f \yr. i WO lliL CAUul.lMA.N Beauticians Re-Elect All ^ Officers; Raleigh *47Host \vm.min;ton H.>ii(l>||ih ;iiil1 111:. ]Jiiiiii)> till' .i hitir Niyliti;', ct»iilt>l wu-i hflil, by Mi; »il Will-lili-Sul«lli. , AlU 1 lliL* iluiici', III.my piivulv Jj.illlt-; Mi-li- lictii .\l.iid:i> iiir.lit ill SI. SU‘^)it*i':‘' I'limvli till- jiulilu- liifi'UiiK w.ts (uii iliirti-d wilii till- iii.iin .iddifi.s U-- iii:' di-livi'i'id by tin Hi-v R hviiiK tiniiiii- li.isim lit CViilrul Baptist Ciiuirli. Tilt* piot'iaiii lulliiW:.' lnviiCatioN Ui-v S A Kuiiiit-ll; Nfj'iK .Natmiial Aiit-i*iii. All, W-i- t'l.int' 1(1 City. Mayiir Huiiald W l.aiic; R'spim.'c, .Mi* Wilh.mts: Ai.- iiual Addit- ‘T Stale Ru-'Ulcu*. .til-- W K IJei.iif'se.Miisif. WM- li.'tiiii (ih-e Club: tiui-.'t Siit-aki'.', Key. l I'vmy Bwoii*-. pastor of ... ol llie llu.:l biiillllllll .Old Cflllial Baptist Clll.lill, Wllinill^b ..pollCl ill'1 i.ilai: li lia .*- I-’H: I'l.- i-nlalioii of Offii-eis and III Id till* i.ieiilly A iii.wl l.oi.il:. K -M Uotli-i. MuMf. Wil* •Vti iiiln'i' J 111.- N C Slale A. Ne- jpo Bt-antiei.iiis. Ini' .d Ih'-ii 7l » .Iliiuial ^'l■llVelllloIl llPle l.'ist Wci-i. ... I. eU-.l .ill ..lli.-ei,-. 1' I llie col*. II.. Ve.ii and Italeii'li wa- m-I'-cI .'.I a; tlie ColiM-ntloli City lOI mil' M; . Willie K Ilct.iK;-.'*- w. ili>.-('li |>li-|tletit Otiiil .ilficel-- ai ' M- Milli. , til ' M'c pK-ldeiit. .\|i- 1' H l-'einil. oi.d lice pie-ldeiit. .tils Willii- Sllillli lieoldll*)’ -ccieT.ii'y. Miss C.illii ni.e R.ind.ill liii.miial m-c.i- t.iiv. Ml M. iiv.i. li- .Mil. i. C II Beckw itli ciciplain and p.trli.iiucn- Tlie (.land B.all lieM at tl.c Ba. *>. III! ii Idle dthe B.ii a.u-i'- c.,i tin i.i; lied I band l.idi. ■ IIKI.itSIIOl.l) lllddON M. SKSSION •M l lil' (JUTEN-Mi-.s Dorothy ‘Dot' Floyd of Fairmont, N.C.. was l\ i> I r..wii’d n-cently folluwma a Pin-up Girl contest held by the Raleiijii * . ii ipK-r of llie National Associdlir>n of College Women. Coronalicn . • ..I'.ta weie held at the YWCA on Hargett Street. Miss Floyd, a -tudent at Shaw University, atso was awarded first prize of Ub in the college division. Miss Marion Gregory was the Shaw i.'..iv r';ity sponsor. The prize was presented by Miss Mae Ligon d.. II »f women at Washington High School. RAI KKJU Tlie Ui-Ua Stuiir rtiHa Soionly wa- bu>.v hen- ti.i- wi-k pu’ii.nnil.* toi till- Ka-lei'ii In I aiii..! iM-ciMit* of 111" >ui'.iiil,v M*.-- Ii.-loii (W.e Club: lioxoloiiy. Mis.s Loium' ^^lC’le»■^e pieMiled. Hii'lilit'tit of the Tiieaday pnntrum war; till- leachfis and o|H-i;do.s ♦ Imic I'l nuiiclcd ill 'J o’clock (In Wcdiie.-^diiy rno:niii|/ id inn' oclocK the Willi:>Ioii lliuh Se-li’nl I'l.-e cliib, uiidtT tlie direction of .laini ' ThoiniiMin ii|)pc:i''‘-d (Juliin’s were h.