1 C. SMITH U. MAY GET NEW PRESIDENT Dll DD fIAI TOC #pfVf DILDU Uli iHe »?s If I - ■ ■ '- ' ■ voLi'me xxvi, no. n Western Dis trict Teachers Ask More Pay £ * * * ★ it Hr * A A it A A A Ar 'A Ar Ar A A A A A *„**'■ Teachers Association Purchases Lights Building TEACHIIKSASk to l*l H CENT PAY INCREASE Public school teadwn <>f the Wesivm District Tfcaeheri Associa tion,’ in .session at Second We. v High Schcool Saturday, went or record favoring a forty pei cent raise .to .pay for public school .teachers in this state, on a morion made by Principal J. E. Grigsby of the Second Ward school. f ■ a h.‘Ki:.‘ri argument had bee:- nib. J when Principal W. G. Byers, of the r* ah'V uVifr' PiciVn - .i.o ,> oe., a;., here, has moved that th* Associa tion "support"' the reauest - f the white teacher units." and not give any publicity to the move Prof. MiHer. of Salisbury. N. C, s gre - - ing veteran teacher, rose on in' stain floor, and argued that then wn>. ss ground for retreat, and that if “we arc in favor of this pa.. raise. arid want it, m* should stand up :*ad be counted.'" Prof. Grigstjy f? rPhvcd with his motion Tnr a resolution favoring the raise, and "tb-at there be no restrictions about publicity.' On overwhelming vote passed tlu motion a major matter on the agenda far the day’s ses sion. The association'.- resolution committee has already prepared a resoluiitn a.-kiiig foi a puv raise according to Prof Daniels, of Ashe ville, N. C. M. inferr w. re give: the approv al of f: reoommendai ; in to take out members hips in the American Teacher Association ;• one-doll i> ’.early. If me also derided ?- take no action on irivltafniris ior mem b< rsfiip-- in >ii ibi.oci- won at Mi'« bill. N V Tin -land of Governo* Cherry on rural education was emtoi seel by the acsnc-uU ior Tm group also decided to ni l financially to tbo bmUlittv of a new Viome of fice building for the SttiU Tea..’ - (Continued on page 2) USURY CHARGED AS ATLANTA OFFICIAL LOSES JOB ATLANTA (ANP)--The Fui ion County Commission last week tired John Cramer, while head of the County Sanitary department, on charges ot usurious practices with Negro empioyes. The charges were preferred and prosecuted by Commis sioner J. H. Aldred.ge. Ald redge, a new commissioner, charged Crane with signing names of Negro employes to the county payroll, signing their pay checks, cashing the checks, deducting money lent by him at 20 per cent and larger interest, and givinii them the remainder. itiT.-S.a4 AiiC- WCit , 19 White Papers Drop j , Racial Tag On Crime ; CHICAGO (ANP) A total of lions revealed last week, ili of the nau n's white newspapers Beside the Chicago Sun and the have decided to drop ‘.he racial lag New fork Times, reported earlier, on crime stories about Negroes, the the Council named the Fi American Council on Race rela- (Cal.) Bee, Des Moines Register GEORGIA WHITE BAPTISTS CONDEMN RACE HATRED SAVANNAH. Ga. (ANP) —The . Georgia .Baptist convention (white) last week, after debate, produced a strongly worded reso lution condemning intolerance, racial discrimination and the va iio’us hate organizations now in existence. The resolution on racial hatred reads in part “ That all Christian people of Georgia, particularly Baptists, speak forth with every ounce of energy, by word, deed and thought, afainst the so-called pa KALEi-c;H. NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBEJ: 2:R IH-IF. N. C. WHITE BAPTISTS OPPOSE SEGREGATION <+ ff|k 1 y 1 jug ,'c'^v.u •■ ” iil'Mil Its nixi'tox .lf IK. I ARMON!) SCOTT Washington. J». ( whose opinion r-laUvc :■ high 'prices on ir-ed cars receiv ed wish-spread publicity in live daily press oi the district. judge Seoti is a native of Wilmington. Complete story appears else when in this •■lewspapcr. U 10 LOW VICTIM GDI'S FKiPLF DAM ACKS O'S 1'OOUM) WASHING TON D C. - Munici pal Court Judge Aim oid Scott to day was the second judgi in loss ‘.bon a week to suck a local aui-‘ sales fii u. and Joan company with triple d.-imuges- on chatge.