../ViVi'A PA of; r.ix THE CAROLINIAN WEEK T:NniNr, SATIJRDAY. may 11. 1946 Negno Actois' Charges Place Ebuity On Spot i COUNT SASIE OFF TO SWING CANADIAN FANS WITH GREAT BAND Basie to Get $3,500 Per Night for Dance Dates HAMCTONE OBSERVES ]5TH IlH-l NKW VnjJK • Jiunp IsiUK ‘>l Swi":;. " wh" I - »'• n nlly pl iyms; i'- tti it'P .-..■t. will pilHl »llf icco liiKli jiiKii.’n ii'o ot •' ' li>nr iloi w i i-k Phonograph Records Seeks ijffQjjps gfQjjjs yEmjoFRUNNiNS Way to Black Market Prices TO M0VE_FAST wfvir vr»ii vw iAN»*i M • will i'l.iv ilii- N view, Semi' v ' il>"t • (u.- ■n.' t fl.iy I- 1 il'li h- - ri fji , • tiir. II ECKSTINE AT CLUB SUDAN 1.1 , )i 1 • I).-I • ih !•.. I ikiii.; nil l.i- I M-.y ;*ll. 1 Ni:\V '.'onK a.nii/e Singmi; Idol lUllv I’rk lull-, w'h ^ I. i-iirn n’- ly holding fmth with hn oiilic;11.. ill ill! I’MgiMUn> III I''!' I'ni'n'l (’liib Sudan in Uaili ni, ha:- hern ann^'iiA.; line of l»:«' la:;w t Ian vhlb hillow- infcs id at.v I'opiilar ai'i't Billy'-i i aii'i-'t fun chili, with head- ipiart* r:i in H-irle i . fniiMi-l' 1 mote ll- "! rt lHin lun ik- ineinbi p. jiiul he d> name -Tl’.i' T .1 Who In Wlie.i Hilly tJui.- Oi.tr Tlie N.dmn.n MiUv Kck-liiie K.i i Cltih. liavinp rh.i|*t' i'‘- and hiaiichr.. Ill exM'v , la’e nl die nin n. |ii'c- srnllv hna li iipwaids of inn.tUVl the faineil mnnhe:-. and . x.iandnif, daily. Section" is once aRam rockinw th- The n:ilion;d oig.ini/alion leci'nl'y band’s bra.-is and ru-d sectioiTs anu voted it.cif th- nane of - The Vi - its dynamic .sokn.sts. I,dors", taking llnil litl- from B;l- B-fm'f heading m'o ( atiada. ilv ly’s nickname of "The Vibrato'’ ••Jump King and his hand-men will A milinnal (.mvuitinn in NVw play dance d:d.s on S-.Uird:.v. .^ York ' f Jill hm chibs ni' the pnpuhi’ ». at C livei.lion Ball. Atlantic Ci.y. bronxe ball.aieci is bLing planiua and Sunday al the Arena in Ne.. to take place next ntonlh. Haven. Th/ J 'a,- do '• I .1 lefnrn v i-1' 1 - In b I'-lh d up . - in .ippc..i-it; I'aiu.iiaii pi'iA inc- Tltc C’lilild. nu'd e’r.;;c'i-1 • id al luxe Ri.xv Tlieati I lake In Ihc ter.-. •( ill ’ IT'db Stic- Ai'nlln Thealii i!i Hailein jnrlb - lore i.om:: into the knsy. c w.. aimni.tired ll'i.- wank by hi - inaiiad er. MUlnil K.l.'biiis Basie i- t |nr the we. k of May I7 at the Apollo 111 a f;.:t reiiirn h-okmg alter liux- dig jiist playcil the f. ir.efl ‘‘Hoi. >• nf .lump'’ in Harlem last .I.imudV necenl reviews by miiMc ct-ilh'. have hailed thi-; picsent Baue hand ;.s ":h L'.-e.it.'-t IliO (’oi.t ha- .We. had'■ With .lo .^•lle« and W.d'-- ('age hack m tla- ('... ;c l.d.l a dit.ins and . IiI . n-.peetu.-lv. .\ll-.