WEEK ENDING SATLKDAV. .lANUARY 5. 1945 THE CAROLINIAN PAGE FIVE Negro Boxers Rated In Four Divisions Behind The Play In Sports BT DON I)E LEIGIIBUK BEAM THE GON BY ALVIN MOSLS Collier's Ail-Amerioa Writer Honors Buddy Young BILLY FOX WI\S THIKTY-SIXTH K. 0. BASEBALL TOUCHED OFF FIREWORKS GI SAYS JACKIF. ROBINSON DOESN’T HAVE TO PLAY TO SATISFY HIS RACE NEW YORK -- Frotii what I can gather, our boys who arc sweating it out in Army of Occupation UmU overseas are trying to forget their plight by taking an active interest in things athletic on the himo fr.mt which they read about in the few papers that get to them and also in letters from friends and relatives. These boys who are condemned to the loss of months aitd even years out of their lives through no fault of iheir own. *’iit circumstances which they cculd not escape, ha.’c a burning interest in the long but successful fight to break down or ganized baseball’s 70-yearold color ban against Negroes. A h tter to this column is a case in point. The writ er. T. Sgt. Mitchell Goss of Camp Pittsburgh, somowherc in Franco, became the spokesman for his group on an argument ever Jackie Robin son’s coming affiliations v ith the [ntcrnatinnni League Montreal Roy als of the Brooklyn Do .ger Farm system. T. Sgt. Goss jumps on Ludlow Wemer. managing editor of the New York Age, for a cemment Go.s.s says Werner made in the Sporting News of St. Louis. Base ball’s Bible, last November I didn’t .see the article and admit thi.s is the first time I have heard of it. If it wn.s in the Sporting New.s. I’ll gel a copy of it from the J G Spink outfit, but meanwhile. T Sgt. Goss’ findings make giod reading and also bring up a point of view un usual in sports discusions. "Dear Don DoLeighbur." writc.s the sergeant. "Ir. summing up ih- different excerpts concerning Jackie Robinson tii the Spdrting News, the fellows in this locale think Mr. Werner of the New X'ork .Age took too much (or granted in his article in the Sprrting News issue Nov. 1. 1945. He did not by any means rep resent the f. llowing in the ETO in his 15.000.000 Negroes. They feel and think differently about the ma’- ter. We could not let him get away with that. Mr. Werner's unjust comment rela tive to Jack Robinson's athle’ie ability to please his race in 154 baes- ball games a year not only strikes me as something hypothetical, com ing from him. but exemplifies that he is not cognizant of the intellec tual progress of the Negro in the Sporting World, “I nm afraid that he jumped the gun when he said 15,000.000 Negroes I Would expect Robinson to perform adeptly every day and if not. he woud incur the displeasure of all out a diiu't, admit, Mr. Werner, that this is an opixirtunity. “In conclusion, you may be ac curate it) yuur ciiumrraion of the population of the Negro race in the U. S. as 1.5,000.000. but your con ception of the intell-.'ctual ability in an athletic sense of these 1.5.000.- (jOO Negrnc.s seen - favilty. and your asseitiun that 15.000.000 will expcet Jack Robinson to be a .superman is snafu, to say the least.” V— Y. Boxing Writers Praise Lnii.s, Monty. And Williams New York (ANP) — Nothing in the .sport.s field iooi ed larger than Branch Rickey .s singing ^*1 Jackie Robinson to report next Marcli to the Montreal club’s training site. The century old his tory of organized baseball had sien Negro Americans complclclv l iined from playing in tho.s ' charmed circle.^. Robin.son. 2t)- ycar old five letter man in sports v. hilc at UCLA, is .• nativ. of Pa«- acli na, Calif, During the late 1!>45 sia.son he batted at a .340 pat.