WEKK F.XDINT, SATITDAV. .TAXrARV 191 THK CAROLINIAN PAOli SEVEN STATESVILLE NEWS By George F. Dalton Mr. Curti.s Brown if Win.^ton Sitlem. N. C. wjis the luilidav Kiifst of Mr, and Mr.s. Thomas Taylor. Tho fun'Tal of Mrs. (Jus-sio A'- Jis»n \va.s hi Id at tht* Ra^^- tist Church with B' v. J. W. Cfoom Mr. Ira Hall of the Navy, j^la- lioiied in N. Y.. took a.s hi- Ik; . Ch n'-vieve IJi «;vi s rit I m • l.oiiu* of the bride. Clustm:' rioinjn«. Mrs. Mail will i>ntinue leaching at Unity schonl. Mis.s Doiolay Itutledn" wa.' heinr for ih- holiday.-^ visiting n-- hitivfs and fn' ncl.-. .M:-. Ktitl tei.ihes at ZebuJ'in. N. C. Mr. and Mr.-, Tnomas Tavl n tiud aa.s their dinne; ^jiie-t.-: .M •' J.rlli*’ Finch. Raleij'h. X C.; Mr. .nd .Mrs. Carl Maston, .Mi, Ciiit.! Blown. Win.ston-Salem. N. C : Mis. .Maht I Bn nt. Mi. ami Mn. (1. K Dalton. R v, and .Mrs J. W. Hi u.stoij, Mu'S Mo'- Siiiita aiKl .Mi.- J. D. Fain. .Stiuh'nt.s returninit t-i l.he;: .1. 1 ii> eollefii.- •.\Me: .) Si'.ii 4!ii!l, .1 (■ Smith. Daniel Oai.l'.v. Sia.'. rnivei.Miv; J. Ma.s-'.i. I. C. S... nil, J Tamer. M. Sinitli. It. V.'. Jima.s. C. K;mhrou!;;i, D. !h ' l;ui held Stall Coll' >;i : K. .M..- jiM.ri. .\. C. ColleK- : C. Mo--:, i Smith. Wile •on-S..leiii T'ae.ht ; C .Maitiii. IC. McClain. . .M. ila;ri-. I.e-.n^-t.n .\IoiM >n. Tifim.'Se l*o|)iiliii' Hook On \lomic ttonil) Out •NEW YORK iCNSt — Harper and Brothers have published a re- vt: i d edition of ".A Ti ca.sury Of S ii iir. l)v Dr. Harlow Sharpliy of H.irv.' d, Srmiu.-I Rappcrl ..nd H'Im Wii-ht. T.:i.s ni-w t.i.nk feain.-e- liU' it vel .paaiil v.liic’i h..- aro-.a-.'d mnrh intne.it, a bo..k which in t\V.. ‘.i.a.. becom. lae ''...M.i'i l v...-k '01 :l. -nljict. !i -xplai-i. aton.ic fi-'li.ii .-nd cream. di-al;n„‘ •.vilh ..he eo'.sn iiction of the atom, miclei.r fi-.-ion, Kin.-feiirs famoa.i e'l'iali'in on ti.r cf|uivaIeiKe and iras d enerity. and other maUriji on O-.n .ja.'ic theoretical pr.-blcm in- \oKed. The book al-o contains article.? on how ttu atomic boinlj wa.>: tlevc'lo;i- td, how ; w.i' fn-t I. •led. aid : e lii'ai.v mpileations Tiie practical .i|i|.!ic:ii;c:n of atomic ci.eiay will I liann..- oi:r lives in the future arc dlM'O.-MlI, V f I.l Ml M Y .-ASKM) i 0|{ W.NSHIXCTOX. i) C. - A pe-i- tlo., f , I. , . V M. b half of .|.w : ii T:.' -• ’■,1 i;'. s. y Of W;, , ■Jlioip w.i- Cl.met'd Novmocr 111. l!'t-l. I'lr ailet’cdly paiI c.patiau in a:, a -.iiik n;.o:i some n.dilaiv G. F. Newell And Scouting JUV CIIAnr.KS IRVI.Vfl story " „ , . ' These results, modest George Scoutiiif! In RateiRh, Wake Conn* , J .1 « I r. . Newell will not cnumcraM.-. o.il he ty and the Occunceclic Council., . made urial strides during the vear " lfl-5.' The-e stiidcs accoiditiK to mtt in the Occcncechee Council has V.' L. GiCfi,. W.iko Coimly Com- B'"-’ , "Oiic out of a thousand. Of the more than a ihous.'ind boys in the Council not one euring the year •ited for an infraction of rr.luee Cliai m.iii, didn’t ju-l College; H..ir colli ge; ,• ].i ilOl III -liana- and lifti ai..,i, T: e .N’.AACR Kild.r- Lee .Miiidork. Alphon. 'Jonilm and Mat-diall R.inkiii a; hi en M.noriii.ly l;-eh:iige l fn. thi Alined -r ivii' , R. v-riy Sc: S\ a.' Iiollie n c !.! 0.1 ; III .0.1" MR. NEWELL j>'-n. Tii'y v.eic. bi a laryc* nica.siire. the r..-uUs of ijaick thmk.nv. hoiu-'. I>ea«:iii- g'.od turn ng CJcorrc F -Nfuell. F.eld Scout Executive C.AINS ( m I> ' : ; 1 - t . • a). I'llJ IbeiC W' c. ria. ijr' -li e. le e (•..iin.il 2t ;. . 0 • Till !i [I 11 I I l'H'> ^^lo\\.