WEEK ENDING SATT^EDAY. MAY 11. 1046 THE CAROLINIAN ,5'7 Asheville Downs Knoxville In Southern League Tilt NEGRO FANS CONTRIBUTE TO SUCCESS OF JACKIE ROBINSON Brief Ceremony Marks Opening of Southern League Big Guns For Homestead Grays Applaud Too Mnch; Give Credit When Credit Is Do ASHI'VIl.I.K \f’- ; 'll* ..iw • ; (.•I'l''m.Miv ii :■ '.K h An Utiou.' i-rniii II 111 •. ,|.n.( p. i.lid III. 1. I* Mill.'i I- fjl ;,; ' .ill. til \ I i-v llli m > . u. Itliiii Ih*- pil :!';r, -t V. . 1|"1. pl;il lip- ,.ti.i T n ii. t. .ii' llif I'inowilli . II •.! 1 Till SERVO REPOSES MAY BOOT WITH RAY ROBINSON NKW VflRK ‘CN^i .Miilv • Sri I>l. , ill\ fi' 111 11'' fond In-, mil’ .i;;.'Hi-t ll.iv niii'.ii I. M:i-. ;'|ih . M'lndukt.. nci-oidim: in Al Wi-il M..ily' in.iii- • U.T I'n P • -d Min- "11 (1) Pi' • Iiicii. I MiU" .I.ii Mh- With III!' irpni' "f ltl Ki'iliil. f•iilclmnn. Hir in.iiii nnt n-i ■ ritutroni, Woil rd-.ri iho hicnii.- 11"; of .Si'i'vn i "nt'iiii'od 111! ii. "f -.'l-ihlf nil 11 "Tl inn Ml li|. i • ' By JOHN M. LEE ^ K\V YORK Al L.in*.\. ..iiikinu .siKirts wnl". wlm ' !(.i til un lii«‘ p.i«' ^ ul llt«‘ .N • Vnik H' liil'l iiihUMi-. ,.p. lids a num and accluiin him until In' (iis Miinrthink tn ini-rit it, and till I) that ar' Uinn alnulci not ijo lx vend i f'a.-iinablr himnds. Simii' t ih vi rj r in> vvp.o iiuw ui\- df- H( hiiviun tin- jittors by Ihi-if 'tf.nuii appl;iu.S4- will bf im- i| to bi'nnI him a phony iihuual ... lull to niaki' to. j»:.td«v .said I hrion. unci '.'.'ill pinbui)i> be .h’liu > ni'iiiy unii’S ukuin. but u point iv.n oi ills ^.cni'l.iriy t-'isuy b' r I'lUtmu Hnintai^ out mat uc id Ills iuU I'ohiinn to hiniijn'i: I iiDl ^'Luff uboul .JiH'ku Robin i fi 1 a W'» k III so a^o. What; III nud to say has I'jii ii ill.' doors for Negro play-. • . it lei'lamli .-h'luldn't be* In'* ^ iiaid a job R*i tho.«t* of us who a''e piaymji i." him to maki* good to Kt ■ p nut hoo.'.iiiu; down to a coni- inon sense kv«-l. ; d T' ' .•'id K •■lit 111 lith'. ^T .1 I'd .s>l,|lr .\llih'ltc' C'.nnni :..i. 'ii.l li •1 III d' l. ii'l 111 '111- .'I .'in I'' "I' ■' ‘ Il’Ui- 'iiiiiunni''i P' -..pii .In'. nnl>m.«nii. (hni,;.- (h.u fnid, H"h ill nil'' 111.111.I." I In -•ppr.ii hilnii' them till, wei'k. • Dillard Univ. Resumes Full Athletics NKW hlRI.K.ANS—‘llu .-uipn.- ed aiuinimeemi 111 this -veek ny ih-. . i.l'Ot A. W. Dent lhal Dl l' aid I'niv. I'.sity will n-.'Ume a lull propi.’im ol \ai'.'.it\ athk'lK'.^ and V manyiiial' a eompi ehensive pii^ - Mial .duc.ilioii pi'otiram foi y iunn men and uom- n next leim i.-- eer- tatn to nave an .iloiiiie • th'i'l in erlleye l'lreU.^ 'il the nation. Tn- jpiieial reaelion is ituil it '-vill give iinpelus to nuineiou- olli. ediieatinnal iiistilnlinn.'« .ciiien li.J pre-war athleties but .'liinaiai-''I " ill' >! ‘tu "piv I' • ni C>r eii-lH.iro R'd Wuij;' CIAA TRACK MEET TO DRAW ^MANY rEATORES ! liwipnjv IS'sTITt"l'l V. .\ a iiniii; Klein ii II inpinii In ' ' " ill IM 'll.' " nf 111. f. .""f.’