PAOK BICTIT THE CATiOTlXIAN WEEK EXDINC! SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1945 / Continued from Front Page m CIIAKACTKR Is NKf;i)KI> SAVa C. C-. 5iJ»Al LDI'.fi lor u iiumtiCi' of yr.irb w;i> deni or tue Niiiioiuil .\«Kr. ‘•I nm more alarjn'’d over th-’ ri'cc quosfion in Ihc- V.ii'' pifsi- Slates," I’ontiniUM liiltv). Uu.'.- t.ver (!»' alomic b»mh. I am ii nc»i Icafiuc and wh‘> is a member blind. I see. 1 kno'.v wlia: !'• t.i of ih. Xi-w Vork Sl.iie Chambci inff place. There ar.' .stales m i. of Coniiiure. a- u.H ns |)ie.->if!*n: American union- which pc i. of the North (.'arol iiu Mmua! Life by law of the stale. N'es-oes i.n InsUionce c .Tiipatr., ‘wont can wo "hite.s to intermarry, at.d to i, .0,10 ea- in Ilv way of chaeiiicicr there are more than 6()(» man for the guidanc "f our young pco- •* y'ar between NijiriH s nu pi..'. whites. "We ncid '^clf-conti. I ar.d 'clf- _ then said that the Unit, i-csttaini. the oi-Hanizallon of con- wuiiUl eventually turn in- WINS PRIZE FOR .siructivo literary and social club-. t > a rac4- of “yi'low oivaniz.ctlc.iis that will send to elc- tK ither whiti- nor black." monsi'i . vale rather than demoralize. Duriim Ihis aue in which we mt living, f • too many of us have the wronu idea ‘ f ricreating Our activities in this regard c"Ulci Ik.- moic a|i»ly ny Ih.i DR, L.^NIEn APPOINTED MIN IJsTER TO LIBERIA j;nt director, division of N'jrroA. f. trs. National Youth .-ximinist' ■ , u . ■ T> .1 , • •“‘f. artin#> pii-istlcnt of Hanii o'liotM n> lh,.i hi'-tmiti*. Hanjj’ton, Vn.; ■■wh„-, wi,„ i„ Am,-. (■nils, slll.ns l.|. lalf ;.l m»hl. im- -irn.-, jms' V. M, .... , , . . i.'ft •'1.11 .>it-tiiii’ r. .Nr- lo,. .. li.mptii.b of Niili.mal I'l- I.. c.o d;.,', vvoik .if'. TOmd TIi, h,n. Uotui-; EMculivi- boi.rd rcM.ll IS seen on ■ y.ry hind; ilcnib s-ulli.-rn Neuio Y.iiitn c'..n::i,.s 111 nil e.nly nge ..r brnh. ii .mil V.. .. „„ vaiimis li.ilinn.i; lid lives. ( iiiiniittee.s of the NA.^('P - 'Irvetop 'tronu SCKSOL'IAN men and women, men ..i d wome who are iirijiaicd lultiiralty jihy sj-ahy. aiiil m !..!!> to .e'.iiiiie |i silii’iii ‘if !• adeisiiip. 0-0:0 mu-! h a rev..m|>ing of mir .' jiioi-ia’i f'oiiiplaiiiiiiir aboiil [iio .-rijiiiiiii o- t'ae.rin ,;tid i: n:nui:..r on w i •erv- no usef'il end lOilc.-.-! w« de velop llu- n-ie.- aiy pi.ilificatio-, to demand eonsidei.itii.ii My CNpe- ' \\ rienee has liieti tl-al fioi.ii: and •[•h, inaleriiil MUn:- eoii.e a- a i«-iiil In |>, of prnuie; .'iv e Ihinkin;; :inil lion r-t .. ,,ii pill pme- . : h , "it i.s eollllliellil.lhle Ilia" liie-ilif’-.- (;, #•;, enlidni'teii l>> .N'ef'.lo ' li.iV'* I’l. le lunre piogiea and offi nil f- f.'iilui'i’. dniiiii' ih-l » W f \T«»\ I I.K TI II t llAIK 'V O! VM( A HOARD 0| \l.\\\(;Mlf \T IN l{\l tlfill Shoi • ddr.n I v%.: n I.V l•'of II I .1 Teetur of the W.i-h nitloii Sehc.i.J V. I), x I. ii.ri -Siiaw l/'iiiver • iTv K'an ■ V. L. veui .