WAR MOTHERS RE-ORGANZE ¥ ¥ ^ ¥ ★ ★★★★ ★★★★★★★ NCCN HEAD SAYS USE DEMOCRACY KEEP THE LINES OPEN SAYS DR, J.E. SHEPARD Cuinpui inti ijui problciivs of pia(A--tinu iiupiii taiU'L' tu tjiut oi lh« nulitaiy .'iiali tii-^ts, wm, ita: mp tlir jcl'cn; -.vai. 'ouiihl to kvi'p Ifu Supply Lin- ^ op n, Di. Jain.* K. Sncpai'd, pn'Mil, nl i>l the .Nuil.i Carolina Coll- ko t,*; Netiioes, Dui - lioni. ;n a .^laU-widt- ladio a cirtas, Satuiday. Fcbuiaiy Hi, aj>l'. id hL It Ilow Nort.'i Camhiuan to pris« rv»' and :oater that : pi ol mutual api/i ntilion, mulu. tuii-iat-oii and foupe: al.on ..u m.' a will Uiiiutu- mole '.vide*-pi,a duiili^ peaec-tmit titan .1 tv a during Cite wai. Di. Shepard, who us reRaid'c a-. Noith Caiolma'a Iojmii.i.-,! ;ail. ««.atoi, .spof., 'loin tin- Mit,;, r- “Ciui Mutual Task.' anit porit i out that uui :iTtined.at ie.-ipun.'i' Pilaic'ii an to fun-eive oui i - houi'or. tjotii iiatui'.i! and huiiiaii mummmmsm Sever Relations With State- National White Bodies ’t'dl.lMK \.\VI, Nf). IIAI.DICII. MUri II ('Allol.lNA W KKK F.NhINf; SATl KDAV AllV I'KICK n\’K CI’NTS Negioes^ Ballot Decides Election I il'e l IV I • ol ! alta.miK-nt 111. till ^le.i'.i.'.t luiinb' i. The Jii.otaiy Ue.R .is.M,oied and won,ell. Uitli wMie uliJ {ilw. In Slupaut .aid. t.aU Oe> l, p' i loi iiie.i an: iiiK :iin^-,i> aiut .1.> : 10 that i.iti- v.oiild leei.id then deeds ut vulu: .v-liioui 1 I'ard.i to race. il> like.ei.se .ouna v.ords of foinmendation tor thoa> cr.yapod in agi .culture, mdu.-l;.. and other puisuil.s pertnunt to Uk' openinj; of lne Supply i-;ne.' The bi illiant acniev nient v.hich thi eodefie pusiiient r-- ci-unti'd to bus radio autiu-nce. Mire not all that he pointed ou'. He deelaieti that, "Every Nurtli C'ai'otininn who iially lowr it .state ha.s bi-en cut to tne quick of hi.s pride by the tael that .\urth Catrilrna .tand.,> at the top ul tne list ol all the 43 .stateii in th’ pe.- enetage of nn-n who wi ie rejii-t' ed or found unfit for nuluaiy .'C - lice." Tills olol ol shame wa.s ar- counted foi. with apologies, by a n-cenl survey, made by John R Larkin, from which Dr. Shepard quoted .showing that tn \ojth Ca; - olina till’ll' is un Negro physician for every 6.4?l!» Negroes and one diiitLi 101’ evei’j 1H.629 rolu; i piTsons. Tin enleiing widge to opi n Ik.i SnpiiU Line The Supplj, Liiu oi Betti I Hial’.li.—Di Stiip. d ih claied, "L% an ixteasion of tl.. States prog, am of medieal edu cation foi phv.ician.': and dentis’'. • .p.,1 .K-.i .. , -.I.;.. .. i .' NAACP Outlines New Campaign For FEPC \ll-N,-"iii I r^cil f iM' 2 \ ii'^iiiia iliis|it:ils Richmond. Va. (,.NP) — A resolution calling for the Petersburg State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble mind ed and the Piedmont sanator ium at Burkitvillr was intro duced in the general assem bly here last week by Sen. Leonard G. M'asc of Roanoke. Former Gov. Darden urged in his last message that Pied- .nend sanatorium be com pletely staffed by Negroes. Like the Petersburg colony, it serves only Negro patients. Vuse called upon the stale hcspital board and board of health to "proceed as expedi tiously as conditions permit" to provide all-Negro staffs for the two hospitals. ENFORCE14TH u \io« ." This blot ol shame wa.s ac- founti'd foi. with apologies, by a n-cenl survey, made by John R Larkin, from which Dr. Shepard qf'Aed showing tha&sn North Ca' - olina then- ia one Negro physician for every 6.49P Negroes and one ditilLst lot •very 13,629 color'd pi-rsrms. Thi entei.ng wt dge In open Ihis Sup)il> Line- The Supply Lini of Belt'1 Health,—Di. Shepard U- elated, "Li an exU-nsiori of tin stateV prugium of medual edu cation for phy.siclans and dentists, and that .some equitable and fair anangemmt Jw made by M'iiieh the Nv giui'S are giv.