HinHT THE CAROLIMAN WEEaC ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1946 Continued from Page 1 SECY. PATTERSON HAILS HASTIE'S APPOINTMENT AS SYMBOL OF PROGRESS th»- Hastif appoinimont might be .‘tuccessful so that Hastu* would .stay in tii United Slates. TelPgramr. ol praise for Hast*e eaiiu- from President Truman. Seey. of the Interior J. A. Krug and Thurman Arnold, Among tha«i- pr' 'nl were former (»ov. Cr.arU s Pt>letli. C. C. Bui linghan-. Ciiarle.s Kvans Hughei. Jr.. C*h;.' W, TaiLssiK. Aitimr B .Siiinga :i and Channing Tobias. ILiitit war pre.smted a gift the Amheist alumni for the )gal «ie|e^^e fulliul of the N. A A. 0. P bv Fianc e I' H I'iinie tell |epiC'>i nllllg Ule tSO'.le. •• Ainh’ r.'-l «-«tllege V nil n K Ku.i s \\ OTHFK ATLANTAN tdl> cipet.iM Ml- cliK.i lor them and tiieiii Olio hi' room I’.il- Mil.'i.aii N;•^h 'am ttiai .o he weir over to look III ihe leebox llanl w..lk«-cl 1 waul him with an ie liiek in he liaiid. Ni.^h 'aid he fired twice hilling Grai ■’ m the' ehe*i and in the arm 'in 'fieer I'iamieit Gant continued lo ad vance Nash shoi again ,'trikiim It,till III ihe head and Gant (ell •le.id. 'he otlicc-i .'aid There was no •telion aganel Nash, as his partner eornitjoraled lie sl.itenu ut Naho ;>• else saw die 'laying. VhTS I'K KKT I'ONt'LRT afic I noon m ime lio.. .Mr Hc*l|nio inicl a r^•presentaliv•• of the new • paper iii' altitude in ihe matt'r He said- •'! .nil a conformist. I did not en»n- i * change the patlern of things in this or any oUior section ul the coiinli.' My .'ynipaiincs arr With till- iniiionty Mioup.* because I aiii a nieinb!! of a inmoiitv iF'i Note. Mr Helprin i> Jewishi” Mr. Helprin also staled that in- had disciis.'ed iht scaling plan wdh Piesidenl F 1. Alkiii.s. president o» the liijol at the linn- he- h .d re • ted Hie aiiditoriuin. utliiiiilv phii. of :eating. and that Ml. Atkim had approved the plan. I (ii m uiti w after Hu- cuiieert | Piesident All.ins iwlui had been iii- disposed and cm Id not attend the affair) staled that this was the fo-l lime simii an iiicideiil liad uccur>«‘d in the hisliiry of the college, and that, when he was approached for the rental of the auditorium and assured that a show i f high calibre would be presented, he did not thi'n: it necessary to inquire into the se.d- ing arrangements. It seem.*; that the students got wind of what was happening only on the day before the concert was to be given, and hastily urran;.i.l to protest the .situation. Tins pro gram was NOT on the regular ly- eeuin pn giam of the school. i When the cnccrf vas .scheduled, j the male stuiVnts, most of them wearing their buttons showing fk'r- vlro in World War 11. with pre-1 pared placards, picketed the audi-; (oriunv Despite this, many holders , of tickets crossed the picket lines, i A^ to tin* cimccrt il'elf. v\e didl not see it But from those s.lio did] brave ihe lines, and to wh-m we. have been foitunate ei oi.gh lo talk. | It was a farce •Sugar Chile" who | was the ONLY feature in tin- - nuuiici-tnenl winch sold the lick« only appeared for ten iiniin1«-s at voieu uguinst the amend ment. but her vote iiPiiar>.ntly ha i little weig.’-t The sO'-'-.-ityV grea'- est .stnngiu is sain to be in tnc inidule we'!, aim mi uy ■*( the .