.ir eh r.inini.shm track nV" ' f Mm Cnl ■ i In' AP VIC HARRIS n. the I'M h ATHLETIC SET TROTTERS SIGN UP PLANNED DilSAOLE STAR •h.oi AT DILLARD Mn" .lid IP. V Hid Mi-iniie W . I'li.'ni.. '.Till.Ill nlfn'ai'. ‘.ill h' n j I’.'iiid a-. I'l'R'ier at d .i.irli'i .aid j 1'.' - (I In hi jiidnf foi the mei-l. i-. . j'*hi;'h pi''Ijmin.iry tri 1- 'will -lati | ; ai .1 .1(1 ,1 111 ai shni. l.iM'lin. di • ■ I' •. hrn.'ifi jin p. pole v..ull. and the , . mo, JtKI and nil >.ad d;i hi-;, .vliii* the Iiii,i|. start at 1:30 in the .ifter- ' ’ non. ' ’ foMiiMlitl n IS i'Siiei'led In bn l.« I'M ,.'1 II.nC'ld.- are lik'iy in ' t'C Ml .(ie nv.’ci K.iluid.iy. -inee .dl •>! , the tnaiiw will ha' ret; riijnu (51 111 iM> of '.vh III I I'' picndid rec- , ■ •I'll,.. i\'hile ill tl'.e .n'li ed fnrir . R'. 1.1 •ITS .\K\\ (»|:i.K.\.\.s iAN'l*i Dm- k; i;i:- . .I'y '.\;ll i.-suiim ,i fud ;.'^iaiii "t V,. .-it'' atilh'lle.- and U'U«urah a . "iiipi' la n-ua phn I ,il . diit lit mil |M evu .iiM lot y OUI1U an .iihI '.'.nm m i. term, ae idmg In an meiil h ' uei'k by I);. .A. \S I")- 111. .. ..id' ni. !'■ Ill also .iiMinMiii''d that Ann- ' at! A. i.Mi'i • I I’mi in. hii'iii' i :! .-niitln'i n pi.li •■Tnai'k "ii 'iiie I m.' j;ii iti'-l tc .an ili I'n liLS- f.llli At.R) 'AM’.' Ah. Sal" i . ’■ 111, ■j'.\'ner 'ml ''"ai';) ni ilii- Hai 1 III l.ilni)eli"ll-;•.iipH d Natliaii i.'i 'S'.\.ciwateri {'lii'lim, form* i i'pSablc* Hioh .'‘•hnol cage .•iiar, .1 eniiti.K-t last w«ek lo play IV yi ,.1 Ji'-nn .'Ith th* liiMViUS Ine.'i' ti.iMi, whu'h lec'titly M'lurni'l I'. Ill til.' H.i'.innp i^lallli.''. j Tn.' lil-V'ar-old C'hfinn. w’i.j| M'lid.'' 'IN loot s.'veii inelit'.s and ". eiuhs ■’’hi pnim.ls, marl' hi [ t 'vy DnSabli. high stiaxil hore | Im mine 1!I3!-3!I .a-ason lhrnu,’li . in- PMI-t2 eunipaigM' He was; hnnoi' .l as .'Ml-Chicagn Hin'i | . I'ioo: c'-nler during the I!i41-i‘i IKE WILLIAMS OETS NOO OVER SATTERFIELD ftaiu'c ol Rouinson iias come ,oiul soon. I than JackK ui any- I n- els*' laii • .Npeeb'd, Lani y goi. lo .'uy. ■ till I\idlin'. L-. not ul ill v.t but tilt indieituin i.-alnauy la.ii mat a N.gi.'. d -le i.' goi'J n. ugn. . an play m th.’ iiih-rn.i- ..-n;d Ix'Ugu* •Mllmm causing t.i" U'l.s to lull, .Aivl II tiia' r. Iru tii'H can hi no good r'a*on vi. .-Lmill.i .1.'. alsn pia/ ill ‘.ii- ."..j 'I leagues." iJa.'.i.'iiali Ian , m .my p' ' ol' In • I 'untry. .Ji'- a g'"jd-natL. lot 'U ...ngii -iniivhd annual', who Ihn . u n to iMiiid'i umpiiis. and .'. m .el! 0.1 llie ..''aip.' "I 'm ■»pp"'.ili; ,'..'ivi I's. bill ill. ', .e.-inl till '.vho: 1: ..uc • 'Inn* i-gal aiui .'pui tn.i. ilk*' Til'll h'lv- U II mil'III' . ' I •• n lo'.' h l lUis, I'nolmy : .1 Mppo.ing leani-, lav* cunv ' ' b'o'e- nv- i .1 fine pnim '.VltlloM; a p' 1 miial angle « ntenng mio the .. Ol*. .. 'A li.ii .•."I f!''.. Jack;. . j'.iiil il i.s ••■ni'llimg In be con Iiiiii'iI'd). IS tin-*'xagg''.ati'd Inyi' ."own him hv i'" N'l-gm faM-. \\ h. I'l v 1 Ih li.t- pla.c d liie .'.'•gi.. 1.. h.-.ve nuiHe it a point to ai- pl.iiiii Ills evi'i move a.s thoiigi) It 'Vtre tile '..ut of this wui Id peijoi- :'U tie. (i! .superman. lalkmg to l.aivy ab .ul it, Ron JI; I'll ga\ III instani'e." . in N.'.‘, ark, . ., th.'M' was a l>i‘, cnwil. ami thi'Urand.' "f them v.'eir- Ni gri'es. 1 wa.s mach- iie • OILS'- becaii't' tti.