' r r I Four Die In School Bus Wreck l.oriSIiCIUf — Foui* N«*ifro schiMil cMi- (liiMi wi*»e killed, 2 seridu.sly injuicil aiul III diher.s injured eiirly Monday morning i»‘ i* r' «>ol l)iis which plunged through a oridge l ail ing into Norris Creek, six mile.s nortli of /^ehulm: n iManklin County, N, C. The dead are: DeOtho Crutiup, 12; lairen*- Kearney. 15: .Tames Kan.sdell, 10. and N'irle l.)a\ is. i I. \Villia:n Voung, I"), who wa.s driung llie hi Ml the time of collision, did not have a driver'.* license, nor was he certified as a sc!iool ho driver, according to police. The regular driv. wa.'* liis «)lder hrother. .lacoh (!. Young. -Ir.. 22. wild wa.s i’iding hehind llie dri\er'.H s«-al at Ih. i;nie of the accident. Immediately foUrjwiiig the crash, a w ir- lanl, cnarging William Young ami -lac*'- Young. Jr. with manslaughter was .swotn o..' by Sher iff Jcjhn 1*. .Momire, of Franklin (h).int Hearing on the charge will Ire held in t' , I l aiikliii County Uiworder's Coml, Tuesd;i; njorning, .March 12. The two chihh'en most seriously itiju;-'' ai '- in a liocky .Movint hosirital. F.li/.ai*'th !5:: |honi. who suffe)-*d severe head injuries, wa ;iei)oited tonig.il to he in a critical co,..liti!-. I,eon White. wh«> su.stained a compouml uav Uii- of the I'ight elhtiW and a i'racuii • lO left leg, was iepoi-ted iu a serious condiiion. Dr. W. C. Perry and Dr. W. li. Wheles.s epf •fl thr.dr offic-s here and treated he injui. A list of injured and their injuries follow: William Young, ihe dri\er. abdominal n juries; Edward Jones, lacerations ot head an ;ip: .Aliu* .Mann, hueratimis of h“id and Mirained shouldi*r: O/.elle Kden.s. J'ractuie iie-ulder: Constance White, lac4?i'uti«»ns id I'igl should* r. cheek and chest injune.s: Mary Mar tin. chi-.Ht injuries: France.s Kingsby, fracture of upptu- right arm; Jamie White, cuts on arms, , . ...i Msd lac*-; .1. F. Young. Jr., deep bruises and lacerations; Julia May Clifton, cuts on j-.-nd. 1 elty .May Spivey was ireai*;d for minor • ;';i *1 hrni.ses at a Wak*} For*‘sl doctor’s of- t ic‘. Ti“afi-d for minor injurie.s were Furtis I)un- Mar-garet Y*)ung. Klgie Kearney. Maxine N'oiiiiir. Eildie Jones. .\Iary .Maiigum, Don Man- . ;'i.a ('leni*‘Mtine Mann. F ‘ --pt for thos« .sent to the hospital in .'ll- ,’ Alount, all of the children went home aft***- reeciviuM medical attention. Tm* Ini.s, cari'ying :>o childnui, was on its wav t*i the (lethsemane school. According I r«-p*»it.-. the l)us was traveling at a tenJfic ra' iC)iitinii«d in pjitie six Shown is th*- wivck.-d sc!'*-V nu.« which ii'iinci i trir’-jc . bridg*- railini: in N«*riis Crn-k. .si.\ miles from Zebulon, in Franklin County, kiilini^ t«>ur Negro school (hiUli*-n ;inri injuring .1 .uncr-- Captain Charli.s Farmer of llu' Sl.iU Highway J‘ati.i, is -ihown. U)v.vr lefi. l*n*king into ll.c tins vv.nch \va. --n its wav i - O 'lh scniane school with ;t0 child'on aboard. — Ph*»l*- ci-url»-sv N* ws ObsemT Release Men Held On Riot Charge SAYS HEALTH BILL WILL BETTER NEGRO HEALTH NASHVU.l.K. Tfim lnM-lia..