WFJ:K ICXniNG SATUFIDAY, PICCKMtiEI! 2’.l, HM5 TUt CAKULiiNlAN I’ACiK StVtN Steaks Are Back 'Again!! Having sacniicod j rccious roil points to got steaks and other meats for nearly four years, woiiun nil over the couiilrv enthusiastically hailed the recent Ol'A lilu iiilizati..n of meat rationing. Above, Doris MeWhirt, t.BS, dellbcTutes iH-furo buying a big, juicy Svcak ns her butohr-r cheerrully exhibits t hoiee cuts. Although steak.-i arc more plentiful, Mr. Butcher handl.-^ moat with care, placing it on waxed paper to assure ranitatiun, wrappioi; it us though his fair customer atiil paid precious points. I Aloii« The Wav piojucing 'Continued from piigo fuuri to his piisent state of .sujHii(»rily. A firm resolvo fju.secl divine discontent to a , in man u desiiu to have Ins state vt ry tmi.'.: a kin to that of ih lower animals. Today man occupies a p).>iti.n. undreamed of by rave men. becau.s • hr 'id not ;ieci pi liis priincv.'' life a.s the la.d mile in liumari a-’liieviinenl. .A.s a Jeteimined;: Work foi man, it wiil aUo woik lor change.s m your thinking and your life Suppo. e We jjonder sei iously :lib> matter of n ;.olutioii making that ha.s become a nc(..sary part of much thmkmg duiing tin; particular season. Should we make them bi'cause other.; do so at this lime? All- we displt.ired with ceitain action.s ol the pa-.l, to the extent, that We now lOsolve to amend oor W’ay.s? JJo Im things wo ivsi-Ive to petfo.m or not to pi.iform follow a line ot logical reasoning? Are the .jenetits to be di-riveri from the imvii- tion of our r.solution.-; going to .•^aU'.fy .soiiu- aclfish .niibtli-.n will mankind be imiiiea urably blc-s.a-d liy .such act . Tho.-e aie a few things wi- need to consider before wa- plunge headlong in this resolution making. What do you think about it? Those who do not make resolution.s shoul.l make some this New Year anJ strive to faithfully tarry them "Ut thereby making our terrestrial abode a place of eternal pe^ce ai.J goodwill. It ks within the power of man to obliterate forces whici harbor ill towards iiim or hi-, fellow creatures of the dust. Our world will become a betl r place in which to live, if we would make lesolutioius thul tain- into account tfie wellare of others a.s well a.s ourselvc.s. T.' our living in the World does not odd .spiritually and materially to its progress, our living here i.-; nil. Here are, in my frail juJgtnene. some worthwJiile resolutions— Resolved—That we will utilize all the forces at our coinman dto iinpruve the lot of those fortunate than ourselves; That we will not exploit tin weak (mental or physical) because of an advantOf'e we nave over them; Tliat we will case latial bxision, not by ignoimg tli.* • problomi l>ut by bem ; w.lling to face tiic isiue .-quarely jastaev IrmeitU out all men: That wc will give our scr-ice gratU sometime; that we shall be content to reo iv* foi some of oui‘ .service a reasonable not an cxoiintant fee. Can you carry this one out? That W“ will ni>t Ix'grud ,( t is living a little better II That we will our nowei—kiLeyiL lai'c because of an advantage ;.• jieve over them: That we will ease racit.1 too.sion, not by ignoring tin- •oblemi but by bcin; Willing to tin- issui- squarely ~ JalfSLA- la crat all men; That we will give our ser ice gratis sonietimi*; that we shall bi- content to reci iw fm some of our .se-rvici' a reasonable not an cxorbitarl fee. Can you carry lhi.s uii- out? That we will not Irogrudgi tu- progros.-t made by one who is living a little belter th.\ wc, etc.; That we will expri ss our limieous in power of evil raises its ugl.vW'ud; That W(- will ze-alou-sly adhc|- to In the leaching of ChrLsl, Lei’s resolve to .spread ^id good ch. White Trufk Driver Objects To Arrest By Negro Policeman KNOXVILLE, Tmn lANP) — A Negro pluieP officer encountered difficulty in ai resting a white race- baiting truck driver here last wecK uiiniig a iiiinoi Ir.itfic incident. The driver tisd blocked traffic for several block.s in f.iur direc tions by parking his luiclt. belong ing to the Lay Packing Cnmpiiny, in the* middle of Central Aveitun near Vine Street when the colortHl officer. Jot- tJiiess. or.icie{l him to move on. He replied that 'Tin nigger can make n.e do anything’’ and was immediately .