- i:>r the crack Kansas City Mon- same club that lists the fa‘j- uious Leroy (Satchel) Paig as a player. Washington {ANP) — Al though Collier's magasine coterie of coaches f tiled to pick a colored football play- ei on .this, the first All-Amer ican football team selected by a group of coa^'hes, Hay Mor rison paid high tribute to Buddy Young. In speaking of G'een Davis, the Army speedster, Morrison wrote: “With the poosiblo ex ception of Buddy Young of Illinois. Davis is the fastest man in a fcotball uniform of the last decade .ind perhaps of nil time.' Which makes Bu Idy THE factest. PHM.ADELPHIA. P.» iCNS> — 19-year old Billy Fox, scn.sationl ki)>.i..vcul man. s.ored hi' 36th K. O. cn George Kochran. vetc.an light heavyweight of Akron. O. Weighing 170 pounds, young Fox. yet a bit awkward, won in the sixth heat. Critics were stunned by his power but were wondering ’now he would do under stiffer competition. ; and Dolly King placing their heads off. Joe Yancey’s Pioneer Athletic club since the great days of S*. Christopher and Salem Cn.scenls r.iarly 25 yeai-s ago .... ILn- landc (kid brother of Dolly) King, end Elmore CoIMns. are c. nlcr and forward rc.spcctiwly on Clair. Bcc’.s current Long Island univ’ . sity baskc.ball t.am . . , Big Hank DcZonii- and pilici':nan (my cx- biother in law) Puggy Bell w.rc playing grand ball with the Ren.s ‘ho N«' Ring Magazine Places Negroes As Top Sluggers Now York (ANP) — Negro bcxcrs came in for lop hnnors in the 1945 ratings iiy King Magu- magazini' Chalky Wi ight was giv- '.hat ” zinc, nationally known huxei ; publication, in four divi.sions. a.s the N«-w Year bells lang oui is honorary chairwoman. wroL* fuollw;! hi.slory the afternoon of Nov. 22- (Thank-sgiving day) -il New Y'ork's Polo giounds o.-forc l.),826 widely cheering :ans. NEW YORK CNSi~Fortho 'irsi t! .ic since Pearl Harbor. N«‘w X’ork Boxing Writer gave their choice for champi"n.s and contend- ■ i--. in fill’ (I'tic '.orld. Coutcndcr.s named for L.uls’ Heavyweight crown include it) Billy Conn, of course. '2' Jimmy B'vins i3i Tami Mauriello. Light heavyweight Ar- :hie Moore '.vn> :o()l«-d .is No. 1 contender to Champic Gus Lesno- ivh V. h!le Lloyd Mar.shall and Freddie Miller a.s second and thir'i places. Ray Robin.son was named a.' I'ljpcal upseter to F.eddie Coc*i- nine. As Lightweight Kin.;. Bob Mont gomery faces three challenge' li Ik>' Willi.irr.s. '2- Bon Jack. '3i •Aiei Stolz. Curiously enough. W 1- lie Joyce wasn’t mentioaed in this line ip. Joyc has campaigned more tlian any uher top-notcher, and f. light with everybody coast 'o .icia He \xa.snt' lucky enuogh to win them all but he didn’t lose all of them either. Out of 15 main bouts. Joyce lost four and half of these were disputed Ream.-: h.ave been written about this pcr.-ionabie. intelligimt. clean lUt youngster who is built like a ccncrc.c wall especially along the shoulder line. Mil’-oa.'; of white and colored bail ans ar-' I ullmg lor ’ gentleman Jackh to cra.sh big time Oa.scball. We ”1 the progressive Negro press w’n.i have evt rla.-itingiy r.iugnt such i;.'iies. won a tl;.-;ti:ict victory for ( iiiselve.s in thij, connection b;- lori ’45.rolled away Joe Bostic, local newsman, nad a .stake in :hLs victory and no credit should bi- withheld Irom him as has bFcn ■ ht case in some quariei.s. On the broad shoulder.s of youn.g Jockic Robinson rests a rv.sponai- bihty m 1946 - qual to tlic world carrying chores of A'.la.s and pas-i- ': iiv — Hprculo,s. uliitc playei.