W l-.i K l..\])|.\t; SA I I i:HA i. Al’Kll. . l ilL CAICOLIMAN TAC.K 1 UliKK ► ‘Lip Service’ To Democracy, Says Larkin In Charlotte Speech President Truman Criti cized For Poll Tax Stand Ctiai loitc 'I'hrotiKhoiiT hi'tuivh.r It has ln-ii Uh' .iVii.v4* t.i.m A-im}): ;' Protest Absence Of Negroes On Columbia Grand Jury NASHVILl.. Tetin — Thurjoyd Marshall SiMK'ial Cutinsfi Fund Mis Kleuinr K>M»eveh ar . , Ur Channiim Tobius are aervinti i A. C 1*. annoumwl u-li.y Ihal pl^a co-chairtnen ex-offum, i.f the eX. of abateintnt h.id b« cii hU-d in ciHive fonimilli-e with Clark Pure •lie inranauu Culiiiii'n.i. TennesM^ i ntan of iht* S^mihertt C'^'iifert'iioe ft« "riul" cUm* iii the Kinunds ihji ; Htintan Welfare. M:ii'> Mcl.eotl Be- , Men roes jr* excluded (mni the in-1 ihiitte. Bishop Oxiiam. VVlIhain I. Americatu who are auppurtinit liu Alumni Speaker—Or. J. Jas per Freeman. Norlaik. Va.. pas- lor of Ftrsl Baptist church, will deliver the Alumni sarmon at sixth annual Theological Alum ni Day et-xrcises to be held at Sl.sw univ-tkity Wednesday. April 24. Dr. Freeman, an alum- nuw ul Fhaw is president of the insliiutiun's gsneral alumni aeeociaticn. ^OITIIMKlilNt; SKI K0|{ VI INSrOS-SAl.KM The Cutih-retice .liter liie in^ to the Kxec(i1t\ Henry T Jotiiisun ..f Inst V.MCA uci-urd- JSecretury, cut Gruiid Jury As a lesuli uf the SAAt?l* prn-. NAACP Columbia I.exal U»fet'-i tests, the cases iiiv«ilviiir :il Ne-1 ({roes indieied on churifes *»( at ‘ ‘empird niuider will b-- p.tsa-d u\i'. with the lestilt that 'hey won ji loally U* heaid uulil 'he eaily pjil| of .May Both Sicpheiis..iu,. Mjs tilady'-; , Stepht iisuii and her sixi, Navy vet James Stepheiisoii. testified U-f'c 'he Fedeial OramI Jtuy now hotl tiia Itearings m Naihviile The, , Sttptiei.soiis ai,- key fiKi.rer in i»i affair which tieilaii in a Columbis: ladtu lepjir ^^o^e \.heii Jaiix I Siepheiisoii pri.e»-» led his iii.illiei j : who was beiria alappett and puricik-d i by a ludiu repairman, and which' luhnuiated in the wa'iiun destruc I lion of Nearu buMi.e-ses in Cs- luinbia Al the hieiitit .f die tragic m t ...... events, homes were vandalued and i Ruled by Harmony and Negiu cMiseiis terrorized with j Any Distinction Because of Color, is I Git-eii. AK'I. head I'ht'lip MuiiS) H CIO head. ('har{s*i ( K>i(en of m - Ainei'ic.in Veti-raiii Coti.niiine Ocorih' Marshall uf the Nutt tia F«-deraiioii for Coiistitninmal l.tti lilies, John H.iinniond Arthur E Spniyatn • ti.iiitiiaii. Frank STutil-v l,>uisvillc Kt>>ui-ky piiliinber. Wal tei White Build A City Movemenl Spreads Rapidly MIZPAH, N. J., DEVELOFMENI STIKS NATION highway palrohiit-n and state guards men pariicipaling in an uigy u .sh>cimg and beatings of .Negro vie Kaieirh will Bms diring which many were sc*r .1 li... V.VIC-A 4IM]2 N.,rll. “i''. '"'“'r' 'r"' ..«! S. ..u.y, AmuI m. «, ..Id 2B. “IT .s*vyr. fiNegroes also le'l lied a» well as all while newsmen whi> covered the "riut" and Sheidf J J Un Winsluii-S.Iein The theme fur the Cuiiferciue Is. "Youth Pow-r. The iliipe uf Tunoirow " Kegistij- lun w ill vijii at llie Y at 2 OH Fiiday Ih legale- should plan to be 111 Wiiisiuii-Saleiii iiv tins lime Tin- Cimteiriiie will . p»-ii Filda/ iiigin. Ill the K'.isi Baptist Church The sptakei Will be the He\ OaVtd titdveK who Will -peak uii llie theme of (he Confeieiitr The Ca'I Dilidii Chu. tl StM lety of Atkina High .SctuK.I umle; the direitiun of J W MuiUiii will letuter inusie at liening deiwiHKl At Ihe w York ‘.ffke t»f Ihe NAACI* Wai'-i Whit.- announc.