E. HAKlitl* »• raleiqh. k- “• ★ ★***★★ it *********** ******* African Says Russia Has Atom Bomb SITUATION CRITICAL ] FOR NEGRO WORKERS I BV (irOKfil-: F. McCRAV By the t-nd .lainnry it is prob* ditty lliul I’lMi.iJUO Ni'Kio workers Mill le directly invtilveil in strikes over ihcveases If Oiis happens ect>* iioinic lamps uif cfitain to Drip a number of laiK‘ Neiiio eumniuni- tie* ami shake them l«» their very foumlations A cltee liMik at Chieako with a Ni-tsio pu|iu).itiiii over -tUU.UUO re veals a pai tii iilai ly alarmiiiK situa tion ShuuUl the scheiiiiled sliikes 111 the iioii and steel iiun-ferrus iltlUiih. farm eguipiueiu. and ineil- paokmi mitiistiie*. k't undei over 70.(i(>u Nekn workers oi ne.ii ly 3U per cent of the Nee.io work- iiik p'>pul.ilion in tins city, will be come unemployed Very few 1 these woikers h.ive stiftu-ieiil fi- imnciOl leseives to eaii> Ihem throiiKh ^ luiie and bitter •.Hike Similarly hurmfut cflecta will be fell in Gaiy. Ind. Pittsburgh Ro- mttiuham and ulhei steel town' Negro p-pnldtluni in St l.ouii. Kansas ruy. and the parking ren ters of Texa* M ill a 1-0 feel I he pim-h because of heavy employmt-nl of NeKioef m meat packiiie plants in these cities Aheady ttie Negio poji- ulutiui: in Hetioil feels the dakxei of the (ietierul Motors stiike sink ing deepei into it*' econoiim' fle.sh. The striker in these industries are being called by vari him ('I3 unions and judi;ink fioin all infor* rrtatiun uviiitable. the Ihoinands ul Negio woikeif involveo ai*- sup port the strikes wltli entliusiasai At a inullei ot fact the need fur higher wage-- o' felt fji inoie sharp ly amfiiK Ncuros than umoin'. other workers. This observer as 1 eard many Ne- Kru vi.'urke..s in the Steel and pack ing indusliies sharply criticize then- fellow white workers for not de- irlinu hipher wages particularly for laborers and semi-skilled worn- crs. n> no Miean.s is the Nesio work er 1 day the ea.-ilv exploited, timid, niid unprotesting laborer he was up til and liuring the Iasi war. As fur the wage demands of in. various CIO unions involved n- these Inter disputes, they are long over due and are justified by tlic faclM. 11 might be (he fault uf gov- einment. business or both, but oo; ecuii. mic system a-* it opeiates l'> ilay is g.uil'y “f systi niatie robbin v Ilf Hie wui'kitig population. It is now ■diinlti ii in giivei imieiil circles tli.U the cost of living has risen over il per eetil. II is sltll rising and seen.- likely to continue to rise for .d h-.c I an ther nine iitonhls imriii;' the war wage.s wr-ie fix-il f.ii lielo..' Ih>- cost of living ami •iiice Ho Miiieodei of .1a|J.ui lakt home w..ge‘: have fallen ^halply as ll.e iH-ott of the ivtoialion of llv •Id hum week and elimination of ‘■veilinie Neithei are wives ami children coiilribiitiiig to family ii-- Come as nHic)i as durini! the war The g. vernment this week took the first positive .step.'; lu break tit • deadlock over wages and thus avoi ‘ impending national ccon. mic dis aster Ov-ei the loinlly piot«'-fn‘ Chester Howh-s OPA direefoi. M Tinman ha.s I'ei-ided to back down .111(1 'tail to iHM- piici-s . thd K, peimit tlieii. to ri^e fjetei th.m . es the OPA Last Rites Held For PoeU Countee Cullen New York rANl'f —• Fiu>ral a>IVKi-M for t\»uiiir»»* Culleil. eele- tiated jHiel. were tieM at Salem Methoda t vlaiich lu naiiein &&’■ M'dav iitoining ut U a in- Cullen died her* Wednt-.day fat Sydeii Ahlii lUirtplIal tiuin high tiloo I pll U'U Tlie -12-: ut thl.