-n an equal oppoitumly to acquire the medical tnaning wnieh liiej must have to aici in .strvmg thi- .health needs of oui Negro piipulntiun in the ^t:^tl•.'’ In Ihi- area of health. Di. Shep ard praL'itl foi filer governor J Meiville Biuugi.ton fur the estah- lisluiient of thi Stai" Recreatiim rummi.-J^ion and the appoinlmoiit of W. J. K'-niiidy, of Durl. a nii-mbi-r of the CominibSion. H' di ploreil the fact that, "There is mneh to be done bs lore we can hvive a satisfactory iitiitilion for any group, but comiiariaim.- b •- twnn while and N'-gro o. .!*' r.umlM-r of acre:', of land devot-'d to ni'veational uses and the num- bi’i of supiTvisor.s employed phi? Negro financial inability, show that the Negro can lay very little claim lu curative 01 preventive re.su!t.s with respect to the .social ill' that ix-cr-alion is .suppose to affi'ct.” In the realm of Democracy. Dr. Shepard speaking tor himself, said. "1 should like to .lee such ((^^ntlnu.d on hacK pag-) ivlf Qf,VQ AHlRrD hespitai board and board of health to "proceed as expedi tiously as conditions permit" to provide all-Negfo staffs for the two bo^aitali. ENFORCE I^TH AMENDMENT SAYS NAACP W,\SinNGTON. I) C. Iii the l.;'hi Ilf the fjiilme ‘.o i-n.iit FEPC ;>ii(i the SeiiatiV resohit;on which I k' to ristucc leprescniation 1 •:.ite» in Congress ..ere large i:'in.>'r- ijf ulieii.s uie counted 10 '•f p jmlali n the N.A.ACP last •V fk icr.i-wed a request that Ih'? r',ii;;:e'-,-; reduce the representation of -tiller \ here .Vecroe.'' are denied ;:.e 1 mh! to vo'e I', .( letf I- ti. Majority Leader .foi'.ii W Mai Corn',ack and Mm r ly ■ a li'i Jo-i‘ph W y.jitin in the H u e. Hie NA.-\CP ealled for tne trifi'.c ment ul Section 2. Article XIV of the Constitution. Thi letter dtclared that. a« an axample. the n-presi ntalion of .disM.-ipp: m the House would be ri'duced fmm 7 '.o a maximum "( 4 if the amendment weie enforc ed "If we omit .inv reference to womei. votei.''." 'he leil.'r Miid, ’’wo find th.n accordiriK to the census ■ f 1940 here were males m that .>ilnti' 21 yiar^ nf age I'nd over, rif this number 274.977 were Ni • iContiiuied nn tiaue Hi Vf U YIJHK • 1'.,I..||-1I1I',-. ■ ■ . 'iiii. .f the S.ii..;e "I, KKl'f .1 .' Li.i le the iti.alll of III!, c- • I't tae .\,'\.-\CP n. F bruaty 1' '. iced >0 in>ini.': the 1.2l)iJ local cha*. ors of the- Ai-ociatoi! "to use 'heir nfiij, nr, and puwer to aid iii de- fea'intj for re-election those Sena- who icfi’Se tc vote for cloture 'd ■h«'«( wh. wilfully .ib«'‘nted ih' msi'tv;-' fi’iim ■; ••e..-Mt) .,’ •' h 11; the V. t n. nrc.ii n d " 'li.e b.tei'i'i- .. i. i.>truclid li," ..I'ln.ii'.'i.itiv 'laff I1, 'urg; ni/.i- .1 N’a'.iunal (',,i..iiiiltv.- ’.o piomule ilie .Ills .igu of '.hi r'Ki'C.' Lill ii.m pend- .!.► in ’he f ntu--- ai.d 1; m1> ii.- ■ollab ratii.n of an.’, ■. tier organita- mil '.sho e purp se*- .u’C the .'