- <,f vi 1 lotion of OPA ceiling prices by kneed financing ot ears. Terming the forced financing of a $O9l .automobile "an ingenious de vice to evade- and erieumvent c«-:l --in;.; prices" Judge Scott ordered the Adams Motor Co and Acnv Finance Co. to pay 5484.20 to Sam* ; uel J knston. 412 South Thomas St. Arlington. Mr JohnstoVi told the court he wanted to pay cash fur hi., car las! Kcbru’ ry but was forced lo finance it. He paid $291 down, borrowed ( C- nimued on back page) j triotic groups which have so re icenily found birth upon the soil | lof our southland, which same; ! groups are but counter part of j ; Nazi hate groups, preaching a so- i called race superiority, which is : neither American nor Christian, j “That we hereby proclaim, if .necessary, our traditional stand that every man has the same ; night to participate in the bless- I ings of our American way of life, j .i'.: that no man shah be tin-- i criminated against bv-eauae ui ; 1 race, creed, or color.” I .ASHEVILLE The North Car uiina BaptLf State Convention v.-t-nt on record as against segcu p-stiori of the races m the church in its noth annual session here Tuesday. The action was taken when the Convention .ipprovccl without dip sent the annual repott of the Com rmttee on Social Service ano Civ ic Righteousness which called for: Equal hospitalisation, education and sufftag>: among Negroes. i Equal wages- and equal treat ment of Negro employees, and the pitssing of such legislation, both - : and national, as would as i-rure fair treatment. Immediate- passage by Cctngrfs r; j.cf a Ft-dc-r.ai anti-iyiiMching law ii i ***j -T m. | ruen ’sy virture of their relations • to n impartial CVc itor,” the ret. ; olution oji segregation react.- in pan. ‘‘and an .-.-quality of ail bo Lever.- wno sht."<- in the rcdciup tioi; of Christ, such equality be respected in the body of ChrL.t ! tin chlli-ch Tboreie; v, segregation ol be ilew - holding to the same tcnc-*..- o fu!.}’ because of color or tv cud .status into racial or class churches is a denial of the New T..?t;ur,ent afhrtnalior, of the v- . uualijy of ail -believers at the loot of the Cross and ; hen to tw spin! Christ the heu-.t of the Church." GOV. ARNALL PLEASED WITH LYNCH PROBE ATLANTA -ANPi Gov Eli: t ikii! declared lasi week that wh it Drought to justice the mob • which lynched four K' groes in Wal- j lon county will be "convicted ' 1 •/uicker in Georgia »' " 'in the naticn because our people j arc resentful of crimes c immitted i by a few." Arnall stud he welcomed federal! irsvestigatioi: in the case and com mented "Sooner or later it is in i vitabh that thee will be eonvic , than in tiie lyncfcinßS." The governor explained the difficulty lies in ob . .aining sufficient evidence necos • sdry to convict the lymihers, (Continued on hack page) Detroit Free Press; Providence Journal and Evening Bulletin; Dal las M rning News- Christian Sci ence Monitor: St. PauJ Dispatch and Pioneer Press; Minneapolis; Star-Journal, Tribune, and Times; ] Cincinnati Enquirer: Bridgeport Post; Gary Post-Tribune: PM New Vork. and the Columbus Dispatch. OVER 30,000 PROTESTED MONROE MASSACRE ATLANTA (ANP! Ac- j cordim - to Turner Ft. Smiih, chief of the Civil Rights sec- j lion of the U. S, Department d£ Justice, citizens frcaa ev e-very section of the nation sent over 30,000 telegrams and letters in protest to the Walton county massacre last July and demanded that fed eral action be taken against those responsible. This was i the lax ileal number of pro tests ever received by the de partment of justice in recent i years, he said. Happy new Khmer new year. n vnoNAL ? f>rrA t kin needs Mr- E’•'telle Miissr- Kiddle Na tional Cotfflsrl «»• N -Ire Women: Trial Reopens in ienrt. Riot COLUMBIA. Tom. ln loaur>. County Cimnt Court, in Columbia. Term.. William Pillow and Loyd Kennedy went on trial Tuesday o; charges of murder in the- first de gree- Both ir.er art .iccured f shooting . paiicem'-'i durin.”