- tioii by ih«- NA.M.’l* iiiln ih«- tug in Coliiitibia. •>;’ niilei. I'uim hi-i., eaily on Febriiaiy 26 revf.ilv Out thei't- wa> a real threal uf lynching, that a moLi ai'tu.itly talk-.: .ii lii ’ jail -eekilig .1 ci>h>it‘>l vstiinaii .iikI her soil .iiiii tkai in ‘■liuotiiit' .n tivtilcli If-ii nci-nlr kVflf .vr.it.itd reiitiled liuii. Ui«' nai .! .S-f tliul ;■ Ivtiiniiig |>ai ly n. Ih- - laKtsl- An atnitiicy 1>*- ih*- N'.A.At'f*. Mauriit.- W*-avvi white. .1 len.rnvd servict-m.tn now practicing .11 Ch'i- tanoogn. s*-cui*d the leUa.-i- on bond of A J .Morion, leading .N'* - gr. undcU.iker. and Sol Blair. • barber, who were ..’■n-.-Civi .11 c-huigfd at first with .-viteinpte:* mur der. Th* two m*ii with W ;cv*i and Donald Joni-a. N.A.ACl* .■s'-i- - aiit field vrcuMuiy, *• nftr-*-*. h*-.'- with L Ak'X.iiider l.ooby ru-n.bii of the NA.ACP nation.il l••gll con.- nuilee The N.^ACP nffeied k-ial de fense lo the Columbia ciliren w'l.i were arre.sii-ti In addiimr it wired both Covt'iiK'i Jim MiJo:d .md Attorney G«n«-r.il Claik in Wa.sh- inglon demandinK the saIt‘guurdi'-9 ol the civil light- of ihv vd-rt't people. Th*' Clark wi:«- asked F*-*!- «ral inlervL-niiun. KfeiAl. I.VNCfllNG TRKEAT Mu.-1 iiewspapet uc:'>>un:s of the noting cimitn-d Ui«* events which .'lar'i-d !tu- ■ oubl*'. .mil mm* I"-; Of Ihf .iMt -f .1 mob to th- jsol. pn-urr.ably to lynch a i*d..rvd wiin.- an and her s-m Thr 'lout.h- ->.ii'»sl Wh. 0 Willi ,1. Klcnnng. .■ w hite i.idio i pan mao. -I.ippe.'. -I- .vk oi Kuk*-.i .M. Gl.-dys .SU-pneosoi, .diout •,! u. .Momiav F.-l-ruaiy 2'. .mi- w. I ktioi'ked tliroiikt pl.iU- \'()| 1 .Mf; X.W'l. Mi, :;!* liALKlHlI. NDUTH CAKOl.lNA I'-KK KNDINC SA'l'l'IlDAY, .MAIK'll b, I'JP’ .1.. it-pii. • lied I|| blar tuaiil iiiim-i ot ihoO Moler.i- .Old .n*- aid (*• have pii-u.id.‘d lii- -t..ilff •*. i*'l*-asi- Jam*.' Siephen- • i.i H. .mn h - mother w*rr brought to Nashville abimi ^ j) -i. .■.:oi:'i c> loi -afokv pint. .oDI' \ IMTS JAi:. .\bi ut B p rr . accofftin*! t . .i.v*.- .giii'its .1 mob o ; lie Ai-ii' j.i : iookirti f- h -.1. nn«-iu • • ..no w. odd ■ KILL TWO IN JAO :dl *****^ ='***♦* . 17,000 ATFEPC RALLY f" fid Negro i-itireii- Im.-allV iairi'et ,ii an ...nau •.•inn n «ib .1 scam block fr-im th* 1 oistL.t 111 J lynch! - like veddfii.' Tim m.nk Slide N- r busim-s di.-Uic! w. b.iiiiviOtd and ih. ii.oplt prepiin-*! u nd thems*-lv*-.s Tti*' best inf -'-i.Mion ;s that Ur • V u ■ Civilian mob did not attack bm the demon-trail-n b* • Ion- th»‘ jail w;s MifficicM t- yni-- Vine*' i-ul'iceci citizens that froutfle w.r in 'he ;.:r .An idea of the fe* l- ing v«n bt gained from fh >ia'* - m-III »»f C.*l l.mkridg*-. a c lor«-J man accused of beitig a "ic..(i* .ii tie trouble S.ud I.-- t«i police (*•-;.In.u*-d ■ ' tv.e ombi > Negro Leaders Arrested; Whites Left With Weapons DEFEAT RAGE ISSbEIN SEA- III;A1{ KAMIOI.IMI TIIKKATLX \bW MAIICHON D.C. P,v NAT D. 'VILLIA.MS (’()!.! .MlU.v, ’l'*-iiii. (A.NP) — .Asthi.s town of 12.0idi MEN^SWASETILT '■ uirjiiui-.. i-ij. I fplJuivjxm ihe IH hour r^e rjot of last !i!