‘.nd C f Ki .'i Dr. K' l cy I. IMiarr nottxl bus- iiies" man, philanihropisl and hiii.m of Ml tnr. Fla., who l;as jiiNt bc-en ..'iirded llie Silver fiiav ihe "11.0.1 iiolile" award • . • f’e iiifl of he "Boy Scouts of America" The aw.ud .e; e of 'li- ui'ceasiiiy ac- ' ' ' 11 iH'li.iir of *he ymitii of llu- r.K-e — lAN’Pi »n f» S HoII.mI. .Illbli CP l)('|,l. t'liC.I To Hall S. b. toll- Sriicmc' HAMPTO.N I.NSTITUTE. Va. — Onc.ip I) Pelo of Phdaolphin. Pa., a '■enior in the depar’ment of building Cinstruction at Hiimpton Institute, las ! I til a\v;.rd?d fiiNt prize in a competition conducted at Ihe colIeR.* rfcintly for plan.' for the postwar lansery school pioject of the Hamp- lon Community Center Board, a civic «’r»;nnization in Hampton. V:.. n ow ini' w II be tin di.splay in the Br-wsinc Room of the CnlJis P Huiiliniiton Library at Hampton In.^titut:- ihruuuhout the Christmas ■I'di'ky. •liulcinR the eompetitinn were Miss rJeiraldiiu Bi'yant, i.uiserv scho'd 'e.-u-her at Hampton Instiliite. *• I .- , v,r-l hii'linif coiUractor and biisinoss leaner and laither F - ■ I .1. a m.n.ber of the ri'm of Willi ans. C il-*. and Popino. aiThitiei.N. ill Xi w'potT News. Tiicy .w-.nii-'' 'i-cond -md third places lo- i-t.velv lo Hannan S Davir. of ft^f-U'd. N f, and .les-s" If, Ham- n on Ilf SI, l.niii', Mo., while ttiv- hniMi:-il>|. mntioi] to the draw ing!' of .lo eiih 1) Aii'lerson of Mo- ’ . M- Alf.aiMi W Knight of If' i.tlc-ison. N C., and .Tohn C. Lil- ■. York Ciiy, All of •le- ptizi-.' were expensive profe.s- ■ ii ' to-,k if. Hie field of arehi- HOLD LAST RITES FOR NATION’S POLIO VICTIM REHABILITATKD Only $50,000 To Go In Half-Million Dollar I.«-l I . live: 1 iinlin-ie Iiiiile. r.'fel., .ind -'etiielv or. Ha foon.l,. lion Ih.l1 lijir b.-en i-iect-d ,\niid the ‘uellim; '•■•n.elhing nj- gambling miii.l i-.' .oat • tm:- lo ane fcs'.er lulstai.-inu- lint- «»f ter. Theii a;.t! n"i unlit Ha-,, 'viil distruri aUJ lll■.ellrl'l:na(lol> v.mi n am till-way 1.- ..p. lu-.i to |ii-l i» ,vnit,oM anil full p.nti ip.itton in the ■ft,III fit-edoms.’ Hi- ev er> Anier.e.iii eili/ei ll-.ywntMl and lir o .s Oidt.Kk pir • .:> ':->ti;.i.iiii.i.- h.i H,.- H'-.,ld of ' ■oiiliol tv. , C -AM’: T.mi flaik ,. -i- -111.-iv, I 'tall mate At I k. I A lla W W III It:.I Oi w n l> H H>\ .NO .' »), jjeais .1 'tall mate in ;;t-t!iiig i.'it L-liali,:i bo.i'Js III .(i:in- .SoLit ■ ( aioiina tounlie.- to legi.-l'-t .Ni ting i|ual.t.> .itioiis jit . •.''c (ilaii won st>eri:il >' finrri th' indi' for it.s cx- Hi m 1,1 ;-:ini.’,it .on of spai-c. is the ..I .( \li- I n;.vi-' of 2Mn Oath- ‘lil.o Sl|i-*1, IMlllaellihi.i alld 11 Jtr.ld- ; ail- n led ■n -.. .M H.nti-ii. -i.i’i president. In had f- U( l .ll lilt' 1 \ elillt.n .NAA(‘ - ijm .:| . .\I . lilt- h.ial .1 iiK Ik M.i tin ;>>!« ■ I'. II .iolil.ii. lilt I'HI, al- ■ I - V I h H root,- :h -eak iirianimou-1 pi ..-'k 1 f. 1 ■ iil,}e ! p.T.t Hank . imt d bk. I Ids I lo Im tiC II. i t to hoiii'ht i' tie !•* deliafi. 1 *nvp :ii:’: on ai) H;i1 I e.iJi yt'l tiir> • TEACHERS ADVISED ON HOW TO CURB SCHOOL CARVER DAY PILL RACE PROBLEMS matt- r til eour •- Tlf. .-".me i.l.a = ti-ei, of difl- ''•lit n:*ti'>ir>litti-.- eii ' cn eil-:. he said ’frii .