Dv. c. COP BRUTALLY BE A TS MAh, iTirp BARBER'S WILL PROVIDE HOME FOR WOMEN Charlotte (AND When the last will and testament of Sam Louis Spring, for many years a barber in this city, was admitted to probate here last week, i- i * vealed he had set aside funds pro viding for the establishment of u home for needy elderly women of the community. The home, desu; Rated as the Mary Springs hone will be administers<l by , board of managers of the Emanuel Con gefegational Church N. C. Baptist Close State Convention M * * * * •* ******** * * * * * * Charlotte Crime Wave Rises Happy new Khmer new year. CHARLOTTE SAINT ArOT'STIVK’S CHAPTER The above picture shows the Charlotte St. Augustine's Osuplrr when ii was visited by Bishop Bravid Harris. Hisbop '> l.iijerU and a graduate of Si Augustin* s Cnileg-r On left of ftLhnp liar rh *s Or F.dson Blackmon presi deni of tht General Alumni; on M« right is Rrv .1. V.. Hrrritage a member of the Board of Trus- ( tees Third from the left on the hack row is Mr*. R?l!ir rb*lp< of f oapter. URGED TO | STOPATTACKP ON NEGRO Gl’s i. 1 ! MANILA i AMP) —Action by j the 11. S embassv may be t>-- b- | ed to stop thes continuous at tec*- on Negro GIL here by five lead . inf Philippine newspaper;-- In an exclusive interview with j Louis- A Johns, Jr.. ANP t pi- ! .tentative. Comdr Julius K. L EdcJstein. advisor lr > Amo;icon | Ambassodar Jaul V. McNutt. re- j vealed that “we are attempting j i io formulate a program through i which we hope to be able to on- j entate both Americans and File : pinos alike on the significance of ' ft tend ly relationship.*’ Johns, waging a one-man; fight against local newspapers’ j anti-Negro propoganda. called at • the U. S. embassy twice last wet*!-; | to debvci two communications in j protest of the “undemocratic and unjust” reference towards Amen- : can Negro soldiers “that arc no- j fortunately stationed in thi;. re- j public.’' His letter to Cipnano ; Cid, president of the Philippine j Newspaper guild, was withdrawn • —while his letter to the I.' S ; embassy was the basis of Coma f,d els to in "s revelations. Ed Jstein termed the oroba-ssyV proposed orientation program - "timely" and “urgently needed" project, spearheaded by Ameri can Negro officer." They will b tht means of disseminating the information to Negro soldiers, he revealed. The program will also be directed to ail elements of civ; ban ciassets. “This matter has been Drought to the attention of Ambassador McNutt. Edelstcin said, "and he is deeply concerned over it.” St, Louis Business On * Parade Viewed B\ Thousands ST. LOUIS (ANPi With tbou • sands of St. Louisians lined along the parade route, the “Bigger and Better Business month” observance under the joint sponsorship of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity and the St. Louis Planning Council for tht Pro gress of Negro busin*-v way usher ad io last Sunday, THE CAROLINIAN VL=OLUME XXVI, NO 19 2 ALEIGH. NORTH CARLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 09. 