- of the nation. \V\uld that I could nave covered f ny of the gam: .s ih-a groat Claude (Buddy) Young appeared in. A r. ember of th.e Fleet Citv Nava! term, undefeated the past grid s. r.son, the IllinoU satellite who t:ed Red Grange’s record in 1944 it.'cd up to the title of the faste.'t tiling in moleskins. -V- Plan Training Center For Domestie Workers Atlanta (ANP) — A training - liter for domestic workers vvii; b ■ opened here within a few 1 n nths, according to an announca- ni. nt la.st week by Mrs. Ruby Blackburn, one of the 200 spon ' i> of the project. The center, planned to be hous ed in a 12-story building, will reach approximately 15 classifi cations ol workers in the lower wage brackets, including yar.d men. mairl.s. cooks and laundress es. A full-time laundry will bi ciicted, a .small curb maik t opened, “with a stall for the old may have nothing but a fev LOUIS RL TURNED UNCHANGED Finished with overseas assign- T icnts that made life more endu.- a’ole for hospitalized warriors ol tno United Nation-s, vorld’s heavy- w eight boxing champion. Joe I>ou- i-. wa.s discharged with befitting honors. Come June, 1946. and the mao ith th e ’‘atomic punch” in hh: . other mittcn.s will agai’ fact liiliy (The Kid) Conn, th; • "no- .-smilmg-Iribliman’’ aice th> . larting gong clangs. I feel a.s I have .said all year. Louis will .stop Conn because ih- Pittsburgher will commit the same mental errors he did in thi ii ' i.^t me-ting. Going into Ihe wan ing day.s of ’45 Louis wa.s on tou' weighing 215 pounds and boxing fail opposition before bumper cro’.vd.s who cheercii him on - v- .•r> side. Had not ih Jackie Rob inson event come when il did. Ihf return of le LouLs to his be loved Ixixing pub.ic would have rated highest with yours truly. INDIANA'S TAN TERRORS Coach Bo McMillin.s’ powe.-- J eu.-;e Indiana univcisity .squad V ent on to win the Big Ten foo'.- lull crown. A southrmer from thi- bcarcler state of Kentucky from wltcnce .sprang B;i-''ban Commis sioner ’•Unhappy”C handler. Me- Millin practiced democracy a.s it should w.irk in ail fields. Not les.' tl-.an .'ix (count thim) c-lorod c:idr!e:-.j t-amed with the jonner (Zentr- college "All .American’ U:i X^cMillin to win against .i lough field The grt Mle.st of thc'c t.as George Taliaf.-rr', .-en.sation- al nationally lead mngazim- de- voti-d (f) grid happenings, a mem ber of it-s s cond .Xd Anv rica ele^’ IRREPRESSIBLE CLAUDE (BUDDY) YOUNG We selected no "All Negro cii!- U-ges" or "All Nigro service" ele ven.' for 19 i5 becau.se we recog nize the fact such is impnssibl. unless one has the opcr.iting staff that wa.s at our command in 1914 and other season. Death took our The f;vc ether tan terrors of the Hi'osi-t .squ.ad were Melvin Croonise. right li.-ilfliark: Jat AciaiJis. back; Joe Gilman. lefL- hallback; Bill Brad! y. frosh right 1.allhack; and Le:oy Slo\:iH. so- fit, more guard ;iom Benton Hai- bo!. Mich. Other Negro gndders who made tin headlines c'uiing .’94,5 inclu.!- ed Paul Rohi.son. Jr.. Corned; Malty Brown, end Dick Jackt'on. and Clyde M:irf'!-dl!. Ohio Slate; Mai Murcliison. navy V-12 train ee, became first Negro to play at I.ince'.un (hotbed of prejudice) university; Fritz Al> xand;r. Dari- T.-.nulh: “Spied’’ Ford and ’Slump” J.icksen. Michigan U.: Oti- Finney, Chuck Starts, and \ f rnon Sleven.son. niinni^|£9ne, Fehming (Morgan); HenrvMouzc (Howard); Francis Jolly. (Va. State) ; ’’Bulldog” Turner, (my old school. Johreson C Smi’h. known as Biddle university '-vhen I at ti tided it); Davie Battle, (Va. State); Dick Bolton (Clark): Diummond. (Tenn.) and others too numerou.' to li't here. Ll William (Big Dill) Bell, an Onio Sttae football luminary an.l roach of the ’ru.-iiLse, Wa.hawkr, Icc hi.s great eleven to victory ov er a U. S, navy tean: ol scrapp -r.' k.ibwn as Undcrsia Raid.rs A!! of tiu navy wire white -vith th-j ixiepti.in of 'ine play-, r. The ti.'