‘i4 . chapters are m the .'ouih .... V- - .lAMFS HOI.MLS TFNHLRS KLSiriN.VrHlN lMH.lt URL Iquesleu ih. JOCB.N'.-M. ' - wait ui.iil I the reptirt wa-i complete Th*' was done III tali'.es- !i. ll'diiii and ,-ilh Hie and. .'U-iOit,»; I ti a t III • nil ol .VMii wot.la til .|iplit'd GOP Leaders Connucted With in N. Y. NF.W YORK 'ANPi — A legal :w kill Hii Ku KUix Kla- >» Kanuf.ilion in this .slat, was started here last wek by .Slat.- Alloniey Gi .Olid Nath.iiiiil !■ ( Idstein, who obla-netl an order lo vacate me KKK,‘ cliJiUi fum. N-w Y*.ik Sapunn- (■•lUii .lu'Ucc HeiiJ.' II b.-i. MASONS TO AID IN SOLVINO RACIAL ANCLES btaiiud a eluirtcr htrv by a snlCerfuge a. P'ottinber. 1922. ..lied ■ .ifliiiavil lilut by A'-’ Ahv Gen 1' Hodms ('nnibler Un- .i.-r tb.' guise iif a Oii ck-U-Uer ira- leiniiy Alpha Pi Simula, li KKK look advantage of . loopboie III the W.ilkei anti Ka Lbix Klaii law of l92;i. which pro- Mdi-d that every membership and ^p^,.•i.|l/cd a tivitio of Ih. 1 a ro'ler .if mcri-.bcis and officers | [.y.iyy, w-t re among the m-i with the Si retury ol state, except i i-ssentiiii facl.s stressed b 111 I ..nd coll, -e fraleroi- K;,iph 1, Kvans. I). i> G .M f r lb Ocl Iti. 19’.’.'>. tin- Klan , ihsirict of North Carolina i BY GKO. r KING j .SGHTHl'OnT How the F and; h. A. Ma.sons of the jurisdiction of' . the North Carolina. Dr James F Shei'-j b'g-d ;.rd. M. W. G. Masl.r, i' helpi.ig' lo solve certain compt.caied po-l | war prublen'.s in .N iih leil It' iiKlilfid and Women of Hn- Kn • member , F and Latest effui-t lo w KKK inoveinent h.-re 'fii yi-ais of exi'teiici hate bvi-n started by gani/ation .lu .tir. I-red lialiiwin ui-hc' l.> aiiniiuiice Hie marriage ol his tlauciiler. Kali e ft. ftj.i.wm, '■luwii 4go\e to Mr Calvin t . i'a'ton. ol I'ittsliurgli. I’eiui. fhe i'ereniony was perloriiied .It the lionie of .Mrs. hliaahetli ration. .March X. li> Hu- lt.'\ .Mr. Itussell. ui nitshurgh. •Mr |{a>in.ti>il Johnson, ol nils PuikIi. Kavc (lie linile in iiialri ipe out the .liter iieai.v- I.' s.iid Ul > threatemu.t, w.'.te Miss : exi-cntive .sei-r.'- Y'lrk C.'omniillee jHiri oil .April U riueting was Lein^ spon- A Laiigsl' '.f t ,e Ne- Ml'. -1 me. .Mo. lal- h-y. of l>4\lon. Olmi. l.nRH-rly ul W tluilii|;loii and ueic- ol Mr and .Mis i. ISaiilen til VMliiiiUKtuu. Was maid oi honor and .Mis. Tiius. ttillianis ui riltsburgli was best man. •Mrs. Fa.tton was i graduate of tViiliston IiIkIi seliuol and attend ed Washington liUsinevs Institute of New York City. M'hile in New Vork. -Mrs. Payton was employ ed as clerk lor the Treasury De partment. Bureau of Inteiial Re venue. '1 euuple is now residing at X Ba s riaee, ritlsliurgh. Mrs. ra>l> IS the Kraiu-daughter of .Mrs. A nie .Mallette, ot Wilming ton. .I'huto by Corstaii Mudio. .New Vork Cltyi- Savi* ^(Hir ViiisU* FatslII Ificiel ..ddi f P.iiiaguia.' I.iHlge. No M.. C W Lee. W .Master.' ..re la.'t Friday eveiii.ig at the leg- il.r roinn.iiiiication .1 ihi' sub'i - liiiaie lodge Tiiai rhe high objectives of the adminustarti-n of Dr. James K Sbepaid, .\1 W G M . cie efh-ctive-, ly evidenced by the raiiidly expand ing mcmbersiiip of the Grand i.odggi ,n this jiiri.sdiction were revealed sored by Hie commiit- e m protei i I jiyre Friday ■veiling when five Ihe killing ol iwt. .Negr C' b> a d*-’-, yomm men of sterling «|ualilies - liccman in Fieepoii. 