PAGE TWO THE OAKOLINIAN WEEK EN'DIXG SATURDAY. .TANIJAnY 5. Raleigh Personals Anmial Kpiphanv Ser vice \l Si. .\ii:ustiiie‘s BY “PETK” AVILDKR Mr. lulwiird Air.os. Oxford, .spent Srhoitl nnd Shaw University before ». I •• ihijs with his iiuiit and unci.-, graduating from N. C. U: J-* .»iul .Mis. Clii.ide Roger'.. .')};| (aiiuiiiiily known as "Gyp." |t : I.enoir Sln'el. lli- was accom- — -— Ijj.-.'oni by liis .sister, Miss Emma Mrs. Nettie Green, of Brooklyn. N. j.J. .11- An.os, als^o of Oxford. Mr V.. was the guest of Mr. anu Mrs. jr' find just returned fiom the !'• W. Robinson. Iil4 [):(vie St. ‘! III wh. If he- spent 27 months of a i.ioiitli army service. l\Ir. Carl Mcnonald, .Iiv, of Biook- • lyii, N. V-. vislid jtj K'liiiivt.' . ■ r'atiiiic Cro'SOTi f’ejuies spent during the holiday.;, He is the grai.'l • lioiiinii r.f her Christmii.s holidays sC’ii of Mrs. Snellings, anil the ] • ■ • li I iiarenls. .Mr. and Mit. San- nephv.v of Miss P'!or''..te Snelliivi!- • of .Smith Stieel. She was ar- ‘>f En;.t Uavie Strcid. /o.iid by her inece. Alda ainv. now of New Rothelle. .\ -Mr. Samuel Faucetle was .«c.ii ; t ill formerly of this city. on H.ngctt Street Monday. .Mr. I -—— Fauirtic i-v certainly at home near • li . Margie Kelly, forn eily of t'.is the .'ireade Building. H* now m ike- j' I Ty foi .1 few day.s vi.-iting in- l.oine in N’l'W York City . f ' Ini; now of .\'ew Voik City, wn- ’ •I;'I i-.iients, Mr.'.'. Carrie litck.' remains ill at j — .— . her home, 4jy Alston Stie-.t. I Cacsena D:iv.>on. formiiiy- • — • »f ihi: eily, but now woikiiig on Mr. Stanford Jonc.' -how.s signs |l ' ' niasU-is degrie at (.'oluinlha, of improvement a' hi.-; home, 4J.'> ir.ity. visited her mother. Mu, i Alston .Street. He suffeitil a stroke ♦v.- RAf-EIGH — The annual Epipha ny servict'. often refe red to the "Fi-ast of, Lights." wol be held in; the chapel of St. Augusline's Col- ' lege Sunday eveii.iig, January 3 at 7 o'clork The Kpiphany, which celebrates the mmifestjition of the infant Christ to the G^ntile^ in the pev- so: ■ of ih - Three Wise Mni. ha ; Lei n obseiveii in Ih:.-; ii'\ei.;t arn* , colorful service at St. .\ugustinc'.; for ni'-rc than forty y.. r . and sev eral other churche.-' in this seclioi; h.ive adopt d the Ftasi of Light- an appropriate wa. to nb?crvc the Flpiuhany, The service is : ich in lymbolism. .iHd th e fiavo an opporiunily to take an ae- tivo part in it. The date eoincide \vi;h that of "Ot (■hr>itm I7V WTRriTT \1K Mother HarrLs. Sarah Davis. fll.T' Rh du Delaney and a Mrs. Patter- SI0N4RV SOCIETY FETES Ei.DEIlI.VS OilERLIN .\EWS mono WUawson. Ill Sinilhficld Streo: I H*.- holJday.s. .Mr, -lo-eph Ki-aii ey. Jr., return- '■ to Brooklyn. V . Iasi we« k end abli- slay with hi.« recently. Mr. I.croy Jones, p. rhaps one ot the youngi'sl lical volunteers ever to enter the navy .s b.itk liotr.e .if- vi-ntufi'l si.iy. He i.- the nenl.--. Mr. aiul .Mi . .lo epli Koar-l-'on > f l^Ir, and Mrs. SCmford Jone;;. ) . of .'ittk South Haywood St. ill a.s w.lli lii-- si.-ler.