-y wcri* I'm pa; tisan to me I flmiighl. Th* v chet ; ed ton loudly wh* n 1 did just oi- (iim.iy things. 1 ihipk that is b'ld I «ish tiu-y wouldn't do i:. make i.’oubk' in t!i Kobiii-on i.i in there trying a'. Ihi tiiiK'. tie do.'.'ii'l shar* the ,,..j fei ,ing of tin- Ntgro fans wi. lliitik 'hat It'., all 'jv r bui il.. shouting. He knows that he is still on trail and that he has to do lot ol ljull playing if he wan's stay in fast company and .dt p up to the tup. I said before, and ! upeat ii, that the gr.'atesl luw ui'ci the kid has is ihi viliuk* rac he is carrying on his back. He'Ji " forget It if iie -lan'v. 1 ■ show Im u-al iviutf. and I th. .k ' . trying lik.- blaz.-s, but it will an iinposs:liil:ty unles' tin- N' • gre fans cooperate. V i HR .V'iO lANf’! K'.h'-rl Si.' h ;i' l.t. llHI i-il' (I 'Ideii (Hove r h.-mpioii. Inst his I'J-round fight . ....i-insl Holman Williaiiis, louilhfit i.nking iiiithll'v.'i'igiit litl. con- '..umds, i -tiu''i'. nil a split decision lure- J;irkii' is pt.-ading for .i ciian*-- 'ibui iday night at the eoliseuin. [jo h^. a plain ba.schall ath- Williaiiis' \ ii lory -luleil Salt* i j! te. anl mil ;i fn-ak in whib- fan. . 'll Id'' klHH-koiii vietoru-s tn t nun,. ;i stim-rioi being to 111*' N 'iiiiigiii .iml hi.' wills lo H ill I'iig'o s. H.- IvIievi'S. amf this c'l - l.'Ot- An eslimateri rrowd of i.-Mimn ei'il.iinly agnes. that if it p.iid a grri.s.s gale of $20,272.20 \ j., .'porting lo a.sk llie whili play • Sain-i'fi*’ld ii.nki- his fii 'f aji- 'H.- and fans lo give him a chane. ! .I an-e against a fighter of n f i make good on his ability, it i'l i.it ;( iMit'dini' jii; t .IS ;:p)i ting In mrki- tlx-.ani • 'll.- 2 vei.i--old Salh-rtmld h;.d nquesl of tlv peopl.- of hu> ow;- ■ O' I njipi'i tunit\ lo ih-feal ria.-e, Il is i-idieiilous to applaud | SI 49 1 I n-.i Rtl.M - PAINT i'.'years "f sulisfactiun. All • G-il. -oiors— Stains and Kiiamel 21it S. AVII-MINGTON ST. Mad Or.!-!' Given Prompt Attention. I.Hilrou.l Salvage Co. An a.''igiwn III lo s*.-cond ba.se la dung it.s .haie to .-.tnsitivi . Jaekw on edge, It is bi'and nio- : l.i'iit'M.v to I .md he is trying 1 ' > g. 1 th. h-i. nis III w mil. ' H*. says, ‘I'm not id home aioond h* le, yet, I Ilia.'* a couple of ' lor. and in one play I just look. .I sidy, r.i.' gill tn l«ain and do i. (luickly and I''.’- got to kep Iv' ting at the aume time. I don't ki.'-w if -we h.ivc aitn ih- b«- 1 Iiilt-hir.g .11 th*' I'-agu*- yet, tml if wi h;i'.* 1 ihiiik I -.vill hi ti-.oiigh." Kobiii.'On ciin hit. run and .dval en'.'iigli busc-.s to get ov-i I' hump provid'd it i.snT niad.- am 1 igher for him by t.ie injudieifiiL- I nt.-.iisiasni o! the N.grn far.:. Till y all love him. In- kne.'... ili,i, ..r : hi- aptmeiat.s (iK jr ,'upp"i- but they ean Ivlp him must by toing In 'ce liiMi play and hy jml gn-ing him what he desio-vei., no !mil and nn I- ..' If Rolnn-nn lia ; iht stuff lo gn as far a:> lie lie.'