\meric III Hhyt mi-, n 1 npll> Hnil.h lii'L'i.i w. 'ii.. ■! !..- S-'l.lf V'CI (i 'M., Wat.-ll,' M-, Man C.iuu H'l’ne. ’ lli.n'i Y 11 Cix " ami "Kin ■ Crusader NKW YCdl \K 'AN!') Maik- ih. fir:' tone dvjt Negr'“ - hav I l.mnetied ru-.w.l company cp-ipp- Thl : di"- .en doll.a . id.il lie-'I di . I{ die "Wa!); ri uci rdiiig.- til i'. |il .'..'.I 1-eiwi cn !’ ehat Riidd\, in e.inijMiiv widi I...:, er Kr. Ilk S.nid of i|i.- ;.,l .-\gen.-. and hi' i'n..d n-a t the ;.ame ; cltv’s |. adj;:.; of >i.,ck." e !■■• a' e.ich of In- • id . hops - ; .'chediih’d tiii-e of Muddy' w I:.. I I. (ilty c'ld - i er h- M'Vi'i. ■■■• on die •'■Hlll'l- ti; .1 th • ■■-' • '..II ni-; weie •‘.•olli-.-tor's lUn. J- , - .| '. ,:b th. l.:' '••'I-I of ha\ i . Buil.l; go on the ai. ' i” ' In - • loid-.d.r payii.g the ''‘'lack n ark'-' ’ niiv; S.ind- i-in.'l..i.l'.v took ti.'- I liter ( hoicc. Hindy icp-iu iK.if );.• t Tieounie. • e.l a mnlar iiicid. id in Kum. - i'll. i- ci'idlv. wh.'i'i- ■ I'cord d.-.-i erd-'lured tl.ai c.-itai.i old rec-'d by CniHd Bar:.- I .... intu'll a I'll dollars ajiiiwe. William G. Still Pens Theme for Jewish Group and I I.eMoyn- I'oll.g NKW YORK lil'.i d to Ik- t)i> For what i'. Iv LUNCEFCR'J /eein’/tars . . .|SWIN8S COAST - Kili Luuis-Cunn fight T*''' Vised exclu.sivi-ly hy NBC . . .Iju-'t Ciduiiibia Bi niiv Jind R( cln-dvr cume to Niw Ynik i.uiniiiiT fm- )f I'rcadi-asl. Ma-r H'th. which close.. Ili( in-ogratn'.'. 1 Hh v- ai '-n t;i • an . . "1 Dirln'l M.-an A Word I ‘vnid’’ It Klta ^ •• .-'gei-ald'.i '.i»''s' ;.i ini-v'in rci-ot.l . . . l.ouis .lo • ch.n'.s fatliei, .Inn .J-ndati. e.iiifid' ■ tna! In- hig.itt giving liOiiie clai. net h'rsions wln-n If win- s.-vi-:; \e;n-.; okl and that ,-iiinet;im-s !i- pi'iictici-d two an-.i a liaH hours .'i n* m«‘ wa. «iay . . . Ml... Chiirlis I’olelti iti- '.Viiten an arlicJe f*r th.- n-'.\ AlU.’niC Maga/ine in which she dis.-u-.si's In.w- t.. 'iiring up chii- diTi) in a wfirM of m.'tny (n'lipa- tJuuaiiian Si-xt-t, . iiave iceordv i u.'Mi.n in which Slam St wai: • 1 ;.ss gi-o-.v!.' on ’•'ligiT Ihig" at. I '.'.iti't ^!lsilenavln ' . . . The c.i ' Fe nnv C.nbi hroiighl ag.iinsl ih - i-'Wirof B;g B'-.-m. I’iihifiinia n .-nntain f .so; t in Suut hern (T.'ilt f.iinia) in winch li.-.'ii.-tl for dan. ; l.l 111.- tlinr .«12(M»hll. W.. iM.peii.-d .-I lew weeks iigo wh'-. t!,i KKK wa. .x|)o::ed .is oper;- lit.g in lliai a.-ea . . . CaiK-j , bl'iUghl lo llgilt !l.i II c iigh oiy was told. He had reservt . LOCAL INTEREST TO INCREASE a cabin at .\iidn-ws Lodge in Bi Hi ai for two wu-ks an;t pa::l o; the entire time ;n advance. To- dav he .-md hts paitv ariiv. i. thev we:.