Printin': - o S. First w -■ /tile, Ky. PICTORIAL REVIEW.OF MEDICAL MEN ATTENDING MEETING AT TUSKEGEE A s»"/tu»ii ol' till' iloii pli,\>i» i;nis ;ui(i win- a'- tiMulial ill*' .Idhii A. Aiiili'i-\vs i liiiiv at’* liflti ill April for tin- first liim* >jnr«‘ tin* early war year>. Ill yanl -d a.-* 01.■ iL.t. . ll.: a- - u.'Uall> ill iliiaiil « itest .* iIm- p|i Hi. .-.•Ile.-.i, •L'i am ilim A.I.IiI.K tllOM Ihn'iit' I.iua', > M. I M'l'ji III 'll.- fr-i l'liii ai.-'. l*r.w ; 'r. m;-- mu . left to I i;flil. aia •, ('oliiiiilius. • la.; W'a! •: t’heiiault. >e( ri-tar> I>aile\-. (lil.-^, Sniitli all of ('!>iva>fo: Hililile, TuMkeK‘‘«, llowanl. .M.'iiml Ha\oii; .lolinxm, Atlanta ami .Joaey, Au>fu>lna. 1 (ANP) Bo jangle Passes Milestone Hv STAFF f)KHKSIM)M)F.NT NKW VOUK l ii:-' 'o-n y.-r ... V ti.’iii lUirinu thut ptii.i.l tin .i.hiiii -I;-; • .1 a.-1.lilt. . ■ i; h. It.-i k; . ',ed .ill I hu h N.' ..Ill/, ll .\l'- on ' >1.1 ji Yoik ai.’l t!i. ll.. ;■'>•! .itmt' :it- liom :>.,ituiii Aa^ h.'ld .it /.il‘..-.. '.ii l'.>: .iv .el' • -.laili Slut n..!. r -d i.i ...A ! .1: I/.1; I- it-.ii.ilx.n iij.i ti'.ii :h.- iiu.-'t >th> ; ACED WOMAN MAN-HANDLED BY OFFICERS til.l .\!i X.W'I. No ir 1; \l.|'.i(.ll, Noi. i 11 r vllol.lN \ sA'H l:I^A^ . .\1 AV I. I’.thi !‘HU K 5v PROBE SOUGHT IN SLAVERY CHARGE First Negro Prof. Mrs!\Clement, Mother oj the Year At New York University r. NKW VoliK lANf') —l»r. iia heA. KeiU. lo-a.l ..I (lepartiiieiii ut soi'jolopy at .Atlanta I :ii\»-r.'«it,\', la.^^ w* .-. VMis a|i|)o!iiteil 111.- M.siiinp iirofe>sor of N. ^;io . t.l Hire aiHt eduratioii at tin* Now York iini\ersit\' -u honi .if ediiealion z RALEIGH YMCA TO TAKE OVER I k.ia* tt.i- ta 1 uiiK u N> g. ■ J Ul'• pi ' 'I- • I . IJ. It .1 .‘..i lion Dim rum NKW VOIlK i ANP) —hr. lia 1)«-A. Keid. Iiead ..f tee ileparlinmit of aonology at Atlanta I iii'ersity. last week was appoiiiteii (he first visiting professor of Negro lure anrt edueation at the New V’ork university .school of; education RALEIGH YMCA TO TAKE OVER USD BUILDING •M.iikint: ttu- iii.'.t tune a Negiu iia' bei-h given a lull pr.>te»s i .-h.p at INI', scliooi. L)l I{> Ul .^a: app.OuU-d lui l‘ie culilWig yeai, U|.- I..^t liuuiliinin in .1 taive ye.ii I Hpe: inu-ntal pei.isi un a if the (.itTieiiil Faiueation Onai.l lie iia.-. Mviived a iini-.v«'at l.a. a ah.seiKs liuin Atlanta un:v( ■ .sitv t.i take the post. C'lianv o.r. Ill try W.Hifibuiti Chase .>1 N Y. I said. Th. tllr>t Neglu plill.SMH •. * t.-..en at ine univ. r«ily waii t.i ’ l.iti Ul J.iines Wi liien Johnson. . hi. taught ciiur.Nfs in mn- l:ilu(i.>n> tiiiin ltKi-4 until ha. •hath in 19:iU A native el Clitluii Forge, Va I Ur H»-id wa^ eduvute'l in ih»- I ^.jlillv sctluolo ut Lii 1 iiiallloU ll . I'a , and at .Mv>rehuube academy , Atlanta H. reieived the le; of arts tiegne fioni Atlanta ei.iveis; V in IH2U. a ma'lei •' arts diRfee trom ihi- Cniv.Ts 'y i.l I*itt.shurgh m 1»25 and a doc HAt.FltSU K..t th paiit !«eve Wet'k.' the Ho.ird >.( M.iii.igeis 111.