N FEDERAL AID FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES 74 ARRESTED; 73 ARE NEGROES Columbhi. Tent;, - A Njitiru, 1 Guurd Hot* >li»it oi .-.oo mru. mu;- the ctimmnnd of Hr 3. ,Ih- h M. Oickrns, >p( M. rcaried by m • TnOurefl .s'couts rolled I'llu th' ni nl sliced .‘•ection of thi. cii.v, w i • loudspeakers mounted im 'In \e hides rmd informed while and Ni - Rrocs that Iheie would be no mo disorder afler 71 r.iT' si;. lu»d her, made, of whieli 7:i Nes; Tyie aiTOsI followed :iii iilti'irrtti e between OlitdV' Sieoheii--iti .oii William Flemm tiu, ,'.hile Iran, when’ .Mrs S', phi alleged to h.tvi thmvi .Mr Fie' ing thmudh ‘he .^hi s fron* of More and aynered his head u.ih glass Following the ahcic .dioi- tin p-.- lice sought to mres' .cvei.d N groes, who i'ai i iradt'o them-oK In Iheit homes and hii-d w th sh ' •■•'ns and wiuinried nine white pe. .. ns. FiHir of the wounded w. > pOheo, thiee hi,^hw ty patioitten and the other >v: • o .-tsttorr ') Negro was woiind.-d. Following the alteninl of »hr of licer to shiwt 'Hit of tlmii hoi- the Negroe . -md 'he iih nj-tet i wounding of the mne w ii te , n* pullee c.tHed for thr Sa'oi, .1 Guard. The gu'ird with arin.'i {•-.I seotJt c.‘*r; were ordeied lo .sr.ircii the house of the Negro. .s .md font: more th.in three h'uidred ill Of whleh were C'^nfisealed With the Negii'*'.- lit ,o I .Mu’, or Eldridgi’ r>eiih.tm piofl.dm.d a 9;00 p m. rurfew L.w ai d 'h troubled oily of mddle Tftine ee was tjuiei N*gro Section Closed. All store- in the Negri .ettio\ wfi. closed and only the inifo-m offtcer.s were «eeii on the -Ireet Little Iraffte came into this si.-- tlon When 'raff r dm ..Itempt it was redirered by the patr.1 In other seelions ■ f the city hti.sine- weri on as iisnnl The monk slide leijoii whr; Nagroes live, is inhabited b> ap. provintalely 3.00d Vegmes Thinte Wegroes. many I’f wh im h,.d seen pfcrvice in the V’rioU’ theate.- ot •wer, had well f. -^ttlid themv-iv with arms and amuriliims iieee ' lllig to police rep n- Thev h..d their homes, weapon- from Flu ’ meks to German and .lapanese nn- '('-ntin.’ed on Iwirfc 'v.ge' " ' e f- -iT'' BILL PASSES HOUSE BY 257 TO 101 VOTE \ n| (Ml-: .\.WI, \f). ;;s );.\i iiHiH, M)in H i\\ \v\-\-k i-.nim.vc s.\n i:(t\'i'. .m.mm ii 2. 1:'.; Probe Sought In Housing Blast e DEAD. SCORES HORT IN APT. ’O PlitKi .1,11; •'uKti' n -'• - o;, ! l-,ij ; uni' f- d. I ,ii ;>ri i ;: . I ;; .. Ji nil; id iHJ .•■lo-ion, ki...n -ii .1 i n I .au». I ) .1 .igi in \*.ilLs In.’ 4,11 . ■ • : i ’ll ... , I. c' 1 n't.' if , lu.l II. vn ■ po tl •? p; I • ; losi'.n. .Mo',.. J F . > r.