- ■it 'I'loiip ’Ihi- I‘|>0't .d.o ;hov%- III 1. iiii.d f iii.s 111 n.eii.biT&i,i]> oi lacli f the (l. \cii con;,-.. . An c.c .iiiiplc of Itie ga i.s tan he si n ii ii.e Wake C’ouiiiv Tioaps, wheie in I'H-l Iheie w-ii 201 S.oiity and on I »i curb-1 :{!. HU'. lii. re .ire SiiO Stout- Cnii.p.iiabl- yam.' are liio-.vi; :-i ..It the .th. r c.iiiiitie--. ‘lln number -( StnX a - of Di- ■ -I.bi- :;t I'Jlt •: -1.^2. Ti.'* niiin- • . of De.emb. r bl. Ibli wa tt l.’{ In .d iitiuii (o till .'i2| i.couni .i.ed w.ie u;rt C’ub-I aduvi ol the CouiK il. Thi-u- w« re addi tions in Sconli-r.^ alsio. RKASOVS FOR GAINS Mr. Newell v.ill tell you th.il R'lbert 1> DaiiieJ, Sha-,v Un vi r.iityV Ilf; ipok'ii .'.•piMtic, piesidciit and r ■.!'ii-. of ihr- Nat nnal f?i aver. !.:ni til.- key 1 . ibe eo .r i.f Coiipi: • any law. This he thinks, is an cn- viable record in this time of war excitement, of broken homes and mountir^ Juvenile delinquency. The fine record of there Scout.- -n Law Observance very probably was thi‘ factor that led George New ell to rcfii.ie lucrative employment ivilh Die United Sues Government and an offer as a "Y" S-crciary. At IIVIMKS LI.STtI) Among the encuuracing features of the year’s woik have been the addresses and work of men like. Dr. C. C. Spaulding, president of •he North Carolina Mutual Life In- •'Urance Company, former Govern(‘r •L M. Broughton. Dr, ,N. C- New- '■ -Id. Dean II. A. .Miller, of Hamp ton Iiistitulc, Dr, J. A. Valentine, of Si. JoM-ph AME Chiirth. Uiirhaiji •nil A. J T.iyior of the National Ml y Scout Office. The Fath'r-Son Banquet at Shaw University, last ” -bruary, when •’D.-j fathers and .si. ate and heard Rev. Thomas Kilgore, of the North 11'.ii. lni.. li.ipij.st t ■(invention extol! Die Mitu.es of Scoiiling gave tin- , I,, ici.id imp.Ills to the omvir'J ■ K .ii-h in Di- i.Migr.i'n of Sc-iitii!,; i 'Deri' ud-..' fve Camiii.iees held .dm.11" the year and m'-i ■ than fnur ... - , .....uis .,,,,1 .coui.r. to„k' ,'p;iit, Ttie e Canijjiircc;, wore held n ^ ; Wake. Durham. V; ' Cjii.than* Countie-.. A Camp of three The Reverend Charles M. Jonen. minister of the Presbyterian Church in Chapel Hill, N. C.. will lead Religious Eir.phadis Week at Hampton Institute January 7-13. conducting a series of evening meetings on the opic, "The Mean ing of the Christian Faith for Life Today.” AWOL, ANOTHER VET GROUP ORGANIZED Cc>lum!>u;;, O. (A.N'P; — (fro-A- ■ent meeting of Allied Wji , , I riors of Liberty, newly-lormed — Urangi* aro „f veteran.'? of World iWar II. irjcorporated under the ouiai.on Qhio. Relurnint soldiers - 1. I'HI Ti e loy.ilty of De tl.;:ii '.i.f hiiiidn d min. vvh . alteode the baiuiiiet at liio Aic.ide Hotel, on F’ebruary l.'», IM-l and pledged him suppuit, len*. to him in.sp;iat)Ut). 'J be exp( rii-nc«- and loyalty ot Claude Hum])hr;y, Scout Executive, have bei n the props upon whali ‘-e has leaiiied >ii litnes of :;r(al diffi- cul'y. Z;.ck Elb.-. he says. :c. h’m a p.ice .n iiaid woi k and failhfulne.ss. vV.Dioiu wlmh no it-i.ns loiild liii'.’e been made. Another wlio came in for imstinlid praise was H. K ’.Vithcr.spi/on. whi:.;e contaci has '-P’.ned up new avtnuc.s and ormighl ••uccess. -‘The gi-eate t f.u-'or in the y;ar’8 euiwth. *a;d Neuell. with the look .f the M. I ••il I I'A-as hel.ial CanipWhisper.ngPin^ Angeles, Biuoklyn am 111 which 227 Sioin ^pl nt one week L.,uusville exprt-s-si.-d th't enthui At Due L-anip thtn* were 189 nd-'.j,^„, pm-pos, and ob- vaneemenls. Mvctive.'? of the oiganizalion an! , Three SoonU reached Die Eagif mdualeri tlieii cuinph 1. willing- R.mk. Tbey weie; Calvin Hubbard, jq cariv the banner of AWOl. . Tr..oi, .'