-1d . •>cal>n*e/.c Bc.icli .md other ncaiby lesorts Befoii- the bcai.ticiuiis departed, lliey were loud in their praise ot Wilmiindoii's lio.spitaliiy Soint- of the I.idles (xtended tin ir stay be yond llie ihi'ee days of the convcii' eld tn-re tioii Raleigh Personals BV I'I.ri.' wil llt K I.clt.ji, III llii:. in.t'. I h illy aopieii.ilid ;. ■iitiiely fit-**. - i!:ii.. Ui- .n.d hieiid .1 ( inn . be- '. |{.di-n.'li to III .1 > III ll OW III" .dill, IU\ K 11 .\leClu. Vll • 111 . •i.’d pastoi .■linn elinieli tint of Juie ot alai; aiali M W.dki ..1 (ilcet|^bl>lo .'j C Btoun ot Salem, the ,eiu-l ..I Ibcii T Ml O C Him b. II. -.f l>e!..\i..,. .Stale College was a recent vi-itoi at me CAHOI.INIA.N Oftiee. He v. • ..Itendnii’, itn- As--oclat;o!i if Bim- iH—s Officers u. School*- and C..!- 1."'.; The Swan At I Club met al tb'- hum.- ot .Ml- .Ma^-o'i WedncMJai. .Ma. i IlMli All.-I the bi -.m.-.K di - -ion- if whiih are bemy May 10-ia Hos* beauticians were ft. !'.-lralii.|i bi-eii.- al lion a m Mis Katie Abraham. Miss Wd- t-Mii..;. .11 the l-.oiiai:! BuildiiiK al heliidna Harden, Mr;- Ha/el Davis. Sli.'iv UnliI . aiKj the buMiie-.- .Mi'> Ho>a Davl.^, Ml^ Jes.sio Dav.s, •oil will necm at li nu p m . al>-> Mis Julie Kltison, .vlr.s (Haiiyr al Shaw 'nil Kei'i .nal luiuheoi Fianks, Mi.>s I.illn- .M Gaviiif, Mrs. e. ll h.. held .M.iy H at Paiuda.- Ontude 'iU-en. .Mi'> Flmeiice liiill. ..lid till H.’i'ional dmnei al llaw> '. .Mrs Adlin.- lliM, .Mi- .laiiio bh.* Aii..di Hotel Si.ndMy .Mav IL' How.id .Mis^ -Mary Lamb. Mi's M; .M.,e Winhl Dowms (liand Lom e .MeCU-ese, Mi-s Ha/el Moo’e. l‘;e-ment. lull 1».-tin- Vesj.er .-!«■ ik- *'lr' Kluiaheth IJ MeK.-ller, Mi- >. .it thi Shaw Univei.M’ . V( sp. • M*lhe Riehard.-. .MtJ- Lithe M Sinday ..i -I ;iu p m Tne Della.- Rountiic .Mr: Liiberlna Koiindliee. will w.ii-h.p Sunday ne-rniiii' atll -"kli'' Tlieliiia .Slokcf, Mrr. Murll.. .i cloek at St Auiiu line’-i College Siiiilh, .Mrs Adies J-.seph. Mi;-' The Pan Hellenic C.juniil w'l Saiah Ibikne. Mr; Kloie-ce Hict.- teiieoi' a dai.'-c for 'he Dellas buinh, and .Mi> Thelnia Morn; liti* VWCA l-'i'iday iiiKid at 10.en, and ..n mtormal covkiail paily w'll be ttivdi by Ihe Alph.i Zeta Sittn.a Chapli r. hostess to ihc ineeiing, in lh> Aicade Hotel Bidlruom a( tU:UU Saturday May lI. 'I'hi- '. I ' (iiapler i liead.-d by Soji.r Kihel l.ylle, and .Mrs Clni - til.e Toole . dt leji.de lor tlie R.i- YWCA niet 'ijh Chapin .Mr- .Maiiun t'alim- day • vciiim* I ll.' tlllieni H..I .11 b.- ..I .\1. In-'iluh This r ...a- ..I • if Itie -oroiity, 1(. - Ml - DOlIVfi.S 01 TIIK Y M C \ Tlie H-iMilar riioidhly iiieelnie of (tie Manaiiemeiit (.'oinouttee of ttie h.- YW la.sl .Mon- t ll Hie I'tiairnia. lekliai' piesidlny .it , se.snion Tin* devote. I led by .Mrs Albei'la it I i t r vtli.lH A 1., on.t i:M.\ lu a i illll.* Wild. ..I .ft li.ill ^'oli.i- to Obellm lu-a ■ ■•i iiu; 111 i hi- III -I l.-ii I - .* I hii . u. ■ d till . one.I: i.i il ..id eiiuili * .. . le ioi f 'n .1 l.iui 111 Hie 1. Wd.li.it- •' '-.i.iiil .iidi:. . I Hi. I > liHi Wdil.