PAGE ?IX THE CAROLTNTAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, li>15 i SEEW STARS NhW ^(H{K CITY «C* CONTIJ- Vf;Rsi;nv in a coi.or kii.m Wp wdik'i-i' V. )i\ thr piPi... wliiu f'.l.iM'.ii li.i-i.'l . Id “” nho.n Ujp HPpiH'Idiicfl sfciip in DMP ii{ lhi‘ >u(\p. iiil ’l\\ MiH (h Q ntiir.v Kiix- Drudiiccd -ol(>r now pl.iy- iiii* thp «'iiTnil ' Tlif Dolly Fojc studio' probably cxpc-c-tcd a lot of coiiUovci'py over the flliii when they u|> Uautil'.il white nuiilols \Mtli a touch of t.ui on their .'km;; to ftanee and .'Irai i . the oldlinp limo "Daik Town Sum; til s M , ; Ni arocs will sent that tl. v lidi.'t oiir heaui'- ful Nemo uirl.' who are out in fh.l lywooil j'ei'ki.i^ .1 job. the Klamor. u .'cene to .'tint m. . . Peihap' K.i . Studios ihnn^jht ll.ey were doini; ii« a favor Helimi' away from iHf ipivaiit-typp iioiirayal. . .. And in a way they did. For those traiiie ihitodels to da'K- “n fhcii ^kin Miioothly and pv'’n frizzle Uu'ir hair lo I k colored, it looki'tl o, I;, 10 s'r Hum ttlide ov.;- the screen uith thr’ir brown hp.mi. bighlitfhed, , . At lea«t it took the Uncle Tom tn'to out of your mou'i. And some of the sirls looked a bii like Lena Horne - tspeciallv siiirc they alrcaty have that Ciccian nrsc! We had heard for a lonR time he •• tolerant Hetty Grable star of 'D.;! ly Si.s(ers"i w.ti toward.^ race rtla- lion.s and even lo the point where ;■ reporter eomnti iuled her on fivl.t- inu fi'T a Duke Fllini’lon sone be used in one uf her pictnie.>: and she answered - - "I w. n’t be • fied until tliey put in Necro el’or 1 Ch'ls to.," So we imauin Uel'y bad somrllon;'. (> do \v!!!i Fox'. 11 scrlioti (.f till lavish scriic' v. lu r th* ttirls wrie e\(|nlsite lav ia.' fharlren:r, Mexican print-; aiul n i- live hrri(l:;( a We're of Ha ■■I’ li. ion that Ihi- 'i-eoe Hul ‘-erne ^oeil and 1' Well wuitli rrciii;; tie- jnc I r tl ‘0 Broadw idiiil,' foi e niclinto “ST. LOUIS W0MA^” LASTSKT itmjLJKkaa. The "Seothero Harmonizer#,” fast-rising vocal quartet featured in a new aeries of brozdeasts over the Mirtual network, are shown with their director-accompanist. Essie H.iyden at a studio rehearsal The • Harmor.ijcrs'' ,ire (I. to r.> Herman New, bass; Edward Jones, second tenor: Douglao Tandy, baritone, and Wiiliam Hayden, firit tenor. Broadcastii 9 from Indianapohs. the rhythm and spiritual singers were reengaged by MDS after a successful senes of programs Spring. Now York tANI’l -- lUvulin; Lnni lliii'itb in lu uiity, Kuby ilii Hiiitb I uiul dmut’i Wild haiU li-ooi ’ lMcftinun.l. Va., hns boin itiviji !lhi; ha^l .olc in “Si. LoiiLi vvoni' hii,'' I niu.iio.ll .dory ut St. Louis 'in t!. • ‘1(1.. .Ml.'.' iiiit Won i.iii’.i-' [ioojli. in uinjiwui iiroUui'tions a voi V yuunR dirl, and soon .uiin.l ; I'.Lisoil 'll biiuiuway. it^.- uiiu.'t u;.l auiy piius lu-r taiom bnjUi;tii iiti'c spots 111 vuiioiLi niitht and pii iuctioic. wo.10 sno bat-' I.OT 11. i way to ino tup, Now, f»:i' tho tnno. sho is him;; >j;olitu III .! rolo in a mu.-i c:il and bids lair to fiivc to.- cr.tics iSomi thinK now to r.ivo ovo;. Edward Gum's i.s ilio producor aiui ri-hoar.sals tor t. .- I'pus wdi big:n around Jan. 2. i/itn Ui. . load opening in Now ilav* n ivi '■ Jan. Jl; lioslon. Fob. -1. jinu | I’hiiadolphia, Fi o. 111. Tno aiiov . iwill rtach Now York oiuly in i March. ' New York Showfronts MV IXIY OF r.FKIIll’.l |» CCOTIF WtU,l\MS CANT iFLOW HORN LOUD AT iZAN/UBAR r.t thoatros .ind In thix'*- ihiy- Kddir Honih hfs \iiilin ii- Sludiiw. , , .111 rent i.ilk-abniii It" roci'idu' rmiuL. ■ III .v.i -Slat Lo'i days sainelhtiu; Edward': S lo TIumIm- I (iaiH’oi... II If ho fit;' I Iha'-k'l.u;'' oiildii't I III 'Are A'-'ii u lilt for Mf' '1 It ' :d.iriiiR V.d \iiii laicast.ii I I"iiiiileted 111 I - \ studio Sio ami loinclbio;' |•ll^l‘t•|.