-;.s T- nv ; i i ...ij - that Ihi-.st .turp;. . • 6;3tl ' t tit*’ II . ’'IplK o ii- r*- buikling, It Ufa nuu- tK'itr;'.^ .r •1 leiruic fo'if . ...I’t ’• ' I w s ..ni - .It t , . .. . ■s h iiO tu' ni.s. ing- I . I Arie.v ' „in.'. t.- (. u n-1 pouii-m n ■n. .n-' U cl I • **" k .n .N.s.x.s i ; rv. County Arms To Capture Th*' monk slide tenoii, uini' Negroes live, ik inhabited hy np- R roximalely 3.oon Negrow- TTieso egroef, mnn.v of whom had seen pkrvlce in the various theaters of “ Wfir. hiid well frrttfli'd •thPirncelw' with ntrns and amunitinns aron-f'. ling to polje. rep vi- They h.id I'l their home.s. weapon from Find enckt to Oermun and .laUHne^r ni.i- '(*'nUrf.ied nn hark pngei lii'inel) '.volli Ilf il; ' brick ani’l H building, lellc'd hugi- beams an'i th teiTilie force ..natt' ic l wi . .Hi'v.^ and -U’liti. red .«ei.ii).' '.lUHth'ild luinisiiings over ■ \ id. ai-fj*. Arn-.y nkini-tr.s, cily fiieni t and piilicenv n. -aiioi-, cya .i . .daiiien. ond 11'd (Ji'j." r .I’l WD.k •' ! ! m '' I- ■ if’ 'fo'-tii’oerl on paKC eight) County Arms To Capture Alleged Shot Gun Killer Le^in Ghu.si’, Wiin.mgi >n you. > wa.s held in th Ni w HantiV’ Ccunty jail Thurs- ay night, V ■■ 27, on chaigei of murder, f>l!u. ing his capture 'arlier in the a.'- teinoon by a pos.«*: of 20ii tiMi,. in a Awainp near Shalljlt’-. "Ti • pe.':sc was h’d by State ilighwa;' Patrolin-.n. Cause is charged wiUi th ■ shot gun .slaying of Janies Williai'i- son, pronjini nt whi'e .a-mer 'i: raai Shallotlt ..'’eli'jn. wiiu wa:! killed Sunday nighi -it lu iioiiti. The HiRiiway Palro) wa.s ealkd to the icmi' nevauae of report’ of inountink tension.” bctwec.n mtmbers of the posse and I'fsi- dt-nis uf lower Brunswick Couni\ Riding by aenpl.ine. in 'he .‘.eai eh wa5 .Mayor .fimmy Pt nnington of Wilmington n o on b rinm-’d leave fioin the Army .■\ie Fore The aeru.si fi man wa . eaptu ’el 4:15 p. in. and lurni’d over b'. Sheriff (*. T, Will. tis, d Bnin*- wick Counf.v to tne Higinvav Pa- Negroes May Enlist In All Branches Of Navy tic.lmen, who carried him to W'il- riington. Once iodged in im vV . I I ..olintj j.nl. Sheriff Wi - -elt.' I'l'poiied I (I'l’.i- eonlc” • I i lo 'hi killing. (iaii.’:i’, weak f.o.ii '1111.11 ,inii I Nposiiie, offi'i • . MO ; e..i>t.ini e , .»•( e .irni' i \‘.'ii„-l.. c C.c.son t.i’id.' toe caii- re. ■■ ill’ d e.ciing 'Up" «•; t II, ,! . :• \e.,|.. .McNiil . m. I'luirsday morning. So anxioii.^ wi r • the inhahii ent.” of Sitailot'e dead or ali\ , ib-'it . io”'d. snd tl. »k I’’* rlondhoiind.s in 'tie ipan i.'inl Sti. iff Will. tt;. .;i;d tb-.t W; liMn'-’i'H wa- ki'I' fl 1.” lot '.