-..-j of Dm li.ifii. .‘^pon.sored by (y.- ,i foii.ntonlvi into then com |;ii.- Wiiite Rock Baptist Churi.5:’ munila s. i lie old Dimii. Tii-op .■,7 and West-; Prt.sidcnt Sanford E. Hoan jjtal- ] Mil Butler. Troop .^2. both of Ra- ,ed the purposes are “to urganue j it'igh. and develop facilities and service.-? i \MHiTiovi: retunjing veteran A.MBiTiONs iwith his many problems of read- I These laudable arcompli-ihments jp^tment and lo further his indi- lijve nut satisfied hard plugging, vidua! aims and objectives us an I good lurninq George Newell. H® .American citizen to the fulfiliiK'nt ; ".Ml's more troops in his Council, j more abundant life under lli ;more >cout.s in eacli troon. more Constitution of the United State.s. ” : il oflii' on j cub parks .uni packer He vants ;,nd prnnted out the nerd for a the Sotui D.'ilh to bfoir." n re.*?!- sound organization with quick : isl e- purl of all Die boys in the age tactics in ordtr to solve the many , level of scouting in the eleven |.rublcrns facing returning Gl's. i euuiilies. j Chester Gray, secretary, observ- I There are many other things cd that while the executive eom- i whicii George Newell wants. He is mitlce has been working on the hesitant to tell all that tie docs want.‘details of getting organized for But he is sorely in neer! of an assis- over two months, only now is it Uinl. There is room m his Couii- beginning lo reveal its plans, in- Ml for several Campb wholly for d-catin^ that coasidcrable imic ha ? i'couting and Dure is an imprslive been given to laying the fuunda iced for more inlvrc.M and Unpf of the organization, tantc on Die part of the adults with opinion of Charles R. the Scouting program. * iWebb, director of membership. No partnl can object and no cill- niultitudc of veterans organiz- zen should object lo tbe oath of the atit»ns pressure grou^ pur- Scoui beoming a pait of the iife porting to represent the Gl are m of the boy.s of this state and nation. mslances hampered b> re- Mr Newell decl ired Tint o ith k Warding subsidies, thereby render- h-roprermled them ineffectual in,their Mat- b.--.:i Die On n.y honor I will rto my b Round-A-bqut Roundup purposes, particularly as lh*y ^^^^^tfee^h^^o!unorwi^*H>bleni^ BY CHARLES JACKSON After being pressured into a very bad spot when it became public that 123 horreward-bound Negro troops were denied passage on the. aircraft carrier Croatari, Secretary, of the Navy Farrcslal) announces the following order: | "In the.r attitude and day to day, conduct of affairs Naval officers anti I enlisted men shall adhere rigidly and impartially to Naval regula tions (?> in which no distinction Is made between indiiduals wearing the Naval uniform or the uniform of any of the Armed Services of Dio United Stales because of race IT color." The slightly oveidiie discovery ot such ••rcguJiilions" will indeed b*- ncw.s to the hundreds of thousand.” of Negro sailors who v/ere regulat ed throughout the war lo the dirt- ie.st, most dangerous and moat ser vile assigi.rncnls under most rigid conditirns of enforced segregation. Il will be news to the many quali fied Negro and Jewish college grad uates. pharmacists, dentists and doc- tors who were forced to serve as menial Laborers and were denied commissions reserved for white I'ontlleg. The existence of such a hbeial Navy policy sliotild also be qiiile informative to the 50 Negro sailors of Port Chicago who protest ed the all-Negro assignment to the .-(munition depots where .100 of their rnmriides were blown to biia. The honorable Secretary Porreslal can i-.