-; aiid a j -Mi-.s II jiie Neali- Dawson, in i' 'leior at Miiiiioe High School, iiroe, spent the holit ay- with her'r, .Ml.-'. M, L. Da-.’.-ii>M here. '•Ir. and Mi';, AllHot D.irby spent » I w days in llie city during the j - 'ui.iy iiciind. .Mr. and Mis. Daihy , - ..ell known ill ih- younger -■•et i .Ur, Riehmond Wall. Rale.gli ri :• i ‘of. but now 'I member of lie '.';lh-Ion Higli .Sill ol faeiilty a'. V.’ In,II,-101 . the holiday.' with f f.Hilly at 77.i Fa: I Davie Sire. 1. I Al-ton .Street. Mr-. iUabi l Brewir. of N*i w Y'o: ic City, wa.; called to the city on ac count of 1,..- death of h'-r father, .Mr. Sam Harris. Mr and Mrs. Chnitice Fdinuml- ou. of Xi-.v Y'u'K f'jlv were gu sts of Mr. and Mrs. D il Ke. k. of Pettigiew Slriet. Mr liinutl !F-i' k-fl the s heen !• f to the ski! - f .Miss l.,iura Kiiinoncl.- wi.-e;' of d Rakigh version of Heaven Bound' and teacher of the W muTs Binlc cias.x of St. Paul Church. The -i leeiiou was ''ni by M . H II. Ldiiiondb', son of tiie diiccL>r of Ih' uioJiam. now -ti.iion.d v. .Ill lii-,* U. S .Army at Indiaiiti .vii Gap. P.i. ,-sp.i.dly fi-r tin.' oc.icsion. Arnuiig me music..! groups ap- pearnn; on the iii'.giam arc the fo:- kiwmg; The S( nor, V -ib BiLi: C -w The MMe Quar'e' e m- .MRS GLURLA L L \.-;.SITF:R RITCIlhl.I.'.VSn ER N I I' Tl \l, RALEIGH — 'ihe Mis-sionary So ciety of Manley Street Christian Church luld its Christmas dinner for the elderly members of th- |.church and the e-imimmily. w t th.' Dc^it'Gn Bon.l alto n- guests ' onor ill tlu church (..nning rooa Thursday Dect-ii her 27 at .'rlia o i.,, Rov. B. F' \l-'.on. niiiisir; Si. ! Ambrose Holme.-.-- C-Uircl. wa • ! gu:.vt speaker. i 1 he t.'ii-.-’,; ro m was especially fairanged for the affair. On either [ long tables, r.ich with a serv- I ing capacity -f iwei.iy ticrsoii -. udorned with imnacilulelv white linen table clutlu: fairly captivated the waiting guc-is. Water gla-sc.- wilh va ying n- . igns. crysi.d cli-a.'. .'c-l vvil'i Ih-- silver t-i id I .ii'.-f to the cnini- .iil.n.-, Cei.-l- . .'idle , '.111 ;!■ -.v r.s .jik! ev- •n ' /iiliincd to m.ike okl San-n ;(■. . I- a 'velcon.i' addition in a joy- ' '.(I. F.oin the kilehen, the dvnamo ;( th" -lUialion. the ;;!e..- • ' ,n-'iii,.i of ‘I ui'k'-v fonti ' i Mr. .nnd Mrs. Rozicr Singletary of Piiirocola. Klorifl.i visited relut.vo* '"iends in the city during the holidtiys. . o Morgan of E.'si Oran.;.'. Xi vv Je:-scy -jk'iiI the h' liday.. with li tid-- and r-lalives in the ci!y ilr. Morgan pcently receiv..d ; i -honorable oischarge fioin the army afier M i ving 2.1 in inlhs uveisei-s. Miss Alllie.-i Staid •> .i-id .Mr. .1 liiii Stanley of Wu.-hiiiglo'. 1), C. wen in th. city for Ih'- holiday.;. We wclcon'.o Gtoige w Flavj and .Spui-geo', H;,y-Jr. hack t. civvies. We w -h .Mls.s Mary Walker Tur i:er .riirh .';ieil in re'overing from her Olh-r V, ilors durir.:; the holidays wi-i-e Mr. ..nd .Mi.-. George Will ol B.