•iv ftrerj ;i’ .ilmri i pni ’ '.e.l, .'iig 'li'feigh a ’.einrl""' 'd h h fill’, ne;,x»ii,- f.»i- the .'ing •• V\ llltairiiion have nol tn . n nun NKW YORK Ncgr-i ai'plire for enbst'rent if the r- g'ilar Ihuted Slates Niival :eiviee were advIsi’H thl>i 'nek 'hat officl’il naval policy fully pnitesi.s their r'fihl tp eiUi-T m an.v brniich >if the '♦’rvier fnr \shic' they an ''ligible or qualified. .\>- Burjiire c ime from I.esTer Fl. Grang er. N’a'ninnl tTrh-’»n I.ciCiie FTxic'i- live, will, h.is been acting as -per- ia1 advisor to the .Nivy Srcrel.iry, after -eyi ral cases had been brought to his, attention involving recniit- If.g centers in different clliei. where Negroi - bad been ivfu'ied enlist ment rxeepf in the .steward’s mate bran''h I'lior reporting lhe.se in- ALA. SCOUT MOVEMENT REPORTS GROWTH Mobile. Ala (ANP) — Note worthy expansion in the local Boy Scout organiaation here was roported recently when the 36th annual National Boy Scout week was observed. Beginning with a gala par ade. the week included instal lation of divisional scoutmas ters and cub masters at the annual banquet, and was cli maxed with an indoor circus in which all scout talent was used. Honored guests during th» week were: P. W. Echnls. field scout executive. EmIc Scout Edward Brown, and Ro bert N. Pmry, Jr_ »t Hew k Oriaam. i..n.’e hi- Si-r-.-i »..r> -f ; in.-- \he ft»li(i” ing • ter frnm .Mr Forresiul: • .'f tl til l (.1 ". . If, t ■)). rie- ■•riiittng :iiiii Iiiduetion Service 'h .iM.'nUr ri’;..’dlr”.> Ilf v.ice. ere.d. ’>1 ' iilur - ‘hi) miei- ihe phy-ieitl, me' i-'tl. .iiid n ’r;il ”t;ij’d;.rd i- 'jii.ii- :fied fur enli-lmen* •■j- rei iili”lmei'' 'll the Ri’^iihir N i\'; in .nu of i • ginc'.l eiv Cl’ n.iin.’ iiHhi.iir-d ill Rren..'in5 Cireulai Letters. pr»>- ' idofi he |. ;i ciliren of the I'nitcd St;ito- I ’.'f ji.- irsiil.i, jh-.-M's-ii.i.. ••P.'i •iii iiel -I’piir: t«’rt f:om the ■ ivi.’ 'i\er three months mny be enli'^^i d, if pi y.ic;ill,v ;iiid mental ly qu;ilifi-'d. "ndi-r hioken •.ctv.C’’ '.indii'ft .-\- -uch. they cannot ’0’’ r- in I- petty officers. If pre- vimi- wrvic. bus b-en wi'h the •Army. Mjirinc Corp-. or Cna.-t Guard, they :.r I kowi.se ineligible fn- peiiy .iffieers rating'. Fnlisii’e.s wh'> h id III) previnu” .-ervicc In ;tny branch of the .Armed Forces are 'ligi'ile for i nli'trrenl Scuman or •is S*'ward'- Mules Hnwiver. col- o’cH i-nl''* e” are not accepted for geneial 'ervTce unless able to pass • h-' Geiuriil Clas'if cation Test, glv- *n to all I'nli'tor If thoii mark is Hell ••• the tertuired s’andard. they • r ’(-r-ptobh- .1' Ste-'ard’- M.ates only, ■’ll i” h lied that the above ex- pl.'