1916 Congresswoman Pleads so r Raci a! Un de rs tandi ng Cleveland (ANT’" I Speaking at a Cuyahoga County Repubii can dinner held at the Hotel Jbtatler here Friday night, Con rre :man Franc’ P B -bar. represents oae of the Cievei;-;-.' o -rtrK'(s in W • iiigiun patent influence in the national Wi'tms EXCEM) CiIT.ST 0! orl0 r I \ -■ The t-t'ilr ieh - ■ t ihe NAACP which entered ;.ic id: iri'-v. iui- pop’JSarn > Omier-l !• than h merit!? ap.« ii.e- inoveii ;;no | Lirvi place. T I . Spi o;-'> ■ | csAivr cretsry, min this week The eocilpst b'-in;; spouse l ”’l ’ ’■ ■ , O;; i- - ’ In - . j against Ncgtn*x it; N’ev'h 'h-roie i The conies’ ni ‘ ■ -:, ;;-.■■■ ’< . ! branches who sells the highc 1 .number of voter- wth for given ii’ee trip to the annua! meeting ■ | the NAAOP Atlau'jr Ciry. JJ . next summei where she will j be crowned Miss North Carolina Contestants from * h <• th: J i branches selling tht- next hicru ' oumber of votes will be iis ~ r ' i s trip to the slat . meeting in ■ Gr&ensboro i M is;- Margaret. Fitting of the St. j Agnes Hospital School of Niir-.i-ro I the Raleigh contestant, is bo mg | sporn red by Miss M. L. Robort-i. (Continued on back, page) | ; RE-ELECTED —Pictured above is Dt. F. D. Patterson, president of - Tuskegee Insiitute, who was rs z i elected, president ot the- United 1 | Negro College Fund at the an e r.uai meeting held in Atlanta, Ga, ,i I Oilier officer* elected &r» Miss ~ Florence Reed, Spalmait College, - - vie*-president, and President R, -p, XTeMel of Shaw University, ;secretary. Republican p of; ef'hc 1 , ruP.dc : plea for unsy Among ,f ‘" pvo- j pl< of the country -Wo muc tsce !>••:.!tr.ty even : <f!n*»trf> ’.Afp R'«'* , p 0 ( i ' > !:',c :,!,uv. ‘Mts. Bolton ~ <o>l ar . >S/i• pntf) 1 ‘Ldi tti ; t i}T i.» j jn„., j,.;.;-, ,ir,,un bitcoming the .ivnihpj off" ■ dorm" •.Reality contains many prou• | 'em-- manv situations far re- f Amoved fioo he ■’.!■<■■■ <n that | b":-!Sghl !!.<• Ft igriiHS to e.e .i urc. that fnd Washingtor. loaf .sustained Lincoln. It L; not i ig*t th,u lin-'e if more op ■ pe rtunny hare man Ji! t«f)y otuei ; ,km J in all dir die wo Li. W most f.j-i the fat L that ; ;ii,ere are otiil minority groups! ‘who find Uv rnsrNes restricted : ~m eve 1 hant! O-iiain i‘ is Thai ! v,<■ must acc<-p? flu chalieneg of ' *rif ;: d e; r 1 fil'd the- way t;i;-!t i win tint if t‘ : ! ' i O*. ■■ ft :si - 1-T ■rr, inl.oiei .Mice IllV ' a? Tend iher,’-. 11'UteHi tjeriPC, re :• i i. fee" when an ■ ht.er man >s hound “Tht oid ].,v. are finished, a , nc-vi' v. e i<i j.-., being horn, s: new era ■; me.-, into being. Thing.; can b better only titrough a new j I interpretation. Only hs w< speak ’omorrew's langutige, only nr we ■ live-, lie IfinniTiVl eeeri:; sil.e we who .ire Republicans, build engip into this nation.' Many colored j■ I: *;• :•! 