-' A Lifetime in Flame* Why take chanc*t on burnlnfl up a lifetime's effort in a flagl* terrifying hour when it's so simple and InexpansiTO to pro tect yourself against any possi ble mishap. Your bom* and family can be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at but a fsw psnniss a day. Wo'U show you bow. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DURHAM. N. C. FOR • WALL PAPER • PAINTING • VENETIAN BLINDS Kxcollencc in workmanship and Materia! AT BARGAIN PRICES C'.Al.l. WILSON WALL PAPER & PAINT CO. NKW ORJ-KANS—The surprii- fd announeemciil tliis week by J'r.sjdenl A. W. Dent lhal Dill- aid Uni'ir.sily will n-suine a full program of varsity uthh-lic.s and V mangni'iit'' a eomprohensive phy- sieal I'duciiliun program foi young men and woini'ii nexl l(Min is cer tain tu have an atuiiiie 'tfeet in eellege circlc.s of the nation. Th.* gineral reaction i.s tliat il u.'l give ini)>etu.s to nunierou> other iTliiealional in.stitiitiuns whieh liad pre-war athletic.s but eliniiiuiU'd fooibull and otliei major .spo. .s, “for the duration. " |i iiuspiring > Ihise colleges lo follow in Dil-' lard's footsteps. Pre.sidenl Ui'iil also announced U'lC addition to the Dillard faeully Armslc'iid A (Horse; I’ierro, for mer All-Southern Quai'terbaek on en*- ot the greatest teams in Uie history’ of Moreltouse College. At lanta. Georg a, a.s instructor in physical *‘dueiition and coach of atlili'tie btaius. Pierro was graduated from Mor''h*iii.si- in 1037. n'ceived i mast*'!' of ai-l' i-h'd-ee I'l-nin t)ie L’niV'-i'vity *t Michig.m in H*4n. a bcieheloi cl phy .'•leal erhicution (It- fcip*' fi-eoM Springfield YMCA (*ol- leg«- in I!I4I and during th*- .'Um in*‘i «'f HMlt 'iil work lowaid I'l.' t:oi-l>'r of ididoxiptiy fh-gi'«'e al iho I'uivi-r.sily *)l Michigan. Ih wai lat. iiidiieh'd into 1h- military •»i'iC' aii'l wa.- in (.ikina". .t Island 111 llie South Paeitic. •NEGROTeIM !N YMCA TOURNEY ( IIICAGn - AND Wh* n the "I YMCA Vnll.'- hill iniiriiaiiieiii -hirls in Chicago on May !», Iti*' atl-Nog.o team fp-n .*>1 Anionin*' N’NtC.N ol Di.'lmit will h. nil.' i.f the h'lKMiu; -"nleiuirrs foi • h*' N,-i»inn-il VMCN iiophy. Tlv ll.'ii-nil parivd hy Jr.-.-c faiiino.' lr;ic'; cti-'Oii'inii, > t h- litlr, n . I t .iftof Mj» i-niny .Mieliig.io ■ form \nn .AH"". Griiii'J and Kliiu. V )• >tl )i I II nt I .| niit I.f • '. ■ ll.l y. 'i. '.vill 11 fn.' Ih*- III' i time in In fni-y a Ne;i.> sexb't K coti-rli';;. rii*' N.';;i'i) I*’,.ill will !>n .nily r-ntl p. l.- fni'Dl. «‘i iialinii.d *'h'iiipinn (lom the I ' - .Nm'U'I' ti. Cat'*, 'll.- MO'.J- Inn YMC \ .iikI iIh- North Avrno*? Depirtmeiii of itic YMCA of Chl- eaij..*. A- the toiitiiHwnt will br *-f*"diii'ii-d "M li- double i-linnnu- tniii ba is. '-vci-v ieii:ii imi-t lo.-.' two three gan c inalehes befoi'o being chniinatcd. TUillts T\Kt i'rn'x|i|-K(H ( VI.I l,o\v,IA( KET,** ll-J hnhl' th*- Mil'htgi K.ipi*!', V..tl- Jim 1 , l!.M.I-h;il Th. tl..l.-.:;h Ti . i ■ d'f. -.i. *! the I»iM |.Mrt!l. Y«'l|n'-. j tL; II t*r .’> behind llu- -ix hit pit • ill'.' nf IJoi'hy Field.-; and IJill Wild er. Tin iociik toinpk'iHy outcln.'is- td Ih vlsitnrs The Tiger.'