.nntinn will clarify- Nnvy .•Oand- ii’d.s for all upplicanic fui enlist ment.** TRUMAN URGED TO SAVE JOBS OF TRAINMEN WA.-^Hl.N(..lU.N l.\N{') — ’Iti.j li'u I.M ill.UiJU.ObU :tll’M»i lU.I' . Ii. pa.-C.. U.C Il'/U.',' o. n'pl a:l. . 1.1 .'«•> 11 ,1 I iiaijidiiy by a J,i7 i.j I iiitc: iiL”. 1 ii 'll III .III an; , c: iiM.ii.i’ iiiii .'iin.iiniKiil -ly t«'p. Aiici.’i '!a',liin I'liW' 1. ni ... Voik. 'I'll. 'i;.l pul.' pd'.iiil .1, i .’o. .o'lii! luiiui'' lit) .1 pi . inaiici. : . 'I- aiKl aniiiui I/: .- .in annual •ip)‘.'^pi lu) low III >,>u,iiui).iiOi (>; I.; i. n.l.ii S',.;'.''. gi.\iiiiii'n'. ' i voti. (liiiunai. ii oiu .ii'i'tuii ‘ . Ih • a)(;u”Uri’ piupu'iiig a dl.5. (ii.'l.D'H) ;ippi'>|Mi:itiMri lu the U. S. ' I I . .1 Kduc’alicn to ..upi. vi- • ''u;ri!if>n rdut .ili.m and pmvid ■ . IOC,, I 'Cl Itlf-. . le II (Kiut'tion 'll an am. ni- , ' nt .ig.un.d disci iininaliun m • • r. ga' dll'.”;- ul . ..Cr, • 1. i-'il'ii III I'ounli.v lit iirigj ' It •]). I'li.vi'il was .nU’i’pii t .1 ’■•-.1 '• i)v -'.u'ilcin .' p f. 11 ' ling, •. I'.'iu i*.. '-. " sdiooi lui.ei' pi.igi.iiii in an oil".' (o aianaic «uuini-m .'Uppuit. ':;i, auicndineni will nui i,..i..^ Lin npniatiun of III pi'.'g.ain. ''.iiirn '■.Ilf fedc..i; govviiMp ri' .i.i,- in.ird jfu; ih.,' la.'t 10 .-car. Ih.-, .i,..ii.',l I N'lj ohargos of di.^eninin.itnip . ' i't , b.ivc bu n ma ll . haiK.i.- if Lie inuasuic p‘ini d ..ul Uv > '-ni' I i"ilbi>n N'-gio ■ hiiiii.-ii p.i.'ll 1 I'.c .'i.nuiill> in th. .V .'>.>1 .i.iii-;i pi'i [ p. .iin.s. Ten Rnpiiblic.tn juin'c i \i'li ift '..in-I llif f'l, v'l i: am 1111111 nt A uLicrn I>!’iiic.,’'.ii. j. !.:iiVf i)v Ff-'p. ('I' Vi ngc. (H v).) nri liif liill back lu 'no c.i- •i.lic . Whirl, h.T.i k.llfj 'ur Mils ■ui'ii. w a. i! !• .i' -d I* 260 tt, 121. V.liti-: .p.’iin.’i :he ina.’Ur. '.iito ■>2 Itcpiibli .i ih !■) f) 1 I : II ' A I • '.f the N.i'oi. ' I.’ Mote.d. will! ■ •iri .u-n- ; • pl. t.- ’30»K| N- porter-brrikerrci', with whin 'I, men. \k.i- inane 1. ' r. k i.v V '' • .iin.. I > Ilf til Rri)iiierlifKt of Ti -."iii. n !’ men. Porter”. Switchmen. F.i.m miiloyes. The decision, •• h eh m.'- a euil of -he dispute I’Ctw.in ' h:l. 1. ,ih. ihf' .if II.'.I. ' i Tcs.. K...:. T I. -1 flnet.e, r.ilro.’l 'hi' iii'.lioii' 'i; . ". hirl lel ; '■ :!•: f' mo • ! y rimmed al.-i ■with o have received of pi.: •• ho h 1- .11-'’, I C' pa;;i Ighl> "I T a- c pt. n i--;i Ti 'p p- nl- •> ..i! . M.f . 'T? M . AFRICANS START EIGHT rrv/ PAPERS IN S I ^UAGES IN 194S lairohi. Krr.va ANPl • , n-.