1. I ; !| i,f them graduates of the sph n- The Icliei t" Miss Langston w.|i did high school lieie. Prof A C. wrilte:; mi Hie stationery of lb ICaviiuss. principal, and two oi Kl.ii^ and signeci by •■James H, nhem honor students during the:-- M.inl y Great Kligrapp." A card.. high school careers; f ur of thtin ii. ade.l Flee the Slaves or i9-tti. ’ having welt server! in the arnud ..e- enclosed in the le'K-r, Cmnbier’s forces in the i.-cen' glob. confUd aif.davil i.vealed . n-cie given th. .Master Mas*.. "It is irspectfi lly siibmilt.sl," the degree. .ilfulavn eoiilinned, ‘'iial the let- fids seapoit is noletl b*-eause m lei of the Klan discloses a deter- ij,,. t apabiiilies of Ih*- majority o! ■•.ii.i'nui by those who are iiiier- [jn- culoitd male inhatiiiant' m lb. esled in its affair.s to accomplish. ij^hiiig industry on the Atluniic ■r- i, -ec.-i and sinister purpo-e ,.>ast. They are perennial (act-rs |•.•gal•uk•ss of the declared public m this industry resulting in a splen- policy Ilf this state." did economic succes.' for them and .A .'upp.rling atfid.-ivit by Gr.M- y higher standard of living Piitha .'loin said. ' In my opinion, the veiy yorus L«xige is largely composed of cxi'tence of un organization of this these substantial men who by en- tipe is mimical to ih-- public wel- during habits and skills character- fare. since it represen's every'hin,; ized the industry in no uncoriain that is i.ndemocraliiv and contrary way. The other members of Hie ICOLLEGESGET i IKOUSINGJNITS ATLANTA (ANP) — To help take care of the thousands of veterans crowding their doors, 10 Negro col leges in the southeast have been given 801 additional hnii.sing units from the governments' stockpile -f . prefabi icuted colleges, dormitories - and barrack.v put up during the war around defense centers and . on military posts Tuskegee will receive 203 units: : Agricultural and Mech.inical college jut Oraiigeburg. 115: Gri-eiisboro A .md T.. 99; and Florida A and M at Tallahassee, 90. Atlanta colleges will gel the foJ- , lowing number. Atlanta UnivefSiiy. ! 20; .^ / eh use ^ColU•gc, 43; Morris Brown, 10 These ur" in :idditioii, to the "prefab.'' already standing 1 un the campuses or in Hn- prin-e's! of being re-i rected i Save Voiir Waste Kats!!!l Mist Ourella Gibson of Col lege Heights. Faveltevllle. who is to be bride in pupuUr GI wed- dinr at musical festival in Greens boro Oil May 19th. MRS. LUCY HARTK SMITH Fir-it woman pres'danl of lha Konlucky Negro Educalion as- .ocialion in *C yrars, who presided over Ihe yOlh session held 1 leoenlly in Louisville. For Iwo years she has also served as presi- | deni of the Kenlucky Association of Colored Women. Mrs. Smifh j is principal ol Booker T. Washinglon school. Lexington, (ANP PHOTO! i Does \ (uir Hail' Neeil .Somelliiii" SjM-cial t«. our Ameicun way of Ufe." lodge , N'fW'papemeii uncovered Horace A. Dimarest. deputv state m- to/ •.•(-hide commissioner of Queen.s and a top-ranking Republican leader there, as one .f the sponsors of ih“ Alpha Pi Sigma fraternity on Sept. ]0. 