•^lllll•>'l.' T weiif I" I \oU Yolk th. n I'l • I.iinoii Cafo /. m.Mli. ■ 'in- ' I ’ ' that ('o .11 • Wiili.nn , km., o- 111* •'.■rov.l I I'M ' wl, ' imp an ' ■. it;; ' '> I 1 . 11 n iirto fmo a. I Included in tho aio iln; iN'iclu las Drothor.s, Hi .x Ingram. Fiarl Bailey, June ilav.'kin.i and iUorttia I’uwoll. Loiig.i aio from dill coiupoUnt toam, Harold Ar- ;lci. jind .Johnny Moicor, and 1h isiript ia written by Counl' o CuH d-ii from Ama Bonlonips' work I'liod El lids Suiitla.v.” j “In rating inorlgagc risks, ih.' iiit'iuial lisl.s •prok'ifion Iroin al iniluincos’ as ono of th" iloaUirrs to bo itilod in orclor la ddormiiio t ligihilily of l ian. Atl ivc-ic inlluoiuM «,'■ in- fiuoli'.s iroi.i l;a nianuiil.” inciiidoa picnvonlio-i {ol tho mfdtranon of lidiinoss ana Imciu.liiiil ua.s. .awor class occu and iiili:iiin'‘niou.s vaci.-l ii'.r-.iiji-. t “riio manual furttior sbiles 'if a noiglil'.iih'Mjd i.- lo rotain ata- biU’.''. it li ni-o«‘;".iry that the p' pi til ; shall oonlimiul to bo o* - kiij'i. d l.j tho '.anil' social and ra- . !:i. . plac 'd \ 'i !'■ .t’'i . Ill ' • .111 I I I , II'.■’ I'l- nil : (i. d. It ■■ n . ’• I. ho.; Jio '.v.i.nt I wan’. i>' ui". ■ I'-a I I ho pi- .1 . :t . on Mr... : , '■ '! ' ' t I" Tea' . >1 : In CM. '. |o-'‘t:', "k to thr Maiihalt . On flu found I, hi!' |). I' I I'd- , I;.!.- them and M. Jod:', Ih 1,- f.iihcr. had Icf. tli.- ro till U"d‘'i- llioir diiiiioi- r.. ^mll, lliov II |, nisb In,,..,' nr.llllice rt,... ;,1II Rilly Kenuv i.r ily Ink Spot' ••»l sick the' niKhi fill-, wed: jinrt's .l..i ; '1 toT handy mam v.-as j, k-d ’o iih for them, lie did . . If ho k 1 n-; I lip. sonicb,!y will bo Mihhii. ; f r him! It is n fine thin;'.!' for tw • neonle l«* lake over a iheafi- anti IniTi i* ?nnnpthin.' t«> aid Negroe' In he ^mnt c field, Wir F. Dimn ;io | »i "e D. nersene have done I!,.it «y've talen over the M.K !'.I- - ITtealre in tho Br. nx to put .m .P i. llomlw.iv sucees'es v.ith ill-\,.- . ^rs. The first will he | ,,u^ I ti-'Arse-.i • and Old Fare " ~ 1, 1* i pfiy Cary Gi.Hit's p.nri. 1 .L —Y~ .... 1 'll .1 . > .t iiiglitL Ihj lli.i.i . ii d ro.iio d.iw n \ li.:t !.a\o umJ, 1 ' 1 !i. •i-at ic .1 t latopco ai.-l 'iku'--. .l 1 (.'. F;!: .To, H,.'.,- ii I and L;i] I\t i,t. ill;- I’l.I'l.i.' H‘ pkin-; •n'ch..s- 11.1 git.s the ix-sl dLplay by p^y> in : for tla- d:tni\? S't. upon wni.m l.'.o p..ltrn; unload to ..ul ihcM '"-n p.ii'ii'-idar lianJ .! iiing. , in ..rill-.- v.-orJs. C..>;:i“ lia F. -n bnoko'i mt I .-i 'itunl.'-n vs rotii tho h a.l.T .1 a pit c!i!:. -ti.i m t .au.itvillo tl-.-ftri. or :i jadio d.ijv'i ! .>: I V';icii i.' .• trii tly Fat l::'r'>iin.! t-i ro j..'dg • :h'- \ I'i 'll I 'I I -'..M-l I--'.' b -mp in pii ni.ui 1 ' -L.ii'.' '.I ■Mi-i'- ny h. • 'l l* Til* band ; al.n play J l-.r 111. w-irV' I m sut-h .i I '.'ivi' I ; . i • n a f.-jtiiio I I o' Ml • ! ’ho !iiMO, Ibii ah'i.; . I*.I'll 'A 1. till* whi’o n I. . r! i. 'i. 1 wii 1 tnok lA • 1 ;it :li.‘ 'o . -■ T!,. .,i m Cm -w. '".ti k i:i I'll!. .ind ml . 1.'', i.; i-.mmc II I "pi - - Ml'. ii-n'' 'ty, • l.ii 1 .ill i lo • F. i '..'■•id--, ''an !.. .Hill •' ill' • ..Ill' .11 ■. :iii(i a . ...11 it ' 1 ii,t:‘l.'I I I pri a ni.Hi'iii from th • ..tai'• ;i. .'If. I '',, I>iiko Kllin.-’loii. ('al. '..liiC.vay. lairky Miiiml, i, v* um F- ..JiiMiui l.uncoti..-l. K " II.a- i'ln.--. 1.1. II i ; Al liisir m-; ■' H II-pVans. Fii.iU'l Hampton. Tmv Hr id; haw and Ihc «.lh( is I'Oi- . .i.'n n.iti nal pi.cmii-n.'