^ c.tb'ireli'n>, pr;-' ed in f.ve lenguegef., w e * •' r'aite.i by AfriTjnc in f-r. ■*: - latl year. Twv of i h •' ' peP ’^ wtekliei and tr.' monthll' • Ibt orgnu art owned a-vl aatirrly by na}iv*« wilb a rlTnilatlnn tctatin-T IS,000. One >1 tho five Fani^u- ages include rnoHsh-language paricdicals. HAACP protest VET FHEEOy ( t)l,i; -IMA, S C A'.'l’’ An .'A.-' I : if •;i’ .1 uf CpI 1 I: uiiii'l i’.i > ■ . 4ii Ilf the .'I'fi' ... .11 Dp.’ ' , ..' Unimi. .S. (’ l.llc I'l.iirjlll. 'll t'h.'’- ti i; S (.' li'U ' Cli n I, nil-d fu,e .M'l, f pi Wiili *0'h M’l! lAACp .i(i CpI Hiii'.>.ii li.i I liero in- C 1''”!!* Sp'-ri.il oi. .;; II i-i” Iff ;dty • .1)1 tint .,•1 I- .. ■ i-ti’d r,. S- l> IS,., ils" "f the . Dep • MP- took the \ei.. tram at the c'mdiirlut’ !■ ‘V’an Beaten, Ditched ;:ne'i " riiitiej .. diiinrily iiei fome.l by biak. men. *• :tr.' ’.vlule, (’uffev ikrh'.r- Oil'. Ntigi » poi tcr.' fur moic lit. too yenr? hnvi' {urtormed .um ‘..P’ man diii:i.- id.mo with u’',pi !t.- hui ahvnvg have received I’.!, 'iif ■ il'.ry of poile.S The umuii. which i” ;.ll-whiii • >’.>1.tinned on p.igv liuhD 5'ailed by Africans in I'tr. oT€, lart year. Two of the .i.v pftp-.rs rr» weeklies and six arc monthll'S. Tbe organs are owned a^vf. «di?od entirely by na|iv*s with a circulation tclalino 85,000. One of the five lannu- ages include rnglish-language pertcdicala. "V^an Beaten, Ditched ht Faked Charges NGHK. S C, lANfb An u ’ 1 .iitiun ir.ti. ciicum-iiai.v - ' ll.tiling llu Nii\''nili i ixit' .ii-.d duntpiii., itilo . riiti'.i 'k N'li'lii (’iiiulin.i 'me. m . I', 'll rli. uf Saiiun I I unt’.ie.l ’ 4 fj vciwi. . .,n ! ; i.y |):i;r>)lnii(ii rl.v liii.-; ’.vi-fk • Julin .un, ' llu h.i • . Ill,- L.iiiily .iixl i.i.ii . n.l diiv.. Ivr ’■:.\Aff' I 1,I'l ”, V the •' :in in’-'il’.’i’rl hi..I ui. eh.-if,,. 1. • rt ig.iin ' • , .-•uui.-' tl '• ' ,'ji;i;i’ la’* f'u»-f’'ri'i ”iie'' ’u • .1' hi' an,' i.n'.'i. '’tun • h. .. ’ I 'U Tl d N'"' . 'to I onsiill llimaril Di’.ui On \rl lloN|,ilal Stuff III)., .ind in I’d viiit. 1 iti/ I lr-,l I If) i.ing le'iin. L. ad' iri .,1 • ATLANTIC BEACH DEVELOPING INTO PLAYGROUND OF RACE d ihi' m.iit 1 . . 1 l•..Il'.'l lu’i uf .N'AA'.'" . i.d 1,1111, iiiti.'. ,n Culiiin:.. I {’. .-udi III .fanii'.' M. Ilinl .n u a-Ki’.l (u.v, J, h. ii eunipli-ti' liive-s’llgiitlun. •I'llin-rin «'as ai ie.'ii-d .m i .i.nle t un ehi’i g..- :jf ' guing \s till u '* b ' v'lr-in ' !.i.' Nouvi'inbi r. Ma i 11:11 ioand. .S.n nfl Churl. ' • and Si.heitnr W. CJ Finl- v .u- I-' " 'i u\ -ii.' NAACI* a- ii.ts n ; III’ .'.-'igiiled ibe e.l,-.' .md f'.un l . g; I.undl'’. Jnliii-I.n ’'.a.- I>l;lu ■O'! '> till- I ItJ uflll:. I .nil id.'tl I 'i ,i. R W Hai.sliaw a,..l. . ; : III .I'U-Mipi to tel urn iiunic .m I pairulinan. I'leiilifi il ■- P.iih:. II' '.'