- anMoiiiU'id 'he .'igii- '*liu' "f W:i(lc Dimn. Ineal oLtfieldrr. Dunn will bu played at left field. Save V 1)111- Wa^le Fats! iM'jtnii. vcieraii officials, will h- ‘-I'j hand as referee and >tiirlei' and I NKW OHl.KANS (ANP)- Dil- Iv'ikI field judge for the meet. Mi'ii-r! university will r>'.sunie u full which pr*7liminary Iri ih will stall piogram of varsity athli’lie.s and at D;.10 a. in in shot, javelin, di" j j„.,yj,yratc a eompi't-heiisive phy- ini: IlK fi.iiil:. .mn al 1:30 in th,- an, i' ”1'n ..ml Aonn ii in xl liTiii, ar- non fording lo an ann"Uiwe ineiit he Compr.lu „ n rxpmcrt lo ' iMl . by IJ:, A. W. D. nl. kc..„ and llk' ly ann..,i,u-nd lha! Al in- .c nnid.: ncx haluld.,;^ .inc.. al nt .uad A. (tlni..nl I'l. r,... Inl'inni Iho learn.. Will have leti.rninB Gl-.quai lvrliac-k on nm: many nf whom made .pigndld lOC- „| ,|,j. ....I t,.ains In Ihv liLs- oid.s while in Ihe aj-nivd fonei. i„|.y „r ,Moi.liou..v volUev. will CIAA athletes who competed ot Ihi h. instructui in pliystval I'duea Penn and Drake relay.s will also be titm juid coach of athletic teams. I’-.'M in action, iiiclu'litig the Lin- Pierro wa.s diseliaigcd lionorahly colli and Morgan team'-, which won finm the army recently, mile relay chainpioivhips al Pi'iri Dillard liJSi-nii'‘nu-'l ils athh-t- liist Satuiday, the Haniptnii ica.n. ie program during 'h- wai. Hi- which finished .second in this event, si'n.plton ol llu- .ehoi^l'j. allilelie and the Union mcdlev relay teirn aelivities is spi .' ulateti to liaye an which journeyed lo the Drake re- •Huptiv effect in college eirc). .■ lays and won third place in their P'o^'ide a deliiiile iin- p* tus tn numerous educational in- t,' „ » . . 1 . ;.siitutions whi(-li eliminated foot- noseeov Blow,, of f.pivol,:. who Pljle ,„ 188. ,s ..vi||, |),ll„,d. tn hell*. tai lim. m'xi Sj. Bays Inaclive " “ ■“ ■' f,>*-.*l athl'.'t*'.- hav'- b«‘* ti mae iirdav. .f *lir weather man provido a go .4 day, while Charlp' Jupiter of Howard, woli run the loi) in !>9 and fiiiislioH •.ee-iid in 'he finals at pi Mil. Is 111* fa nrite tn '.' in the 190. uiilos' a dark horse ;ip|>eai-: i.p*>n 111*' .i-i'iir. Huheri ft.i'*-' nf Ham|i- tnn. ulm v'M .rcond mIjh**' im Ih** 40n.|Melr|- lligh hui'dl*’'. |S .il-n *'\- tueied lo b* in 'op (■ nil High '•ImoL- as w.'tt a- .-nllr.;ci HIT :eiuliii;> III n'.''re ‘'ntiri-.s this .M'iir. Coi-do/a. def. iiding eh.impmir, and Dniiglas-. Iluiihar and t'arvei Vn«-.ilj Mill, all nf Ballimnl'', h.lW eelei-.d team-'. Booker T Wa-hing- l M of Norfolk, niiiitliigioo of N‘w- ti."t Ni-w 1. and PlH'tiix if Fti/atuPi Ciiv f'i.iiiil\. 1 well -I .1 '.iiml,'' ul otliei Virginia high .i-l>nil.v -.ill: TIGERS TO FACE TOUGH FOES n.M.UfJH Th** ft.'ifcigh Ti.n I ik'- "I- ll'^ l.l' l MHH'IMg '-hill (t imji l.ijii'M*'. mihI' ' Mn- 'll" linn ')| (’(i.'p A Th* .\ I Ml* .re ol iiiikiin'"M 'pi.ind'y Ti: -d.iy .cfii'iiiiKin. th'- .N Vnrk ni.itk Ya |"'i*Ml II' Ti^.-i .'••in. at Ip 11, nni' of tlic fll'i -I'n .National I,' olo.H'fl laat :e;i during 'll*' Will I" edits*' *heie )>('■ M M" f'.iOlh.lH in I'nioi-. •g"' her*', d' xpiM' III.- fart ’h,. »’ .1" (i ’•II-,')) tii-gh ..i’l"'.i|. ;in Inn 1 pnpn'aiHMi amiitii 2ni>, (lO'i. .