-.l’imore. and Mr. William Wall , f Ni'W A’, ik City, .Mr. Ciiaries Brown of .fackson- v.lle, Fla., viiitid his family at 2217 VAiiidyke Avenu di.rinii the MR. LARKINS and iiigc.s the .support of the March of Dimes by every man. woman and child in Norlh Carolina. Founded In 1938 by the late Presi- dent Fr.inklin Delano Roo-scvell to “loud, direct and unify the fight against infantile paralysis.’ the Na tional Foundation is dedicated to the conquest of the disease. Its chap ters in nearly alt of the 3.070 coun ties in Ihe Ifnitcd States uph'ld a pledge to aid polio patients, re- t'ardless of ugc, tace, creed or color. This year the March of D;mes, January 14-31. he dedicated to the memory of the grejil war presiden’. Half of your contributions to Ihe March of Dimes remnins with your L'-cal chapter of the National Foiiii- da'ion to be used for .‘pecial equip ment, hospitaliTintibn. iransporoUon. and Ireatmert and care of polio pa- lients. The other half goes to the National F undation for research, education and emergency aid dur ing epidemics. J in the March of Dimes, January 14-31. "Fight infan tile paralysis." HE EMIORSES 1916 MARCH OK DIMES hohC.iy., RA’ "K: . i,.,.l that : G r-. 11.( .'!r. 1: A-l.- nm". t'tll at - I -M-'.s Calheiinc Trice of Washing- -on. D. f’. visited >rr. ami ,M,-.. Rnfii Trie* aiitl ii-l..'iv-s on S'-.- lid SiML-; for the holid.o • M' Bi. . ..-i tenor. Tc-iinry H 'i;;. , :'t . tenor. Huitj Edi.i-iic!.-, baritone: ircl G-.o. W Urn 11.-;. bass. Mrs. Lou Perrin will he the f.-a- tuieii soloi.-l of U.c «-v i.iiig Co- .-IXdi.-or.i.,. for llu' afi n. .1' the Sk-ii or Ch..r. the Chnistc-i.;, Meii’.- Bii.ln Cia.-.-. Mr. ilei..'> Kdriiondson isdirido:. Mr.-. C. J Woitl,..m '-igaiii.-i, iJov - 1’ P Dtirb.-iit, 1^1111,sti r. I A -ilvr offcin,. -.--il b: i Tin- public IS c-ord .11., invlti :. .A,. h. n . . sp-ii'kliiig whi!- Li EHWIS HEIGHTS IJV .MAY' f. RRdADir; uy ;,1.-. K. R. S-.-.i n. •'-1.,. - • linen lahli- ciiah si ghlly c Th ■ ah ir -- fi"f or.irri wilh -- "I-n rii.;. uhit- •' Hi ,i| . ■„( fern, .i,, u,,’ i-, '-■hil Ca'!n-dial C;i'id».-i hi:.ins lioin .;id'''idii..i i tf a'lli c .• to be .iti: a.tive \i t''i I II' r faihi ;. i o-ojii'i; . Harmoni/C;with M;. D- In.., fol ok'ck • ' suii. lil.K Kh- a-fiiin Hil- Master Set. Oi L Dark, son of M--. and Mi. . R. }>;,ik of 3 Lin- i- In T-ri.ici ii... ifceived an honor able (ii-(l,ar;,e fioiii the army. He V-..-. '.ii-e;i.- for 2K moMlf;. He " ^ ■ Il -‘^.c !y. X 'ilh Afrit-1, c'r lice, anil Clerii any. Ml. I’.irlin of i fhalhaoi Ti-r- had j. be,- g" N tlK Cirii n t.f Brook- RALEIGH -- Tile l!i4(3 March of Dime'-, iiatj'-n-wie .■ipjieal of lli.' .■’ F-'j;.inl.ition for Infantile Paralysis, J.inuary 14-31, has been endoised by R. Larkins, woil- kno'.vii CTii-ilt:inl on Negro Wo.'K ■It Hie N. C. Slate Board of Public Welfare. Hi- staleii'.i ;il commen.ib : the organi/i-d fight to polio-1 myi-l ti.'-, ‘ no nf the iiio.-t exjiensive • thsea-e-; kn iwn to ineiliral .scicnc". i more than k.fioil applications have I -o far Ix-i n fil d for the (wo sin 1-' HOME-COOKED FOODS And what a meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real home-cooked flavor. B & H CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. Iv t :;••(. Waller "Baby’ ('liav;s .