wr'MK I\i)i\: \v. "MAv ii, oin TMF-: CAHOUNfA?^ PA(JKT>IRFr: «»!• !riH nFJO OIVES AODHFSS 'r.i.- ih Si ■ \NTA ri..-.. k - (!.• ^ 1.-. S' *..l Vi 'I'f !! .''S' i 4..'■'/^v '■% -/'r'-'‘A '1 -l-J* .■-■ "A*. J "AiV • VI • • ■■'•vr'vSJ' ^' f ft 1 '4f-^ Eleven Point Program to Be Adopted at NNC Meeting l>i t('I t •M n.i'i,. , t' ,1 rl:ii • .1 I "II I ... I ..' Till- lll•';lll . tile i.'Hli ■ NEW YORK — i*iml Rohseon, rt,‘.cd Negro baritone, and (i(Hir‘{e Alkies, secretary-ireasurer of tin- :i;i:'ge.st iindc union in the world, 'the Uniletl Automobile W4iikei'.> of Aini'itea. C'lC), will join wilii L'ongre.ssiniin Hirh Del^aey of Washington. Adam Clayton Pow ell ot New Yolk and City Cotinn.- Iman Henjainin J. Davis, Jr. i; 'New York City, m nfldres.-ang the lUtKEDOM HAI./1.Y in lietroit on May J1 at the Ca.'i.s Teehmeal tl'gh School. The Hally W’ill !)•• one of the highlights of the forlh- i nailing three-clay .session Tenth ; Amiiver.sary Convention of t o; ^National Negro Congro.ss which will convene May ltd to June 2. j Other speakers W’ill be Kim- / j inith Eckert, Cliairman of tiie T ■ Die-Ciisling Division of the In lernationul Mine, Mill and Smel ls tei Workers of Anieiica, CTO. and Walter Frisbii'. Prs'sidenl of tlie I Indiana IndiLstrial Union Coiin- eil, CTO, chairman of the opening l.e.'Sion of the Convention will b*' 13r. Max Yergan, president of the National Negro Congres;?. i Other nationally speaker.s, wlte .v.'ill keynote the opening .so.ssion |il the Convention on May 20, at iwliich time more than a thousand ’fi( legates are anticipated repve- l.senting labor, eommunity aid iihurch organhtations, youth and J fraternal groups, include; Jamei .|Dombrowski. executive secretary ||of the South Conference for Hu- I man Welfare; Dr. Charlotte Ilaw- I kins Brown, prominent Negro 1 president nf Palnnn- Memoiitil . In.-^liliile, North Carolina. ! The opening ses.sion will tak" I'lticc at Bethel Church in Detroit. This announcement wa.s releas- jid today by Revels Cayton, execu tive' si'crtary n fthe National Ne- :gro Congress, who revealed tliat I'loro than 20.000 convention call.s jic.ve hoi-n dispal«-hcd to a sitnilar I number of organi/.atinns thrnugn ' nut the counlry. calling upon them ItAl.l ltlH \V I (.niii.M „f i„ .'loot delegates to the forlheom- , fhi-ky Ali'iini luaiM iI tin- First M.ip irg Detroit Convention, ti't Cluirch as one of the greatr-.! Ml'. Cayton also revealed that ihmclu's in the couiilry when he i »>f'i-e than on‘ million button: .«♦ - ROCKY MOyNT MAN TALKS TO tin from Ctilifornia. An eleven point draft pmgrata entitl«'d. "Eleven Poml.^ *'or Fret - • ik m” will engage the altiut m of' tin detegatis to the Detrm' |»:i- Jy. The text frilhiws: 1. E(|ii.il Jobi tincl eront'tiiie s« ciii ity for the Negro jtcopk . Im- iiudiati' enaelm'Dl of a ptimai'.- nt. FEPC. 2 Devidoi) atid sliengHv ii the wf.iking imi'v helwi'eii the N'- gio p( oiiie anri the ti.i le tmion On vemcni. Full .suppuil to the nrive for orgurii/alion ot Neg; - and while workers in the Soutl). 2. Pas.sage of the Wagmi-Mi'i- tay-D'ngell Social Sicuniv Ri!l, the (i5c minimum w.age hill, .md other mea.sures on laboi’.s lej'.i.. lative program. 4. Pasarge of the Atdi-PrtH Tax Rill. 5. An nd tci police anil arm.-cl violeme against Ni gro i itizei.; and organized labo: Ii. Fuss the anli-lvnch hill. 7. Full application of fll Rip of Rights for Negro veterans and] mi rchant .seamen without dis-i r: imination. «. Adi quale housing. healTi pn • lei tion and I'ducatinn without c; ligation or liLscriminaticn. ti. Protection of rights of Ne- » agricultural and farm lahor i their rights to organize. 