- attack' fl ami ' un oul ot Bn' b. tin- lewn. pc. Klla Kil/geial.l «\ 'he ciiiie i' I e! 'Ml 1|-'-iiiin. " ^ . .Ml N. i.|*. Si, Bill ' '- 1. -II .*1 tile t’.idi Sii.I oi . I.:i.-- IS- ii.e-e 1 -a. ly .'i Ni;w YORK .oinmii fori .-md hi - oi.-n. .'tr . w i'l t :. wil.l blue yomi' r iti IT-.- le'.gtli Ilf the .•oiinii tliu-. w.-ek loiir ffoin N’- 'o t,.- - 'i'..'. b- ‘ .1 w-.iy M'ly I .lie! •.-• .-.d- -n wlleii the I I ... efol il 1-.iti. the ' tai;. .'I III.' (li j.li. iiii in I,.'- Angeles. .'n- I.‘.ii;; |■.-.•..!a.I/l•l ...- ihe f.ir.-in-- • d- advocate of .-in tra\.-l kn l.iilin.g dance biiii'is, Jiinn.ie ha. i-ti,irl»-ed I Theater (' i:!' i h:.sto:y. a N-'gio compos. i . lil contrihuk- a .u W' work te . J. .-!i S;. nag'jgUL- when, n ci-ntiv. ;n ■ Par!: Av. mtc S.vnagogui- ii y. .V York Cilv gave the fits; p. rft.itnance any'.vliere to William fT,:n' Sti!;'- setting of F'salm 2^. -.' l-.ich the eomp();;er Iia.-i titled 'ij e Voice of t!u* Loid.’’ This is a . .K.iig example of tile growm ; L'-artu.-.- -J Itlie l-;-L)lhei-:io.; 1 '-i 1 and tin- med for m. ii of ai; .. ., titiirtiw il iiue personal pre-j iidu-es and .-hare in the gift:: G. . J;;. !..--t..w.d upon eiu-h of lii-'.i; W..in .Mr. Still '.vjis invited • ' - inp.., a -iV.'i'k f' :■ fni.s SablK'! i K'.- Seivice, he -.-eeU’l ;i *i.|n th.- P.:|i!e ;e. being of ih'- n-r .1 nniversiil iH 'ippe.'il ;ind yet V iili a 'I reel .’ipii’ii .’iiion to ini. j-,. ’ i l it- nc'-.i a.III. Hiivid .1 i". it'. A''-nne B.'-':iiig"g'i" ‘ xlen.' t'I ill.' mvil.'iti-n t.i \,i .-still iin.' .-. ii; . :llg I’le |: adUlg I' MOr 'o' ' iniisioiil Ioinp e.i!'.on a* tl'e ; .u.;.--. B.'V. .Mdh'ti St'-mberg . -I the Park .'\'.emic Syr,- Krv. ftlvim ’I- SeUle. orlRinaUr unit diru-tor ef 'UV "Wints Over Jord.in." rellgioUH prgerjin which K HOC in H- rlgldU yoar. Kev. Si-tlh- is pj- t »r of the ficthse- i.raiip l>apti»l thurch. CTevrland. Ohio. MK.MPHIS 'AM*' t.-erefii.iii;c lo ob-«iv:inco of the T-'ilh aniiiv--r- .■.ary - f I.eM.-vr,.- College, only msli- iiilion fer higner .dm..non lor gioes III 'll inphi-:. wie h'Id h- r- .-n to offer c mpuilioii in any of, hw (lire day - la t wi-. k. Hr If-db-' ■1,.. in ijoi- wax firms. Mr- (;iad> ' Pnof. 1"■-id't.», w. -oimd hoi.- H.m-.pten. amioimced tin. week tint -'-md'; ef alum, i :.nd o.eod- I- the Hampteiie Rec..rd.s i.^ now a (t-imf -^‘’hnot dining th.- ‘ ‘ Kii L .1 l.-.ic-hcr 11 iinm.-. sch'sd. • Ml ihiinnlei,. wife ..f Ihe dyn;.. in d-d a -slaiidaid 'mic lund leader. I.iotnl Hampton, two year college eiinicnhini h.ads the new lahcl ;-nd statixl Ihtf Ih- name w.is 'dv'"".--1 t (disc fi-rn has a tnree-told puipese. Junior C’ollege lii l.T.tfl, l.cMoyo' , --I feel." the said, "no great .