- Raleigh N. gr YMCA. nia ihe liadetship o( J W F.t n pine cipal ot tile Li.cille lli.ntei KchtMil and f H.ivaihmI, local unU-• lakei plans h.iw Ikm-ii undeiwai lui the .•tgaiii/atiii.. ul .1 Y.MCA i serve the iiu n and ts v uf R.iU ii'' and Wak. ('■>un(> ^ phnis h.iv iiuvv tufii . niphleii ' i 'he N.-sf Y.MCA to lake nvir ' i Ma.v 1. II.. Bluudw.irih .Si reel USO-YMCA. Uiule the neve iii.i'..-lenu ni tl *- UluuilvvciiTh .'•-tree' ^ MC will not ,5^, p}7iiusuphv linm Cnlui;. only hive Ih.‘ ibilily m the _ area of nu-mU-is: ip .ii;d gener. l ^.'niversttv of Chicago and pr gra-t which will e.ehide i.h.'- p., London Scho*'l of Econom.. loii'. .sliHMlio: at .nul • :al |n gi.m- \ professor .if soelolgv at At- but -.erMce men will still fird tn.‘ ;;,nia univeisity .smc** HH-l fir Bh uvlw.irlh Sireel YMCA as a place p, is 45 vciii'S old. A former where they will feel welcome Th*- (,n.sultunt on minoiitu-s fot the Board was Very happv a few day* S-.ciul St cunl.v board ami the W a. agu wlu-n infurin.itiuii wu* r-ceiv- ManpoWi r coinmi!i.'ion, he !■> • Ciinihiued on back page) '(*»,ilinued on page M» 3 Dead, 9 Hurt In Train Wreck; Worst In History of C. & B. HONORS MOTHER OF ATLANTA U. PRESIDENT INDICT ABORTION -MEDIC AGAIN Wa&hington (ANP) — Dr. FORCED TO SERVE AS SLAVE TO VA. FAMILY V I ihiv. I ■ A' •• ' 11.4- Vl ■- HCiiltt XiV i-t fiu.ltiei -.f Ihi- p.. m,. I umi I'leiii. n> 71 I-' til. Ill N'- at the tine "l!- M. L. T. Grant, S6. indicted by the grand jury lor com mitting thr«e abortions, was ..gain indicted on a timiUr rivarge following the death of a lS-y»ar old colored girl in Freemen's hospital March 29. Medical authorities said the girl died of compiications of LU uicompWi.' abort.on per- termed Dec. 21. The girl, police charge, was the second patient oi Grant's la have died following an illeg dl operation. An indictment was returned in January fol lowing the death of a 23-year- old colored woman after an abortion on Jan. 27. 1. U C Tht U C li'.ii.c.i NA.AfP. iai.i-d upon - . Ju'’! Ik p.irlii.t 'll nm .ill iin:i.. ill.i’c -iiv ^tig.ill 'll .,ii p;. .! .,J., i'.^' M. .mil M - li.Bream lii-t' v 1' o. Km.. Hvorge Cuunlv. Vi.ii illa. M-'- L -Iv Joiiii.ii 1). 1)1) **11^ Sli.ti .\ W u ..v.oi.iing ' -itl-laV't.' .ubin:)- ■id to 'he N‘ VAi'i', Mis- a.ii’iiswi. . - I' p I I 'U IH- aOuul 2 ) "lu. r.-nl fii..»i .*1 hi. Wit!! • . ill.>acr_» .U .1 con- ..'..ii /I .!i. . . - 'v.tudc. - . J.. .'ilif.-.l to g.; . I ■ ti.i\4 ;• .cnJ WILMINGTON .Mis. Addie Baltic.-, (iS-ycai-mu maid (or Mrs. J K WTm', wt-altiiy white u: this city, was ai.eslt-d on a .Sak-way bus. h.-rc laU- last Mott- il-.y night tui disorderly cuiulucl i.y Officer C. J. llinsun. and al* >• !■ dly pulled from the bus and . . iidcuffed until a squad car ar- ' ed on the scene n ar Front ..nd W'ainut streets. In Recorder's Court, W.-dnes- diy morning, Judc> Winfield .-^n.itii, after hearing : • it-siiinony ■ : both the defeni;..;:' ..tid the 4j| resting officer, found .Mrs, Bur nt.