*-. As act--, on the .stage they have I t .. : .1 I i.itui mw f.cid icr ttu swing and jazz musician. Now p. stcm.s. liicy re lac.l itn a dil- L’ rcguiation., call for rc- 1;'! I anJ.s in thv bigger night .-pot . at |. :us. ;» ;- • in Nc.'.' York V. hich tnoans that on.- of th-- two b: ’Pis must play the ."h-nv and the 1 l:.» 101 dancing, 'inv maiiag.-- iiiir.l u-ually wjinLs lo get the t'l't out of wha! it pays tor and ooijM'QU'-tnlv. the nanu> banti FI* ‘ Fc. > gi .'.'I' omi)!i ■o 1 llii;o ct.n ■ i.-,-lU..,.-. HI ('.'ll UP i • I lo|i-' i or III-' r - .i'-\ciyp' I are;,-;. Tho vaU: .-r Iu-.rn.’d »i...» d od rt strr- ir. ,sh**uld int lude i)'.' lolluw- g prov. 'on-., 'pr'diiinltoii of th' ■'-.ipan.'V ..f jiii'p itio . \eopt I)'. til. .rac f.'i which thoy arc 'n 1. ndo r" Ml I'ou tl. * il l Iho't piimtoil 'tut til .t FHA li.i ,1! .. : iio.l 'Oai I Ij, P: ilo livo C.iVt lldlil. (. nl.iinuii'. the l.iiiguag.' •*! 1" r.-'cial It t.tficliv.' .•'ll. 11.It • a;, ollow ■'No Tioi..(>n of a'lv ja ' ilv ; Fmii the - - - . ‘•ii.-ill II . I . ' I I'jiy am biiililinu ‘ir lo!, ix-'i'i filial Ihi. covotiani .'-h.ill not )ii' 'll ill la'cupanry by d'lni ' V. n*s of .1 ili*t.v nt i.c* .jo • d wirh an .iwnt v or I ■ It w:.s i!a ,1 I 1-. :in 'milt.' that :hf attention ot t! :n;n:;-tr:ilor was ca'!''! to th' f.'cF, la-r Mj,' .d i confer, ncc at- bndid by many N'; ro hadci' •Mid housing orjanizati-ins. Tp" ...rponsf ot Ihi- FilA repiiv'onla jt:vi was Fiat this agency did v ’ lapprnvp of loans on development-; If.i. occupanev liy Nigrocs in wha. 'he called white neighborhoods or vice versa. IF* slated m iffccl tliat HIA was merely following 'busi- ■ ‘ . '1 : c'l. t lol'.i'l di,' . 'll;.'- I'. The inrsrn- ; I 'n-.i-.,.I Near.. -II Hi'- i':i .-i.i City. .nd ."oiv.'itn l".|ii Miiiilel'.-J -'I 11: M. All Euili'ii. W.I. . ■ ■ •! Ml «’'in'l Ml.eHiiii .m'l ''- !•' I'll' .11'. |ii ii'i I . iiiid til • Tl" I'l'Vi-i H\ .-loin- ••I'll M.iiiii'- ' - If' I "!• .Ill ' il.iir ill: Mb a ; ul •• Lou Swarz And Ethel MillnerSends 2,000 Cheer Cards To “Shut-Ins” iMi :i'l ness practice.” ■ V. n >.ia.nci,n Mr. iownseml point«-d out th.'t loans to Negroes provides It Is n fine things f r fivs people lo take over a theiitr- and turn i' ij'i somethin,' lo aid Negroe*; .'n h'' jr.mnf r field. Wm F. Dunn and |jor"e n ftersene have tionr that, y'vi’ tahen over the %fcKinl''J ^Dtre in llie Rr> nx In put on old sucrcfses with :ill-Ne'*i ) • first " ill t)p Avon I ong ) ''Ar'eni and Old Faro" — );•. 1! ly Cary Gr;’nt’s part. I n|o:idwav su I i|rs. The fir VfMY I.rvCEFORI) \\l> B.WO fnEDI.FI) FOR CM R FiVU'ItA BT LOUIS. Mo. — Limic Lunce- »d and his famous orchestra will •vp onto the bandstand of Club wera here in n three week on* ^rrr.fiit. beginning February ■Tlnnmic’.i b'lnkiiig at the Hivieni wjll mark hLs first Movindt City cn* g^crrrnt other than onc-niters in sc|/cral years. Talk in music trade circles indi cates that the lamed “Luiiccfoid Exfrrcs^.'' now under the banner of th©> William Morris Agciiry, will l;e pilling the Club Riviera dale :i» a “brcak-jii" for a Spring cima;;'’- rrent in New A'ork at either th'- C.-ffe Z;in/ihar on Rro.idw.iy or the H^l Liticolii 111110.1 Clkiieni’e Hoi'in.son iiicl okayed i.y C..rl Elbe. .loe Hnwar.l and iiill :\cnl. till' Claude Hopkin.s orchM- ii.i gets the lx‘sl display by play* ing, lor Uk' dunce sel-. upon which IFo pr.ltons unload to cut ihc‘r own p.iiticiilar 1,rands of rung. , In othe.- words, Cootie ha* bc.*n booked into a .-ituation V lu re ii» IS ;n’tu:jily the liadcr jf a pit ortiiuxlra us in -a vaudeville llieafrc or a iuiJio .studio lun I which is .strictly backgroimd in- 8!i ad of headline vixiial si "..'