- ' i “• belter Why s'-iUici L l. poi-.; out a child In cause *. ‘ '..nt; t - :i certain eluneh a .-rtam nalioi.- nlityV be asketl Tran sh,ol.l 1 ■' no .speech inakinf! in .'ch'ml aSout such things, he deel.ired. ; dv- •' t i blic sehoul i- for all e'l-' bf n V WANT Sf»N-OIS'l{l>nN.Yni)V :i..AltSE IN W.AUF Bll.l. hi.iVtiry wage diffi n-iitiiil- wlir). could b«- created ;,r |iciiu-1i.;it»fl bv , indmtti^v tupi;niHie£,. 'H' mider Ihc proiHJsetl 1,7)!. Olhci Congre-'slon.d tneiniu rs '.f the Lab«ji CMi.iniltee. which eiir- rciilly lue the nu-jsiiie iiiitler ctm- . • . . I ,1 sidirnllnn. .vh„ .-xi,..»s.d s.ip.i.irl ' M'.l,|.l.. ..I : |,nl>.l.l ..h„, IhioUK.I nr lb,. NAACI- nnicndmint am: Kill. K Pall..™.., ,1, Cal.r.,. Adam i''‘,’'“1'’ C. Pmvi'll. .h'. ID , N. Y.I. .1;'.is I'l.;- ' j.’ a i I,' S '"l*m ... ..... 1 t.aiti'i, wiiii ... now i.t, C'ltiii.ii . n.;„ Di'.naln I,".-.. I a,„l , a.alvs;, at . .n„.t. ..I V w,.i. Il, ijt ^ to i.' a -II.Vi. H. ai. i.uu Ne|-i., .. souKbt ttieiii SimulljiK I'll. I •. .Stall Si-ii Kail: It Kli.-i >■ ^'.n .1; d : . i .iifnati K. .M I .i..:wiigli' na.A .gni'iui inrii- 1 : I. I. ol pi -ite •*. fill f w itti 'hi-m till Pio; t .'sivc- n* rmiciaii'.-p,.: . • i- whlcii lliv im 1 eitl/i-li » -•UK Til. tU'lleil .IV.ay lEi ; -. nr v. no ijip u d .n •.' ! •.. Ihi I I. I). p.iM I -il Ihl., A . . moil t dll) iiiil .ippm.’: L . .. 'lippi j out 'by . :oa e-it ■; atid iJic toiiithoude i' • .i .1 do.'. 1 : .0,1 ilia’.i-;. to li..:i,-.;.' ; app,. ei.ii’.s In .Wo-. I mber. Vidalia. Ga. (A.NP) — Funcinl .ii rviccs were held here- last wccl; dt;r America's oldest known cit.- •tius, the J 20-year-old Rev. Jai. 'I'ncle Jim) Waller Wiison. who died here at the homo of his son. iCbarlos. Loin in .slavery on the Wadlen plantation. Fcv. Wilson's official .ISU.S record reveals May 15. 11125, as his birth date. He w’as a :.*u‘m hand until he was 100, then was ordained a Baptist minist;-; and actively served several churche.s until he waas in when lu ramc hero lo reside with his sen. He read well, spoke fairly gt.oH English and consulted the Bible daily. His formula for long evity was “live temperate and obey the laws of Cod." His age was discovered when he receive! l)i.s first medical treatment, due to a fall, after he was 117. The motion picture indu-stray starr d h:n> in a newsreel for a day, in which he hoed cotton, mended ft-nces anti did other .sttinLs O'-t in keeping with his years. Wtirking since he was fou- year-s of age. Rev, Wilson prob- ;:bly holds a record for the moit iiate Ilf Liiiiieiiburg Institute. North I'''-''k hours in man’.s span of life Miss Elsie Au.ston of Washins- ttii.. OPA attorney .and past grand president of Delta Sigma Theta sorority, will be the featured .1 he ctinv'-ntion ban- |Ut:l when Ihe Deltas meet in n..limuiid. Va. Dec. 27-30. Ana lyzing the implicati-n.s of -tiirrent happenings. Mis.s Austin will sug gest ways and means of attack- ing son:t- of out jiiobleiiix. --•ANP Photo) I Clinton, S. C. (ANF) — Point ing tiut that South Carolina spent $087,642 to haul 27,028 white high school studenU; during 1944 and but $2,045 to transport oniy 343 Negro high school students for three-tenths of one per cent of the total expenditures, the corn- mittee on transportation of the Palmetto Stale 'Teaciiers' associa tion Monday called on law mak er? to correct the disparity. I While about 44 per cent of the 'state's population is colored, th.