1 aider - and workers were at the Stallw 'Com in :ert or ha.'lt pn:' I Italian Newspaper Depicts | Colored American Soldiers Hnin<-- Nov .MNP A.) - The w.irp:-d picture some Italian peo- ; pit- have of colored American soldiers Lv described in one of. & series of articli’3 which have appeared in ihr Communist !newspaper L Units, ' attacking i some Anglo - American occupation activities One of these articles appear- : ed unde- th; beading, "Wnat the ; Aiued Ocnipaimri Costs Us." . and had a sub-heading. “The Ne groes on the Merry-Go-Round ” While other articles have em phasized the relations between colored American soldiers and - Italian girls, this article gives a biased account of the effect the presence of colored American . troops is having on the Italian i people. The Rome Daily American, on- ] jiy English language newspaper I printed in Italy, reported consici jerabie dissatisfaction in Italian; ‘Communist circles with the ser- ’ [ -—’ "" ! Smith U, Head Reported \ | Heady To Resign BAPTIST TAKE STANDONVET TREATMENT Cl! A.RLOTTK Wlh v. -■ | !/ fill; rj -: :t y •)! fnOJP 1 iWU VO* l delcv;,,l f 's *' • vten Annual " o ! !of General Baptist Sl-»>e t'un- j j'.*.*n‘inn t North Carolina, closed {| ! run■<: '( 'mu .-bay nigh!. tin' bin.-nco- i I t- i ‘iv; ir« h i.i.-; t h u rtuinri ilOW'l; V ’ 1 s ■ t'jpis ot $i34,33<i.;j0. a.'.t itKU'Case ! i (>; s:w,7lover last year, ano w;U> • ■he huge body going on r- e .. ; b'-mjj in mr omprouii. mg - ,;>( •■■■■■ j t ion •<> all the un -O >mt > pia-- i iiC 1 : "tiuifru-rated in ').« report. t: ■ !":■■• Corn ov lice ■ f dr Si y of or : ; Country, and “otijui .ir;e, ete 1 on ' • liCy to leva*; s v ,iH ie , 'rv oui-ehs :*f our Christian OwpeT j • ' .*gaific? those - i.v*v ■ j i which e i n part OV’ 1 jji-offs'-ton of human u ' I’llerho-jd.' !;. S \ h,f'V r • ,liv J) ,r ; Isl M.'fl ! ' ■ raiuj 'Admim. o -eo-.. sayir.gj .that 'great in n.ist ic , a<-ih <■•: i i (h c'w •'*t if i "'.'d'Oß.* \K T \t\ {hi’ of \: ts ;> tll to’j being "i he h .■•ltd S ■■■i lie.' j the . hue'., largest sing e Negto do ■ f miminatioii took firm' eogrii/. a ne* - • . ei'ni types of rrti ir*•■timer.) <■' if ernes in the l vtintiv mu ■ !a.V --; ;f ,olr •>,-• several ti inn '■ -•mn> •' • , . •; :■ r ! :■, ■ :■') B j sta'es have segregatiof! m diverim an laws, that Cbri! tian l» flow*, 1 shtf>:; taught by the .Scriptures i |beinc denied by virtu* 1 of ’*■' **V? ! vionari* 1 .-: of rn;j«d:ce" rre.-tod in Uu» proi.i-:- of lav. oiir.f: van e it, ; 'he 16 Jim n; ow ..*..»«•>. ■ n •■’Ouaii'v as f'Oin'.aaOn !.*■ ' ;Ud by' law in at • •••:••• Uhrd f • the nation, they full- i-ndoj «d . Matr>oal .Negro Congv-- ■ petition .t o the Ijpitcd N.it.i'iii: ori ichalf i ! the 'oopressefi ■ of 'he State, e,f America" > f-' : gt •*■•>•' , .. .j by ;i)t|v S' ”•• 1 :« Tlfip ! ■ Kilgore to forward ; f ief to tb<- 1 See - ■■■■'■ . . ' •" , 0 -'-I'i , (for,(limed o, nark narei PH KEfIPRS J\II 111 i MY striking pielu'ters at the laylof t ,iii(inlt weeks, a. !o>,g Sj. < , wrr-e arrested Sat 1 tmla- aiirt Irond was set at $367 • in rash for each This is " the strike hound joh referred to ot> the Editorial page S'-eretars <■! State .lames Byrnes i said t« r he ~ major «!