.- a! score of thL-: interracial (ilt dur ing which ther,’ wj.' an “t .sprit de corps" men like Bilbo and Eajt- land claim impo.ss’l.le, w.i.s 11-7 in favi.r of lii- Wa. hawks. Ji-rrv Williams, fullback, who .-core;! all l-I point.' for T\isk’gee. gave n.tmorable p'-rfonnante that chill allernoon. Qiiati erb.ick Piggott and that t !j1 warhoise Bernie JefI, rsnn, Norlhwe.'tern fame, di.l yeuiiT-n Si rvice also in ‘h; Warhawk.s’ l.e- half. Dub Jones, (white) Tulane an 1 Lepisiana Stal' star, played bsngiip game for the white team ;nd proved that men c.-m wo ’• ar.fl play together Jiaimoniousiv ;i wi but att nip? to put fai.pl:. • abor-J a.' .dtipp r of thr- boat. Roundup: Rav R ;>:n.>en. be : man in ti; game for his . iz . v. hexing’.s ; lan” duriP' thf • .. ..;n . . , Fadly t . contender wlio .should liave :.ic Cochrane, SoO.OiXj put uo by Si r\ backers ni>:-d Sugar Bov out ihi ploy? Robinson was abo r d by the California Slat letic ('mmi''. .n f... fai’inq ’step a date \v:th one C'heste Slider . . . Jimmv Bivin.s .-e,;:! to hav.' slippid :i "ot-.:. du:; i' lest Season and the ch.ip I na; - Flnie;- ^violent) Ray. wa.s troubl ed with a broken milt mo't of the season .... Scott won ’h national tennis ehampion.'hip rignt here in Hai lem . . . Bo! U :u: lass’s mighty Rens look g.e.it v. r- t.oot wond' rtul kid Edd’e Yoiing- . . Zack Clayton, pop-.shot sp> c- dalist, quit' the Ri ns flat to .ioio up with the king of them all (P- p Gales) on the fiuned Haidetn Globetrotters court squad . . . Th • Hornesticd Gra.es won the n.e ■.loi.a! Negro has hall champion- .sliip but the Cleveland Buckcv,.' ;’,h un.-toppabIe Quincy Troup.- thc ii catcher, proved a grand t.-at:! in evi ry ri'sp tl I thought. Hick. v. may open 1946 with the n.im-too-startling new.; ll'.at Roy C iipanelia, BaltimO'-' K.!’.' Giants, is another prize he’s .'.e'nod toci.nlraet , . .Che- Brew- »N gro coas' ball player, w.is .s.gn.-d by the Bi.kcisfield (white) t'ub of the California Ba.'il.aK h;';;u durin g this wond r spo;-:.; silicon .... Gu.' Gii-cn’.e, an I i:nc-d that he plans epLiatirit' N.gro looiba'l eagu ■ .n 1916 . . . Kenny Wailungton an i W .orl- •iw Wii.son S'rod. , boili .-.tai.- a UCLA loam -d .-nme yeai ' b:)' k. slaircd m pio-feotbuii ’-ni--' sc..- .-'(•n .... Wiihc .love •. Beau -lack Baltimore Jersey Joe Walcott kayot-d tough Curtis Sh.-o- paid), Chai ley B irl.-y, pittsbu' g.; \c-l, Chalky weight, C'-ci! (w •■■i.n’t you it down) Hud.'on. .\. ehie Moore, all gave .sparkling ner- fotmanr. i.efore ’4.5 fadi-d , . . W'itli champion Joe Louis k-ad- inj; the heavy wt-lg’-.t-, Jimmy Bi\ ini, Cleveland, wa.-. rated a.; i. umbir two contender. Numb>r 1- 1.1 placi wen’ to Etiner Ray, ’.a.npa. Fla., anj J-. r.sey Joe X.’ul- ti'U -.va.-- rated in cigi.th plac.. Tn liH 'ighl heavyweight ; a-ss. Ai- elit. Moore. St. Lmii.s. i.s ion Gus Lesn vicli’.-- number o le ciii.ll. r.ger. witii Lli yd Marsha'!, .'•ai niinento, Cab, rab*d bv-hin i iitiii. MooJc had 1-4 star:.: n;id g i-b-red 12 triuiTip.; in 1945. B.U" Fox, Philacelphij, . nd Naic Bo’, e II, CrJcci:, vvf rc -.d-d .-.v- n li i'tn: . ight;- r.-spcclively in th • ligiit heavyweight division Holman Williams, Detroit, an-1 Charley Burley, Pitt.-burgh. were •ilaced as number two an:i tlir- ■ contender.' for liic inid.ll Jg; I liHc. Weitciwfitht cham.oio.i Re.l Cochrane drew Ray (Sugan P !v i'.ton, Nc"- Y rk. as hi.s nun.i- - (•ni challenger Duiing D-i). lb •• ii. 'on scor-:d .sevi n virtni i .. .m l ore draw in eight idart- Beau Jack. AugU'ta, Ga., an.' T.jir).-',-.- Bell, Clcevland. wer • rale' .v- rnth and idghth in -hi- 'am e'.:. With t:n I.I’hi 'n’-.