-pent f • liolklay pi r od with hi.- wife am' I'li'iitr Ill'll'. Ill- is anticipatiiif an t.ol-/ ilisrliaii-.e. W‘- ho|M- f.-i bin ‘ in In aiiIici[jalioii. of .-.b. ... h, lall I-.. arrus .Stiict - Tit I*iofe-ion;.l l.i-kl it.- t hiistri as P.iiTy at Hie Aiead- lin I om Diciiiibei 2«, lyt.a. The :ooni w. lit et. .ihd v.iili I.. I '.!.i: and Ho-e-. A ai 2 ; :s .1 . tjniiit r wa.' servi-d wilh ice ' M.':. d finil c.ii.f f .r dessiit ■ "III I . : ve'l, tb'.- ('1 11. I't for !• all i: \ i C. 11,1 ilh ili'.ii'h -t.iiii'f w: • a Ill" . bij,«y ,J, bv, , il,.; tbiiiier S'• . h. iii|ii l .f^liiui l,(i-n «i la wli..i- III-.- bud- -.'.II! ibib;,' 'wlmli’tlioy I.: '.. .i,i, ,1 lil h.uli:, \S allr-i.'len l-- fl-i""'- Ldia.ii fi on Ol N ., to t!.o- I l.ik. n II,- lo-ii- 1 - !• ., M-lih'-il -l.-r of'',.,11, :i.i-h .111 r'Vii\-‘ L HI- V.- A'o ol - I'l r Ml -lair ’ Morran M.irhi-n a poitjoii ‘>f her Christinas vacate.n {11 N'-w ’Yolk City. Mr- Marche,..1 4 ca:hier-ck-i k f->r the R.ik-igh dis- Irirt o flhe N. C. Mutual Lifi In- toiaiue Company. I many fin ml . ■j 0 1 Ive;. of I . • The helpinr; Ibinii CInh gave a fi'i; Imas Parlv for its memln-rs $o(i friend .f Hn- Elk- Honn- Wt-d- I'.iy night, necemher 2C. Gamc.i. • O il' and a i-i tilar Christinas re- la t deli2;bn I all Ann iig those |ni-- {-III wcie: .Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Worth. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. D. Cluiv.J. Ilr, and .Mis, Riddick. Mesdames Mc- Vii., Farmer. Lillie Johnson. Jessie y. l.tiw.son, Eva Rob'-Tsoii; Messrs. J.,- W.^Hoilawa>, R. 11. Adams. V. • ^.e.iPb Fi*nL Irs. William ■ Club «... 1 loiiaw .y, p. ii. /\c«iiiiis. v ' l^.e.iPb Fi*nL ird Oakley: Mr. and Mrs. Willian riiylor, Mrs. Matic B. Wilder.; and Muzie Harris. The Clul 4ii-l l.isl Wceiic.-day night at tin V.,- J. I! "Sk ok'’ B"''.'.ion:' 1 ihe city last SutuJay t'. i nn e will k at Hu I'l r.'Oii f’ouiity Tra .1., ;i'-hool. Ml.-. Lula P" , l.’kd East .loiie? Sin ft. v. a-: c ill-d t'l Win linrdoii, I) last Wi I'k III lit . atti-od Hu: of her -onii.-lav.. Mr. Ro- bfiT Mason. Mr.s. Mason wa-- form- •ily .Mi.-s i.'iui.i' pai- of inis lily. )iUit4y^of Mrs. Ma .loiifs Sslid't, , !•*«-.dent; Mrs. Minnie L. Partin. ei-M-iary. Mr, and Mrs. W. 11 Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worth of F2 Jones Strec-l, motored to Durham during the holiday span to visit Mi. and Mrs. John Payne. Mr. Payne, an insurance broker, has been li-t- • ,1 w.-.-h'fill* diVi.-,*. * ^ Mr. Edward Williams and Mr. .Millard Hall of Port'inouHi. Va., -pent a few day;i in the city tliii RIddiek. East vvcc-k. At prc.scnl they arc em- - i- .S. Hicks j tin. Norfolk Navy Yaid. .1 nib'.'i • r, .Mi». t il- •Apex Ri V. S F. Dal. y. |.. and cinii-iiHy,. Univi-r itj. .Madi.-oii, N .1, 1 ■iiii.i-d ;o Hu- Ji I ey M bo .I lb-> WI' k ..f ei -peiiiiiK Hie Cl.ii.tiiia peiiml With Ins iMii.-thioni 1. and bis faiii'ly. Hi.- I.iinily lesiv.