\ Ain;iii(lii THE CAnOUNTAN WRRKING FMOTXn ?^ATnRT>AY. JAMrARY 12. 1916 nri rly of this '.Ulyii. N Y.. S.-ilio hiou', cJiiiin« Hie Miss t’urric Lciiuv I'ity Init MOW Ml II visited her mothiT, ! a08 Fr«'t 111:111 Stre Chrislnius hoIid:iys. Mrs. .hmet M, MonheMa. Cashio:- C'leik for the li-eal offiee of (ho naltiKh I)i (riel of Iho N. (”, MudiaJ I.ife Jiisiiranee ('•■niiiaiiy, relurned to Hie eily idler mi ndiie: Hie Christ mas holidays in New York City. s of Washln-o :;ue.l of hei Moiaiai of Lm- Mr. and Mrs. .■Monzo Leo perry. Che.der. Pa., spent the holiday.* with their parents. Mrs. Perry w.is formerly Miss Martha Walker of FayerTeville Street, city. Mr. Riid Mis. Guy F. Grny. n09 Ka.'t Ihirartt Street spent a portion of the holidays as giiosts of Mr. and iHi's. Cl.as. Maitin of U in.ston-Sale.n. The Helpino Ihau; Chib of St. Matthew .XMK Church met wdh Mr. Je.seph \V H llowa.v at the home of .Mis;: ? S, Hick.'. 42a Smith Wins the order (a the day. Mr. Ernest Rick'", Jr., and wife| •ire visiliufi his failu r and other [ rtlalivcs for a fi'w days. He wa.* J reccnliy released tro the army af. lor niv re tlian two years in the; anted stivlco-s. He was a serRCont 1 when reltasd on Dei-ember 17. Ho is makiny hi« home in St. Lotii.? i M". He 1: the !-on of Mr. Erne-t, Rieks, .Sr.. Tarboro Slrcel. I Lt. Marjt.irct Allen, stationed at I Gofimaii Fielt' Ky.. i.* visiting her i mother. Mrs. .\Iamie T. Pen v. aoi Faycttiville Slieet, .Mr.*. Hill ..s id i M;s.: Uorotl'.y H. Simmons, a S'ph'in .ri at A. and T. College. Greensboro, not only won the till ' of "Miss :!l.>.t Spei i;,! ' in a recent “piii-uj) girl" eonte.sl sponsored , Marva Loiii.*, former the world’.* heavyweight Jiion. who w.ll open Iter new co'* metic cuneern in Clticago within Hie next few days with the ble.«- saigs of .loc bt'inhei" lia i lure the Ixst and ind;c .tes I- carer for Marv, '! Raleigh Personals I BV PETI"' WIIJ»ER Mrs. Lottie Smith of Wilson, has Washington, n. C. ‘ r. luriieil from home after visiting — I ’^tr. and Mrs. John Lewis, 42.1 S. FIvabcHi Baskervillv, form- I .SVum Street. frly of this city bm n, w of Balti- ! r. r—, ^pent tiie holiu.iys I Mrs. 1,113 »„h I,,.. m.. . «''l to her hon.c by -laieH for sever-. . -'iict. j ^^r. J, H. Rennick. of Wadesbon> Marie Wright . ho has h. m I nLm::;! .Mr. Lr.vclace Miiye and-Mr. Fr.inl Maye ('>f N'« w Jersey visited their Maman, rs.’ Po ol Ihriuion. mother. Mrs. Mamie T. P ry, 901 Mr.-". Blanche Dover and Rev. and Fay.iteiille Street. Mr. Lovelace .Mrs E Mayo was recently dL*-.harged fion’t the army. . Lawrence. hy the 21.-t Special lJaltiili,-ti of the Scitbco.-i, .Soulh\.'ist Pacific, bill also coppr.i a j)>l'lolhir*cii;h xhalribhiti. and the Pacific Theater of Open- tiuns. He luriied four b.>Ho . tar.-' in the ETt» 111.(1 mm- b.iHc star in the Pacific. He i- the son i f Mrs. Cieo.'- tia W'all, H27 Fast Lane Street. f’ar and Miss Gcinv. She ended her s C. Mrs, Mayo was foci.-c , Louise Morgan. lod, of New Voi-;- lidays with her ’\ti- Do.' ' iHiig in Washiiigt in, ij. i:,. home with lur pareil;, Mr. nnd Mrs. James A. Watkiiis, 6 Ircd-.