- not guilty. Si vcrul prominent .. .r.e pi'isons 'Were in court to '!-stifv fo; Mrs. Barnes, but they idiu not tind It necessary to ap- uea:. s.i .-.tiong was the evidence the defendant was innoncent u- the charges which had be..»n I lac d .ig'iinsl her Intel-viewed by a JOURNAU u, enibt'i paper of the North (. ai.ilina Newspaper Network) lepiesentativc in her home at 616 ' Nt ' th 7tii street. Mrs. Barnes, who h'gliiy le.specied and wlu* has ... rki'd in the Wise residence for , loi the past 26 v.-ars, said that she tx aided the bus at 11th and Or- . iig« slieet.- bus had left E^t Wilmington and was to make cuo- '..(tiiiiu. with the Nurthside bus .i: the corner of Front and Grace ' ';-vU. According tt) Mrs. Barnes, - • .-fh-cted her connections with -leeond bus. but that tht bus .: .ver leiused to accept the trans- fe;. This situation developed, she ' i. after the bus was half way t*i- hlwk un Front street, be- t'--. •: Giac.- and Wa'nut slreelj, at.-' after s.he had gone to a seat I in tne rear of the v hide. .\!:s Barne.s said ^ht• told the • that the tran-sf.-i had been I i-n her hv th.- driver of t)ie firrt I ('KtiilUtNI HOSPITAL GtiS I RAISE FOR CLOGO BANK \A»'i:UVIl.l.i:. 111. (AN!')—The worst i-rasli iii tl- histoi y III’ tile iMuciigit, Hurlii)irt')ii ami (iutiicy rati load loo'v place near Iko'e TiiuiMlay wlieii the line'-, silver I'treai;^ liner, Expo'silitiii Fiver. teU*.sc'i,)eti (he rear car »>( its -Atl- vaiice Fiver, klllitig more than r.o persons iiicluilinK ihre.' Negroes, anil iiijui'iiig approMmately I'm, nine ot whom Mere Nepiio'S. incluiliii|.' the Iti'lierol D.ii'otliv I'oneya'i '!'! I K\p-iMt'-ii Fl\»-i. •p.'iliio', it ' WD.MlNCTiiN r .. ' i li • k ..I !• '. '■ I'ji Ki';; . -‘ik.-: ‘-'i;. • F.i- :• .‘.a.'- .’lot unti: are: i t-a l l r-hip F-.,-'. : K B>. -- S«-iiali- \olt-' I'mill To Vliml I j. I KPt; WASHINGTON lANPI — Th* Mnat* comniittM last weak voted to give FEPC a final allotment of S27.600 fo wind up all business by June 1. Despite administration backing and the efforts of li berals throughout the nation, a Southern Democrat, a reac tionary Republican dominated congress allowed a quiet dem ise to Ihc first democratic measure of its kind to reach the senate. ., . ..1»- ut nun 4- Itiaii a niih •l••’' I.. utuW 'vi into tin- ^lulil.d A'l '...111. Fivi I .it Ntipi-iillv >!jt.4iii I'H Kxpi'Mtlull Fl,v«i upped 111 tin .'\iivaiu-4 I •xae'-.' “0 .-M-vuri'is .itt. I tile lattei it,^.n ; . II made aii unscht 4lu.»-il si. ;. W W Blaiin. engiina; "v 4.. 11k KxpiiMthin win. made »> '- 1.. . liiti;i attunpUs to .stop the fain, and miiuculously escap-d di-ath, .-aul: "Wt- wei) going t ! '..i f. iio- I, ■ I) Itu. !•:. ..'.1 .NEW Y(»hK The A"eii.,.i. , - Ti. I -t iW Uoideu e WtiiiW day sr- : lecied .Mr» iniru, (Tu-i:ra Clemenl t f..,.;i-vi!U'. Ky granddaugther c.’ 'l.i\4- -lid nnithri of th«' pu-si«i*'fit . . -f All. iita Um . i>il>. a« ll'V An • t. .; II ni th* i ul IW6 - (Tenwnl. 