*-:ilji.. !unl ^h«‘ Nld.Aiig *>f iwo arrested Negroof N'v 1. OK ™ II. VI.- .Maur' *.M>uuty jail, blame f**r the Hrai major .11' r»ii: n iik v.'a.s plact*fi b.v obaervjjrs on working F'l- m-arby pho.spI.alV plants at IMeasam ft* i*-rmiiiatii»n afWniic niipcrfascists lo ’‘kt-ep ih*- *. ,ii ht.s plac-" along with ..ppo.silion by returned U-.n .HHiDO.fcTOWN Borbedos -ANPf ^ •• An attempt to rai^r ihY rfee'is- sue in ri-cent wage eamroversiea volvmg while saihirs and coin....- , - ..-am-, fr.m Ih, ,«1,..,I ol * 1 h.- dihnand grow Baibadoes. w^s made by -nip uwi ir.. I'Ut wj.- d* f'iiled. Iti n ••d.Uiiia' oil -he altitude iKf whiuDint.’ m nuuls. th*- Uaibudi New Yolk tANP) — Dt-maii'. for enacUiu-nt ot p*Tnianent li-g- iiilatpiii ivact-hd cnscentlo p.' pillions in a mass di-mnnsliu*ion 17.yUd supporters who filled *>if Square tl.!rd.*n i.'.jirda' ,;ght at t.'u' behest of Ut«- Nat: -.’t- I Cfiuncil for .1 pi-rmaii-nt F h n P-ilip Kan-lolDh tar*-au ned li i-d a Maiea on Washington J lore, passage. Agains- the background of s GA,GEAtbii>liY FIKCSSuHOOlS INA‘E(11ISTE IJecatiu'. Ciu. (ANPj -* D !’»• ir.,.% .. |iil..*«t:jr. f*»KJ> Vo’-t I oniiiiendatinns nmdi- ntments ul th.- DeK.ihj ;ranil -liry : lep' i--rmil, .n- tak. th" N NRW YORK >ANP) — Pussag* if the Wagner-Murray-Dingell N'i- iii.nat Health act will sorve to im prove the health «if American Ne- gro*-s as well a.s other Americans .iccotdiiig to a recent bo*iklet pub- lish*‘d by the Int* rnutional Work ers order. The Wagner-Murray Dingell health bill is known in tb •enate as S. IAIM>. and in the hoiiti as H R. 4730. Tlu> IWO pamphlet, written b] \i:iy Htriacht, is entitled “Youi Jfeallh — America’s Wealth” an* - .plains that "(leople wilh the low ; iiico es suffer mi re from ill ness of various kinds than peopli • lUt higher incomes. "The Negro community suffer (-specially from thr inequalities o :he health (are system, or lack 0 -v-ie.r. p'cvailing in the counti; toda.v." Bedacht writes. “This is tb iicVabk- result of social and eeo nomic discrimination. ''Mic 1 tion that the N^ro 1 'by nature' more subject to iUnes lit 1--ioe I- ail u?ly racist mytl fosi* red by the Bilbos and Ranklni Negiu health problems are mere*; h.i’p. ned •xpicssiuiis of the pr«»b hin- fiict-d by the American c«M munity as a whole. The toda ihai-Jcter of the health p*‘obieme 1 dearly demonstrated in the healtl tiguie- pertaining to the Nefr p.tpulati.n." The general mortality rate fo Negroes is 30 to 4u per c hHn«tbe rate foe .whites f lurf’ wh*» J- the TWO Tuberculosis rate in ^ • iwiied Harlem are here'iqr (fej past 10 years is four times UflBg) New York City as a whole, b trcs^t-d while stating that “Um ie f.ini mortality rate in Chirngo-s an v-silled black belt is twice as hlf :y rare 10 cent ‘*ipit prepiin-d Atiornev Gi-m-ral Clink in Wash- -'"'J 'kj mgton d^'mj.n*i.ng the sufeguurd.oa .niC-nu-n%, is that ih ■ of th*- civil rights of the col jrdl , . , , j j . .. . peopl,. Thr Clark wi.r asked Fe.i. I.'"" ‘"'f' lii. I i,,.-.... k.