1923. He was gueslioned by Ally, , SiHnrS I litll} (•Ubil Gt-n. Goldstein but told reporter.s j' wifl h- km-w nothing about the Klan. "I 'nor did he sympothire with KKK HALIEOH — Roma I.uca.s. woo l.roarams. He admilli-d beini! a "> -''“d '1 " root-sod imn.nr ol 'he suMerli.se charter, ""d carrying .. hroke.i phtol Ire- for a "wainirt m w* tough. FINED ON P!Sm 1!?' Midalo No LA Writ.- MrrU N*> LA Mail No but sain his cunnccti i fitlmcial bbiisidoration when he ■ was broke H- could give no Infor- rnaiiun of Hu* wh'leatKiuts of R L. N"i,i' 111*- luwvec vho dr.-w Hie Alpha Pi Sigma iiicoip' ration pap- «-i' who IS n-poi'ted lo ha>-** givmi I $IIH> for his signahire. t ihs. W'.IUmp -.iili.KI:iii wearing their buttons .showing s-t- | vi^'D ill World War II. with pr'*- | pared placards, picketed the audi torium. Despite this, many holders^ of tickets crossed the picket lines. ; As to Hit- citiu'iil 't'4-lf, we didf not see it. But from Hiose who liiti i brave ihe lines, and to wiv in we, have been foitunate ci uugli to talk.; Il was a fill'ce "Sugar Chile ' wlio was Hu* ONLY fealiin- in Hi* .. nuuiiceiiienl winch sulU the tick*'':, ■viily appearevi for ten minnles at Hn; end of the ;how. H*- was .goiiU. very good foi a seven vvar old. al most imposMblf*. but will he long leinemheri-ti in this city fur the way in which his niilial appearance was carrii'd oi I V- Dll. H. J. BRYANT HOST TO A. M. L. CONFKKKNCK from represeiilative orKanizulions of Baltimon*. The closing of tl.e conference wa.s rnark-d by Hn aj>- polntmeiu of the mini.'lers and pre- ■iding elders lo vail f 'ections ot the Second Kpi'copal District whic.i iiiciiide; .Maivl.iiid. W.i-hineton. North Cai'olina and Viigini.i V (iK.AND JliRY KKST ON •I’tNN. KIO'I CASi; under Hu- till*- of Tin- Truth About Columbia, Teiin.. Cases " During ihi flariiip in Cohmibia Iasi Fi-h 25, about 7.5 highway natroimen and MiKi state guardsmen ent«rt'd Ih- Negro vicinity. Two prisoners were ktllid by prison guarl' inside Hi jiol, A total ol 11 p«-'iins, eight ol whom were low enforcemcnl offic- e,d.*l Gen. Gald.stein but told reporter Save Vem- Viasle Fats!:""' Need nor did h*- sympathize with KKK progiams H** admitted being n •pimsur of the subterfuge charte*’, but said his connc-cti n was for a fiiVincial dtmsidtualion when he was breikt He could give no infor- inaiion of the wh' reabinil' of R L .NiMiii, Hn- l.iwyer vho drew the Al|*ha pj Sigma incorp- ration pair eis. wlio is lepurletl to hav*- givi*ii Deiii.ii'esti $HIU f-tc ills signature. Violation Ilf the Walker aiiti-Klan law. „ iiii.'dvineuiioi'. is puiii;.hable by one to five years in jail i*|{i\(:fvTijj: nkws drew a $.5o fine and a stispt'nd d sentence in Superior Court he*-e Monday Counsel fir Hu- lef-n(Tnnt plead ed Hial Lucas was "jisl a simjiie U-.y al liiari who poked Hu- hr- k- «-n, empty weapon into his pocket, so ilial Hie girl' might know that uniiM I iiiu uuun i HALIKOH — Roinn l.ucu.o. wao c-;.me to town clad in a zout-su t and carrying .1 broken pistol bf- eause he "vcanli d Hi be tough. ’ drew a $.5ii fine and ,1 suspeiul:d sentence in .Superior Court he*-e Monday Coun.sel for Hu- def«-nfttioi plead ed that Lucas was "ji si a simine li--.v ill Ilian' who puked tin- bi-k- I'li. eiiiply weapon into his pockci, so ilial the girls might know that i.c- was "tough,' tnii .linlge Hemy Grady ordered payiiu-nl ot costs and a fine of $.