71, is lh4 first Ne aru ever elcclril and the itiulUer ut s«\eii and at the lin.e th*- word reuitieii L.Ui>vilU- by telepliui • III. - wua elected wan apoakii'g lull u ladiu piugruni. Hei jbjec* " tin- (aiiiil>. Her childirii include Dr Kufuii K Cien,. e.i, pieMdetit of AH.m'i L'liivt-rsity, a pri.fivsor of p'lysic#. .. prof. f English .iiid ..i: An... ?li;.|)l,.in. and - - .• f -mer ii.iiiur- tl pie.-id i>i of tin- Wuiiuiii'-s SH n' -f ,ne African .Methodi-i EpisC Zi.ii. L’tiuivh She •„ nominated b> -\ti- Ruth W Wonell »f Nev Y ik 4Xecutiv. .. V .f tt LTnItd Council uf Churcii Wun- i .Jt- D.ivid De .Siil.i P»»>1. cha . • -it ttie .M 'I'-t; vun.mi'-* - —id m c'lnmenting on th,- -t-lev' ll, -eleiting Mr^ f - • ' •. . . . .1, muihei uf lUrWI, the colii- :ec gni'lc:; not unlj the i;ipal piio4inal n'li'ilties >.! t'lennnt .■« .i nothei of ctuldr*- -.vho are devuleoly -ivmg the. .' uiitr> and their iHupb. ....' in (ter husbatidN ii.ini»tr,(' in Kls lifetime. a> a • u c i .t I and ■ 'immunity worker In her own rig);' but It give* rev-gnt'i n -iIm' -"i ( {M>> tribute to tile jrcat .-pint f again indicted on a sunilar rharg* following th* d*ath oi a IS-yoar old color*d girl in Froomtn's hospital March 29. Madical authoritl** said the girt di*d of conmlications of t.n incompWia abortion p*r- form*d Doc. 21. Th* girL polic* charg*. was th* toeond pationt of Grant's lu hav* died following on illog- al operation. An indictment was rsturnad in January fol lowing ths death of a 23-year- old colored woman after an abortion on Jan. 27. ul chaige- id mvuluntaiv .''viv.- lude placed agam»t !Vti‘ and M.' H-aIe Bre-ach o( Index P O.. King Gt-orge Cuunlv. Viiginia. by Miss ,Gtlly Juktiwm. 1111 9th Street. N'-rthwest. Washington, U. C. AcLorduig ru affidavits aubmit- auffc rue uua iiau jeiv Cioat Wilmington and was to make cuo- luctiuns with the Nurthside bus ut the corner uf Frunt and Grace stieets. According to Mrs. Barnes, silt effected her connections with • the second bus, but, thgt tha I drivA- itifused to accept the tiMis- fer. This situatiun developed, she 1.1 i»». aoc.ut 23 Front street, be- Itwv-en Glare and Walnut streets. I a seal NAACP NATION’L YOUTh WEEK TO BE OBSERVED NEW YORK Members of ...v.ivi']’ Youth aluup^ III thf .Ni *' V 'k .ircii 'xill IuiiikIi liner ubae.’- \.i»uiii uf Vuutii Wwk Humiuy, April U’Kth with .1 'iieetina ai Mrtrupul:- tall B.ipk't Ctiunh Juhu> BLiir .i.l - iiulKtfd iu' . ti-1 ^ i. inli'i II, ifu- C'uluiiiLi . T. ' MUI will .ihd:.,, IJ».- tl-piilt-u >4 ar* »»ld, iida spent most of hn j after she hud gone to e with tlu' Bioacha m a con-j m the rear of the vehicle. Jil.on of involuntary servitude, ' Mr* Barnes said she told the sin- was nol pi rmitn-d to go loiJrivre thal tho Iranslvr had breil --ciiuo. or c.huich to have fi'iend-'. • j-ivt-n her bv the driver of the first Ul piavmat.a, nor to visit anyont.ibui, to which the sectmd driver ll.