PAGE TWO Legal Notices or SALE or LANii ynclt-f and by virtues of the avi- U udty conferred in the undersign*- td’by a Juiigm; nt nf the Superioi of Wake County in that Social Proceeding therein pend ing. entitled. "F J. Carnage. Ad ivultistfator of Essie Zimmerman. etassed vs. Rena Krister Shore. Kmma Irving Cato, Pearline Wil #oa and Agnes Wilson, i will at ibi- hour of Moon on Saturday the 3!.-t day of May. 1947. offer lot sale and sell in the highest bi'ddei ii >■ east; a! ih. \V..kc County Court lliijfi.-R dooi in Raleigh. N. Cart lii.a. the following described land; Situated 1111 the Sou tit side of an un-named Street in the Northwest part ot site village of Ofcerlin. said Street running in a Westerly di •; from Hillsboio Road, wnich intersects said village, being thi !•;! .if land owmd by Dr W H Moore, colored, and known as the Jack !, no Place and said to con !:n a'nouf one acre See Book No. 7R5. page 255. Book 24f>, page- 532, Rook 2.>8, jtitgc 74; hook 1/4. page 546. Registry of Wake County. North Carolina This 30th day of 1547- F. J. CARNAGE. Commissiono? May 3. 10. 17. 24 NORTH CAROLINA WAKE tOUNTY WILLIE LINDSAY \1 ITCH El I VS. oriiTH LINDSAY MITCHr^.-, The defendant above named will lake notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake County Carolis ; ABSOI DIVORCE and the defendant wilt further lake notice that .-he i< to < uired to appear be’ore the Clctk of ihv Superior C iirt of Wake County. at his txffico in the Court house. in Raleigh. North Carolina in;, the 26th day of May. 1947, v, within twenty days * her caffes and any- i i :,r demur to tin Complaint in this action, oi the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Cn.r.plaini herein. Th:.- the 22iui di • VOi-U F. and the udaoi wid fi other rake not ire t hat he is rc • li'ircd tn appear be for.- the ot lit Superior C rt of V/akt County at his office in the court - lv are in Raleigh. North Carolina, i ■ ..• 26tb da • ot May 1847. ot vnfiin twenty days therm ft it and sttdkv •■ or demm to :hc Complaint in thu action o-i the plaintiff veil! ;• ■:»'• to the C.’iii-t tor the relief •5 m,.ndeci in the Co . plaint herein. TJ;.-- the 22nd day ot April. if)47 Sara Allen 'As-l. Clerk So April 26. May S. 10. :T. NORTH CAROLINA A fm IMSTttATOR N OTIC 1 W AKE COUNTY Hso ivrig qualified ;.s administra -1o? !of the Estate of Stephen Wall, fhv f.usect, late of Wake Comity Nniff. Car..ti«.--, thi* to notify ail person?. having claims against the SiaL of said deceased m exhibr tbtrh to the utide-rcisned at 115 1-2 F. Hargett Street. Raleigh. North Ce Tilina on or before the 15th day of April, 1948. n, This notice wilt he pleaded in bar of their recov ery AM persons iurb-bted to the Estate will please rn.