- at U44 East Hargett .41. Mr. Paul Kely of New York City, visiti'd Mrs. Sophia McCoy, 312 Fi monl Sil l el. tin- i-i i.i 'er , ' I. , , I I I'l.ii • .|. -I I-, I .I.,,.' t|||. eel c-• in-(fi.d.i m peif' •ii,-, -.•.i-i. . I rrI'l >. ..Il. M: I. .-: ;m I. ft f.,i w .ll■'l-fui •»i a..iii/.iL..i'. to ll.e cim- (jiet 11x1,0.0 wheie Hu y .vill m.ikc , r;unity wbi h had lueii Ih r. ■ 1,1- ■hi-n tmine. ei.-o.|l|i .ltd I _TI.-' t'l-ide till- d,.n-ddi r of Mr i unit. I N. Ihei, .Milflii-ll a lei of Mi.-- 'I'lte Woiiiin’: Mi -lo"'. • 1- i lu ; l.l-ibel.r- Hil'-iietl :oi'' -.1 ■ . D, Jl. of l|;e veiy .11 I o| 1." M-c... .SUe I i,f .Sin.'.c ' t hull il . .Ainin,i B. om; . j Lh.iver dy, -kMUint. Mr . Lilli.- L IJ-li.i -i i j _.Mi.,La I !• r i 1 \.'.-ran of W01 Id t y; MiB n.. li- 't i- li.-.i - (Uu’i I! iiv.J f..r Hir. e, liter. The I-a Hir plia-e" in tin 1). ,, i.iCMihcrMf Hie work wa.- Mi . '• II:. (’■. 1 I'’' Beni FialeniLy h;in She wa.s ably :is-:i'.:i d ..v ■.out 1 -eiia ml.-, .\, and T. Col- Mom'S. Ros;i Fikcs. Laiir.i Mooie. leg.' Ill I .ii-picte Ins .. nior year of Mary Williams and Mamc Tayioi Mtud.e;;. iMrs'. LiHie Blalock servei; .is li(';i'l .of ths i.'.ble C..mmillee .Woiking I with Mrs. Blalock, were Hie follow- Nina M .\llhr:n ■! ■I Sn.iih lM,o,i -i'k .M.d et.ntincil I'l her b'.rr.i-. H.r n.iny ],lavm.di V. e II fill' lii-r ;i i|uj k H'i'o-.-i ly. Ml'. Dixon . j m Snnlh 1 ../.I .,ml .Mastei 'l.ilty w;,> niii t' - ei' . fn. Hie '*'e, k eiltl Mr. .S inuel H.iiu . Jr. b:„ 1. I'lii'') J.c.nn alli.i -penil.ii", 1b ' i.iiih.v- In b • p.f i.t , '.|. M; S,,iniKl ll.iiii . Si. of Poits- n.i'iiti-. Virginia 1 .Ml . Calbe Sanders of 4 Dire i Terr.lie h.j- hi eii ill and ciiiif.iieil t.' her h'.liii for .siv-’r;il dayr, 1 .M; -. Bin Peterson of 24 Ln- [• dll ’ vv.i rn.lie'l to .San.t ! \''iie Ho ,iii..t Tile d.,.'- ni".!.!. lb r I'-.iiy fiie.-k w.-li f-.r III 1 a o'lick Mr Di'i : I Dixon Bertie Jane McCoy. 312 F'reem;ni SAropi. is eonfjited to ber home by ilhiesss, vVe wL«:h for her a rapid ii'covery. . M and Mrs. C, C. Spaulding. Jr.. Mi.s. Henry Bolden. (»13 E. Cabar rus Slriei. vv.shi-s to thank all irer- .-ons who lielpitl n.ake tlu-ir Chiis!- inas cheer so full. Mr. Huoy Bald win was confined to the hospital jit Hii- .liDie. and i- at lIv ii;c n l. >)l J U.Sly |{l*C|l)OS Wllil Mrs. Eugenia Joi 4-1 n rDfx‘on.'.\1i'L Cora .1 fV:iniits iBr.wei. Jones, Mrs. t him .Imp".. Mr.:. Pi-arl tll'l JO- I An-.i". i.r N •..• Yoik C ly. a j ii.i; Ihiir nioliier, .Mr- : Sinilli 1*1.1/-*. Pvt. Willie Umphrey. Jr., ha:: III I II honorably discharged from the army. He served in the armid foiCiS for 33 month.-'. 21 of which he sjK-iit i.versi-as in Engh.'.il. Gi 1- many and France. He i.s Hie son ni Mrs. Lillie Umphrey of Ifi Chavi.4 Way. TIIE MENU II.AMI'TO.N' INSTITU'I'K VA _ , T"'“'>■■ »«-"» n'“, x.,ci„ , . ditxl yam.s. cranberry sauee. nee. I r ./. . Krtfiis, corn br.„,l. I,.,I r„ll... mill-.'. 