.a.' .idvi.«’(l iiy Fin.r. Ilia; Lii olhii’;.' would c.-.Liiil iiij, u .1 !.!f ' p.iire until .'ii.-pK'n.i; bon !i,id di' fi duwn Til. It I ,||. n i’-'i tn' dii’.il I'l u”>l lia. tw. , , 6 K' 'I tr, p irtifipa' ,11 III. ,1 •, •M. fu! the ..laffin-i uf fl,i- Ml .\| l.i'i:' I’ld.'.'.iip 'U' pil.'ii, iiemi’ding • i.ii'iiiL* Cin'i’al Omar N. Hradli; hi Vet. ran.” .■\flmiri!'i .ili In uas-Air tp .m .\'A.\Cf’ r nil ’ (»> n. Brarlti v ’.vrofi.' I'nai thi- I)i of the H'lward untV' rsilv iru .In . .”«’hu«)l hafi been made .i inemln n| th. Dian' Cnmniit' e a'm •• th repro';. n* dive.-’ of f*, org’ t’lwn and Ceurg.' Wa.')»ingtun u:.. versity medie.’il .-.rhiKils. n Ch' with •, ..r(.»e '.I'l '! e two I . : lil'lWf) ' I thd h i>: of ,ie pli*t- , )ur.ed by r, fT'.m t’. th*! , ;r : 'ne ' • ilixii nfftcor ia ’iie/nl l>> have ' • I - hen i-i,i.i' Lm "t 3 i ... . Tt . • '• '’d-ie; — , f . . . r • ■ V : ” MPs leixf him the " rhih” (. he v .aid .1.-. *h* M.-f m ''• IV'oe .. iii:iin platloun liionn IS ipiuii'd M O "rki ■* ”.f this . Ul. ' .-d ..n-.'li'' i-U'ch. 4JI uf UB \'ou; 'n't have to -ii.iid im the plht- iir’’, ih.Tv'd he wots." ’ i. . jffir-', lii’er joitutd by MPs. toov- the \eteran from the train at thv ^i^nductor’’ ri’quesl. Ih? • * • I’ .'’n'l O’e II, jail, the ci- ' I'illnn officer is .iltrgfd to have !”iri'e‘ hint ’evcrjil Mni''« wHh a )i! I'kiaek Th irra'i.l i’unduet*r' 'I' li d : Ii.’iii’ei-sf'.'llv M'.'i’. thr MPi lend him their clubs >0 he ciuld also 'trike the viet'm Freed Hfter ,1 night in jail CpI. nruwn .in'iver’ lice l.'-i Siturdav eontiiiuitig his trip. Utllon .iiithorilie'', he -aid, hart .-elvtsed him withn'il ch.irco-s iflcr the N. A A C P. Iniervei.liiin bal ' ad ceuii- seled him to rmiembe’ h. wu” bank ill South Carolina ii'” ’nxl the w.ir was over. ' NA.>Cr p.-nl' ' of 'he lelp.n ha” iieen filed I'li 'll' Loathe ? Railway. Bi,« li's I’liii'i'il I'or llolilin;: i’rii'i' l.iin' New York • .A jiladg.- uf "Uli- qu.iiilU’tl .upp' if in I'l ’ffuiU »ii hcifl file lin- im priee .11 i block inflation - '' legi.ijihi • I t ■ f.'lwfs- Ur lluwl.-.i. [uriiier f)1'li'.rtut, by the NAAC'P asl ."eek. i*rais ing Ml’ D'')'vlr.' fr : .ppu.silioa lu racial ill - . iniin.i .un ind for hi” ’.vork 1, pie^e.it .nflatlm "which would '.VI,: k 'li'n-jl.-r nn all .’Nmi I’ican.*, but pa: in uiarly thi””e in the 'uwi ’tie' nv iirttck- fl." the wire said, ymirs i. a gal- ’am fight Inr tlie cuinn'un man and for the pieseivatiun of a sound economy whicFi beltig made against trim'nduu. ^ida. ' Opens Mass Registration As Answer To FEPC \TI .o’l t*. -."ru • ! ,\l’ll dc\ .'loi into (he )>l .. ' 'll Negiocs lx'c..u' .f ment pi'ogiam which i- :'iii.e 1 f 1 ’ ”pced under th- dii'.