-natched out uf iii; it lick anti felled by a lu.sty head blow. Scvtral white bystanueis at tempted to rush Officer Guess, but a laige number of Negroes appear ed on the .scene. One warned that ‘• you want n-.d trouble don't start anything here.” Tinublr was averted when Offic er .McMamuis, a white , ir.wered Cin-s’ help whistle Al- j Ihough >-iibdue i by the Negio pair. I- jni.iii ,ti.- lepiatfd die same remarks ' to AleM.nnis about ••can’t no nig- l,iT am St me. i white man." ' ''You find bettvr he thankful that jthis c.lined officer has you." '.he |wtii^c pnlicirnim replied, "for if I , had you in charge I would wl.ip yi.iir head. Law is law I'.ve in Knox- vdlt. I! inalltrs not whether it is leprt'.sentui liy a while or odoird officer ■■ The police jtidgc hackeii both t>f- lu'i'is l>v imp sine a Sin line on ll;.‘ tarr-hatini' liiick dr.vei. The dome-tic crop of lohnr- co is die laig'.l on iicoiii. or about r>u ndll.o:i pound inoie than Inst Data On Soybeans And Peanuts Available HAMPTON INSTITUTE. Va. — A reaily usable summary of the somewhat scattered literature on the milntivc value of s ybeuns and oikcry classes at Hampton, Dr. Longree’s booklet will be of {spiiial interest to home economics midpeu.mlsisboi„Bm..dei,vmlableL';'ST by ihb Hbrnpl,,,. Ipslllutc Press ib I "" Pf's'-'Otion „s emi F.s,nut..- writlen bv|'h' b. LobBree. protesbr --yu P™le.n corapered wilb tbe jack DAVIS 13, *HE \Ll/66/f>JO i.'OMTJWSi ... A/\fp i4,Vi.y ABE SEArW*r UMMBBCtFUUyATTEMPr TO lEABN wny f/E >nx£ TTtO POUCY EOSM ThE tV/Y... BREEZY . Ithe Tkjuple i&, aavme, rWAT I HAVE $0 MUCH ONMYMIMD/ir«- f (Ty-'TwftH I COULP, ffletp voi),6weN,^ SoybCwn: Dr. Karla l.ongreu. professor -s* j . . feeds end nelmien Hs.nptoni"" "''K- ‘'PS- f"? Protem. b,sbl„l,,.Th„L8-pasebeekU.t, which i'™'™ ""'I, P™'®"! »n'™l and w ill ce„„. eir 11,c press early in Jan- P';’’- P™«'ns: "-P cempesitlon el ear., alse remains noles en ,h» Imv 'md spruult-d soybean!: pr.pi.r reekery ef seybeans an,; i P'P'PPP'-; iwani,,.. as well as a «r.„.p of ,-asi- "'“'■"''■•'Pn bsorbl m acqinr- Iv pared i.eipes, by Dr, "S “ unders anaing of these Leiinree-s Indents in ekperiir.e,„al '‘P vege^ble pro- ^ein. A liibliogrnphy of the litera- 'tur? cited is also included in th.' ■ boiiklet. , Dr. Longree, who joined tliA staff 'f llarnpl >n Institute in IMI. is a ; native of Germany and lias been I 111 tiiis country since 1933. She oe- c.ii]ie an American citizen in 1939. ■ A graduate of the Real-Gymnasium in Cologre, she studied at the Uni- I versity of Berlin, where she receiv- ! cd the degree of Doctor of Agricul- i ture, and until 1933 she was engaged I in research on potatoes at the Reich.r Research Institute of Biology in Germany, Her thesis on potatoes was published in 1031 in the Bul- I'.’lin of he Reichs Research Insti tute of Biclogy at Berliti-Dahlem. Dr. Longree has studied and taught at Cornell University in Ithaca, N. Y., where she received ii Ph. D. degree in 1938 and where she worked and published papers on various phases of Home ^onomics, Plant Science, and Biology, besides continuing her potato research in the Department of Foud.s and Nutriiton nt CorneU's College of Home Eco nomics. After coming to Hampton Institute she became interested in honic-gruwn high-protein fu.,ds and undertook research on the problems connected w-ith their incorporation into the average diet which resulted in her newest publication, ‘•Soy beans and Peanuts.” Alpha Alpha chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority cf Greater Kansas City plans its year's program of activities ut its annual workshop. Instructors in cluded Alyce Monroe, center re gional director; Naomi R. Chccct, chairman of the national scholar ship board; and Beatrice E. Pen- num, national treasurer, at whose heme the sessions were held. (ANP Photo) SeabriMik Kd. IISO Pre- Jsenls l-ST(] ('.hdir^Jii "The issues today are the same 09 the Issues to years ego,” he said "Ba.sically they are a Job, food te cat and a place to live.” The labor movement, he said, is the Negro's greatest hope and ally Stressing that there is no "middle” class amtng Negroes, he urged full support of labor's struggle for full employment, a permaiient FEPC and a fair wage scale for all wurk (.m. Revels Cuyton, the guest of honot and CIO’s field representative, dis closed that more than LOOO.OOO steel workci-s are slalett to strike aftei the first of the year. He spoke o.' ttie activitie.s of GeiTad L. K. Smith, regarded as the nations' outstanding hate monger, and Edgar Brown, leader of Negro movement, on the west coast. One is heading an anti- Negro movement and the other i? spearheading an anti-white cam paign, he reported. MINISTERS ALLIANCES JOIN TO CELEBRATE EMANCIPA TION DAY INDIANAPOLIS (ANP) — The 83r anniversary of the Emancipation proclamation will be celebrated here jointly on Tuesday. January 1.