-r .ipmii- ul activity was con- upljed that it was no good. Mra. (iiid to th. Hiuach^ lurtn. and R-ines asked the driver if she was ti.ot whiio sh,' slolo »way ,,,p„„sibe| f„, th,- first drit«r t.) Visit a m-ighboi. Mrs. Bruavi {.iving her an improper transfer, f.mnd out abut, ;• .md im.-au n- Ti.r driver demanded a second td to beat hfi if-die 4'Vvr U-lt I'u *he said. Mrs. Barnes re- piinii.->tA .i*,,im 1 lu' atfaiavit- g ' fused to pay the second time, "nte un to di.'C.’ •4. thi- Miruitl stoiy yriver. she said, did not ask her • how M,.'> J Iit.nson -was l>ealun t., get off the bus. In.stead. he call- V. i1!i a iiur.M '.vlup abused and mi.-tn by mv Biuuciis, an i l.uW iiiJih to sleep 111 ii itii:uiU'-4. 'u a -'k fioin niuinn,' ('i->ititiuei uii buck p.ivei 'I the officer, who allegt-dly pull- ll her from the bus and handcuff- d h«T. avxording tti her story •Mis Barms told the JOURNAL rnniinued no buck page) Wilmington Girl Held for Murder of Ex-GI Husband ■iJiT tepubiic h.i -trugKl*d tlu :i ..i.y pii.iaes "( ii.iliuii.ii dtvcluu- meiu to achtevi* the fieeduii;, ■f - li ned ».ii t.;iik South Gets First Negro States* Attorney In Ky. COMMITTEE ON TENN. RIOT MAPS ATTACK NORFOLK. Va. — Mn. Laura Manuel CoUins. who was arraigned for prelimki- ary hearing in Police Court rriday morning, April 26. ia out on 62.000 bond. She ia re ported »o hav* returned to her former home In Wilmington, N. C. with her father. LO( I.^VII.I.K (ANI*)—Chai'le.s \S. Aii(ler.s(.ii. .Ir.. luiil-kiitu att.iriiev and tiietidtur of tlie Kentucky ii*KikIa- lure, tins W4'«'k added aiiodier laurel to hi.s (iistinifuiahed lueiiid uheii was swurn iiit(» uffiee a.s a.''.si.'*tanl eoniinoii- u«-alili jittnriiey for the duth .ludicial disirlet of Kentucky Hie first Negro in the .stniHi o re«-ei\e .-hijch an a|)|)«»intniL*nt. The six-y«-ar app intment, an- up’' ■') 'I. f-',! ' Al f.-' Kiiuwn ihad m tlit .'.itik ai> H V. Bi ./.I. Dana-1 N Hari ard t’laileh c';..iinberlain. ail uj CIii ' An iiicinnpiete list ul pe -1' iilii iie«t oil back pagei : V. !, F , T-,e .-\lig. ;u h'!..). .. k, u.-e- '- p \ ll i>tJ li .a |rt I r,J. .m-i M; 1.: ! f Fi -i. ii. . - n. i- Yu;k .M-.timg -it I'.. N.-\.\t.'P lialioiial tiff:- o Wi ii’l»-ll Wi.kli M'-’iiuiia! Bii!. ' .r, N, .'. Y'.rk. th. /Vli- I- i.f tin- N.iliuna; I fur Ju.’-tie. :n T* i.;. -• - . . . 1 it p!..- - fur .1 n.itiui..1. .1 'a.Miig and punlicit.x dir. fuitiinltlt e •-•.•u-' fulfil, d • ’ I ami cuunJ-fiu'-- Ihf .citiv ■ gi'.up a!! over i(i« ' . . have bt un a'uu.'ie.l u. t.rniriNi. unden-.ucratu :: 1 ' i.ciun.-. in the - u; i;.:l Culu ! - 'riot' .,! F« hr' "y 25th wmc 'i •Ulted ;n the;p!i‘. wieek uf Ha Negro a' tu-n .f (’ • lie 'tua. Tenn-h • lynch nuib '■> p4>,i4i ti'utalitv .in.i iiiui.!) ■t N'i-gi'u victims, and iiul'rlin nt "f 21 Nt gju. 4 un ll uiii,.