A.'I'w o lij'io H She tht* eveitiiiK There' uiid "Jn.'i Wilh Thee * CiLwriiii pupll^ i peiii^i with titliei bull Kttiiies lit liitr s.vJ.S>l|i. Obeillii xuiitf “No Ni«ht tJjiifii-lil ill A ,'lu.Mr W.ilU iMiiiu MjJii. id., hi ll him Niihi.l • :j ^c ■ iii.idi III" Niiun 'Ml'I.rniloii lit ( li.i\i> U4>. (hi- first ctiliiri-i I'suii ill tht' iiorlil to i>u> 4 lirkct sfi- lilt* lu'w. Kiy roiiuuilic 1.0,. -riir Brill.- tVi»n* Bii.its." ii'iiiK Karh4r4 Muiivvyrh. Ko- hert Cummings. 1)14114 l.yiui 4ii(l Willie Best, whieli m-eiitly helii itM Wiirld Brriiiiere 4( the Aiaba^- s4()ur Thrutre. K4lei|th. Miss Mr- I.eiidun is employed by Tlie (itrulitiiitii. Raleigh Personals iiv • I'l.TI.’ UIf.Pil.K t K Edinujiii i"tii.->l $tudeli’ Ij. -il J Wil-s-.. tlh.r.4 Hi-wlitt iiii-ler Bti.U uolf i'u-oi-dlll:ili)r lul ’he Uei: Sif-I!i4 Thela S.iuMf. left Kililny i.iKhI toi her huioe 111 liiluii. •1. He'.Meit wsa one •■( the Nj tioniil officers of the D>lt4 Uorci.i who 4i(t-uded tn the Ea-^lein Rnr looal While in B:>eigh she Wa hte eue?t oi Mu C T. Toole ni(Ojl l-n (ti. .1 u. po. ...I 4 pi. 4l M Mut! AMR C'l.Kti'h, Sunday ni^h* t^ti, rfi b lAi p m. The publii- 1 the tweiit.. e Kverpiee., e Club IimU ' Pit iBip SOI III - OB'ir i‘.ikii' ot the \\.V( pie- tuiitl UiKilr, vitiu has just tr- . .•J fii.in uier^tas dutv made h>r- III I tup suiilh iihi-ii ^he I •‘••I lie! juiii Miss Kv’4 Park- )llJH:ir.-i -iiii> ilr iM-i’iiiin . The lepoil Wa: ilia--- Ai. ..t Ihi 41.IUM-.:4iy Mrvu-t' Si.iahil M..y 17 ;.l 'he .spjc- bUlllihllH ol the Si-hi. 4itd 'll f Mil - y 41.il Note*. Fa I Kw \l C. r 1 ti.t h> Hei l;.e .-p. m1-- ..t I I f.- I I iin* SOI I il — Pvt Iti'ir IMikii il the \\.\i pM" '.jti.l :ii.oii. iihii has just le- • i ri..iii u.i-i'4s (lull, iiiaile h'.- lli i tiiji Suulh tiheii ■111- ■ : iioi I..I .iiilil .Ml--. 1(0-4 P.uk- - . «i n : I ' W.il on -heel. 1(4- hi'li it.riiMi. she lias aii'oiii- 1 .‘i.i III III'. Addle Broun of Piiil.dilpl.ij. I'4. s|.(rr ut Mr-- t-jikti The i.iiii.Uil iep..rt of the tWrilt.. : .mill i.i.r;iv.-i-4i I oi 'he Fveipreeii ; t'hb. di.i-loid l!ie Club huU ' . .d Ml.'a:if.-i '.nir- iis U’piniii-; .1. lilli 'I'he lepiiii wu; iiibde ‘ known III ihi uiinivouaiy s.-rvici*' j h.hl Suniljy. M..y 17. :.l the spac- j loi - Liiilding of the Si.-lerM and j Mioihi-i' - f .Mii'-v arni Hope. Fa I ■ H..i;.’.it t'.tiMt hVv M C. Wih't-rj U..S Uie ?pe;ik«l, 4^.-l:•^«d hy Itev | i:.l.p, i.l-i. ot thh. .‘Il\. I 1*1.' f-nh H ,tI 1 01 IIMl .h.s i:.oi;na B M-Nair left the • itv vl.'iiilav i.if'ht lor Uutfalo. N Y. after an extmd.d vi.-it with tiiei.ov ‘.Vhlle m iln iHy ..li> Mr . a> till; “oe-i 1.1 Mha Maini.' Hi-ki and Mr.- th.Me H Chavu. l:l'J Smith fdieel Tl - ll.lpn. Mi n. We Hand ( hib met will I'h.iVi' 4'.t9 Smile -dav iiiehl After d..-- ,.1... 1 H..|. i I ' I d id i" 'I he tui u. ! Ih..!-- ellloVed by all . .1 .-..li .(.t 1*. I seivir. s fni Mr Sam ele held at the liOli'.e Sii.ii Satin.lay at lU at -1 :iil p m Oi Iln- Rev 1; C I.i nii.i-lei -I (•.)niie.>..tio t'ni.irll lliteim.'ld UI- III -Mol Hop- CVmei.-iy l.V.nli: •' lUil l.t- I :■ -..ton the Ch.illlii.i - ■ . .Ml.,! !] I I II-.. -I. II (' li.' . • r-.l .. .1 • ..l.d.d.di- Hi Ji.iPe Che-!,.i I'a ; line.