-il Terrace, Chavis Heights. Rev. Lewis M. Watkins of New ^ork City spent the Christmas hot;, ihiys with his parents, Mr, and Mi* J.lines A. Watkins in Chinis Mr. Irxdng Wade and children of hrt»®klyn. N. Y . spent the Christ- y^ohdays with their parents .^nd parents respectively. Mr. Hv po-.| as As- Mstant District miiiiini.T of the Rii- leigJi District of the W'iiisloii Mutual l-ife Insurance (’ompnny. Mr. P. A Simmens is Dj.-tiicl Manager. H V. G E. CoiK'land 817 East D.ivie Stiecl, aiul leiirc-eiitative of Hie Winston Mutual Life Insurance C,in)|>aoy is confined to hi.s home by Illness. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mr and Mrs. Jaseph Fairfax Jinr! daugh ter of Liberty Park. Norfolk, Va.. : pt*nt the holidays with Mr a “ •'- "‘O' iiw vviji- (lou uau] Will be remembered us oiu-ot;*.; Ai,'u.'"Gu™c, 119 IdlcwUd'^™' “"1 I Household of Ruth No. IIK cuter* I ^ ,, „ Mninco with a New Year’s parlv .it and Mrs. B. T. Mivj’e spent the Mary Talbrils H.me on Jan. holidays in Wo.^h- 1. Mrs. p. B. Frtmim. Mo-t Nobh-j vas hoste-.-. Games were j led by Mesdames Sarah Sharper, I Ntllic Sni'ill, and Addie Hinton 1 I’lizes wer^ awarded .he winners >1 . the recent membership contest bv , Sin.iid 11,-,. I,, w, LcKan. wlu, wa.s inl.'u Mi-thod. by I-;,belle Hodge. Win- -tk etui. |„.rs were Mr.s. Mattie Sanders and! ,, Mrs. Frances Taylor. R:fr hment. Mr. and Mrs, D. H. R(id . nd Mrs. were served by M(.,-dames E, S;u.’-i Maggie Marrow viailed i)r. and ,d(.rs and Roberta Ricluirdson. Ml -. D. H. Reid imd ''jmgitur iir Wiisliington, ij. c., during the holi- The home )f Mr. and Mrs. E. G, day sessiuti. 1 Kieemim was the scene of ;i family |rci.'’ioii durine the hoiifiav.' Hoin-' Mr. Goo,-ge Kii'a-ne Br .wn. Jr..; together f. r the first lime in ten of W'llmiiiglon. vLited Jiis father, years Were Mr. Harold S-hmok"., Mr. G, E. Bro\Mi. Sr. manager of formerly of Boston; Miss Klizab'.liii of the Raleigh Di-lrict of the N. C. Sehoniokc of Charlotte; Mi>s Her-• Mutual i.ife Insurance Co., durinjjmia Schm ike of Bnilimore; Staff the holidays, j Sergeant Julian Schinokei receiitl.v ~ |ielurned from the FTO: and Mr. Mr. and Mi's. Wr'ilbert Davenport [Murray Sciimukc. a student at .Moie- of Washingtmi. I). C., visited Mr,; hou.e College. Alhinla. Also visiting and Mrs. W. H Brjcinf. 008 Fay(ttc- th- Freemans were Mr.s, Evei>o villc Street during the holidays. Clanton and I.lttlc Miss Thrre.-.a ■ r^lriritrivt itf fillil-i/l/.lr%n‘ > n,t( Mr. Bryant Bethea of Tiiskcge.' Institute spent the Christmas holi days with his wife and diiughtp", Mr. Mil W. T Fo-ter. E. Lenoii St.. ha\c be -ii .*iui» in for soniriime due to ilhu.-i. We wi.-h for Hum a tapid leeov.ry. Mr. Nelson B. P mpry spent the* Christmas holidays with hi-" wifi* 111 her home. 12 Fort Avcmic, Cit; Mrs. Pompey is the f'-nner Miss Janet Powell. Mr. Roh.rt Powell, Jr.. inomiiH i't local kuioiiiiiiire. is coiilincd to lii-s home, lOOJ S. Person St. Coi'ii nil James Walker is now spending hi- 8ii dr.y furlough witli hi- wif.-, and daughter. He .-ervid in the Pacific Theater of War. Mr-. W'alker the former l.'uise I'ow- ill, Cpl. Walker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D, C. Moore, New Bern OllEKUN KDA!) NEWS BY ANN R. MORGAN J^lr, Harry L-gon lias returncfl ! 