^ cliy, { lev. Kr«'d*ri out old p(H‘t. a nal vas ih son ot tl: k A-dmry t'uHi foundet III Salem McthoJisl Kpis INAnP.ltltDW!TH W. y. STRIKERS N-riliK x; V - The -ecoml YOUNG SCIENTIST TELLS OF SECRET • Uy . •- RUSSIAN BOMB \()I.rMK XXVI. NO. :*.l IIAMOIOII, NORltllBkAFiOI.INA WKKK KNDINO SATI UDAV, .lAXrAHV Hi, I'.HU i’KK’K KlVK ('ENTS CO-ED SHOOTS PROWLER Poet, Countee Cullen y Ne> lurit rANO —^ K-f-x fur Counte** Colleri. eet" L ited iH»et, were held al Salem VethoUci cbuich iii Uarletii Sat .'(lav luortilng fat U a. in- Cullen d.ed Iter* W .tne;.day fat Syden hnili loispUal fluin high hlo«>-l pi I bl.Ule. The -I'l-ye tl old |»(-»et, a lialive uf till.*. Cliy, wa*. thi son of th.- Rev. Frederick Adiury Culliui, founder ni Sah-m Methodist Epis copal church, and Mi-x. Carolyn E. lie Mitchell Cullen. He achn - ed fame duiing the peiiod h-- tween the two wuild war;, and beloie fie gladualeil fioin iJeWitl Chtiinri High sclioiit ilia poem. Were publish* d in new-jpap* o'-'. H • broke into lilnaiy vicles by win ning fa pm'iiy colll^■^t sponiaik .i by the Feihiiited Women's clubs His pu*m aiiaweird “I Huv*- A Rendezvoius With Ileath” by Alan Set'gtl'. u noted poet of Worlii Wai 1 peinHl. H'- won .-econJ prize in tlx Wiltei byntiei under giavlu- fatc pu*-liy voiiteM at New Yolk Univeiisty when- lo- had gone to voiuinue he, studu' ill 1022, the Pottiy Society ut Anierii.a an- iiouiiccd. He graduated Irnni tn ' uriivei.sity tnret vtaiM lutei and mdtriculfat«-d at Haivaid wh.-n- !.«• ItHviv’ed he. niaiteidegree. During 1925. hu "Thronody fur a Brown Gu T won the John Hre i Memorial piize and a high luuulo from Call Van V»chien, wJio aa-d his work ev " characterized l.y Buaxe, uiippi etehtiUUM, blittll IH teliectual elcganre," and "sume ni It by liauiiting lync lovehneoM ‘ "Copper Sun,' fa book ut poein.-., bp^uteij ill 1927. Cull* II was enabled to study abioad by a Guggenheim Memo-, ifal tt llowship Ut 1929 and th*- next year wiote “ The Black ■ rontinued on page 8) IN AMD WITH W, y, STRIKERS NEW YOHK. NY — The -ecoml monilng of the Western Union Mil ike bv the American Contmniiira- tion, rib, found Keveh Cayt .n i»n*l Theinj.i Dale, Executive Secreiai.v Hiid F eld Secrctaiy of the Nalioii- ul Negio ('oiig'-ess, doing pick.'! ilulV together with Oeorge B Mur phy, .Ir. forniPi- Admuii'tutive Sec etai V of the r«ingiess. Mr Murphy, who has jus' been leh-icMl from the Airii.v. ailiiies.sed Ihe inkers fioin the .peakers' plm foiiK floor wl.ieli ACA President .1 -eph Sellv alio ‘l«oke Ml Sellv will ‘|*e:.k at Ihe Mas' ironliimcd on page 3i VIRGIN ISI,ES (IKAV llASTIE St. Thomas. Virgin lilands (ANP) — Nvwvpap^r* com mented Ifavorubly here last week on president Trunitui'r appointment of former Judge WUlidin H. Haslie as the fircl Negro governor of the Virgin islands and pledged their sup port to the new executive. Judge Hastie. who Mid the nomination surprised him. is married to u former Virgin Islander, his second wife. They have one child as a re result of this marriage. _ JlSfRIKtS-KNWiNfi NO RACE-CBEED-OR COL^: MAN FATALLY SHOT BY GIRL OF BENNETT One f Ihe best reemds in th ' iii| ■Mtirc nation foi vnlunleei work av ’■* lit*, oriiee of Prne Adtniiiis- m. Car Poi ter--, these women each Mr*. Name M Well'-, chairman; •iage*l :i liours a nmiith muk- ; ;,|,g standniK 'h'fl »“ lighti Mes GKKENSHOKO nennell | Icgi' and (ie-t-ii'l>oro ueic fii'cu of i , .1 iiiikitl piowifi luni week wh.'ij S. T. Joiinsoii viu.s f.ii.iil> shot by Henm It ('ulh-ge sltideni us he stoo | outside the dour af l-lwflcr resi- ' deiue hall abtait a:-((i a. m. Thtii;.