- M.-t.Vv .1; Jhatl H.iiuloii Mr- ni.iiii'he! •1 and .Ml-^ KU/.d.i-lh .Milrholl: biolln-is Will Drake and Th«-:.- Mllciiell ' I .•ti.ll I. f .1 . - ..nd to oHi.' mfo' y. 11.1 I Alt.m- Coimi (t .« , ; I iM .1 la.Ill'll not- d W.lll ... ill • • ' 'i,. i.eidid.de- tin. ! -id a -..mpli- b.ill-.t un *•: .Ill’ll, '.liaid m 'I.e eiili.iiive .A A Ih.- ■. VVCA Tl.e I'oMi.- Ml...;- i’..mmil’.-e "i . ... .• a. 1.'. nil- In ih. .-jily \1i- Fh.u-Iiie H livilip. daimhier f -Mr and .Mi- C tJ Iivm..:. Soiilh Ka-t Street 1- 1:1 the ..tv for a It-ie •lai- SI,.- IS I, Civil Seiviee em ph.iti in Wii'hiiii'ltiii. U C ( IIWIS IlkKJITS I'. nK. I I' W:e!.ii.;'lon ri.in . : .Mond..,-. n. .,l..y “71-. 1 .- 1 e c-.| .111 ..nil .Mn. Cu!.- , t W l-ii.oir Streei !. • M:- l.Vit.a {'oLb Jinl 1 l-i. - Idel.l. M- The Hi-v .M W Williams. l.K-a! pii'lor iii.d iiiilh'.i. led early Moii dai Inf Philadelphia. Pa, whir- he' will viiiidml vl.i.s-ies III botii • li.iit-li and SiiJiday Sih ul ivurk a Ill. Will’- Roi-k Hiptn.l Church Anthin lit “The Deai'on's Place ii. the Ctiiiiiir and “Who's Wlm Amoiiit Negro Bapti-ts In North Carolina.' his iieir.and as a teach er grow-; out of the popiilaiiiy oi Ills b•'ok^ ...V- —- Or.l'TI.IN M'lWS ' hail.- f(..h.rs..i ....ra ..f Itl Cl...VI ..die Itoll f ,1 • ll.ipt, t s.mih.v . p:e.e..l ..t III :J0 I!!.. 1 'inth Mri. Si.'■an V Crump is viaUp.g her dauj'hter Mn- Julia Crump in ' :sev. Yolk City, who is a «raduaift ■t Sh'.w Uiiiverrilv Mu Crump 1- al->. the mother of Jasper Crump oi Wot haleigh. I Mr and Mrs C. W. -Morgan cele- , Liniiii iheu birthday. May ItSih. -t j dinner civi ii in hoie r of their ..i the iiuiiie of Mr and Mr.’;. Be.i- . i.tinm .\1i.i^.in on Clniiiiberldiii . i-. I'..,.0.1 ..t Ti- ' ..11" .M: \ i. \ I. .U.p naiM. il J.n k ......., t. ce,K i:--!.. . ('...inlv ? ..faim-T • n a« Jack thr vorm kiM.-r .utt he worms tobacco i.l;c .aih only b ;uer. rie- Ttiai.gle Club l.eld iU weiJ;- 1'. n.eetll.g at the home of Mls- J-.h'.-.e riai-y Tl.e club honored .d‘ C W .Mor-'aii by showering h-r ut.h .1 ..ny h.vely i-.ift-.. A mce >el... t ol I e I'l.aili .Ilui cookie: IV > d ny the ll■>atcsH 'Ihe I..,.Ill- .-^Iisil nv met at Hie > n- -f -Ml- .-\ddu- SV’right .M-n- :.l.v Jnth, till la-t Sunday, lie tifth and ■ Venlli III .111- i huiii-es of the Obei- Im School appealed .d the Oberlin ' Raiiti--t Church m h Tea They ren dered foi.r spirituah. Joseph.ne Trice, a member of the fourm grade, was outstanding sclotst of th? lu-y decisiuii. In this Ctiilhetie and Woilli 1 .'L-or.- each. Wil- ai.d Hubert Lewis V- each; and Fred Wil- 1 .4.-ni*- Thi.- name uiia till* Ubei-hii iCunipusi and Joseph Hunter made 1 score year old boys of Oberlin. During Rev W. J. Cameron has been each. this game, William Campbell mao. kind enough to help coach the Last Tuesdiiy. Crosby-Garfield 'J scores. Majnrie Guthrie. Robeit Oberlin team. Mr. J.'.hn Baker serv> egistered u IM-ti win over our boys. Kearney. Claude Kearney and ed "-1 '•mpi*-e for these earoefi. •Schoi I dianuuid. In the second came wnicli held ’ll the Oberll'. fi-ld. the Oh.i- hn b'i.vs v.ipliiri-u a G-3 lilumph ... . nvi r Lui-iik- Hui.tei In HiIa guiiie The heavy weight teen agers of Worth Rochelle made 1 score each. Harold Dimston oi th* StSrentb KoOirt Kearney. Freit William.