■ vwrgrar Williams Electrical Sen iff* ELECTRICAL SERVICE 202 IDLKWILfI .AVIATE Dial 2-3781 ( R. E. WILLIAMS wuni4iuliw»imfH i die »»»■—u ■m mu »ii»aimiu>.niiiiT¥r>iw..rirn>muruTi. I Meeting A Need For I I Every Walk Os Life & 1 j Our service Isas never failed to meet ■IS any situation. Rich and poor alike have |g | : always received the same respect and < m } attention. It is an established rule with ,| || our establishment that there is no rhe |i p part-ure from this policy. si I The Raleigh Funeral Home I I 310 East Davie Street | | C. A. HAYWOOD, Own** I Washington School PTA' Holds A Reception ) : The PTA! of the Washington t Sc tioo) will hold its final mcclinv ■ - ; ;,1. s o'clock. Thursday night. May j •i j, ih the school cafeteria -The re -1 l i shnient., for the occasion are be “ : ins tarnished by ihe Athletic As - ; --ocicition. In the receiving line will i' b. Mr... G. E. Ch..-ek. PTA presi -• ■ c'fnt. Mi M. W. Akins faculty and ! Other PTA otlicers Reports will be 1 made by the nominating commit- i t ' ;r.<. Mrs Faith Smith, chairman. | •' Music >v;il be mirier the direction Mrs. E. M. Kelly. Mrs. Geneva > '■ i Blown arid Mi-s Pain ia Jordan i PERSONALS Mrs. Rebecca JHIYk. W, i i htgi.rn. L. formerly of Ilaieigh, ; ••••ltoonccs the mariagr of hci • i.nughtcr, Alwana, tn Mr Mark • - . i’aiiiilton of Washiliglon or, April ; ■ it'. Mrs. Hamilton aUstided Wash logton High School and graduated bom Armsri song High Sr Pool i . U r c,shington. Airs. Ffiia Ci.iti«a of 111 Non!. . . swain Si. is confined to her bed. , , Her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Lewis Curtiss of C,|ivi;.!aisri. Ohio is viiit ; a v _ber. Ai:;- Angie Suite cl Hilo E. Jones St Las returned home after visit- | i a a in Brooklyn and New York ! City. Visitor.-, to the CAROLINIAN or Wednesday we; •;•: Me.sdames Ber i'ccc Legtlte, Floret.-.v Norwood, and Wilin F Smith, and Air. Mc- Kir.i. > Smith all of Greensboro. ; The ladies were in Raleigh el tending the convention of the ! Beauticians* Association of which *•! Mrs. Smith is n coraing stcreiary ■ for the s’at . The Booker T. Was.iingion Club; ■ ’.eiil meet Sunday. May i! at th. home ri Mrs M ;;■ Wiiliam.- I 423 West Li:ioii St re. i at 4 -look I CHAVIS HEIGHTS •sir- Mabel .lord- >i i Avenue is ii; at McCiutleyV Mos ; pilai. Hei many imnd? wish so; ter a sintdy lecovrry Mrs. Huedy 'Pnib;. ! ;o >:,. '• iiii Teniks is confined to he; honu to i!fm «s Mr- K.'ity H..n i- of Mot dec?.; Lane Is CnJili’H d lit S.imi At;.. , Jii.-pitai di;e to illm s •Ml ,H.,wo: IVw„i; ' ••iiifa i surf of Mi.- M< h nia F**i - roll. N-. 4 Cn.. .is Wi y. test S.n , M' Antu,' RnbfiMin of No 10 .-.. •.: r.L./.i "... , I She h» ■ ii e; ti> improved. Mr-. Mmy Cotton t H! Edge uitrib Terr, Li<’£.* :S i H i a • i'i JY. let 1 i V»; - B icigcport. Corn ' M v John Lc'..•, - 4’ • Son;!' ; ; „-c S; i as b wi'i ivti ;’!. but 1 , a; this tin -. ,« greatly impre.\'ed. 46 Btr.-n-he lv. ■ .; 209 Cuba 1 f ■* a putierP in S 111 Ag-ic; !*,■ s jutiii. Hu many fti'ivd* ish foi Pei iptrcdf i u » • •Li Antna Giles oi E. Avenue : > '"fn ik at Saint Auric- Hospital An friin t? i-.