- | day. .Iiiiiiiuiy lulh. Inv* sligating jadice said the in-' (idem wa.i un obvious mien' !o eiiur. Tin fIndent, .MiKi, K.lelU Watson. .M-imii . uf Suffolk, Va.. u .> exuiieruted tollowmg an investUi.! lioii by Dr. W W. Haivty. (10% ford * aroiiei', who U'l'ined it "Jus'i fialilt- humicjdv.' Johnson, who was shot once in the groin, dn-d fiuin loss of bhxHt ifulluwmg an utlempi to fU*e Iti ,1 o-'ene, poUie said. Hv was ^;uud ,i. Jd-KT iJ. tn., clad only In his ;.hoc‘ ufficeiM un Gurr^M-Sitaat OMWgs from Ihe brick wnll which maik : the canipus boimdary. Taken to tlie T.. Ricliardsnii Memorial lluspiial. he died at a m. Police H.iid that sumiHnie's "cliiir* sy mid obvious” efhirls to eiilei ll*> durmilury had uw.ikened rt-sideni- unce be'ore during the niDhi, .d 3 u. ni., and that some uf the vtud>i,:s thought that lhi intruder had en tered it ill that time and had fled MH.S HENRY PFEIFFER Londerrv. Northern Ireland (ANP) — Russia's secret atom bomb waus revealed here last Wi*ek hj Dr. Raphael E. G. Armatl(.*e, ,th- 33-year-old West African head !ot the Lomeshie Research center ifoi anthropology and human hi- -oiogy. According to Dr. Armaloi'i th« .icw Russian atom bomh •‘renders ,t!ie Anglo-American bomb obso- ili-le" and can be manufactured on la • ma.ss prnduction .scale.* Th*» {new bomb W'us developed with the {aid uf two captured German physicist.s, he said, and generates a Icmpei alun* in tiie neighbor- IuhhI ul several iniliiiin d.'ijre>*» ci-ntigradc. He de.scribed its size as about as large as a teiinia ball, With sufficient power to piilver- in- > veiylhiiiK within an aiea of .1' iniies hoii/uiitally and .HiK and Iv.i-ielilh* iniU-a veiticaJly. "Till- dei.ti uetivi- cli Tarter of III* Anglu-Alltel u-an imb de- mb upiiii a detei mined .size of iciaiiuuii, Dr. Aiiuatoe explain- d. 'The Ifu.ssian bomb, however, Iip.. lbs loici- by a .pm or • hl-.tiiai iiiulioii. making it murfi ..pp.icahli- tur . ngine«-ii.ig work." The l;u.-,s.jii-; hav«- developed a irigh ilegi'ee ol control ov* i atom- I iitcigy III i-xpi(X;iv.-s, he re- . .il'-ii. and will be able tu ute l‘ii eiigim .-ring piujccta nivolvinf I .I'ge :wale bla.-.ling He lUcidionx the nanu' ot Fotei Kapitaza, .^h(^ tin- Soviet press last No- '.■mb.i repoited engaged in im- P'-iiant aUiinic re.seaich at Mount Aiagts in the Aintenian SucuUst it-puhbc, along with .'■lemyunby, /i idovifeh aiid Vilavciv. but aa- iii tied hi- did nut know tip* first i...iues of the last thiee Ilii;u»ian .:i I. mists. Tin* young W*-st African physl- '-lan, a graduate ut the ul »v> u ities ->f Hailji and Lille. creale.i a ofm» f.(iv«*isy •'Vifc'.'i i;'-rir., ii(J» bMl»«1tcs -Uw igfalK T ('ontlnu»d on p«f« &> ' COLLEGE BENEFACTOR Gapital Polii* (iliicf yiills Waihmgfon (ANP) •— Oga- ume regr*t on tho pari of N«- gro«f In Waihingioa U baing •xptaaaad ovar ihe reaignattea ("nl Pfiwaea ,.k}^ foUowiiig an attempt tu flee th- JCFiir. pulk'e aakl. He was W..Kr jj. fr., rttid uKT/’Jn Wa faJ[i(>eV, officer! no' wiili which muTx One of the best records in th ' entire nation for vulunteei work for the Office of Price Admuds- iratioii I ar bcei. established by a group "f Negro women in U^nvei, C.,Io. Undei the direition of Mi-s. N.iiinie M Wells, chuirmun of th- Prici- Panel A^sislunts’ Gioup and pr* idem of the Women's Auxi liary to the Bnitherhood -‘f Sleep ing Car PoiK'rs, these women each