->. Crusby-Catfield proved to be too ^ This game wa.s played at tlie Chavis grade is marble chambifn tor th« Willie Campbell, Worth Rochelle, strung for the eleven and twelve Heights Center. Oberlin School Uus year. C. P. 81L. reports to you III To Our Custemers and Friends! The iniormutoin shown below is taken from out Annual Keport lor 1945, a copy oi which has been moiled to c-ach ot the 6,780 holders oi tiie Company's preierred slock. Tne most important occurrence in 1945 was the end ci the war. Inasmuch as the industries served by the Company were predominantly oi the peacetime variety, the Couipuny is iaced with no major problem ol reconversion or readiuslment. Its property is in good condition in spite oi the ditiiculties experienced in obtaining inuteriuls and manpower during the war years. Following the removal oi restrictions on the con» struclion ci lines alter the end oi the war, the Com pany began u rural electrification program which ultimately wil! result in the construction oi some 3.300 miles oi lines to serve approximately 15.000 new rural customers. The largest item in the 1946 construction budget is the appropriation oi $3,500,000 lor the portion oi this program expected to be com pleted during the year. Tt should be of interest to our customers to know that no curtailment ol the Company's service has been necessary us a result of the coul strike. Since the Company's generating iacilities are predominant ly hydro, it has been able to meet all the demands-of Its customers, and has supplied a substantial amount of power to a neighboring company. The Company recognizes its responsibilities to its customers, iti? emoloyeet, and its security holders. It supplies first class service to its customers ut low cost, and it tries to induce them to make lull use oi its service facilities. It endeavors to promote the welfare oi Its employees by providing security and stability of employment under good working condi tions. It is an integral part of every community in which it does business, striving at all times to be a good citizen, and by its tax payments substantially supporting the many public institutions so essential to health, educalioa. and well-being oi all ciliiens. .Qt ' B«*p«ctfu])y submitted, 1. V. SUTTOK, President luaiily !• k>»llftbl » wnUu i* u« ir*l orfic«$ «t ikt Cmmst U S4- i«ub M r. INCOME DURING 19457 i EXPENSES DURING 1945 TAXES •: -'-ry ?t A-j-;' '* RATES The FUTURE \ Tlie Cotiipaiiy’s l»45 tax bill was $5 57!»374 De- ductiun:! fiuin iiveiuirs fur t.'i.xvs w-iv $5555,103. ur the t-quivali-iit uf appiuXliiiatvly 3U veuls uul of eveiy dollai of its optrialiiig rtvi-nues. Approximately two- th'.ids of the Compaiiy's 1045 lax bill will be poid to the Fi-deial (aoVTianeiit. Indudi-d in Fedeial taxes Is the so-called excess profits tuX. This was an emergency wsitime tax levied on an arbitrary ba»is and avsigned a most misleading caption in so far as It applied to this Coiiipany, binie the C'oinpany had no exi-eamva war- tune pUif.t!!. The average price paid for electilc service by household customer^ throughout the nation In 1945 was 25 per cent higher than the aveiage puce of 2 7 cents per kiluwatt-hour paid to the Company for household electricity. Electricity it one of the very few items that did NOT INCREASE in piive duiing the war years. Today household cuatonicrs seived by the Company can use. on the averag'.