'Si A.r...i.i: ...oa, dllindinc wire .hr v.hitj, l„„ just „v- IHAVEV SAYS "Nil BISCKIMIN- ATION ” ON VET HOI SIN(i ALBANY. N. Y. iCNS) Governor Thoma.s E. Dewey has come out with the order “no discrimination" for the Stale's veteran shelter pro- ieet« wh ch are being dc-velopid ... mmwnvMmwwwwrwir’ jizsasasaszbasasitsasasaszszszsaii I'ayno’s and Sccri-larial ScIumiI MRS. S. J. PAYNE. Manager Member of the National Business Association DOVE Acerediled By: The North Carolina Slate Board of Education .MISICCOMIVAYY Complete Business Course AKTHI'K DOVE, Trup. # Shorthand Aiitonialir • Typing • Calculator • Bok-kt-eping Plimiop;ra|)lis 9 Sttncityping • (if-ncral Ofice Procpcliire • Miirx-ographing i.iiil III Ijlk'd nil ('niiiini. :'iin • Compti'mvtry • .Spi'cialized Ci)ur.';cs Bi. • T-'v**nin»» Classes SM.IT T PECOKns Notary Public tint sprciAi.TY’ Public Stenography Dial ;5-2744 WriU' For Full Informalion DUl 8950 I2U E. fAIlARttPS ST. 416 BLOODWORTH ST. Raleigh, N. C. ( Ir. and .Mi.s. itiddieK. Mi-siiamc-s .vn * ’oy E'.irmer. I.illie Johnson. Jessie \' Eva Roberson; Me.ssr.s. Ja.i. W.^Hollaw:*i. B. H. Adams. V, .•..Hi Fi'«ink-f>Miki»Mhj'Hl Ifn.r- Gakley: Mr. anil Mrs. William .'aylor. Mr-. Malic B. M'ilder. Misses .i.-loi.'i- and Mazie Harris, The Chib j.i-l l.i.-i Wienesday iiittht at Hu- hmy^of Mis. Marie R.ildick. East .l.'iu-p Slicel. Miss Mamie S. Hicks I wtiesidenl; Mi . Minnie L. Paitiii. iceielary. June.; Street, inolorcii 10 during the holiday span to visit Mr. and .Mrs, John Payne. Mr. Payne, an in-surance broker, has been hst- r. vdh the''.b»1t':i'. • / Mr. F2dwaid Williams and Mr. Millard Hall of Pmt: mouth. Va.. rpiiil a few ibiys in the eity thi' week. At pre.-tnl they are ein- jiloyees :it the Norfolk Navy Yaid. Bi-rt^ Jane .Mtf2oy. 312 Fieeman is confined to l.or home ’ y Illness.-. Wi- wish for her a rapid recovery. Mr. Willie Liiwreiicc. formei' d- leetor of edtic.'itional aclivilies for Ihe Adult Blind lu re, spent a p'.i- lion Ilf hi- holidays in the city at the lu^iii- of Mrs. Di ha Mach, 1(22 F, Marljii Stitel. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sp iuldiir;. Jr., of Dirham, visited Mrs. Sp;ni!ding’s mother, Mrs. Maude Bass, and un cle and aunt. Dr. ami Mrs. R'. S Vass, South Pci .-on Sti et, hi re. Mr, aiiii Mrs, Jiiliti'; Carr fif Mor- J'.lk, \^a.. spent the Chii.-tmas here with Mrs. Deliah Mack. Mis. Cair ..It:, fiimeily .Mliii Daisy .M:ick. Among those attending the Cot- i ton-Tob:icco Bowl foolbiill garni' in I Greensboro. New Y’cai •: D.iv wc-c the following; Mesrs. L. T. Lig.htner, Fnitoi' I.iiw-. (Janet Laws. James Cooper, and J. B. Allen. Ki I mont ^11 el. V 1 w lib ! i Ing: Blalock, were Hie f •)l Jusly KcCIIX'.S Mrs. Eugenia Jones, Airs. "I ■ r» V'Dfl^oi..’Mi*. I’oni .loni". Vi '. yiM'iins, IVaniits j Brewer. .Soylw • j be spent ovi-r.-eas ni Em-l.'-.d. G . - (many and France. He i.s liie son m'.^* 11 Mrs. Lillie Umphrev of Ifi Chavi.s' •1 Way. Mi'.s'. Henry Bolilen, til3 FI. (';il);ii'- riis Sltcet, V. si: ;; to Hiank ail pC'- .sons who In-lpeil make linn' Ctuis:- ma - cheer so full. .Mr. Huoy Bald win was t nfined to the lio-;pi(al at Hie lime .uid is at the pic.