•u.ne I oera" Ji.u.?' HubC’t T Dclaiiy speci- 'rally inent io.'i J the Naiuiial • nuncil fill .. |'i imaiiei,t F'KPC. the Vationa: La'A'yei'j Giiilcl. labor. arct fiutemi-l grodfw, of idi hii'.e:. "f '.p;r,ion ns r.ne.s t, be :• eluded n tnr new dri-'e for the i-n- '• •! ; '.f ;.P FKPC Tlie A'socintioii i.s roopend ng , lii'i ly M'ith the Nalintuil (■'iiineil • FKI'C in the • mas- •! feting ••chi'duled foi' itii'i'-n Square Gard n February Jit. ’.nn Walter White. N.AACP Soc- ' ■ ’ • r In - ne-* f: inn 'lu' P,> - M)i!V \isii Id l.ilM‘ri:i Monrovia ..ANP) — A sp«c- 1 a 1 series of three Liberian postage and air mail stamps-, was scheduled to be placed for sale here as from Nov. 26. The scries was to memorialize the visit oi the late President Franklin Deiano Roosevelt • and included stamps Ip the value of three ccnis, 'live cents and 70 cc-nls. the last beii^ that for air mail de^m-' inations. . ‘.e stamps, which ai^oi a single design, picture Ihtfl^e President Roosevelt iiL an 1 army accompanied Iw Or. Edwin Barclay, former LA«r- ian presMenl, as both re^w- j : ed troops at Roberts &ld. - L- They were to bt so^- atMiyiif^; Monrovia Post Oflic* ar ’ at*^* * the Philates agency. 25 beav er Street. New York. ilclal Vominee l!islio|) Spingai II Newlon. Kdn. lANP) — Th, Ri. Rev. J. Arthur Hamlett, riiiii I N.-m S J''hn«(ni. F..-k 11 help fiTmnlate Educiiiumal Pnih!r..iii fur Japun. tl- '• .1 me-’ bi-i i.f U. .4. Commihinn >t Fducillo^^ .ipp-dtit- ed at the remle^l -’f fle.ieral D'-ug- I'ls MacArthur, FISK PROF. Olf JAPANESE ED. COMMISSION 'tally merit.or.ed the Niiliuiial Council fill a Peimanenl FEPC. the National Lawyers Guild, li^r. Hurch srtr tmteroal grb^hTbrali “‘iH-ie# 'if npinion os 'men I 1 be - f-liidert in tnr new.’ drh-e for the en- . ent uf an '*EPC Tlie As>oclntion Is coopernting losely with the Niitionul Ciiuncil r-.i’ „ Pr'iiii.iiieiil FEPC in the gigu* ■ "r mus,- n.eeting '•cheduli-d for ladi-nn Sfiuare Oairi'n February 28, and Walter While. NAACP Sec- •'•taiv j'’h: r- tiirned fr»>m the P.i'" - 'll- r ,:ist will partiPip.ite In lne •'tiiilegy c-'infi-renre on FFPC' t.' *)-• ■ K' in WashiiiKtoii Fobru .:;. 22-23 The FFPr hl!l di-t „c«l by the S. note on "'cbMi 'fy fl can be called -n ayain durlni; the pieseni ws'-’inn - hr-i ver 'Uff cient pies«ure is r-ohi1t/ed and thf FEPC bill in th” ni'Si can he 1. lupportprs de- l.'iied. as oon its it is not out . f the Rules Cnn-mi|fee bv rrenns of a di’.cha’ge petition The petifi-n, •’ h:ch require- 218 s|gnai.re>, i- n vv >hori uf ih.it niinih'r and all ner-on-’ lnter»s*«-l in 'h' I- ■■slat-"i, ire riskeil to write Itieii i-m are tfy lli-rharye I'etilion No. 4. aimi accompamoa Edwin Barclay, formar ian president, as both ad troop* Robert -wera to MonrovU Post CRtle* a th* Philates agency, 25 Beev er Street. New York. tli-ilal Nominee ili^hop Spinprii Newlon. Kan. (ANP) — Th* Rl. Rev. J. Arthur Hamlett. bishop of the third episcopal district of the CME church, laas! week was named as a candidate for the 3ist annual by R. C. Tieuel, Jr., managing Spingarn medal. Nominated editor of the Kansas State Re cord. official organ of the Kansas conference of NAACP branches, Bishop Hamlett is a civic leader as wall as a high ranking churchman. An active member of the NAACP, he is founder of the Phillips School of Theology and re cently was the only colored prelate to appear m Topeka as lobbyist for passage of a Kansas FEPC !aw. ssl of General Doug- ONE PRECINCT ALMOST 100 PER CENT FOR WINNER By WILLIAM A. FOWLKES .A'lantu t.A.Nl’i - - Thi- pivdimt .;i.;! ly .Ni-gm Third Waid-B la-L . ■ t-k diK’idfd till- winner i-h orgia'.