\1ai|\ |Mnni;-itu; .Mid't MU liet • t.i t • '••t In l.i.MII'.l imnti'Ki 1. > ' .ti' t'-.it • I"! 'll. Ill- , I rl. tik.- .'.'•it.l ... ha- elie .‘l.'g. .1. J( nth.lll 11 1)11:1 i V '."MH't".' n "'I-' .' .1 I’l- - III • I i-ll-' ,lt n| iia .k- t'la'l 'll .InM nf ‘»lh''l • .- • I’-nni-x .m'l 11 .n'k .n- ' '"all. it' f r.tll IMIII' 'HI I'l .. h" th- ilkc-> lak*t •it Mil- local h,.i' Till- Vanke- t eli.b'. ill the N- - agiie wl.eii th*- fta.x n. Fa.IS are -jenig In .I'l' Willi) Wi'U-, Ml' king n( ,>ll N*‘grn hoil.'lnj).:; Meh in nait>*'r, tim'd liittin-g manager at lliird; Die!; S**ay. .I'eoiid ha em.in w ilti ;■ re|)i:- 1'i)‘- , .iniiii ".N.ck ' Sl,)r)lcy, ve'e-- I') I* fi haiHh'i- f iw*nl> Natinn il l• .| .•m i-ainp iiun- an- nnl.' a f.-w nf III' -lai' lii'ailing llu Y.a.k ' I'-a.n, Tlie loi'.it' ar*- beiiii; keyiM 111' tor ItiL all impoi-iant eo>)>t't .Hiri tile piichint rhoi-e.' are '-x- j)i'le| to he Cozari .ind Warrci with .'line hi Ip ciniin-; from Letlv Percy .lohiison. Wednesday the locals take o-i lith..' the 1’Iilj.bi.rBh Crnwf.trds o the St. Lc/iii' Siavii. The Ciawfojds h..vi- n.-vtr pl:iyel her*, allhoi.g'i they were scheduk-d here in 1940. Both of he clubs arc members of the United Status League. . Ih IX'.'. Il l I). [I 111 I>i!i;i..' I :• ' "1 nh I'll• .itlll* ' '.' lit .i'|i liipl tn III ' " * 'll - ;t n.'i I.. .!>;..Ill • ii'pl. ti- enthx*' -fh i':|t|nn • II a ; tn .i'\ I'Inji jx i • li .•il'il* : i ;l III*-,. 'In niigti " i'll iiin*l’ I ''||•‘l|l:l :ml •'\li .i > n. i-i-iii;i a. m IN WIN OVER -RAYS AND l'a!{| hi'.igiiu Wit'iim :i pni lah 't niil a IT-d llir ftjf.y-. " .m P • h '.I 'I .'.I Ml- : th.' I III '■ 'll hit. Iiri' gaiiie .mn i hat'ei-. lie'll- Th. f..,'l .mv. ihi- hoy.- from l. C'.iuitiil Cil' Foi.r vet. rim players from Dih-. hail: were in Mie It'd igh lii.eiip. having pl.iy.-il in lliis -.Ity with Mi' Durham Red Caps la;: sea.'On. It was lati'i tilted that thi.s was not Mu- Gr.iy.s' regular team l.eugi.e basehall wilt get otf tu a stun Sunday when the Red Sox open with Greemboro. |t«-i (.Sweetwater) Clifton, form''! I'liSable High school cag'- star, I In a contract last wi-ek to play next .sinson with the lumous Itwal ti-aiii, which rec«'ntly leturneii • f>-im the Hawaiip islands. The 23-.vi'ar old Clift*»n. w'hj fii'iid.s si.s fool .s.-veii inches and 'veighs 23(1 pounds, mad. hi.- lory a' DiiSabl*; high school here 'lin mihi- 11)38-39 .season thi'*>ugh 'til.- 1941-42 campaigns. He was ihon.ired as AU-Chicagn Hig'ti 'Sthool ci'iiler dining the llMl-'PJ ..seasnns and sot an individual .scn> • iing record for one game of 45 'tHiinLs in the University of Chi- 'C.-.go tournament in Ism, which , sill' .staivl.s, lie was able to altend Xavici til!ege. N'-v. Orh ans. foi 'ini-yeai- Ix'loi'e induction into tin- at my where he won now tame as a cugi- stai. He averag. d over 20 points a game lo .spark the .'i22d y'iarlcr- iiiiasier liattali'jii. stationed at Tug- jiie n, llaiv. to a I'ecord of 15 vtc- liii'ies agaili't three lo.-sses early (ills yafii'i hi had h'-ljH'd ■!)