'fnni IJ.iltinioie, Md., wliere he j ivL-ited relativisand fi'u ncl.s. ; 1 Mr.s. Jes.sie Ganilia of New Yii.'k (.■;ty visited leialive.s and ti:iiid-i| in iiie city during tne holiday.*. ! V. ;j!:. ni H. Lutg-ford ha.* i- ei i-. - i ed an lionurabU- di-*ch.iige froi-i the .Atniy att. r i civiiig l.'i nuuil!: • in the E,uiep .,11 and P.ieilie 'I’lu 1; let's of W ar. Hi' is now vl-h'.in- ni.. sisiei. Mis. Leona Morgan on (.‘iianitjcfiain St . I Maliey Evans li:i.s received an .iaaioiable di.scharge after serving "Zj month.* uvei.sea*. He j.* now in Ni w Voik. M'.*:-: Lucy Hint.-n Jias retiiiiud to l.ur h'li.ie afti r undet'Koing an • oiu-infi'in a: Me(’uul--y’.* Jlospila'. ; .V.. „ (iia, Hall spent th ;\ iek i rid in Franklinton. N. C., i\..;ting ii'lalives and frien.ls. (iiiAvisnnjhnTs T,.e noekor T. Washington Club I", .i! imel at the liuine of .Mr*. tlt..in*e, 5«;i Fust Lininr Stroe', i.^inday, January Ltth, at 4 o- I c'.ii,- k. j Mii« Sii.sh' Wilcox of N. V. C. |i. the house gue.*l of h"r ni.'ce '.nd nephew. Mr. and Mr.*. Kin.'g ; Green of 20 Franklin Terrace, j Mr. and .Mis. Jolm All n Hi.'ii 'a: K'.i. 7 ChavU W'jy announce tl... :n;-i ria^'e ot liiei.' danghp-r, .vlai,. I’lanc'i; High ol Bi-dgepoi t, Conn, to Sgt. (J.iiiher Nia.*-*ey. Sg Nias.se.v i.s the .son of JL-v. a n 1 Mi'j. Gaither .Mtxsev, .Sr., of L. city. .Mi-.' .Njiui .\I, Albri'.to’i cf 21 Smith Phi/a eelebrali d h: r eigl.t’i biiliiday .Monday. She r c .\'cd many u.-efiil pn.si.nt-. Ap- l-J (. xiiiiai(»ly tweiily-five gm ’ Were j)re.--enl to enjoy tne gann,-' and refreshnu nts. Fuzes wi i • , u'.iarrinl to tile W'inn-rs of Ih ■ ! \ariou.* gainivs. I Little ,Mi>.. Knyleiu- Hiek,s of N'o, | 12 Ciuivis Way iias b. en eonJin-1 eel to her iioniL' with a terribi, ! cold. ^ I Ml-';" Francis Yariiurough of A. i and T. College has returned to school alter VL.*iting her aunt and giananiuther of II Hyde Terrace. Farnur.4 arc advi.*cd to start plans / .1' chick raising in January. Mrs. Amanilii Hodge- , Passes At The Age Of ‘>6 i RALEIGH Mrs, Amiiniht IliHlg.*, ' 8(i. iws.s-fci Monrtuy inoinitm, J.imi- I ary 7Hi. :,l the Mi-C.mley Hospil.d, iicre. Funei'id .-c.vhvn were hi 1.1 ! Thur.-tiii.v from Hie .Miotin Slreel jliaiilisl Chuiti at p, M.. ^iti, ! the iniiiislu'. Rev. Piiiil Joimsou. of. I fie bug. lloiliiis' was a native 'f p,, iei'li mid had liver at he home, 818 East Hargoi: Stieei for uni.i than twrnly-tivc years, She is survived by two .-i.‘'leis Mr*. Nora Wilder, of Method: Mrs C!. WiMium.i of Method, two nepli- e%e*, Milton Jone-'. Rnli iMh ;,nit .\ A'. City; Dennis Jones:, Lillie Roel; Arkan.sas. Iritcrment in family cemetery, Ntetbod. Fight Polio iti: A Dime BRI’SII IT. imNT R|!R IT’ I Briistmig is better Hian r'lbbiiiR for extra--oilid places on blouses, imri-vr-wenr ai.d other delicate fgb- lies when w„siiing there by hand, sii.vs text" , speeiah it.s. Collars, niff.-', shouliler .''Iraj).- and other part.* that g»-l the most soil also get the most we.II'. Rubluni; diinoj; lauiidi rme. hiU'.