-- Filth di-sinci .spwia. I'tflii-n loi a .'•uciTs.sdi to ndin 1 i i-ngiTs.snian Rnbcrt Ram.spi ck T:u’ winni r ivaj; Mrs. Hi'U';i Dougias Mankiii. rvpri .-ii’niativ • ‘’niton County to thi stall- legi latUM’, w u) i-iainud 955 of thv !, tl4l vijti‘.s cast at thi- /Lshby Stici'i .-ftiiKil wlivii- Nl'glut•^ in .in im ,..i’ii!i-d iiK-vi- M ; Vi d ;i> pi c.i.i-l iiianagi'i.s and cli-rk-s. Thf spiviai fongriS'^uma! rai’«- ban wav. red b«-lAvi n Mr. . .Mai. kill ’\nos*’ n void had thv -ii- . I'l’M invnt 01 .Negrii Ivaaors and. uniilficialiv. thv ClO-Poiilical A- tain Comi.idivi. and Thrma.- L Camp, .-u’cnlary of the ivlin i rLiniiepet. PAC advi-rlisinJ "no vn- uuisqnu-nt' but liit Ca:np't> uctiv Eu*t ■wwt:J,Vsi»the.o4ie-. vf.mmandercd the lead In the tia) luting. But the late returns ct Third Ward-B decided the wm- lu-r. Before this pricinet report- I’li. Camp had been in the lead v.’.th well over lyO votes. Final labulatiorus showed that M'.- Mankin rei'euA’d 10.922 votes : ' Camp’s 10.114. A field of tH : ).r i-aiididate-v trailer! tiie two l^ui «. ..mitlev, and Thoma.- L C-iiiip, secretary of the retire ■ hALKlGH - The .North Cam lin.1 Fvdi I’uliun 01 .Negro Aniari- il.1' Wui Molhei’i havi severed i;:e:i lelationship with the regular 1-ei.vi ation ot State and national .'iiiiuiican War oMlhers, and ar - pirteiting plans for a new oigani- ,;.iion to b'.' liie United W-u .U. Iners, Nil’s. Lillian W. Logan, president Ol Tie Ni'ith C'ai’ulmu Federutu-.i Nigrn .Aineiieuii Wai Molhei.;, made the announvemeiU Sunday ot Iht Martin Sti.et Baptist Ciiuich, where the Iwal chapter ia-lci u meeting honoring states- O ' n biun in P’ebruary. and an ef- loi’t to secure funds for the ox- pin«e of the oi'gani^ation. R«*v. J. H. Thonip-son. rector of Saint Ambrose EpLscopal Church, was ti.i .speaker at the mei-ting Sun day. Explains Announcement In hei announcement Sunday, .Mi s Logan explained that the pi e- hininane.s of the organization nad lain completed ami ii.il the at- ti.iney had the Chart. . eady. She ■..!i (i ihfi! tt’e Ol ganization woul I b completed hy April, the tim.’ o' the aiitiuul meeting- As presi- ihnt. Mis. Logan said, that she •va.-' appusing al! chaptcr.s of the pj-.>gres.s of the oiganization. Tile new organization will be chai'.ered 'iinder the laws of North Caii'lina, Mrs. Logan explained, but that it would be National in it.s scope and that an intensive those in the south, into tae new drive would be made to bring all Negro W'ar Mothers, especially oiganizatitm. Disavows Auxiliary Staltu The Negro War Mothers were ojganized under the supervision Ol the white organization at the biginnlng uf the war and given auxiliary status. The first chapter oiganiz^ was the Raleigh Chap- U'l. with Mrs. Isabella Hodge, as president. When the state organization was perficted and Mrs. Lillian W. Lo gan. of Raleigh, became president Kirs. Logoan sought to share in the policy making of the state or- ganiz.ition and to receive full charters as the whites. When the state refused this right, Mrs. Lo gan then appealed to the National President The National President, wrote the .state president that sine-.' Negroes in the south funo- tior. separately in their .scliools and churches, she thought it ad- vu^abli- that they function nepar- au’ly in thi- War .Mothi’rs Cluba. Deplores President's Positions Mr.'