* itate spe-nds $40 to educate whit- students in high school to every $1 spent to train Negroes in high school, the committee observed. Furthermore, it said, "a large per cent of Negro pupils never enroll in high school because of lack of adequate transportation facilities." Ten of the state’s 46 countie.s have no high school facilities for Ne groes at all. Hospital Drive 4.nil. lie is :i member t,f the OOikiun .Si.v'iil Club at llumptui., where In if active in 'winiming miJ has MTvtsl as l•^llh•g^• clu-er leatler. V Kcls‘\ IMiari- Gris lli"li l!o\ .Seoul Honor MIAMI •ANP. I)r. Kol»ey L Pharr. Miar)ir.s firs-l i-itucn of lol- (r. ha- jiisl bi eii awureU the Silver IJi-aver, the "oioiit iiubL? On the ba.«is of 13 hours a dav for HI years, he totaled 527,tl()'l h'lurs of work. He toiled 44 hour*: one week straighteneing nails • tier he was 120 years oll. He is survjv -d by a son anti ftitir ciandchildieii. two of whom ats- \ ar Veteran.'- Memphis (ANP) — Only $50,000 remians to be raised in the $500,- 000 drive here for a new Negro hospital, according to a report last week by the Rev. Arthur W. Woi nack, pastor of Collins Chap^' CME church and head of the Ni- igro section of the campaign. 1 While the colored citizens here !wbrc to raise only $25,000, Kev. Womack said they had contribul- ied $99,280 to the hospital project, I With expectation that it may ex- 'coed the $100,000 mark within a few days. The whiles, originally apeeing to raise $125,000, have also exceeded their quota. They have raised $250,000. The $100, 000 CME church subscription now brings the total up to more than $450,000. The movement to erect a much m eded Negro hospital here sever al months ago. said Rev. Womack. Coiisumotkin of comnierci.'il iiitro- Kcn in fertilizers increased from ;t9U.OOO toiib to 026.0(KJ during the war years. BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL MEN Why Take A Chance In Making Your Income Tax Returns We Will Handle Them For You Phone 3-2462 LASSITER’S BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICES 314 S. BLOUNT ST. RALEIGH, N. C. WE HAVE “A Plan To Fit Your Needs” S. L. T(-;i( li(-i-s Mil '.IZ’ '111- ri.. rraiispoi'Liliot) Tu-.k'gte •AM*. AHx-.t {'a-- t, r, il polio patx-nt. wiin hu.--: Iit-i n ■ ••■.aiiililatt-rl at liie infantiic par'.if unit hi Ii*. «vi1l open a ph i- lugiapbic attidio in bn; ho’ii tov II. A.igU:>Ui, (■:> Hi- is a ,'(hiiI oi III 1. 2i)'i ..p;.:: , ruling ti.i-iM «|ii:-iili’ •' a ii:ing t, mail liivn '‘-Mi' . HoW'-v r. Wfi. 11 TiPi o‘li ; \ ;l up in l)i '■ ".!> r. rioi 01 fn» i-xplaitat'oi ol 1^ Aa> inmt no i-xpianai'oi, a-i iiiiving .vili.ti* Id lilt- 102 n-ilifi ■ • (.v-J piorust"! hy aiail i>ul " tin- boaiil. acfoi'din,; P. H •.