-f- rcceiv/d Cl-. r. A i d.ng Tort has been pul forth by the Southern A-'Oci.ilion ‘ major firms to give piojicr attcnlioti and So ondiiry Srh.tol lo Negro pcrfurmi r.s. Today, rc- 7'^..,,^. rorris have but the making of the l>K.l.T.-\ ^ J' ' ...iijo. 1..V i.f C'UI- b.iml niid SII..-,. I'.l. t ‘ '• CIS. We inlcii'l to giv ’ timny more IS JAl KSUS\ll-i.r. an outlet to prove themselves. i ..T7TT-— -Not only will we ipecUdizc in JACKSONVJl.I.K. Ma. * hot jazz and .-wmB, but also m the, Gamma f-.ta Sigma cki-.Mfal and olln r varied form-: ot Sigma Tin .da was org..m/.id Thu - f.dk imsie. Hamplonc in time will d;iy hy Mrs. Addie M. iffei- emplovimot lo young men t-rn regional thredor of and wom.n miere.a.M in (he tech- Officers are. I-h.rirta-nuModge- „i...d Old dUrihtdim: aide of ttu- \Valkcr. president; Tlulina Ha.i .- l.ivmg--toii. Vice pi-c'idenl: Wd i: One of the fiist rel.ascs will h- Lee Joyner, x. relaiy: I.iJlie Bel- Lionel Hampton’s Hey Ba Ba lie- hop," Part 1 and 2. fcaturng Wyno- \Mle. trca.si.ret; Fay ^ me Harris and the Hatnpton All-' mon. Sgl-at-aim:.; .Mn 'belle Blood- . worlh-T’avlor. journalist iiiid p.u- AIL H. J. Thi rpe, ‘jr. (‘(ll.OlfKIl l.AJ5()llKUS waitli'ti ltd’lilt’ ('il.V S.'initfH’y I)i |dii IiiK-iit. Sleady work. Appl.v .'.17 I'l. Uiivif SI. Stars. ECKSTINE GETS NEW NAME The Hampione label further ex- i li;inientarian pands the activities of Jeffeisntt- ; chaplain. Ti'uvis in the uisc fw-ld. Recently they puicrased both the Musiciafl and Gild fitm.s. Hainpt. nc will have : the services of the JeHerson-Tr..vis I prr.sKing plants in Los Angeles, Oa- -ining N. Y. and N.-irwalk, Conn. -V- DISCHARGt: PAPERS LEGAL DOCUMENT.S PHOTO COPII'T) Minur SrrvIcrT Letter size 8x 11 $1.00 eacit aide. .tlad iirdrrs with cash (ivni prnmpl .ilti-nthm. t'se rrgb»- terrd malt. PERRY'S .tdvcrlisiny A“en(‘y 133'. .S. S.alubury St, It.M.r.Kill. N.f. ;\ll rorot.s of atUorli.siiip phioncd. wnllcn, pLict'd No Joii too lar«e or loo small .Vn.ANTU.' CITY. N .f Billy Fckstine. young .Xinericii's new Mn„- o • idol. I..IS he.'ii named ’ Tiit- Man W.-'d M''st l.ike To Conn- Hom^ T'l" by a conlitigenl of Negro WAf.! ircdical leclniirians at the Thoni-'- M Fi'ul.iiui (Biu'i-al P.t.sp:Ial hri. Billy PLAN MIXED OTHELLO CAST RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM FRioav 9 F. M. MAY >250 AT HALL >3.00 RESERVATIONS FOR COLORED SPECTATORS nvi-l‘-d f’.47 Army ani-.-aft '.\hi'-h to milk'- hir cro---coiinli..- j;>iint. TF:e l.inie.-ford b.ind u 11 hike i.ff liom N'W Voik '.ii M..;.- I and play eM;:.i:;'-i>i nl in i‘i!| .. l'in.;h, r.iil W.r.Me. South Beiia. K.iir.