- ti-up tiiii;;;- *nempt»-4t iiiuiilii auittl nil Ixu-k p.iv!ei (.lii('a'.:o KKPl! Olfkrs To l)\ Muv I Chicago (ANP) — Local F. C. P. C. offices arc uheduled tc officially close their doors by May 1. according to a re port here last week. Shut down of the fair employment practice commission's offices here, under th* supervision of Elmer Henderson, is in keep ing with th* expiration of tha agency in June, Congress defeated an at- temt to pass federal PEPC iegislaifon and, influenced by a reactionary southern bloc, declined to grant sufficient tmergency funds for the ope ration of President Roose velt's fair employment prac tice commission. M •uiict'd un April 9 by Frank .M. hepkf. lovntlv uUvUtt Rvpubli- V If! vuniiiiunvvvalth's atturnej', >. ii'K-d 'With a S-i.Otlb annual sal- and inai'k.-v tlic first liim? j hian nani- d to a cum- purablc jub m Kvntucky. An'Ji'ison. u native of Louis- Viat. was sworn into uffict- at 10 . m. bv Judge Loraini- Mix. pn- .-.luing lu.igL of the Louisville Ci.minal vourt. in impressive cei- ■ I'.uiiiu.N whieh attracted persons fiom Ih'uughout the entire stale t*- .se4- the first move toward in ti grutiun of the Negro into the di-pailment of thi- city, euuntv and slat*' government !'i re. Ropki. in Anderson to I- .-itaff. stall'd that he did su ti. iieugnitnm of his legal abiliiv ..nd m uidui t4> give iieognition ed cm piigc eight) NORFOLK. Va.-Mrs. Uura ' Collins, 26. was plact'd in Jail on a charge of murder growing out of the fatal shouting of her ex- ;GI husirund, Samuel Collins. 34, , III the bedroom of their home. 418 Brt wer xtreet. about three o’clock Thursday morning. Detective Leon Nuwitzky, coroner’s inveati- ,gvtor. after viewing the bedroom svid that evidence showed that [Coliinti staggered 15 feet to die in I a welter of blood from a w.>und inflicted b.v a .32 calibre pistol allegv'dly fired by his attractive y« ung wife. Questioned by newspapermen, at police headquarters, Mrs. Col lin.'- wailed "I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident.” Accord ing ot her story, the killing came as tht climax to a quarrel which alarti-d between herself and hus band up>n her return from mak ing the rounds of several night clubs The argument began whil" thiv lav in bt^. she said, growing ifito a fierce struggle over a gun ui.ich she had procured from a rearby trunk. .Mrs. Collins told rt porters that during the stru|Uttg sitt heard the report of a putoi 'Continued on page eight) Mississippi Judge Reverses Jim Crow Vote Verdict NKW York 111 S' J. .1, R,j:j-|j, l,uur n (i•vul•-4l 111 IdVii, III the N III I),. I.UUI .jiiu . . ■ K.) ' . .:llpu| l.itit aii.l M • n f . f„i I llui '•I'Mietil .. • u ' :t -infl «ilh« r qu.ilifu'd Ni-giu rugistrants - -. king an mi - -.11 .,iil liitiii.rj;-» against tile lugistiar fur M quiring Neg: • nixiiit Ivi tc-.sts itui fuquiri-d uf utlo i .tppheants for I'lgaitra- 1 )':.• '4*1.ll f»-4|t-ral 4'i*urt (Jl-.tiu'-m-.i Hall.- ixmiplaint on Sep- ii-mbi-r 17. 1945 An appeal was mode in the U. S. Court of Ap- p^•al^. Fifth Cirv-ui*, and the decision of the lower court reversed unanimously m an unprecedented opinion written by Judge Ed- 'C'.'iitinued I’ll back page*

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