-enl. TIIE MENU IIAMI'TON iNS-,n'I.TK, VA. ■ ,l„. .-voryd.iy incs'eiiteii in t. e new book- mru’LV SAYS “mj ni.scitiMiN. lATIDN" ON VI’.T HOI SING dill : , , . Anaing those attending were the let on m'lH.ilant sourc's of .M.-caim-s Loev Biirwi-ll, 'el.,!il«' pioti- n whieii li:i.- Miss Ida Jones, dtiuglher of Mr aiul iMi'S. .Sl.iiiford June-, 42.'! Alston Sill el. r.lulled to Thoir.iismi Insti tute. I.iimborton, to resume her woil; after a ino.>l enjoyable Chri.-t- iilas. I I'vl. Lormie P. Byarm and Car! ' S. Evans were guests of their aunt. IMrs. F. I). Wa'liington on Sou'.h : Person Street. I’vt. Byarm is sl.i- I Hoiieil at Davis M.inthan F.eid. Tue-un. Aiiz. Mr. FIvans i- a student ,.f A. and T. College. Grten.-boro. .^^r. .-iiiil Mis. F'rcii Dunston of Nl ;\* Y'oik Ci'y, were Hii' (’lirislmas - lie I-, i.f Mrs. Paiihne Cbavi.. of M.ile .Sliecl. Mr. Luimie Chavis', n w of New Y'mk City, and son, Mr. Eliot Chavi.s : p lit Hie ('III -Inias with bi.s wife .'•id p oH.i-r, I'lspeclively. Mr. Eliot Cliavbi was :iii outstanding fuotb.ill ))l;iyir boili at Washington High The musical units > f Sirnt P; .AMFJ Chureh, uiidc'r the abli- di rection of Ml'. H luy Fldmonds. wi'h Mi'.s'. C. J. Wortham at the eoiisok. are offeiing to the puolic. its (hiiu of a .serilcs of musical program'. Sunday, .lamiary C. ai 4:3U P. M at the church. This prograr.r hai been calk'd "A Music:il Reaoin;-." 'J'lie dramatic ri'c-it;!! -»f lh«; num ber "Y'csteiduy, Today and To- Mi- Fl'.'fincc Brawn I \'in;'. fo.- nicily of this city Lut now a eic-t siiuci* eiiiployeo in Wasliinlg n. D spent the Christmas holidiiv.- wiiii liir parents. Mr. and Mis. C- G. living, Eouhl East Sheet. Mr P. H Williams . buck in town :ifler a whirlwind trip to New York City -Mi. Williarns 1 head l o.ich at ti.e Washinglon Hi'di Sihocol. been piibli.-hed by H Milule 1*1 . ss. Till- h'lol len by Di-. Ka i.i Lou- of fiMjil iiiiii .luh'iti .1 Instilub-. Spii c- i ■,■|'•|e|•ll■e ly, mai...-oiiii-. .m ottn hot I ho: olate .11 di'licatie.' ni the .'il i Eliziibetii Driver, Maegic Alsi *; Hallo Stokc.s and V*idi All i ' ‘.''f')’*,'”' Miss...; Gt raldiiie .1 ne-, Ida P ■ ’-' l’‘"fesn>r ;,nJ Bui'di He Yo' k; M«‘- :.l Han r-'on Frank Bl.ilock. B. K A!, t«m. In In;.. , I Bint, Roo-evcil McDiifr'i', 1!.• . apple Be.-Ch ek Jonc.-, Alf. Bi. i T-ucius Menler ..u.l uiiov .l.nn {Dinners wire sent tli.' f-dlo I Thomas E. Dewey has come out j with the order “11.• discrimination " j for Ihe State’s veteran .«.heltcr pro- I il "ts wh’ch are hemg develop d .. I Manhattan Reach. Brooklyn. :iiu 'Sbiien Island. ’I’iir,.ii!.!t Ihe-.e .1.. I • Illy 7(10 luiil.s a'-.iiliild-’ at Hie Sl.i- I-1.1 l-'Iaud, fi'Mt at;;.t..ii Beaeh, IblNClMtN I'ookics. .ind; di'' >‘Cta0fiW'*O.Oi.OKf0rO(a)acU5;OO.O*; THE NEW sli:f'‘ii:.s of exp. Mr Eu'-ieiie fl'.thrall irUirnci l cic'VC'i- Momlay night after mor. than I'liee yi;ii'.'' of am.y life. Hoi mairied aiil noxe iitaumi' In-; lu'in ill 422 .Montiigui Street.. Mr. Jo-eph Wildei- iiUkf a tm iiies.s trip 1. T'2id .,, .mil De Iroit. Mich ; ,111 l ist we.