- by the Interdenominational Min isterial alliance and the Baptist Ministerial alliance. The program will include ad dresses bv Chaplain Robert E. Skelton, veteran i.f World War I and 11. and Dr. J. T. Highbaugh, Sr., pastor of the Good Samaritan Baptist church here. A report of the recent labor survey, conducted by the churches represented by the two ministerial alliances, will be made in an effort to present a true picture of employment of Negroes here. ALABAMA APPROVES NEW MOLDING rOR NEGRO GOi.l-Fr.p Clerk of Superior Court F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney dormitory, expansion of home eco nomics and library facilities and I ttagea for several teachers, new domiciled in the old hospital build- Ing The Utter bu.Hing will be re- novated and restored to use as a hospital. Board members als nlani^A*^^ COUNTY central heating plant foi school. jetased, late of Wake County, jNorth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against th^ Having qualified as executor of the Estate of J. W. Holmes, de- LEGAL NOTICES IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE JUIJUS HAYWOOD VS. ODELL HAYWOOD The defendant, Odell Haywood, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, to obtain an ab solute divorce on the grounds o( two years separation as provided In tbe Statute of North Carolina, plaintifff and defendant having liv ed separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the Insti tution of this action, and that th? said defendant will further take no tice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina, In the Courthouse in Raleigh, on the Mth day of Janu ary, 1946, or within thirty days thereafter, and answer or demur U* the complaint of said acMon or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded >n said com plaint. This lOth day of December. 194.'). SARA ALLEN. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney Dee. 15. 22. 29-Jan. 5. Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign^ on or be fore the 26lh day of December, 1946, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Ail persor.a indebted to the Estate will please make immediate pa3rmant. This 26th day of Dccomber, 1945. Mechanics and Farmers Dank, Executor Dec. 29, JuD. 5. 12. 26. Feb. 2. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE THOMAS GREGORY VS. MARY WHITE GREGORY The defendant. Mary White Greg ory, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Wake Counlj, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation, as provided In the Statute of North Carolina, plaintifff and defendant having lived separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the istUution of this action, and that mid defendants will further take no tice that she is required to appear 3t the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County. North Carolina, in the Courthouse in Raleigh, on the Mth day of Janu ary, 1946. or within thirty days thereafter, and answer or demur to the complaint of said action, or ihe plaintifl will apply to the Court fur the relief demanded in said complaint. This 8th day of December. 1945. SARA ALLEN, Assistant ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as administrator of t..e Estate of Horace Bowser Lo gan, deceased, late of Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notli^ all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 115 1-2 East Horgett Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, on or before the 22nd day of December. 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persona indebted to the Estate will please make immediate payment. This 23nd day of December. 1945. F. J. CARNAGE. Administrator Dec. 38-Jan. 4. 11, 18. 