- 1.... ll.l . .m St bit H..1. n-h foi Bi .iinbl i.i.:* I The BU'.me (111 1- Cli b met : ■111. da> .vei.in ot L I n I'lnf*. Ml..I • YWCA la- 'eiidolyn Hu>;to: Mid We-.I Be(iional M Hail.c, of tin . alteji.tance .Mi j.it-ideiit (d Hi. S.n.. Bi..Aei 1 I'lnta.llia lector, !ioior AIm.i lioiial Ctiairn.aii (’oiiiiniltei' and Sou William*. I.eipslative amom* ph.mineni .Soi alteial .tie >i*-;ioii. * Soi Dov Noi bu.sint- Hioiiiilit wi l.evina:lol. Mi;--: .Mae Lie,./ii Advi-ui Y'ouiiy.er (liib Club, i^uve l^•le^lill|', lepoit of the Planniu- Mui'Uni; Indd in Durin.in la.-d Thun fur Hn* District Nti}>liborhoiMi Cun feivtice whicli will al.-u be lield lu Durham Stic reported a well at- wtio will leiidtxl meeting and staled Unit mueli (li'i'usMon was made on Ihe OKTS ShCOM) lllil'KIliVi: St. Mai liiiville. L.i — Willie Francis. 17, who w.is saved Hoi i eXeeullor. wtien tin- eunent fail ed .jfter he tnid bein strapped ini ' H.e cu.iir leeeived .i .second u- prleve Wediie.-day while the Loun;- ana Stale Supreme C'liiit was de- cidiiii^ whether a man may be made walk the last mile to the elecliic ehair a ^ecund time. Martin, .sentenced to deatli for murder, was saved from execution Friday, .May 3, by failuie of th,- Slates poi table electioei Hoii cunij-- ■neiil and ^raided a six-day repi ii*vc by CJovernor Jimmie H Davi.s. He H'lt hn- second repiievc just 2-1 hoi.is nifire he Was iiyaln .-.ehisiuk-d lu die. Leeal n.o(*\s lo sact H.e lile ol the youth bcKan Wedm.-day .it lb.- (iovei iioi s offire al Baton Hom'.i* while Hie office was dcliittcd wiln lelleis, tele^iams and leU-phon.- call- askliit! elemeni-y. AHurney Bertrand de Blanc, while, defiuse for 'he detendanl till Ill'll In the Supreme Court a.' ti-i' III- failed to win . .-lay of ex. I'uHoii 111 District Court. l.t -Gov, J. mile Veiretl, actina etiii-f i-xeculive in the absence i.l (joveiiior Davis, araiited a 211-day stay to U* (ffcelive while tin* S-. pre.ne Court is .stiidyiny. the leib.l aspects of the case. V ( IIAl'ThK PKKSK.MS PL.W Ruth Ctiaph-I No * J K S au* pieseiilnn*, ■'Ftmal.' .Mau.niy" a oiie-ael plav to be jiiven .d Ihc Crosby-Gaifield School ai Mci' ila> infill May IJlh 'Viic (iiiblii- 1 invited 1*111 DbITA h\PI*A TO MEKT IN ( HlCAtiO CIHC.AC.D 'ANPi liileresl is irniiiitmit .liid Hu- various coininil- tees of Ml ihaplcr. national sor- ■ lity of Phi Delta Kappa, are worn- , iiip zealously to p( rpjct plans for the midweslern leuional eonfere.icu* to be held here in June. Gcrliude Robmson of New York is mdioiial basiteiis of this sororn. composed > f (*lemeiiiiiry .sehiMjl teachers and will be j-reseiit ai the conference. Hespon.-'c from chapter .nave been puurinp in and a reend atleiuiimce is anticipated. Plans for Hie two day .session iiielnde business -issmn; .it Ihe Paikway Comnum ilV eenter, a elo.sed luncheon al Morris Kal .-liup. .i Immal donee a' the Parkway ballroom and an open educalloinil meellliX -it tlie liidl.ili.i Avenue MeHiudist (’hi I'cli .Mimbei- of Hie euiiuiiillee U" . pi.nsibie for (CHudinalmx plans au* (Jiieida C'iickrell, basileui, Mai'itaret (Jes;:. Id. 11 IJii.bles and l.uuise Aim .Mmray, Shown above are some of the (irauliclans from all over Nurlli ( arulinu w ho attended the 7tli annual convention of the Nurlli Carolina Slale .