averaged 5 hours a munth muk- iii){ sui''ey.s of prices in the 75 letaiy stores . f Denver. Together the price voluul'et'rs .imusfted 700 hours of credited work, and In N'lvem .dune Iheir total wus l-l hour* Slu'Wn in the photu- gi-.tph. iiirhuling price checker!, I'li’rical Bssislanis, are seated — Mrs. Nnnie M. Wells, chairman; and .standing deft tn right) Mes- dnmes Luara Junes, Joanna Wren. I Chai-line Mills, Ruth Bayard, Lena Johnszin. Edna Davis, Leatha Slivvarl, Lavonia A. Chandler, Alina Mae polk, Guosii' Bartho lomew. Frances Lewis and Elh’na McC'ovy. ;un, a g^aOuaU ol tite ui.iv- udic* 'f Parts and Lalie, cn*ate! a • Uyi* /yg'j w rjrru*, MRS. HENRY PFEIFFER COLLEGE BENEFACTOR DIES IN N.Y. GHEKN.SBDRO - The death Wages In State Nearly Doubled In Four Years I RAI.EinJI - Total wai>es p.iid to ,l|ie majiiiily of North tTar..liii:» . Workers in industry uid roinineicc fiotn in I94U to ■ «29 7.'’.5 r«Ja It 1944 .iccodlng to sl«- I'etical reports recently piibl- hi'd iiA tli-= Unernployiiient roinni-iea- whl'*h former- iiiiw average iverace weekly ice iiKhisIries OPA PRAISES VOLUNTEER WORKERS , $LMI72 •ho fill thei tli.it the the l-ibor iii.ir- kers in trad .igt'd $19(111, And the DENVER. Colo. — One of the $14,011 in 1940, by 1944 records in the entire nation fo. volunteer work for the Offiie ol ,,,i. u p'its set out Price Admiidstrabon has been esta r- ,o‘ IW4(i an.l 1944 Ihe Jished by a gr.'up of Negni women einpIovei'S, the average hi Denver. Colo., acconling Ut re- then cinplovees, their purts coming into the national of- 1-..; u- nicii III 1.0-110' o *- ^ ;,„ij weekly wage fu-p of the OPA. v ac- I'.-i ' III tn ' i.it*' lo forea'h oiiniv ..nd local enr.- N'lloi.lyha-.thegrmipvolimteer- 'Ih. > ..tuapei |,i.,vimnt dfn. area iii the state its services repcabdly and will- OV. I Ihe I.M(| wage i.-vH oi sun ^nawii for each c.unty are em- mgly. but the qualit.v of its work Thus the average annual mciin. -f ^^age data by indus.- j,as been superb — bey. nd all possi- Noilii Caiolin.1 wage e.irneih IS n \ rriticiain -- accordiuk lo Mrs. f.ai.rex anniv t.5 Workers I'bc slalislics for (Durham Cmm- Dora Cunnell. volunteer assistant covere^irremmoyment ^I'ow that .437. employers In supervisor at the Denver War Price Ii .f which there were 474 872 '^Hli paid some iX3.47«i workers arid rationing Beard. MO -.VNli'n, W1 S'??; 1„ I9«. ,««. ema-y Beelnnln* bock in 19*2. when 1940, ../9..t4(i III ISH.1. ami .am,in. (*4v«i93S3fl» to (27 126) price control urn; the whole OPA i«44 Data based on the employ- ers paid « novelty, offers of from Ihe brick Ihe cnmpui boundary. Taken to tt>e L. Ricliardson Memorial Ho.spital. he died ul 8.45 a. m. ’ ptklioe said Ihal someone's ''chnn sy and obvious” efforts to enter ih> dormitury hud awakened resWems once bef-ire during the night, at 3 fa. m., and that some of the .siudenis thought that the intruder had en- 'lered It at that time and hud fled ! when lights were thrown on In va- I rious i*wms. Prior lo his fatal effort to gain 1 entrance, Johnson ha'd smashed a I window on the south side of Pfeit-, I for dormitory, officers declared ;^^r^ Henry Pfeiffer in New York. Reconstructing his actions, they;'l'u''sda.\. Jamiury 8, robbed Ben- Laid he'iiexl went to u door on theinell College of its most geiieiou# Iiorih side, where he was standing •She had been ccufin.d when Miss Watson shot him once, ’o a I ospital and al her home. Hk» through a pane in the French door, Riverside Drive, for several mi.iiins with a .38 culiber pistol. « I'loken leg fallowing a fall. Officers surmised that Johnson She was eighty-five years old, then crawled or stumblixl away Her gifts of approximiaely $8.50. from the dormilory, across th.