-'. ("i*y, Tnpi-I'a. Wu-h.i •, f*:-- I ihr.ma 1'It-., Hen-..r -vi l.lt I..*', Cii.v i-n roi.ti- 1.. I' ill'..i iii.'i Th- I nii-'f ri (iigin will I - tl.- In I .■( It : Ki.'d I nil -I I h. New York (ANF) — a new iwi-t to an old tale may lx- .s'.-rv t-d up on Bi-tgidwav nt-xl si.-a.sin- unit:-.;; tin- plans of Nati- Kaison ■ m:£t-ari.v. . . .. i The theatrical designer amU^ ha.' ivi r appeiircd at the hoa-federal theaU-r ; Pital. iproduction of •■Macheth" and lat-: V--^ Mike Todd show ’’Hot MiU- Aii increa«- t>f IS cents P’f.ndn” He htis rti'-signcd other parir'iT.Vriv’ gVu-'.l ! I’hiidt'il poiin.l;; han heen * ]>,n'-ulwav hits, however. in-.pi'-ter of ll'-hr.-w, Yi I U' tin- gov'r. nm.nl s , H,. is reported fo be giving .sm • . l.itii-ieieal and Pat'idinia'; t ' W'- “f I'l-h I'dnfae.s b""Lhi„ j, ,j.. prodiu-li'|n. N" . -..nc- H- i t‘i.' fir.d Amei-i h'- total price otfer.-d Im- No. j,.,., y,,i ^ imdci taken. , fml-i.. i.s ti-.ilui-.-d ''.r .hipp-ii-. P"int. 1 v ,.11 111.- Kt.-.nal L. ■'■•.I ,.l'. v - - ' .l-hii t n Cmmtj’t IfiM. coH'm i...n nil NBC WF-AF. .ml i-! n-p r :aid to le Hd icr .ei\ -cd ^ ■ v,.-.- « III. '»'=■' "-i Ji'i'igue. }!i v. Piilli riiian mm -elf. is a i - r w:i'd conceit, radi > and ii-coiti ing a-1 '.t, h’.d'l-i Mthoii Sit imIm'ijj . !>.- pel I'.--.I.111!- -. year., okl and tii.d .'om- ' me;: h |ii-ti'i:ei'ii tun an.I a half ho'ii.s a t).;iy . - - Ml.:. Charlts Polrlti ni '..hitlen an ailii'lc for th- n-u AtH’BF Mar.;./in.- m whu-’n she .ti:.U'.--; h'.'.v l.l bring ui) chii- '•ifil m a u'.iil I of m.tny peti|>!e . .sprv.i- LOCAL INTEREST TO INCREASE LIBRARY DRIVE I .. in.g in ili:il a.v.i . . . C;‘ii tl.-'Ill- w:i: hioiight to iigiii a. Il .doiy wa told. H- h.'ul rt-iervi. a i-;iLin al .\iHireW;' Ltidgi- m Ri B at for Iwo w.ek.' ajrl paid^.o t’r.e enliri- tmu- .n adv;.nce. Tn- dav n- and h;--. p.ntv aiiiv. i Ih.'V '.vc'c alTiek. (I .'iiul 'im 'ill e Bn' B.-a.- b. Ill'- ix'-.p!'-. Kila Fii/g-ral.l "o 'h.. ciiiic.i I ’vn 1,- ■' . . Ml Si -.e. I: ..'nhig Bill I’, i t. Ill ,|l 111.' ' ’hd in I." Anrcle-, l.oi.;; rc-. 1,1/1 d .1 .''Ivoc.-.te of an tiav d.nice haials. Jiir-i.it ;. . n-.el'-'i ('-47 .-Nrmy m lit" he' CIO- -I'oiiiil 1 I .nni-t foirj I' iiid w !1 1 -.v N'oik on M:..'- -nr.i'o-n,' nt in I’li: .- W.i.\ie. S'/utli Bi-ii.i. Top. 1;. W'l-h't '. O'. Hen-,..- -^d ' dt 1..'. .jilUld Tie lake off f:i 1 .ind t'l.iv I'in .. . Ci'y, l>: IS' > I S' l.'l'l-' ..t II- . 1'. n.-- I. ■ f r I lhi;l|i ■I'in;; oltl;.' HALFIGH Jaine- Carl l’:i'|i ilei-.: ..nd Mi William-: -iie.irchadetl b>mi-ii ol wlitt • kai'-MiL-i of "Ar- V'-ii \V ?h H" Malian Anderson i.pentling ■ \.ira!ion a’ her I);inbury. C.'iti. -s.