‘iU on Hie eonreait-d weapon charge DR. BROWN POTS UP GIFT SF.W YORK Dr Charlotl' H.iwkins Drown, prominent edu cator. Director of ih*‘ Palmer Me-I morial In.stimte. stated rocent.v' that hi - institution would pledge annually a sum of $100 to the N A A C P. legal dofciis*- find 1 Dr Brown's ;.t.ion i' comparable to 'he action being tak>*n by pron.-- inent liberals of both races in 'Uji t ^ort of the NAACP camp.n '- j aga'nst racial intolerance and ] o’.eing reacti n in the United States The NAACP 'egal defense fund is used combat reaction and minority i- '•seen'ion as in the infamous Columuia "riot" The legal defense of tin- iJI victims in H-• Tennesssce ca.se will tie -opporl-d by this fund V - H.-VniKSBURG. Miss. 'ANIM - Fimd riles were lih d ' ere last wi-i'k for Mis. Luenidu Cailer who died al th" agi of 121 Born lu 11125. .Mi Cartel liv*d Hu iigh 4o yvars ot .slavery and through many .soci.d and political change: in Aiiiem.* and mmonl.v perst-cu'ion as m the mfunrous Colunibi.i ••1101" Th*- legal defends* of Hie 31 victim* in H Teiinessci- case will ne MippoiL-l liy tills fund V H.-\ri'IK.SBURG. Miss ANP) - Kin.il riles weie hl*-d '•*Te last wt‘«-k for Mis. Liiciiida CaiKT wdto died at th- agi Ilf 121 Born lU 11125. Mr Carlei livi-d Hii ugh 4o ytars ol slavery and tFirnugh many soci.il and political change: in Ainerii.*- She I' iepoii.*d l*. b*- Miiviv*"! by more Hian 2.5ll great grand chiltiien and lias si-eii li.-i- fifth -.■.eneraiion *•( di-sccndiinls ; The Pliilco CoiupaiiV lia' installed 1.1 Ingxiug lailroad with gasoline U>- i * >/lliollv e. a crane al tin- nilli and j many other laboi saving dev ice- I 111 Hic SiinnioiU Hay ai'- nf Colnni- biis C' umy when timber rigiits i! has lirniight WINTER CLOTHING Should b« properly cleaned before storing • C*!ieck your v^’a^drolJl• T*.dav • Prni**et yniir inv*-sinieni Call 6437 Complete Dry Cleaning Service for the ENTIRE FAMILY Peerless MASTER CLEANERS & DYERS. Inc. Main Plant-—516-52(1 Fayetteville Street BRANCH BRANCH BRANCH BRANCH Cor. Morgan 103 513 Cor. Glanwood and McDowell West Jones Hillsboro St. and Peace .MOTHER and F.ASHIONS... D.AUGHTER .Moll) Day' IT will l«* the woman of the lioiii* on .May 12ih for it'.n MoiIht’h So lhal all allcntion may be on liei', we ' esent oiir eolli'Clioii ol . -.i..! .li-riiiiftiv*. Stvled litrlit lor Molher—whether she spent Ih** Mrs. Mary Matiricc . wycr a Chatt.- Inld a St. ' *ig till' iuvhw.'V uard wen* guilty .-grots’ during the uranri jury has rc- -sistanc- of ;i.*- FBI II vuur ;;*n- pnwtl* ; W: " ■ - -.V- S, Ti'Nn 1-A Gold M ddl Hair P:c.Juris. ?7 Kings Highway. B’kiyn. N.Y . Dcpl. NC-IG Cpl J.nnes M. Gla- week end with hi* vvii'c Kate Ola.ss. Mms Beatrice Ward and M: Jan t-s Lvon were tiio gU4*sls of Mr. and Mr.s, Jnhii 1 Ward of Prince- villi' during the recent hnlidays. Mr. FllsW'Jith Bullock has ri-lurn (d fion. New York Al the .\laci iloiiia Bajilisl (.'tiuic! i-.lh Mi; Ilia Siani*-y x.oii ’hi'liitdi i*sl award and was crowned qut*(*i '■ i..i-ini! $95 25. .Mildii-d fhapcl ((Uti-n was -Mr'. Klizaheth Pertruin. ‘ : :ai'cd $79.8^1 The lulal amourit r:n-id wa* S443 83 Tm- .Macedonia Baptist prest’nt* 1 K.i-'ii drama. "Th*- Kiipohiiu of Eternal Life" dirocli'd hy Mr? •vlaiN K GI..S.