-Xssoeiatiun ul .Nrxro Iteauliciuns, Inc.. In MTI. iniiulon. Front row. left to rlKht. fifth from end. Mrs. Hoover, treas urer; .Vliss Callirrine Kandall, CARTER Ellectric Company Anything Electrical :t K. I.KNOIK ST. il.L. iu»41 tin* Jew (' Carrie Editor. fiave Your Wasie Fats!! Ll ..lid |..'u »*iil!ii;‘ 'r.eiif.y .Niwkiil; lb. Attn ni Tli.YSKs Ml C. ll.l .1 Woi tb. . will (lelivei a Moth- propOMd ainiuat diniiei' liieetint! of ei .. D.r> oddi’j- - at t.ie Shaw Ves- . all repie.seidolive YWCAs. In Ihc pi 1 ill eoojK'ialtuu with the Shaw j ii.ore detail -poll of the (liii Re ll. ■Ai-hc- to Cliapti 1 m YWCA seivec. MisK LiKOii saul they were Hie l/caiil.- A iialive of Maiylai.d, Su:oi plaonitiK a Tea huiiuriiiH Muth(*i .iixl I ( ..1 Dow-ii-- 1- a itiaduate of Ct;lir:,;lat the Wasliiii^tuii Hikh school iin WAKE iiALVAUE CO. Wd Buy AOd S*U STMTlhlag ol Vdlu* FURNITURE — STOVES HErniCERATORS iOOLS -X RADIOS 337 S. Wilminglua St. Phono 2-2327 Itiuiiial secreUry; .Mrn. .'Vtllliu Kii-hurdK, lirst vu-e president; .Mrs. ileiinessee, president; Mr. Brekwllh, chaplain and parllanico- tarian; .Mrs. \V. Smith. rerordUlf secretary; .Mrs. Ferrell, second vice presideiil. I'AFTI AL COCA-COLA BUTTLING CO. SiS W. Murcan Nt. HOME-COOKED FOODS And what « meal it will b^- Muzoned •xactly right, nnd •wry dUh bouBting • r«»l hoins-cookad flavor. B & H CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT . . . RADIO REPAIRS —at— Reasonable Prices Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. 224 E. Marlin SL SALES b SERVICE Claud Taylor, Mgr. QUALITY SEA FOODS —FROM— OUK NEW LOCATION City-Wid« U«iiv«^ry Service Griffin’s Fish Market b23 S. BLOODWORTH ST. TEL. LEROY GRirriN. Prop. ziZSZ.'iaixiiidbii^d&dbdbdb'dlidbiib^dh A NEW STORE IN AN OLD LOCATION ! ! • r.l lit.IN lu it . Tulin* Wild* .d lo..l 111* ll I .(.ft ball Kaliie to libel liil lU-Ii • .1.. (•‘.••i.mt; 111 (be tii-.l leu i- b* I In. . o. 1 (1 Him ' imeai iivd i. Hi.I.I eiKllm’ two Hill.., foi.ith ".1 turn m Hie :ev( uHi cim- im- Wild..'it' e nd Uo bn-, 'i.. ••(.lid eiidii i.ue ni Hn- Lv -.lid »>(■ III .11- .(MiiHi and I vudiiij' ; ‘i.i-iif.y Ni-wl.iil. w I. Hu- hi»*hi ■ I I -fi*. ill Ha- In;mi' l■‘:lm with .'ai. ' * I'U l-’ml'k a tii'di. -1 'emei lur h4 mmiu' l ;iiii All Hi.' idayel-. I Hie lllx l Im ■ eji,, ail.. ;.iai;. 1,11 Hie lui'al toulljall 1 Zm ahile the l>;m" le.im ('.nin-t iblee • b UK Id.i) .. • (lid. ul*. /Ik twu l...llr Will me.I U.--.I .'ii.day i-veuim; .d lum Hull'. .. cio. I. 3 b.- Wil.li ..I- W..II u-.(-i Ch.. .1. Ihi. -bl la l W.-diK-d.iv fi 2 (bail.-, II D. Im.im ., meml. 'h^ t.ifl t eu.ii-liiue Iin* t.