-iibnrg. In me , . , P. g I.- g Bates, fe.itnre ! /\lr.:i . a tin- Klk.-; Reinlezvou-- leav-; ;in')tlicr Mav !'tb lo join tin- Ink Spots I'o lh- p rii-di'. of g"'. ’ I. h-:' n''iie li: ern: s-r.iiiiiirv toiir hy .... i.g fl-- 1: .itimg t- nor i..' • he tii'-iii' ' "- 'hi iiin-ie.d ('>mpo..ifon a' Ih. f.ir I.mill.1- ; •- P'v. Mi::--ii St-moe-'g la eb.irlied L. h 'd the Park ,\'.eiiuc Syr, a-iogae. i;> V. Pull, inian niin -elf. is a i -- e '.V ;f d cnneei t. i adi i an.l lecmt' mg a-1 -t. painl.n l.v gi'.e.l ... • T in'. I pn-ler of Jh F.t'.-w. Yi) ■Il h. 1 1'n-ii-ii-al ami P.-|li:ilMi'.'i'. .1. ..nt’-. 11. i th.- fii'^.l Ainer: . 'll m;id.- C.in'oi. r. fi-alur- t! ’ 1 ,.n Ih.- F'- ::i d Lt ■•■-t lad- . |... - r.oti on NBC W'KAF, ..K'l i • .n . -c-lii- .-.-. Vi. to- I?.-. ; •\i' t h’ lol I MiMoti Sli iiiiK'ig ..1 -• .1 Aniene.iii. I'orn in H-i (In. hr. New Vnik. H- 1. ;i tloleo holai, author of signi: ienii' pital. II-; ! teicd a ninr- rniising .-.i , Hum .iny other pi-isimal.ty > lui.s tvi-r appeared al the hns- Karson himself in best known I.) the Negro theater through his rt signs for the federal Im-ater ■produelion of "Macbeth” and lat er the Mike Todd show "Hot Mtk- r'.'l.idft" ill- has dr.signed other Jiinnne hind his ;>ii t:uiispo.i i i,-k.s on Jewidi suhje.-ts and .\n increa'-e n ID ecnis p t i hundi.il pounils has been ! |.-n»dwav hits, however. Ill 'll., govtn nmcnls .suppor jie is reported In be giving R('i- t ■ i«-e of lii'dt pot.daes. b' tngmg | No tol.-il price offered for N"- ; yet be. u undertaken. f. to for .'.hipYnn”. |>oiiil. ' ..v ^ __ .1..hn I tl County’: fH«» eoH"" nep I-. :ail lo le t^r e'y' S;iM-Ill-Wiisii-Kiis!!! , larger than from .n new airline that w.i> ly st.nii-ri m (•aiinectirui hy m-\.' .1 fi'i miner Ar-r.v Air Forces pilot (-.iifoimil iirtn-l-s w!iu-h have ap William-: >|ic.iien;>aei ;iri-nii'-. ' "V"’’•• „ -'i t""‘:tnei .-yi-r.v Air F'lrces pil.d th,„k .....L-k f... c-tl'y Kii‘- ..t .n.,1. C'.li- und'-rwent a seend opt-t’-i lion at Madl-m Hospi'al in L.: Angele.s. V Harris, n .a: it in ai -: Mark mi its d.ivi- for SIO.IWO. wdh mfts of oue hiindied d.>llai>. iwi. ty-fivt- d.dlar- and twoiily-fu’c dol lars resp.-i tiv.-ly Smiporling tin - rpoeh in.ikiM:, -•'l.iek ic le' ThoMI ' Iv'll'-I- Ul'll H". (he f- le villt- S‘ bo I I I'd' r 'lo- Ml, H I-' Will"". vii', . r,.i' of $i;i, in.' (till :;-i\ii'e (lig.ini.- *tinii. iiii.ier 'be h'.'.l. r hip of Mi I.auia Blown, pi-c-.-ni.d fiMe.a dollar;' Tin- W.n- Oik .Siliool. nn .i.-r Ibe ' ne i.' i. "f Mr-. .' T i.o'k.