-iitiict these boy.s in the various f(f!er.-il pcriilciitiaries where they are scrviiiK 8 to 15 year slretchos f-.r "rr-utiny." “The struggle of the Indonesians, the Indians and the peoples of the colonial countries for independence is directly related Di the fight oI the American Negr for complete dcniocracv in the United States." So said Glo.sier Current, executive secretary of the DPlrait National Association for the Advancement of Colored lAople Bravo! Brotlier Current. Truer words weie never spoken. Now when will you and the re.st of Die leadersliip of this pow erful urganizutioii begin really turn ing yuur weight against the real enc-my of Negro equality and of culonial liberation — American monopoly capitalism with iU ex panding imperalist trend? One practical pait of that pro gram would be the launching of a campa.gn now by the NAACP fo*- the formation of an independent Labir Party, to shiw that the Ne groes arc ready lo break with the oili-line capitalist parlies, the stooges of Big Business and the benefac tors of both Jim Crowism and con tinued colonial slavery. The Washington branch of the Slahnist-conlrulled National Negro Congress recently picketed the White House demanding the ouster of Secretary of State Byrnes and the retention of the Fair Employ ment Practice Commission (FEPC>. During the recent "peoples’ war" when tens of mlilions ot Die world’s workers paid with thler lives for the four-fold enrichment of Wall Street corporation .and for the con tinued enslavement of two-thirds ol the earth’s priptilatlnn in the colon- kJ -....nlrir-. Ih..-c lor.il ■'(. Stalinists also had to utilize their talents In manufacturing a bedtimo story of how the "litUc HiUers" over here would all melt away; 8> soon as we got enough "unity" with the American ruling class to go across the pond and make "big Hitler" bite the dust. Of course. pe:jp!c like A. Philip Randolph wh'i wanted to march on Washington lu demand fair employment practices, and an end to government Jim Crow at that time were condemned as "under the influopce of those lowest of sankes — the Trolskyite fifth columnists." Such is the de generacy of the Stalinist betrayers who openly stand f..f such barc-fai;- ed hypocrisy on so fundamental an issue as the struggle for minority rights. George Schuyler, columnist for the Pittsburgh Courier takes the cake for literary sleight-of-hand. He castigates with equal fury muif'- poly capitalism and iU opposite — Srcialism. Given d wealth of ammunition by the flip-flop tactics of the Followers of Stalin who fraudulently call themselves ’'com munists'' Schuyler has developed lately into one of the most vicious red-baiters in the country, black oi while. He rccrntty stated tat none of the "p-'liticar’ groups was objecting to the slaughter of Indonesians. Evi dently someone informed him of the present and past activity of the So cialist Workers. Parly in fighting aeainst the imperalist subjugation of the colored colonials for he made Dlls slurred and contrudicU’ry cor rection the following week: No p-j- lilicul groups were fighting for ini mediate freedom of the ctdoiiial peo ple — except those who had a m >* live of — "political pHrlisanship" The Negro left ■ wingers, say Schuyler in the December 22 issue. ■. . , have no real program for their people and never hat' .’ Al though this Miper-eynic does not cuunterpuse hL program for the elimination of racial discrimination, he should at least review stjne ->i his own stulenienls of the past lie- fore jumping to such ermneous con clusions. In frequent columns and on al most every lecture platform Schuy ler will point out that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can bring freedom for the Negro becau.so they iiM* only stooges of Big BU''- Ine-^s which invariably struids to profit from dividing Iho wnrk-iiR people. Now after this analy.^is, how Brother Scliuyk>r can say wiDi a LEGAL NOTICES IN THE SUPERIOR ( OURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE JULIUS HAYWOOD VS. ODELL HAYWOOD The defendant, Odell Haywood, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced Id the Superior Court of Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, to obtain an ab solute divorce on the grounds ot two years separation as provided in tbe Statute of North Carolina, straight face that Die Marxist)? •have no program" when they are rrtntlniiously calling for a Workers' ! Government with the construction . of a Socialist Society where i would be impossible for any class ho prof! from exploitation or racial persecution -— how he can contra* diet his own logic, then, in such a j way — I .nm sure, can easily be ex- ■ plainc?! by that Houdin; of the wrD- jtrn word, Mr. Schuyler. EXECUTOR NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as executor uf the E.slatc of J. W. Holmes, de ceased, iate of Wake County, North Carolina, this is lo notify all persons having claims against th-* E>tate of said deceased to exhibit Uhein lo Die undt isign‘d on or be fore the 26lh day of December, jiM6, or Diis notice will be plead- |cd in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the (Istatc will please make immediate payment, j This 26lh day of Decomlier, lUilB. I Mechanics and Farmers iBank, Executor jLVjc. 29, Jan. 5, 12. 2G, Feb. 2. ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as administrator ,of the Etstate of Horace Bowser Lo gan. deceased, late of Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons iiaving claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at IIS 1-2 East Hargett Street, Raleigh, North Corolina, on or before the 22nd day of December. 1940. or this notice will be pleaded in bar uf their re :ccvery. AM persons indebted lo the I Estate will please make immediate payment. TIiLh 22nd day of December. IMS. F. J. CARNAGE. Administrator Dec. 28-Jun. 4. 11. 18. 23-Fcb. 1. Try This New Amazing COUGH MtXTURE Foaf Werkin^Tripl# AcHi^ You Feel the EfFeet Insfanil^ Tb* King or all coush meOlciMa t»i couabo or Lronrhial irrllaUwis r-MiHlM from (-'.Ids in culd wtninr Canada U BiM- ley's "CaNAOIOL" UUtura- raat Worfc- Ug, tuple acUns SiKliltr'a MUturo cinlckiy loooena aod ralaaa pblasm l•JdE•d lo tM lobM —*iMra air rs«i«fa» annitiM raw tlfwea, oo« or iw-o tip* ao4 wam cMifhiDf ipAim aaaM. Tou cet rasulta fast. Cotnpouoded froa rara Caoa'lian PlM- Balaam and other a>AKlUor healing logn- dlenit Buekley'a "CANADIor." Iflilve tf dlfTereni from aoythlaf yug evar trM. OM a bottle Uiday at ooy food drux alwa. Advancemt nt shnuUl hi' tlic .t.nr Ihn. piopc!:? Itii:? n'.v and forward toward a futuio '«! ((pinlity lor the .N’ripn ^ of God and man we should attain Uir fuM cilizi n--dii|> luivi* bci n the i)roi)b upon which hujuint. There is room .n his Coun- beginning to reveal its plan:?, it'- lias Ivaiiicd ill times «*! zrcat diffi- cil for several Camps wholly mr il.catin^ that considerable time ha.? cully. Zack Ellis, he says, set him a i scouting and Iherc is .an imptmlive been given to laying the fotinda pan- in hard work anJ fidthfulness, (i.eed for more interest and arflfcr- Uohf.of the organizaliiiiv w.thout which no I'.i tw could h.a’c j laiite on the purl of the adults with ' opinion of Charles u. liecn made. Ar.oDu-r who came ini the Scouting Program * ittcbb, director of membership, for unstinted praise was H. K. 1 No parent can object and no cltl-1*^9 ^^***^,® Witherspoon, wlicjc contact has zen should object to the oath of the i®*'^*?