMed out. cat»»aln« rw r**trirtlve eUi»e. " viswl at the lime of the purehat* that there were any rertrletton o» William O Hv '• again*! h«= procedures and practices Older Unit you can .issiire me that City thi-v are ai-c rd w-ith national la ' and nol.iv and In qtialif. d orki-r-- in e xisting tern- fv rarv war H'bs will be Deweu Hailed On Veteran Housing Standf _ :h* pi vdtd’inaiiagvmi’nt tsunpany » a . tl ^U»y thi- L’it> sul>ji\t to ; L.-Lo'ovji of the stall-. •Ml :s 11 .pc-!ativ■-. ■ Ull- NA.AC.' ifi'U-r sai-l. "that upp.oval by city authoii rcrulmy" .*> iiii nut by a nl company n iic- ' Utti-tri' It title giv- Ht-*!>h (’ txl bv K 1 Jit- V!'’ .1 h.’ ili-tUils I l.l H'O I thi- h.te I.ll Noi'iog ('otllo Dtekerson. Chicago phytidan. nation: Mr;. Mabel K. Suaupers, tUiaUoa.; lluUl thC i.i o« m UiC hands ol a I'll adio, .ori .)Y vi-l- rail’ m .lO viher i.itiz«Ui. tu ally of Utc iiwu^ mg units undoi ita nunagcim-n Such a guuianlee must l> -ilx- Iv-li oHiJ must bi* elfw’iviis .’a, 1d -lUl until, the • -st . nil ij iK.ia Sut>’ and (.’ity ..fi.. ’ ’ \V -v sh to y.. ngralj.3r upon you; ,. mipt si.tti -’ - it ■ •In p-tlii’v of the Stab a’l t U” n V"U jn iiimitxlia’. ....; 1 .• :;'.itK-n that p-i'iO r lin*? 'Uggy Jt- 1 in ihu leti ‘r A *inulwi letter was seat to mg amio.’ ...u; pJministrul.un P, lix av . imdilion ol the employment -f family into the nw hoiw a ^ •hi piivati manogem* nt .mpai:^ weeks after he paid ow ll»e »!.■» vriargi-d with ths- administrati'O inttallment on the purenase price, •f thi- Housing project a guaran- First indicatlcm uf opposition U’ fioiM that company that it v 1 Shot* continued came when he re no: ilwtTiniinali in any wav m reived a visit from the deputy til. of veti-ian.' or an sheriff, who advised him thsl -nme .th-r citizens to any ot the bout neighbors had coaplained about his (Conhnuad on page ^ghtj

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