-. sent Iweiily Iwo ilolln' aiul tliiil'- N. Y. TO HEAR TUSKEGF.E CHOIR iiiK Mu-h a trip by i-ii-. mat':-lr i I.nnc fni-'l fxpK.ined that ii- ov. -- tdl cost will In- eoio-i.l.-i ;d)ly 1. •• than by eitlic'- iraiii .-r In.- It ai i affoni-. flu- l.ii'ie-fod li.ind Hi.- e. pill inoii V Ilf Ol ;, i,.o.| lo wel. ly - .-p o .'l.'d .-etioo . '•( Hh- . 'Mpili \ . o piiop III .1 w ";M le po d'l.- only by -i- ir.iv.-l . .1 in lea.ling Ann-rtv-ai. nuig i /ip. - rulb rman, who is Canlor ot ti. COrNT B,\SIF TO OPFN AT IIO.W TIII ATFK NFW YORK iCNf. Coin, P I H- ■ p.'Mio;: Hie Ii .XV T)"'.il' M.iv 'Snii 'i-.il-- Inin (be (o t o n... |.t.- ..t Ho- Ho- Ill .•g'.. He will NF.W YOltI-; lANI'i • if , .'f icid.-'. H.e I{'-li:;liuis .ll.-lvi: t lo M.' n.iiiii Wi-i- Hi A.-i p'-es.-nt 1 iiiai.'hr There on'- -'."i me.-t C. S. Biod.-n Hnivi-i.sity wilh 'The '.V'Jihi's ni-li'iion.i." C. K ai-.noiii-rrd -.Ct- clioir will hi- p f 'll V .-eiiti-r n.'xi M i v - f..III'.II.. gioiip i ill Ni-v' I lid Hie iinv.-iling Book.-r T W.i- iiiii;' n .. H III ■! F. by Ba il Tim fl ' h\ It..- ’fl iii-etde.l ,1 — AT — Atlantic Beach, S. C. Bey and Btiild on the rmesl Ct'Conn-' McCartiu-v de ci dx :■ "Great Worn- chtmman of the hnai'l of Iru.st.-c; '.i ; en of Ihi' Bibl'-.’' W. H B-iwic. as-, Turkegee. [ b'elates hiir-elf with "Gieat M.-ii Th.- elioir w..s widely pi.blli-i/i-f of the Bible " A Schv.c- ’-. r gi\i s. rt"-. ntly when it was Rr.mled p-r-j an idi-a 't .•omp.ir;.:!' ■ religion mision by Hu- Damditers of He ! with -Clu u.ii nl;. .nd t e Heligio.-- .Anx-riean RevnUiti.iii to peif rm . of the Worl';.' . f'.- ing discov-■ next .Inne 3 at ConsliUHion BjH. ey wa;; mad.'- ny S. vood Fddy. Washing''n II will r-.:irk the fir ' Travclii-.'. Iini. N'-gio aiHsts luiv.- 'npi'iired f ^ ^ Bearh fnr Ne.jrocs in the Nation. \ ^ Hedilhf.il. Inviqorafinq Clitnalc - ^ Convenient I.oca!ion--Situated on iT^ A Uic Atlantic Ocean near famous ^ Myrtle Beach. Write for full particulars: ^ .Vtlaiilic Bcat li (;oni|Kmy INC. SUN. - MON. TUES. lU I) ABBOTT I till COSTELLO Carolina’s I’l'emiere .STARTS WEDNESDAY I •Tin; I, I I T I, i; t; I \ \ T ” LA.\A TURNER GARFIELD "mKI'OSTNlAM \I,WAVS KI.MiS TWICi:’’ !>' P. f K'-lley, m;magi--r Box llH. (*'>nw;iy, S c. Ambassador Theatre •'.Man along Id.-’ ■igh-.viiy. imd't (d at Hu- .-.ii.'lii.iriiim ani .-l.'liai- tfl disgust aii'i d.-spa.r Alherl W. Palm tiire fiom pievim.b DAK i'll!.' or dls'-'-... "Th.- I.igfit of Faith" c. s i-M., b.v ftaslc rat siluatnu, ..--.d mtiividual reatli.,.- cl;.’;!!''™™' clown to earilt with licr l.'ic-sl wm.' "The Bibl ■ -md the Com.t on Kca.!- 1-1 ■•Tl-.;' .