<•« kholtirr in the firir. if,- rtf ms-ci.'s, particularly the i prejudiced light in wruch color s-d American soldiers ar =• po; , ■ t rayed. Other sources reported that the “Unita" series was being watch led closely at Caserts and that “the small reniamirfg British and . American occupation forces have i chosen not to interfere with th ; Communist paper's fret- press : privileges." The article in question follows: “Hey. Hoe- Here we are more free than in America' “LEGHORN. August - On bo. : horse with the stomach bur st by anti - aircraft shrapnel, Victor Emanuel 11, with his chest fill ed-uo like a baby-nurse, is there looking at the powdered ruins of 1 what was once the center of Leg ' horn. Not even one of the hous - es around the large square is ; habitable. “At the comer of Via Grande ' ana along the foot-path there is' nhh w»'- rftiaHr *»« J Monday vh-U D* Mnny I Vf< I 'r 'wps . Vt*. uf inhn *-:*n i »nilh rnivff »tv hi ih.af hi was * : l'r«m th«* p<)2*t h<- h# hi V?» ;noh‘ IJiajfs Ts y.u ... N's ,1 ‘ for ihr rfipori< n rf‘Uf< rtM fU w.}'« K ;v* i» \ rr»J e< >» !utf. i’H<l »*<»l •»*'"* »t M « Mvrd pra’ .s lim*'. BEATINGS SUB HENDERSONVIL L£ MAAGPTO ACT (I KN I>EftSONYILLE St u s - ! I u.) z,<", :<>n i:«y t.h*> h? sis .->} bfuijng oi j ’ yj>v y C.'orK'bhib. ■jf this citv oi s j Monday night, OctoSen 2*?- T ?h< | ’».••:•?! \*; s pt/'f Os ?*.:•:• N A AC-{ * h<;U> lit.- ; ar« i*iv f ig'-'-Son, and f *••:•. ;t U> Wyfi 10 Uii ; ■;•• >'*' . of •> vVliit? iaVV .• : • in£t*fc b / thf» boa ton inyii’s employer?, to k iu»tu.-c for the cop wiv> iC-Opi-lano ‘"to u ps'S), ' a ; p W ;,f< /•n~v--rjberi {■ HA ACT* off sob ft: ; i /jo v• •'iif j- • eop vvA rna.l hi x, - ■ r/ih* j of • - iotfil jom - JY, r> H1 * ! i 1 in O; <' • i( : -1 j i “•*! i!';‘ ; . f ibe root), it i.> further el&.iniH jilt at- Ni>; ' down the door of i iVi)' fonrl-iiid's I.ofn r f4?.1/ 5 T li#v! •■i •* ■-Hken her il -band off ■<> pH. d' - pteadm'.i -o b‘- a!) ',v,o ■np Jif.i. nmkp into Un- h.it; ■ ,‘ t.prr Mi Clip' !i'M a : -,:H ur>ilr«'W.;-?i, • n<t m.< ording <•■ 1 " r -a.a - 'iiff-r., Ji.i rs hr.i tn ar'-'.ini) •• ; h;it; ;o !.h(‘ jail without, in:rmiUnr r •• - clothe herself. Corrylnj? r-' ••' u; haro-f oied. and tht-n ' ; o sw» iiw i/jto jail. It claimed that •>. hen ‘lie •:<»}.' • fir. ; bos.'. ‘>i beating f '.(V larM ! CoJK'iafid ‘ in* 1 -i■ i’.i ■ i i-,-;’i' l * i' ' ,j i rjesist. and Mivi. lipped d : i'aiificnd, and ■•Hirit'd him "il ■■ jaii. v/hen- they @3i«.'fi«dl beat : agfiiti Then ab"nl tniorughi p; iir i - V v -i ■ ;n id f.aiiii '*-:•/]>’> i'i■ ■ :an ir :;• <j rir ' ‘:■■ dfcn - whs nndrt: aed. and ''‘ ! d d’lM ■' ifijf jiff*;' ;f?ok' fi* *W) i ‘he Ollili -‘‘ ‘ 1 * i ci(iß#»<j id allow hor to pn! oi' <.nhcr eJotlits or *boes. and to • h'-i to j ill also. i iip;-Pif'(i 'i.';.- O' "' ■ '■ ■ n.iOi;* , a j<; fjlpifned. Mill ij<:‘ ind ( up >■■>' • oi \t, a i. H‘ vv:U b<- fried _ :< < t..,s or. November i. i* t" t„ appear The whit' people U*< wh'ifn he works have lor’d a - and the local branch of th>' KAACP is trying to sisppl«miont service - with an Assf'C-iiitioii iawy : The aftair has stirred un ■■•onsidf*! able r-stmtment amor g both v/tni ->.od colored, resident*. o< tin-’ n "!Ut> :sin city. a line of blue an d green fait 'o.j -he c. 31 .he fool of the Kun.w - : tai.ue there w a Luna Park a j poor j, :i n a Park v/ith a crnac ‘flying eight*, a merry-go-sound ; i and two or three shooting stands. •’The first water-melon cans i , arrive at sunset ■Fresh and good, ,i fresh and good: cry ?b '■ mrr- : chants while sharpening their • long knives. •‘But lift m Piazza Vittorio. Via-Grande and Via San bran ! begins only « when th f Erst Negroes arrive They ati . versce ;n small groups with their nonets opened an d iorter in a ; bashful and shy way at The en trance, Every evening atavistic inferiority complex comes over them for an instant. “Then oegins the calling from the inside: ‘Hey: Joe! Hey' Hey! “The merry-go-round begins ■ to turn and the kiason of the fly ing eight’ calls the passers-by ‘ harshly. MURDER, FIGHTS AmrrrHMim- Tf\ \jim imm 11 1 U ciiiKE ypsoRSE i if \ In f buigs r of (.otisiioM Kilbn”.-. ( iIAHL-O'!”/ t%, N. C !!■ .f! ; I.JJ Or. and I'O‘tP id -< t ! ' ‘! 111 fi-iv oh; ar * i .‘xlra !u ’ r Hcjh iiit - rs jar if ff.f r ire pari : /*,-•!d ov r lie w-. end, an i ,< ••) more c uccrri In Oiief t k N r.iifteiobn 11 1 ' "l 1 ; —1 .j'a fight, are n>.i dp.-j- n> f! .-f ■■ arc ■ T .-m : ■!“ ■ ‘ The n !; a rn:;rdf r of a aoUf i.’ I f off thf inc: whli-n , rarigcf, iron ' ■:> !Mf; - i ;■ *' pj- i. flab i to razor rut • !•■;•. The !v spit a! I , Wmi Mil) ■-! rri-j-b'd j joint i her of cr.fr . and two -o- tlirff of i tberr. ff' r ‘ :;cnon .'dire'’ brawls arid , ; hoid-uf' while at a miniinutr:. : [ l c'oiUnirr to plagio ‘he dopartir.e:d ■ jsoradir.aily H'r.r f .■' r. or 'hr ... iaiJc, thf >•'•»tnp..*ratirfe f“nptc rtf 1 <• ■■ | . ,b- r.r ■ o o‘-i: oi •Ur "i!«o:,-‘ovfr the sPnaUon Ther • ’ . . p; fiMjtro •• oi; >lv p.-licf register, ntd o" jUoo : f : .a I aal; r: f ;• nj cw •• Ui-'fn with, if th-;' j ; arc appointed ilMlilUl MM !• 1! t!)S W COM! V| ■ . iK-arh'd by I, T. ‘.i.iuat 1 | .aid Naihanird fhii” ' 'f.lw ! i, , a ■? ,■ jgof’d -jUffl.a o] $/Sa4 i : acd . r-fv ; !,rd tdoiif) Pi at tin fi a! ; ; . i !f , r - fhn Erfonton Street iW'cth- i i di-i Cfeti; :-h > ! war ai»(i«ji;ncce Wednesday. An i'lflhor. d hi>: UK, w.,‘ con ' ' t nbiiii-ci by Kegto *•;*> senom 'f-.ich'-r: if id -dtidcnf and. f-mpiny ; CCS in - wi •!“ business firm - bring .... ..meant c* ?>trib;ited r»v K(H‘!- 0 , i iwo - tie' ■ r«fi:p;‘ n;n ‘ ' litfKv *’rf A' r n :* -1 /*. *■ o " 1; ' 1 '' >t j*. .«>3<pcfieri flic -f ’■ ml w;U i . v,-,-rri .saOOOOO doj-ing tb'' n f ' /! A (if>,-;>kri' Wl: Os cr-t ortti, fro?: •hr five sub-divi'-ioiia of the cam-, j. ago oj - ga r i muon n- ioho-A ' ColifK'.'H. w H. Quarles, Jr. C. l> j if a 11; pOj'i n*;, Majoi -. jr-r.'.7 fiO. „ o,fi. s Os N !. Perry. Major. 546.a.■ Oli; pc: idem* in 1. Mi: Ruby ant t }f. |f Tovvncß. Major-. >.) Ilh JCV Clubs (sM<i Ch'gon'/.alton.'