- H (ian»Ih.'i Ha-'- M'arn n*'ai Hru-- |s l. , t" eninj'll*- nn*' .»f 'lie h*'Sl ji'C'i'is m itp ai- a late last y-'i';, 1 T'li, c|. .it .i:;-:nr'*s US nl oMe of 111 Itlll "111 Ih'I t*'.im, " Soji' |st*in i iai in aiiMouiicmg (Jtif I;*'..', la.iina. I With p. ill. pif'x.. jl* an I /.ai'k I'l.'iyinn. giiaiil... jn | t' ' .1 ■ T 'I *411 'itig ;in| |! • ( -nnj. 1 .It inn. III ,llillt|'iii to I. t 'll, Ul iia\> Ml If' Ih ighi. sennr. p.'tH-h iiul 'll (■ 11-' -lan • v r ' TIGERS BEAT EAGLES IN A THRILLER eltainpion. lo.sl his lO-round fight a'M'insl Holman Williain-s, tuuitli I. liking middleweight tith con- i.-nd*‘r. on a split decui'in here Tl'ur.sday night at the coliseum. Williams' vietory ended Salt* i fit Id - knM-koiii victories Ie t n 'ir.iigiit and IPs wins lo 14 .n Id I niit'. An estimated rrowd of 2.- iS'L' paid a gro.s-s gate of $20,272.20 ,o Satierfield make his fir.st ait- l•■al'an-e against a fighter of n*i- Lnnal M'putation The 2 -year-nld Salferijeld had 1 I. lust oppmtunitv to defeat l',i.s ;H-ycai--o)d opponent in the first and second rounds when he found Williams an easy targi-t. Only u f*'w of Bob'.' blows landed sulidiv. Willia«-s i-aught Salterfif'ld tir ing in fill' llNi-d and poiinrled hi; tin I 'vith e .-*'i ii-.s nf left jabs. Bolt v/ii.s out nil his fii't in (hr fourth, .-.('d hiid to ahsorh h'-avv punpih trvnl in the following rounds. S-IM- tour Wa'(- Fal,;;! ! I and 1 wish Ihey wouldn't do il. It might make vroublc in th; t.'tends." 1 Jackie Ls pleading for a chunc to be just a plain baseball ath- (leU', and not a freak to white fan.', It'd' a siifH'iiot h.'ing to the N- Ig'o s. Hi- Ix'lieves. and thLt eo'- untn rrrtainly agi'-cs, that if it j i.s .sporting lo ask the white play- 'ii.' and fans to give him u chance !t> make good on his ability, it i-* ' just as sporting to make the .sant" Inquest of th.- people of his own |t'i'-e. It is ridiculou.s tu applaud JSBISBSBSES. HM.f-'.inil TIh- Ital.-Igli Ti ;. . d*'f*'ati fi (Ilf l>iiilM:n F iglc' he S’"i.l.'. f'."' Ill n-.';f!nv ri'nu r*. 1 ; Ml.- .' 0) 1 it u-.i i.'.nlj a t'l;; (i;-,iii finii I'C.nnniu;; t" 'ltd I'l »' 1 -.1 ’till '.I" I 11 > I' , I p'i .ti'ty (». «nine from heliind 'll- in' ii - "I. 'I in Ml*- fii ' *1 tn V II'II Hiti'i|'. -. vi-ilinc 'i--'-' li'i" ' et l.l'l 'liff'i'iill.v in Mik'h .. " 111.. 11' Til. 1(11 .il i-nj 'III llial "' ' Ul" liixtum '" til Ml i\M» wh.'M I'f'.nliertnii >|ni blffi .ei( Heuing I 'll d"iibh'M 11111 ' n't I- TI"- P'IkI fn i h' ha.-k I" when ri.ni'f iinnH'i (I i)\i-. 'll*' 'lisli.'i I'lihl field f.'oec a; 1 A'lilniii fn' |n-.''e.| "'iMi a xin'ite lip In Ih' I'nilM, Tt.iln ^'n/.il't ha'l 'ffii-'l. iv iiinzzle'i ill*' mtird'-i • I’ou'. Ji ,-i .'lit*-., d I '-flj W It. Il wh ' nc 'e.-'l- i-f' in I li iiiy 'Ih- III'"! in tt i fii'" ni Ihe np|i' .it n: III l!.' ni> th in tiing lo'-al fan - ■ ri- dr.iid I'l ti li' C heeall .*' n| Ml*' '-Inn' I'l" 1.. 1M1I' H.n'li r. I'-te Anii-ri ■ I.ea-^u** vi-t tan, H'-i >’iilie . ti*--'. - iiiiler 'iihiM' nd i'lim'''. lumu-iod p> 'ioi. ly. T.v iiiiionul .-top.- hy Faulk aid a ga clothing catch hy Smith of I’riiv- liiu-r. Ship Faulk’s fiilring wa.-; -ensational •'( sicond and P-m M;.ni.'