- 900 lo rjcimed siiuc 19.34 represent lampus. and over Ihe brick w.ili ; mi all poi lioii of the millioiis she The Negro was conscious when has c.ivcn to college*- and olher in- found but mudf no statement to of- slUutions in tlie United Slates and (CIS or hospital attendants con- olhc:- foreign counlrles. riling the incident, they said. Funeral service: w. re h-'ld Fn- Tho student used a pistol belong- day. Juuuary ll at 2 p. m. at the lug lo the dormitory oirector, Mrs. ihurcli of Si. Paul umi St Andrew McLaurln. Campus night in New Y .rk City. President and iContlnued on page 8) (Continued on page 8> Capital Police Ghief (^lits - ruse from i$19l}tl) to ($.30,20). ineiii of this inaiiy worker.s is llier fore the most (-ompreheidive set of average figures available, alttioiikli it mii-t h«' remember that they do nol rep resent the cmiplete working f(»r*.e in North Carolina. W.i°e reports are filed with the Corn* 'issi('ii by all firms and iiuhi - , tries tiiiploy iiR eif^ht or more per sons. Exceptions are agi iculliiial Avorker.-'. domi'-tic worker.>t. em- pl-'Ve- (if iio-pi'fit e-la.^Jishmeuts ;and g( vernineiit employees — f»Hl- county and city How- ^,,^ R,,h,-rl Kenny ni Cali '111;,,;,,;'™’'?— I wage* and salaries paid m Nurtti appointment of Paula Munay a C-.rol na r(-veals tliai 58 per cent ff a ucpiity :itt«)i'n*'y general in thi them are hicludeci m the scop«* "f .department of justice Ui.cmploymeul Cumpensali iii Murray. ; .riw*-**! ki»« ••% ...- - - . -eklv wage paid in (Dur- assistance came fiom vara us in ’ .... ... ni.aA (I* Continued on page 8) Pauli Murray Named Deputy Attorney General Rkoran,, b.o, Calif. (ANPl - Sb phen, work, in tbr col.ncil which givi'S aiu and ad .slate lej'LsIalors in Ih (l-ufting of legislation. ,. Pauli Murray will be n-mem al Sacra- for her uniusuccessful fight , graduate some year.s ag* oi Howaid 'Tuiver.sity Law school ’1“' University ; nd winner of RosenwaUl fellow- .•bin. 1944-4.5 recimtlv received a . , .naafn, nf laws .IrKr.-.. frnn. Brail ' "i'-'; Sradualr ,I.VL . Iiall ..f Law. Univrr.sily of Cali- I'arvar.l u„,vr.a.ly srhonl „t law in be ndmitb'd .f North Carolina '-•.hich bars women stndenl-s. foi fan equally unsiu-cessful «*ffoii Wsthtnglon (ANP) — 0«a- uin* r«gr*t on tho port of No- groet In Washingioo Is botng exprossod ovor tho rosignotton of Col. Edward KMoy. chM of poUco. Having lonrod cs '*• linuousJ On tho foreo from patrolmon to ehtof (or St years. CoL Ktllcy. a o w 82. has askod that his rottromont bo accoptod as of Fob. 1. Nogroos have s worm spo8 for tho chiof sine* ho koowo colorod Washington. His first ttrvico was in this nortowost ares thickly populstod with Nsgross sod )i# was promotod through tho various stogos right in tha saclioo. becom^ captain of ths peiica preciael ■arvlng i^^par Waabin^on. During nU rogima NogCkt pelicomon faava baon incroaa- ad on tha forco. sikd a Nagro gro promotad lo tha rank of liautanant. Nsmod as his succossor Is Harry O .Callahan, now an ia> spector. Packing House Qrisis Involves 40,000of Race Because of Huge Colored Membership, Meat Workers Poorly Paid“l inion Heads By Frank Marihall Davis 'jail fil WHo ‘Wcd’ Mfllc (Tommissiuii's reports. With respect to wag-* Increase' •iiice 1940. there is ronsideruble dif- ferenr-e between various mdustriei in the slate. Weekly w.'ge.s of con struction workers climL>e': us miu-i us 119 8 lu'i- cent from the level of forniu. Site wiut admitted to the $17.02 in 1940 U. $.37 37 in 1914. ( alifunila b.ir in Dt-cemher. w,...kly w„ks, 1„ Thi., nlki ks Ih.' first tin.e a N,- ni.