. Kev. w u/ W'Hiffns. Maioi 5677.J0, Bu >■ iMvfj. i. T ‘'o> r! I. t.. Itaiford ‘nd fdl r-, F .1 O' ■ si . v d us .odiutai'.ts of the w ’,*■ ;s> ? n “At. this vailing. : te Negrcr'S start smiling and then begin to shout out their sudden joy. Hey. ]T c . v .i They have found one'- again ;ht unr->al -world ”4 th s whit' men which waits for them tr, feast them ab d make them laugh, Even tonight they will feel themselves as free Ameri r-ffris, free --•« they never felt in free America. “And they laugh wi t h their tilth very white. “Now from everywhere, oa!" and lean children tn dirty rags at' coming to look at the N'- gvoc: who have fun. “It. is not the music of * h c merry-go-round which accom panies the wooden horses, it is a slow ar-d harsh American song • - blues. The merry-go-round i still turns empty and the little white horses pass and pass again before the white eyes of the Ne groes. All of n sudden., a big one (Continued on Pack page) Happy new Khmer new year. tm<j i t r)K ■*l i’ui t-n < i vi ns i s ( ( tv; i » *,t; i! t r \ J ION b !;, Joh» M tie omit, leli, e<-. <f f v ir*rr • ng r 1 1 1< ia I ii»»j •. f r ■?»»»» I*r • » oU»ryf ♦' h,ty( of lihi'MM". t n Ors ?Rfcjw-d! r \! VSom-. i m hI t , t? , j 1 . .. : | : f ;'r or r '• v»; .■ • • j : •if :'' .t 1 ' • i ei ' “ 1 j :r>n ■ :-,U; W* ;•< HSi { ‘‘ i».is t.= ■•’* . ;K»noi):jV ' f <l •: i v if- W H W ; dii’f' i-'tr u fih* J c e 'n-“r All Upph c- i 1 ”, ». .r • i j.. • y !*’ pf mu v/rlli Iy' ts • th°ir j .j r-.‘Kil! ; .'dS. or <'*py units will ; h • .?> Hnr • ! nmnssr'y They ;h<' nr:f> lw'-? -hydro|! wjy. ?h fiirmcr fnr j: %?*f ?&- h’iM th*' Int • •*' ‘nr $‘* f i j ; - i monfh. i• • D r -<'f: vpS y Th-' f•: i I *»i ; j'rUrncy -,t umU. for Nofiio w-t . ; nos, ( oippi' hut will be nm I -y; yJo ;s, l; j ji c.m •w ftrjcr" wi,y l rev. nets sets SIMM SENTENCE The (Tv, Charles i Henry i)av??, <..n7i ? s : T’ W\‘Tk'V. v-'hn '• .../ji-.' ; - !'[.•,• V. > *j ‘-. il f i77;f - . Ifiia .< . ~ i!.. . (.i.i -o* I- •• through hi I A" on Cbldh'-! if- rlril • -.. ! ! j • if ft i inoynifrusti . sjf a,--,- d on !'•; ■ ibatton fo** ~. ~: jfl.CI Jlid?/- 'l■• C- U: fed to threr '.'ear yi-Mo ■■■....■ l ,c‘) if - bcc ,;.,i.>f'f.dcd Os !’■ ■’ ■ Iflvi.r of Hip c'l.jtrr ;v;f . HaHi S I.».■ vi ■ ‘h» de {nrid-iotf v. ife, who also was be ‘ iTist tried for willful grid malicioos !m.’• of prop-id v Uv iigh Mr < Jolriberj - hart h< - r car-' sh -missed. /. pl'fICC . iif i of :iff: .“ ''.Cl' Wit f;f.. , ■ gjivc the J - .*’v .- r Dav'is ..ft xcf.-iient ehai adr-r, and the judge K ;ijii that. • mao hav:t>:; lived welt :il . cimmunity P*r so long a t.:nn should ■ o.ini in court It W ■ . : ;Ql ,„jt lljW tlUd fM' defCml o;al nwiisy to hf crtM 1 . in ’.h-’ haul:" The Rev Mr. Hm-m. howeve , . . ,p v in.o'.vnnoo davo s age". -a msnlt of h< br- . {t : T : ! i PREJUDICE |! DUE TO FALSE ! EDUCATION ; WA.olliNti'rON (ANP) —Rev. I i fi : and Mrs. Estelle ; !yt,S;yey Riddle only colored ■ recon To ■. us the citizen's comrais , stun attending the three-day , meeting sponsored by ihf\ u. b. ; i office of “dui.vJtion in Social Sc • ’ I cun tv building here beginning , i las; Monday, brought the issue.‘ io: unequal pay and ‘Negro ed ;‘:c;,non” into the open_ foi' free i and I rank discus-nun. The niee 1 . ; ing was railed to deal with prob ? flems tn elementary, secondary 5 i ;>nri vocational education: high • jer education school admimstra i tjnn and international education Taking- care the interests of - I colored people and other minor! - s tie.