25-Feb. 1. CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 EMt Lenior St DUl 30141 WE CARRY A YtlLL UNC OF BEAUTY and BABMB Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywhere KLAREX Beauty Products Co. IT30 FULTON 8TRXBT Brooklyn. (It), New Yerk DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash and Carry HI torneus ^^oiirse oi nu.utr | Skelton, veteran ot World War I nomics. After coming to Hampton II. and Dr. J, T. Highbaugh. pastor of the Good Samaritan JIM STEELE jAMN&LANJPEP INTMEeEti&IAN CONCjONEARTHE- WTTOHiaiAND POiiei/riEjiPfCN- E^AgPUOa^OF H.'^LENA BAKER., ^IRJWAX'D ‘^^(kvirMr ro LEAVE THE PLANE WHEN, ECWSW wrWi.V I'VE BEEN CRAMPED UP there fop The whole ■vou CAN'T LEAVE AN Ol HITCH-HIKER.NCMi!/" •LI6iTEN,PAL/iVH£.N ITCQMEE.TDEE«0- INETHECHICK-J.-'g 'COUNT ME IN£ ' MELVIN TAPLEYj iiM..L,f?AgiLiyANO JQ£ H1D& PLAN£;~| ANP VVHERt.TOHeO^^ '■* *^TK(^F00LC»'5eRVeiZ-THlNK4^ ,if J’ •>./ A rn Aiie. r/vuc IVXa/m Institute she became interested in home-grown high-protein fo^ds and undertook research on the problems connected with their incorporation into the average diet which resulted in her newest publication, "Soy- licaiis and Peanuts.” Seabruok Rd. IISO Pre sents FSTC Choir In Pre-Xmas Coneert Fayettevillr—The Seabrook Roid URO Club presented the Fayette ville State Teachers College choir assisted by Miss Lula Dixen and Mrs. Barbara Bush, under the di rection of Prof. G. Van Hoy Col lins. in a pre-Chrisimas concert, Sunday evening. Dccemcber 18th, B'OO p.m. in the club auditorium, at the college gymnasium. The program was impreislvelv rendered with a high spiritualistic note and included the followlna: choir, "Sky So Bright". Netherland Folk Song; '‘Angels We Have Nev er Heard on High”, old French car ol; "A Rejoice Ye Christmas, Loud ly”. carol from the caentata Dazwist Erchienen. Bach; solo, Miss Lula c ccL4vW2 tNcc-O ETAOIN HRDL Dixon. Aria from "Christmas Oro- lorls," Saint-Saen. Clioir, "We Praise Thee”. Slievdox and "Ave Maria” and "Hymn to the Trinity" (No. 3). Tschalkowsky. Female ensemble, ‘ Lo, How a Rose E’r Blooming". Praetorius. Piano solos—Mrs. Barbara Bush. "Prelude. Fugue and Allegro in Eb Major" and "Fantasia in C min or, Bach. Vocal solos—Geo. Van Hoy Col lins (accompanied by Curtis Mayo, organist. St. Augustine's College. Raleigh); "Ave Marla", Bath-Gou- nod and "The Almighty". Schubert Schola Cantorum, "Carve of the Bells—Ukranian Carol. M. Leonto- viche-Wilhousky". Sing Unto Qod" from the oratorio "Judas Macca beus, Handel; choir, "I'm Dreaming of 11 While Christmas Irvin Berlin; Merry. Merry Chrisemas ! 1 1 W. D. King is diretcor of Sea- brook Road USO Club and Miss P. L. Pendergrass, asistant-director. Dr. Yergan Tells Con gress Not To Fear “Red Baiters” CHICAGO i.\NP» — The Nation al Negro Congress must not fear ‘•Reel Baiters." if it is to effectively execute its miliant post-war pro gram. The appeal to sake off Red bait- ^ in fear came from Or. Max. Yergan, Congress president and noted auilr ority on African affairs, during an pddresB here Saturday at a reep- tion for members of the organiza tion's exeutive board at Parkway Community Center. In outlining the postwar program for the NNC, he traced its begin ning 10 years age to this city. Ne groes and their white allies came here during sub-zero weather to ' lanch a peoples movement where in the Negro people would be rep resented. Baptist church here. A report of the recent labor survey, conducted by the churches represented by the two ministerial alliances, will be made in an effort to present a true picture of employment of Negroes here. ALABAMA APPROVES NEW I UILDING vOR NEGRO COLLEGE HUNTSVILLE. Ala. (ANP) — The Alabama Board of Education proved last week the expenditure cf $50('.000 for new buildings at the Agricultural and Mechanical Insti tute for Negroes at Normal. After a visit to the school Wed- j ncsi'ay. members of tlie board ap-1 proved building a girls’ and boys’1 325 S. Bioodworth St. r WAKE SALVAO: CO. Caih and Cany SaS S. Moodworth St. r 515 W. Morgan Si. WAKE SALVAGE CO. We Buf ead Sell ef Velwe FimNITURE — 8TOYM REFRIOIBATOflS TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wikjl^ea SL Phone 8-2S27 J? I — Welcome In the New Year! Attend Raleigh’s Elaborate Most Bulesque Show New Year’s Eve - Dec. 31st Doors Open At 8 P. M. At The COIONADE COR. BLOUNT & CABARRUS STS. No Cover Charge NO MINORS ADMITTED Souvenirs