.' v.ii,-h nf Red na'kerviilc's t’ig'.rs oficiisive with two for foil;' ijalterie'. Eagles; Bampa*'. Jen kins and A-'hfor'f. Ral'l‘■h TiipTi-- Cuzart. Waireii aiiM Camp, liner was amazing. Paulk led ths CAPITAL CAB OKA DOVE Mt’SICCOMPAAY VXTifl’R DOVK. Prop. Aiitiiniiitic- Ph(iiiii"i-a|)hs K ntt'd Kni StH'i i.tl Oeea^loll^ ■1' lii'lal»«'l nn Cnrnim'hin" Ba'is SEI.n T KEfOKUH Ol'K SPH't \I.TV Dial 1-2744 i »!l 4 ( -AB-ARKI'S ST. emr BASEBALL TUESDAY, MAY 14—4 P. M. X Raleigh TIGERS New York Black YANKEES Chavis Park WEDNESDAY, MAY 15-4 P.M. RALEIGH TIGERS ST. LOUIS STARS ADMISSION 75c FOR • WALL PAPER • PAINTING • VENETIAN BLINDS Excf'llence in workmanship and Maleriar, AT BARGAIN PRICES CAM. /• WILSON WALL PAPER & PAINT CO. 713 E. MARTIN ST. TEL. 3-1345 24-li€iir -Zr /Ambulance Service f.et us carr.v .vour ill and in.jured to and from the hospitals in a mod ern and comfoi-table ..mbulance from M; LIGHTNER—Funera/ Home THAINED ATTENDANTS 3-1676 Telephones 3-1677 L, T. LICHTNEH. Mgr, Madam Eppy $1.00 (No to be classed with Gypiiet) First Time In your City. State or County Special Reading MAKES AN HONEST PROPOSITION . I l'i hcieby nol'minly swear (o m.ike no charge li I do not faithfully ai'filJ •very word embodied in thu; statement 1 'amII tell you just whaf ."U want to know about friends, enemies or rivals, whether husband, - • wife or sweetheart is true or false; how to gain the love of the one you ' Dost de.sirr; control or influene*' the action of anyone, even though awn.'.. I furihe>- guarantee and pntmis*- to make you no charge, unless vou find me .superior to any one palmust you ever consulted. * I hi'rr I,*; no hope so fond or wi.sh so great that 1 cannot accomplish for ■ u. I guaiantee .'Ucee.ss where al) other palmists fail. I give never-failing advice upon all matters of life, such as lovc» .t ' ii'tship. iraii'iuk*', divorce, business, law suits, speculation of trans- n-’ions nf all kinds. I never fail to reunite the .separated, cause speedy '• Old happy mairiage.-;. overcome enemies, rivals, lover.s' quarrels, evil 1,'ibit;. stumbling blocks and had luck of all kinds. I lift you out of your .sorrow and trouble and .start you on the patl) ' happim'as and prosperity. There is no heart so sad or home 'a ■ar\ tiial I cannot bring sun.-;hine to, in fart, no matter what may ‘' voui hope, fear ei anibiti''n. I do guarantee to fell it all before yoa. • I ' name to fhl? statem-nl. MADAME KPPY. ” No tui lutie i.'liing, my '’-•jiI' i- >nentali.-*m. All business cunfidenti^L i Can be seen from 8:(k) A M till 1D:0D P. M Madame Enpy prides h*’rself on the fact of being the only palmist in he world who has, during her stay in England, been officially sum* ■noned to St. James' Palace in London to read for his late majesty, King E.lward VII. Located on Rt. 1. Raleigh, going north. Wake Forest Road, just pait' the city limits, next to th* Cool Motor Inn. Look ior Pullman TraUet,,-. Watch for hand sign. ' '*’ : utter a word to me, and if I do not faithfully fulfill every word * i claim above, men you pay me not a penny and I do herewith sigK’i