-t ».f Chaws Heigh; : iti deep sympatli;. ith ;hc luj.i- 1 :!> of Mrs Mary* •Jefferies oi 15 1 Chid ham Terrace on he r death. Letter to The Editor * T>. Xs.ii : Ui.icr.2 Or 2l J. I Nvvf Iberia, La, ■» i AynJ 2tv 1947 Cut it or: TH F. ( AH OI IN IA * > N. C : Dorr Sir: j I received the bad new this • i wc-t k that H e Pardr-n Board turned . down my a pep;.! to nave my sen tence ehanu.d from the electric . chair to hu- in prison. I wish to tt«:-.nk all the good people who helped m, in mv appeal to the Pa,- [ 1 (ion Board. 1 want tr. thank ail Dose who sent iri 5,.. many letters and telegrams to the Board asking i .trn no! so send rric back to the j C Lirf ir )\. When 1 got the new.- that 1 hah tn go back to trie chair 1 asked the Lwd to help me- to ,-e brave i was trying to be ready But they say I can make one more last tighi. My lawyer marie an appeal tor a new trial. This will be- a big fight— i! ! '.\iil be the last light. 1 will make! for rny lifV. If this fads I’m through bu; I do want to rauxe Shis last try. There will bo lot- oi < xprn-e.- u. this light and 1 ask those who believe in :ny ease and wish to .end euntribinions to please- sene 1 the money to me be.v in sail anti “ ! will answer and than* then, per ’ sonally. 1 Htrftik you sir ts you will give ;• fellow a chance to ■ vpn ss him j. m. it in your great paper. ’i • -ii. • truly, 1 WILL IF. FRANCIS It !Vts To Advertise In i i; o THE CAROLIM AN Joseph' eoolky KITES HELD RALEIGH Final rites for Jo eph Cooley ot Newark. N. J.. form er Raleigh resident, were conduct n i. oin the 1 .ightnor Funeral Hume Chapel Thursday afternoon with the Rev N. Mitchell, pastot ~;;cam,i baptist Churelt, officiitl mg. Intft-mcnl was in Hiilcrest Cemetery. Sut-viviiig ire his moihtr. Mr>. iriizabeth Cciolev Raadgi.- his wile. v!.s M i-;. Cooley. Newark; oih ,-rothcr. Willi. Cooley. Raleigh; and i oil. sis'.i- s. Mi. \ske: C1 re -tt. Mrs. E-s!. T! i;,.-.a- -nd Mi.-. Ella M .1- •in Rah irh. ami - Ov.ella Ci'-.-ley <;1 Lexington Park. Aid. 11 MilUi, Hit! I) I-0R U tlil.ET CITI/IA I.' AMLFT Font rni . ci-viiv.- - !.i: the hue Mrs. Magvie Lucas, one ot thi- city and cognac n s; :espe-ct • , ami lev.-rcd citizen, a devote •liurchwoman and a loveab!. . isiititi. wa* hel.-J r tula.t. .vlay - :<•••> w< re h ! Rt t T♦ F. T». >.n R.'v I. C A.siiiny. Rev. J H ui-,-iford. Rev E I.' Quick. Rev t . VV Wt rtz. Rev i (iwntux. Rev. V C Coleman and m .ny otn> i ministers and life long friends to tr.i family. Mis Lut-as w s a memori- of the OES Pah stme (.'hapte, N.i 7a ».i Hamit?;, v hiclt chantei pertonned d e). burial nvices at the gravt PI AMI'S (,RO\AIA(; EASTER AT I\ ER HIGH SCHOOL LITTLETON Thv le..chers of \-;e]\ .r H.«h School at Little :• No:-.‘i CYvluvi hav«- sol | i.ildn- t xitnjple !; tvciC- !ix th:- f: their rraniis. Each classroom !tu - Ti.rAt t-iui 'vnieh cncuut-jacs the chi Id icn It- r .v” their p.nnirs. rt:vi:-!.-. ;it 1 rtiin. .