* to that wear, rspee- ially if the fain ie i* rayon. Bru hiiig. wtlh a mediuin-.stirr brush in caiaer oii f.ilire - and on hands and of- leii leinove.s soil more ((utrkly an.I effectively. ' Ail© wosl colorful court performers' Avenue ever k> wear WHS color. He is the I and Mrs Thomas Wade, i "'ttended the Omega Conclave Miss Melba Ricks. jm Washington. D. C.. duiing the .Di-un F P. Payne. Shaw' Univer. home in Moth ih Mrs. Bcihea was formerly Miss Grace Parrish. R':v. and Mrs. C. M. Morgan and little son of Vii. Beach, nceompanied Clanton of Philadelpiiia, both iiicd."*. of Mr. Freeman. Mn*. Harvey Hunt rrlurned to the city after *|H‘ijding the holtd...v - with her cousin, Mrs. I.enu K. Williams f Jiuksonvil!''. Fli.. and uncle. Mr. David A. Mack i.f Mian:'. F loridn. CAPITAL CAB Ca M BOUB snivice DIAL 0137 int r(t,w Royal Friday and Saturday C’iiarle* Starrvlt in ■ROUGH RIDING JUSTICE' —Also— Jimmy Wakelv in '■SPRINGTIME IN TEXAS" Sunday and Monday Hoy Hogei'!! in ■MAN FROM OKLAHOMA' Tuesday and Wednesday Rjilph CiuipiT in "GANGSTERS ON LOOSE" A .i Colored Ca.st Thursday CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 515 W. Morgan St. Spend A Pleasant Evening at Pine Acres • DINING and • DANCING We Serve Pit Cooked BARBECUE FRIED CHICKEN Highway 70-A From Raleigh From Dui'ham _CUHTIS 1=. nOBEHTSON Manager DOVE MUSIC ,;0MPANY AKTIH'R DOVE, Prop. Automatic Phonographs Rented For Speci.il Occasions and Installed on Commis.sion Basis SELECT RECORDS OCR SPECIALTY Dial 3-27H 12fl F. CABARRl’S ST. -^zsasasssasasasiiszsHSEsaseszsEii. Payne’.* Business and Secretarial School MRS. S. J. PAYNE, Manager Member of the National Business Association Accredited By: The North Carolina State Board of Education Complete Business Course • Shorthand • Typing • C’iilculator • Biiok'kfcping • St« nolvping • General Ofice Procedure • Minii'ograiihing • Ciimtiloim'ti'.v • Specialized Ciiiir.srs • Evening Classes Notary Public Public Stenography Write For Full Information Dial 9950 416 BLOODWOHTH ST. Raleigh. N. C. *a5a5asasp5Rs?szsa'ras?5H5asE5z«' (1‘v i.tttfr IT Rev. Lewis M. Wi.lkinsi of New • I k (*ity s.pi'111 Hie Chi istnias hnl.- •ys with hie parents, Mr. and Mr.-, niei A. Watkins in Chavi.s .Mr. Irving Wade and children of »r.»oklyii, N. Y.. spent the Chiisl- Mt||«^ohdayH with their pai'cnts id gtnrid parents respectivoly. Mr. VfMte will be remembered as one of liC most colniful court performer.* vrf" k) wear WHS color. He is the ■n Ilf,Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas WaHc. ofitb Blount Sti et. Mrs, Wade was •rmcfly Miss Melba Riiks. ‘Vance Williams ia liack in ^ty after more than twenty- iihs in ETO. He wears thice irtars. Ho was one of the laiidoiit performers on the play rounds of the eily hi fore joining he service. He is the ‘Son of Mr I d Mrs. Chas. Williams of Braiii'h treet. I.t. Pedro McCoy of Raleigli toute 3. hag returned to tA’vie.* fu*r more than two years In the nithwest Pacific. He is the son of If. and Mrs. J, C. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. I.enicl C. Hooker, ccompanied by Mr. Hooker's modi- r, Mr.