-Xpiicrypha' by K. J. Oo.Kispeed h'j-' comg in for nuile considornblc c inmeiit H M Jitiu;. . explains at length H.e beaiilns of living in "Tilt- Radiant Lif.t " W N Pittingcr offers a bit of lelief m "The Chn.-ti;.n Way in the Modt-n World.’ Shi-rwood Ed-'ly introduces again to nulhons of icadt-rs a living kiiowlttdgr nf the Son .-f Man in "A P rlrait -if Jesus" While many seoff al tin- divinity .-I .fesus. John Efshine tn ikcs him feelingly real in "Th‘- Human I.if.* of Jesus" K. H'.w- bridui' L'i'iii-:- 'hi- ramb!ing.s of shelf to .1 'ucci-.ssful clo.'« wi-h Wisdom T:ce." Religious Bo.ii; Week is .sponsored b% ttie Nati-m- id Co.-.terence nf Christians .amt Jews, liic. Arfin ss the paths of every hum.ui being Uos an opportunity to man- u better wot Id The Richard B Har rison Library offers .-i;! avenue lo impove ct.liurul lift- .-1 your hu.t ;• yoiir duldien. your cnnimin.'i'' vouT slate, your iiaii ii. Vour gilt in the camp.ngn is the 'misiandinit indication of your iiitcrc.sl in ilii'' all out eflorl. Make il today Call y.ioi III,....,. .11' l.l-; in \.mr .uc.i THE NEW Royal Friday an-l .Satuiday WILfJ BILL F.LLIOTT in "LAW COMES TO TEXAS’* THK RANGE BUSTERS ir ■'TUMBLE D. RANCH IN ARIZONA" Sunday and Monday JOHN M.ACK BROWN in "KAN’CtK L.WV ’ Tuc.sday and Wednesday .lOE LOUIS in "SPIRIT OF YOUTH" ■ • Thursd«y Bargain Day - Double Feature . ♦WLi>q;>‘X'aH’«aOiiaflJqWt~A>C«i:qJi;i I2ih A N N U A PRE-JUNE GERMAM .\itii mu.sic l;v MK. TRl'MI'KT RSFIiHE TIPPIN* IN H/iMINS AND HIS FAMOUS TUJEDO JUNCTION ORCHESTRA Featuring Jimnn Mitclu-ll ACE HARRIS Hush ('.hirsiiaii RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY Mulii MAY .\I>FV. SALK .1il..'.0 22 LLROY R. RUSSELL presents THE4lh ANNUAL SONG FESTIVAL and Quartette Contest SUN., MAY 19 2 P. M. RAIN DATE, JUNE 9 Memorial Stadium—Greensboro, N. C. FREE $500 FREE To Be Given Away FEATURES • GI - Wedding • Baby Parly • Festival Queen • Baby Contest • Stork Prize PERSONALITIES W. C. Handy — W. W. Blocker Janies A. Jackson — George Matthews Hazel Bridges GEN. ADM. r..*;, CIIILOUF.N 35f ha FAMOUS vIctM RECORDIiG ORCHESTRA^ r FEATURING ZIGeV-TALCNTJ! SUN - MON - TUF.S~(,1 HIk D-.y-'l-MAY 12-13-14 YOLANDA .nd THE THIEF IN TECHNICOLOR StdcriiiK KKKI) ASTAIIM'/—i.l'ClLI.K P.KKMKIt With—Frank MorK.in, Mildred Natwick, .Mary Niish and i,ei)n Ame.s Cartoon “Kdkcnny Cat**' Metrotone N** WED. and THURS. MAY 15 and 16 A LETTER FOR EVIE With—MAKSIIA HI NT — JOHN CARROLL Ht'MK riiiONYN NEWS Cartoon “THE GOOSE" Chapter 4 “Blake cf Scotland Yard” FRL and SAT.—(DOUBLE FEATURE)—May 17 16 SCNSKT CARSflN — In “BORDER TOWN TRAIL’ Chapter 8 “MYSTERY OF RIVER BOAT’ With—MANTAN_ MORKLANI)

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