••igi.l. with',II' •iii'hori:\ f'.i.ilioo Iv,'. ol Ibi' ni'.-iii'u-: ■ ,i.c itl H iWiVfi li.‘ pi'oini--l ■ • t- .ii):'li b'- ap I ighl \i; i i -oi.tii (.lanuary) " .di- • W. l)owll^ -A Sfwcll. 'll' .1 . v.lio liaii issue ilic iifficiul ..II foi- deloitatc:: and inembors •( 111 13f» IK'!::i eli. l-tcr,; |oc-it-d II 32 :!ali- to nurt-t at Vrigiiila rill.-. University. Ri'-»i:nt»iul Va., !l i-c'i ber 27-3'i. f«ir i»a? IIUI: na- : •1..1I lonvi-iitinn of Delta Si^ma It'-l.-' oi-aritv. >• III.? I lie Itieme ‘ De.slgiis for .nini; ill 11 New A:;.-’ the IxKly iil.-iiiea for- repr«'seti(atjve« ' :rvt n.dionalilii-s lo serve • 'I the iirotnani. V.aiif .if the Uuy Si-.nit.- of Alit.-r- iea. Noled phiiai,tliolpl:-t ilid hu£- !iies.s iii.'tii. Ki-biy Pharr has lor lln- past Id years almre duiiceasiiigly fo. fuller op|jt>i-tuii:ties' for Negro yuiith Some 1.5 years ago. Nexrt, Boy ■-eouli. v.'re not (lermilied te wear 'ho Stout uniftiiin in Mi;mii Dr. Phan- won this right for Negr-i yoiitli iiiid made (lOssible by hi.' financial assistanet', the first uni- forint'fl Negpi titnip in .Miami, M»re than any ether single p«-i-,oii h- -I'le -fill,tin Ij\- aiiiMtix Negroes ill Miami even when it appered doomed. I>r. Phair has icreivt'd many award an 1 iioriois. .irnoiig them Ih.- tlllo of "Miami's First Citizen,' a eitjitinri frtim the American Red Cro.s«-. .Hid tlio rihbiiii ..f Liberia's Humane Order tif African Redenit»- tii-n. but none a|>p'ars lo have lauelict* him .si> tlf-eply as the uwani •if the Silver Retiver. • fsta'iliy Hairi.',, nalioiial di- Tiii'.-t- pf . interracial activities of Bev Seoiits of .Amreica. made the )>''(‘serilatiori at an annual division mt-fling here Tuesday. I''i!'lil I’t.lio Willi \ Dinir MOTHER and nAUGHTER FASHIONS. HOUSECOATS and ROBES REDUCED FOR Immediate m I r:iiis|i)rlali(in Diiis -rr- TCETlTcrcnnry—TTyrr- CLAUSE IN WAtiL HILL iiialory wage diffirentiah whi-h couhl be ei-cated or perpetimled hv in^u.Kti^ ^-onimitlees. set up under Ihc proposed Infl. Other CmKre> liienibers of tin* I.abot Coirmillee. which eur- rciUly has Hit- measuic untler ctin- slderatioii. who expressed .support of the NAACP aniendiiienl are: Elli' K, Patterson «U.. Calif.i. Adam C- Powell. Jr. (1). N. Y.', Jesus Pi.:- Ci-K. Deh gtiU- Pin rto Uien, tiinl Richaid J. Welch iH.. Calif). ASK 4’OAST OUAIll) PIHHti: UI MULZAC TREATMENT IN AI.LEGEi) ^MUfiCiLINfi main gangplank undci Ihe eyes of U, S military p'llicc. The NAACP wire .-taid, "in view of Calpaiii Mnlz;.c*s exendibiiy ror- nrtl during Ihc wai we cor.i- plcle iiivest ii.ilioii of ln'l-•elU :ind i::oper di eit'Iimuy ai-tiai if Ci*:el CJuartl officer hel.:iv.-cl as i.po.h-d in ?.l:iiseill«-.s." NAACI* llin VDT CANCEL TALK IIV MRS, ROOSEVELT gaged ill no corre-'-pondenre vvilh'-, Hon'evelt or an> ' her repre seiilatives. neither did we si-c any of the ctirrc.-'poiidt lice lielwt; n Ite. Miiburii and Mrs Htu-sevell •The date had ht-eii :el :.!ul -i l ariaiigemi-iils maih- h> H'-v MiHoi :- when he came to niy ollice and ask ed if Hie loi-al hianeh of wliieti i «' claimril to he iinav.