.. Logan, Sunday stated that .dll. deplored the- biased position V. I'.ich the National President had taken in this matter, because she staled that *his is a lime and tni-re is a need for unity and iiioperation. But the president had • Continued 011 page eight) Police Kill Cab Driver in New Reign of Terror U. imi-ii; (ANf) .A Neg.M ;;t\.«Mh driver was .shut t. dea'ii . H- .’’kilui dmay night hy puliL-* in .• t.i'W r« ign ot terror '1 :i p dead man is 28-year-ol.* F.i.nk .Alien. Hi.- companion, Et- 11 St T. Christian. 21. is being ndd uy police on an alleged gun-ea'- r‘’ing charge. Police, whom local ties, started chasing Allen's cab from Walker to Fourth Streets. The killers were identified as patrolmen Johnson and Phillips !.y Chief of Police Carroll Se.i- brook. w;io claims that they wer*- ’’ii^tifii’d in killing Alien on th> gn umL that the taxicab driver .®tu>l at them. WhiU’ the chief of if it on a farm." hiabiook said he wi41 decide what action to lake m the Allen killing after reading a full writ- n report by ’nspector Wilbur .Miller, in charge of the investiga tion. but it is agreed that the stage is already set to exonerate tn- two police killers. agencies i as the courts are anti-Negro. There is not a single aggteesive people's organization, including ihv NAACP here." He declined to >.pculate on how many indignant Negroes will probably be killed trom time to time to protest PRtrufr JAPANESE ED. COMMISSION Ram*epct. PAC adverliaed 'no en- i>y. police on an all. ^doreenHfU ' but hU CamtAjAUlL S^*rge. i-m .0 fouxU, SO««. inira Ward-B'"dectded‘'the'wm- iii enti.IC»«. nei. Before thb. precinct report- were idimtif^ a> no* *» cineU ed. Camn had U-en m the lead polrolmen Johnson and Phillips ^ShSSS .,th w,.,l 100 vo...» . hmal labulation.s showed that \ “V."'**,v‘'**^ ./ • Mankm r,o..,..vd .0,922 vot.s "I.:.'?.’: tulS to Camp s 10.114. A field of IS xn unds that the taxicab driver flht-r candidates trailed the two .hem. While the chi^. o . hmtalitiM. It ders considerably One of th*‘ P“hrp made no statement on th.» again-st mhuman brutalitie*. NA.SHVTLLE. Tenn Dr. Cha.-. ,„ntestai.ts was a h.rmer district . on'mions m ih. Negro common- V S. Johnson, head of the Depar*- ,, .igre-csman ity that Kad to the .shooting, prom- MnaB |b| intnl of Sclt'ni-;., Fisk Uni. j, a cli.-.n-cut v.ctorv for i'"H Ni sro oitizens report a no- CllfL llIC lU Atlanta Negroes rapidly surging "OV*' ol polici; lIlC UlC IR wrsily IS one of :h» 20 educafi- .Ainerican Commi.ssitni forward in the fight ’ mst Negro biisines* Magazine Says “Tax The Money Where theMoneyis’ secure the tim’d.ntion ag.i) ich Will foi-muiat, th. new ^.„j, ^jj p.,tentia:ilius. and cab drivers. Fiogiani of . djcation for Japan. p„j. jjje known •Police have b»’en .-learching .1 Si nii. of the other mt-mber-s o: inn hirlory of Atlanta. Negroes serv’d -rems to be to wi eek N>’gr;) busi- C iiiinissam are Dr. Lcorg. Mod- precinct niunagei's and clci’k.s N»-pro car.s and places of busini^.' card ol .New tork who i.