„.. . Nc-i'oes bn* th*- denumstraii. n b*- era! jniervenlion. -nfficicnt i*. fi.f,- KLAL I.VN't.lfING THREAT v^nci' cviloied citizens that troupe Mo; I newspaper iict.-iiunis of the vv.i- in -h*- iiir. An ide.i if the fc l- nuting omiilcd Itii- events winch iiig can ht giniu-d from ih sta'* star’-ctl th*- -iiiiible, and *ione to!i m in *)f Cal Lockridge. a c-.lon-d of Ihi visit 'f a mob to tlv jatl. man accused of being prt-.'umahly lo lynch a colored won;- iii iii- iniuble Sind in- ti an and her son. Ci-i.timntl 1.1, ji.uu- Dy NAT I). Wll.LlAMS ■'tjitjnji*-.. I.'U.m;. fpJJin'iiUL .Hi I'l'. -'ilii.. and fh.« .triv^i'g .if 1 a "U-a.i* • I poilc*-' .-ighf • FIERY CROSS BURNED IN CHATTANOOGA COI.! MHIA. T*m 11. (ANP) — A.s this town of 12.tMUi ihe IH hour r^e riot oI' .Iasi l\v** arrc.^tofl "Ni*; -.ti.v ill ib(- .Maur.v' *-mimy jail, lilsirue fU' thf- first ntaj .lav.ar (nir.rcak va.s plut-t-d liy ohEu-rvors on o.-iiitiaii Hu- ni-arhy phosphate phmU at Mt. Pleasan; ai.fl (U-:**i'niihati(*n af w’lito .supi'rfasci.sta to '‘keep tin* N*‘gHi III lii.s pltice" aiaiig with appo-sition by retui’tioil tail CI S aiiii iiiililJiui (*)l.)ie(t citizens lo go back to a gros.sly the shippim MEN’S WAGE TILT I world conflict for d(?n;oerac> Tc-im. •ANPi s I.inn.'d 111 l;l*- CHATTANOOGA, — A fl y c-rti.vs was i, miditle of a leading sli ary 22, it wi.s levealed and eonfii.r- ed officially Iasi wer-k Tile buiniiiK atlracit-d itundn-d- of tunoi-s S»in«' h:..l iliuughi ih-.* blaze an aiiii'incjliile i.n firL-, laa-r to find it vv.is a fieiy crush. About half n dozen polic* mt-n in uniform were ai ihe scene of the burning which was diu-ctly in fi.ml of the Greyhound Bus terminal .in-1 kept traffic moving tairl.v well One coUircd mar, who was attract ed to the scene is iep.-iiletl to have been altarketi by three whit*- men armed with pistols, becau.se he had hit hands in his pockets. Th*- at tackers ii.-portedly asked the vic tim what he was doing with hi.* hands in his pockets. At the re|)ly •'They are my pui kot-;''' he vv is beaten, it was slated The \ .ctirn said he w.is airuck sc‘v**ral lime.-* by the O'en, pul iii a cm and car ried fit the e iiinty jail where liv was charged with lieine drunk ii ■ vPas forced to p:iy fine in coint next day ; ii*--n on- of flu- -*-i\i*-«- less ihr.n > months I i- ’.said that ilie KKK orgaiii- I: -|joi.s*.ri-i -in- bt Ming 'he victim is .* rei-enily liscb-trg- '■•idur, who-i'Viti -•-vi-i'.il :n*- Kur. p an TIu-ati-i --f War Hi .■^la^■.l^ loliov.'ili M*-anvv-hik-, tin- role of im- sluu- riiiliiia and tiighway paliolnu-n w* r*.. William Gordon and Jamss It) ;.)!• ni-avy .•riiicisin folU.wmg Johnsitn. pronounced dead upon •Iu- shooting up ol Ih*- mam N'c- arrival at a Nashville hoK gro bu-sim.-s dud.u-t. wbok-sali- pital. .According to Lynn Bomar arustso! ai-arly lliii p«‘!'.s**ns. only ■'*iati tim e of till III vviiite, .-u-ai ch and New York (ANP) — Demand for enaclmt-nt of permanent leg islation reacehd cnscendo p. - perliims in u mass demonsli aii«>n ,ce not ol lasi^i fiaLDO.^TOWN Barbtdes ANP)l^i>'- 17.000 .suppoitcrs w'ho filled groes ThUl’R-'-l An attempt to ralic lh\ r^ee-’ts-i^Mifdisort Square (J.’tjd**!! lA,JT.'