. the •riot" in Co'umbii. o». Fehruai' Cth The trial of the ■ two ot the »:;-igmal defer-q.was I'ruchjmgly jjostponed by Juugt In ;ram las* July when NAACP QcL-ri.n. co-are) asked for postponement toll- wir-j new of Special Couruel Thu: .or,:: Marshall's illness. Recent motions to 'nuiig-:.- venue Hairdressers Get Suspended Sentence Wilmington Allege a boot leg hairdressers of this city lac ed trial here Wednesday for ope : rating without license-. and ux jing hair in their homes, and | Judge W. Smith gave them su j spended sentences with a stern ! warning that future violations I the law which prohibits such I practices will result in Hat sen j fences. j Officials of the Beauticians I here pointed out that such vio ! lators were doing great damage 'to their businesses. Th n y said that the beauticians arc- requir ed to obtain permits and meet j other local and state require? -1 tnnets while the bootleggers were reaping great harvests, without abiding by any laws, at tiit- expense of the ligitimate ope ! i-a tors. i This week the Beauticians donated to the Fame Norwona Memorial home a studio couch, two chairs and two end tables for the living room. Officials j pointed out that such charities cannot continue if their means \ of income are imperiled by ii j legitimate operators, iNEGRORIIESf [conducts mission AUGUSTA Ga. Rev Walter Bowman. S. V. D, former U. S. Army chaplain reeen’ly conducted u week's spiritual mission ai Im ' maculate Conception Church here. Tlv:-. Negro pried served with the iualion-. Armed Forces in World' 1 War It. Prd ; JtaSsn -'.mi-h:vk-*i. V. S Ct*m u\issilotte: <>r Kducati.m «nd Ru I H#ra<- • FraP-mal ■ 'nuir'i! us Negro Churches i-ca nen.eq, ana ;ru- ivy in— . trial w cor); me nee m .onn ; jury picked. i! is < . !•-•' that :h> trial "• be similar in ;Ji respect-, to tS recent tr ial ol 25 Columbia Negr m. • .'Wi-f-neeburg. Ten:-., "t;—, ;• • uh; d in the acquitt'-i of fc-cused ri;,tionv.'icte ,;; ■— - n .in ' huh Southern courtrnnrr: William Pillow and L--y Kennei b.:- defended by NAACP d fr.nse attorney.. Z A. Looby. Is i A. Ran?om, Maurice M - Wt-ay and Thurfio d Marshall. .SHAi FOl IVDKIt'S I>AV SPEAKER SPEAKS AT SHAW fir. C- O. Bullock, above, pastor of Third Baptist Church, Washington, D. C„. a graduate n f Shaw University and chairman #1 its Trustee Board will deliver the annual Founders i>ay address at tit institution Fri day morning, November 22, ai 5i ii'Ciiiuk, Sen. Bilbo May Be Denied Senate Seat Washington. D <NNPA) : hoiiato-' The-.).10re G. (The Man' Biiho, Democrat, of MisMSFippi. ho disgraced Uiv United for twviv.- years, wall b • u.-k-ed to "step aside-* -vhen ne ii ii'scnls himself to take tht uath '; oi offiee for a now si\ yc.— u-v". bvgiiinmg January 3. it was di-- ft-nod ,i! tl.r ne t-ting »>! the ( iti r.fi; J-'i-<si»rul < ;imjni’'..if on Edc in ;i'-hin.y*on 11. ( re cently i AM* *'R ? -,.S!!)FAT S4YS d:h:eh:rs iuvf, m~mE of m;l DURHAM--Tik purchase «.-f a i. Hak-igh office building in tin- Noiti; Carolina Nog’-c Teaci-.c: - Association h- - c Mot: < il- a sign that Irn U achvv have conic o’ lit’* j. ar.- ready to da a few things i'er \rci;c, : vkv according to Ja r Ta.vi'il piasid ’-nt of tin- AhSO CIS vion. TL; I-.-.. -liuiife '.vith H. V Blown •: :-'-!d -os .’s.cii-n'. an f tlu Rev. H S Davis of Oxfon', aomjjieted the necessary transac :n>ns for the purchase of the three story structure in the offices of North Carolina Mutual Lite Ins era nee Company in Durham. The building is at 125 East Har gett Street in Raleigh, and will • used as headquarters for the r-.sociation. On the second floor of the ■ uiiding will be the offices ol the • xeeutivi secretary, "W. L. Green.- and his staff along with a liberty end reading room. The other two floors v, il be occupied by office:; <•> tin YWCA. North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teacfi -.- and-allied educational organi za lions. Th. Ninth Cisxohna Teacher.