-iiiufac( Itir ng industries ro-e 7111 , , • . i . .i, . p-r ,r„l fr.,m »„ avrskP .,f JI9,r.l P'" I""'" appp.nt.kl I., th.; at to an average of $29 16 K-i nc-y Kencral .s office in Cahfor- Wherctis weekly wages of work- nta. Miss Murray wa.s sworn i.i ers in trade and service Industries, jj,n 2. One other Negro worn- whkh by ,l„.l l.irsr repr.™-.,! sm-all- atliiin.-v, MiS-S Virg.nia SI. er e*t:d.nsnrr«‘iit .'ind are more- local , , ' j . * n vvomt-n lu um i*a*«- mi-ma. ..... ..w in iharr.cter. did not incre.a--e ar ^ graduate of ®"*!*,iake their rightful places in the «,*ii the snlen much as 5 per enf and remain balow Hell of Law. serves in the Call- .professional and technological life ; local hospllalM well as the splen I the state tverage. Weekly wages fornia atate government. Ally, of the nation.” (continu on pag hich liar.*; women's .students. Gonimenting upon her appoint- iv.ent. .she .said. "I owe this goial fi rtimi- in J very large meusur" to the excellent legal training an.l inspiration n'ccived at Howard fn tn both faculty and fellow stu- dints. I hope this appointment | will inspire young Negro men and ) women to prejiare themselves to Chicago ANP) — Some 40,1100 Nigi(K.s compnsing around 3.) I Cl c.-nl of the 120,000 mi'ml)ei Dup of the United Packinghmise 'oikii's of Amenea, CIO, an- in- !\i Kcd in that union's struggle Im ■a wage increase to meet the cost of living which was .‘xpeileil to • i.-sult in a sliike Tuesday aimed linainly at Ihe •'big foui” puckei.-»; ,swift, Armour, Wilson and l.'ud- ahy. Union leaders contend their .woikii.s are among Ihe pooresi Cha*. A. Walker. Business ,n jndu.sfry and .-luy this con- lanager of St. Agnes Hospital f«r Hilivn exists because of the l.ugc the p;i>l year, has been promoted t.undu r ut Negro employ* «'.s. They to the pcsitiun of Superintenden;. Mr. Walker will succeed Dr. A. W. Tucker Dr. Tucker was ap pointed after his return fium China ut the beginning of World Wur. • The appointment is a- signal recognition ()f the fine work which Mr. Walker has done In the liave alHo pointed out that an tend* d .sti ike le’-ulling in a .'icarc- ily of meat may cau.Hc the public lo inject the raeiai issue and blame •‘Negroe.s getting uppity and out of hand” for this hard- lUiip. In Chicago, (•«-nter of the pack- inghous** indu.sliy, the N**gro numbership of 15,000 is half the tContlnued on page 6) New York (ANP) — Xxftt of • Negro corporal for mar rying anothor Negro man maa- quarading ai a woman in or der to obtain govarnmant da- pendancy allotmanta waa ra- vealad last waak. Rauben Andarson. 34. waa chargad by FBI aganU with defrauding tha govarnmani of $1,000. E. E. Conroy, agant In charga of tha Naw York FBI offl^, uid Andaraon anlbitad in tha army in 1942 and want through with a marriaga can- mony in Juna. 1944. with cy Hicks," ii Oxnard. CaUL "Andarsor naw that 'Lucy' was a man az tha time of tba so-ealUd marriage" Conroy said, adding that Anderson had bean a partner of 'LuqF' in operating a dUordarty house. Conroy uid tha two plan ned to use army allotmaots of S50 monthly to attabUsh a bar and grlU attar ibo war.

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