- tveen. : pupil sav‘>s em;‘K:t to iuin ;. e Credit Un <•-? at the SCT--...; ... : p.te’d up :»?- to tht . u-iounl ol .>ijiliiiriri. Yd”, imagine the its. us. u ;*ijo .ir n,o i 1 1 >gh : t her-i i-ir:, ~unities tn Noiii. .lira \ ■ : ; 3 : ■■■ t r.imple of th: M, L. , High School i’orun: oily. TLis i; lilt s. - ol ’.i t yuii .. ’■:> n ihnusand;- of ft»llai« are >-• rsted by .:cl. - social ■ vv.bieL t-osi stanetfme;- liiuh a?. 50 0v t-ac.h. The North Carob-a Co.n-.-d o t** «*tiii Unions and Aswciatcs. will a glad u> give heipfui informaWon thrift - end:’ unions and T.ri ntiis S.-vines < :b- • to any I Ciitioi commui-ritt for ’.he asking, r.'a Councti !i Rev W H A S:atli ■ Ed. b.: R v C K Cheek of She c University. Raleivh. givt nai t of Y -n- li-rrn 1- if: t king thrift AAAIE DAWSON. SECRET AKA WASHINGTON i.ANPi - C, n e.-ftsstnan W. L. Dawscn ha- b-er> ait ci d executive sec’-e.iary of (he ihi ni.-.'-i atie Congrtoi.ui cor.v.rit ,t*. .• hich has (-'urge oi th. s -sling o( f-.-.rnpaigiJ funds. t<.» the Domocratic eommttict-s of the va rious states The unanimovu; t-lectior. ,-l ivl; Dawson us secretary of this -m --sr.i’icc which is composed -■• number of southern congre n-.n. alter the 11 ii note congres -man hed ;■ i ved op ’his same cot .nut* Irc lor two years as representative ■4 his Matt- Congress-man pru it K Dr-i wry L , Va.i L,r served a preside; '4 the commit tor for ;• number oi years. [CARTER j Electric Com rany | Anything Eiectrical 1 IE. LENGIT ST TEL. 2ltß4i| \\WW\W\V%W I c t **4 m wmi |ll HH a wtS * A Lifetime in Flame* Why lake chances on burning up a lifetime's effort in a single terrifying hour when it's *o simple and in«scp©»shre to pro fee! ycurweif against any posss fii.s mishap. Your home and family cast be absolutely pro tested from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. We'll steoatr you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FSRF. INS. CO DURHAM. H. C. P"W PROBLEMS tditc.i '3 Ncte - Evomir. your rrobleits for pifiili :::t J.ou to |-iHE; BAI.LACt.', fn caro of this ut.v.spaper. Give yerr fuii raae, r drees and birthdaf o . For a "trii-uta reply - send Abbe ' a atr.aped er.velope r.nd twenty-five c• frivn-.i one 'car WV ! ~v. be::: eiigaged 7i l villi:;-. I . rr. • ttady to y but -Jur.'t st • r.t like :.C- is even tfiiii.Mi;:' abulri Lc. p; n -I’v.sition. Hr uumi; spcaK ;J' ut -I : anymore. I've had iotr ot chattces ... mi! : V Shiv! 1- . d am R: vc him alone as r uc.rovt o • on :>k< iti- is n gentit mm: > - m - vrurd Ai ... f • i-i;; .... :r broken. 1; i.-. a> fat as he is i-. - u. You Wi-L't have ..a., uiti - cully gottiug back in circulate-n s> : .our admirers ate niHity. F. husbui-.d acii i ,m fnsstna a Ini. i vratu a liutne. H v, antr a cat Tell me will we gt« .by. home or fir car.' Alii: Thr er.: will cone j D.T. My huso rut end > have .hi chiidn. o. HI. ;-c ]') years fie .- r t;;,<-d ’.