. C'uotii' do .sn'l l.k.' it ami Tt v.' uF • • ; nariH' (cclu.ilias would like it. I! be willing to bet that Duke I.ijington, wh.) just c-mu' out of the Zanzi'iiar, divlti'l like playing urder suc'i c-indilions when liv lecd.s a hitnous '■prisen'.atien' unit. It w ill be r. {'alh 1 tliat the Duke piayi ;i tiu* ;-how and was al.-.j i'-.c ki’fiinnd for Loui.i Joi-Jan'.: snr-.F MT.'ic.stia which gav. L'.>ui-' the chanr. I'l gf t ail the b uv.s an t ;.,.plaus wliilc Dnk.' and hi' great o!p;.nizali'jn suffered in camp:.;- iM-n. All Ih'.s l.iiiiL 'o .1 hi ad a si'- ii.Hiin V. Iiit-h I'.Hikma agi-nis and ivanay. I • ot !"|'f'ii:'H bands ri ini’'l t '.'c I "H ..'t'l. 'I'he'e ...1 ..vv-. ..... ...... icnnett uy many iihio - treat. a urand new field lor the -jj^i hnuling nr"atiizali'jru'. Ti"- swing and jazz musician. Now i* i^c VilA repre.sfintii Itive was Fuat this agency did re‘ stems, they're faced with a tti ina jttve was Fuat this agency approve of Joans on development-; . .. xf .^.^ai Union regulation^ call for re-. j,,j by Negroes in wha lief bands m the bigger night Ijjp called white neighborhoods ui spot;, at l( here in Nev.- York He.'ilated in effect tliai .ffect that V'hieh means that one of the twoiju^ merely following “busi- , bends must play th' .sh'iw and the ’^ess practice.” ‘"'■•I" ''M.. Mr. Townsend pointed out that 101 dancing, 'the manug. mini usually wniiFs to get the Ft .St out of what It pays lor and cfiiiscqueinly. the name band. El- F.agton, Calloway. Basie, etc., ia v':.vcd into tho stand behind fh.‘ slio'.v anJ th.' "little name" band gvti. what chance there is for dis- r*r.y to pl;iy for the dancing. uootie W.Iliams is greater when he heud.s up Ids own shot unit at theatre-; or nightclubs. He real- izis it .Hill that ii why he's raL'ing such a heller. But in playing for (lances at a club like thr- Zanzf- 1 ar he doc.'n'l get too much of litak either. Dan.’ing in cabur.itJ and night-; clubs i.s lusually cur- Fi!id liie ho.sst.i want t'i sill .some whiskey, you know, and can't ; ell whiskey to peopl. tin FHA either does not apprnv.' loans to Negrots or provide.-;' smaller guarantees tif'er it pr;.'*- • tically helps to require them to i live in congijslcd ai'cas- ; In attempting to justify its ac tions. the FHA declared its poli tics stem from local practices and the acceptance of th'- h*lief that Negroes aulomaticallj lower pro perly values. Concluding hLs .statement, th" • .speaker said. ' Minority groups m | America find themselves in a di- , kmna. In the entire field of foil- , eral aid to housing, wc have Ih - come increasingly disturbed by tin- manner in which these h;.vc been admini-itcred. Kvalunl- ir.g tho history of fedeml hoiia- By Gladys N’.'' I'. .N. Y. - J lI'Hl tdiiil . F.ippv 'if iHii :-.'.i.---ii • l.M. .Mii'iU'i > 'Iiik; w 11 111 c '1 n.|;ii ; 1.1 Firm Cheer .:ii I t 1. .. f.\ I, w linen iiitc.l ;.i . -. an 1 Coming Jan. I5th — The y Biography Of Mr. Ellington NEW YORK — Man and music, Duke Ellington ia an Ami-ricanc, t:-:i.iem:.rk His bio-rapliy written by Bary Ulanov, editor of Metr)- nnme. is not only the story of in- dividiinl, but the story of a blind, an tra in Amreican life and a chapter in the history of music. I roriiiet of ilic creative culture in which perhaps half of our inu'si- cal instrumenLs were first develo|. • ed. Duke Ellington has aULimcd iincqualrd stature as a compo.sor The man who was born to jazz, who gave swing its impetus, wa- a jazz antiquity in 19,15 when other .swingsters hold the highligiit. but the Duke has maintained his envia ble position because of his attiude, as he expresses it: •'There is .something lasting to he obtniiier} from tho Negr.o idiom. I predict that Negro mu.sic will be .live years after swing is dead. Ne- iTo irusic has color, harmony, me'f.