-ioii .f th. .’Mlantic itv .1‘1 C"mpany. lo' ; f *"hi(h Dr .1 W -Neiibr'Tik. he.»fi of State Te.irhc'^ Colte.;’' F.,yet»' \ ill i.t president. At .1 r. ri nl :> ei I 114 of th,' ...-k- h.ilricT' f L f .''tipo. ,t rji, I . ,11- puiv ' fi>.;-d t . O' in exn lie 1, e,ndiiioi’, with m.,... re-.d^tPi.il I ts hring -old '*iekly lo I' -idenl- uf North .ind .Si-iith Carolina High p:u.-e w.i- g.ven Groi W Tys.in of Conu.iy S- C.. who .'taiD ed the de*’eIopnient While ;he -'m'.ers f ’h- ment company .1?. intcus'.ed :n .h*- financial .side of t) :ir venture. :heir primary object i' lo pr. v de N' groe:; with a fin*, jiie*-* of reercat on.il pi ijier'y The natural idvantaBi’f at -Xtlan- tic Beach are un.surpa8'ed. It i« a unique '•.tuation for the »outh. fo- Negroes have one of the finest nat ural strands ut be found on the At* ...id',' rti.-rj 11, ■ d |ii..petty owned .1 haMl-'Ui f .red "•loiigh the '!: ■ 'b.*' k .illev 1'-. ih'i of swamp*. I'ump.iny h ' defin I'l I ae uiiK'ir,” 1'fl Giiy H.’il! lu- Ni'.il; {.':.:uima the v;clmi \ .s I" '* ti'ld. F-ni'uijIe. ti'.ry tuuk •u'U. I'lui'flv ' ,iing jinn ,' ith blai Kiai’h,- ..n I h. .md the p,^t,,i butt-:. .Sea; Ihe Noil'- ( .u- .'ina line, (ney duinped hi' ii'iu iiil> /t.ird iiiii iMi.'C’K'U- 1)1,dv in .1 diteh an I •.'CiKiH' SI' ' !' ,,im Tli'Ti j,a.”'in;: piulu! . pill''' : -end him. 1 unhed him to .1 ho - CHICAGO TRIBUNE SEES POWELL SCHOOL LUNCH .AMENDMENT AS ‘RED DYNAMITE’ . ■ t lu- * ' hii’i luh : ' Hir' ■,;;r \dfhiio i.d ' ' '' V', ' I- ui.de 'll It'*’ r* le 'go Tl itmiie, a. d by C 'l ’.b'C .rniiek . .. .tmni'i wn'' 1- . ..1,-idi'ied • ;i, th. bedrock of mid\. f'ti'iI iiui. \lis ievi;d»‘.1 lb 4 nt'ws -tor.v in Thiii'day mm • ng rtiiti'ini .n which the Pow M .1 ti-jiM cr*nv .imendn ent to .i •eh .'1 lunch hill ", bl.i'ied ..s ■'Cummuejsl dynuniiit. " The 'tory, wriit»n by a Wa.'hin.i- to*, correspondent. Willard Edwards ■ . . ; fur;.’ with known Tribune pol icy, begau. J i.f r rial -e^ It. 1,1 'III •l•llth miec’ted bv a . g e-'ir . fM.m New Yurie i- f I I’uueiill* jccUiMd '.f 111' I '• ; 1' ' imlav enrian- :i ■' P'l ;g»' 'if Ic^iiilatian iiilio"i/iti:' federal funds to pro- * i- 1'T' la-- f",- a.o'inood sch oi n !• II 'D N Y '. proU’-c .f 'i:. V. •’ Vf,!k D.iily Worker, of ficial i-mnmunist daily, further eompli*'.led 'hi mvul . -d situation by prop B ' "rscinl discrimina- lioii' amenoineiii which was IcnUi- idi.ji'i : Ilf I. t« "Labi'Ied 'Corrmimi”? 