* pressure grou^ pur- '(pened up new avenues and Drought : Scout beoming a pail of the life pofttng to fcprcacnt the OI are .1 suci-css. Ih^ boys of Ihl, iitotc and nation, instances hamperfd by re- ■TIII- sir.atct fac;.,r in ll.c star's 1 M.-, rjcwnll declared. That oath Is.In!" e...w.l,. .-aid Nenell. w.Ih Ihe I.,ok here prcenled: M'),'' '"-ftectual m their slat- of the lion .M;iu. "lijv* -bc'.':i the. On my honor I will do my b'St: lr»,p (■(iiumitlci-men ii.'* the Scout To do my duly to God and iny i . " couiiliy and to obey th? Scout Law; trifle-' of the i2) to help other people at all •My par •Kiit'D i'a inalienable right. JACK DAVIS l.ul tilt' led purposes, particularly Ih . tiHecl the solution of piohlems o! pnno: ily group vc teiaiw. The organizational commiDec i:? nnifi- lim,...; .It, to k|,. |. myselt Phyi'eal- “p.’;'; sj„5oj.j E. R„an, eurr.-nlly li.ol.t ly sln.i.K, mrnlally areakc ai d m,.r- Ohio Stale univer.ilty under the GI Bill of Rights, pre ' altoitethi'.'* another ally straight. 'B££N ££UeP fiY A AT 7f/£/ZAA/fl> Of^ ie?tAr" CiAf,^-£Yd AifP /la/zkv... MAP£ Ta/P rArAZ. ofi- i,;£A£/.Mj TH'O rV/i'y / •/ ..uA‘,>-£y£. ■ 7At£ CO/. D T w cAu*y-) J//AI ^ OUTTA H/^ ^TVPOeA/A F£W Ml//Un£^, 6LA^y-£y£/ y' TEP^WATSON BREEZY By T. MJ:V|.V - THEM I'LU CrRE-ET HE NEW YEAR WITH -YOU ARERIOET A ? BLANKET ANP ‘rO.ME EKIRf, ^ CUrrHEE FCQVl HOME.- [JIM STEELE PDOINfrliie owe HfoA iaHrui cw/ne/'s HDQrs, U'.S'tEeu:,5PA»:y •MID JUDO-JOS Move iHTue 'DicecncNOF THE aACe lAJMECe TOHeUi^DDOmi Had lamocp.''^ MELVIN tablet /NCW,EVERyBODY KEEPA (5HARP LOOKOUT./'vVC■SHOULD |;gEt3tTTIN&CLOE.E fi~THOSE OTHER TWO&UYSWEREN'T i ■sruMeuNCr AROUND out] d?'nt; Ch€.stcr J. Guy, pre.'-.-nit USES ofliciii!, who S' I’ved uver- sca.s with the AmericuD Red Cmzs as club director. se'Crctary, Lt. Carl W. Pope. Jr., who .saw servi'.x; in Britain, Africa, and Italy pn-s- cnlly, refrigcratifui enginee., di rector of publicity; C:jpt. Veia A. Ilariison, recently ii.-lurned from r.vcrseas where she saw active duty with the WAC Poitiil un;!, riow on terminal leave, director ot women's activities; Pvt. Chai. R. Webb, pi sent boys' work see- tetary. Spring Street YMCA, di- reetor of member.ship: Pvt. Claud-? W. Willis, pre.ient phy.sical edu cation director, Spring Street Y. M. C. A., Treasurer; Pvt Karle A. Williamson, classification expert. Wright field, director of huiiding? Mid facililie.s. Among the new members were; Dr. G. B. Hoiston, physician an'l burgeon of Columbus, formerly Captain USA: WfKxlcy Saundero. recently dLseharged serviceman: and Pvt. z\lex Field, who is still in the service but whose wife. Stahuist-coiitrolled National Negr> Congress recently picketed the White House demanding the ouster of Secretary of State Byrne.s and the rftenlion of the Fair Employ ment Practice Commission iFEPC). During the recent "peoples’ war" when tens of millions of Die world’s workers paid with thler lives for the four-fold enrichment of Wall Street corporation.and for the con tinued enslavement of two-thirds the earth’s popiilatian in the colon ial countries, those lor.n1 Dooges of Stalin were spending their time dii- suading Negroes from making any militant move ognin.sl army Jim Ciow as "subject to embarrass Roosevelt" — who. In truth, ap pointed Truman who appointed Byrnes. Not content with giving up the struggle against discrimination, t-ie .