- were not shunted aside. Rev. ’ i Horace opened the issue of teacn i ,*>rs pay. declaring that though i ‘ teachers are not. adequately paid II Negro teachers, however, an even less adequately paid, e> - cept in one or two localities He (Continued on page eight; ,i? ifii- Infantile .'miriysH unit, after t banquet si'm <n SlfMivr ffi tn* - director More b ov : f , ;>»• • • i-i . • ."ii. ;t • j v• e the ho<i(««l3j a(**-tided tic Jjazujstet in fribijt, rn- ( nmnihT 19 years with the htr-p?f-*l. (ANPi PPTTfif-l DPIPC lit, ( 1 lift 1 filuC, DROP AFFECTS FARM FAMILIES *3; a jjf ■ *'T iJ OM (] -j N! 7 A'— As : j*. . .;.ji ih> I'i.er. iron: the i'e - - ,• nt h .p •(■ cuFon pfSces, nta’ - .j v ~;i :f jh<- f>70,006 colored far ;.|j. South who are large iv i!i;’jsut<ivt!i. upon cotton for a . jbood, m fin.iuon with other r..,.t. in fa.nn*'-r-., have teen de :. , ; i o f -v,r profit they hop*"! in itiak-C bv the boom in cotton 'A* inh' t.; < v- PuSvScd -hr : hasjee ; to '.<•!! pvuk prien>, they may ' hr.M :b:--ii- cotton off the market, j j.),, obtaining government loans im n i r,; ;y.: 7/0 and hall per cent !(.; p . •.- i he- Agriculture Do j| r? p'.jjnt'.’d out recently.. Cndi ■ t.n> Agncuilural Adjust ni, nt Art »f 1933. as amended and tift' Commociit y ( nHit Coeporatior! :. directed io ]„;, n - i_o ! ,f(nori on sir c0r0(j,,.;!,: ( j,,.;!,: • , on< of .vhifh u: cotton. |,i.,n rate to rthe 1846 coi j.-i-j orop, is ninety two and half r< : r: - of o. parity b-queotv m j 1 .: . in/.j power between tlie jjo -j price o! cotton at << given ; period of 1 iine and now.) pj . : Ti Ui'per. tosak tire cot ■ : t*•:i ..stunts;,n under advisement ii; ..» Twiivlay. Just as the cot .•>’ market wa- going up for the ■ . cron'i Is-sv as fast as il went. :- du-ing the six day of de i 'is' F • -.11 -■ s -ifin i)’r* - lor Jo-si*, i, :,i. , it,,ap !;r;( Friday ordered ■ Us .‘i s ji-f c* *. • Admir-U.tra iidji pi-ire regulations - ~s a fitt •, ! *> :U- rn ills. Wli.'k M; Steelman was acd ■ '!: • oU->n vent up $lO a bale, !i.■ full .iinounl permitted in one rnudt up 40 pet cent of the dc y. Market operatinns East, week i tin<- the rr.arkel experienced in !:!<. -.ixty-dwy ,n: .-K of Octs'ber. Morr. »han half of the 10,000 . s nv, raising cotton in the South , ;>!( .peraled by colored farmer#. Arm d to style :pe< ifically the ; me!<■ effects fht* recent, pama .. ~n the cotton market might have :Continued on back page) (MWRI’VB, fUSTKIlAr—Abav* ’ is Ur. James K. dbeparrt, president ana !'minder »f North Carol)r*i Onilvge. who observed bis seven- V ty-first birthday in Ifurham last ' Sunday. Born in Raleigh. Ur. , Shepard was awarded the degree of Rk.G, from Shaw University K in 1894; the IM>. rtegree from ■ Moskingunt college in iSlfl. the i' Master of Arts degree from Sel ma University in IUI2; and the Lit. r» degre from ll#*«r<s Utti versity in 1925

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