10. End disciiminalijn la t'.* a me i forces. II. Freedom for colonial pei • til* s and American supp'ir ’o p-mcipl'M of UNO. U.S. friend ;hir with ilw .Soivet Union a* j« m-i. (•■‘saiy means to peace. Men, Women! Old at 40,50, 60! Get Pep FeelYears Younger,FullofVim tto yott bUm«nluuK«i, worMut ImHd* od m* * 1 h'.'vur.'laum.oid «( vhatalltllt MUBUut Iir WHb (Mirri likAduu*. ('oouiM louio lui y am t *•. .V). 6». InrVslv old noMy b«r*UH !■>« In :mn. S’' luir..stuct«ry s.M oow imlv tifi Tn (Nirrt lotn* T»Mfi4 lor prp. youPMT ItMitiC, thU vh« anr Aliu CuOUlB VIIWDlB Bi. MfllUD libu'l>iu>ni*. For rale at alt nrug stores iv.rv- here—III Raleigh, at Walgrecn'i ;iid Eckerd's Cut Rate. delivered the iniiii idclrt-is for banquet ■•ponsored by the W. T (■olt'n'.:iii .St nday School Class in tlv Sunday S'.hoo! Room ‘ f the ihurch hero la.-l Tucadr-y night. I.i: snbje'U "Working Fui ic.iirying an illu.slraliun of a pow- 'erful liand twisting the neck ot a crow with the iegent “DeuT! I Plow to Jim CTow" are now in I the process of distribution. Mr. Cayton also made public Don't let gossip about you Gray, drab looking hair is an eocmy of ymir charm and youch. Ir says lo people—"JAr's hrr hetit4ly... Sir's b*giiining to look 0/4"S(op this unfair talk—cake a new lease on youthful looks by giving your hair rich, naturd looking color and beauty with karieusc. /W ^ears ^ot/ff^er HAVE BEiUTIFUUV COIOREB NtTURtl lOOKING HAIR .r.,r„.s t CiMli.|io.s in Hncky .A'JP™;”"' lapii't Cfiiirclies in Rocky lint, poioK' I out tliat one should pile for the i>r bh-in- of life, id in making lliis pi. partion. first (''lur.ilion, tiiiii work ae.d r-l. Ross iiitroiii ceil by j'l idi lit of the I'l I-:;, w!iO •1 appreeialioii of tlio..;' \ih'» «‘ efroM-. hrlped irake the at- f.iir poMl>le III' fl S null'ck. pjs. tor of !!;•' ehuri'h. inaclc brief re in.irk-. and poii.ti'd out the nee*-.-- A.s«istant Secretary of Interior, U.nry Morgenlhau, Jr.. Harry i Bridges, Canada Lee, Frank P. Craham, president of the Univer-' .sily of North Carolina and Helen : Clahagtin Douglxs, Congres.swom- NE\V YORK — Out nf the mail bag ;i| the ii ilional NAACP offices today e.inie thi.s toiieliing note. It was sealed m an envelope together with a foU’er containing fifty dimes neatly tucked into even rows. The ' \\ Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, nutu- ml looking color (black, brown, blonde) start using Godvlroy's loiricusc Hair Coloring NOW .., acts quickly—goes on evenly, easi ly— won't rub off or wash out—- unaffected by heat—permits per manents and sc}‘lish hairdos . . . knnwnand used for45 years. Your dealer will give your money back If you're not 100% sacisHea. P«r ••It ••MJIH. SHAMSOO WITH lARIfUSi Shampoo ••lor* Applyins toiHuia Hair Coloring. GOOEFROY'S taking the lead iii ^ ••picasc accept the 'W'- I dow's Mite' to help yon in the fii;hl' making the, f„p j, democracy," sign-1 HAIR COLORING CAUTION: Um Only a; Dir*i*d on lab«l. Mf the rh - 'IV* cli:ss I . hoii". nf tb ' lain II" W • \‘liM bnill Mm f’liMIcIl le' i>rn r-nuvl eheek f- r " Rull"’!. lnllo«|i'g the; Sunday, May 12 Is Mother’s Day III- (Misilite Dr. n. s Bull'ick. pas-( ir nf the ehureli. made brief re- lark:. .Hid pointed out the ncce.'- rity of laymen taking the lead in' H.M.KKIH - Umuiminus ..‘hurdT.'' f the e labli; hii’i III rif HIiwkI . \i |) Mr.yward, I Sir.-i t YMf'A h !• bei'M vnii d ii'iitber.: nf III*' ml .