-k w.Tc teste mentril coni cia so,: .-it Hnm|i',oii In-timte. Vhcr.’ are i'l o loeipe. for bi-ciiil-'.'. miiffii "irt 1:1 suli: I ilutc" (ii.-hr-. •‘alad;'. s >i.'p''. -iiid eninl.illations of sov or juaiiiit inoducl- witli oltu-r fool-. F'.u ’ : o;. tin- mtlriiivi- vtilur of ybi :.i ;iie i' llml il ''c b'«>k- k-t. .-. Iiii-h al .1 prc.--. ' -..itfs .0.1 till- pielilitn- of ne-.- " 10 lb ill "'> lib J mid belpftil liio'.s crip -. which Hannah Meiril. Wiibe B. Williams, Li/.rie R'.;.. Mary Step, cnsoii, Alolly Bio-.-n. .Mn , Ihii'h'.s. Mait'ia Strickland and fricnd.-?, Pab-y Milchintr, FJ'za La • I Mr Hovva-d F. Sii.nli ichiriiivl I ;« \v t'.' ju-l h'-foii Xi. .. lie i flour. Start the NeM By TED SHEARER rree» Aelioii SPENCER It wili fliyt' you uii li1 .■ 1 in lift — fn>li i-iH'rjfy — liijilier iiior.-b Mrs. Mmiili-Z. Smilli 50c Sold On Money Back Guarantee CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 V/. Morgan 51. Royal * Friday nnd Saturday Joiiti I, -k I' - In "GORILLA MAN" —AIsi)- •THr BRONZE BUCFCAROO -vilh • An A,li Colored Cast Sunday and Monday SiuiM-t C;u.-.n -- Jn "SHERIFF OF CIMARRON" Tuesdny and Wednesday Ki’im.nd Ld'/.. In "DILLINGFR" Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double Feature—. O.OCBWSaWO 0iOOiXHiOOOC«MWWC» — Now l*h IN n'u- On Kvcrv Man’s l.ips ! •K IS S A M) T1; 1,1," JEROME COUKTLANi) Shirley Temple ARFi, WALTER ''iin. ■ M(hi, - Tii(‘. When Their Eyes Meet Your Pulse Skips A Beat! Charles I.auren Boyer • Bacail Distributed Exclusively By ON SALE AT I.OCAI DItl (J STORES Th ’ WH.OhK. IHstrlbiitor In ralri)>li Loiil'iilriitial A«(-iil” \ti(‘il - riiiir - Eri - Sal . Yliraclr of A Musical! VYilli l.uuglis. I.uv'c and i.ovriies! Panny Kaye i:^^a;0Af0ER MAN In TecHncolor VIRGINIA MAYO VERA-ELLEN DOXAIO WOODS • S 2 SMIALL _ and The Goldwyn Girls — Some crust — after three ^ my apple pie — I!” Hodges’ Beauty Supply Co. 1526/Church St. Norfolk. Va. CHII DREN Under 12 St: Ambassador ALL SEATS 21c Plus Tax SUN.-MON.-TUES. JAN. C-7 fi ‘ANCHORS AWEIGH !'IL-\,\K .SI.N.'VI |;,\ — KATIllIVN flliAVSON r;i':Ni': With—josF. rruRBi '‘SW'irZF.Rl.AND” Cnrtaon METROTONE NEWS mmm \ I WEDNE.'^OAY • THURSDAY JAN. 9 and 10 I.ON CIIANKV “THE FROZEN GHOST Willi—Kvrlyii .'Viiknrs. Vordutio. Tala Biroll •Marlin Ku.slri lc, UmiKla.s.s l)imil>i'il!*, .Milliiirn Slone “Mouse and the Pirates” Cartoon News March .if Time “What To Da Wilh Germany” Episode 2 of “Captain Americn” I I FRI. and SAT. (Double Feature) Jan. 11 and 12 O ^99 ‘Beyond the Pecos’ ROD C.A.MFRON Willi—I'tiz'/.y KniKlil. I-Mdio f>rcw, .leiiniftM’ Holt, •lack ni’-fl I'uy V\ liilii;y and llis Ilar-(i Cowbojs ‘Thank Your Lucky Stars’ .^AKAM. — HATTIE McDANlLX SFIKK .IONI'>? and His City Slickers Jlumi)lir(*.v Hiij'ari. F.ddio Cantor, B(*tU* Davis, Olivia del(a\'il!and, Errol I'^lynn, .fohn Gai’field, Joan I^oslie, Ida Liipino, Dcnni." .Morgan, Ann Sheridan, Dinah Shoit* and Alexis Smith “MASTER KEY” Chapter 3 i I •jasssssasasesasHsasEsasasESZSZ.®* *Mmmm»mumm»mm ’^asasasasaszszszszszsaszszszsz'^ A' i .1