-aiii ...to M hit Kal.m.h .Mav ti, lIDb I fill Hi aiubri.l,:>- .MU i>. t-iilei l.u- ! The BU:.me-j-- and piufe;-MiU.u Gill- ('h b met al thr YWCA last Tui'-day iseiiiui* With one liuu- '*i.'ii p.i-uie Ul aHciidanee .Mi*; l.aur I Bruwii i*: pieMilent of the, 'I’lOiip and ;.li' .Saia Biuwer i Advt (I. V ( Attn Ol I tl.WKS \ Ml Celia J Woitham wehe^ lu ! thank her Ineiul: fill Hie beaut.- lid lluw.-'- and .'.'lid; and h-i .id Klndne: *■' ;huWli ullllliK her le ' ul iliues- . . V I ARI) 11 I II \NKS W.- Well tu .(('klK.wlcd.'e will ei al( ful api'i eei.itlull ,\ our veiy kiiui .’111(1 Hiiiu-'lillul e:.pi.':iuii >1 lympalhy diiiiiu; our re((■lll b.- ..•Ill .VI1 ..lid .Mr- Alt-x Julili:.il. ioiir Wash- Fats! ! (ill., I.S the last day on which lo reifister for the comlnij Primary to be held on .Saturday, M; y 2!»th. BE SURE .-inJ »ee (hat your nunio b on the hook. The KeKistrars will l>e at the various polling places on ^>alur(lay, May 11th. I am a candidate for re-election as a i memher of (he Slate .Senate. YODR VOTE AND SUPPOItT WIi.l, HE APPRECIAFED. Wiley G-Bames Buiiir Gwi-udulyii Hiiy.h.s Hi.'- I'mhuHi.im. Mid-we.-l Re>$miial Di lector. Luiur Alma M llatlee, N - Imnal lTiaini.au ol tin- Jewe.ry (-’ummille.* a u d Soku- Carrie W William*, l.exihlative Kdilur. an* aiimii]* pii.iniueiil Sui..r» who will attend the :eshlon. ^ Sour Down:, will deliver a Moth* • i'; Day addri-'.b at t.ie Shaw Vea* p( i-- ill eoo)>eratiuii with Ihe Shaw Chapl. r of YWCA A iialive of Matylaiiil, Soror DuWiis IS a graduate of Ci.siting A('ailemy in Massachuiclts. where 'll.* was ;.taff memuers * f '.he 'Bi’itze," a sluduiil publication, and M*iTelary of Hie, l.iteruiy .Sueiety Tulls college, where gradualt-d cum laude wiHi a major in history, and Niw Y’mk iiinveisily, with a Ma** Id'.s (U-grie in administraliun .Sin- i:i al pn-M-nt teaching in Hi** pi h- he rchouD in I'hilacli'lphia. V - Sujoiinier 'IT-iilli I'lililic AITair To Picsriil Puli- lical Furuin Suiidav. Mav la al fiveoVlock Hu- Public Affairs ( unuiiiltee of •lie SojiiU'iier Truth YWCA plans tu picseiit al Hie Martin Street Uap- Ii:.t ehui'eh a political forum and 1‘lmie concetiiiiig Hie .May 2.*) prim* .try Tenlative plans call fur the pi'e*.enlaliun of Ihe Negro regi- itrai>, and preeinel tomnilHeetiien -lud women Cai'ds iiiging all "V' membei', as well as i ther eili/ei.s h. I* I'l-t.-i have been uiaili*d Rl.ins for this last public pr.-* I'lam (.f Hie year weie bulked iiii: al a meetin;' of the eommittee heal Sund.ty. .May i» al Ihe YWCA Tim e pie**iil wtu- Mrs Kv.i Fra/.ier Hay. Ml-'.- Vivian Burt, Met/ie LlhoK, Vivian living and J E Hick:; (;iiAVi.s iiFJfdirs The many fieind;. .f .Mr* WiLou I'idl.‘\ of Hi Fi.mkhn Ti.iaie at. -oir.v ti» lu-ai that .Mis Pulley l*., vi-rv ill •Ml. MaiHia I'eriy .f .Nu 7 Frji.khii Teriaie, who luaii hi*eii ill :ind confii.t-d lu her Apt fur sev- .lal w.*eks co.Minue ill TTk- i'lociVsMVe Club met ul Ine Imii.e .d Ml- (Pear Kendall Muu* (i..y. M:i> tilh A delicious up:" .V.. '..-rved Till* Bouki-i T Wa:Umt*ton Chib will iiicel .vluiiday evening. May 13. rXti al H u'cluet. .d Hie home uf Mi.