(m d t duci- aiid men .ifinii {ivi .I'Di nf tim niiilv fill.licit, it w.i,: 'M- d tii'iSunday ill making ihi wclemiie addie -s uiged all men i iiniler |h y»-ii;. nf age In becoiii iiieiiilier. nf tin* el-i:-- 'rhe cla.s.s i'-, ic.Trd iM liniiiir nf Ih; late Dr. W ■|' fnicM .111. vhn »>Mi|i the Cbiircli .^Ir Kowler prc'enied a check ("r f fn Dr. Bullocl. following tlie h uchcoii. was .scaled in an envelope together with a folder containing fifty dimes ' neatly tucked into even rows. The not read. "Plea-se accept the 'W*- '■ dow's Mite' to help you in the fight 1 for justice i this democracy,” sign-1 t‘H F J. Carmona. ' GODEFROY S J^Ueuke hair COLORING CAUTION 1 Um Only as Oir««l*d on lobot. "(jails; tSar.'" In ^. baii.sr (jrral Alarm I’llM MU I l-lll A cinisT lUM IIS SI i'Pi.g All.I TIM, itr\. Tiillir I.. (iaiilinn '!’(> Pi racli i’arcalaii- iralr Srriiioii uivn ..ulh. rily ■...null I.. iipi.r.ivc- M,,,..,.., f. .1. C.-im.ici'. , , , , Activitie.s of the new ••Y" iii’ : riio ,,,.,po,..d plpii culls li.r 111.-, 11... Bluodworih Sli™: PM .,t llif bPil.' ..wued buddP.U op, yj,cA beppp SuiidbV pnd the Inc- uipodivorlh blieel which WM l";m-! ililics at the -W will be open Irt t, 10:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m each day Sunday, May 12 Is Mother’s Day GIVE HER WEARABLE GIFTS FROM OUR Low Price Basement Store M.ii'l Ft I till' .Al'll • .. I. « • l.il .Il'.l It ! I'd will,It, ■I nil In llpl'li : ' SI Aiuiu: ■ ». ii'ral.un, ei'ly orcupied by the USO. The Council recommended th-,t the ' Bloodworlh Street YMCA become a branch of tin: Riieigh YMC/''. .iiid (hat .'i committee reprc.iciitntiv • "f all if'crr.itinp agencies in the ■ Illy be .’iiipniuli'rl for ftie piirpi.e nf •huiyiiig II c nf til- iiuilding as rnmmiimly renli r. to all youth of the city. The refelctioii of men'.*! mlnd.s in the wnrltl liKiay gives ii:; lo under stand. Ilieir way;, dne-n't pay. ! I? is E-xpE-fted that fill,000 acre-: of cotton will he planted t.hin Spok..-inen for Hie Y.MC'A werej,.;,i to the n.'W Empire Strain of I' . b'l. Vote For ; . -u . ,.1 ' ..Ml .111.' • t 1,. rlini t! . Iiib ig ; > i.j.pi-i 'id aiinii.il d'Ui: PP'ollIU; • 1 p in I. aluii.'' Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. Wiimingtnn at Davie Phone 3-3231 Arch T. ALLEN (\ • I. I.III W Uil.l W .,r II; —f 01(_ IllllISC I'l i’rjirr.'.riilaliM's W.'^KE COUNTY VoJir S:jpn'-T Will Re G;-"tinoVi jj11hI All •. ( . D. liallil Pli.:.. Mr. It I I'lor. I . .1 ( arn.iL.' .Mi-v .Mu-. I'ldihi) . Mr. M. n. 11, k' I' 'Ir . .'I. H. l,ro»'l.i-(*. .M'". Iloriitl'" l.ai-r. M.S. (I r.iiuld M:. I .in i AAlmlurly, .Air. .1. \\. Itl.u'. Mr-, (ti.irirs tluii'tioi. Mr-.. .\|. .M. l.alhjin. Moltnm riiM: M'-.-. rtt.id-.. mu'- lord. .M. F. ( irn.i';''. Mb- J I.ie ( .ink. It' .1 II J l-••m;|.. 11. .biim I uikiii. .Mi-v. ( . ( ifon Mr.v It. J*. Panel. r. hj|]pi\, .AH-, 1‘iari .Sn ilr.ra*... Afrs. i.iim i..ikin. .\|" ij, ■|h..-: I.'!, I IJ. IiHiiiipxiu .mil \'i., .ifj-f-pi, .Mav'-. M'l ; ' •, . !• R,.p- -biied: I NC)>V Avciilcible ! Hillcrest Cemetery Inil tli.'Tliway 70. .jii.st licyond the city limits (•iiV('i'iii,t;' O;! acre.s on the crest of a hill, it provides the iiio:-t beautiful cemetery tract in the Soutli. Why not make your selection and .seal it today. See or Call Rcpresenlativos l.iGHTNER FUNERAL HOME RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME CAPITAL FUNERAL HOME ^3sycrest Cemetery Office 3 ;:i:i Smith field .street Tel. 3-l(i7() and 3-1677 Cool, Cool COTTONS FASHION thf:sk lovkly wash p'Rocks Wdiidcrful coUon.s di'sijfnod with niimitc attention to fashion details— (Miiliraciiijr all that, is i.s new and smart for Bummc’*, Sizes 9 to M. 1.90 to 7.95 BASEM£NTSTORE 'lASIItH eaiOllUA i lAf-.IM