*, iiiore than THREE TIMES as much electik-rty as they uaed twenty years ago for the SAME Af'OUNT OP MONEY. All appropiiatiun of $3 50U.UUU to be lofal electiii>i.4tlun. is tlie Imgesl item Ut tne Com- pony » 194d loiisliui'tion budget uf $5M3.IMSd. Upon the removal of reftiici.uiis on the con- jUuitiwn of lilies 111 iiie toll of 1945. 'he Company bceoii 4 new iuimI electritlitfl.oii piogi4iii whui,. wnei. cuir.pieled. will ie>ult in an expenditure uf more ituii $4U(Xftx>U and in the cumiroitiun ol 33uU miles of I Ural lines to serve more man i5,0(Xi new rurai cusiumers II is expected tliat me Cunrpany wiU be able to compl>te at least rhree-founhs of this pro- glam during 1943 Un this basis the CoOipany will be serving $4 UUO lural lusiuiiiers finni approximately bJiU ii.ilev of iiii.it h’.rs \ Savings to Iht* Company by the eliininalion of the excess profits tax will be siibstanti.dly less than Ihe amount of stii-h lax. siiue that poilion of reve nues which ha.s bi-tii iubject to rxciss profits taX Will now be subject ti> Fideial iioiinal iiicome tax and Ptdeial suit.ix. Eveii w.ih the riJuction in (axes lesultltlg fi.Jin the levisloil ul tl.e Fedeial ReveliUe Act. the piupultiull of Cutiipaiiv reveli..cS that will be abi.-ibed by laXeS la 1940 wilt be suD- ataiitialiy higher than fur must v,thcr types uf ihdusiry. In view ot the fact that rates charged by bus!- ness-inanaged companies must pay fur all the costs of doing business, lucludmg Udeiest on borrowed money and taxes. Carolina Power & Light Company Iras ri.ade a noteworthy record in keepii.g ave price of electricity UuWN while puces geneially are going UP, ^, Tne coiistructlun budget as approved cor.lauuog i.eaiiy wu difTerriii I'rms, miiudes tui.ds fur high- vuitaye transmission lirir*. si.bstatioiu. liaiiafuimars tubslation improvement and enlai aertieiA additional equipment f-i proteiiioii against lightning and plant ui.pU'vemeiit Fruvisioii w«a made foi the extct.sioa of elr.liiv lines 111 towns and dies throughout the svstein lu add about 5 000 new uibaii custumers funds ai>o were approved fur tl.e puiinasc of new tmsees trucks, and autoji.obilcs The Cconpany has liad busau Oh older for eevetal years, nut tbose aveiUiaie were d.>eried to deteuoe arcea. CCAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: R B CARPENTER Am.,:,..: s.vi.u, - ...J R. LEE EU.1S Piostasi.: Cuku-Oui, U.t JAMtB L McN.iiR U.SU. N.im Ca.. R M HA.NE3 L V SUTTON Pie,:a*i.t ana Uei,«ta. stoi kaieian. huxia Co-uiu, J A. JONES •asietmt«iv4sM ul rtoRsn. Baistat. is..^ui Coi^ui C. S WALTERS V..a P>e».a«i.l W H WEATHEKSFOON V;., fita-Jai.i a,.a Cfcnaiat Nona Cojauna ALEXANDER WIBA i Prtoideni. The N C iiaove .'A li;sutM;ce CeBiOeay Banun Martb CweOaa

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