- dy and rhythm. It's what I am in- loresled in and I am going to stick !o if. Let the 'ithers whirl and •erk. like ickics and jitterbugs on .swing and let me sit back and drink in the music.” Born and bred in Washington. D. C.. Edward Kennedy Ellington be gun his carore winning prizes draw'ig and po'li-r-makiiig. hul re- rriiiling a wri.'* his first real ‘^access. Many of the nieirhors who sfiirlrd wi'*i him are Mill with him. 'iiul almasl all stayed a long, long f me. Among the best-known mem bers are Otto Hardwick. Freddie Guy. ArUiur Whefsol and Sonny Greer, idl t.ip-fiigh' ai-li'ts and •K.r-oiialilic.' From renl |>ar(ius and f'lie-iiiL’ht slamls |)-'ck and foi'h cr is Hie i-oimlr.v. to r.iyal rect’ii- ■i'li in Europe, from Ihc C’ollon • Itih lo UaiiieKie JFill, the Ellington bi'iiil Ivc.ime .1'!- Duke the man is .1 .s'liid "li/.en ho i-ive .'ire.* he lo Ihe li-.Kh'-r •'f I’l; youth who i;a/c-tl into tin- r-loiided ii v't.'l b.iM lo :;ay. ‘ B'v, Mill an never going to gil ANY- WHERE!' f'lrahve A::e I’re.s-: wll jiiihli h hi- liiocranhv m Life No- leti bi’r 'SIfIMi* Ih- M'ov 'f h'lw la- !•' KRYWUEHF. an.l for the hen.-fit of the 'bst’opliih-s. llie bo"k wdi 'n.-hid,* a i-omnlt-l li-l of .ill 'he Elliii{'|.‘n rci’orduig’-'. dy learned that an electrical storm the n.ght before bad wrecked tbti town’s power pl.ant and lighting system. Maestro Johnson was ail set to mov eon to the next town 01. his lour, figuring it w. uld pc im possible lo play a liance in darkne when the promoter informc hr. that because of the tremendous ad vance sale of tickets for the “Wail| ’Em Rhythm'* orchesl.'-a's appear-' ■ince. he was going to hold the dance anyway and make a lofurd to any one asking for it, W:lh flash-lights, oil-lamps .and candl s. the Johnson hand set up and the Warehouse was surrounded on the outside by more than a hundred automobiles with their • eaiilights glaring full force to throw some semblance of light onto the scene. Thanks to the ingenptiy of thi.s resourceful promoter, the dance went off as scheduled and not one cf the more than 2..*>00 tick- .'t buyers asked for a :efund. Buddy drew a big laugh and a tremendous burst of applause mid way in Ihc evening when he ,ir- noured lliat his next .scleclicn would bo most appropriate for the occasion - an ..rrangement of "Dancing In The Dark'" 111 i tmerican build Of Mus ical Artists Asked To Boycott I). C. Hall V— Bild.h .|.duis.>ii I’lavs •111 The llai'k’’ Dale 'riic AGMA is ;i lahoi- organlza- t|on affiliau-ri witli Ihe AF of L and iMnsiMlng of opera, concert and bi.ll.'l arlistfi Miss Hazel .S'.'ill is a member of our union ;iiid an uut.satnding artist. The Bo.ird of Governors of this '"g.iiiiz.-ittoii pr test the action of die It.AR, (he Organization which i 'H. it.'lf out as having a direct hnk with the f Hinders of this coun- liy who fought and dii'd for free- .if .'ipnlily. in denying lo Miss .■''iiiii Ihc light to |H-rform in Con- 'iHiHii.ii n.dl III Washington, D. C., ' I 'nmliation ‘if Amicican prln- iipli- Wc iioiigly urge liial ymi I c i-oii -Kf'-r y.iiir imJlioii. otherwise wc as an organizalioii and as iiidi- (i'hial; shall rccoirmcnd lo mir eii- ‘.II i' mcmlici siu'ii lhat they refiise lo ••uct |)t aiipearaiicc.-. in Constitution Hall. H:irlrni tiu-misj lhat entire l.-wii was cloaked in College Extension Service during l;ihni-'t total darkne'.'. during the January and Februarv ro that farm- Swnrz moved to Johnson band's appearance. ers miiy have their workstock ex-'g Upon arriving in Kinsi'in. Bud- amined and put in good condition " I V. D'Fv. Ml; Vi.ik m Fk- Fpimii of ltH'5. ; he i':iii :.