.dB/ r*-cent wage cuntroversie* **1 V'*’ ^^besl of Uh- Nati.'in- ii’kini* volving while sailors and colori-dL-l Council for a pecmanint F. 1-. seamen, some fron. thi- island ol 'Jy L' ^ deiiiand grow vs’h. n ... Barbadoes. was made bv ship own- | '‘dip Ran'iolpn inr«*att ned t.i ers bm was d.-f.-atod. »a Marcn on Washington t, In '.n ed.lnria' nii ’h*- altitude !.f , , , m.nguls, th*. BatbiKli.i . Against he background of st ....... r,. iit-jitoi'K claiming mat "Th INA’TOOATE lte.-crd ;■ (-omrr.i-ntcd "The proposal to leave colored seamen out of any minimum wage agri-v-n.enl at the Inlernaiional Mar itime conferenoe shows how insin- ight t*» work is the right :o liv and on a plathirm studdeJ wi! ■ secial, labor, religiou.s and pnlii.- cal p.-rsonalities. Randolph d-irla " d that in out silent, non-viol. n. ot .Negro r.'im*.-; ami w*.i- pons while whiles w'.i- allowed lo ke*-p iht-ir guns and :immu- n-tion Vii-tiins of Tiiur.sfiay's .sntuiiings .safely c(/mmissioner, thi, shot after one of them grab- bi d a rifle confiscated Tuesday and shot. Dcp. Sheriff R. T. Dar nell in th** arm. Sheriff J. J, Un- diiwood as.*iortod all seized wen- iContinued on page sixi cere has been the talk of equality Wa.shinglon. ma. .. and pleas for hiirm..iv..-nis relnlions ygmn..;, The proposHl w.-iv mane by British. I.p. jpjj „pp.-t.,.y5oi-s.’' Ca. Dutch, Belgian and Portuguese i f„j|y phrased as was the slat - -hipowners and would have applied j ;,fjd avoiding speciiicn.-.s to all colored sonm*-n inclndii.a nu doubt wa.s left that such t Asiatics, Africans and West Indians ca-monstration i.s actually planntri Th*- - louiuls advanced wer-- th.it r.andoiph flatly blamed th. clearly demonstrated in the health tiguies pertaining to the Nevro pupiilati.in." The general mortnlity rate foe : Negr*M is 30 tu 40 per cant hRiMa ihaqA'tbe rate f'lfrivbites. larh^ whe ui-ilFr.-’i aeCTelarf of th*- IWO Tuberculrais rate in tbH .iiwded Harlem are here'-iol iHe past to years is four times thaSjaf New York City as u whole, he -tressed while slating that “the in- f.int mortaMty rate in Chicago's v>- called black belt is twice as high as in the rest of the city." Dr, Paul B Comely of Howard University pointed out that si lirres “Bb many Negro females. 1 ’•mpu-i«on to white iemalos, dlel gr.nnd jury stuti-d that from pellagra, which is a disetsel .■chio!.s vi.'eie well of p ivtrly as expressed In poern^’W D^-alqr^ Ga. (ANP) U th.- on the iccomniendatinne made in iKt- pros*-ntment.s of th.- Dt-Kalo '.’«unty grand jury last w*-*‘k. Iin- ritfdiati steps will b. tak*n n :nipinv*- condituins in the Neg • scnools. Th. grand jury, hi tided by J. W, Battle, referred lo condition > in t.-i. N*-gr*. s-chool-s of the coui*- ly schiHil .sysn-m 11s ‘a rcflectton ■n the ;;ood nanu- of the county." While i xpr .ssing alarm at th" ("n.iiti.>n- imr.id ;it t h N«'gro -chfiols. ti tn* V hii cciiiippcd and the conditions gen- vvi-rc 1 xceplion.illv good. In regard to Negro tchools, 11: fConlinmtd on biu-k page. lition," the pamphlet discloMd.1 •■•hich is due to "the po.jrer houiin(.