-rm- ,i:f.nal title ciee!a:'c;i open by th the lop spot in that division by a number-one rating- Wright won six of his eight contests, lost one and the other w-as voted “a ’ ) co.it '* ’’ W'illie Joyce. GarVI Ind., was rated number three: Bob Mi-iilgodhi.i.adi Iplua. :nim- ier four; Iki Williams. Trenton, N. J., number five and Freddi.* jJawdon. Cnlcagi. nuinlx-r nine. -Jaeki • Wilson. Pittsburgh, was ' It,led ia.'t ami-ng the fcather- ights. Comn-'.nting on warlinie fitiits. th. magazine said: "With wartime money around in proru.sion, all a promoter hau to do was to open the gat -s. .“.met and trii:d rate fighters c':* w more than world champions u td to attraet before the w-ar.” :\; • IWinfield Welch's Birmingha . I Black Baron.s’ wTe a cc’ : ';'-:i.bali cre-.v ant! ii-on- «.- eve;- itime "Groundhog" Tl.ninpsoe iinkled to th.- pitchini- moutid. ■oe To Spain? SEVIL. Sp:iii) 'CN.Si -- Accoi J- !ng to Antonio Pon.-e. Spanish liox- iig proir.otcr. Joe Louis is expected •o 'our Spain late J;.riii.ir.v in ‘\- ■tibilion bout.'. Joe wll appear in 'Valecia. Barcelona ;iii i other lead- ::i; cities. Spend A Pleasant Evening -AT- Pine Seres DINING and DANCING We Serve Pit Cooked BARBECUE FRIED CHICKEN Highway 70-A From Raleigh From Durham CURTIS P. ROBERTSON Manager ; AriTA!. rocA-roLA ItOTTLlNfi CO. 515 W. XIorgaii St. WELL KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE STATE OF N. C- EXPERIENCED PALMIST AND LIFE READER Famous Everywhere as a Remarkable American Palmist 8c Clair* voyani — Do not confu'o niv work with the cheap Gyp.sy Fortune Ti ller SPECIAL READINGS Sl.OO MAKES AN HONEST PROPOSITION I maki no charge if I do not faithfully fulfill every word in ihLs statement. 1 will tell you just what you want to know about your L--iend3. encmie.' or rivals, how to gain the love of on - you most desire: control or influence the action r‘.’2:32i3LK.'/7a IF YOU WANT TO GET THERE IN TIME 9259 DEPENDABLE, PROMPT, AND COURTEOUS n>C0lNC\B COMPANY Corner Cabarrus and Blount Streets S MiifliiidiiHMUlMn LJ ability to please his race in J54 boes- ball games a year not only strikes me as something hypothetical, com ing from him, but exemplifies that he is not cognizant of the intellec tual progress of the Negro in thP Sporting World, "I am afn-iid that he jumped the gun when he said Negroes would expect Robinson to perform adeptly every day and if not. he woud incur the displeasure of all concerned. After reading the differ ent article.': in the paper concern ing his playing in the International League, ' nc father.' or sumises that Robison may be used as an infield er, preferably, short.'top. Assum ing that he docs make the grade and U fortunate enough to play with the Dodger.', do you think that he Is supposed to set that position afire I nail departments’’ If so, I would appreciate your naming me one shortstop in the National League who can power the pill and field ef fectively at the same time like they do in ‘he American League. "Marty Mason is as classy as they come when it comes tn fielding, but he is a Rizzulo, Appling or Steph ens at the plate’’ X’oii may recall that the defeat of Louis Schmeling inhibited some of the Veero’s cock- suredness. I feel justified in saying that Ihcv are cogniz.mt of the fact that they are not better athletically cr otherwi'e than any other race, among them individuals who are but they do believe that thev have capable of competing if given an opportunity, and yoti w-ill with- even, con. \ " the return of Joe Louis to his be- - Slump” Jackson. Michigan U.: EXPERIENCED PALMIST AND LIFE READER Icved boxing pub.ic would havc 'oij-- Finrey, Chuck Starks, and Famous