-- Chair- fiLtmi- a i-ongressional eli-clion. im- citizen rcinaike.l. "Tlu idi’a n i.n of the Commi.'sion, n. .m _ *» » \T;gini;i Gildti>li-tv V : ' ;;i. Di, Willai’si E. G: Pi. ' cuiivt S crt taiy of the Nat al P^ducalion .Aivsociation and Dr, C.union Bowles, repnst-nlmg th pl’i’.I Depaitmi’ni, Thi- ConirTf!.-. - !i wnich '•jras formulated al t; ' iituiesi ot G«’m ral Doug;.. Ma. Aithu; is .’icii- duh-d to 1 ave tl. United Stati-' hy plane on P'ehru I'lji 20th. ;i,’. Johnson, a m'ni'oer of Hk Pi>k faculty for .seventeen vi ar. GEORGIA FIRE _ g.. uiiikK ” g,..... ..I..*,. ■* ............. — .. Mfgnt io^IIa Gb I, D'an Tj,;-, y rnanagers and clerks, head- rnsses in the city. Busincs-smen fir^ ’ whirfi cliren Cuntinuid on pugo gight) K.rve !«.. .1 told la got a job. i-vi- ,2 rlSrt California Governor Urges Passeige of State FEPC Leaders Urged To Act Against Filibuster Backers N w York City (WDLi ~ Ac tien agaiiL't both Republican and Diniocratic senator.- who votcii cgain^l cloture and pre-vent* d a V( te on FEPC was urged by ihe Workers Defen.se League in lei- tir.s to the chaii’tiun o' the Re publican and Democratic nation- ten by Kev. Aron S. Gilmartin. al ’>i'nmitlCLS. The iclter.s. wii’- national chairinan of the LeagU'-. t’eeaik’d llu anti - di.scriminatir.ii aiiu j)ro-FP:PC planks m both pa- - t.v platforms. The letter to Herbert Brownell, chan man ol thi Republican Na tional Cii:i..iiilU’c. -a:.!: Tn. lad that tne tinal vot. on cloture wa.'- only eigiu vole.s .slun t ot the ri- tuiiieil iwo-thirds majority, d i.i orestrati.s the major nde of thes • R« punbean senators in di bating th. FEPC n!ea»ure.'‘ ■J'he lettii to Rotx’rl Hann. gan. cl arman ot tin Deirocia ic Na- l.enal Committee, pointed out that among 23 Dt mocralic smalois vol- ilng against elotur*- "were not on- 1« tli .iithern naloiv. wlio I*-.1 ll’a dLgiacefu; f;libu.-'er, but 1 stnators hnin .'lat”.« ouksi.l. tin S« uth.” Asserting that "th>- defeat b.v filibjst -r ol FEPC has shown that a minority group can blocx any type of progre.ssivc legisla tion." ’he lettirs called upon th 'tn ♦o urge I very senator to gel be hind a drive lu change the Senate ruls. I*ii'lniii)iiil Has I'irst Mi\i‘il (atiii'l Till Hiciitiiorid, \'a. t.ANTb In ih fi:.st intei-iacail spoils loritesl .’’VI held iieie in Hnliiiionti. iiv- R’lhmond Skaleis Ba'ikeibah club defeated the white, .Ni \v Yo” t Yankee ••T3lo41 at Skati-land ;.’tna before a eapacity crowd hicri includ'd a la.ge group of enthU'sia.'tK’ wnite .spt c;alo: I ;u- ganu wa- spiiitid and hard fought trom tae beginning to envl. ;ch '.‘am (li.'play:ng j^reat ag- g.'i .s-iv. ness, iiow. V. r ;l is :n:e. e •.ing to n»iU- ihul in the entire g.ntie there wer only n.ne foals ci-mniittid which lest* li. the fair- play and ciian .'pori that prev;..!- • d during tht game. m gaiiv- ■••.fa:.i!'. Jas, Ciu’i.st- ira.- and Fied W nk. whitt, lor nur UniV’iTsity nf North Carolina Cjj.'-ketijall .-itar, wi - ioud n .h i)-M;e. It was llu o,.)tniori of o-lb N ,.io an'i white speetators lii.il th.- I V. nt lieralo a n-’.v .lay :n \ .tginia. not only in sport.s. but in ad race i’« lation.s. Th.- prixnot-' s T.t.nd to c.)ntinue to bring inter- I • rial sports evenl.s to Ri.