*. Sullic Hooker of Sanford. ;'ft the city for Baltimore, Md.. »st week end. Mrs. L. C. Hooker /jis formerly Mis.s Betty Jones of lis city. Mr. Jixseph Reid, son of Mr. and i ?rs. D. H. Reid, South East Street ! ere, has returned to civvie.s after 1 lore than twenty four months ser- iee. At the time of induction ho •as an employee of Civil Service TAN TOPICS R V. G. E. Copehuid. 817 East I'.i' ic Sheet, aiul rejirescnlative of the Wiiuston Mutual Life Insurance Cmipany is confined to his home by illness. ' Mr. and Mrs, Artbur Jones, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Fairfax and duiigh- lir of Liberty Park. Norfolk, Va., ; pent tlu- holiday* with Mr. and Mr». Algie Greene, 119 Idlowild A\ cnuc. Diain F. P. Payne, Shaw Univer. >ily, attended the Omega Conclave in Washington. D. C., during the Cbri.*linas holidayi. Mrs. Fannie Crosson Pegucs and niece. .Alda Williams, f'lrmerly of this city but now of New Rochelle. N. Y left the city last Sunday morning after an extended stay with jjai'ent.-. Mi. and Mrs. Saun- di 1'.* of Smith Street. Mr. Theodiis Mitchell. 822 E-..>t Marlin Street, wlio was on the .*hul in list for .seven days, is able to be out again. Mr. Paul Kelly of New York Citv and Miss Gladys Kelly of Cameron, were the Christmas guc.*ts of Mr and Mr*. Ransom McCo.v, .112 Free man Slreet. Mr. Paul Kelly f New York Cl’y and sister. Mrs. Ransom McCoy of this city visited relatives and frtend.s in Cameron, recently. A most enjoyable trip was reported. Mr. Walter Kelly. 527 East Eden- ton Street, is confined to St. Agnes Hospital,. Wo wish for him a rapid recovery. Hy CHAR.'fS AllEN Mr. and Mrs. Wilbirt Davenport of Washington. I). visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Br.viint. 008 Fayi Itc- villc Street during the holidays. Mr. Bryant BeHiea of Tuskegi’C Institute spent the Christmas holi days with his wife and dnughte-. Grace and Fratices Brenda, at their home in Melh.id, Mrs. Bethea was formerly Miss Grace P.irri.sh. R'v. and Mrs, C. M, Morgtin and little son of Va. Beach, aceompaiiied Mrs. Mable Davl.t to Raleigh and were guest* in her home during the holidays. Rev. Moigan is pa.*tor fo Antioch Baptist Church. South Mills and "Wilburn Baptist Church. M'averly, Va. They were the dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Lawrence on .Saturday. Sunday m rning Re,'. Morgan was gue.*t ‘-peaker at Hu First Conuregtiiiuiial Church and a* night at the Manly Street Christian Church. Mrs. Mable Davi.* had as her din ner guc.sts on Sunday Rev. and Mr.'. returned from the F-TO; and Mr. Murray Schtnukc, a EluJcnl at Moie- hoiisi’ College. Atlanla. Also visittiig ll, F’rccmaiis were Mrs. Evoijn. Clanton and Little Miss Theresa Clanton of Philadolphij, both nieces of Mr. Freeman. Mrs. Har\cy Hunt refurned fo the city after spending Hie hoiida.v-" with her cousin. Mr.*. Lena E. Willfams of Jat k*>'nvi!!e. FI i.. and uncle, Mr. David A. Mack f Miam'. Florida. Pvt. Wilhuin Wall returned to civvies this week after more Ihiin thre years oversea* In both ETO Jimmy Wakelv in S4 BOQB BBtYlCE "SPRINGTIME IN TEXAS" ' Sunday and Monday . Boy Roger.-! in "MAN FROM OKLAHOMA" Tuesday and Wednesday Ralph Cooper in "GANGSTERS ON LOOSE" All Colored Ca.