Evorywhere as a Remarkable American Palmist Sc Clatr* rated highest with yours truly. Vernon Sloven.'on, lllinoi^^ene , __ ,.voyant — Do not confuse mv work with the cheap •yTTou" ' - 1 a.nth.s, according to an announcj- nii nt last w-eek by Mrs. Ruby Blackburn, one of the 200 spon- '( If- of the project. The center, planned *0 bo hous ed in a 12-sto:-y buildins, will roach approximately 15 classifi- eatton;*. of workers in the lower wage brackets, including yard n'i(-n. maid.', cooks and laundress es. A full-time laundry will be c-icetcd. a small curb mark t opened, "with a stall for the old who may have nothing but a fi a- \.-alnuts to .sell." said Mrs. Black- barn. a former maid, but now an n.ployee of the local school board. Not only will dome.stics no trained, "we will even be an em ployment burean," she disclosed. ’We’ll se-nd out trained courleou' \.orkers. When they quit, tliey will be required to give notice - • and they’ll expect notice in re turn. Wi-’H expect fairness finm the employer and the employee and keep our books balanced" The illiterate will be taught to iad and write. The impelling motive hehin-J the movement is to foster "a goodwill relationship between ■ •■nploycr and employee in the field of domestic stn-ice." she said. "Our aim u' training so that higher wage.' can be earned, m.l di mnncled." Th, program also hopes to lake the "zool-.'uiter off the .streets, abolish juvenile d*:- hf.quency. educate our people against flim-f!jm artists and oth- •T iafket‘er.' and rai.se our health .'i.uidards." she remarked. A .similar movement may be ,KBrPBF>!qrKi F FI AiioF E^hmiiiff (Morgan); Henry Houre (!Inw.ard): Fr-inci., Jolly, (Vs. (BUDDYI young 5, , , ..Bulldog" Turner, (my old We selected no All Negro col- j„hn.son C, Smi'h. known .0^1'Biddle university when I at IZ- ST ‘l^iek""Soi^"'&iaS;r unless one has the opcrnling .staff B.ummond. (Tenn 1 and ^dthem too n'lmerou.' to list hero. Gypsy F.-irtune Teller SPECIAL READINGS Sl.OO DEt-EI-lbABLE, {-ROMrt.'AND COORffeuCs ' WARHAWKS' Associated Football charities, of ultich Ml'S. Franklin D. Roosevelt that wa.s at our command in 1914 and other season. Death took our oct operative (Gordon Croques) “COACH BELL AND HIS as it did Warren Smith (Toledo. 0); Walter B. Settles, (Houston): j:i,d Virgil Turner, Charleston, W, Va. Still, we had a top man stak od here and there around th.' football circuit capable of check ing the scoreboard with the b;.;t extent. The result is the follow ing. Wiley College, Tex., was the hist of a better than average rep nsentation of Negro college elev- i-n.' with her Willie Moses and Shelly Ro.s.' ranking with the be.'t launched in Washington. D. C.. and Kansas C:ty. it was learned. >11 CAPITAI CAB CO Ml A Lifetime in Flame* Why take chances on bitmlng up a lifetime's effort in a single terrifying hour when it's so simple and Inexpensive to pro tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your home and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. Wa'll show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENl’ BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. .ill beior«' you utter MAKES AN HONEST PROPOSITION I make no charge if f do not faithfully fulfill every word in this statement. I will tell you just what you want to know about your friends, enemic.' or rival.s, how to gain the love of one you ma'l desire; control or influence the action of anyone, even though miles away. I furlhei I guarantee and promise to make you no charg-t! unlr.ss you find me superior to any other Pal- ' .ni.st you have ‘vor con.'ulted—There is no hop;-. so fond or wuh ro groat that I can’i accompUen ! for you. HOURS FROM 9 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. j I nev. r fail to re-unite the separated. cau.