'iyii.itin a.leiKh' dtu -t.irt trm.bb 'h. 1- ineiidment inraged >uhein Di iH' - "hi. ...id that if it la-maaie”! n he bill thev -vould vote lo kid ’lie .'::tiii' ineHi-iiic ' Ti'f bill p.i.-.>tel Thuriidav uy a big majoriy The Tribut e il'o plays up i* - of 'outhern bignts uch as Rankin and Rilb*, and giv. - oni- ■'idrahle '.pace lo attacks b' cmi- Biession'’ race bai’er> on le,.sla- ’ion of pecial interest to :: and 'Jther minority groups ( uhni.ina. .S C. (ANI’j - 'i'h 1 irgi-it ituii'ilx.-i iifNi gii)*'' in lie hi.-'ury I.' e xpected to s'1'■ I. ••i.-*ral|i>n eeitilicati .’' at v.i ■ • eiiuiilv c'uui'iiuij- .' up; IP ■ ■ '.ev M'.nih'V, .MaiC'i I. .k .' . ... ( I ' .1 l.ii- PlOgi.-'SlVe D. 1: ' rl.-i p:i.'v ». le s;ii'l thi. '.vt 'k L k‘'I bv 'tale upjiusiunn In thi FKI’C bill iiKi Ihe loi- pljv '■ n ■ '^ur,;- f *'in D J 'P 1 >’.'n ;ii,d Hu.ni’i R .il.iybanl- .. ; 1 fiiiiiU'ieiing. iiurn '.nu. '.ii 1 d • iiruM’iKuticn', i.’liginu. .d eluii.' bjv '• j( in«’. I : 1 'i-g; ’rritiun. the !ik . ihi-; .'t.»l ha/ nut known H MvCiav. 'lull PD" i, r.i'l iu- h"d th'on td • M Hinton, .si.i' I n>. th il till ■ I brunciie- ul ■' i/:4*i' i " i.ulti join 'it ’ 1 'Vve ur -gi-t'iition on .1 ft"' • le ..MI.-. Th.' Fedi ' - '•n W..min. olulis i” ;• ['lining : .'l:-!: I'.n md '.'f: . .' .'irMu'.jni'.'rn*'it' . • c*ed do ott 'h* we-k pulling the inn •'...I, li iiOu I WI > inhi ihi 'iw \et.ve part>eiu;itiin front ail ■ ’■Botu” f.'thi, ;mitie/ul.tilv I'L-'- .mil Melh.-disti;. ix .'•l-m , in'j negutiati d. South Carolina lav ' ^nu. that f!; - citiz«'n .jwn an-l h: •- (Mid Sii due taoics un real estaui i'.’;‘e.».?rd »l $151)0 u. . ■ be .i'll' !'i read r.'l ■ . gib; tni ; I 1 '1 lea' ei’iintii''. N I g r I, • ' ” bites in ‘22 .iiv L. • • -. Ual il'li K-* : S' Cl. I 111 inbei III'; m i' n I'-.g ri present' I 11; t'u 01 10 , lo l»e Of -16 number uiigres- I'U llllt- , ‘ lOH h«f t ile y.*- p d n .1. • .A' I' i.iiior uud - I' mbh [{ii ,,f 'he 124 ;’epre- HAZEL SCOTT NAMED IN 525.000 BREACH OF CONTRACT SUIT j New York (ANP) — Haul Scott, popular boegie^woogia pianist, was named las* week as defendant in a S25.000 . suit filled by Benjamin F. I Kuteher. concert promoter. In I federal court heer, Kutcher's suit charges Mies Scott with breaking a play ing date at the Memorial aud itorium at Trenton, N. J.. on L Dee. 3. which Iv* claims coit ' him S1.736 for adevrtiiemenl and publicity plua selling thousands of tickets. Miss Scott is supposed to have received an advance sum of S625. Under the coo- tract. she was te have re ceived SL250 plus 50 per cent, Kuteher conlenda.

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