-: A:- social ion is the oldest organiza 'Conniiaca an- bock pat- Race Hate Meeting Disrupted By ‘ Tears’ ATL ANT A (ANP i—Emory Burke, rabble rousing presi dent of Columbians, lnc„ and anti-Negro anti-Jewish hate group here, stopped in the middle of a harangue here lasi Thursday night with fears streaming front his eyes. His audience, including women end children, was likewise moved lo tears, an unusual demonstration for a determin ed group of fanatics. Reason? Tjear gas. In the midst of the session, a tear gas bomb shattered a second story window of the meeting hail, and the mem bers suddenly became active, Streaming down the single stairway, the group last lb® j hall quickly and remainded but for 20 minutes until the fumes cleared away Burke blamed, the incident on "com munists ' Walking over io the sheltered window, over looking an alley he shouted. "We'll scl you yet." Smith Alumni I o Ask iVIcL-rorey i o Retire CHARLOTTE—This paper has learned from reliably sources that certain ft.vtrn. i o, Johnson C. Smith Uutvw sity here v.'iil ask Presidesl ur.ry L. .>!cCr.»r<ey to rtlite as head of the school he has served for J 9 years, and ij.vr way to a younger man to guide the destinies of iha ( :)» Oaae < .'.Kin- i Used last Thursday. If be ictuses, to '‘step askb;” --the: new sn-mbers oi the .Sent-'.;- arc 'ncing sworn, a test ’..iti probably will be taken oin >•-, qie-stion :>f administering the oath to him. i i'...ihi.i.ni -ji R.i-pubicar» arid Li rnocrarir Senators iron) north •in and western slate,s are e;.- p, ( i.i.-i.i to deny him th*? oati: Rs.-pu-.-licons made ‘'Bilboisic an issue n the cf-cent C-.-ngi ■ «;onal elections. Some nor'.hero and west-m Democratic Scru.- i'.-n already have denounced his ins-a ’is t., minority a-i.ppy They will risk party bar I:-;,,ny by voting to deny h : *» t::i.- oath" and to unseat him. if in- is denied tin- oath, Mk* (Continued on back page) WORKED FOR 50e ft DfiY. YOUTH TESTIFIES !N GS. PEONAGE TRIAL Atlanta (ANPl—United Stales - ; .'sccuuoa of Rosew<‘ll Pit-rce E ggeis, charged with peonage, started in federal district court hen- last week with the present --•tun c! >.estm>ony by sevt-ial N -• groes, who claimed the wfci'e nbn svstematiesdiy paid them ... r : -l +*»o**rA V- A J A A C. .. w. ..... . «4. - -- • 1., - nothing on hr- plantation near ConyGa Tiie triai bigan iaisi ‘lueMlay v 'th As, t. U S Arty. Harvey li. T-ingc: and Douglas King., presenting widenc*. which lend i-;j hi sho-.i that Biggcrs made it a practi*- : having Negroes ar rested or; wan ants and getting th. m out of jail if they agreed to return to his plantation and v. ork for him. First wiltiesr ?•>: tlu proseeu l).;ii was J C Banks, 2k. who told the court he worked for Bigger- in 1943 hi a rate of 50 cents n day and got a raise of 10 cm.*ts a day oi 66 cents, in 25)44. He described how he left the plantation and came to At lanta to work with the city sani tary department, wlieer after a short time he was picked up by Li-, detectives and detained at tht Atlanta Police station until the Rockdale sheriff came for i ill'll. plantation and came to Atlanta to work with the city sanitary Plea Made For Vet's Life By Civil Rights Congress Kaluah. N. V. Ncu 19. - A « . .>p.,til by Wk Civil Rights Congress t<- eve the lift of a young disabJ .-' Negro veteran of Hamlet. N. C. was heard today bj the Supreme Court of North Carolina The veteran. Major Benton. 26- year old fortnei t ailr-oad worker, was convicted in Richmond Co Ap’ il 13 and sentcncec to die in the Kto chamber Mat 3!. Filing of tin appeal brought ar. automatic stay oi. execution. Bento;, ctiargvd with rape ol a while woman in Hamlet on December 24. 194:i ‘‘Benton was convicted solely on testimony of police ■ fficern who claimed that he had confess.-d to them after a day and a half of con tinuous grilling", according to Lam - till Fianl.-. Southern Field Direc tor ot the Civil Rights Congrc.