•rovidvt. c. <> our homo but I am riot hop.! i eior;;! io the cuurch and ht- doisi/i. .1 . gets i u’catt to i- ;- sbtc.t! th’ • Fie/- i .-•■ •' tt loss and recently 1 have , linnikht of kiting him end m> ■ rl.iidren and Lotnv he ;s well role »o Hupp rt t!«rrt 1 want :> ,r • ;,c! live a strung ( lit-. Acs: DesetNi.. : ~r fmnby ’ '.vould be •. Mr. :t. • -’fish i : very nr.cltriptian rriai:* .i foolish mistake like this in or iel to hc% o a!>••.!, your i;r.i>:d”. X I;. You cat: j dn <-veidome if a a hem of laic I ii U .V, !:< r ■ ~av- ;n.iii,_in coiiver.:: r.ees Allt ' coll go ci ses : pirn. . • vn rk in Ni-v York . v.! ft:-’ .*i mv i-0n .... n. Motile. , ::C< IS, , srys ■ e v/ili v-rorry Sin. v.--ttits me ol v,<.‘ t a j‘C»c* e l !ui salary . G. ' • 1 k-vc my husband and v-. n\ ic* stay wuih. hitr 1 tut i bnn‘; - - X. . . ■ I l h ■ ha: jojiwd a matrimonutil club. T - ; , . ;j 1 , . » t 1 ft ' 4V X ' •> • ' i. pis -.vcilet. 1 . s’. '■ about :! ~;d he i ."I si VIS :• - In; ■ fn. nd ■ii his We .-in- I'iis.-i’ii *bon; ' bUe/s. What step*, sheukl 1 iake - Finance or Borrow On Your Car th ran gh tk e BILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. | 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 j amszit £a (xto4 .,ii 1 hll"ik hi lover-: iu .* W'iiui • me so worried? An.- . A guilty conscience and ; ing ;iithe tlfnii-s oi '■ ”.u , ci:! h.,'i>and Th • ties :..;tt: ' nd you to your family ore too] . i: r to hrecr. without rnentaJ yn- 1 . uish. Yir.i ongth io s, - back ;•. ach a:t irndv -starr' ing with you; :■ i :.!v- v-leii ;,nd tiy ; , rr-:s.c’ L4’ Icr vch;rl i . ... hri. This fellow yoti.ineSt or: I. lookin’, for ;t c, -uvenicrtl :: j-.-.irtThtr. L-., not .tnislcd HAFVIF.B LIVING ? I.sSOXS Lesson 11 ;!447 I; ispiratK’niAa R-. . aiiltt ■r: vo birt d-it, > nr.- . -25 c Less >r. Nu 2. :To HoJu Your Mute, price 25c. : .-s»c>n No ir-.- Wa; iV> H-.-rc ness, price 25c. Lesson No 4. Hew To Win A Mr', pt ice I'.)-;-. l‘. s-un No. 5. How T" Gain And Hold Money, price 25c. h A Mil T 5-OTO nt nliy Is Lly » u •INS PRAISE G3EKNSBOKO - Fu • 'be sCc • - ''ee.o ;:• l!t* s.a’ e n*»onth, Hk i nOTC battainm *4; Hu A. cOT.; T. -r cn. .r; ic ; :' t?.-• m; cnO. atio-m ! f; r . f n War Department oxx k;ah Ea.s? k Col 1 W CouUr preSKU'T:- . p-.ri ;:k. Board Nd 2 trom bri:: Airy Jr- . rCgua; Atfr.wa.. Cb.. :i*e: erecl 5-hat in hi> opinion a.«; id T. mo it. tbi'ec led by Ma* ; }b:wyj • C. J• 'L-nstTn. bnjeoyf.-. . _ , ... i „ y, < £:<>(”.') »;•' J 2 ’I V it - fuju :'jSj>Cr,y- I < l . •; the TCrd Army Arc--. ’Ch: C).nririO'::g ' O provisional Board and committees to term o . .. u:i jKimfl v,’hi cl i a Registered Voung Women s Christian Associa* tion may be form ad The purpose al the YWCA is "To build a lellow- Jrip of woni.n and girls devoted: o the task of realizing in our covn • ion fife those ideals of personal .nd social livin'* to which we si. i ’cinmittcd bv our faith as Chris- I . I ; r-, , j J1 ; tills L'IPUV. LiVCE Wl Ci\ O *il i ~ ! ' island Jesus to shar his love; i in all poop! . and tv grow in the ! .nowledge and love of O:i To j :.i< oiganization anv woman of I girl in the community, eighteen i .ears of age or ovet '-■•■ .a:) accepts | i 11..