- I’lii- Beaufiit Firherie.s e thr . : L eompaii) in the stab- now main fucturing fish meal palr-'l .nd • of "pOg.'HI. ! riot. Till* ‘ (iue.sleii the becaus'' mi'iubi'r,' with iht- results of iji v.-iioiiing 4’ witnesses :iiu;t* April 8 Al lea.'t 'ix FBI agi-nt.*; were repiirii*d S4*\eial wi ek.s ago to be in Columbu Mass meeting arc beind hi-Id .ill over Hu- country to dclend Hu* :I2 Negr-.es now being held in con- uectioii willi the riot, winch. Weav er .said, ri'.sulled from the 'dtcr- rninutioii of the culoii*'! pcoph- of Columbia to defeiat thi-m.-*-lM from a lynch mob WHITE SOhtAilTY BAR.'- NEGROEkS this has 4*\er comt* u.). ' One of the deams at Hunter, seem ingly uriuwarv *if th** lull * .xtent of Ihi* by-law, said: “Clubs and socii*- tics are not permitted lo discnniin- ate on the bu.'is * f religion, but iioHuiit> has been said about race" Dr Henrietta Tichy. f.iciltv ... viser to Hunter's Pan Hellenic I grou|i ruling buy for fratiTinty a*-- tivities and herself .- niiinbei' of Alpiia Xi Delta, expressed her dis approval *il the .sorority's stand early as Febu.ury whin she wain- cd liiat "cto.'ini; oui cii.le to a rho • eii gul because of race" leads lo jda ttiis anil conce'dr-itiun cainiis. wai and hideous ravages of wa- lu’lri-il and ciiaos. Francos Andi-isoii, pres^deni • f t’u* Hoiiti-i College iti,*iilel. '.lid last w«-ek that luni'ing member ship to "whiti*: ' had bci-n rulul om .1111' that llic new eligibility i-. h" ai.- "ji St agafn-i .Ne* . l■H•u.l)el Til* ‘hani*-i ' I;') nieinbi*i- .in- 'anl to be spill on Hiis Till- New v*»rk t'liy .ilunmu*- greup, whose pieiulent is halt-Jub' WATCH EACH WEEK FOR Helpful Radio Hints — if voiii strl happens to be one of the small table ti'jdelsAC’ or types, and neither the dial lights n'li* lu!.**-. will “buiT.," the result is an inoperative rodiu. POSSiRLE CAUSES • !iioi«- 'buii:.il -uiL ti-h**' • Hi ji pi -V'-i plu ; -i; coiil © liatiast l;n«- icsustoi • K -t .-I, . . I . • CURE—TRY AN EXPERT! Vi* ii|iI .iticntioii Ijv a competent radio service man i-fji: FIG! !>LY AND KFFlCIFN’l SKRVIGF' BUTLER’S RADIO SERVICE DOHSHY BUTLl'IL, Prop. 74.'j Fayetteville .St. 24-t'iour Service — Dial 6273 CmiTOROBE I at... Rhodes - Collins ^ ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ ♦ ♦ $8.UU DOWN $39.S0 $1.25 WEEKLY Two sparkling mirrors . . . hat compartment . . . five drawers . . . large iianging space. A quality chifforobe made entirely of hardwood and finish ed in lovely walnut. Inspect this outstanding item before you invest in drawer and hanging space. rORNER WILMINGTON & MARTIN STS. Raleigh, N. C. .\liiiliiT will In* the womnH of llie hour on May 12th for it's .Motlier's Day ! So lliat all attention may be on her, we present uiir eolleelioii of .shIjIIt* and distinctive dre.s.se.s. Styled I'ight loi* .Mother—wliethei’.sli** be III ht*i tw**ntie.s or lier .seventies! .And priced right for .Mother U; buy for her-self—or better stills —for you to jfive her! llereK ai'e grand-lady di’e.saes—for the* grande.st lady in ail the world^ —your .Mom! ^ • I.:. SIZES 1-idiiig 'A’utm-n'' Size to 44 870 to 24^)^ m RALEICB n\\ FASHIONS Iniurance Building