-ii'I .'Pcedy and h-ppy marriages, overcomr' •.'nemii s, ' r;vals. lovers’ quarrels, tvil habit', .'tumbling' block', ami bad luck of all kind.', f lift you out :f sorrow and trouble ;«nl start you on the pall, of happine.v' and pro.'perity. Theie Is no heail .so .sad or horn.- so dn-.-iry tha* I cannot brin., .sunshine into r In fact, no matter what may bi your hope, frar er ambition, I guarantee to te-ll .; word to me. :»nd aft. r I am finished, if you not faithfully fulfil! every rhiiiji IJXCOIN CAB COMPANY Corner Cabarrus and Blount Streets are not niitely 'uiisfjcd and if I d aLov.. then you pay rru^not a cent IN STUDIO TRAILER AT HUNTER WALL SERVICE STATION 3 Blocks from Raleigh City Limits, on Rocky Mount Higlvvay. Rt. *>4, Opposilc Longview Gardens, look for Trailer and H*nd Signs Readings Diiiy ami Sunday.' - Separate Room for Cnlni d Licensed Reeder — First Timo In Your County The Raleigh Funeral Home Ambulance /e’^vice 310 Ea.st Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: Trained Attend nts in the recently conipletely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2835 C. A. HAYWOOD. Owner .0' Lit Titc U4T yrae siifoRe r,* M./W?. TMflS-'S • O INDUSTHia. COMPtTlTlOH.GASOLlMf CSiT LE$S IM *rue U-^.'OIAM ArlAA-eSE EL4E IN “a;? M>SLV> lue aORP ''TiP'Oft'&lNftTEP tONa A50 N lONPW CtSTCe HOUfiE*. Wi.fSEA SiOif lETteREP T.t.P --. " rc iNiv/te fvnviPTA/ess ' OsltON^ HAVE Beoi OJLTniATEP froa* Time iMAtEAtOKlAL- ARE RE«E«rfTEP OM EfiypnoN MONUMENTS MARIKE CAPU 4sP Hl4 SR>17£ RECENTlV UCNEyMir BY TO •ne vuesr ccmst 70C-T Mnei ■'SO ,4i wewAv.:'. WRAPS ENOtvH C9EWtN& GUM IN 8 MOURS TO C5ive A PACX'ASE EACH TO lOO.OQO o-. j>eefj Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. Wilmington at Davie Phone 3-3231 \V TIRE RECAPPING CRAFTSMEN IN BUILDING AND RE- BUILDING FINE TIRES All Sizes Passenger Car Tires In many ways. North Caro lina Mutual is making useful contributions to the Race and Nation. For instance, more than 8 million dolIar.^ is invested in Federal and municipal bonds, thereby helping preserve the finan cial health of the Nation. Over Two and one-half mil lion dollars has financed hundreds of homes, office buildings, hotels, stores, and > banks whose facilitie.s and 'orvice.' have added to yoiu omforl and convenience. Thus, in addition to provitl- iig doppp-dahle life instir- mee proicction. North 'arolina IMuliial nolicyhold- rs have ‘.he 'atl*:fa''’'>n of •nowip ’ha* thei’* iiLuranre 'remium.s are helping fi- ''aneo enterpri'c.s that in ^ urn are provid'r-- env-loy- j men! oppo’tun}'ic.s To: .heir ; ' ns and daughters Call 3-1:533 McNEILL’S TIRE SHOP Now is a good time to discuss your insurance needs with a North Carolina .Mutual repr. NORTH CAROI^'F’' LIFE INSUR.'STSTCE ea'.ritivc. UTUAL C. C. SPAULDING. Pr.sident fester McNeill, Owner 325 Cabarrus Street ( Confidence . . YOU CAN BE SURE OK IT WHEN YOU MAKE A PERSONAL LOAN WITH THIS BANK If it ia necea'qrv for you to gel nioney in a hurry, to gel it without implicating a friend snd without paying exorbitant interest, you will approoiate the sevwfeos of Our cashiers or one of their assistants wUi be eager lo hvlp you. You’ll be able *o put all your confideiice in the person who ban- diet your business, for he will troat it as it wp-i ) w 'ri j« haiil V' cninpospri of ■ •di'.idiiHU wliM v.unt to s»*rve. individual I' whom vou havp utmost eonfiden^'e’ ^ Farmers Bank DUPHAM-RALEIGH M#‘mbrr FedciMl Depos't Insurance Com.

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