-;iie. hi-me. ■•- new lejideni wouhl |l..|•lli•|^ale m hi'- p. -jech'd iiil. ii.o-::.! piog.ram which was to iiiehide various imh- l.c.rl fi;iire'. ;md ore.iiii/aliont Ihroiiithout Hn- eoimt.v W» lold hi-i 'iii-kigif lANl*, Ailn-iT (bar ter, a polio patient, wno ha.s f)e ii ii-'.atiililated :it trie infantile par •' unit lu-ie. will open a ph i- :'iipiiic ntudio in his hum li.v h. Augusta. Ci.i. He i.s a gotiii - •-.anipie ol ; palieiil who, •.hioug;i ci-re, licaliiivnt. and truimiig bav: l.*;-s-eii lioiii lilt; tanks of Hu- belli- iv.'s to a .self-siijiporliiiK eitizen, l.’iii ter, who is now 23, cimi:.i. li inf.irit.le paralysis at tin- ag. i.. nine niuiitiis. As a child il wjo ioiig Inn.- heft.r- he was abl- lo g t aboui even witii Iht- aid a. ri-titc!a.-». Hi ing an invalid .svi i.iu .- '-J till i rupli 1) his sciio dtng whi.-h : l>. i>an at the age tg it). ' Carl-, r siIjh's that at an «-ar!y ,;-«e he had Ix-i 11 offeieti an op.-i.i it.>'11. but had iK-vei iukI .-.ultiei.iit .iiitiileiic- until iie cam. t«) iu- h'iin A. .■^^dl••-.v Mt-inonai 1: 'Spi- .»! Tu.'kvge • Here iie h-.-eaiev iinairiiec .vii,. Dr. -lobu W U In'-nault. o:thop»-die aingeoii an I ' iir. • lor Ilf tile unit. .vh.. pmUirni ed tw.i opeiatioi’s liuiiiig In.' iwu \.ai .'lay in tin' ini.'iiital. Thi; ‘-i.- • ic d him ’o walk, fi'ecl., Wilil llie I ■ I low- \ 1. ."'‘'I • d up ill 1)'- •' I' -' r. n -t "i 1\ -Aa.s there no .-xpi.iiial*in f'-i iiuving within Id liie UI2 ceitifi 'i.l'.s proi'usr^l iiy muil iiut '.'• ' t.nn- the Imanl. aceortling i-i H >a: light, wii' wifiiou' au'horMV 'o fi'i.etion Iwd ol till- ni'-ii;'"-:.' h-- ii.g ill. How* ver he proini ed ev • ■ t'ong'll tie all ligtil h.' M'xl 1 -oi.lh (.January) '' ,, ;-2 ' Ill nieel at Vriginia I'liiu i l iM.-1 :..l). Rii-iimimd. Vu.. |i cenl'ir for me llith n:i- Ih-AJ te.i.i.l . onvciilion of Delta^ij^ma rrtrte^ wartl I lUcht-e him s» tit eply u of the Silver Beaver. ^Sta-.lcy H.iiri>. iiatioinil di- pf . intciTaciul iictivitiei,. uf ■•ororily , Boy Scouts of Amrcini. made fhc U-in.? tile theme Designs for presentation at an aruiual tlivision l.niTiu in a .\’i-w A.:'.-." Uic liody meeting here Tuesday, h;.- planeo for repr-scntuUvcs f... . v. ,; l „,,tm„.,lil,ix lo 'irvc- p„||„ ^ |)j„,p I. . Ihe |>togiaiu. P ot ; Whili mil -J pain III ill the ho-: ilal 1); ("In iiaiilt iiia.l' arraiiv n . Ills lor young I'aiti-r to hegm 1 I lo ly >1 loiolography tin I II I'olk. loiai pho'.ouriiulie, I- mill til. V« I \ l•.■:'mnllU■. ’ -M: I sla'.-'. "h. tia.l a ■ 1 11 lek .-Mti-i ;-iur y* ;'.: •- '»t 11 .iv- .•e- ;ie oeeaii.' .\!i. I’di.. a.-.i-l an* and iiik in whom lie has lull I- nlnl'-n--'- 14 ' f i# r '■r I! f 'I RC ♦ t ♦ at... Rhodes-Collins Liiilv lli.-mHi till invilalioi t.. o- n Mle«| atte: Hie aff.iii had h. cn put d III thi Joi .d pr«'-- " "I Wi.'h ot :liU- for I'lVM’lf pel 'oi.idly anil h'l Hw i.iao h " ■' tn i,..t...i...i ;.d M. 'he : till d' It-.' . had veil's visil v’-m.