-d ttiaf ttie orgei. ippeal fur fuiu's iieeded for ihe les.il defen-n* cf Hie .Negro victims of Soulhein leriori-m had III date netted $4.UUI. although it wa> ponilrd uol tha* die Assovia Ion tuid already siieni 111 (Mil in Ihr rase. Mr While again appealed foi cuntributiuiis to this criiicaily im- poitant tend imikig the huitdreds of prnniineu' charge of the Rev Kvnnet.i Williams and the H-v W C. L Scarborough The discussion groups Saturday mornng will be in charge ' f Milton Fletcher. Executive Set-- retary .f iht YMCA Winston-Sa- lem The afleri man returned and assaulted her also Straughii preceeded .Mrs Frye I III charge nf the liwal Hi-V Club* Saturday inghi. the «mimal oon- feieiicts baiiuoel Will be held al I'le Y.MCA Speaker lor Ihe ica- -lou will be David .N Howell. AS- •ouale IWvretziy. Sot them Area Coui.cd. YMCA. Allaiiia, Oa Sunday morning all i-uiifeierive deU-gaUk Will allend wivu-es at Si Haul Methodist Chui*h The Hr.' ^ W C I. .Scarborough will give U" I .innual sermon Wi-tcuine addiesiev for Itie Itftli Annual Conferences will be given as folKiw.i fur the \MCA. li C. Wu dland: foi Atkms Hi-Y. Albeit HarsUjn; f..i Carvei HiV. the Mresi- di-ni of the club, fur the Interdi- nominatioiial Alli.uice. Ke\ |i Webb; fur the YWCA and Uiil K.- -'-civei Audrey Kt-lley. and for l ie Negro Ch.imbe-i uf Ciuninetce, Dan Andrews. will Le stand, and said he ws' th« Raaiisation of a N RATHBLOTT Owner of the Philambroplst'a Droam. Mizpah Ocveiopment Rev J Finley Wilson Washinglnn, D C. Grund Exalted Ruler uf Ihi Elk.s Rev. W. H. Jernagin Washington, D C. Piesident of B.T.U. Sunday School Congre.ss a friend uf the Frye family and lhai the was diitirig his car because hn license hud been revoked (ui diimk- en driving Froseculing wiloetsrs teslifie.i that Mr.t Fiye could nut cry out beiaiuM* puwell (Hit hu hands over hei mouth, and she did nut ullei resistance because she wa^ ;rraid ^he wiH id be killed Thompson. Powell and Covinglon arv being defended by J. S. BoWoC ' and L P Harrisi Chiriolte atlui neyi Inman was defended by E M Johnisai ar>d T. L JuiMtwm while l.umberton attorneys. Officers uf tile Basket Mile. Mitch ell Cui.nty. Demonstration Famiei Cuiiimitt«r fur l»4i are other Uei tell of K’orb* clianiiiJii. Ed C^n ley uf Cane (Teek. c ice chairiiiai: D. V, Jemison, D.D Selma. Alabama Pifsideni ot Njtion.i! Baptist Conveniion U S. A, Iiu- Cndorsed by the largest religious and fraternal ergeniaaliesu some of which are: National Baptist Convention of America. Incorporated; B. T. U. ajtd Sunday School CongreM: Grand Lodge of the Eika. at wsU at many oultiMtdmg national leader*. Not only have the heads of tha abova organizationa vuitad Hia- pah personally but thay hava taeurad homatitat for themsalvaa. also hava tent dalagations to inspect tha grounds which thay hava sacutrad for National Homas. Leaders advise not to miss this great opporfunity. Tha Special Reduced Prices from— $250.00 to $125.00 $150.00 to $ 75.00 on Terms as law as t2.00 down on euch lot and S2.00 per month ' on each building lot will pieaaartiy tuiprisa you. This Offar is Made for a Limitad Tima Only. ! Print naiiit and ad«ln*ss plain y when requesting free bm/klet ru»> I taming full infiiritialioii showing hbme.s and names uf uubitanding I kadi'ix —WHITE NOW DIRECT TO— N. RATHBLOTT & SONS COMPANY AKAMINGO & CIKAKU AVES.—PHILA. 2S. PA. |UeU-.JU^ Will .iilvitd M-ivk-et al Si I Paul Mettwadisi Chun h Ttie Ke'. W C |. .ScarbuKMtgh will give U>- : .uiuual sermuo Wt'koiiir addresm— fur the Igth Aimuui C'l’Ufeicilco will be given filluw. |..r ilw \MCA, H C Wu dl..lMl fu- Atku.