-*l M ““■“’ Thursday BARGAIN DAY —Double Fealnri;— - ■ - -- - HOME-COOKED FOODS And whal a meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real home-cooked flavor. B & H CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. DRIVE IN CLEANERS Cash and Carry 325 S. Bloodworth St. .1 WAKE SALVAGE CO. Wo Buy and Sell Everyihlag of Value FURNITURE — STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS — RADIOS 337 S. WUmingloB SL Phone 2-2327 When I .saw he wa.s planning to marrv somebody else 1 biuk, I, our -n, WELL KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE STATE OF N. C. EXPERIENCED PALMIST AND LIFE READER Famous Everywhere as a Remarkable American Palmist & Clair voyant — Do not cnnfu.se my work uitJi the cheap Gypsy Fortune Teller SPECIAL READINGS Sl.OO MAKES AN HONEST PROPOSITION 1 make- no charge if I do not faithfully fulfill every word in this statement. I will tell you juat what you want to know about you: fi iend', enemies or riyul.*, how to gain the love of on.- you most de.*irt*; control or influence the action of anyone, even tlmugh miles {iw'uy. I furlh-i' guarantee and promise to make you no eharg* unless you fitui me superior to any other Pal mist you have ever consullwl—There is no hop - so fond or wish so great that I i-nn’l accompli:.! for you. HOURS FROM 9 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. I never fail to le-unite the .sepa.ated. cuuie speedy and happy .nan iage.s. overcome 'nemie.i. rivals, lovers' quarrels, i-vil habits, stumbling blocks, and bad luck of all kind.*, I lift .vuu out of .sorrow and trouble and start you on the pall, of happine.ss and pro.sperity. 'There i* no heart so .sad or home ho dr- ary that I cannot bring - .sumshine into it. In fact, no niatter what may be your hope, fear or ambition. I gu.nr:nte- to tell i: all fx'fore ,vou utter .i word to me, and after I am finish, i if y.>u are not entirely -atisfiej and if I de no! fnithfuHv fii!' " e-'-ty clain, above, then you pay m-''.»nt a rent. IN STUDIO TRAILER AT HUNTER WALL SERVICE STATION 3 Blocks from Raleigh City Limits, on Rocky Mount Highway, Bt. 64, - Opposite Longview Gardens, look for Trailer and Hand Signs Re.-iiimg-i Djiiv and Sundav.s Sepai'at. Ih.om i.»r Colo; ' Licensed Reader — First Time In Your County NOW PLAYING It’s The Glitter And Glow Show Of The Year ! VIItCilMA .’M.4VO DANNY KAYE DONALD WOODS ‘•10M)ER MAN” Tochnicolor SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY A Miracle of Entertainment ! HAZEL SCOTT ANNE BROWN AL JOLSON — JOAN LESLIE — ALEXIS SMITH and PAUL WHITEMAN & HIS ORCH. ^CURTIS P. ROBERTSON I- 416 ^LOODWOHTH ST. Manager Ij] Raleigh. N. C. SUN., MON., TUES. JAN. 13-14-15 Incendiary Blonde In Technicolor! Starring BKTTV III TTO.N- XUTl IK) DK COliDOV.-X ‘‘MISSING MICE”—CaKoou Metrotone News M WED., THUR. JAN. 16 17 LOl'ISK BKAVKUS jiikI FUKDDIK WASHINGTON IMITATION OF LIFE ru's- -HINC: ( IlOSBY, JOAN liLONDK’LL East Side of Heaven I’Ll .V' Chapter .1 of “CAPTAIN AMERICA” WED . THUR FRI - SAT “FRONTIER GAL” IN TECHNICOLOR With YVONNE DE CALO • ROD CAMERON ^ADMISSION CHILDREN . 21c iirnnHNNnnnr Under 12 plus Tax > miiijcioouuui 9f 1 FRI.. SAT. JAN. 18-19 hValnriiHf WILLIAM (IlOI’AUlNr,) BOX'D BORDER PATROL TO.MMY GI K ACTION! ROGER TOUHY, Gangster Ch.pler 4 “THE MASTER-«e¥»—