- piirpt'ise as sluice! above by as ' si nting to the following declaration ’••all lk entitled to electoral mem i nip it] tin Associalioii ' iu : gather with other members of the :;i let Registered Associate o. 1 i d€sin:- to belong to Ibis follow .-ship J add share m tiie rc-'" jiiii theu- Prs; Cun hie Light Sci - vn.e. The public is invited to attend this affair. All are. field . : the Recreation Center. 222 Rail j- at? Avenue. IFOR SHOE REPAIR TRY CHAVIS ELEC TRIG sum; shop :f!!i X. West st Dial ? ::fiO | CAPITAL CAE OIX u wo*m mm-vwr I M \ I |y| o,Ai - 8,37 psoiiF^Fj I ARCADE BLDG. JAMES "I lip" MASSEY Prop. BEER SANDWICHES SMOKES SHOE SHINE Burnette Sweet Shop NEWSPAPERS 334 W South st. Jehu Bn mot fix r;«|i j DINE OUT! | —VISIT OWENS Lunchette m> E HARGETT .xu3«w»>B%cti>»ncic«T■ -satgmaawiwwimi'ira-aaKMgaf PAINT - PUNT $1 19 | 339 s» WII..MI.VGTON ST j Mini (>. • Giver, Prompt j Railroad Sahasie Co. j I il®! j • S | CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. £l3 W. Moritan St. |^|| j HOME-COOKED FOODS j And whal a meal il will be— ; seasoned exactly right, and j every di;:b boasting a real I home-cooked flavor. B & ll CAFE | 411 S BLOUNT ST, I RADIO REPAIRS -—AT Reasonable Price* -or Radio and Electrical Co. i SALES & SERVICE 224 E, Martin Si, Claud Taylor, Mgr. Pham 2355 S SPECIAL! Large Used KeSvinator twhtiiii Hi n i"mm ill him «i »■»■»« «if»iin kutiim i»m n ■unniir *■ »ni«i*'»b» | Wl ,,| w* | i | w»* j.mwmiuii m in n ~,|M | |m uni ,-|| |||||||,|| I', MiiW iiiiiiiimn rrnrmm ———, LIGHT HAULING - HEAVY LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed. Uinstead, Mgr. , .„ 7iwrf .. l - lu.M.n-n-.BT Ilfl ri|-rTTTTTH-|-TTr-~ Di Qintand has been an inslfuc g,t .Mf.Lui.Ty fa. the luu* ; wenfy ' Uv. yea is and is well known by !•. , liuodreds of stisnents through *:it the world. H«; has contributed ; c \ ral medi..’al journals and li' 1 nidicais. JAMAICA SHOCKED \T MOODY’S DEATH BY WILKS KT t:. HUMMING KINSTON. Jamaica < ANP) ~~ • ii • Harold Moody, the president 1 iturner ot the League of Colored . j-fopl.i with lioadQuaftcrs in Lon don. passed on suddenly, laid week. Iyrn a •.: . ins native ji.uifi, tri.mii led • hi: a slux-lt of surprise. His pauni— created a ciuy-iomt .Ji'wvi; tceJing ine Sl Oak SEE or CALL Leach’s Woody ard DIAL 4535 706 E. Jones St. Dallas Leach. Prop. E_ m „ I iii MW ,.j UM |J > im W m.>-.B> ininniimrarnilMUM II « —’T'-~T—TTHi i(AY ES-JACKSON ~ E!e tricai Contractor* \. STATE ST—PHONE 6439 K A LEIGH. N C Home Appliances f'las e \ mir Order Now Hu | R A DIOS —K EI-RIGER ATOR b —WATER HE ATERS —RANG! N —IRONS I | Groceries Noiions Lillies Grocerteria 646 S Boundary St. Mrs J. O. Kearney, Prop. Telephone 2-1403