-’hniond and believi that by so diing. rar r ii.lion.s. not only in Virginia, bii in the entii’i' .south will be im- p'cved. Tax the money wheie the mon ey is to tUv.r..’. ;h»- . n .vb. ' :i.’ eni dr* n •■’ - siys l..f Soulhern Painoi i.. Lducation for Democracy i.ssue, in rc sponst to tne fact that the Suulo ea.- only « per cent of the nation's nconu- and 32 p^-m cent of the na tion's chilclren. In a fact-packed plea for fecl- » ral aid to education, the Patriot p in’_s out that the low lil« racy level and educaiirmal .standards in liie Southern slates are due not to : ;ck of effort but lack of inuney Thuse figuers tel' the story: Tnt Soutlurn stla'-> spend .i laiger portion of their total iri- ci nv-a; for education t.2.7 per cent) than the non-Soutliern stales (2.5 per cent. -But the money .sp nt pe: pu pil in th.- South (S34.29j is Ksr than hall iha'. spent .n schooh out.sjde the South. ($74 44) :•! I ducational opportunity a bu.-.k, ia..a. of American de- ;i,oi-iacy — i.s a myi.T in out coun- i;_\ today, charge* ll. Palriof. Some American children have six ty the limes the opportunity r-f otuor.s. Tile children with the lea.'t chance are those born and educal- e 1 m the South. The ravaging efb’cls of educa tional pov.’rty an- quickly appa:- i nt. —One of every four Southerners 2.5 or over has nal less than 5 \''«r.s schooling. --13.8 per cent of the Southern ariiflee.s were rejected for failure to mcL-t minimum 'intt lligenc. stamlai'cL," compand to almost io-j.ig:bl« percentages in most uf the Soulhern stales; 2 per cent ’:t •Corlinued on page vighti Monticello. Gs. (ANP> — A ■ set 8 large north of here last Funday morning, claimed the live* ot Nial Nnllcy. his wife. Ml*. Lillie Pearl Nolley, and their two children. The four died in the fire and another man. Raleigh GUstrap, clitd after admittance to a Macon hospital. Jim Franklin, Junior Johnaoa, consideration be given to the ques- Frank Williams, Mit Laft« am! rnK lucuuy lo. .-^ev.iiieeu vitt..-, - — of ec.*nomic equality. I again jehnnie Jordan were rushed to I Trustei of the Ro.s. nwald’FunJ Earl Warren in hi.*! op«-ning urge you lo do so. and I recom- Macon .hospital for bums sustain- anil Di,,.rtai ol ih..Kac...R..luli..n, ua.iress la a jomt session af !i,i. mend that you .nact legislation «d in the fire. Piouiam ol the American Mission- stiiU IgeLslature urged both house.-, which will guarantee economic The house destroyed by fire to arv A.ssociali.m. H. i-s pVe.sident to pas.s a .stati FEPC bill. Th” opnortunity through a fair em- on the old^p-anklin place owned THOMAS FLEMING SACRAMENTO. Cal lANP) icaPA-v .statV's chief executive in his ad- ployment ptaclices act. " b.v W -C. Shepherd. jf ihe Soulhern Sociologica seciation and the fir.sl Negro to dresis .said; h'.ld this posilin. He wa* the ' Clus. ly eonnected with the Ameiit-an member and sicn-tury question of a nigh .evel of c-ni- ol l.he Cornm. appointetl bv the ployment is the opportunity 'i* Iigau. ot Nations to investigate e\ eryone to obtain employment foii-id laboi in Liberia in 1930. He without regard lo c-olor, creed or i-l.-o s'ervkd on torm.-r President ra«-t, No matter what el.se we do lierbiit lioovei's conference on to .sttmulUie busine.s.-> or create Hem • Building and Home Owner- job-s. if that opportunity i.s not /ampi Th«n.. .