| t diication and nutrition -enjoyed j (Continued on back page* iContinued on bark page i.ilit-riii iliinoi's itclir iig I. S. t|liiisl(-r MO.NROVbi — Pnv.. iilriil Tulimmi awanted 111*- in- -igiiia el tlie Knii-lil of Ihe (■rand Bam* of th*- Humane Or- (Iri of .African {’edrmptinn. Liluria'.s oldest and highest d*‘'ora(ion. WedncMhiy to Lest er .A. Witlon. retirine liihcd Slates minister to Liberia, .ur- iiig- a diruier in his honor at the exclusive mansion to climax an lUiprecedenled series ot public and private testimonials a.s a trihule lo a fori-itin auest. Wal ton served ihe .Anttrii-an diplo matic corps here for nearly II years. 2 Killed; 4 Badly Hurt As Car Crashes Home E.AVKrrKVIl-i.F Two fO'T .or. j'iilh-iiri,l:ii; wliii-h gave 1 15*41. wha- : W..l'Sl il,-ffil- have witnes: •ef.evill*- early beiiiL- h- r-.ld.-*i • p**np|e were kill- other- tnjii: d Fri- iiigni, sh.rtly .fter .nidmght. I 'larch 2nd. ir- one . f the worst itaflit- accideni.' that Fi-vctt'-vilU- has vv-iliiess«ci in Ihe past few yetirs. David I., Jones. Jr., the reporti-d diiv-f. of the 1941 Buick, was kill- eri almost suddenly when h- far da-h'-ri from the hii.hway m th- cutb on Fort Bragg Bnul**v,irri .*boui lv/*» hlock.s from Hay Stre ■ill-' of the side walli Ing the porch down, whose ceiling fill on top .)f the already demolish- || '-a'. I*!iivmg the third rnnn. which i.s on the Hay Strret side un damaged. It wa.s ill tills room that the K'-rid F.i i ily was sleeping at the lime of the unexpected and tragic accident The occupants of iJu- h'lmc said when ihr impai-l iK-ciiri**d it sound T: unian .idministratum ii.g to pul it.s 'full l*>rce" bi-hiii.l th* Chavez bill, but he iidde l, "A fight foi FEPC hu.s ju..l b gun," He promised that "relen' r.i b.s warfar*- ' will b*- wag-il against .senati>r.s who voted against cloture, naming Senator liawkcs, N. J., as one. A.s if in aniicipution of a charge. Labor Si creiary Seiiwelk-nba ■ 1 'cintiu-d with lull authority .sp.ck for President Truman, a'• j.suivd that " the struggle tor t'-i . , ^ , legislation will go on wilh cot and knock-r, n wed effort" anti wi .1 tiu .satne dcti-rmin.ition a- T. *- - I.'- priUc.-sur. "This qu*s- tion," he said "is now influt-n* - ng, and -wiil continue to mfiu- i-nie. tin- li* V: Inpio. nt ol gt-.e . back pagi- tContiniied ' N.C. Mutual Confab Shows Great Progres^ slicing off thi- corner house of like .1 bomb, resembling ih«- far . Shadv torbke occupied ennon. ihi-i' plowed trnc- hroiigh Ihe next house oc- 'iiiucd by .Mr and Mrs. Fay K.d.i Hid their Iti year old daughter, con.- .n-4 t ■ a di'alhly hah in the front roofT. of 'he Kidd's home. The diulh ieuling car sirashed through the two ro.ms, tearing II • •'plinters- the front and a por lomb. Citizins lushed l*i the scene to lender help and founii their victims * -.vir ned wilh b:oken gloss, splin*- i-ifd -.v'ood, a ruined car and in luiony, pains, and screaming as 'lealh had tilrt-ady r-mbraci-d on* and another was in :i dying coni-i- tioo with others badly hurl. 