%irb. Mae Field, paid his mem bership dues. 1 he organization is conducting i*.:- bu.niness fiom 112 Hamilton Avenue, Columbus, and has l>een holding rciiular meetings each Sunday afternoon at the Spring Street YMCA. While the conimil- tce has begun to o.'-ganize in Ohio, with its national ouice in Coluni- 1 us, it looks forward in the near future to developing a network of ciiapicvs of AWOL throughout th? country. Its goal is 25,00C- iiiemliers by June. All men and women veteram; and military auxilliary personnel of World War II, whose objectives and interests are in keeping with the purpose.s of AWOL. are urged to communicate with President Hoan, 112 Hamilton Avenue, Co lumbus, O., for additional inform ation. jWAKE COUNTY ! NOTICK JULIUS HAYWOOD VS. ODELL HAYWOOD The defendant, Odell Haywood, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Wake Coun ty, Kor''i Carolina, to obtain on ab solute divorce on the grounds ot two years separation os provided In tbe Statute of North Carolina, pLiintlfff and defendant having liv ed separate and apart for mure 'han twa years next preceding ^he insti tution of this action, and 'that th? said defeiiriant will further take no tice that she is required lo appear at the office of the Clerk of the | Superior Court of Wake County. North Carolina, in the Courthouse I In Raleigh, on the 14lh day of Janu-1 ary. 1046. or within ^thirty days; thereafter, nnd answer or demur tc the complaint of said action or the j plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded m said com- ^' plaint. Tills lOth (lay of December. 194' SARA ALLEN. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court F. J. CARNAGE. Allornev Dec. 1.5. 22, 29-Jan. 5. TAN TOPICS By CHAftLCi AUfN IN THE 8UPLUIOR ( OURT NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE THOMAS GREGORY VS. MARY WHITE GREGORY The defendant, Mary White Greg' ory, will lake notice that an action entitled as above has been ..-om' menced in the Superior Cuurt of Wake County, North Carolina, to ootain an absolute divorce on grounds of two years separation, as provided m the Statute of North Carolina, plalulifff and defendant having lived separate and apart for more than two years next prcced ng Ihe i.sli’tution of this action, and that said defendants will fnrDier L-ike no tice that she is required to appear at the office uf Die Ck-rk of the Superior Court of Wake County. North Carolina, in the Courthouso m Raleigh, on the 14th day of Janu ary. 1946. or within thirty days thereafter, and answer cr demur to th?> eomplaint of said action, or Iho plaintiff will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 8th day of December, 1945. SARA ALLEN. AsslsUnt Clerk of Superior Court F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney CARTER Electric Company Anything Electrical 3 Eut Unlor St DU1 WMI WE CARRY A PULL LINK OF BEAUTY sul BARBER Write For Price Lists We Ship Anywlsare KLA^X Beauty Products Co. 1730 FULTON BIREET Brooklyn. (13), New York DRIVE IN GLEANERS Cash and Carry ’1 gee ypu've met av CAPITAL COCA-COLA Bom-mo CO. 5l& W. Morgan Si. 325 S. Bloodwortb Sl WAKE SALVAGE CO. Wo Buy and Sell ZvafTthtaf •f Valu* FUBHITUHE — 8TOV18 RErRIGERATORB TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wilmiogtoa Si. PbPM 2-2337

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