-i.ip m 1931. op. n to all alike—depending onlv CL^ ELAND (ANP) United Stales. These delegates Author of numcrou.s articles .-n their ability lo perform--we n ust bt a now deal m Negio heard the Rev. Samuel H. Sween- ai.ii books ne LS a recognized world cai.no’ have either a sound .-con- ‘ty of New York, pastor of one ol amhoi’ily on rac. and culture. A- omy ..r a normal, happy liie m ^ the nation’s largest .Methodtot ng hi* books are the Negro oui stale. ihi« wopW n fhurhes, demand a "new deal” in Graduul.and Slali...,tic:.l Cahfprn.a B J, ..lu iL^inia tae direciwn of Na*ro lit., in bi» ^*New Dear In Negro Leadership Demanded ol!.. Stars Of Stage, Radio And Screen To Feature Newspaper Week Broadcasts A brilliant array of .iiitional ai.fl military leader? and out- A'aqdmg stars of -4tage. radio and .-cie-n. have been as.4em- bl.-H for two network broad- 1 cu.st4 which will highiiglit the Negro e il9tli tf^^'n ceiebratiunx (>' National N’ew.spapC‘ W'l ck and the i-nniv'rsary of the Negro Press, Feb 24-Mareh 2. The initia' l:.Kidca.'-t will be aired over C. B. S. on Sunday, Feb. 14 from Alius at Southura Countias l»-.h slrta. Hare- th. Umlad Natiom sissions or ina^ouncu oi ,.,1,,., „( the country, uc which w, R. published by th. chartei- was fe.rn. The chatter is C'tu s, national Mcth^ist sroup .munitiei an I uiversity of North Carolin;. btesed upon the protection ot hu- nucting m Clivcland at the Fii.rt ^eing ,ed more and more by pro- I').s.s. In 1943 Harper Brothers man rieiits.,the most fundamental Moth^isl ehurch. les.sional Nejroes who are tramed pul.lished hr- Patteres ot oi which rs the iipportunitv lo in ur^n "4 techniques. The most of them, ■.earn .ScKivEalion”. --arii a Iivihb At your iasi scs- pastors and workcis m urban j am sorry lo say are not -hiBM "■K'.intmufu ..n paai; eiahll .sion. I ..ccoliiniendcil that serious churclio.s Irom all sections of the Sweeney said. "Communtoto of New Yorit'haivt invaded our Negro thought and lilc to the point where for two .successive terms the only Negro serving on the city council wa* c'.:-d on the Communist lickel.'* Mr. Swwney in the city’s pro gram asserted the Methodtot ciiurch vvas slow m construction of new church buildings for hi* r-eoplr. "We are still in the baw- ment status in many cities,” Ire declared. ' Wc have built only a half dos* n new churches in all the chic* ot ll • north in the past 30 years,” ho .'•..id. Two wore built in Phila delphia, and one ench in Culuro- bus. Dayton, Cincinnati, Detroit and N«‘W York. Thi- spc'aker was formerly pas tor of Cory AME church here. He said Clevela’id stoocL second in tore lountry for good racial relation ships. Among other things Mr. Sv. eenev said: •While there Is no general ten dency on the part of Negroes to join churches other than Prot**- I (Continued on i»ce B) 11:30 t.i noon, while the second '• ill hi heard over N. B. C. on Mar.-h 2 fnvn 12:30 to 1 p. m. Purticipant.*! on th’ t w n pr.i- g7uni.>i are shown uImivc. They are, right to left: Dean Dixon, mu.siciar: Paul Robeson, mr 'ert I'-ttot: Ella Fitzgerald, son.T- .btre-s.-.: Joe Louis, pri/e-fightt r: ; Dr, Charles Dr-w. medieim-; ' Carol Brice, concert urlist; Difwdal Davis. Kansa.? City, Call; Ralph Cooper, actor; Lion el Hampton, musician; Judg ■ William H. Ha.stie, governor, v'irgin Island?.

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