'Cnniimied on nage right 1 Irving Freed Of Officer’s Charge South Carolina Lynching Reported In Atlanta, Ga. Dl'HllAM- Corrm.-ndable prog- bracing both ordinary and xxJus- ■ ■ i.- 1-, fl* -.ted in Ihe 47t7h .Annual l:ial contracts, is designed to uip* S’:iiemi-rti of Noiih Catolina Mu- ply the ultimate in safe, dewg]- lutal l.ife Insurance Company ble insurance protection. During thr year ju.-l ch-sed, the In keeping with on estabUstM is-e? of ih*- company rose to $14.- pdicy, substantial returns to the 430.144 97. as ag.-unst $il.KR0.ti84.76 a’ Company's policyholders are be)r,g i;ie rh.se of the prtc.ding year—.1 ' made available through the pay- gain ./f $2..*)49.46(i 21 Surplus and ment of policy dividends. $333,33$.. Ueneial - oluntary rcserv-rs stood n 117 ha.« been set aside for tfiis pur- Sl.ti84.ltit.33. exceeding the 19-14 pose. It will continue to be the prae> . mount by S.'f93.780.;17. This flguiv lice of the company, through the 1-. nds added security to statutory payment of dividends lo Its policy- policy ie-ei-v*‘s in Ihe sum of $il.- plus earnings not actually needed 213,109,81 as required by law. On f-.r the s'jfe conduct of the. buimaw, Dec«-mber 31. 194.‘i .insurance ii. thereby reducing to a mialBDuni | force totalled •00..'>47,4in 00 as com- rniuin costs to both proilHl leid .'".i to S89.i;6.'>.841 at the end ol .uie policyholders. ^ 944—a gain of S10.88l,r>69.00 Being a "MUTUAL'* J organiza'ien 47 years North Catolina Mutual, iri'ev%/ I* ^^■nss of the word, is the propm .stently mniniained its policy of of th*- policyholders of the ••itking available to the public the panv. It is their company. Ther% most modern, liberal rontracls co.i- is no stock. There arc no stocib* 'em wilh sfiund insurance jirac- hnlrt«rs. The institution is accord tire, lt> schedule of policies, em- >Coniinjed on page six* •Since its North rarolina Mutual has c Legion Working For Good Ihis picture shows th*- KiHi' horn*. daiin*gi,-.i --on -'n'*-k bv a l"41 Ruirk. dri\** n by David L. Jones, J;. iwhili-.- who was ktlli-d almost in»i io'’' \>-h n r; '-a*' I* f* lh highwe- .t th- t-un-e on Fort Bragg Boulevard, two blocks f:om Hay Street. Fayetteville, N C. Wyman Hawhy, (while) 19, uf Dunn, N. C.. was also killed in lii*- wreck, r u* ouitrii wete Oodly hurt ui the ciash which occurred Fnduy inid-nigbl, Mutch 1. (Sec story this page.) .ATLANTA -ANPi - A Soulh Carolina social work institution ex- fc.iiiv*- reporti-d last w**ek upon --ir- rival in Atlanta that hi- and his wife witnessed ihe lynching of a Nrgio nwr. at Flko. S C.. while pa.ssing l‘''■ollgh the '■mall village two days -1 ■‘vi.iusly. .Asking that his name nut be used , :n riiriiier ion with a news store, :h-- Siiith Cur*jlini.m said he w:.« '^riving from Charleston to .Augus- t. . G.t, when forced to slow down by a liirg: crowd gathered before ‘ ;. ilroad shack to the left of the highway at Elko. In the midst ol th«- crowd and susjiended by tb'» . np«-k on a rope from what appea'- iltd .Abfiu '..stl. Of All, Says Comdr. Stelle Judg*- Haul F. Smith, in R- (i-iciii s Coufl, Tuesday morning. I'und Churlt’s (*. living, Speiial Wrilvr for the CAROLINIA.'