*. we .' o- I • Il'illl’ Jiossilite lo a Mii'Ct'ss. d.ipil oiissiinis'' ^ , At ttl. •l.'elll'" o. • NAACp l'•'.•^^ of «hreto. . -f ’-•-li iiiak- th.- i.i • ..ny l.nal •pel •he >. Ill I Ml.- Jto slated that "h»- an invitation from tl.i.ii 1 D Ml;- B.ikf .id 'h deuce witli In .iw.m w.e rele;.=«sl Lit-cao'-*- nmeon*' or coluic-tl. ill dm eonroo-.l -di at Ihivrc !• iLaii ai','..r idly ctl to emliarras' the NAACP WHATf ONir?0 MflHONI I.BO HAS FIELD DAY BLAST IG MRS. ROOSFVELT FF.PC ] iiuvt- just *Uul there ate> abt.iK 2(> iiiillion fnetory r...:-k.i at ‘.111- I’n'ti-.; • .t. riii-. '--Illy ahi.iit i.:ie-“i-vi-i ill of our lot-il ii.)|iid.'ill‘>>.. 4. ♦ ;■> 14 !4 • The first minute they're available our Homemrtking Center will have on display a complete line of oil the well- known, home-proved, work • .ving 'W&stinifliousc O ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES I ha tiiisle. a:. i'i.sli*ut > coin'ii'tli-'i to ih'- pi ’Li.M-^ •*- !*iat ecppili ' n ' • ■ d h'ack 'iH (■' and mi-’c'-tf na- 111 and ini' 1 inai n:«g'.* uf H..- rae 1- -onifho • ii'i- that III •l•:>!:l>l. s-ii uii'lf-r the Ti- f'.dho cimlinued w’th :'n ae'-'uio' Ot M'S. Kou-evlfy 1 ee.-n! apin a'- an*- -'it tl"vv ‘I’' - mi* • ■■-i t'' rl.-hn '••he '“a :-sk-d if Iv- I-;-i )it • : *1.1 N'l-'roe I |ju*iida(i‘ duv.-. I walking out. . ;!li.".K ,.,.:iiir ;. hig -Iowa. 4 illi:;; the •-•iiblic t-yc ;i»i*l di'ii. 'iiiliMi' gov.-riiaa-iit H: then -aid U'.-i' tie fln l'- It'V*'-, It rt-M'r D, ,-l.’ a' c r an.' Ml - io! " lltt. iti.-e il :hc millioti:- uf luraicra ..nj idcni-'-rai'ii r an-) -r’. ?ry . lore rit. .".n au'i li'. »>'! i-.m’-.'t: of Ihf wlut- Aiiierivaii people. kc:: olhc- -n.-’ er: af M . -aunt; m. ') as aiurr uf ;. f.. tlnni as the : : n.'. life In -V' . r* • -..•ni bur« Pv uiie larKV UulUo-Lu. ♦ ♦ ❖ ♦ 4 'nicw'll l»n sprcily We-lingliuuse Kuiiecs so aiiioinatic you tan pul u meal in lo c.iok and llieii fesoi-i it. I’ig. III fiiyeralor.i, willi special jika-'-*- foi e\er. thing in.'ln-h'ig {ro/**ii fo'.il'. wll! lie here, .iial-. le.i those itoioh-ifill .luloinali'- w.i-hei' i(-ilue(* ivasll- iig to a '•iin].l'- “pul i-oi in . . . -el tin- tiials ... • •111 '. A.' well a> III'.V .Aiitoiiiaih- lions new “l'o|el |i" I'o.i-lers . . . Koaslers, lijoiHT:, Vat 11 lull (Il.-aiiei' -.. in fart. Iwo iluzcii hi more difteient Vvi-'li'iglioiisc ApjiliaiiCRt, i h oio- d‘'igi‘e(i to take a tiriii); liomeiiukiii); elAire off yoiir lianJs. So, start planning iiuw ■1. Un-e W‘•'linglioiise cletlin; scivanla are I wutUt M^iiig for. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! liSF. oiin EASY PAYMENT PLAN ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ X ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : X X ♦ X .K( 3!il South V/itminglon ♦ ♦ RC Immediate Clearance RAYON CREPE TAFFETAS QUILTED FLANNEL ENSEMBLES COTTONS SPECIAL GROUP Chennille Housecoats Radically Reduced— $580 and WE SUGGEST EARLY SELECTION. I!l HALEIGB ITV SAUSHflg FASHIONS Insurance Building

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