* Maddie Wimlun, I2u4 Gullliiig St. Joint hoi-l and liosle.*s. .Mr. John Chavis and Mrs .Maddie Winston. All iiiiiidieis aie i.i'iied to be pie - ent a.s this the second guurter f(>i the .year. The Frugressive Club held thei." -iimual lea Sunday at the home ol Ml;; Hell Burnette on S. Huywu-. 1 St, with Mrs Ru.*a Gieen as mis- Irest uf cereiimiiies. Appearing on the piogratii Were the following. pi-r:oii.s; .Miss Mildred Alstun. Mbs May L. Brndie, Mi>'. Annie Yt. Tliui'pe of Wa;hingtun, D. C. M.-.. Jonnie lb.ward. Master Kuyeiie A; tun. Miss Delmcs K Utley, .Mrs. (*. K l.ighlner, Mi.ss L.llie M. Wai- sun. A delicious repuss was served • hv Hie hostess, Mrs. Ruiiietie, Mr. Z. N. Jniie.s of 7’'’ S. Blount St. was out of the city la.U week end visiting relatives and frienus in Clayton, and SmithLaid, N. C. miss mae i.ikoii, nuvi^ui ui iut- Y'uuiiKer Gills Club, gave an in* lerestiiiK lepoit of the Planning Meeting held in Durham last Thiiir fur Hie District Ni igliborhuod Con ference which will uBu be held ni Dv.rhain She repoiTed u well at tended nieetiiig and stated that iiiueli diseushioii was made on the prnpo.-.id annual dinner meeting of all repre.sentutive YWCAs. In H.e more detail report of the Girl Re serves. Mi.ss l.lgon said they were plauiiing a Tea honurinp. Mother;; at the Wasliiiigtun High school on next Simdav at 3 o'clock. She abu staled that completed urranp.enients for (!aiiip tins sumiiier would be aiinuuiiced following Hie next meet* mg of the Advisory Board. Ill I'c-.spimse lo the ctiulrman's re- iliie;>i for reports of other coiiinii;- u*es. il was reported from the WOM KNS ACTIVITY (!O.M.Ml'rrEE that their group is fbiictiuning ucliveiy under the leadership ot Mr.s. H. C Perrin, who is also vice-chairman ot the Committee of Maiiugvmeiit of Hu* YW The slip covering class and (Tiilil Care class both sponsored by thill group were well attended. The slip eoveiiiig elus.s will cuiiliiibc lunger The annual Qaideii Tea wilt be in June. Favorite impressions of proposed wink for the summer were made by the viiiious committee chai.- inen and Hie chaimen were urged tu get their publicity to the eum- mitlee chaiimuii. Mrs. M. H. Free man for publication regularly. The Executive Secretary. Mi:.s Ruby Stmud. reported nmre classes had met i. the YW during th* inuiiHi of April than any othi i •iionlh sinee the orguiiizatiuii of the briiiich She askixl for more eo op'-iation from the new eommltld*: Mrs l.illiaii Cannady. chairman (f the health piograni gave an r.ul- tiiie of her group. Allaiila (iitizens Kt-»isl(*r %.'i Persims P uay illElil, mujr The public is mviled Save Your Waste Fats!! DRIVE IN CLEANERS Caah and Carry 325 S. Bloodworlh St. PROGRESSIVE CLEANERS One-Day Service .Sati.