-.l nut a cheer prof;! am III ill I ;i..iiie town -- St. L.iui-i, .\l'o tin' tin past III — diS- tril.utin;; .me year o.-.t FOuu ban J ) .i.iHi HI the hu.'ipital? KINSTON - Buddy J.'liii on, lhp| Flli.s Vi s1:i1, .sccreimv of the N. C. voimg rarolina Keyboard A.','. | Swine Breeders' A.socialion. has aii- knows i.iiw what it m-m; lo |,!;iv iiuunccd Ihif'c purebred hog sales '>t music under •dvc’-'/' eontli- at Rocky Mount Whilcville. and 'Inns, Few b.indleader» couhl Ion Salisbury in February. the ixporeincc Biidy bad in pFiying > V a onc-night stand ;it Sheppar.i'-' H. and mule clinics will be 'V -;c!u>Ti'e in Kinsto.i r. .‘'’mlv ■."li'n held in fi? counties by the Sl.afe ‘I** . -.’.ill Ih- ■liIiviTvd HI ,New York i>y tiie a:'lre.s.s .\iiiln. i -• .-.01110 ini u th A." '.s' (Fr.ld 'oom Ih'ii TAN TOPICS 6y CHARLES ALLEN woman. r.L-Io:e Miss Swarz moved to I New Yolk in liie Spring of IW'i, 'she earned out a cheer program I 111 liei home town — St. Louis, • !iVIo. for the past 10 years — dis- t: tl.uting one ye:ir over 1,000 han.J p:iinled ranis m the ho.ipitals I almost total darkness during the January and February : o that farm- Johnson band's appearance. era may have their workstock exJ^ Upon arriving in Kimton. Bud- amined and put in good eondition ^ TAN TOPICS By CHARLES AUEN vlui are out liiere cuttin,; rug. So, j,,!; agencies over the dozen :t Im.I: -. a.*; if M.- old pit oreh; s-; ,7,, .,n ncccleralinn o! t.:. i:’.ay gc! n nod t i come hack, '.nti nsive .stratification of zXmeri- WORLD’S CREATES: VISRASKAR? iiltir .ill, what with Cottie, Duke, ."".nily Kir!: jmd otiurs insisting . n :)u ii .-h.'ii'i’ of llic "-pollight 0.1 THIHI) roW N HALL DKCrrAL I OK 1‘OKTiA w II I I i; iiu been the highest paid bandleader (Colored) in show bla for more than two years — a guarantee of S15.000 Is notbtog to be sniffed at — teill be available for a series of ooe-nigbtera starting tbe latter part 1^1 9f March 1946. It Till mark the Arst time In three years that Hampton has appeared !■ the South. Booked exclusively by Joe Glaser, 745 Fifth New York M ^0). N. Y. The band features tbe diminutive dowonbeat diva Diuak w 'WaablDgton who ia rated as the outstanding blues singer of the day; iCnieit (3obbs. world’s most sensational sax playe.*, and. of coume. tho mAn who plays the clarinet with such clarity and ease that he is con- aMered by many critics superior to Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw. For tbe promoters this be the biggest opportunity to buy the BIG GEST NAME BAND In tbe business. Tbose who wilt shar* ^ teuiklDg era the music and daivw kteoet*. blatnkL^Tlid Yitea NEW VCiRK TNSi — 'by Glori.i T, II'III I'l Porin While, yuiinj* Ne gi-i> c'.iHr.ilt.i fiom Nuv.i Si-utla. :MM' till thin Town il.iil, I- trmlHr Mh. The h'Hn;c. .ilihough no* ■ Hiiiplririv |).ii’k'.d. pr Hided the >"'11' ; II.';.'!- V, itli ,1 1,11 ;e j.nd cn- !."' 1,1 .In .iiiHtencc Ml: . Whit*- th'-sf her pi'ignim w tl' r,' .1 ; I ill ,iM(i iiiiiler. laii'i- in;. H'lne-cr. Mime ..f the vvniks wci'*- iioi 'll l .tiirnny with her own \ " 'il aliih'v. Cniitr.Try lo m'it be-' l’.rtt.i Whi'e’.: .••iitr.iU'j low- rr'" I.i Iidlv l.icking. 