-e "The so-called confess.' n was com pletely repudiated by the defend FAMOUS 9STH FIGHTER PILOTS PREPARE FOR MANEUVERS Columbus, O. Pilots of i Lock bourne's 99th Fighter Squa- j ; don and 817th Bomb unit were i ! last week completing the final I stages of preparation for man euvers on the West Coast. It was announced that the air echelon Had joined an advance party at Blythe AAF California last Sat j urday. The long hep fro m its Ohio home-base to the Califor nia field was made without in l cident. ] Maj. Thomas Money, first Ne gro graduate of the newly form ed Air University, Maxwell Field, ■ Alabama, headed the advance | group which readied the base 1 ! fen use of the air u nits and yielded command to Mat An- j drew r Turner, Washington, D C., j COMPETENT SUPERVISORY HELP SCARCE SEDALIA (ANP > Dr Char lotte Hawkins Brown principal oi Palmer MU mviaj Institute here, dUx-i.-iri-o this v eek that not withns Hei experience a. a school tatacti- Uvt ha> .-he found it :-o difficult to ocuji. iidcniuate and competent help in • i>e uiting the prep school which she beads ’ !•'. r .-xample," said Mrs. Brown, ••we have looked everywhere for . rtfie-d woman between 35 and 40 yv:a of at.'*' who c ruld serve as ;•! rsc and be assistant dl rvrkr ri jttlrls. We offer fine living conditions nay •• round -.alary with only l( ! months of work but .| ; . j- .r ■; , * UggUlg EVl4C>ltly OUT • eh*.mu.-’ ivduoble their efforts in . ,rder So prepare people for me places opening up. detectives and detained at the At dopartment. weer alter a short t.mo he was picked up by city ianUi Poiic station until the Rock c'ale sheriff came for him. Or; every occasion Bigger* came for him. Banks said, the planter told him in the Conyers j: T 'hot “if T agreed to pisk that cotton he (i get rne out," Banks told ’ the court that he picked cotton two weeks and re turned to Atlanta, where he war; tiet* > rearrested He said he at tempted to pay the white planter a debt of $2 by money order, but .void it was cashed and $1.60 re turned to him by money order, it was also revealed that Big l ers charged Banks father sl2 fo> two trips to Atlanta to get hsm out of jail on warrants s-worn out by Biggers for his arrest and return to Rockdale county. One of the two warrants sworn out before a justice of peace at Conyers was allegedly signed with a cross-mark by Sam Banks, father of J. C. Banks. Sam Banks told the court that Biggers came to him to make an agreement to send for his son, but emphatically denied having made a cross-mark or signed a warrant for his arrest. The wit rerr ?Aso s?id hf* not kßow trial hi.- son was in jail, until (Continued on back page) ant at. the trial No other evidence s whatsoever was offered io connect ‘ Benton with the crime. The victim f the alleged attack tailed to iden tify Benton ana was not even posi tive that her assailant was a Negro ' Three reputable citizens swore the' Benton was with them at the time the alleged crime was committed. The ■. vidence against Benton was so weak that the all-white jury >? Richmond County, given the case at 5:30 on the afternoon of the 12th. was still hung 7 to 5 at 10 ocluck the next morning at which i , time the judge called them m and gave them a special charge urging j them to break the deadlock. The United States Supreme Court - has repeatedly he i d that forced confessions are a violation of the 14th Amendment to the federal • Constitution", Frantz stated, "and •, Continued on back page) on his arrival with the flying i squadrons. Maj. Turner formerly :ommanded the 100th Fighter squadron part of the 332nd “Red Tails” in the ETO. He now acts is Deputy Group Commander of the 477 th Composite Group un der Col E O. Davis, Jr. Four hundred and fifty officers and men of the Group are now sta tioned at Blythe. The 477th is attached to 15th A F. for the maneuver period Combining with the air arm, units of a Naval task force, am phibious elements and Ground Force troops will launch a series of amphibious problems. jfi X» tAjJt:vi*-u *•***•» V u*L. an*p.u,ir Luous "attacks' will have as their *. Continued on back page)

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