*;faction (iiiai-anU'cil I'lioiie *1142 Cor. Smilhfieid and Bluodworth Sts. Branch Office: 702 E. Martin St. A. D. McOUEEN. Mgr. tiALVAGE CO. We Buy aad 8«U EvuTthiag of Value FURNITURE -- STOVES HEFniGERATOHS 'TOOLS — RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington St. Fhoaa 2-2327 I’ayne’.s Kiisliies.s anil Seerelai'ial ScIkmiI MRS. S. J. PAYNE. M.n.q.I Member of the National Business Aisociaiioii Accredited By: The North Carolina Slate Board of Education Complete Busineet Courte • .Shorthand 9 Typing 9 Caleiilator 9 Book-keeping 9 Steiiolypiiig • General Ofice Procedure • .MiineugraphiiiK 9 i ’omptoineti'v • .Specialized (’uur.sea Notary Public Public Stenographer Write For Full Infurinution Dial 8950 416 BLOODWORTH ST. Raleigh. N. C. i ^7*«LS‘dii'iJ.'ic'Sc'S?5'dS?S??d^aSilSJSa.'r III Tlicee Ilnurs ATLANTA. Ga. In a la^l mini.te eflui l to reach their goal ui 23.IHJU itgistfcied Ne.'troes" btlor*- Hie bucikh closed heic- Saliiruoy. uri5 peiRUii.s weie iegi*.lered within three houia here Friday, uccuidiiic lo satialics leleased .Monday. With Hie legiatratiu'i books clu-- nig at .YOU p. 111. .Saturday, and wiHi an average regist.atiuii uf I (Hill daily during the past week, an .ill tune record lias ben e.slablished L.- Fulton ci.Uiity. wliicli inctude.s At ianta According to the All-Cilixens lie*' isiralion (.’urnmiltee, 23U Negroe:. on Friday and 3tUi St:iurday were ill line fur registralio'i before the books opened at H:3U. It was esti mated Satuduy that the number ul Negroes on lie bcuks was uruuiid the 2.Y.(HJU murk In an effort to counteract Hi heavy Negro legisHutiuii Hie Dein* ueratie Executive Committee of th** Fifth Congressional District h:*;; Voted to ubaiidoii its i-ffori to nuni iiiule a Curigressinuii by plurality anu is reliuning tu Hie county-unit .systt-iii. NorUi ('uruliiiu's home deinun- .stiiitiun clubwomen made 35,12*1 ailieles of clothing and knitted; 5,570 others for the Red Cross I last year, ' IF YOU WANT TO CF.T THERF. IN TIME 9259 DEPENDABI.E, PROMPT. AND COURTF.OU.S lJ^(:oL^(;AH(;oMPAlNY Corner Cabarrus and Blount Streets • uiiy-wiae L/«uvery service Griffin’s Fish Market 523 S. BLOODWORTH ST. TEL. LEROY GRIFFIN, Prop. A NEW STORE IN AN OLD LOCATION ! ! THE ECONOMY STORE WINE . BEER - GROCERIES - NOVELTIES 341 S. WILMINGTON STREET COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE Pick-Up and Delivery Service Stevick Electric Company 108 W. MARTIN ST. PHONES332 The Raleigh Funeral Home Aiiibultiiice iervice 310 East Davie Street GIVES EVERY CASE PERSONAL SUPERVISION BY: I'rained Attendants in the recently completely overhauled Ambulance, equipped with fan, basin, running hot and cold water, bassinet, mirror, electric light and heater; comfortable cot. Available at all hours by Dialing 2-2835 C. A. HAYWOOD. Owntr CALL for A Taxi ANYTIME — ANYWHERE 9125 CALL HOOPER CAB CO. Join Today! THE LIGHTNER Mutual Burial Association Serving Wake and Neighboring Counties I A Superior Funeral I At A Minimum Ckist I Lightner Funeral Homes HOME OFFICE: 312 SMIT‘*rirT q sT. ' RALEIGH, N. C. Telsphones 3-1676 - a-1677 BRANCH C^FICE: FUQUAY SPRINGS. N. C.

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