'H-jr top 111 111 T" lb.Ill a bin*, of dramatic 'i|.':.iio brilli.incc. Du- to tbe faul ty lowr regi.;tM ...clcclions .such as Shiibi i*'-; “Anffiitli'If were not rxcnitcd wilb Iho iU‘cr;:sBi-y voice quality. Altli>u:-li till- voice need;; a great (!r,H’ of fcriunc-.l work, the ri'iilnilto has al hf-r comnnind unnit- islic nia'li-ry of tlie ii'-crs-sary iiiter- pri'l itii'ii, of th" (lifforcnt work.s. For cximpif, ‘Mio Fernando” from Donizetti’s •‘La Favoritn." a dif ficult and v;iric(l c-mposition was very vk'llfiilly executed, in a;; far o.s 'he artistic interpretation was concerned. However, one could not help but notice a slight pressure and shi'illnfss in .'omo of the top notes. Looking at the concert as 3 '.vholc, it was quite an accomplish ment. and Miss White has made no little success with Ihe American pub lic. In the years to come she will n-' doubt take her place among the greatest. Shortages of soap and other es t( nsive .stratification of can communitii\s along rncir.’ lines. The development i.s lont'-arv the prcfesscil .uri.s of the imnisIratKin that i.itroduccd tho '•.incept of gnvi rnmenlal responsi- h.lily in the field of housing, 'Wc ih.refore reeommentl the inehi- -I'ln of specific instruction.s to the adniinritration l:i see t'l it that all f'-.leial benefit.s and powers ai'Mlable under this .'id be ad- ii'iim;tered without regard to rare. > dor, religion fir national urigin.';. ‘ CDHYr BASIE TO HAKLEM •NEW YORK ~ Count B.iaic. lh« '.liiinp K ny "f .Swiiia." make; a ttiori'i'liaiit icllini to llarlnn l'» li. M forth New Year's week 'in Hi" M.tge of Itic 12'ilti Sheet Ap'»Ilo Tli'.ilir. .'iienniij Friday. DL'''«-m- lier ’-'B- The. rnaiks th" Count’' fir-t ai>pe;nainT n. Harhun .'iiicc he dc- liarleit f'lr On wesi roa; t las* •nirl tns fir;l j.linl on Ihe .'hii'e "t Frank Schiffman’s famnii:; "Ilous- of .liintp" in almn t a year’s time. B:i;i'' li:i:; just con'hiried one of the /iretacst cross-rotintry road I urs ii -ill inlisicnl history. Starting .ml ft If California early in Odolwr. h'-’ ft behind him a trail of brok- .llendancr reroids in leading tl ■ tors Olid b.illrooin.s from toai'- io-i ia-:l and rontiiiuDS on lour in definitely following his week or. the Apoilo stage. In h;.'; engagement at the .^pollo. the Count will be presenting his sen sational new vocal discovery. Ar.ii Moore, in her Harlem debut. Ann joined the Basie Ihond last June shortly after the start of-it.s read t'ur and has been winning plaudits for her refreshingly new song styl ings and her work on the Co.jfs latest Columbia d'sc elick. Jivin' Joe Jarkson. Despite rumors to the eonlrary. the Bn.sle band's famed "Man Who Sings Tho Blues.” Jimmy Ruslilng l.b'il) card.; will bo delivered hi K' m Now York by Ihi* yjlre&s aiiil Mi.v-; Millncr — .some thru th Nigro Avt....s’ Guild, .some thru ir.i- Giiud Hiarts, and olhvr.s thr;i Ward-: in hunpiial.s. Others will F' ;-nt til the Clinton In.stituticm in Uanni mma. New York. Then, while Swarz ia .'^t F -iii. (luring the h iliday.s a'.- ’.'iidirig th ' Zeta I’iii Bela B'lulo ..n.l v.'.ling wi’.b )i'r .si^t.r.s —' Pi'P. C’.iil, S.ii:i,.ind V'l'iaiiine —.shv fill, i i VI , I I I,,()() (.j,(H-r lu SlKit-m; at Himu r G. Phillips ^e-Fit.'l. .SI. .Mary'.s Infirmary, . n-i i‘ jple.; h.^it'iHal. l'’'.r pad 5 '»r more yi'ars l!;. actri-sS h.i.s given over 50,000 l....kl‘'ts — "Gems of Cheer for SFdt-ms.'’ and "Gems of Che.T I'H- JF. r. lived- ' iVrt'ma ip th. ::-in I'.-’KI I wi itten nfier aia. 1 ; p-iH tlir. i' nnmth.'s in St. , ^ , -...Hv',; ho'p.ia* i'..' a patient; and MMt of till (imiiii}.'- '•( a ■" "lip ol 'I,., ^1,.. boQklti for voice i.vpert-. who have ectrrmini'i | B I.q we:'' wrillL.; aft.-r n^'-t pi rt*'. 11, iivithi r p'-'.-md in 1938 and on;' uiinit '’I'P1 ;,(i,.o:| fi wowing the •las.-'ing oi Ecksliiu; ILis feet Viliralo, Says NEW VflUK Frmk Sin.itr.i inav he'iv.'ii as "Tbe Vni.-c." but * lu'iicef"! tb Ills : I'lij.i C'.uiilei'pa' ‘. ! /iiH'ini'. oac.'tr Hilly l.rl: Ui" . ii j l>" Ih!I''.-1 .!