. and 2.'* years a mat! canter in th not guilty, ul chargi-s pi.- fi-rn-ii again.st htm. P'riday. Marr i I. by Folice C. .M. Satlerlii-1 J. Mr. Lrving wa.-* *-haig*.*l wi’- • ir.ti'i ti.rnng with an uH,* . . and r -fusing to obey a deputization " .. hiti- persons. Tm-cliaiB, s grew nut nt the a stood iintler Ihe hang- .>■»' Cpl. Seyjjtnur Nicholson. Jr. now .stationed at Newark. N. J. tn an Air Corps, who was in Raleigh on furluugh. Polie*;mau Sattirlield told th. judgt that he Itad slopped Cpl Nicholsin and a white suldiv;-, noin he thought had been lii ink ing and qui-stioned them about t' tii passis. In this int. 1 r igat;-n Gflic.r .jatt'-i field said tha! Nu • .’.oLsun curst-d him and he subs*'- fut regards to rare, cnloi me *-pne. but for ^ucntly arrested him. Nicholson creed, wife who insisted that sine; ,, fus^.d to go with th*- officer and U was the first time a Nal N*'gr* m**n wi-r** 'here, his pre- j melee followed. During thi-s al- CommTndt'r had visited a Neg:.- vision, the thFnB sought might cuii.ie more trouble and tercation he stated that Mr. Irving conference in North Carolina and The apeparance of the distm- ram* upon the scene and asked j| rami-al a time when there w:guished guest came following h Cpl. Nicholson_ be turin-d c-i.nsiderable unr*-st in the Negm stormy debate 0"er the statua of **o man, and Pbuut So feet awr.y -Stood about a dozen Negroes. :.ll V. nmen and child’en. who appeared If. a frightrned state, the informant n .ted I* was added further that the 1' h*-d man appeared to b*- in his .'*0 •: and was t 'll and well iirop-T- 'i'in**d in build rh«* inforrrani said he would have stopped RALFIGH—John H. Stelle. Na lii nal Commander of tjii- Amer- car Legion, in a surpiise visit t-i Ith. Monday’.s me*'ting of the N*-- gr*> Divisi*)n of N-irth C-irohm n*-pari.n nt .if the .-\mei*:an. L partment. Unrest Temporarily AUayed The nppiiirance of the distin- Cummander. the pledge of the State Commander. Victor Jol^ ^ of Pitiaboro, and the unoufU* .u.. Conf. rpnc.'. told Li'ginnnanv.. |(ipd plea of Col. E. H. BallTW -.l! ’ C'«ldsboro. for cooncration at^ -• king foj the good «)f all with- team work brought into the Neggo ' Division a ray of hope and an agreement to change their proce- National dure in seeking lo get, for tne DL jeopardy to his life. Attempts to verify the lynching that Cpl. Nicholson be _ ed to b«* an improvised two-by-four from nearby South Cnr.ilina ci:ieJ over to him. The officer said he organization hi'oaujte of th«- uii- the Division, in which Vice Com- scaffold at the top of the shack was faikd Th*- New York national of- told Irving "to go on about your dtmocratic consideration given mander Charles 3. Irving had re- a well dressed Negro man, H was ■ (Continued on back page) *C*>niinued on page six; Negroes m the North Carolina De- iConlinued on page six)

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