- Hl-Y. Albeit H..rstuii. f..i Caivi HiY the Pies|. dent of tr-e i-h.L for the Inteiih- ..I'.iiattou.ii Alhaiice He\ (' It W.hb. fur the VWI'A aiwl C.il K.- ' vei Audrey Ki Hey aixi (oi t k- Neciu i'h.imlfei i.f Comnirlcr, D.e lesisianre ut-cause site was aa'aid. -lie wm Id be killed I Thompson. Powell and Covingl>ut I are being defended by J. S. Bow-e-‘ und 1. P Harris Chtrlulie alloi tirv.- Inmun was lefeiidet by F { M Johiue-n and T i. Juiuiiam.. white l.iimbertMi utturneys. j (iffui-i'H uf thi- BaskerMlle. Mit-.h- ell (*ui m'v lirinuii-tratioi; FarRivi ’ i'uMinuller fur ItsM are l.nthrr Uai tell uf fuibr-. clummoji. Cwo- lev ul Cane Creek vice chairins' lu 9 fo.uv on Terms as low as S2.00 down on each lot and $2.00 per month on each building let will pleasantly suipriaa you. This Offar is Made for a Limitad Tima Only. Print nanii and adilrets plainly when requesting ftee lxH>kl»t run- laming full infurniatiuii Hhuwing humrs and names of uiibilaniling It adci s —WHITE NOW DIRECT TO— N. RATHBLOTT & SONS COMPANY AKAMINCO & CIKAKU AVES.- PHII.A. 29, PA. Tlie Coiifc' ,>!l ; hu.'i and Hl Y iluU lu th m--uiilaiiia PlhlMINKM MK> KI V MIZl’ill IKIMIIS PHil.ADEI PHIA P. N Ratli bU.ll and SiHU CooiMui ImI ».-.k lut.sl J Kiul.-v W.l lI' . I K.v Hiil. i of K.lx- iii.l imire M w.ti.l W lienr* d Pliia.lelr>Md .lliuiiK pi oMlineiit I ei .>li> 'tHi Imm- puivha>ed (lome il at Ml/p*h N J, whrie tiu hi IlH aie 11.:', developed ii.ivr puii'haseit Iimii.i real Ilie lu I- A'lantii i'llv a-.iii-il ii- .1 .le The Krv D V Jar isoii. Picm dint of the Nalu-uji Baptist I'un w ilium, (hr Rev J (' Auttin. pas li>r Pigiiiii Baptist t'liiiiih (hi JCu the Rev W H Jeiiiagtu Pirvidefit. Haptioh T'siniitg Diiiu'. ‘-•..I,\ .S.luiul ai..l o(n ihe ib'velopiiieiil muje«-t Im the eiid.rsellielil of eiflilietil iliell ui' ■ vei Ihe iuuiilrv. aitd aiiuMig il. Ifun-aiuls wtiu have vlMle«l Ihe site .lie Histiop C H Mimhi. Meilipti.t TeiiU Claude A B.nuell. Chtcagi.'. (Ie ige A Paikei. than. Tetrelt law SiduHil Wa-huigh.ir l> C. Ihe Rev J M Reedei ('ultiriibia S C . Dr A M Townsend Nashull- Trim KM K W\ (iO ON I KI AKON K \I*E Sa^. 9AMB1ir 0UOC&U i.UMHEHTON Fur men iharged with allege,! ia|ie uf "a 3t- >ejr-ohl I.tiinbeiliHi wliite wuman went Oil Inal m lh«- April term H'b,*a>ii Puuiity Suuetiur Court hei * Tuesday morning Mrs l>oro(hy H Fiye ail-ged Vicliin o| atiwk. ideutifled ttri as sailai;:: as Granger T'otnipeun. St Sl.irey Puweil. 2S. ('ilvm (*nVMi • t"n. itt. and Cliff Inman. 37. aiul i haiged the f'>ur with tape According tu Mis Fi. . she wu' •'irru'd frutn in autignulHle lo i huLSw under isMistiuclMHi in the .Neirio section south of l.iimbertun early •m Ihe noniiUr uf March 1.1, and attacked She testified that she hail diiven lu Ihi Negru section ; i the ie,|ue ' ‘•f Kr:ink Htralighn, Eh/.alM-IhluV il while man. that Str.suKhn coukl "get .1 drink uf liquor" after thev had -'arried her nephew tu the I.um lierl a- bus terminal in Sirut.ghnS car. 'Die autiaiHibite tailed tu start af ter they had parked near Inman’ huuse. thir lestifi.-d. and Strwughn went with Inman tu get a chain tu IHjll the car While they were gone, she said Thuiiipauii "pulled her fro n the car. carri^ ber tu the buuM and ber." Later, sIm setd. bs-- in l>S).\-Ut-T K SliiKK Unl lLS w fu ♦; ll.AII.V YOUR EASTER HAT hVlts—Sttfiwe . . . i.iiHh .slid lovely with veil*. fiowiM . iiLlioii Ihiws und inany other detiRhtfiii IriniiiiiiiK detaiU. iiut.H with liiilh heart und eye uppeal and the perlei't uiiu (or you is heie. 97c to 3.19 I “'T Price BASEMENT .STORE -lapUN CattNiNAt vMutSt

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