• “Tl." vil" .do " a a ' \ ib'^.ili) of . of the f popitl.ii I Ma-.-lr.. Ii'') 'll - I. - p>- • of III 'iiii-. on ",iiial!v •pri .S'ii.ili',1.' f.o'!' I'l If' idp'illv. Al- •i::: t H e i!'" iiu'i ly Tl o (to Is Wlio fJi-.-e i('li;ipti-i- in S.i\ ;mn.ih niadr* r.ilh (i-v" (i"l.■' b;i hi 10 iiiHe.'t loi' |dl} cope . of .'.ich 11 11,line to "Tl:.' Vii hralu’s j! • •'ki'"; and a.; w II a.s filling !'■ Ifr,-.' |•l|m',l die fill.s many from In t.'lki’i'Z I'l I."ii 'Ih' will i-i''*d- I'v .lilmit Hilt ('III I-'imii.s i‘. only . ''.-.v III in-i’K-'.' "itlu-i-.y leippy. p- ' ill. I- I ri-i ,ire .shu!-m. 'I-..! m ' a IV Iiangc gift; f.-. lur. Tl.-. lilt!'! to fTive ih.m i. ""iv...ill . I" . anil . !ie feel; ll-uf '.ri. tl Ib n,. all I • I1C1 — Il'-niy Schw.nrtz — a ft w monUis agr>, in July J I" b-' ex,1(1. Only recenUy n M: . Sw.1i/ wji.'; on .1 recital tin 11 th" nthliind. .1 Zeta In Wh. II eliaeg-..! Vibi.dor Cdin Bii.ltiv .|(iliiisoii Sj.’.s His "Wall. 'Em Klivlliin " Is ri"lilt'il I'i I h-iTi'ltr .n;*li 'bell; IIAFFH.II .l••btl •> « rd bn- .Liii". i.NU', till warmii' ;•'.i n-1 Ha* e • '.f Id;; ''Walk 'Fin I’li\' liin" ty I'-1 b'^.tlb.'' h.iM.'-- 11. a I. 1. dv lo M»iil.| ;if Hill' loll- It. i( fill' III 'nil'll V 1 bvlli II I'f tile .lo.ii.. II baii’l i e'pyi rah'.'il by him “I sp'nt !;i'V''r;il '’e.i '|. v.’lopin ; tlin: individual style and went I’i greal i'X|ieii:'i' m 'u doing" dei ed the yiniiii: C.iiolin.i Ave. ''I kimv. I 'i.ying |l.,-|i ill itafi II (■. III.' Ill'st ■ ) , .'re fo'i.i 'if fLiMi'iy bi.i i in in i.o .v.jv in- tcr'sl'fl in Ikiii'.' fLittcrr'l way." Buudv i.s i.robahfv tin' oiiF.' n.iHV' haiidle;idiT v ho hol.l: ;t p:itent on Hie ilidivu'ual rmi.' ityle of bis band, Ifealiz m- Ih.’* other b.iinLs miaul trv to r;i'h in on hi.' cr-i- ti»n. he hid Lt.lh tl.e name and t::e ha«ic form'd '.f "W.ilk ’Em nhythe” f op>. ighted fhii 'i-x hi.' »'1.. at the S'voy Bnl’n m i.i Ilarlcj la.'-t October. Th. 11:1 .e Slint-ins are for- . r.lle (lilt-, it . . . ( S"h :i t" ..f gif.- “Okay, go aliead and buy him another tram this year, lime le' HIM play with it"! Mrs. Koospm’Ii Praises Play "Slraiijie I'i iiil” jsential household articles which de-j is still with the band, and will 'oe ' wnri.s on Industrin! fats and oilp fe.atuied in his blues ’ pniiit to fat salvage as a inuntter | chanting put' duly of all huuicwives. ■ / j In adJiilop to hi: o*vn intniltabF NEW YDUK 'CNSi — Thonab ie..f' ''ng bei'.'.if no lltealre ciitir, ’ Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt judged Ihe play ••.Stramte Fruit' by her own ;ian(lards .-nid disc vi red it ruled liizbly. Ill h r '.yndi. atc'l column dated In inticr lllh. she says "I Im.-! bcrii t'lld Ihiit lb"' bo‘'k w:is better than Ibe play. That may be true, but lu-verthfle'* there are strong, n •-1- Tl"-; in th«- play, If will 00 a long time before I forget the ones betwre iiDr. Sans and 'Tom Harris, the kindly courageous Southerner who tried Siircess-fully lo stop th-’ '•ii’iini I' ‘the pla'I isn't pldisnnt drama but neilhev .arc life and .'ome conditions in our country," Mr ', R-osevrlt pays tribute to bc’oiiie June White who “plays her keyboard work, the Count will nl-o part with restraint and beauty.” spotlight such stell ir V .aces as a.xaph"i.i:;tb Illinois Jaeque T R. Bledsoe of Guilford Coiin- and Ruddy Tate, trumpeters Em- ’v on excellent foundation me!t Berry and Marry Edison, and herd of Horfords, Hi.s bull ue^ full trombonist i Dak.c Wullvs and Eli i"''ihtTof u bull that ^oUl £oc ^0.- Rubiiutoii. 090. ' ■' M-CzvA- OftlM MUNIlMMn ^ iir iTrrTitnmrrffi iir nwi imTiumrirmi n 111 iTiif ww

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